May 2018 - GWRRA TN-M · 2020-06-26 · May 2018 Gold Wing Road Riders Association GWRRA Tennessee...


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May 2018 Gold Wing Road Riders Association

GWRRA Tennessee District

Chapter TN-M, Lenoir City

National & District Teams


P.O. Box 42450

Phoenix, AZ 85080-2450


President & Wingman

Anita & JR Alkire

623-581-2500 x 218

Director Eméritas

Ray & Sandy Garris

Presidential Assistants

Bruce & Barb Beeman

Jere & Sherry Goodman

Francois & Chantal Seguin

Bob & Nancy Shrader

Tom & Renee Wasluck

Don & Sharon Weber

TN Senior District Directors

Gary & Patti Hamilton


Assistant District Directors, East

Connie & Richard Pendleton


Monthly gathering

We meet the 2nd Tuesday of

every month, eat at 6pm,

gathering at 7pm

Fort Loudon Medical Center

550 Fort Loudoun Medical

Center Dr, Lenoir City, TN

Just off I-75, exit 81

GPS latitude/longitude:

N35 49.497 W84 16.243

Please join us at 6pm for

dinner before the gathering.

We hope to see you at

our monthly gathering,

and all are welcome

TN-M, chartered March 20, 1985

TN-M Team

Chapter Directors Assistant Chapter Director

Brian & Loretta Richards James Whitener

865-249-6173 Treasurers Ride Coordinator

George & Vida Maples VACANT - Interested??? Newsletter Editor 2018 Couple of the Year

Brian Richards George & Vida Maples Membership Enhancement Motorist Awareness

VACANT - Interested??? VACANT - Interested??? Sunshine Birthdays/Anniversaries

Carroel Edgmon Rene McInerney Contest Coordinators Chapter Clothing

Bill & Fran Harnishfeger Marlene Kinney Chapter Store Webmaster

James Whitener Brian Richards Phone Tree Committee

Frank Balzer, Ken Gray, Burl McCammon, Mel McInerney,

Robert Scott

Chapter website:

TN District website:

GWRRA National website:

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Chapter Director’s Spiel Yippee, we’ve FINALLY gotten to some nice riding weather!!! Several of us have already been

on some nice rides, hope you have also. We’d love to have you join us on any of the chapter rides

you can see listed on the chapter’s 2018 Ride Calendar (if you don’t have a copy, or can’t

find the one I sent previously, please let me know, I will be glad to send you another copy).

We are getting into the time of year that there are lots of options of rides to participate

in, besides those planned by your chapter, we hope you all understand that you are

welcome to participate in the rides of any other chapter. To help that, I try to get the

information from at least the nearby chapters of what they have planned, and try to

distribute information to all of you. If you see something another chapter is doing that sounds of interest to you,

please consider it, and you can always contact that chapter’s Director for the details – further below in this (and

all) newsletters is a list of the surrounding chapters with a contact phone number. If you see, or hear of something

planned at another chapter, but I don’t have it listed, possibly because it is one of those further away, and want

further information, you can either contact me, or go to the TN District website ( click on the

“Chapter Links” and you will see all the chapter listed, with all their pertinent information.

A little “Chapter Business” … we are in need of a new Chapter Webmaster. Due to other obligations, our

webmaster needed to step away, from the position, the chapter and GWRRA. That has left a gaping hole in our

Team that we really need to fill. A chapter website is a very significant and important source of information, not

only to chapter members, but anyone else looking for information about us, such as other chapter members, or

even better, prospective members. If you have the skill and would be willing to help out the chapter and your

fellow members, please consider stepping forward and volunteering your time and expertise. This is not a time-

consuming job, potentially no more than once or twice a month posting updates to the website.

We had a really nice time at this year’s TN District “Spring Fling”, and we want to extend our thanks to all the

members that donated items for the chapter’s “Couple of the Year” basket and the request for goodies for the

“Hospitality Room”. We also want to thank those members that volunteered some of their time at the rally to

help support the District, our tasking this year was selling the Grand Prize and 50/40 tickets. The support is

greatly appreciated, by the District Team as well as your Chapter Team.

Speaking of Spring Fling, the chapter received a couple special awards, during opening ceremonies, we were

presented with the “1st Quarter Newsletter Award” and during closing ceremonies we were presented with the

“1st Place Chapter Banner Award”. Receiving both those awards were very exciting.

If you have any ideas for some impromptu rides, please consider sharing them, you can contact me, and we

can use the chapter Phone Tree to get the word out so you can have some chapter members join you. Rides are

always fun shared with friends.

Be safe, hope to see you soon, Brian & Loretta Richards, TN-M Chapter Directors

Assistant Chapter Director Hi, hope you’re getting ready for a new year for fun with your fellow chapter friends. Make

sure you, your gear, and especially your ride, are all at their peak performance level and ready to

get out there and have fun.

Please be careful if you get a chance to get out there and ride.

Ride Safe! James Whitener, TN-M Assistant Chapter Director

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Chapter 2018 Couple of the Year Hello all. Another month has gone and George & I have not got any riding

done at all. I have been busy taking care of the patient. Driving him to

therapy three times a week, keeping him in ice to put on his wound and

geying him something to eat to make him strong and better SOON!!

We didn’t get to go to Spring Fling but heard it was a good one.

Weather was beautiful. Well, except Sunday when everybody was

traveling home wasn’t so good.

George is doing well but not ready to get on the Goldwing yet. We hope to go on some

rides soon. He has a doctor’s appointment May 23, and hopefully we will get a good report of healing and be

ready for some rides.

Hope to see you on Tuesday.

Ride Safe. George & Vida Maples, TN-M 2018 Couple of the Year

Chapter Clothing Hi Everyone, I can now get shirts ordered and have them for you by the next meeting, sometimes sooner. All

shirts can be red or white.

All prices include embroidered Chapter M logo and your name. Prices do not include tax. Prices may be higher

for size 2X and up.

Prices are as follows:

Button front shirt, long or short sleeve ----------- $38.00

Polo shirt, short sleeve ------------------------------- $33.00

Wicking fabric Polo shirt, short sleeve ------------ $35.00

Available from Mark Kohlman, the “Flag Man”:

Chapter Hats:

Red, Solid ----------------------------------------------- $8.00

Red, Mesh back ---------------------------------------- $8.00

Red with Flames ------------------------------------- $12.00

Chapter Flags, with hybrid mounting kit for both antenna and flagpole, and wrapping strap:

Flags --------------------------------------------------- $14.00

Marlene Kinney, Chapter Clothing

Chapter Birthdays & Anniversaries

Happy Birthday to: Happy Anniversary to: Clyde Sutton 5-May Robert & Trudy Ashcraft 3-May

Robert Ashcraft 28-May Randy & Marlene Kinney 21-May

Brian & Loretta Richards 30-May

Happy GWRRA Anniversary to: Joe & Brenda Neeley 05/01/1984

Kat Turkewitz 05/24/2011

“Thoughts and Prayers” Carroel Edgmon, TN-M Sunshine Lady

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Chapter Awards & Winners from the March Chapter Gathering

50 / 25-25 Brian & Joyce Hunley

STAR AWARD: None nominated

WHOOPS AWARD: Robert & Tina, for forgetting to bring the two awards in, that they got last month

I’m proud to wear my TN-M Shirt! Not in attendance

Chapter M “Doings”

TN-M’s First ROMEOS Ride Brian Richards

We had our first of the new ROMEOS (Retired Older Members Eating Out Socially) rides on April 18th. It

started out as a cooler and somewhat windy day, but eventually warmed up nicely. Ken Gray joined Loretta & I

at the Cracker Barrel, we got something for breakfast, then discussed where we all would like to ride.

Ken said that he did need to get back home relatively early in at least the afternoon, so we figured just a

short jaunt around. He had some ideas that sounded good to us, so I said “Hey, lead on”, and he did, and what a

nice route he picked. We started out getting on the interstate for a bit to get further south, then he got us off

onto some neat secondary roads that Loretta & I hadn’t been on before (that is always nice). After tooling

around for a nice ride, per his idea/suggestion, we ended up back at his home. Sitting on his back porch with a

nice glass of ice water was just the frosting on the cake. And it was nice to sit and talk and learn a little more

about the life of one of our active members.

After relaxing for a while, Loretta & I got back on the bike and rode on home. It was a pleasant day for a

ride, very enjoyable. Hope you will consider joining us on one of the next ROMEOS rides, which are the third

Wednesday of the month, meet at the Cracker Barrel in front of the Medical Center, to leave at 9:30am. You

can either plan to get there earlier to enjoy a nice breakfast and camaraderie with your fellow members, and get

in on the discussion of where to go, or get there in time to meet up with whomever has decided to show up.


TN-M April Dinner to the Cracker Barrel Brian Richards

Well, the April Dinner planned by Bill & Fran worked out quite well. After a shaky start due to several

members commenting the original plan to go to a well-known restaurant in Spring City was not possible for

them, they would not be able to get home from work and get to a restaurant that was so far away. When we

discussed this situation with Bill & Fran, they were quite accommodating and said they would come up with a

better idea. Well, their better idea was the Cracker Barrel in Harriman, just off the interstate, and I guess that

worked out well for many of the members. We actually ended up with 19 members and 1 guest. The Cracker

Barrel staff were very accommodating to us, set us up on 3 adjacent tables, which worked fairly well.

It is Loretta’s & my personal opinion is that this process of having a different member select a restaurant

for the monthly dinner ride each month is an excellent idea. We hope next month’s selection by Marlene works

out just as well.

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Ride to the Chattanooga Aquarium Brian Richards

We had an absolutely fantastic day for the April 28th ride to the Chattanooga Aquarium. We started out

from the Shoney’s with 14 members and 1 guest, on 10 bikes. At our first “butt break/snack stop”, 3 of the

members and the 1 guest peeled off to do something else with the rest of their day, they had just wanted to start

out their day riding with us. The rest of us continued on to the aquarium.

Frank Balzer did a fantastic job of selecting a fun route to get there, lots of nice roads, he scheduled some

great weather, had a plan for all our parking in Chattanooga, and even had a great place to eat set up for us, for

after we toured the Aquarium. We definitely thank him for doing such a wonderful job planning and leading.

For several of us, this was our first time to visit the Aquarium. Loretta and I for sure enjoyed the fresh

water building, called the “River Journey”. I must say, whichever architectural firm planned that building did

an awesome job designing the intricate pathways winding through and down seeing all the different exhibits.

The salt water building was not as extensive, and it was neat, but not as inspiring as the River Journey.

After a really enjoyable “dinner” at Champy’s, the restaurant Frank had selected, that had really good

chicken, the group split up for the ride home, some going a more north and western route heading more towards

Kingston, and the other group heading more north and east towards Loudon, Maryville and Corryton.

Don’t know what the “Kingston” group did after splitting off, but the group that headed more easterly, just

HAD to stop at the “Dairy Barn” in Athens, the bikes just automatically gravitated toward that driveway, and

we just couldn’t turn them, it was amazing. After the ice cream stop, we split again, some heading more

directly towards Loudon, and two headed towards Maryville and Corryton.

From comments heard all day, we think that everyone had a really nice day, a fantastic ride, a wonderful

stop for a new experience, good friends, good food, we certainly hope you can join us for another great

adventure in the near future.

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Upcoming Chapter rides & events (For further info, please contact the CD):

• May 12 - TN-M Saturday ride on the Cherohala Skyway & Fontana Dam, details TBA later

• May 16 - TN-M ROMEOS ride

• May 22 - TN-M dinner ride, to be set up by Marlene Kinney, details TBA later

• Jun 02 - TN-M Saturday ride to Mayfield dairy

• Jun 12 - TN-M Chapter Gathering

Upcoming “District” / “Nearby” rides & events

• May 11 - TN-O ride to Strawberry Festival

• May 17-19 - AL District Rally, Mobile, AL

• Jun 14-16 - OH District Rally, Mansfield, OH

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Let’s support each other, by visiting the other chapters in our Section & area

Chapter Eat/Meet Location Contact “A2” Maryville 3rd Mon, 6pm/6:30pm Shoney’s, 1021 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville 217-412-9986

“B” Knoxville 1st Tue, 6pm/7pm Shoney’s, 2405 Andersonville Hwy, Clinton 423-907-9712

“C” Kingsport 3rd Tue, 6pm/7pm Mama’s House Buffet, 2608 N John B Dennis Hwy, Kingsport 423-245-8484

“C2” Crossville 3rd Thu, 6:30pm/7pm Shoney’s, 4148 US 127, Crossville 931-484-7337

“F” Morristown 3rd Thu, 6pm/7pm Golden Corral, 2905 W Andrew Johnson Hwy, Morristown 585-737-9823

“O” Cleveland 1st Tue, 6pm/7pm Golden Corral, 350 Stuart Rd. NE (I-75 Exit 27), Cleveland 423-310-5903

“T” Knoxville 4th Sat, 9am/10am Golden Corral, 6612 Clinton Hwy, Knoxville 865-705-7657

“V” Chattanooga 2nd Sat, 9am/10am Honda Southern Power Sports, 1394 Workman Rd, Chattanooga 423-544-3565

GWRRA Officers

TEAM GWRRA Email Phone Anita and JR Alkire President and Wingman 623-445-2680

Tim and Anna Grimes Director of Rider Education 240-923-3272

Larry and Penny Anthony Director of Membership

Enhancement 205-492-9728

Clara and Fred Boldt Director of GWRRA University 319-240-4269

Randall and Janet Drake Director of Finance 303-933-6073

Mike and Barri Critzman Director of Motorist Awareness 760-486-3406

Dan and Rachel Sanderovich Executive Director Overseas 942-542-300-311


If you have anything you want to have included here, “for sale” or “wanted” ads, please send the information

to the Newsletter Editor. We will gladly run any member’s ad in the newsletter. A new request each month is

required to run in a subsequent newsletter.


Items for sale, contact Brian Richards, 865-249-6173 or

K&N air filter for Honda GL1800 up to 2017, brand

new, $45.00

2012 Honda GL1800 Official Service Manual, original

MSRP $71.00, in very good condition, very useful,

asking $30.00

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Hartco custom seat, vinyl, heated, with rider backrest,

matching cover for co-rider backrest, storage pouch on

back of rider’s backrest, brand new interior heating

element and refreshed foam in rider’s seat area done

by Hartco, fits GL1800 2012-2017, original MSRP

$1,500, asking $600.00

Bilt Spirit H2O jacket, lady’s size large, brand new,

MSRP $299.99, asking $80.

CounterAct Balancing Beads, Kit D, for tire balancing,

new, MSRP ~$35, asking $25

Dyna Beads for tire balancing, new, (with TPMS

system in our bike, we can’t use these), asking $10

Lady’s Leather Jacket, size medium, good condition,

asking $50.00/obo

J&M HC-ZBV lower section 8-pin headset connection

cord with volume control, for 1980-2017 Honda/J&M

5-pin audio systems, almost new, MSRP $119.99,

asking $50/obo

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Front Back

Ladies Scorpion Exo Skeletal jacket, waterproof, zip-out quilted liner, size large, almost new, only worn a

couple times, original MSRP $220, asking $100.

Leather Chaps, sized for around 5’ 8” tall, good

condition, asking $50.00/obo

Men’s Tour Master Venture Air mesh riding pants,

includes waterproof and quilted inner liner, has knee

protection cups, size XXL (38-40), worn once (lost

weight, too large now), cost $195 new, asking $50


For sale, 2003 Goldwing Trike with 2006 TrikeShop Kit. Independent rear axle suspension, EZ Steer, CB

radio, lighted rear spoiler, new battery, lots of chrome, garage stored and well maintained. 77,375 miles.

$17,000. Call or text Chris Cardwell at 865-603-8890


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Trailer wiring harness for a GL1500, new in package, asking $10, contact Bob Fisher, 865-657-5034


1977 Goldwing, clean, original paint, a lot of new chrome, 33,000 original miles, new battery, runs great,

needs new loving home, new price $3500 / best offer, call Ed, 865-333-1771 or email

A little humor to brighten your day Thoughts to ponder …

1. I changed my car horn to gunshot sounds. People get out of the way much faster now.

2. Gone are the days when girls used to cook like their mothers. Now they drink like their


3. You know that “tingly” little feeling you get when you really like someone? That’s common sense leaving

your body.

4. I decided to stop calling the bathroom the “John” and renamed it the “Jim”. I feel so much better saying I

went to the Jim this morning.

5. Old age is coming at a really bad time. When I was a child I thought “nap time” was a punishment. Now, as a

grownup, it feels like a small vacation.

6. The biggest lie I tell myself is... “I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it.”

7. I don’t have gray hair; I have “wisdom highlights.” I’m just very wise.

8. Teach your daughter how to shoot, because a restraining order is just a piece of paper.

9 If god wanted me to touch my toes, he would have placed them on my knees.

10. Why do I have to press “1” for English when you’re just going to transfer me to someone I can’t understand


11. Of course I talk to myself; sometimes I need expert advice.

12. At my age, “getting lucky” means walking into a room and actually remembering what I came in there for.

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13. I am what is called a “seenager” (senior teenager). I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 60

years later. I don’t have to go to school or work. I get an allowance every month. I have my own pad. I don’t

have a curfew. I have a driver’s license and my own car. I have an ID that gets me into bars and the whiskey

store. The people I hang around with are not scared of getting a job.

14. Life is great. I have more friends whom I should send this to, but right now I can’t remember their names.

You’re invited to join your fellow Wingers on one of two WINGERS-N-WAVES cruise events at sea for

2018 (Alaska & Europe). WINGERS-N-WAVES is the largest cruise event for WINGERS in the world.

Please enjoy pictures from our last WINGERS-N-WAVES event at sea on the website. Open to all

Wingers, Family and Friends.

For additional information and to reserve your cabin please call (386) 299-7535 and full event details

please go to:

Have a HAPPY and Safe Memorial Day

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Wing Ding 40, Aug 29 - Sep 01, 2018 Knoxville Convention Center, Knoxville, TN

Come join us this year at Wing Ding 40, right here in our own backyard, at the Knoxville Convention Center.

Here is a link to the GWRRA Wing Ding webpage for further info, and an on-line registration:

Or you can print and use the registration form directly below.

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Color Key: TN-M events District events Other chapter events Misc m/c TN chapter gatherings

May 2018

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5

TN-B Knoxville, 6p TN-O Cleveland, 6p

SC Rally, Newberry

SC Rally

SC Rally

TN-B Poker Run

TNO pancake breakfast, ride to Mentone, AL, 8a

TN-L Lebanon, 9a TN-N Jackson, 5p

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TN-M Lenoir City, 6p TNO ride to

Strawberry Festival, 3p

TN-M - Cherohala Skyway & Fontana


TN-E Smyrna, 9a TN-V Chattanooga, 9a TN-Z Columbia, 5:30p

Mother’s 13

14 FM 15 16 17 18 Armed Forces Day 19

TN-C Kingsport, 6p TN-M ROMEOS ride

AL Rally, Mobile

TN-C2 Crossville, 6:30p TN-F Morristown, 6p TN-G Tullahoma, 6p

TN-C 35th Roan Mountain Steakout

AL Rally

Ride to Work

TN-C 35th Steakout

AL Rally

TN-S Portland, 1p TN-W2 Collierville, 6p TN-Y Murfreesboro, 9a

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TN-A2 Maryville, 6p

TN-M dinner (Marlene), 6:30p

TN-H Franklin, 9a TN-T Knoxville, 9a

27 Memorial Day 28 29 30 31 TN-Q Clarksville, 6p TN-A Nashville, 6p

Gold Wing Road Riders Association Tennessee District, Eastern Section Chapter TN-M, Lenoir City, Tennessee, “Foothills Wings” Chapter Directors Brian & Loretta Richards 7614 Berrycoat Drive Corryton, TN 37721

TN Chapter M

Foothills Wings
