May 17th - 5K Tribute Run


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Annual Bethel 5K Tribute Run/WalkAn Emotional Tribute To America’s War Dead

On Saturday, May 17 th 2014, at Approximately 7:49am the small New-England Town of Bethel, Connecticut will begin formal ceremonies paying tribute to all of America’s protectors that died in the defense of our nation.

Unlike other events of this magnitude there will be no political speeches, but rather a gathering of common men and women seeking a way to pay tribute to those we’ve known and those we’ve never met that went

off to fight for us and never returned home to their husbands, wives, children and families. We Run For Them.

Unlike other 5K events, this one keeps no time, gives no numbers, and awards no prizes for first place. Each participant has an opportunity to endure the grueling hill climb to receive a POW/MIA flag. There are no water stations along the course, for that would un-do to intent of this Tribute Run. We Run For Them.

In similar fashion to military traditions, participants and spectators will be witness to the live singing of our National Anthem, which is an American custom prior to all athletic events. But this is only the beginning.

At military funerals, it is common to hear a bagpiper in the distance playing Amazing Grace as a flag draped coffin moves towards its final resting place and to hear a bugler

sound Taps. These have become expected elements of this occasion. It is also fitting to hear riflemen firing a gunshot salute in tribute to the deceased warrior. This marks the start of the run.

But we are not here to weep, but rather pay tribute to those brave men and women that gave all. In doing so we seek to keep alive the roaring spirit of our American protectors. It has thus become tradition that upon the start of this Tribute Run, members of the Danbury Harley Owners Group and Combat Veterans start their engines, sending off the runners in true American fashion.

The lead car, a Bethel Police cruiser for this event transports a local, decorated combat veteran for the duration of the course.

All funds raised at this event support our local veterans charity, Operation Vet Fit, which currently provides a free fitness center, personal training, and group outings to 70 area combat theatre veterans. In addition, Operation Vet Fit sets aside 10% of these proceeds to build the John Hogan Scholarship fund which is awarded to a child or grandchild of a local combat veteran.

The Annual 5K Tribute Run kicks-off a weekend of Bethel Memorial Day events which also include several wreath laying ceremonies at the Dough Boy statue at P.T. Barnum Square and the Center Cemetery on Sunday. These events lead up to the Bethel Memorial Day Parade, which runs up Greenwood Avenue on Sunday and is followed by its traditional ceremonies at the Bethel Town Hall Municipal Green.

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