May 17, 2005 9:28 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE m3as Mathematical Models...


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May 17, 2005 9:28 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE m3asMathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciencesc© World Scientific Publishing Company

A level set method for fluid-structure interactions with immersed surfaces

Georges-Henri Cottet

LMC-IMAG, Universite Joseph Fourier, BP 53, 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9,

Emmanuel Maitre

LMC-IMAG, Universite Joseph Fourier, BP 53, 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9,

Received (Day Month Year)Revised (Day Month Year)

Communicated by (xxxxxxxxxx)

This paper is devoted to the derivation and the validation of a level set method for fluid-structure interaction problemswith immersed surfaces. The test case of a pressurized membrane is used to compare our method to Peskin’s ImmersedBoundary methods in the two-dimensional case and to demonstrate its capabilities for three-dimensional flows. The methodin particular exhibits appealing mass and energy conservation properties.

Keywords: Fluid-structure; immersed boundary method; level set.

AMS Subject Classification: 74F10, 76D05, 65M06

1. Introduction

Numerical simulations of fluid-structure interactions are among the most challenging problems in com-putational mechanics. One reason is that the solution of these problems must couple, through interfaceconditions, different types of models: Eulerian for the flow and Lagrangian for the solid. The most classicalapproach is the so-called Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) method 4,18. In this method the flow part ofthe problem is solved in a Lagrangian fashion on a mesh that follows the normal displacement of the inter-face. These methods are in general based on linearization of the flow solver which may affect the accuracyof the results. Moreover large deformations, to say nothing of topology changes, can be difficult to trackwith ALE methods.

An important particular case of fluid-structure interactions is when structures are low-dimensional setsimmersed in the fluid. In that case, the structure dynamics and fluid-structure interface conditions are re-placed by a singular forcing term in the flow equations, which dramatically simplifies the coupling. Themethod of immersed boundaries has been proposed by Peskin 14 to address this type of problems. In thisapproach immersed one dimensional fibers are discretized by Lagrangian trackers. The elastic force result-ing from the stretching of the fibers is estimated from the location of these markers at every time-step. Thismethod has been succesfully applied in a number of situations (see 15 for a review and references therein).This method has however some drawbacks related to the way the force is spread to grid points. This isgenerally acknowledged to be responsible for possible leaking of the method. Although some importantrecent developments have been made to correct this problem 11,16, this is at the expense of giving up theinherent simplicity of the method. The need to insert or delete markers in case of large deformations isanother delicate aspect of the method which requires precise tuning of additional parameters.


May 17, 2005 9:28 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE m3as2 G.H. Cottet, E. Maitre

Both ALE and immersed boundary methods belong to the class of front tracking methods. Front captur-ing methods are another class where one tries to follow the interface in an implicit way. The level set methodwe describe here is in this spirit. Level set methods are now a classical framework to capture Lagrangianinterfaces 1,13. Geometric information on the interface, such as the curvature, can be recovered from thelevel set function. A level set formulation of immersed boundary problems was announced previously3. Thispaper is devoted to detailed proofs of the results announced in 3, and numerical validation of the method.

This method stems from the observation that in incompressible flows the level set function also carriesinformation on the stretching of the interface. This enables us to rephrase elastic energy and forces in termsof the level set function and a smoothing function. Fluid-structure problems are then entirely described bythe Navier-Stokes equations, supplemented by a scalar advection equation for the level set function. Toavoid redistancing techniques which are in general used to maintain the interface width at a constant value,and which in our case would have to be taken into account to track the stretching of the interface, we use arenormalization of the smoothing function.

The main features of the method are its simplicity, including for the case of variable density, variableviscosity three-dimensional flows, and its natural control of mass and energy. As a matter of fact, we areable to prove an energy equation which ensures in particular that the regularization of the force does notinvolve any energy dissipation.

The paper is structured as follows: in section 2 we derive the level set method from energy principlesand prove energy estimates. In section 3 we give some details on our numerical implementations of thefluid and transport equations and of the interface forces using renormalized smoothing. In section 4 wepresent some numerical validations of the method. Finally section 5 is devoted to concluding remarks anddiscussion of ongoing applications and extensions of the method.

2. Level set formulation

The fluid-structure interaction problem we consider consists of an immersed elastic surface in a three di-mensional incompressible flow. In that system, the action-reaction principle requires that the jump in thestresses in the flow balances the elastic forces imparted by the immersed interface. Equivalently, elasticforces appear as a singular forcing term in the Navier-Stokes equations written throughout the fluid-structurecomputational domain.

Following Peskin, 14 we derive this elastic force from an energy functional localized on the interface Γ:

E =


E(T )dσ (2.1)

where T denotes the surface stretching. In the rest of this section we give a level set formulation of thismodel. We proceed as follows: we first express the interface stretching in terms of a level set function.We then derive a regularized energy functional in terms of the level set function and a cut-off function.We finally deduce an expression for the elastic force and write the complete Navier-Stokes system. Weprove for this system an energy principle which guarantees the consistency of the model with the originalfluid-structure problem.

In contrast with 3 where our arguments used parametric representations of the interface, our proofs hereare more geometric in the sense that they use intrinsic surface representations. For the sake of simplicity,we have chosen to assume in the sequel periodic boundary conditions (see also the remark below at the endof section 2.5).

2.1. Surface stretching and level set function

We consider an elastic hyper-surface Γt immersed in an incompressible fluid governed by the Navier-Stokesequations. This hypersurface, that we call thereafter the membrane, is described at time t by the zero level

May 17, 2005 9:28 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE m3asA level set method for fluid-structure interactions with immersed surfaces 3

set of a function φ(·, t) : Rn → R, which is given as φ0 for t = 0 and to be determined for t > 0. While

moving with the fluid velocity u, this level set function classically satisfies a transport equation:

φt + u · ∇φ = 0. (2.2)

The normal to the interface is given by ∇φ

|∇φ|and its (mean) curvature is κ(φ) = ∇ · ∇φ

|∇φ|. One key point of

our method is to remark that as the flow is incompressible, the function φ not only represents the geometryof the membrane, but also carries some information on its stretching (more precisely on the variation ofsurface area). To show this, we first need the following technical lemma:

Lemma 2.1. Let φ : Rn → R be Lipschitz over R

n and such that |∇φ| is bounded from below by somepositive constant. Let g ∈ L1(Rn), then, for η > 0 sufficiently small,


g(x)dx =

∫ η




Proof. This is a straightforward consequence of 5, proposition 3, page 118. A more intuitive proof is towrite a volume element dx in a neighborhood of x as dx = dσ × dh, where dσ is the surface measure ofφ(x) = ν and dh is along the normal vector ∇φ

|∇φ|. Then the expansion

ν ± dν := φ(x ± dh∇φ

|∇φ| ) = φ(x) ± dh|∇φ| +O(dh2)

yields dx = |∇φ|−1dσdν.

Let us denote by X(s;x, t) the characteristic curves, i.e. the solution of the differential system dXds


u(X(s), s) with initial condition x at s = t. Let Ω an open bounded subset of Rn. We assume the following

regularity on the initial curve and the velocity field:

(A) φ0 ∈ C2(Ω), |∇φ0| ≥ α > 0, u ∈ C2(Ω × [0, T ]), ∇ · u = 0

Proposition 2.1. Under assumption (A), let φ be the C2 solution of (2.2) with initial condition φ(0) = φ0.Then for every f ∈ Cc(Ω),


f(ξ)|∇φ0(ξ)|−1dσ(ξ) =


f(X(0;x, t))|∇φ(x, t)|−1dσ(x).

Proof. As will be proved in the appendix, assumption (A) implies that




is continuous. Thus using Lemma 2.1,


f(ξ)|∇φ0(ξ)|−1dσ(ξ) = limη→0





− η




= limη→0



|φ0(ξ)|< η



We perform the change of variable ξ = X(0;x, t) whose Jacobian J(0;x, t) is equal to 1 since ∇ · u = 0.As φ is a solution of a transport equation one has φ0(X(0;x, t)) = φ(x, t). Therefore


f(ξ)|∇φ0(ξ)|−1dσ(ξ) = limη→0





f(X(0;x, t))dx

which thanks to Lemma 2.1 leads to the expected result.

May 17, 2005 9:28 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE m3as4 G.H. Cottet, E. Maitre

2.2. Link with Lagrangian formulation

The meaning of this last result is that |∇φ|/|∇φ0| accounts for the variation of surface measure of Γt

with respect to Γ0, and thus yields the elastic force imparted by the immersed surface. To be more explicit,let us make the link between this Eulerian description and the classical Lagrangian point of view (used forexample in 11,12,19). Writing the length measure in terms of a parametrization γ and using X(0; γ(s, t), t) =

γ(s, 0) it is not difficult to deduce from Proposition 2.1

Corollary 2.1. With the same assumptions and notation as in Proposition 2.1:i) In two dimensions, let s ∈ [0, L] 7→ γ(s, t) ∈ R

2 be a parametrization of Γt. Then one has∫ L


f(γ(s, 0))|∇φ0(γ(s, 0))|−1|γs(s, 0)|ds =

∫ L


f(γ(s, 0))|∇φ(γ(s, t), t)|−1|γs(s, t)|ds

and thus|∇φ(γ(s, t), t)||∇φ0(γ(s, 0))| =

|γs(s, t)||γs(s, 0)|

ii) In three dimensions if s = (s1, s2) ∈ ω 7→ γ(s1, s2, t) ∈ R3 is a (patch of) parametrization of Γ, one



f(γ(s, 0))|∇φ0(γ(s, 0))|−1|γs1(s, 0) × γs2

(s, 0)| ds



f(γ(s, 0))|∇φ(γ(s, t), t)|−1|γs1(s, t) × γs2

(s, t)|ds

and thus|∇φ(γ(s, t), t)||∇φ0(γ(s, 0))| =

|γs1(s, t) × γs2

(s, t)||γs1

(s, 0) × γs2(s, 0)|

Practically speaking, in the dimension two case, one constructs φ0 such that its zero level set is Γ0, andsuch that

|∇φ0(γ(s, 0))| =|γs(s, 0)||θs(s)|

where |θ| is a parametrization of the material curve at rest (which can be taken as γ(·, 0) if the curve isinitially unstreched). Then one has for all time t

|∇φ(γ(s, t), t)| =|γs(s, t)||θs(s)|

Moreover, if the initial stretching does not depend on s then one can initialize φ0 as this stretching timesthe signed distance to the membrane. A similar construction can be used in the 3D case.

2.3. Spreading of interface

As usual in immersed boundary methods, the elastic force which is concentrated on the membrane has tobe spread to a volume force with support in a neighborhood of the interface. In our Eulerian approach,we thus have to express this volume approximation of a Dirac mass δ with support on the interface, usingthe function φ and a regularization function ζ. Let M(Ω) be the dual of the space Cc(Ω) of continuousfunctions with compact support endowed with its usual weak convergence.

Proposition 2.2. Let r → ζ(r) be a C∞ function with support within [−1, 1], such that r → 1εζ( r


converges when ε→ 0 to δ0 in D′(R). Then under assumption (A), when ε→ 0,1






|∇φ| δφ=0 in M(Ω)

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Proof. This result is reminiscent of the work of 1, but for the sake of completeness we give here a moredirect proof. For a continuous function r → g(r), one has by assumption







g(r) dr → g(0). Let

f ∈ Cc(Ω). From (A) and the appendix, the function g defined by

g(r) =


f dσ

is continuous and we have∫








f dσ dr =









f dσ dr →∫


f dσ.

Using the support of ζ, and Lemma 2.1,∫









f dσ dr =

∫ ε









f dσ dr =








f |∇φ| dx









f |∇φ |dx










|∇φ|f dx =



2.4. Elastic energy and force

In 3 we derived the elastic force from an energy of the form (2.1) written in terms of the level set func-tion, then derived a singular force from this energy and finally regularized this force. Here we adopt thealternative and more intrinsic point of view of deriving the force directly from a regularized energy.

Let Ω be cubea in Rn which contains the fluid and membrane with, for example, periodic boundary

conditions on u and φ. We introduce

E(φ) =





where E is a given constitutive law such that E(1) = 0. Note that r → E ′(r) describes the (possiblynonlinear) stress-strain relationship.

Let δ : Ω → R be a regular periodic test function, then the variational derivative at φ in direction δ is

dE(φ)(δ) =


E′(|∇φ|)∇φ · ∇δ|∇φ|



ε) +E(|∇φ|) 1

ε2ζ ′(φ


= −∫


∇ ·[

E′(|∇φ|) ∇φ





δ −E(|∇φ|) 1

ε2ζ ′(



= −∫


∇ ·[

E′(|∇φ|) ∇φ





ε)δ + (E′(|∇φ|)|∇φ| −E(|∇φ|)) 1

ε2ζ ′(



where the boundary integrals vanish by periodicity.The time variation of E is obtained by taking δ = −u · ∇φ since from the transport equation


dtE(φ) = dE(φ)(φt) = dE(φ)(−u · ∇φ).


dtE(φ) =


∇ ·[

E′(|∇φ|) ∇φ




|∇φ| |∇φ|1εζ(φ


+ (E′(|∇φ|)|∇φ| −E(|∇φ|)) 1

ε2ζ ′(


ε)∇φ · u dx.

aWe could make the same developments for any bounded subset of Rn with Dirichlet boundary conditions on u.

May 17, 2005 9:28 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE m3as6 G.H. Cottet, E. Maitre

Using ∇ · u = 0 and integrating by parts the second term in the above expression leads by periodicity to:∫


(E′(|∇φ|)|∇φ| −E(|∇φ|))∇[





· udx



(E′(|∇φ|)|∇φ| −E(|∇φ|))∇ ·[






= −∫


(∇[E′(|∇φ|)]|∇φ| +E′(|∇φ|)∇|∇φ| − ∇[E(|∇φ|)])1



= −∫



ε)u dx.


dtE(φ) =


∇ ·[

E′(|∇φ|) ∇φ




|∇φ| |∇φ|1εζ(φ

ε)u − ∇[E′(|∇φ|)]|∇φ|1


ε)u dx

The time variation of elastic energy corresponds to the opposite of the work of the elastic force F(x, t).We thus have


dtE(φ) = −


F(x, t) · udx (2.3)

which gives by identification:

F(x, t) =

∇[E′(|∇φ|)] − ∇ ·[

E′(|∇φ|) ∇φ






ε). (2.4)

It maybe desirable to develop the tangential and normal components of this force. Denoting by P∇φ⊥ theprojection over the hyperplane orthogonal to ∇φ, i.e.

P∇φ⊥(v) = v − (v · ∇φ

|∇φ| )∇φ

|∇φ|one can write the normal and tangential components of this elastic force:

F (x, t) =

P∇φ⊥ (∇[E′(|∇φ|)]) −E′(|∇φ|)κ(φ)∇φ




Note that, as in Peskin’s Lagrangian formulation, the curvature of the membrane appears in the normalcomponent of the force, while only variations of the stretching contribute to tangential components.

2.5. Final model and conservation principles

We first observe that the level set function also enables us to handle flows with variable density and viscosityand membranes carrying mass in a natural way. Let H(r) =

∫ r

−∞ζ(s)ds, which satisfies H(r) = 0 for

r < −1, and H(r) = 1 for r > 1. Let us denote by ρi and ρe respectively the density of the flow insideand outside the membrane, and by λθ the surface density of the membrane. If we set ρ = (ρe + ρi)/2,δρ = (ρe − ρi)/2, the density and viscosity of the whole continuous medium can be defined in a level setformulation by

ρ(φ) = ρ+H(φ

ε)δρ+ λθ







where λθ is the (constant) surface density of the membrane, and

µ(φ) = µ1 +H(φ

ε)(µ2 − µ1)

Using (2.2), it is a simple matter to check that the above density satisfies the mass conservation equation∂ρ

∂t+ (u · ∇)ρ = 0.

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Conservation of momentum and volume are finally expressed by the following system

ρ(φ)(ut + u · ∇u) − ∇ · (µ(φ)d(u)) + ∇p = F(x, t),

∇ · u = 0,

φt + u · ∇φ = 0,


where d(u)ij = ∂ui



∂xi, and F is defined in (2.4). These equations are complemented with periodic

boundary conditions and initial conditions for u and φ.To verify energy conservation, we multiply the above momentum equation by u. Using (2.3) and inte-

grating in space and time, we easily obtain the following conservation principle:




ρ(φ)u2(x, T ) dx +1


∫ T



µ(φ)d(u)2 dx dt+




ε)(x, T ) dx




ρ(φ0(x))u20(x) dx +




ε) dx. (2.6)

We recognize in this identity the conservation, up to viscous dissipation, of total -kinetic plus elastic - en-ergy. This conservation principle is of great importance when modeling fluid-structure interaction problems.

To conclude this section, we make the following remarks. First it is important to notice that, exceptin the case where ρ is constant (i.e. ρi = ρe and λθ = 0), the nonlinear terms u · ∇u are needed forthis energy identity to hold. This is related to the already observed fact that a fluid-structure coupling witha Stokes approximation could be unstable 7. Next, we point out that the same energy identity holds in thecase of homogeneous boundary conditions on u (and thus no boundary condition on φ), with the assumption|φ| > ε on ∂Ω (i.e. the elastic structure does not touch the boundary).

3. Implementation issues and numerical illustrations

In this section we first discuss the problem of distortions in the level set function and describe a renormaliza-tion technique which avoids reinitializing the level set function at each time-step. We then shortly describeour finite-difference solver for the Navier-Stokes and advection equations. We also make a comment on thecombined use of particle and level set methods.

3.1. Calculation of level set forces

In application in multi-fluids flows, level set methods are generally based on the following ingredients

• the smoothing of the singular Dirac force into a smooth function on a scale ε 1

• the sampling of this smooth function on grid points

The first point amounts to writing

δΓ(x) ≈ 1

ε|∇φ(x)| ζ





where Γ is the interface corresponding to the level set φ = 0, n its normal and ζ a one dimensionalsmoothing function. In all our calculations we choose

ζ(y) =

12 (1 + cosπy) if |y| < 1

0 elsewhere.

Assuming for simplicity a 1D interface parametrized by ξ → γ(ξ), the meaning of the above approximationis that, for a given test function ψ we have



∂ξ| dξ ≈ 1


|∇φ(x)| ζ(




ψ(x) dx. (3.1)

May 17, 2005 9:28 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE m3as8 G.H. Cottet, E. Maitre

The second stage of the level set approximation consists of a quadrature of the integral in the left hand sideabove. The example of a plane interface, say

Γ = x, x2 = 0 , φ(x) = λx2,

illustrates well the numerical errors involved in both stages of the approximation. In that case, it is easilyseen that the level set method breaks down to the following approximation

ψ(x1, 0) dx1 =λ



ψ(ih, jh)ζ(λih

ε) +O











A small value for the gradient of φ at the interface (λ in that example) thus results in a large smoothingerror (the term O





in the above right hand side), while a sharp gradient increases the sampling error

(the term O(




). A common strategy to avoid these difficulties is to enforce the gradient to take anormalized value (typically 1) at the interface through a reinitialization step which consists of solving thePDE


∂τ+ sgn(φ0)(|∇φ| − 1) = 0. (3.2)

This method has several drawbacks: firstly it involves some additional work; the desired value of the levelset function is obtained as the asymptotics τ → +∞ for (3.2). In practice a rule of thumb is that it requires anumber of time steps of the order of the number of grid-points in the support of the smoothing function. Thesecond difficulty associated with reinitialization is the numerical discrepancy in the location of the interfacethat can result from solving (3.2). This difficulty is recognized in 6. In this paper the authors observed thatfor low resolution calculation in a strongly sheared flow solving equation (3.2) can result in a completeloss of the interface. They proposed a correction method based on a particle scheme to restore the properlocation of the interface (we will comment later more specifically on this algorithm).

Finally in our case, where the level set function is associated to the stretching of the immersed bound-aries, solving (3.2) at every time step would require to monitor and reset to the correct value the stretchingof the interface. This would add some complexity to the method that we wanted to avoid.

To overcome these difficulties we have observed that it is possible to use the original level set function,that is the solution to (2.2), provided it is properly renormalized in the expression of the mollified forces. Inother words the expression


ε|∇φ(x)| ζ






has to be replaced everywhere by1







A Taylor expansion easily reveals that the effect of this normalization is to maintain the effective spreadingof the interface at a constant value, of the order of ε, at any time. This method was combined in 2 with aparticle method for the numerical simulation of variable-density flows with surface tension. In the sequelwe will show numerical validations of this technique for the transport of the interface in flows with largedeformations. For this we will compare the reinitialization by (3.2) with our renormalisation procedure.For these tests, equation (3.2) was solved using a fifth order WENO scheme, with the following explicitGodunov flux 9

Hij(u+, u−, v+, v−) =


[max([u+]−, [u−]+)]2 + [max([v+]−, [v−]+)]2 − 1) if sij > 0,


[max([u+]+, [u−]−)]2 + [max([v+]+, [v−]+)]2 − 1) else,with the approximate sign function

sij =φ0



2+ dx

and using a third order Runge-Kutta method for the pseudo-time iteration.

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3.2. Navier-Stokes solver and advection equation

Our numerical discretization uses a staggered grid upon which we compute at discrete times tn the quantitiesφn, pn and u

n. The level set function and the pressure are defined on grid points, whereas the horizontal(resp. vertical) velocity is defined on the vertical (resp. horizontal) edges (MAC method). The Navier-Stokesequations are solved using Chorin’s projection method, in its explicit or Crank-Nicolson form 10. One timeiteration of our algorithm proceeds as follows:

• Compute the tentative velocity field of the projection method by solving the momentum equationwithout the pressure term. The nonlinear advection terms are explicitly computed by a fifth orderWENO scheme 17. The viscous terms are dicretized by a central scheme. In the case of variableviscosity, we discretize the following form of the viscous term:

∇ · (µ(φ)d(u)) =

2 ∂∂x


µ( φ




+ ∂∂y


µ( φ


∂y+ ∂v


2 ∂∂y


µ( φ




+ ∂∂x


µ( φ


∂y+ ∂v



The elastic force is computed by a straightforward centered discretization of (2.4), for those points(i, j) which are close enough to the interface so that

|φij ||∇φ|ij

< ε.

• Solve for the pressure using a Poisson solver based on classical 5 (in 2D) or 7 points (in 3D) secondorder stencils.

• Solve the transport equation (2.2) still using the fifth order WENO scheme.

All numerical results presented thereafter have been obtained with an explicit Euler time discretisation,with a time step corresponding to a CFL number of 0.1, which turned to be sufficient, for the low Reynoldsconsidered in that paper, to ensure stability of the coupling. However a precise stability analysis of thefluid-structure coupling remains to be done and will be adressed in a future work. More extensive threedimensional simulations will clearly require more appropriate schemes.

4. Numerical results

4.1. Renormalization vs reinitialization of the level set function

In this section we compare (3.2) and (3.4). In a level set method one has to be concerned with two issues:compute the correct location of the interface and the correct forces on the interface. The latter is clearlyconditioned by the former and by the control of truncation errors in the mollification and sampling of theforces as discussed above.

Surprisingly however it seems that, unlike the interface location which is associated to volume conser-vation, the force calculation is seldom looked at in validation studies of level set methods. In the numericalillustrations that follow we have focused on a passive interface in a complex flow and we have monitoredboth the interface location and its length, as an example of diagnostic of interface forces obtained with thetest-function value ψ ≡ 1 in (3.1). With the original formula (3.3) we obtain the following definition of thelength

L1(Γ) =1


|∇φ(x)| ζ(




dx (4.1)

and, with the normalization (3.4):

L2(Γ) =1







dx (4.2)

May 17, 2005 9:28 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE m3as10 G.H. Cottet, E. Maitre

The example we consider below is borrowed from 6. It consists of the passive transport of a circle in a flowcreated by a vortex (see figure 1). This flow develops high strain which results in the creation of filamentson the interface which spirals around the origin.

In figure 2 we compare the length of the interface computed by formulas (4.1,4.2) with a reference valuefor different resolutions. The reference value is obtained by explicitly tracking a large number of markerson the interface. One observes that, as time goes on, the low resolution calculations are not able to capturethe complete spiral of the interface. For a 128× 128 calculation, formula (4.1) where the level set functionhas been restarted with (3.2) at every time step, leads to a complete loss of the interface after t = 5. Thisconfirms the observation made in 6. By contrast the normalized formula (4.2) is able to retain at least partof the interface. Note however that in an intermediate time range, the reinitialization method seems to workbetter that the normalized method, for all grid-sizes, and that for medium to high resolution reinitiliazationprovides slightly better interface location. The reason is probably that, by enforcing normalized values ofthe gradient of the level set function, this method tends to reduce the truncation error in the discretization forthe advection equation (see below for results when renormalization is coupled with particle methods). Thisadvantage would however disappear when the flow itself has sharp discontinuities at the interface, which isthe case of the flow-structure interaction problem we are interested in.

In figure 3 we show the interface computed on 256 × 256 and 512 × 512 grids by both the renitializedor normalized formulas and reference front tracking solution.

A first conclusion of these calculations is that the renormalization technique (3.4) provides an econom-ical and efficient alternative of the classical reinitialization techniques.

To finish with this section we wish to make a comment on the use of particle methods in conjonctionwith level set methods (see also 8). In 6 a correction method to remedy the discrepancy in the interfacetracking for low resolution reinitialized level set method was proposed based on the use of Lagrangianmarkers near the interface. As a matter of fact, it is well-known since the computations of Anderson andKrasny in the early 80’s, that particle methods are well-adapted for interface capturing. In the framework oflevel set methods, if a discretization of the gradient of the level set function is used, particles automaticallyadjust to the neighborhood of the interface 2. In the example showed in figure 4 we have used a plain particlemethod with a grid size of h = 1/512. The initial level set function is a gaussian profile spreading on 2particles on each directions. The renormalized method (3.4) was used to compute interface length. In 6 theauthors use 4 Lagrangian markers per grid-size along each direction to correct a Weno discretization ofthe pure level set method with 128 × 128 grid points to correct a Weno discretization of the pure level setmethod with 128×128 grid points. The numbers of particles should therefore roughly correspond. By plainparticle method we mean a particle method where particles are pushed and their strength updated throughthe solution of a system of ODE’s, in our case discretized by classical second order Runge Kutta, andremeshed at every time-step through interpolation with a kernel preserving third order accuracy. In figure4 we have plotted the lengths obtained by the particle method compared to the reference front-trackingsolution and the 512× 512 WENO solution.

Finally, we have also performed the time-reversed calculation suggested in 6: the velocity is modulatedat time t by a factor cos(πt/8) which should have the effect of recalling the interface back to its originalstate at time t = 8. For that experiment the number of particles ranges from 6000 at time 0 to about 80000

at time 8 (the actual number of particles used in 6 is not mentioned by the authors). The initial volume isconserved up to a relative error of about 10−4, to be compared to the values 0.0071 and 0.0035 reported in 6

for their particle level set method based on grids with 128 and 256 grid points in each direction (this wouldcorrespond to inter-particle spacing h = 1/512 and h = 1/1024 in our implementation). The length of theinterface, computed by the normalized formula (4.2) is computed with an accuracy of 0.2%. Figure 5 weshow the interface obtained at time 8 compared to the exact circular shape. Although the interface obtainedin 6 is in a slightly better agreement with the exact solution, the genuine particle level set algorithm, givenits simplicity, appears a rather efficient tool to capture complex interfaces.

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4.2. Validation case for the fluid-structure model: pressurized membranes

We now turn to the validation study of the level set method (2.5). We focus on a two-dimensional testcase studied in 11 and then turn to its three-dimensional extension. Following 11 we consider the case ofa pressurized membrane, with the same parameters. Starting from a circular membrane, we stretch it intoan ellipse. To balance the stretching force the flow develops a sharp pressure gradient at the interface. Themembrane, to reach its minimal elastic energy, relaxes to a circular shape that preserves the initial volume.The time-scale on which this equilibrium is reached depends on the viscous dissipation acting on the flow.

The parameters are the same as in 11: the unstretched circle has a radius 0.5 in a computation box ofsize 2 × 2. The initial membrane is an ellipse of major and minor axes a = 0.75, b = 0.5. This givesa length of 3.96636 and therefore a stretching factor of about 1.262. The equilibrium circle has a radiusr =

√ab ' 0.61237. The numerical method for this test is the finite difference method described in section

3.2. The viscosity coefficient is 0.01. The boundary conditions enforce zero velocity at the boundary of thebox. Although in principle the ratio h/ε should tend to 0 as the grid is refined we kept it equal to 2 in thesecalculations.

In figure 6 we show the pressure gradients at times 0.2 and 2.2 for N = 64 and N = 256 grid points ineach direction. One can see that the pressure fronts extend to 2 grid-points. In figure 7 we have monitored theevolution of the maximum extent of the membrane along the axis. This evolution towards the equilibriumcircle does not show the drift that is typical of leaking problems in classical implementations of ImmersedBoundary Methods. Our results agree very well with those obtained with the Immersed Interface Methodproposed in 11. Finally figure 8 shows a refinement study for the conservation of volume monitored at timet = 1. In this figure we compare our results to the results reported in 11 for the original Immersed Boundarymethod of Peskin and the Immersed Interface method designed in this paper. Even at low resolution, thelevel set method behaves very well for this diagnostic. This reflects the fact that conservation is built-in thelevel set formulation (2.5) at the continuous level, and that using a high order scheme for the advection ofthe level set function maintains good conservation properties at the discrete level.

To illustrate the fact that our method easily handles more complex incompressible flows, we consideredalso the case of a variable viscosity. The viscosity was divided by a factor ten outside the membrane.Figure 9 shows the evolution of the radius in the x and y directions, while in Figure 10 the vorticity plotat time t = 7 is displayed. The lower viscosity leads to a significantly slower dissipation towards theequilibrium. Exchanging the viscosity values outside and inside the membrane does not lead to such adifference in the time-scales (result not shown), which indicates that the flow develops mostly outside themembrane.

Our last experiments focus on the three-dimensional case. We have considered a pressurized membranewith radius values of 0.1, 0.3 and 0.4 respectively in x, y, and z directions. As in the two-dimensionalcase, the ellipse returns to a spherical equilibrium but in a more complex dynamics, since it can expendin three different directions. A stretching factor 2 was selected for this case. This value, higher than in thetwo-dimensional case, was chosen to ensure that the spherical equilibrium state would maintain a higherpressure outside than inside the membrane. The Reynolds number was 100 and we used 128 grid points ineach directions. In that case, periodic boundary conditions were implemented.

To illustrate the flow resulting from this interaction, we show in figure 11 isosurfaces of vorticity mag-nitude corresponding to a value of 20 at the early stage of the dynamics (t = 0.1), together with pressurecontours in slices of the membrane cut through the origin parallel to two different planes.

Figure 12 finally shows snapshots of the membrane location, colored by the magnitude of the stretching,and pressure fields in two meridian planes at four different times: t = 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1.. The relative errorin volume conservation at that final time was about 1%. Although this is clearly a much higher error levelthan for the two dimensional case, given the complexity of the flow and the important value of the initialstretching we found it satisfactory. These plots only serve as qualitative illustrations of the method and moresystematic studies are under way for larger Reynolds numbers.

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5. Conclusion

We have presented a level set method to handle fluid-structure interaction problems when the flows areincompressible and the structures consist of immersed membranes. The method is based on the observationthat the level set function carries information about surface stretching. It enjoys natural mass and energyconservation properties at the continuous level, which are also satisfied at the discrete level provided accu-rate finite-difference discretizations are used for the Navier-Stokes and level set function advection equa-tions. Reinitialization techniques that are in general used in level set methods are replaced by appropriaterenormalization to enable economical implementation of the method.

The method was validated in dimension two on test cases consisting of pressurized membranes.Three-dimensional experiments also demonstrate the validity of the concept in that case. Ongoing three-dimensional extension and applications of the method will allow to have a more quantitative evaluationof its capabilities. These extensions concern the implementation of bending terms in the energy potential.These terms only involve curvature and derivatives of the curvature and therefore can be conveniently han-dled in our level set framework. The study in particular of flow dynamics in collapsible tubes seem to be anappealing field of application of the method.

6. Appendix

In this section we prove the following result that has been used in the proof of Propositions 2.1 and 2.2:under assumption (A), for f continuous with compact support,

r →∫



is continuous. The solution of (2.2) is given by φ(x, t) = φ0(X(0;x, t)) thus

∇φ = ∇φ0(X(0;x, t))∇X(0;x, t).

As det∇X(0;x, t) = 1 and |∇φ0| ≥ α > 0, we have ∇φ 6= 0 on Ω × [0, T ]. Moreover ∇φ is regularand Ω × [0, T ] compact we thus have |∇φ| ≥ β > 0. For the sake of simplicity here we drop the variable twhich is kept fixed in [0, T ]. Thanks to assumptions (A) it is straightforward to check that φ remains C2 forall time. As |∇φ| is bounded by below by a positive constant, the vector field defined by

w(x) =∇φ


is of class C1. Therefore the differential system

ddrY (r;x) = w(Y (r;x))

Y (0;x) = x

has a local solution r → Y (r;x) which is C1 with respect to r and x. Differentiating r → φ(Y (r;x))

immediately shows that φ(Y (r;x)) = φ(x) + r. With this construction one has Y (r, φ = 0) = φ = r.Finally let s ∈ [0, 1] → γ(s) a C1 parametrization of φ = 0, then s ∈ [0, 1] → Y (r; γ(s)) is a C1

parametrization of φ = r. Thus for any continuous f with compact support,

r →∫


fdσ =

∫ 1


f(Y (r; γ(s)))|∇Y (r; γ(s))γs(s)|ds

is continous.

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2. G.-H. Cottet, Multi-physics and particle methods, in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003, K.J.Bathe (ed.), Elsevier (2003)

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7. List of figures

Figure 1: Test case of a circular interface in a vortical flow. Stationary velocity field and initial level-setfunction.

Figure 2: Interface lengths for the flow of figure 1 and various resolutions. Solid lines (resp. dashed lines) arefor the normalized formula (4.2) (resp. formulas (3.2),(4.1)). Black curve is the reference solution. Green,red and blue curves respectively correspond to N = 128, 256, 512 grid points in each direction.

Figure 3: Interface location at t = 5 for 512 × 512 (top row) and 256 × 256 (bottom row) grid resolutionfor the reinitialized (left pictures) and renormalized (right pictures) level-set methods.

Figure 4: Length of the interface by a particle method with h = 1/512 (red curve) compared to a WENOmethod with a 512× 512 grid (green curve) and the reference solution (black curve).

Figure 5: One period of the evolution of the interface: solution obtained by the particle method withh = 1/512 (red curve) compared to the exact solution (black curve).

Figure 6: Elastic membrane in a two-dimensional flow: pressure profiles for t = 0.2 (left picture) andt = 2.2 along the x-axis. Markers and dotted lines are respectively forN = 64 andN = 256 points in eachdirection.

Figure 7: Elastic membrane in a two-dimensional flow: time-evolution of ellipse radii along x (dotted line)and y (solid line) directions for Re = 100.

Figure 8: Elastic membrane in a two-dimensional flow: refinement study of the relative error in volumeconservation at time t = 1, for N = 64, 128 and 256. Dotted line: classical Immersed Boundary Method;

May 17, 2005 9:28 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE m3as14 G.H. Cottet, E. Maitre

dashed line: Immersed Interface Method 11; solid line: present method.

Figure 9: Elastic membrane in a two-dimensional flow: same as figure 7 with Reynolds number 1000 out-side the membrane.

Figure 10: Elastic membrane in a two-dimensional flow with Reynolds number 1000 outside the membrane,vorticity iso-surface at time t = 7.

Figure 11: Elastic membrane in a three-dimensional flow: vorticity iso-surface and pressure contours in twomeridian planes through center of the membrane.

Figure 12: Elastic membrane in a three-dimensional flow: membrane locations, colored by stretching mag-nitude, and pressure fields for times 0.3, 0.5, 0.8 and 1 (from left to right, top to bottom)

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0 10













0 10



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 50












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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

ReinitializedFront tracking







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

RenormalizedFront tracking







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

ReinitializedFront tracking







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

RenormalizedFront tracking


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 50












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0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 10























0 0.5 1 1.5 2













0 0.5 1 1.5 2





May 17, 2005 9:28 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE m3as18 G.H. Cottet, E. Maitre







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


i in h



or v


al d













r in



Grid size h = 2/64, 2/128 and 2/256


May 17, 2005 9:28 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE m3asA level set method for fluid-structure interactions with immersed surfaces 19







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45


i in h



or v


al d





0 1 20












0 0




0 1 20




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