MasterPlan ‘Planning for the Future’ ·...


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Michael Richardson Planner MasterPlan



1st March 2016

‘Planning for the Future’

Planning for the Future Michael Richardson - MasterPlan SA Pty Ltd

2016 EPLGA Conference

Development Plans – Not always helpful…

12 Development should take place in a manner which is not liable to contribute unduly to pollution of air, water or land, or cause a nuisance, including nuisance to the community, by:

(a) the emission of noise, vibration, odour, fumes, smoke, vapour, steam, soot, ash, dust, grit, oil, waste water, waste products, electrical interference, radioactivity or light; (b) the drainage of stormwater or run-off from land; (c) loss of residential privacy;

(d) an affront to public morality; or (e) otherwise howsoever.

EPLGA Conference 2016

2016 EPLGA Conference

Planning Reform??

EPLGA Conference 2016

Development Assessment = Planning??

EPLGA Conference 2016

Planning = All things to all people…

EPLGA Conference 2016


Level of discretion



Future Development Assessment Scope



2016 EPLGA Conference

Planning Reform??

2016 EPLGA Conference

Planning Reform??

2016 EPLGA Conference

Planning Reform??

2016 EPLGA Conference

Planning Reform??

Bonython Park Playground

Klemzig Reserve

Nature’s Playground Adelaide Zoo – WAX Design – Photo: David Mattner

Nature’s Playground Adelaide Zoo – WAX Design – Photo:

Klemzig Playground

Photo: Outerspace Landscape Architects

Photo: Outerspace Landscape Architects

2016 EPLGA Conference

Thank you.
