Master Diploms Rad Bujakovic Ks 2013 09 29


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8/12/2019 Master Diploms Rad Bujakovic Ks 2013 09 29 1/57




Alternate history and the Balkans in the story “Aristotle and the Gun” by

L. Sprague de Camp

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;. L. Sprague de Camp, Biography

  ;.: Dublishing history oE L.Sprague de CampFs “Aristotle and the Gun”

  ;.; he plot summary oE the story “Aristotle and the Gun”

  ;.= Charaters oE the story “Aristotle and the Gun”

  ;.H he Balkans# Alternate history and time#traIel in the story “Aristotle and the Gun”

=.Jilliam Golding, Biography

  =.: he plot summary oE GoldingFs play “he Brass ButterEly” 

H.Mark Kain, Biography

  H.: he plot summary oE Mark KainFs “he Connetiut ankee in ing ArthurFs


<. Doul Anderson Biography

  <.: he plot summary oE Doul AndersonFs story “he Man Jho Came Narly”

  <.; Charaters oE the story “he Man Jho Came Narly”

O. Literary Ialue



Bibliography, QRnternet sites eamined on :Hth  August ;T:=U

Appendi :, Rllustrations

Appendi ;, L. Sprague de CampFs bibliography


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 1. Abst!"t

Rn this paper Ke are going to deal Kith a lassi time traIel and alternate history siene Eition

story by L. Sprague de CampV Aristotle and the Gun. WAristotle and the GunW is a story oE a modern

sientist trying to go bak in time in order to help Aristotle understand the sientiEi method Khih

KouldV in his opinionV make the Korld a better plae to liIe in. Most time traIelersV Khen they

deide to hange history Eor the betterV opt to hange some historial eIent in the past. ShermanV the

 protagonistV onludes that he should onIine Aristotle to adIoate the sientiEi method and

empirial testing. Xot only Kould the tehnology leIel oE Anient Greee and Yome be enhanedV

 but his inEluene oIer subseZuent sientiEi deIelopment might be retiEied. ButV as oEten happens

Khen messing Kith the time traIeling and hanging oE the historyV the outome oE his epedition is

Korse than epeted and Sherman returns to his oKn time to Eind it has hanged Ear Korse than he

ould haIe imagined.

#$% &'(s, siene EitionV alternate historyV time traIelV going bak to the pastV ounterEatual

historyV hanging the past

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Lyon Sprague de CampV an Amerian siene Eition and Eantasy authorV Kas born on XoIember ;[

:\T[ in XeK ork City and died on XoIember O ;TTTV Rn DlanoV eas. ]e is remembered as one oE 

the ma^or authors oE the Golden Age oE siene Eition literature.:

53$ ) *. +!$ ($ /!0 !s ! %'6 0!6

:  he period Erom :\=_# :\HO during Khih the siene Eition genre gained Kide publi attention and many lassisiene Eition stories Kere publishedQ Jikipedia U


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`e Camp Kas the one oE three sons oE Lyon de Camp and Nmma Beatrie Sprague. ]is maternal

grandEatherV Charles Nra SpragueV Kas the aountantV banker and CiIil Jar Ieteran. `e Camp

reeiIed his early eduation both in XeK ork and in the Amerian South.


53$ 8 t4$ 't!3t '7 *. +!$ ($ /!0

Born into an aEEluent XeK ork EamilyV he attended Eirst rinity Shool then a rusti boarding

shool. AEter his parents diIoredV he moIed Kith his mother to southern CaliEorniaV Khere he

attended ]ollyKood ]igh Shool. hereV he Kas one oE the :V<TT high#soring high#shool students

studied by LeKis M. erman oE StanEord niIersity;. A strong student in math and sieneV de

Camp hoped to attend CLA to study paleontologyV but his Eamily onIined him that engineering

Kas a better areer c so he enrolled at Cal eh. AEter graduating eh in :\=T Kith a Bahelors

`egree in mehanial engineeringV `e Camp onduted his undergraduate studies at the CaliEornia

Rnstitute oE ehnology QKhere his roommate Kas at one point noted roket Euel sientist ohn `.

ClarkUV and earned his Bahelor oE Siene degree Erom Calteh in Aeronautial Nngineering :\=T.

]e earned his Master oE Siene degree in Nngineering Erom the SteIens Rnstitute oE ehnology in:\==. `e Camp Kas also a surIeyor and an epert in patents. AEterKardsV he Kent to Kork Eor a

; LeKis M. erman Kas an Amerian psyhologistV note as a pioneer in eduational psyhology in the early ;T th enturyat the StanEord Graduate Shool oE Nduation QJikipediaU.


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ompany that dealt Kith patentingV eIentually making his authorial debut Kith a tetbook on the

same sub^et. ]is Eirst book oE Eition Kas Genus ]omoV Kritten Kith D. Shuyler Miller =V but the

Kork ould not Eind a reeptiIe editor until :\<T.

his noIel one again Eouses on hoK de Camp plaes his protagonists in an alternate time periodV

either the historial past or the Ear Euture. GenerallyV the time#traIelers must struggle to surIiIeV

 pitting their KitsV ourageV and tehnial knoKledge against the Eores oE darknessV superstitionV and

ignorane. he protagonist ]enley Bridger leads the surIiIing humans in a struggle to help

intelligent gorillas to Eight oEE a Iiious tribe oE himpanees. `e Camp uses this milieu to deal Kith

Iarious soiologial themes. hey Iary Erom man against natureV man against manV and the belieE 

that man is supreme and alKays Kill be. husV de Camp uses siene Eition noIels to promote a

 better understanding oE soiety around him.

]oKeIerV in :\=[V de Camps Eirst short Eition pieeV Whe RsolingualsWV Kas aepted byAstounding Siene fitionH. ]e made Eurther ontributions to Astounding QKorking espeially Kell

Kith its later editor ohn J. CampbellUV as Kell as to a Iariety oE other pulps. ]is most notable

Korks Erom this period inlude the “ohnny Blak” stories Qabout an intelligent bearUV as Kell as a

number oE others later gathered in his The Best of L. Sprague de Camp collection Q:\[_U.

53$ 9 t4$ !36t36 '7 *. +!$ ($ /!0 b% 5!6: #$;;%

= Deter Shuyler Miller Kas an Amerian siene Eition Kriter and riti.H Astounding Siene fition is an Amerian siene Eition magaine. As oE ;T:=V it is the longest runningontinuously published magaine oE that genre. Rnitially published in :\=T in the nited States as Astounding Stories as

a pulp magaineV it has undergone seIeral name hangesV primarily to Astounding Science-Fiction in :\=_V and Analog

Science Fact & Fiction in :\OT. QJikipedia U


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Rn :\=\ de Camp married Catherine Crook Kho Kould also serIe as his re#Krite editor and

sometimes ollaborator during the rest oE their years together. < ]er double ma^or in Nnglish and

eonomis Erom Barnard College has proIed enormously Ialuable to the OT#year#old team oE de

Camp and de Camp. A Eormer teaherV Catherine has Kritten books on eonomis suh as The

 Money TreeV and Teach Your Children to Manage Money. She has ompiled three anthologies oE 

siene Eition stories Eor young readers, Creatures of the CosmosV !""" Years of Fantasy &

Science FictionV and Tales #eyond Time.

CurrentlyV her name oEten appears Kith her distinguished mates on suh noIels as The Bones of 

 $oraV The %iilated %eeress! The 'ay of the 'inosaur V and Citadels of Mystery.

53$ < *. +!$ ($ /!0 !6( 43s &37$, /!t4$36$ /'': ($ /!0

< he de Camps long#time Eriend Rsaa AsimoI oEten reEerred to Catherine Crook de Camp as WSpragues loIely KiEeWValthough she onsidered herselE WSpragues reKrite galW or Wdragon at the gate.W


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  53$ = +!$ ($ /!0 !6( /!t4$36$ !s $;($ "';$

Jhen the Kar broke outV the nited States put a lot oE emphasis on sientiEi and tehnologial

researh and deIelopment as a Kay to Kin the onElit. Rn :\H; he ^oined the .S. XaIal YeserIeV

serIingV as Lieutenant CommanderV in the same Dhiladelphia XaIal ard as Eriends and EelloK

siene Eition authors Rsaa AsimoI and Yobert A. ]einlein.


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  53$ > *. +!$ ($ /!0 ? "$6t$@ &3t4 'b$t A. B$36;$36 !6( Cs!!" As30'D

he siene Eition author Yobert ]einleinV as it happensV Kas also trained as an engineer c at the

nited States XaIal Aademy in Annapolis c and had serIed as an oEEier in the .S. XaIy doing

radio Kork Erom :\;\ until :\=HV Khen he Kas disharged Eor medial reasons. As the Kar broke

outV an old lassmate oE his Erom AnnapolisV A. B. SolesOV Kas put in harge oE Khat beame the

 XaIal Air Material Center oE the XaIal AirraEt Nperimental Station at the Dhiladelphia XaIal

Base. Soles kneK that his old Eriend ]einlein Kas both an engineer and a reatiIe siene#Eition

Kriter. JhatV he thoughtV iE ]einlein ould reruit other siene Eition Kriters Kho had tehnial

 bakgroundsV and let them ombine their reatiIity and Ear#sightedness in Keapons researh SoV he

ontated ]einlein. ]einlein ontated de CampV Kho Kas almost a Eull#time KriterV and AsimoIVKho Kas a graduate student in biohemistry Kriting part#time Qthey all already kneK eah other 

through siene Eition irlesU and the three Kent doKn to Dhiladelphia to begin Kork. AsimoI and

]einlein remained iIilian engineers Eor medial reasonsV but de Camp Kas ommissioned in the

 XaIy. Soles established a neK subdiIision Eor themV the Materials Laboratory.

O Lieutenant Commander A. B. Soles Krote to ]einlein on stationery Erom XRN` SANS XA AY`VD]RLA`NLD]RAV DA and XAAL ARYCYAf fACY. RtFs obIious that they had knoKn eah other and been

orresponding Eor some years. Rn his letterV a month and a Keek aEter Dearl ]arborV Soles desribed eperimental highaltitude Elight Kork his “laboratory” Kas engaged in at the XaIal AirraEt fatoryV abin and suit pressuriationV oygeneZuipmentV pressure suitsV and a reErigerated high altitude Euselage hamber. ]e Krote that maybe thereKere Astounding  and Ama(ing Stories Kriters and readersV “men Kith ideasV” Eormerly knoKn as “rak#pots” and noK

oming into their oKn as saIiors oE the ountryV and he detailed the pressure suit problem he thought this group might be able to solIe.


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`e CampFs Kork primarily onerned eperimentation in the Cold and Altitude rooms. ]e Kas so

suessEul that toKards the end oE the Kar he Kas pulled oEE the benh and made seretary oE the

Jar Drodution Committee and an assistant to the Datent Committee Eor the Khole Center. Like

]einlein and AsimoI Qas Kell as A. N. Ian ogtV frederik DohlV Arthur C. ClarkeV and othersUV de

Camp Kould eIentually beome one oE the priniple authors oE Khat is noK reEerred to as the

Golden Age oE siene Eition. `e Camps Kork Kas part oE an eplosion oE titles and ideas that

transEormed the tiny emerging si#Ei genre Qone deEined almost entirely by ].G. Jells and ules

erneU into a broadV rih and burgeoning body oE literature.

`e Camp himselE Qboth singly and in ollaboration Kith othersU produed nearly :TT titlesV not to

mention sores oE short stories ## and a number oE edited anthologies. But although his Eirst Eorays

into Eition Kere largely si#Ei Qespeially time traIel talesUV he began in the :\<Ts to produe more

straightEorKard sKord j soreryEantasy noIels. he impetus Eor this may haIe been his massiIe

inIolIement Kith Yobert N. ]oKards Conan tales. `e Camp ompiled and reKrote the unpolished

and oEten unEinished material leEt by the selE#murdered ]oKard. Adding his oKn Eill Khere neededV

he brought the tales into a publishable book Eormat and beEore handing them oEE to Gnome Dress.

he end result oE this ]oKard de Camp post mortem ollaboration Kas a highly suessEul seriesV

later enhaned eIen Eurther by Eresh installments reated by de CampV oEten in ollaboration Kith

Lin Carter and others. XeK authorsV inluding Yobert ordanV haIe ontinued the Conan seriesV and

in :\_; Conan made his moIe to the big sreenV embodied in the person oE ator Qand noK

CaliEornia goIernorU Arnold ShKarenegger as Conan the Barbarian Q:\_;U. he Eilm Kas

suessEul enoughV by ]ollyKood standardsV to generate the :\_H seZuel Conan the `estroyer.

  53$ E A. +"4&!F$6$$ !s /'6!6 t4$ 2!b!3!6


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  53$ G A. +"4&!F$6$$ !s /'6!6 t4$ H$st'%$


Sprague de Camp spoke seIeral languages and traIeled Korld#Kide to get material Eor his books.

]e has been hased by a hippopotamus in ganda and by sea lions in the Galapagos RslandsV seen

tiger and rhinoeros Erom elephant bak in RndiaV and been bitten by a liard in the ^ungles oE 

Guatemala. Rn :\\HV de Camp spent Naster on Naster Rsland in the South DaiEiV doing researh Eor 

his non#Eition book The Ape-Man )ithinV published XoIemberV :\\<. Spragues long#aKaitedautobiographyV Time and ChanceV published by `onald M. Grant in :\\O Kon the :\\[ ]ugo

AKard Eor best non#Eition.

53$ 1I J4$ "'D$ '7 J30$ !6( /4!6"$, ($ /!0Ks !t'b3'!4%


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L. Sprague `e Camps aolades and distintions inlude Guest oE ]onor at the :\OO Jorld Siene

fition ConIentionV the Xebula Grand Master AKard Q:\[_UV the Jorld Siene fition Soietys

GandalE Grand Master aKard Q:\[OU. `e Camp Kas also aKarded the Eirst SideKise AKard Eor 

Alternate ]istory LiEetime AhieIement in :\\<.

`e Camp died on XoIember OV ;TTT. ]e Kas preededV seIen months earlierV by death his KiEeV

Catherine Cook de Camp. ]is ompanion Eor some oE sity yearsV he passed aKay on the day that

Kould haIe been her birthday.

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`e Camp Kas a materialist Kho Krote Korks eamining soietyV historyV tehnology and myth. ]is

siene Eition is marked by a onern Eor linguistis and historial Eores. ]is most highly regarded

Korks in the genre are his time#traIel storiesV inluding “Lest `arkness fall” Q:\=\UV “he Jheels

oE RE” Q:\HTUV and “he Glory hat Jas “Q:\OTU. `e CampFs probably best#knoKn siene Eition

noIel published in :\H: entitled  Lest 'ar*ness Fall  QKhih Eirst appeared in the `eember :\=\

issue oE nknoKnU ontains many oE the themes and situations that de Camp Kould repeatedly turn

to throughout his literary areer. `e Camp arranges Eor his protagonistV Martin DadKay Qa tKentieth#

entury Amerian arhaeologistUV to be suddenly transported into sith#entury Yome. he story

Eouses on de CampFs belieE in his researhed theoretial priniples oE time traIel and alternate

history asV aording to the narrator Kithin the noIelV “iE an ob^et is displaed in timeV into the pastV

any ation it initiates Kill not alter time it is not possible to hange the ourse oE history. RnsteadV a

neK branh oE time beginsV establishing an alternate and eZual time#branh eisting simultaneously

Kith the original.” `e Camp alloKs DadKay to sueed in altering history by inIoking mid#

tKentieth#entury AmeriaFs belieE that sientiEi progress is the ansKer to the KorldFs problems.

his noIel Kas de CampFs Eirst to be published as a omplete IolumeV oEEered by ]. ]olt and

Company in :\H:.

]is most etended Kork Kas his “iagens Rnterplanetarias” seriesV set in a Euture Khere Brail is

the dominant poKerV partiularly the subseries oE planetary romanes set on the planet rishna. `e

Camp Krote a number oE less#knoKn but signiEiant Korks that eplored suh topis as raismV

Khih he noted is more aurately desribed as ethnoentrism. ]e pointed out that no sholar 

omparing the merits oE Iarious ethniities has eIer sought to proIe that his oKn ethniity Kas

inEerior to others.

  `e Camp Kas best knoKn Eor his light EantasyV partiularly the W]arold SheaW series and

WGaIagans BarW seriesV both Kritten in ollaboration Kith his longtime Eriend flether Dratt. [ 

]e Kas also knoKn Eor his sKord#and#soreryV a subgenre he Kas instrumental in reIiIing through

his editorial Kork on and ontinuation oE Yobert N. ]oKards WConanW yle.

`e Camp also Krote ]istorial fitionV that isV books that Kere historially aurate as Ear as the

time the eIents took plaeV but in Khih the story itselE Kas Ealse. Most oE his Kork in this genre

Kas set in the era oE lassial antiZuity. ne oE his most Eamous historial noIels Kas The 'ragon

of +shtar ,ate.

`e Camp en^oyed debunking doubtEul history and laims oE the supernaturalV and to desribe hoK

[ Murray flether Dratt Q:_\[:\<OU Kas an Amerian Kriter oE siene EitionV Eantasy and history. ]e is best knoKn

Eor his Korks on naIal history and on the Amerian CiIil Jar  and Eor Eition Kritten Kith L. Sprague de Camp. QJikipediaU


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anient iIiliations produed strutures and arhiteture thought by some to be beyond the

tehnologies oE their timeV suh as the pyramids oE anient Ngypt. Jorks in this area inlude

Citadels of Mystery and The Ancient ngineers.

Among his many other Kide#ranging non#Eition Korks Kere Lost ContinentsV The ,reat Mon*ey

Trial   Qabout the Sopes rialUV The agged dge of Science! nergy and %o/er! 0eroes of 

 American +n1ention.

The 'ay 2f The 'inosaur  QKhih arguedV among other thingsV that eIolution took hold aEter `arKin

 beause oE the itorian interest spurred by reently popularied dinosaur remainsV orresponding

to legends oE dragonsUV The 1olution 2f 3a1al )eapons Qa Amerian goIernmental tetbookU and

Teach Your Child To Manage Money.Qin ollaboration Kith his KiEe U.

he author also Krote biographies oE many key Eantasy KritersV most as short artilesV but tKo as

Eull#length studies oE the prominent but personally ElaKed authors Yobert N. ]oKard and ].D.

LoIeraEt. he latterV the Eirst ma^or independent biography oE the noK#Eamous KriterV Kas

ritiied by some Eans oE LoIeraEt as unElattering and unbalaned.

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).1 Mb;3s436 43st'% '7 *. +!$ ($ /!0Ns st'% OA3st't;$ !6( t4$ Gun

`e CampFs story WAristotle and the GunW Kas Eirst published in the magaine Astounding Siene#

fition Eor februaryV :\<_Vand Eirst appeared in book Eorm in de Camps olletion A ,un for 

 'inosaur and 2ther +maginati1e Tales Q`oubledayV :\O=U. Rt later appeared in the paperbak edition

oE the olletion published by Curtis Books in :\O\V  and the subseZuent de Camp

olletions Aristotle and the ,un and 2ther Stories  QfiIe StarV ;TT;UV and Years in the Ma*ing4 the

Time-Tra1el Stories of L. Sprague de Camp Q XNSfA DressV ;TT<UV as Kell as the anthologies ,

# Alpha Three QBallantine BooksV :\[;U

#Space Mail 5ol. ++  QfaKett CrestV :\_;U

# Analog Anthology674 )riters8 Choice Q`aIis DubliationsV :\_=U

# o#ert Adams8 Boo* of Alternate )orlds QSignet BooksV :\_[U

#The Legend Boo* of Science Fiction QLegendV :\\:U

# Modern Classics of Science Fiction QSt. Martins DressV :\\;U

# oads 3ot Ta*en4 Tales of Alternate 0istory Q`el Yey BooksV :\\_U

# Futures %ast  QAe BooksV ;TTOU

he Eirst stand#alone edition oE the story Kas published in paperbak by Dositroni Dublishing in

AprilV ;T:=. he story has also been translated into German.


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53$ 1> t4$ "'D$ '7 '!(s T't J!:$6

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Sherman JeaIerV the protagonist oE the storyV is the sientist Kho is dissatisEied Kith the status oE 

siene in our Korld. Rn order to hange this Eat Kith the belieE that small hanges oE the history

might haIe big onseZuenes in our KorldV he deides to use time mahine to pro^et himselE into

the past. ]e deides to go bak to the era oE Dhilip RR oE Maedon and meet Aristotle Kho Kas at that

time his teaher. ]e thinks that his inEluene on Aristotle Kill hange not only the tehnology leIel

oE anient Greee but the Khole sientiEi progress as Kell. Rn his opinion the anient philosophers

lak oE interest in eperiment must be hanged and Aristotle must be onIined to adIoate the

sientiEi method,

]oKeIerV Aristotle tried to oIer so muh groundV and aepted so many Eables as Eats that he

did muh harm to siene as Kell as good. forV Khen a man oE suh olossal intellet goes

KrongV he arries Kith him Khole generations oE Keaker minds Kho ite him as an inEallible

authority. Like his olleaguesV Aristotle neIer appreiated the need Eor onstant IeriEiation.

husV though he Kas married tKieV he said that men haIe more teeth than Komen. ]e neIer

thought to ask either oE his KiIes to open her mouth Eor a ount. ]e neIer grasped the need Eor

inIention and eperiment. XoKV iE R ould ath Aristotle at the right period oE his areerV

 perhaps R ould giIe him a push in the right diretion._

]aIing Einished the building oE time mahineV he sets oEE to a distant past. Jith his pro^et Khih is

to be shut doKnV he has nothing to lose. NZuipped Jith the inIentions oE the modern Korld Qa

magniEying glassV a small telesopeV a ompassV a Elashlight and a ameraU he deides to pass

himselE as a traIeler Erom Rndia and Kith the help oE these deIies shoK Aristotle the importane oE 

eperimentation in knoKledge. ^ust aEter his arriIalV he meets a group oE young boysV AristotleFs

studentsV and among them young prine AleanderV later knoKn as Aleander the Great. DassinghimselE as andras oE DataliputraV he starts spending time Kith Aristotle QKho isV among other 

thingsV urious to knoK about elephants and rhinoeros in RndiaU sharing the disoIeries Erom

_ L. Sprague de CampV “Aristotle and the Gun”V p.;<_


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R told oE the disoIeries oE those eminent Dataliputran philosophers, Copernius in

astronomyV XeKton in DhysisV `arKin in eIolution and Mendel in genetis. AlKays R

stress method, the need Eor eperimenting and inIention and Eor heking eah theory

 bak against the Eats. hough an opinionated and argumentatiIe manV Aristotle had amind like a spongeV any neK EatV surmiseV or opinionV Khether he agreed Kith it or not.\

`espite the Keeks Khih they spent talking about sieneV Aristotle is shoKn doubtEul oE the

sientiEi Konders desribed to him. JeaIerFs task beomes eIen more diEEiult Khen JeaIer is

 being suspeted as a spy Eor the ing oE Dersia Kho is the enemy oE Dhilip. ]aIing no other option

he is Eored to use a gun Khih he brought Kith himselE as a protetion. ust beEore the point oE  being eeuted as a spy and murdererV he is snapped bak into the present Khere he is saEe. But he

Einds himselE in the Korld ompletely diEEerent Erom the Korld he leEt. hanks to himV oE ourse.

JeaIer Einds himselE in a Korld Iery diEEerent Erom the one he leEt but not in the Kay he hoped.

AEter the Iisit oE andrasV the Rndian philosopher Aristotle isV onIined that the attempt to ath up

Kith Rndia in the Eield oE siene is the Kaste oE time. furthermoreV he belieIes that sientiEi

method and the aumulation oE eperimental knoKledge is beneath the digniEied leIel oE iIilied

]elleni philosophy,

R has so Kell shattered the naIe selE#onEidene oE the ]elleni philosophers as to

disourage them Erom going on Kith siene at allqRE anient sientists had realied

hoK muh laborious Eat#Einding lay ahead oE them beEore sound theories Kould

 beome possibleV they Kould haIe been so appalled as to drop siene altogether. And

that is ^ust Khat happened.:T

  he result oE ShermanFs epedition is a bakKard present oE petty states onsiderably behind

JeaIers original timeline in tehnology. ]is oKn nited States is not eIen a dreamV its physial

onEines being ontrolled by Iarious Amerindian nations inEluened by but haIing long sine

throKn oEE any sub^etion to the iIiliations oE the ld Jorld. NnslaIed in one suh stateV JeaIer 

is only deliIered Erom endless drudgery aEter many years Khen his sholarly talents are Einally


\ RbidV p.;[O

:T RbidV p. ;[_


8/12/2019 Master Diploms Rad Bujakovic Ks 2013 09 29 18/57

).8 /4!!"t$s '7 t4$ st'% OA3st't;$ !6( t4$ P6U

he story begins as a letter Kritten by the protagonist Sherman JeaIerV to an aZuaintane Kho is

urious about his remarkable bakground. By using this type oE the narratiIe oE the storyV the Kriter 

giIes us the opportunity to understand and reate an image oE our protagonist.

Sherman JeaIer is a young sientist Kho Korks in the laboratory in XV on the pro^et Khih had

to do Kith the study oE spae#time. Being solitary and misanthropi manV he deIoted his entire liEe

to this study. Seluded Erom the rest oE the soietyV his hobby Kas the history oE siene.

 But aEter Einding out that his pro^et is to be losed doKn and the time mahine is to be dismantledV

he Eeels ompletely betrayed eIerything he had done is to be ruined.

  R Kent to my little rented houseV Eeeling like Galileo. ]e Kas a sientist

 perseuted Eor his astronomial theories by the religious authorities oE my Korld seIeral

enturies beEore my timeq::

`issatisEied Kith the adIane oE siene and the groKth oE it during the past enturiesV he omes up

Kith the idea,

  Jhat R had to do Kas to Eind a key mind and implant in it the appreiation oE sound

sientiEi method. ]e Kould haIe to be somebody Kho Kould haIe been important in

any eIentV or R ould not ount on his inEluene spreading Ear and Kide.:;

Beside the protagonist oE the storyV Sherman JeaIerV Ke are introdued to other haraters. Je

eIen haIe the opportunity to see AristotleV one oE the greatest ]elleni philosophersV through the

eyes oE JeaIer,

Like his olleaguesV Aristotle neIer appreiated the need Eor onstant IeriEiation. husV

though he Kas married tKieV he said that men haIe more teeth than Komen. ]e neIer 

thought to ask either oE his KiIes to open her mouth Eor a ount. ]e neIer grasped theneed Eor inIention and eperiment.:=

Among other ]ellenesV JeaIer meets eIen Aleander the GreatV Kho at that time Kas still a boy

thought by Aristotle. ]e later beomes the great onZuerorV but in our storyV his onZuests are little

 bit diEEerent than in the real history.


:: RbidVp.;<O:; RbidV p. ;<[:= RbidV ;_[


8/12/2019 Master Diploms Rad Bujakovic Ks 2013 09 29 19/57

).9 J4$ 2!;:!6s - A;t$6!t$ 43st'% !6( t30$ t!D$; 36 t4$ st'% OA3st't;$ !6(

t4$ P6U

his story belongs to the alternate history sub#genre:HV sine the protagonist oE the story goes bak 

to the past Kith the intention to make hanges Khih Kould haIe deep onseZuenes in the present

Korld. Based on the assumption that history ould haIe gone diEEerentlyV the protagonist deides to

go bak to the past but more preisely go bak to a ertain point Khere the history turned in a neK

diretion. his is alled a turning point.:<

Another name Eor the onept oE alternate history used inreasingly by historians is ounterEatual


Rn the book oads not Ta*en! Tales of Alternate 0istoryV eeutiIe editor oE `el Yey BooksV Shelly

ShapiroV says the EolloKing,

  ne ouldV oE ourseV desribe any historial Eition as alternate historyV in that the

Eitional elements neIer atually ourred. Jhat distinguishes true Alternate history is its

eploration oE the ramiEiations oE the authorFs mahinations. he initial hange oEtenV but

not alKaysV entered on a ruial turning point in history an be ahieIed by siene Eition

meansV suh as time#traIel or by taking atual eIents and engineering light but utterly

 plausible tKists.

ne oE the best alternate history noIels is probably he Man in the ]igh Castle by Dhilip . `ik 

Khih has Eor its turning point the Iitory oE the Xais in Jorld Jar RR :OKhih shoKs the Korld in

Khih Xorth Ameria Kas diIided betKeen Xais and apanese.

Je also must mention other Korks oE `e Camp Khih belong to this sub#genre and they

ontributed to the burst on the popular market#plae Kith the publiationV and those are CampFs

lassi Lest 'ar*ness fall  and The )heels of +t.

Rn our storyV the protagonist Eor his turning point doesnFt hoose Jorld Jar RR or he Amerian

CiIil Jar Khih are tKo oE the most popular themes in the Alternate ]istory genre. ]e goes a bit

Eurther than that he goes bak to the year =HT B. C. Khen ]elleni philosopher Aristotle liIed. ]is

destination is DellaV the apital oE Maedon.

:H Alternate history or alternatiIe reality is a genre oE Eition onsisting oE stories that are set in Korlds in

Khih one or more historial eIents unEolds diEEerently than it did in the real Korld.QdeEinition Erom

JikipediaU:< DroEessor A.B. Xedel^koIi in his Sf sriptsV about turning pointV says the EolloKing, “urning point is in

most ases some Korld#Eamous eIent. his is a matter oE narratiIe strategy. he author does not Kant to

 postulate his alternatiIe history on something obsure that nobody knoKsqhe author Kants something

Khih is already Eamiliar to most peopleV and looks important and releIant Eor real liEe today.”:O More preiselyV the turning point oE this noIel is that the Amerian president franklin `elano YooseIelt

Kas assassinated in :\== by an Rtalian leEtist immigrantV Ieteran oE Jorld Jar neV oe angara.


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As preIiously saidV the oming bak to the past is ahieIed by the time# traIelV Khih is also one oE 

the sub#genres:[ oE the siene Eition. As a sub#genreV time#traIel appeared at the end oE the

nineteenth entury.

Jhen dealing Kith this sub#genreV a ruial Zuestion emerges, Should a man traIel into the Euture

or into the past Jhih Kay to go Going into the Euture is simple and an not aEEet the past. RE a

Kriter deides to send his protagonist into the Euture Ke Kill be able to see Khat Kill happen to the

humanityV i.e. hoK humanity Kill etint and the Korld Kill end.

Je Kill haIe the opportunity to see human soiety in the EutureV sientiEi and tehnologial

disoIery and innoIationV the relationship betKeen humanity and tehnologyV the end oE human rae

and maybe the end oE osmos too.

Rn his artile about time traIelV `r. `aIid Anderson says the EolloKing,

ime traIel in siene Eition opens the doors to many eiting stories and

 possibilities. RmagineV traIeling to the past to see eIents long goneV or to the Euture to see the

 progress oE humanityV perhaps to the past to reliIe a sKeet moment in our liEe or to the Euture

to see the outome oE a deision Ke make today. XoK aEter more than a hundred years oE 

siene Eition these possibilities haIe a basis in solid sientiEi Eat.:_

Jhile time#traIeling into the Euture oEEers us the insight into all these themes aboIeV the time#

traIelling into the past oEEers as the possibility to see diEEerent Korld than oursV based on the

assumption that protagonist hose a ertain turning point and Kent bak to hange it in order to

hange the history.

he protagonist oE the story “Aristotle and the Gun” deides to go bak to the past by time  

traIellingV and by using his time mahine.

AEter testing the pilot model oE the time mahine by hurling inanimate ob^ets bak in timeV

Sherman is resolute to try it himselE# he Kill go bak to the past Eor a nine Keek period by his time


But there is one problemati thing about the time#traIel, iE spae#time has a positiIe urIatureV any

disturbane in the past tends to be ironed out in subseZuent history. ButV iE negatiIeV then eIents Kill

diIerge more and more Erom their original pattern Kith time. At the end oE the story Ke Eind out that

his adIenture Kas disastrous due to the Eat that time# spae had negatiIe urIature.

:[  ime traIel is a ommon theme in siene Eition and is depited in a Iariety oE media. Rt simply means either goingEorKard in time or bakKardV to eperiene the EutureV or the past. ime traIel an Eorm the entral theme oE a bookV orit an be simply a plot deIie. ime traIel in Eition an ignore the possible eEEets oE the time traIelers ationsV as in A

Connecticut Yan*ee in 9ing Arthur:s Court V or it an use one resolution or another oE the GrandEather parado

QJikipedia deEinition oE time traIelU.:_


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Je all knoK the real history oE our Korld and the historial eIents Khih aEEeted the present state

oE it. hose historial eIents had an enormous inEluene on the Kay Ke liIe today and iE they hadnFt

happened Ke an only Konder Khat the Korld Kould be today.

As Ke an see in our storyV aEter the period oE nine Keeks spent in MaedonV our protagonist goes

 bak to :\_: to Eind his Korld Zuite hanged. XamelyV Khen he ame aroundV he meets a horseman

Eor Khom he thinks he is the Karrior Erom Classial era at EirstV but soon realies that he is Krong.

he horseman asked him some Zuestions in an unknoKn language and not being able to giIe an

intelligible aount oE himselEV Sherman beomes the slaIe oE the Sahim oE LenapeV Jayotan the

fat. AEter Eourteen years spent as a slaIeV Qand aEter the death oE JayotanU he starts to Kork as an

oEEiial librarian.

NIidentlyV his oKn nited States doesnFt eist anymore. ]is oKn nited States is not eIen a dreamV

its physial onEines being ontrolled by Iarious Amerindian nations inEluened by but haIing longsine throKn oEE any sub^etion to the iIiliations oE the ld Jorld.

Jorking as a librarian noKV Sherman has the opportunity to Eind out Khat else Kas diEEerent. AEter 

struggling Kith language barriersV Qbeause the Nuropean languages are diEEerent Erom those oE his

KorldU he realies that the Nnglish spoken there is more like `uth oE his oKn Korld due to the Eat

that Nngland had neIer been onZuered by the Xormans Qbut in our reality and ShermanFs tooV Ke

knoK that Xormans atually onZuered Nngland Khih aEEeted the Nnglish Ke knoK todayU:\.

AlsoV JeaIer tells that he has a reading problem so he got a pair oE glasses imported Erom China

.hat KouldnFt be so strange but the Eat that the inIention oE the printing press in China has

stimulated their manuEature makes things little ompliated and onEusing. Je knoK that the

Chinese had the printing presses Kith moIable lettersV but as proEessor A.B. Xedel^koIi said about

them, “qthey did not do muh Kith their disoIeryV beause they Kere losedV tyrannial soiety

looking inKard and looking to the past.” ]eneV Ke an say that ohann GutenbergV A German

inIentorV made this disoIery again and it beame publily knoKn.

he history oE this neK Korld diIerged Erom his oKn Zuite early. Aleander the Great still marhed

to the Rndus but Eailed to die at thirty# tKo on his return. ]e eIen liIed EiEteen years longer and Eell

at last in the battle Kith the Sarmatians in the Cauasus Mountains. Sherman doesnFt knoK hoK his

 brieE ontat Kith him enabled Aleander the Great to aIoid the malaria#mosZuito Khih atually

:\ he Xorman onZuest oE Nngland Kas the ::th#entury inIasion and oupation oE  Nngland by an army

oE XormanV BretonV and frenh soldiers led by `uke Jilliam RR oE   XormandyV later  Jilliam the ConZueror .

QJikipedia U DroEessor A. B. Xedel^koIi said the EolloKing about this historial eIent in his book “]istory

oE the British and Amerian CiIiliationV Eor the Students oE Anglistis” , “qJilliam oE Xormandy sailed

Erom the frenh oast Vross the hannel La ManheQ Khih took him tKo or three hoursV probably UV burned

the ships so spetaularlyV and marhed EorKard V in the diretion oE Londonqhis is the last time in history

that Nngland had Eallen . AEter :TOOV no oneV eIer againV made anything like a suessEul inIasion oE



8/12/2019 Master Diploms Rad Bujakovic Ks 2013 09 29 22/57

aused his death in JeaIers Korld.;T 

Maybe his pretending to be the Rndian philosopher aroused AleanderFs deeper interest in Rndia

Khih aused the diEEerent EloK oE history. Rnstead oE breaking up right aEter his death in the real

KorldV AleanderFs empire held together Eor most oE a entury.

he Yomans onZuered the Khole Mediterranean stillV but the ourse oE those onZuests Kas


Rnstead oE the tKo hieE religions in his KorldV Rslam and ChristianityV there are ompletely neK

religions, MithraismV dinism and Soterism.

Jhile Classial history EolloKed the same general ourse as in ShermanFs KorldV it Kas aEter the Eall

oE Yoman Nmpire that proEound diEEerenes appeared. Rn his Korld the reIiIal oE learning EolloKed

 by sientiEi reIolution begin muh earlier than the reIiIal oE learning in this other KorldV Khile the

sientiEi reIolution has hardly begin.

failure to deIelop the ompassV the Eull# rigged ship and the gun hanged the ourse oE history. he

 Xorth Ameria Kas disoIered and settled Iia the northern route and the natiIes oE it Qin their Korld

 Xorth Ameria is knoKn as ]esperiaU Kere not sKept aside by the Nuropeans and those Nuropean

settlements haIe been assimilated. Rn the real KorldV Ke are Eamiliar Kith the Eat that Christopher 

ColumbusV a Dortuguese sailorV disoIered Ameria in :H\;. rying to Eind a neKV Kestern route to

RndiaV and aEter EiIe Keeks oE sailing KestV he reahed a land and beame Eamous Eor it.

he ruial thing Eor JaIer to disoIer Kas the book “LiIes oE the Great Dhilosophers” by

`iomedes oE MaakaV ;:Khih Kill shoK Khat eEEet he had on Aristotle and on subseZuent ourse

oE history. Aording to this book V the appearane oE Sandos oE DalibothraV a mighty philosopher oE 

RndiaV ompletely hanged his philosophy# he Rndian ridiuled his attempts at sientiEi researh

saying that Rndians are Ear beyond ]ellenes in their researh.

he result oE his Iisit Kas AristotleFs “n the folly oE Xatural Siene “Khere he eplained thereasons Khy ]ellenes should abandon siene. Conluding that Asiatis haIe a natural bent Eor it

and that they surpassed the ]ellenes in that Eield V Aristotle suggests that true ]ellene should

ultiIate politial rationality and patrioti Ielour and leaIe the barbarians to deal Kith the siene.

;T Seeking to reah the Wends oE the Korld and the Great uter SeaWV he inIaded Rndia in =;O BCV but Kas

eIentually Eored to turn bak at the demand oE his troops. Aleander died in Babylon in =;= BCV Kithout

eeuting a series oE planned ampaigns that Kould haIe begun Kith an inIasion oE Arabia. Q Jikipedia U;: his ̀ iomdes oE Maaka is Eitional harater, he doesnFt eist in the literary history oE ShermanFs Korld.


8/12/2019 Master Diploms Rad Bujakovic Ks 2013 09 29 23/57

53$ 1E J4$ bst '7 A3st't;$, t4$ B$;;$63" 43;'s'4$

8. V3;;3!0 P';(36 23'!4%

Jilliam Golding is an Nnglish noIelist. ]e got a Xobel Drie in :\_=V ompletely unepetedlyV

 beause beause the internationally Eamous noIelist Graham Greene Kas onsidered the strongest

andidate Erom the Nnglish Kriters.


8/12/2019 Master Diploms Rad Bujakovic Ks 2013 09 29 24/57

53$ 1G V3;;3!0 P';(36 !s t4$ 03((;$-!$( 0!6

Jilliam Golding Kas born in the Iillage oE St. Columb Minor in CornKall. Golding started Kriting

at the age oE seIenV but EolloKing the Kishes oE his parentsV he studied Eirst natural sienes and then

Nnglish at Brasenose CollegeV Eord. Goldings Eirst bookV a olletion oE poemsV appeared in

:\=HV a year beEore he reeiIed his B.A. in Nnglish and a diploma in eduation.

from :\=< to :\=\V Golding Korked as a KriterV atorV produerV and a settlement house Korker. Rn

:\=\ he moIed to SalisburyV Khere he began teahing Nnglish and philosophy at Bishop

JordsKorths Shool.


8/12/2019 Master Diploms Rad Bujakovic Ks 2013 09 29 25/57

53$ )I /'00$0'!t3D$ ;!L$ '7 V3;;3!0 P';(36 !t 23s4' V'(s&'4Ks +"4'';

]e married Ann BrookEield they had tKo hildren. Rn his priIate ^ournal Golding desribed hoK he

one set tKo groups oE boys against one another. hese psyhologial eperiments most likely

inspired later his noIel Lord of the Flies Q:\<HU.

`uring Jorld Jar RRV Golding serIed in the Yoyal XaIy in ommand oE a roket ship. ]is atiIe

serIie inluded inIolIement in the sinking oE the German battleship Bismarc*  in :\HT and

 partiipating in the Xormandy inIasion. Golding returned to Kriting and teahingV Kith a dark IieK

oE the Nuropean iIiliation. Yealling later his Kar eperienesV he remarked that Wman produes

eIilV as a bee produes honey.W

Rn Salisbury Golding Krote Eour booksV but did not get them published.  Lord of the FliesV an

allegorial story set in the near Euture during Kartime. Rn the story a group oE small British boysV

leEt all alone on a desert islandV lapse into Iiolene aEter they haIe lost all adult guidane.

RroniallyV the adult Korld is deIastated by nulear Kar. As a reply to the Zuestions oE the inEluene

oE oseph Conrad on his KorkV Golding one said, WR am pretty muh tired oE alKays being told hoK

muh R oKe to 0eart of 'ar*ness. R read the book after  R Krote Lord of the Flies;W


8/12/2019 Master Diploms Rad Bujakovic Ks 2013 09 29 26/57

53$ )1 J4$ "'D$ '7 J4$ *'( '7 t4$ 5;3$s

 Lord of the Flies Kas EolloKed by The +nheritors Q:\<<UV Khih oIerturned ].G. Jells 2utline of 

 0istory Q:\;TU and depited the etermination oE Xeanderthal man by ]omo Sapiens. Rn The

 +nheritorsV Khih Golding himselE onsidered his Einest Kork there is no understanding or loIe

 betKeen these tKo raes.

 %incher Martin Q:\<OU Kas story oE a naIal oEEierV Christopher ]adley MartinV Kho Eaes death

aEter his ship is torpedoed.


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Golding resigned in :\O: Erom teahing and deIoted himselE entirely to Kriting. ]e liIed

Zuietly in CorKallV gaining the reputation oE a mildly eentri and relusiIe person. Rn :\O< he

reeiIed the honorary designation Commander oE the British Nmpire and in :\__ he Kas knighted.

Golding died in DerranarKorthal on une :\V :\\=. he night beEore his deathV he made an entry in

his diary and played Chopin upon the piano. ]is last noIelV  The 'ou#le TongueV leEt in draEt at his

deathV ame out in :\\<. Set in the anient GreeeV the story depited the liEe oE the last

`elphi oraleV the DythiaV Kho Kitnesses the rise oE the Yoman poKerV and the deline oE the

]ellenisti ulture.

53$ )) t4$ "'D$ '7 J4$ H'b;$ J'6$

The Spire Q:\OHUV Khih shared some motiEs Kith Rris Murdohs noIel The Bell Q:\<_UV onerned

the onstrution oE a athedral spire. oelynV a medieIal deanV has deided to eret a HTT#Eoot spire

to the top oE the athedral beEore his death. But its onstrution auses sariEie oE othersV treaheryV

and murder the `eans oKn Eaith is tested. from this noIel Goldings Kork deIeloped into three

diretions, noIels dealing Kith ontemporary soiety Kithout mythial substrutureV the

metaphysial noIels in Khih the theme oE Eall Erom innoene into guilt Kas entralV and sea

noIels imitating an :_th#entury style.

Rn :\[: Golding began to keep a reord oE his dreams to reIitalie his reatiIe proess. Drior to the

 publiation oE 'ar*ness 5isi#le Q:\[\UV about saintliness and human eIilV he had been silent Eor a

long period. ]is later Korks inlude the historial trilogy ites of %assage Q:\_TUV Khih portrayed

liEe abroad an anient ship oE the line at the end oE the Xapoleoni Jars. Rt Kas aKarded the Booker 

Drie. ther parts oE the trilogyV narrated by young Ndmund fit ]enry albotV Kere Close

<uarters Q:\_[U and Fire 'o/n Belo/ Q:\_\U. Whe author seems intent on making the ships

Ioyage parallel Khat is supposed to be albots inner Ioyage oE selE#disoIeryV but one the ship

doksV the young man is little more than the opinionated Eop he Kas at the noIels


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 beginning.W Q`eirdre BairV in The 3e/ Yor* TimesV April ;V :\_\U The %aper Men Q:\_HUV

ondemned by reIieKers as Goldings Korst noIelV Kas about the battle betKeen the Korld#Eamous

Nnglish noIelist JilEred Barlay and the Amerian aademi Yik L. urnerV Kho has deided to

Krite Barlays biography.

53$ )8 t4$ "'D$ '7 J4$ 3t$s '7 M!ss!$

  53$ )9 t4$ "'D$ '7 /;'s$ W!t$s

Goldings most Kidely read KorkV Lord of the Flies! has been translated into many languages and

Eilmed in :\O= and :\\T. Rt is an ironi omment on Y.M. Ballantynes Coral +sland V using also the

names oE its haraters. he story desribes a group oE hildrenV Kho are eIauated Erom Britain

 beause oE a nulear Kar. heir airplane rashes on an uninhabited islandV and all the adults are

killed. he boys reate their oKn soietyV Khih gradually degenerates Erom demoratiV rationalV

and moral ommunity to tyrannial and ruel.

  Golding also used in his Korks ideas Eamiliar Erom siene EitionV suh as the origin oE manV

nulear holoaustV and highly adIaned inIentions


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“NnIoy Ntraordinary” is a :\<O noIella by Jilliam GoldingV published along Kith “ Clonk 

Clonk ” and “he Sorpion God” in the olletion The Scorpion ,od .

53$ )< J4$ "'D$ '7 J4$ +"'3'6 P'(


“NnIoy Ntraordinary” is set in Anient YomeV in and around the Nmperors ourt. he aged

Nmperor liIes Kith his EaIourite grandsonV the seIenteen#year#old Mamillius. he true heirV

DosthumusV is goIernor oE a distant proIineV but is ^ealous oE Mamillius.

he normal Yoman Korld is shattered by the arriIal oE the inIentorV Dhanoles. ]e brings many

inIentions that are Ear ahead oE his timeV inluding the pressure ookerV steam engines and


8.1 J4$ ;'t s00!% '7 P';(36Ns ;!% OJ4$ 2!ss 2tt$7;%U  

Rn the play The Brass Butterfly Q:\<_UV based on Goldings short story NnIoy NtraordinaryV an

Greek inIentor Dhanoles tries to get his steam engineV gunV pressure#ookerV and printing press

aepted by the Yoman emperor.


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53$ )= J4$ 73st $(3t3'6 "'D$ '7 J4$ 2!ss 2tt$7;%


he Nmperor QKhose name is not giIenU is an old manV and in the opening pages oE the story Ke

Eind him in onIersation Kith his grandson MamilliusV Kho is not yet tKenty years old but is

already Zuite bored Kith liEe and the Korld. he Nmperor tries to shoK him that the Korld is bigger 

and more diIerse than he thinksV and mentions the sant but Easinating inEormation that is knoKn

to him about China. Je learn that the Nmperors position is someKhat Keak he has an heir#

apparentV DosthumusV Kho is urrently leading the army in Rllyria but may ome bak to depose him


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at any moment should he think that the Nmperor or Mamillius Kere likely to try taking a more

atiIe role in politis .

Ko Iisitors Erom Ngypt are then announed, DhanolesV Eormerly a librarian at AleandriaV Kith his

sister NuphrosyneV

Dhanoles is a naturalist and an inIentor in the Nmperor he Einds a more patient and open#minded

listener than in most other people. ]e presents his proposed design Eor a steamshipV and persuades

the Nmperor to support him in atually building suh a ship. he NmperorV a keen gourmetV is

hoKeIer eIen more delighted by another neK use Eor steam, a pressure#ooker. Dhanoles also

mentions another reIolutionary inIentionV an eplosiIe and says there is also a third thing Khih he

Kill hoKeIer unIeil later. Dhanoles takes up his Kork annon is duly onstruted to make use oE 

the gunpoKder he inIentedV and Kork also progresses on his steamship. Mamillus Iisits him to see

hoK the Kork is goingV and Dhanoles points out another possible use oE steam, on a nearby shipV a

group oE slaIes is laboriously liEting a metalli rabF that is throKn in battles to damage or sink an

enemys ship. Dosthumus himselE disembarks soon aEterKards he had reeiIed neKs oE the

steamship and the annonV and is sure that the Nmperor and Mamillus Kere plotting against him he

is noK Zuite ready to take matters into his oKn handsV and get rid oE his supposed riIal by Eore iE 


 As Eor the steamship and the annonV he Einds them amusing but does not think Kork on them

should ontinue the one inIention by Dhanoles that he really admires is the pressure#ooker.

Dhanoles mentions his idea Eor a deIie that Kould alKays point north. But his third inIentionV

Khih he mentioned at the beginning oE the storyV turns out to be a printing press. he Nmperor is

intrigued by the idea but horriEied at the prospet oE the mass oE bad Kriting that Kill deluge the

Korld. o reKard Dhanoles Eor his inIention oE the pressure#ookerV he appoints him the Yoman

NnIoy Ntraordinary and Dlenipotentiary c to China.

he onnetion Khih links these tKo stories is the appearane and similarity oE the haratersV

Sherman JeaIer in our ase and Dhanoles in other storyV Kho are Killing to oEEer and shoK neKinIentions to the Korld Khih hasnFt seen it beEore.

Jhile Sherman JeIaer brings a magniEying glassV a small telesopeV a ompassV a ElashlightV and

some mediines to the pastV Dhanoles oEEers the emperor the inIentions Khih Kill help him to

deal Kith the enemy, annonV gunpoKder V eplosiIe andV beside theseV pressure ookerV steamship

and printing press.

he diEEerene betKeen these stories is that JeIaer brought Kith himselE to the past those

inIentions to shoK them Khile this inIentorV DhanolesV ^ust appears one day to meet the Nmperor 

and oEEer him those inIentions .


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Jhile Aristotle is amused and interested in those inIentionsV the Nmperor is skeptial about it. Xot

only that he is terriEied Kith the idea oE the improIed tehniZues Khih an be used in KarV he is

also Erightened oE all these neK inIentions Khih Kould hange his Korld. he idea oE the printing

 press terriEies himV beause the mass oE bad Kriting Khih Kill be aIailable to eIeryone Kill orrupt

the soiety. ]e simply reEuses eIerything that is neK to him.

Maybe his Eear isnFt un^ustiEied aEter all. he use oE those neK inIentions Kould maybe help him

Kin the Kar against his enemy but the onseZuenes Kould be muh bigger and deeper. he losses

Kould be great and the Kish Eor the Kinning and destrution Kould arise in people.

9. S!: J&!36Ns OJ4$ /'66$"t3"t R!6:$$ 36 #36 At4Ns /'tU

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better knoKn by his pen name Mark Kain)), Kas an Amerian author 

and humorist. ]e is noted Eor his noIels Ad1entures of 0uc*le#erry Finn Q:__<UV alled Wthe Great

Amerian XoIelWV and The Ad1entures of Tom Sa/yer  Q:_[OU.

  53$ )> J4$ 't!3t '7 S!: J&!36

;; he pseudonym Mark KainV a Mississippi YiIer phrase meaning “tKo fathoms deep.”


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Kain Kas born in :_=< and greK up in ]annibalV MissouriV Khih Kould later proIide the setting

Eor 0uc*le#erry Finn and Tom Sa/yer . ]e liked the riIer and sailing s a boy.

LaterV he apprentied Kith a printer. ]e also Korked as a typesetter and ontributed artiles to his

older brother rions neKspaper. AEter toiling as a printer in Iarious itiesV he beame a master 

riIerboat pilot on the Mississippi YiIerV beEore heading Kest to ^oin rion.

]e ahieIed great suess as a Kriter and publi speaker. ]is Kit and satire earned praise Erom

ritis and peersV and he Kas a Eriend to presidentsV artistsV industrialistsV and Nuropean royalty.

Although he Kas not Erom Nast Coast Khere the enter oE the literary liEe KasV he managed to draK

attention to himselE and bring the literary enter to the area around the Mississippi.

]oKeIerV he Kent bankrupt seIeral times. hough he made a great deal oE money Erom his Kritings

and leturesV he sZuandered it on Iarious IenturesV and Kas Eored to delare bankrupty. Jith the

help oE ]enry ]uttleston YogersV hoKeIerV he eIentually oIerame his Einanial troubles. Kain

Korked hard to ensure that all oE his reditors Kere paid in EullV eIen though his bankrupty had

relieIed him oE the legal responsibility.

Born during a Iisit by ]alleys Comet;=V he died on its return. ]e Kas lauded as the Wgreatest

Amerian humorist oE his ageWV and Jilliam faulkner  alled Kain Wthe Eather oE Amerian


]e Kas interested in Sf. ]e had seIeral Sf storiesV and one oE themV “A Connetiut ankee in

ing ArthurFs Court” may be lassiEied as Sf. Rn this storyV he transplants a ommonsensial ankee

 bak in time to Britain during `ark Ages.

53$ )E J4$ "'D$ '7 A /'66$"t3"t R!6:$$ 36 #36 At4Ks /'t

;= ]aleyFs omet an be seen passing one in [O years# the year oE his birth and his death Kere the years Khen the omet passed by our planet.


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9.1 J4$ ;'t s00!% '7 S!: J&!36Ns st'% OJ4$ /'66$"t3"t R!6:$$ 36 #36

At4Ns /'tU

Rn the Eirst hapterV Kain adresses readers as himselEV telling oE a trip he made to Nngland Khen he

made an aZuaintane oE a stranger at JarKik Castle.

his stranger tells him that he Kas in Nngland at the time oE ing Arthur. he strangerV ]ank 

Morgan eplains that he Kas a gunsmith in ]artEordV ConnetiutV Khen during a Eight he Kas hit on

the head Kith the roKbar. Jhen he ame toV he didnFt reognie the surroundings and Kas told that

he Kas in Camelot. ]e giIes the narrator a manusript oE his ^ournal Erom that timeV and the rest oE 

the noIel is told as iE ]ank Krote it.he ommon Eeature betKeen this story and the story “Aristotle

and the Gun “an be Eound.

 XamelyV both protagonists go bak to the past. ]eneV they are time# traIelers. he only diEEerene

is that JeaIer goes bak by the time mahine he madeV Khile Morgan is brought bak by the hit in

his head. AlsoV similar things happen to them Khen they are already there#

Jhile Sherman JeaIer ends up on a tree and later meets the group oE young boysV Morgan Kakes

up under an oak tree to meet a EelloK on the horse.

  JeaIer materialied in MaedonV more preisely on the old oak tree. AEter limbing doKnV he

meets blak#bearded ploKman standing Kith the kniEe in his hand. Xot being able to understand

eah otherV JeaIer goes aKay but someKhere near Miea QKhere Aristotle liIedU he meets a group

oE youths.

AEter introduing himselE as andras oE Dataliputra he is being alled barbarianV andV in order to

deEend himselE Vhe starts bikering Kith them. As it turns out laterV one oE the boys Kas ing

Dtolemy oE Ngypt and other Aleander the Great. ]e ends up on a tree Khile boys are throKing

stones at him until a man appears to stop them. ]e Kas regent oE MakedoniaV Antipatros. ]e solds

them and oEEers a Iisitor a Kelome.

Rn KainFs storyV the strangerV aEter being hit in the head in a Eight by the roKbarV Kakes up under 

an oak tree alsoV in Britain but in the period oE ing Arthur. ]e sees a man on a horse but strangely

dressed# in old#time iron armor Erom head to heel and a helmet on his headV Kith a shieldV a sKord

and a spear. ]e alls him into a duelV and Khen this man rushes at himV he limbs the tree.

]eneV those are ommon senes Erom these tKo stories. Both throKn bak to the pastV Kithout

Kelome Erom the people they metV they are eIen hallenged to partiipate in a Eight. o deEend

their honorV and most importantlyV their liEe. hose are ompletely absurd situationsV Khere people

Kho do not belong to this time and surroundingsV are Eored to deEend themselIes. hey meet

 people Kho areV Kithout reasonV hostile toKards them. Maybe beause they an see that these

traIelers do not belong to their Korld and that they are outsiders.


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<. M'; A6($s'6 23'!4%

53$ )G J4$ s36!t$ '7 M'; A6($s'6

Doul Jilliam Anderson Kas an Amerian  siene Eition author Kho began his areer during one oE 

the Golden Ages oE the genre and ontinued to Krite and remain popular into the ;:st entury.

Anderson also authored seIeral Korks oE EantasyV historial noIelsV and a prodigious number oE 

short stories. ]e reeiIed numerous aKards Eor his KritingV inluding seIen  ]ugo AKards and

three Xebula AKards. 

53$ 8I M'; A6($s'6 !s t4$ 03((;$-!$( 0!6

Doul Anderson Kas born on XoIember ;<V :\;OV in BristolV DennsylIaniaV oE SandinaIian parents.

Shortly aEter his birthV his EatherV Anton AndersonV an engineerV moIed the Eamily to easV Khere

they liIed Eor oIer ten years. folloKing Anton Andersons deathV his KidoK took her hildren

to `enmark . he Eamily returned to the nited States aEter the outbreak oE  Jorld Jar RRV settling

eIentually on a Minnesota Earm.

Jhile he Kas an undergraduate student at the niIersity oE MinnesotaV Andersons Eirst stories Kere

 published by ohn J. Campbell in Astounding Siene fition, WomorroKs ChildrenW by


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Anderson and f. X. Jaldrop in Marh :\H[ and a seZuelV WChain oE LogiW by Anderson aloneV in

uly. ]e earned his B.A. in physis Kith honors but made no serious attempt to Kork as a physiist

instead he beame a Eree#lane Kriter aEter his graduation in :\H_cand plaed his third story in the

`eember Astounding.

Anderson married aren ruse in :\<= and moIed Kith her to the San franiso Bay area. heir 

daughter Astrid QnoK married to siene Eition author Greg Bear U Kas born in :\<H. hey made

their home in rindaV CaliEornia. Ier the years Doul gaIe many readings at he ther Change oE 

]obbit bookstore ;Hin BerkeleyV and his KiEe later donated his typeKriter and desk to the store. ]e

died oE aner on uly =:V ;TT:V aEter a month in the hospital. A EeK oE his noIels Kere Eirst

 published posthumously.

53$ 81 M'; A6($s'6 !6( 43s &37$, #!$6 #s$


AEter his death in one artile in XeK ork imesV ^ournalist `ouglas MartinV said about him ,

  Doul AndersonV Kho ombined his eduation as a physiist Kith his passion Eor 

 Xordi mythology to beome a proliEi and sometimes poeti author oE siene EitionV died

on uesday at his home in rindaV CaliE. ]e Kas [H. hough he Kas knoKn as a Kriter oE 

hard siene EitionV meaning siene Eition Kith a srupulously aurate sientiEi basisV Mr.

Anderson thought oE his books as magial realismV a phrase he adapted Erom the Eantastial

style oE some Latin Amerian noIelists. Rn book aEter bookV he returned to an amaingly

detailed imaginary Euture.

Anderson Kas a Eounding member oE the Soiety Eor CreatiIe Anahronism in :\OO and oE 

the SKordsmen and Sorerers Guild oE AmeriaV also in the mid#:\OTs. he latter Kas a loose#knit

;H he ther Change oE ]obbit Qsometimes abbreIiated C]U is a siene Eition and Eantasy bookstore

in BerkeleyV CaliEorniaV Eounded in :\[[V the same Keekend that Star )ars opened. Rt has been the site oE

numerous author appearanes.Q Jikipedia U


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group oE ]eroi fantasy authors led by Lin Carter V originally eight in numberV Kith entry by

redentials as a Eantasy Kriter alone. ]e Kas the sith Dresident oE Siene fition and fantasy

Jriters oE AmeriaV taking oEEie in :\[;.


53$ 8) A6($s'6 3s 3D36 t4$ s$$"4 !t t4$ 9)6( V';("'6, 1GE9


Yobert A. ]einlein dediated his :\_< noIel he Cat Jho Jalks hrough Jalls to Anderson and

eight oE the other members oE the Citiens AdIisory Counil on Xational Spae Doliy. 

53$ 88 J4$ "'D$ '7 J4$ /!t V4' V!;:s J4'4 V!;;s

he Siene fition Jriters oE Ameria made him its :Oth SfJA Grand Master in :\\_ and

the Siene fition and fantasy ]all oE fame induted him in ;TTTV its EiEth lass oE tKo deeasedand tKo liIing Kriters. 


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53$ 89 M'; A6($s'6 36 43s s3Xt3$s

]e Krote a Iast number oE books and short stories the more reent series oE noIelsV surrounding the

adIentures oE Anson GuthrieV began Kith  0ar1est of Stars Q:\\=UV and ontinued in The Stars Are

 Also Fire Q:\\HUV 0ar1est the Fire Q:\\<UV and The Fleet of Stars Q:\\[U. he earlier The Boat of a

 Million Years Q:\_\U an perhaps be IieKed as a preZuel to this series. ther reent Korks inlude

the story olletion All 2ne =ni1erse Q:\\OUV and the noIels Starfarers Q:\\_U and ,enesis Q;TTTUV

Khih Kas aKarded the ohn J. Campbell Memorial AKard.

<.1 J4$ ;'t s00!% '7 A6($s'6Ns st'% OJ4$ S!6 V4' /!0$ Y!;%U

he story “he Man Jho Came Narly” is a story about time traIel settled in SandinaIia in the

 period oE ikings. Anderson reates the protagonistV a time traIelerV Kho mysteriously goes bak to

the past. he same theme an be Eound not only in “ankee in ing ArthurFs Court”V Khere the

 protagonist goes bak to the period oE the king ArthurV but also in our storyV Khere Sherman JeIaer 

traIels into the period oE ]elleni ulture Khen Aristotle liIed.

he interesting thing about this story oE Anderson is that it is told not by the time traIeler Khih isV

atuallyV the ase in tKo preIiously mentioned stories his story is told by other harater Kho

 belongs to this period oE ikings and Kho had the opportunity to meet the urious stranger. he

story is told Erom his perspetiIeV Erom the eyes oE the man Kho liIed less than thousand years

 beEore Christ. More importantlyV this harater is a iking patriarh spak lEEson.

spak lEEson is a rih landoKner Kho liIes on his property Kith his KiEe and tKo hildrenV

 beautiEul daughter named horgunna and a :[#year#old boyV ]elgi.

ne dayV aEter the stormV spak and ]elgi meet an aKkKard# looking man. ]e beomes the entral

harater oE this story.

]e introdues himselE as Gerald YobbinsV a sergeant Eorm the .S. Kho ame to Rsland in order to

 protet it Erom Yussians. Sine he spoke Xorse they ould understand eah other easily. AEter telling


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his storyV he realies that somehoK he Kent bak to the past. NIen though the Rslanders think he

Kent madV they aept him. hey alled him SamssonV aEter the Eirst name oE GeraldFs Eather.

Yight at the beginning the mutual sympathy betKeen Samsson and horgunna an be seen.

NIen though he brought Kith himselE the things Erom his oKn Korld QMathesV igarettesV oinsV

 paper moneyV a pen and a gunU he didnFt manage to onIine the Rslanders that he ame Erom the

Euture. Besides thatV all these things didnFt impress themV either.

AtuallyV they belieIed that he Kas under some urse. Rn order to moIe that urse oE himV andV as

 being hieE Kho held those sariEiesV spak Kanted to sariEie one oE his horses. `espite

SamssonFs Kish to help him by shooting the horse Kith his gun and proIe that heFs not lying in that

KayV they still donFt belieIe him# spak thinks that Kas an at oE KithraEt.

Samsson told spak and his Eamily that he is an engineer in his Korld his ^ob is to onstrut

 buildingsV bridges Vtools so he thought that his knoKledge ould be useEul in this neK Korld. ]e

laimed to be a good smithV so pak gaIe him to mend some spears Khih Samsson Eailed to do beause he didnFt haIe the appropriate modern tools Khih he used in his Korld.

Rt soon beomes obIious that horgunna and Samsson Eell in loIe. spak doesnFt approIe it

 beause he thinks that this inompetent man is not a good hoie Eor his daughter. furthermoreV the

son oE his good Eriend and neighborV ]^almarssonV also sympathies horgunna and out oE ^ealousyV

hallenges Samsson in Krestling. Samsson deEeats him due to his Eighting abilities Khih he gained

as a soldier.

Another Zuarrel happened on the ship Khih spak oKned. XamelyV one day heV his hildrenV

SamssonV etill and his serIants Kent on trip. Samsson told them about the ships Erom the Euture

 but Kas unable to help them and one more shoKed his uselessness. he Zuarrel started Khen

horgunna asked Samsson to sing a song and he aepted it. Rt Kas a loIe song and it enraged etill

Kho told him he Kas idler. ne more the Eight Kas started betKeen them but eIen Samsson Kanted

t Eight Kithout KeaponsV etill used his sKord. horgunngaV eIen though disapproIing this mortal

EightV gaIe an ae to Samsson. Rn one momentV Khen the things seemed hopeless Eor Samsson and

he Kas about to be killed by etillV not haIing another optionV Samsson took out and used his gun.

]e killed etill.

etillFs EatherV ^almar Kanted reIenge but deided not to do anything until “the thing “deide the

degree oE his punishment.

spak Kanted to help SamssonV but deided not to interEere Eor the good oE his Eamily. Samsson

Kent oEE disappointed beause no one Kould aept him beause oE his inability to do anything


LaterV spak Eound out that Samsson Kas hired by some man. Jhen ^almar Eound out Khere he

KasV he Kent to Eind him and bring him under the laK. But Samsson deEended himselE andV in

deEeneV shot another man and Kounded ^almarFs other sonV lE.


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At the endV Samsson Kas killed and buried Kith his belongings. spak belieIed eIentually that

Somesoson Kas the man Erom the EutureV Kho shoKed too early and Kas unable to demonstrate his

abilities eIen though he liIed in the age oE adIaned tehnology.

<.) /4!!"t$s '7 A6($s'6Ns st'% OJ4$ S!6 V4' /!0$ Y!;%U

Gerald Samsson

he protagonist oE the storyV Samsson is an ordinary man oE the ;T th entury. ]e is the soldier oE the

.S.A. Kho Kas stationed on Rsland in order to deEend Rslanders Erom the attaks oE the Yussians.

ne day he mysteriously goes bak to the past. ]e beomes aKare oE the situation and thinks it

happened Khen a thunderstorm hit him. ]e goes bak to the :: th enturyV in the period oE ikings.

NIen though he Kas trying to help them by using his knoKledge oE adIaned tehnologyV he Eailed.

NIerything he Kanted to do Kas re^eted by the Rslanders. Xot being able to adapt to these neK

Korld and uniIilied soietyV his destiny Kas eIident Erom the beginning.

spak lEsson

 ]e is the narrator oE the story. spak is a Kealthy manV a iking patriarhV Kho at Eirst aepts the

time traIeler. But inspite oE his aeptaneV he stays reserIed toKards him. ]e isnFt impressed by

the things Khih Samsson brought Erom the ontemporary Korld Kith himselE. ]e disapproIes the

loIe oE his daughter and SamssonV and in the endV deides not to interEere Khen Samsson killed his

EriendFs son in order to protet his Eamily.


horgunna is a young girl Kho Ealls in loIe Kith Samsson. nlike eIerybody elseV she is Killing to

aept eIery SamssonFs idea. She is braIeV honest person Kho Eights Eor her loIe.

etill ]^almarrson


etill is a harater shoKn as a omplete opposite to Samsson. ]e is ruelV ^ealous and alKays

ready to Eight. ]is ^ealousy led to the mortal Eight and the death oE both oE these haraters.


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=. *3t$!% D!;$

AndersonFs story “he Man Jho Came Narly “ and `e CampFs “Aristotle and the Gun “ haIe a lot

in ommon Both stories told the story about time# traIeling and the people Kho are going bak to

the past. But there is one important diEEerene. AndersonFs story is told Erom the perspetiIe oE a

man Kho had the opportunity to meet the time# traIeler. his man tells his story about the urious

stranger Kho ame Erom the Euture. he story “Aristotle and the Gun “is told Erom the perspetiIe

oE a time#traIeler Kho desribes his ^ourney Erom the beginning to the end.

 Jhen reading both oE these storiesV the readers Kill haIe the opportunity to look at this time  

traIeling through the eyes oE the iking patriarh Kho liIed in a Korld Eull oE superstitions and

magiV and through the eyes oE Sherman JeaIerV a sientist Kho liIes in a ontemporary Korld and

KhoV atuallyV made the time mahine. Both oE these perspetiIes giIe the readers the insight into

the Kay oE thinking oE these haratersV so they Kill be able to pro^et themselIes into the person

Kho met and into the person Kho is the time#traIeler.

he stories are similar beause they onIey the same message too. Anderson Kanted to point out

that the ontemporary manV Kith all his knoKledge about adIaned tehnologyV ouldnFt Eit into the

 past. Rn his short story Anderson Kanted to point out that the knoKledge oE a man Kho liIes in ;T th

entury ouldnFt be used and applied in past times. Jith his eellent knoKledge about the history

oE ikingsV their Kay oE liIingV their ostumes and belieE Anderson shoKed that the ontemporary

man ouldnFt Eit normally. XamelyV eIerything Samsson did Kas understood as KithraEt. hey

thought he Kas a magiian Khen he used his gun# they didnFt pereiIe this Keapon as a result oE a

sophistiated tehnology but rather as a lumsy deIie.

NIen though he Kas the engineer in his KorldV he KasnFt able to apply his skills in this Korld oE 

ikings# he Eailed as a smith QKhih is reasonable due to the Eat that he didnFt haIe the appropriate

toolsUV Kas ompletely useless on the ship during a storm and ouldnFt Ei the bridge. Although

Gerald spoke that he ould onstrut those inIentions oE the modern KorldV he KasnFt able to do it n

 pratie beause the tools Erom his ontemporary Korld didnFt eist yet.

Anderson Kanted to shoK that the knoKledge oE the man Erom the ontemporary Korld Kould be

ompletely useless in the distant past.

Jhen he spoke about his home toKnV XeK ork and the Kay people liIe thereV spak Kas

onEused. Rt Kas ompletely strange to him that a possession oE a blood Eeud ould be punished by

laK and that people there didnFt oKn the land. for himV that Kas the ountry oE poor people Kith a

ruthless king on the head oE it.Samsson proIed to be a good Karrior. As a good soldier Kho he KasV he managed to Kin the Eight

Kith etill. But the other Eight ended tragially. Rn order to deEend himselEV he used the “lumsy


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Keapon” and by that at sealed his destiny. his Kas an at that Kould hardly happen in a

ontemporary Korld. here is no mortal duel betKeen tKo men Eor the loIe oE a Koman.

]is death Kas a prooE that SandinaIia in :: th entury KasnFt a plae Eor a ontemporary man to

liIe and surIiIe in it.

Anderson shoKed that the diEEerenes betKeen tKo iIiliations ouldnFt be oIerpassed. ]is

 protagonist is a man Kho liIes in the .S.A. Khere demoray rules and people liIe in their tall

 buildings. Jhile they onsider themselIes Eree menV spak ouldnFt agree Kith this

 he man Kithout his land and blood EeudsV Kith a meriless king Kho an all you into his serIie

KhereIer he KantsV is a slaIe. AlsoV Eor Samsson the lear soial distintion on the landoKners and

their slaIes Kas unaeptable too. But in order to surIiIe in that ruel KorldV he Korked as a slaIe.

he story shoKs that no matter hoK skillEul man Erom the ontemporary Korld goes bak to the

 pastV it is unlikely that he Kill surIiIe there. Xot only he KouldnFt be able to improIe their 

tehnologial deIelopment and help them he Kould be onsidered KeirdV magiianV a man KhoKent mad.

 Rn the end oE the storyV the death oE the protagonist in the Korld oE ikings proIes this theory.

`e CampFs protagonistV Sherman JeaIerV although aliIe at the end oE the storyV also proIes the

same# his attempts to improIe AristotleFs thinking and their leIel oE deIelopment resulted in a

atastrophe. Xot only he used his gunV butV Khen looking the Kider pitureV he hanged the ourse

oE history also.

he ommon Eeature oE these stories is also the KritersF intention to shoK that our sophistiated

tehnology an only bring misEortune in the past.

Rn both storiesV the protagonists arry Kith themselIes a gunV a symbol oE this deIeloped tehnology

in our Korld. Although it helped them to saIe their liIesV it brought only misEortune to these


Maybe `e CampFs ended his story less dramatially than Anderson. AEter allV his protagonist stayed

aliIe. But in spite oE thisV he is a slaIe in this neK Korld. furthermoreV he is onstantly aKare oE the

damage he made Khen he Kent bak to the past. ]e started his ^ourney in the Korld Khih Kas

sientiEially high#deIeloped. ButV it KasnFt enough Eor him. Jith his EeIerish Kish to hange

 peopleFs attitude toKards sieneV he made a terrible mistake. ]is punishment is to stay aliIe in this

neK Korld QKhih is Korse than his KasU and Kath the onseZuenes oE his deedsV not being able to

do anything.


he stories Khih Ke eamined in this KorkV `e CampFs “Aristotle and the Gun “and AndersonFs

“he Man Jho Came Narly “ both belong to the genre oE siene#EitionV and the sub#genre oE 


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621/! "!1%, /а21/а 3а/ас%*аV а'!"/а%/а %с("%7аV &2(а4! *"(+ "!)!V "а9а4! 2

&"(v'(сV x%&(!%1*а %с("%7аV )!4а4! &"(v'(с%.

23b;3'!4% ?C6t$6$t s3t$s $X!036$( '6 19t4 Ast )I18@


1. L. Sprague de CampV SpragueV “Aristotle and the Gun”V in, Gardner `oois and

Stanley ShmidtV editorsV oads 3ot Ta*en tales of alternate history. XeK orkV he

Ballantine DublishingV :\\_V pp. ;<:# ;\_

). Biography Eor L.Sprague `e Camp, http,KKK.nndb.ompeople:=HTTTT<[\OT

8. http,en.Kikipedia.orgKikiAristotleandtheGun

9.L.Sprague de Camp http,KKK.lspraguedeamp.ominde.php

<. Doul AndersonV Jikipedia. http,en.Kikipedia.orgKikiDoulAnderson

=. Doul AndersonV “he Man Jho Came Narly”V story number \ in, nightV `amonV

editorV >"" Years of Science Fiction! Boo* 2ne. LondonV Dan BooksV :\O\V pp. :_<#


>. http,KKK.goodreads.omauthorshoK=;;[_.DoulAnderson

E. MartinoIiV elibor , “Attempt at progress in the story “he Man Jho Came Narly”

 by Doul Anderson”V neob^aIl^eni seminarski radV anglistikaV filumV ragu^eIaV p ;#\.

G. Biography Eor Jilliam Golding, http,KKK.kir^

1I. http,en.Kikipedia.orgKikiNnIoyNtraordinaryz;_noIellaz;\

11. Biography oE Mark Kain,


1). http,KKK.marktKainhouse.orgmanbiographymain.php

18. http,en.Kikipedia.orgKikiAlternatehistory

19. http,KKK.andersoninstitute.omtime#traIel#in#siene#Eition.html

1<. http,en.Kikipedia.orgKikiimetraIelinEition

1=. http,KKK.EantastiEition.o.ukdl#sprague#de#ampapeman#Kithin.htm

1>. Aleksandar B. Xede^koIiV “]istory oE the British and Amerian CiIiliationV Eor

the Students oE Anglistis ”V BeogradV topi^aV ;TT[


8/12/2019 Master Diploms Rad Bujakovic Ks 2013 09 29 45/57

A$6(3X 1 C;;st!t3'6s

figure =<, the signature oE L. Sprague de Camp

figure =O, L. Sprague de Camp as a young man

figure =[, he portrait oE L. Sprague de Camp

figure =_, he painting oE L. Sprague de Camp by frank elly

figure =\, L. Sprague de Camp and his KiEeV Catherine Cook de Camp

figure HT, Sprague de Camp and Catherine as elder ouple

figure H:, L. Sprague de Camp QenterU Kith Yobert a. ]einlein and Rsaa AsimoI

figure H;, A. ShKarenegger as Conan the Barbarian

figure H=, A. ShKarenegger as Conan the `estroyer 

figure HH, he oIer oE ime and ChaneV de Camps autobiography

figure H<, l. Sprague `e Camp and CatherineV around :\\<

figure HO, he emetery plaZue in the emetery Khere the ouple Kas buried

figure H[, he oIer oE LoIeraEt, A Biography by L. Sprague de Camp

figure H_, first edition oIer oE A Gun Eor `inosaur and ther RmaginatiIe ales

figure H\, he oIers oE Aristotle and the Gun and ther Stories by L. Sprague de Camp

figure <T, first edition oIer oE ears in the Making

figure <:, the oIer oE Yoads Xot aken

figure <;, he bust oE AristotleV the ]elleni philosopher 

figure <=, Jilliam Golding as the middle#aged man

figure <H, CommemoratiIe plaZue oE Jilliam Golding at Bishop JordsKorhs Shool

figure <<, he oIer oE he Lord oE the flies

figure <O, he oIer oE he `ouble ongue

figure <[, he oIer oE he Yites oE Dassage

figure <_, he oIer oE Close {uarters

figure <\, he oIer oE he Sorpion God

figure OT, he Eirst edition oIer oE he Brass ButterEly

 figure O:, he portrait oE Mark Kain

figure O;, he oIer oE A Connetiut ankee in ing Arthurs Court

figure O=, he signature oE Doul Anderson

figure OH, Doul Anderson as the middle#aged man

figure O<, Doul Anderson and his KiEeV aren ruse

figure OO, Anderson is giIing the speeh at the H;nd JorldonV :\_H

figure O[, he oIer oE he Cat Jho Jalks through Jalls

figure O_, Doul Anderson in his sities


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8/12/2019 Master Diploms Rad Bujakovic Ks 2013 09 29 47/57

he Nnhanter Yeborn Q:\\;U QKith Christopher StasheEE U

he Noti Nnhanter  Q:\\<U QKith Christopher StasheEE U


:. he {ueen oE amba Q:\[[U

;. he ]and oE ei Q:\O=U

=. he ]ostage oE ir  Q:\[[U

H. he oKer oE anid Q:\<_U

<. he Drisoner oE hamanak Q:\_;U

O. he Bones oE ora Q:\_=U QKith Catherine Crook de CampU

he irgin oE esh Q;T::U


8/12/2019 Master Diploms Rad Bujakovic Ks 2013 09 29 48/57


:. he Goblin oKer  Q:\O_U

;. he Cloks oE Rra Q:\[:U=. he nbeheaded ing Q:\_=U

H. he ]onorable Barbarian Q:\_\U

he Yelutant ing QomnibusU Q:\_<U

Rnorporated night QKith Catherine Crook de CampU

he Rnorporated night Q:\_[U

he Diilated Deeress Q:\\:U


8/12/2019 Master Diploms Rad Bujakovic Ks 2013 09 29 49/57


 Lest 'ar*ness Fall  Q:\H:U

 Land of =nreason Q:\H;U QKith flether DrattU

The Carnelian Cu#e Q:\H_U QKith flether DrattU

 'i1ide and ule Q:\H_U

The Stolen 'ormouse Q:\H_U

,enus 0omo Q:\<TU QKith D Shuyler MillerU

 ogue <ueen ? >@7> 

The =ndesired %rincess Q:\<:U

Cosmic Manhunt Q:\<HU


8/12/2019 Master Diploms Rad Bujakovic Ks 2013 09 29 51/57

The 'ragon of the +shtar ,ate Q:\O:U

The Search for $ei Q:\O;U

  aka The Floating Continent 

The Arro/s of 0ercules Q:\O<U

The 'ay of the 'inosaur Q:\O_U QKith Catherine Crook de CampU

The ,olden )ind  Q:\O\U

Citadels of Mystery Q:\[;U QKith Catherine Crook de CampU

The Falli#le Fiend  Q:\[=U

The 5irgin and the )heels Q:\[OU


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The ,reat Fetish Q:\[_U

The Spell of Conan Q:\_;U

Conan the Bar#arian Q:\_;U QKith Lin Carter U

The Blade of Conan Q:\_;U

The Stones of 3omuru Q:\__U QKith Catherine Crook de CampU

The =ndesired %rincess and the nchanted Bunny Q:\\TU QKith`aIid `rakeU

The S/ords of $ina#an Q:\\:U QKith Catherine Crook de CampU

The 5enom Trees of Sunga Q:\\;U 3one But Lucifer  Q;TT;U QKith ] L GoldU


The )heels of +f Q:\H_U

The Tritonian ing4 And 2ther %usadian Tales Q:\<:U

The =ndesired %rincess and Mr Arson Q:\<:U

The Continent Ma*ers4 And 2ther Tales of the 5iagens Q:\<=U


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Sprague de Camp8s 3e/ Anthology Q:\<=U

Tales from ,a1agan8s Bar Q:\<=U QKith flether DrattU

 0eroes and 0o#go#lins Q:\O;U

,un for 'inosaur4 And 2ther +maginati1e Tales Q:\O=U

The Best of L Sprague de Camp Q:\O\U

 'emons and 'inosaurs Q:\[TU

The eluctant Shaman4 And 2ther Fantastic Tales Q:\[TU

 %hantoms and Fancies QpoemsU Q:\[;U

Scri##lings ? >@DE 

The +ncompleat nchanter  Q:\[\U QKith flether DrattU

The %urple %terodactyls Q:\[\U QKith im BaenU

 Footprints on Sand  Q:\_:U QKith Catherine Crook de CampU

The 5irgin of $esh and the To/er of $anid  Q:\_;U Blond Bar#arians and 3o#le Sa1ages Q:\_OU

 i1ers of Time Q:\\=U

 'o/n in the Bottomlands4 And 2ther %laces Q:\\\U QKith ]arry urtledoIeU

 Aristotle and the ,un4 and 2ther Stories Q;TT;UYears +n The Ma*ing  Q;TT<U

The Mathematics of Magic Q;TT[U QKith flether DrattU

 Lest 'ar*ness Fall & elated Stories Q;T::U QKith `aIid `rakeVfrederik Dohl and S M StirlingU


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Series ontributed to,


 “Conan oE Cimmeria” Q:\[;U QKith Lin Carter  and Yobert N ]oKardU

“ales oE Conan “Q:\<<U QKith Yobert N ]oKardU

“he Yeturn oE Conan “Q:\<[U

  aka “Conan the AIenger”

“Conan the AdIenturer ” Q:\O<U QKith Yobert N ]oKardU

“Conan the surper ” Q:\O[U QKith Yobert N ]oKardU

“Conan the Jarrior ” Q:\O[U QKith Yobert N ]oKardU

“Conan oE the Rsles” Q:\O_U QKith Lin Carter U

“Conan the freebooter “Q:\O_U QKith Yobert N ]oKardU

“Conan the Buaneer ” Q:\[:U QKith Lin Carter U

“Conan oE AZuilonia “Q:\[[U

“Conan the SKordsman” Q:\[_U QKith Lin Carter and B^|rn XybergU


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“Conan the Liberator ” Q:\[\U QKith Lin Carter U

“he reasure oE ranios” Q:\_TU QKith Yobert N ]oKardU

“Conan and the Spider God” Q:\_TU

“Sagas oE Conan” QomnibusU Q;TTHU QKith Lin Carter and B^|rn XybergU


 +n1entions %atents and Their Management  Q:\<\U

 0eroes of American +n1ention Q:\O:U

The ,reat Mon*ey Trial  Q:\O_U


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 Lost Continents4 The Atlantis Theme in 0istory! Science! and Literature Q:\[TU

 'ar/in and 0is ,reat 'isco1ery Q:\[;U

,reat Cities of the Ancient )orld  Q:\[;U

 Al A(if4 The 3ecronomicon Q:\[=U QKith Abdul AlharedU

The Ancient ngineers Q:\[HU

 'ar* 5alley 'estiny4 The Life of o#ert . 0o/ard  Q:\[<U


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 Lo1ecraft4 A Biography Q:\[<U

Science fiction hand#oo*  Q:\[<U

 0. %. Lo1ecraft4 A #iography Q:\[OU

The agged dge of Science Q:\[OU

The Fringe of the =n*no/n Q:\_=U

 Lands Beyond4 A Fascinating pedition +nto =n*no/n LandsQ:\\=U

The Ape-man )ithin Q:\\<U

Time and Chance4 An Auto#iography Q:\\OU

 u##er 'inosaurs And )ooden lephants Q:\\OU

