Master Your Morning · It is a fast and easy way to start your day off on the right foot. Read...


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Master Your Morning:

The Real Solution for Fast Change and Real Results in Health, Wealth and Relationships

30-days to Change


This is your guide to implementing a 30-day morning routine that will put you on a fast track to personal success. It is a fast and easy way to start your day off on the right foot. Read through this guide and begin the routine tomorrow morning! Experience a real solution for real change. I look forward to hearing and seeing your results. You can request to join our exclusive community in our private facebook group where we discuss change, motivation, weight loss, and health topics by searching Slimitless You or by clicking this link: Join our Community!


1. Go through the document and fully complete it

2. Wake up tomorrow morning an hour earlier than normal

3. Implement this routine for 30 days. Address all 5-steps daily.

4. Enjoy the journey.

Making change is invigorating, challenging and a constant process. We have all attempted to make change, have possibly been successful in the short term and have looked back on our attempt as we fell back into our previously undesired, neurologically programed track, and chalked our attempt up as a fail. The first thing you need to identify is that failing, trying, attempting, ARE steps in the right direction. We associate failing with bombing, flopping, flunking and being unsuccessful. We need to reframe our association and realize that failing is a step on the path to succeeding. Did you know that FAIL stands for First Attempt In Learning? How’s that for reframing?! Now is your time to succeed. Each one of your prior attempts is part of the journey that has prepared you for this adventure. So, if there is something in your life you want to change, and you have a deep desire for long lasting change, this strategy, when implemented correctly, can jump-start and accelerate the process. Get ready for success - whether your desire for change is related to finance, health, business, athletics or relationships, begin now, become clear, and be B.R.A.V.E.


Let’s Begin to be...B.R.A.V.E



Affirmations and Appreciation:





This is a breathing exercise that helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system and creates a calming response in your body. Often our mornings are stressful - waking up to an alarm, preparing ourselves and possibly others for the day and thinking about responsibilities and our impossibly long to-do lists. This breathing exercise shuts down the sympathetic drive that triggers our stress response. You can do this any time you feel stressed, but when you do it in the morning, it becomes a catalyst for being clear and present throughout the day.

Time: 10 mins

How to Perform:

Sit in a comfortable position, in a chair, on the floor, on a stability ball or mat.

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.

Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth nice and slowly. Ex: Breathe in for a count of 5 and exhale for a count of 5.Continue that pattern for a few cycles.

Focus on your belly and feel it expand as you inhale and contract as you exhale.

Continue with this breathing cycle and if anything should pop into your mind outside of your breathing, acknowledge it and come back to the breathing.

When you feel comfortable, bring your attention to your heart, place your hand over your heart, and as you breathe in feel and imagine the breath coming in through your heart and going out through the heart.

Continue with this pattern for a few breath cycles.


Now as you inhale picture a family member, a loved one or a friend. See their face their cheeks, their eyes, their mouth...see them smile and feel the appreciation and the love that you have for them. Feel their arms reach around you, embracing you, transmitting love to you. Feel their trust, their love, their confidence in you.

Hold on to that vision, to that connection.

Slowly begin to bring your focus back to your heart. Breathe in through the heart and out through the heart.

Slowly bring your focus back to your belly as it expands on the inhale and contracts on the exhale.

Slowly bring your focus back your breathing, inhale for a count of 5 and exhale for a count of 5.

Open your eyes when you are ready and notice how you feel. Do you feel lighter, do you feel more relaxed, do you feel present? I am sure that you do!



Time: 10 mins

Find a passage, a paragraph, a chapter, a quote, or a book that you find inspirational or that personally challenges you. It could be a stimulus for spiritual, relational, financial, professional or cognitive growth. Find something that challenges you to think, maybe challenges your preconceived beliefs and pushes you to consider other strategies, or opinions, or other methods to improve and achieve your personal greatness. Give your full attention to inspirational reading for 10 minutes.

3-Books that resonate with and challenge me:

“Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life” by Wayne Dyer

“The 4-Hour Workweek” by Tim Ferris

“Health Revelations from Heaven and Earth” by Dr. Steven Sinatra and Tommy Rosa

Quotes/passages that I find to be inspirational:

“Be the change you wish to see in the world” -Ghandi

“Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.” James 1:19

“Never let the fear of striking out get in your way” -Babe Ruth

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger

“I didn’t come this far, to only come this far.” -Unknown


“Pleasure comes from the external and joy comes from the internal” -Eckhart Tolle


Affirmations and Appreciation:

Affirmations can be one of the most powerful or the most detrimental tools to implement. Everyone is performing affirmations daily throughout the day. Every time you talk to yourself or think a thought about yourself like, “Why am I so stupid?”, “Why can’t I make this work?” “My belly is large and my thighs are gross!” you are performing an affirmation. These, of course are negative affirmations, self talk that is detrimental to our emotional and mental health. I would say based off of personal and clinical experience that a large number of people’s self talk contains these types of detrimental affirmations. Ask yourself these questions…”Do you listen to your self talk?” “Do you correct your self talk?” “Does your self talk trend to the positive and uplifting or toward the detrimental?” One of the first key affirmation steps is to become aware of your self talk and identify it as positive or negative. Next time you catch yourself using detrimental self talk, reverse your thought and vehemently state out loud an affirmation that declares the opposite or spins the thought to a positive. Our negative self-talk is powerful - If you don’t think you can, if you keep telling yourself you can’t - it is likely you won’t. The good news is, we can turn this around with positive affirmations. I will give you some examples and walk you through how to write a great affirmation below.

Affirmations are all about enforcing real beliefs and aspirations into your consciousness. Connect with your goal, connect with your mission and be very specific. It is so important to begin this process and create new neurological connections in your system to create real lasting change that helps you reach your goals in health, wealth and relationships.

Affirmation and Appreciation:

Time: 5-10 mins

How to Perform: Read each of your affirmations and appreciations out loud (yes, out loud) 5 times.


How to Write:

Write 3 affirmations and 3 appreciation statements. Follow the format below. Affirmations can become one of the most powerful tools in this routine. Get a pen and begin now!

Affirmations can address many different topics like...

Health, Wealth, Business, Relationships and many more. Once you choose a topic,eg. Health, follow the 5 steps to writing a great affirmation below.

How to write a great affirmation:

Address the What, the Why, the Who, the Do and the When!

Write out for 3 topics: eg. Health, Wealth and Business

What do you really want:




Why do you really want it:




Who do you need to become to achieve it:





What do you need to do to achieve it:




When do you want to achieve it by:




A full example of a great health affirmation…

“I am committed (the who) to losing 20 lbs of fat (the what) over the next 60-days (the when) by eating whole foods, incorporating intermittent fasting and high intensity interval training (the do) because I want to be a better example for my children (the why).”

The key is that you must connect to a deep why. If you have not had the opportunity to see or listen to Simon Sinek address the why please search and find his youtube video or read his book, “Start with Why.”


Write out a few appreciation statements that address what things in your life you are thankful for. By appreciating your current status, relationships, or position you will begin to see things differently and when thoughts come into your mind that resonate with the previous you, the one you are succeeding in changing you can actively switch those thoughts to more appreciative thought like eg. “Oh i have to do laundry and the dishes again”...changes to “I am thankful I have clothes to wear and food to eat.”

Include the what or who you are appreciative of, what the who or what does for you and why you are appreciative.

eg. “I am greatly appreciative of my spouse (who) for her hard work and devotion to supporting (the what) our family financially and emotionally


because it frees (the why)up time for me to pursue business opportunities that will enrich the future of our family.”



Time: 10 mins

How to Perform:

Visualization can be done many different ways whether it is a vision board, a vision movie, or closing your eyes and visualizing yourself in the process of achieving your desired goal. We are going to focus in on the latter example. With visualization there are a few keys. One is to connect your visualization with as many senses as possible and with emotion. When you visualize yourself in the process of achieving your ideal body weight, experience the emotion that you feel with that accomplishment, hear statements of encouragement that come as you work hard to achieve that goal, taste the delicious foods that help your body activate fat burning states, feel your body as it begins to change, smell the outdoors as you go for that first long hike.

Connect your affirmations to visualizations. As you become more comfortable with them you can begin to combine them to create a very powerful experience.



Time: 10-20 mins

How to Perform:

What you choose to do for exercise is really up to you. I encourage further activation of the calming, parasympathetic nervous system by walking outdoors (which research shows decreases cortisol levels) or performing a yoga or light exercise routine. Ideally you begin to work up a small sweat to get the “juices” flowing and prepare your body for the day. I also have clients who desire more strenuous workouts, like high intensity interval training (HIIT) and/or weight lifting. The exercise part of the program as I indicated earlier is really for you to play with and find what works best for you. I vary this part of my routine more than any other. If I do choose to do a HIIT session, which can raise, cortisol levels, I will perform a 2nd round of the breathing session for approximately 5-10 minutes to activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

You are an amazing person and you have taken the first step by gathering and pursuing information, which I know can be the most difficult. To make change, to realize what you want you must take further action and begin implementing this regimen into your life NOW. Implementation and getting continued support are the next steps so I highly encourage you to share this new journey with your friends, family and loved ones so they can keep you accountable and join in on this life changing strategy and JOIN our community on facebook at Slimitless You!


About the Author:


He is a practicing functional medicine, anti-aging and human potential practitioner who works closely with clients to help them lose weight, rebalance hormones and optimize their environment to reach their full potential. He is the founder of Slimitless, a company designed to help you get slim and reach your limitless potential, the Slimitless You facebook group and is the host of the Forget Weight Loss Forever Project set to launch on March 28th of 2016. His mission, based on losing his father early in life to chronic disease, is to help people and parents experience a richer, longer and more fulfilling life that allows them to impact their children and grandchildren in a positive way.

“Live Happy, Live Healthy and Affect Others Positively”
