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•WW ^li1-.«,iWiA- ™.i,MBRfU!<

%&m®&: -T^l-s

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MASSENA, NEW Y0RIO]T£$H|»AY, MAY IS, 1915 Wis1 A * £ l B _-?.. .


has-' be-

Florence Stubws and John Andrews Beceire First and Benjamin .Stick*

•ney and Annie Tarsals, 'Second

."* • >".'-^i'i'.,V/Ki:'.'"iff-fri * •t'Lr-n'fl.'.i'-^n~<l • • -. 'i i"-'4- -""-' i^-^K' V.-V'jT?>';V'i:%'/.-?"'5"f--" fi¥-*f'Vi&-""i. - • '*

Ruffalo—3evm.-Hir -H. Knox vice president of the F. TV "Woohvorth com-pany, chairman of the board of direc­tors of the Marine National Batik of

. Buffalo, and -pTOmtasirf%. tdentiBed'

%na aes


S-g^MlBilHee'Etet'^^s^eM a '"few days

ttliott of Feft

>-*;'.r/-^kokn''ifaftoa#g#ffBraJsher. spent'lasM

•visited' Ms

'•>-* KjjJ^er^of'• We;#ingt4nr'.(?antr%isited'* a ;\^X%e^*^$^afr'*I^niest,ft-Fo"rl&es* ' t a« Pas t

.~-'c*Jweelss* *-- -' •• J .; ' y ^ ^ r i r ' LaMA-"* -Haverstbck returned

'#dm*ClofftW'aI;lt<h"Dspital last 'Sat-

-A " i ' ^ilsSsf' '"TBHzas -'•jShatee'! • attended the H" -*\ ^;:go"eSiiffgv'%6at«;si^at"--aiassena Friday-

The annual prize speaking contest of ,the Massena High school was held at the. opera house oh Fridjay- erening and; brought out a record breaking crowd. Ljong before the time, for the program to' begin every sieat in the house was taken, the aisles in the bal­cony were filled and all the available spape in the back part of the house was .filled, people standing throughout the. evening. ,

The,program was opened by a selec­tion, from the High Schcol chorus, Which, filled the, stage. The first speak­

e r ~b,f the evening was Joseph C. Demo, ,5yh'd had as his subject, "*\yar Should fie'j'Aliolished.." .E2s voice, was well "fitted for the large room and his en­unciation was good, so that every word ttfat ,he .spoke , could, be . distinctly h&ard in any part of i;he house. He was; followed by Miss Nellie'Morgan, who* gatfe a clear rendering of "The

f-Conjtest' in. the Arena?' • ' ^ At this pdMt was given one of the-f;®st' exercises ever seen in this jvillageV I t "was a lullaby scene-by 48. I Httlg'.girl^fr om the primary, depart-

ine& ^spf/the 'schools. • They .marched qntjb 4he Vtagfe" in' groups o | six, each grdup'-representing mothers of differ-

^Maatiotis. ' . '•They'.'c'arried their dolls ^affi^&'.-thte^'^^ie out, one group at a iiiam>'thef"-marched to the" front of the W p e anS ,sang a lullaby ta the ^olls and"J.then 'marBhed back to the* center of, the stage and sat down on the floor w&ile. the,.next group did their part. i i e r | i r s i group represented the United Stalfs, and.they were followed by i^pan,.'H;Ollandi Indian, Italian, Scotch andjWegro;' Tihfey were dressed in cos-

f fu%i4| 'pi the coiintry' that they Tepre-jsenxed) the'Dutehr girls wearing white tcapp and . wooden, shoes*, which were very6 quaint and cunning. The last gfSip, fnstead of standing for aLy "lia'rfteu'fer country,'Vore-white night-gowbs"'Jand caps-and•eacried lighted' tapers. They gave a pretty candle drii', "I.i-jh closed the syercises.

The next number -was the selection, ''Gentlemen,,the King," given fey_ John M. Andrews', who appeared without itfiy 'visible* em*barrassmeiit and in ' a 'graceful and natural delivery did his *partl Miss Annie Tarshis' followed

Someii^ng Big, and llebflard Grow






' Rome—^Official announcement is made here that King Victor Emman­uel had declined to accept the resigna­tion of Premier Salandra. The Salan-dra cabinet is to be retained without change. ^Although it was made known un­

officially tffat Signor Salandra would remain at the head of the government, Ujiis announcement was received with gjreat demonstrations of rejoicing and manifestations in favor of war,

; When the soldiers of the barracks aj; Castro Pretoria learned that OPre-

Sier Saiandra was to remain in power ey began, an enthusiastic demonstra­

tion in favor of war and went to their commander, Colonel Baistrocchi. The cMoned said .he would, not yei give expression to his feelings, but hoped to be able to address them in a few days in the way that he- would like toj do.

uThe excitement at Milan subsided oh receipt of the neWs of Premier SalaBr dra's retention. The. general strike there' passed off "Without serious inci-, d«nt, although there was a demon-' •St ration in favor of war on the part of) a crowd estimated a t 40,000. Simi­lar demonstrations oeeurred at Flor­ence,' Naples, Messina, Bologne, Pa­lermo and Catania.

The trend of events is considered most significant, particularly in view of I th efaet that clashes between Ital- ; iap. and Austrian troops are reported, toi be ocouring on the frontier. The Austrians, according to* one report, hafe attempted to oross the boundary at,one point, but were repulsed by the Italians, .who took one prisoner.

1 * Considers Piifpu"


, At the regyip lage board 7 ^ M sentative-of^*^' Co., of Chic#g&^ interest th>i*s*-* street sweep|r! | was a long.dilli was left. t o , ' | | J | date. It m ^ i |have to b e , J ) ^ i isoh is over, fj£5 will likejy 'p<f|| presented.' *";'ff-g

D. J. Morr^fgip matter cf ra'i%i® He stated to get the 0$$

Jiss ^ ^ l e r and

ifll-the vil-" i ,teDre-

'"P&"ried^'to '" bination

» ^ T h e r e | | p s ; a s t t e r ,

t| | e r will *$? sea-

,'&fjtk% board ^ ^ o s i t i o n j


& . the,


HviffiTfB'e'' sefection, •Efitr1 Bed'; Bird'," ai

j!ai|efssed" "The 'Southern Negro," in a l;c1^'ir'"aua'"fSr"ci'fjfetway,' and,each of "thesis' • s-peakef a* was generously ap-Watiffed.-- '•'-*• v ' --»'**rtip"'Girl's Glee Club s'ang "The ^adf -o f the Shepherd',", 'after which l ^ i S ' ^ o r e i c e Siuhbs gaVe"The Fall of 'inte*?Pemherfbn'Min.^ It was'tlie'story of'$h*S* irtSfci&g' pf io6 Tileav'y machinery" withhold! mill 'and the collapse of the "•buiiiprig* %nth a* large "number of girls | ind'ofc i&e he^bisin of'some of them as 'ih¥'wo'rlr of" rescue went on and' then [?ha$c" )5h"e*rs1;d"b-ped as v the rutins fiad 'ca'uMt'fife. '• e-*-"" . * ' ;

•V"fhe Vfctim of the Law," was well Frendie'real'sby Mis's iBdith Al(eu aha'told tee-|lrory of A -^irl clei-t hi a ' store ppho^had been ,'Tvrongfully accused of sfeaiing from' her employer, tried* and 's6ate!fce'*I;,'td- p|isori; 'of ter1 plea to 'the man t o give the girls who remained. b'et¥eripi^y' &o that "they would'not have td he tempted tq ' s tear in order to live. "' *=?''Wl6oarow"r W(ilso"n, 'International Statfeman," given by Benjamin Stick-^^'•Was-partTculatly timely, giving as •it -AM the actions or ' the president in eb'hnj'ectioi.' with, some of. -the* receat World evehts, and the audience foliow-ed'eferywoid that'the speafeejr uttered interest^ thai was .different froih all the other selections hecause it. was a 'subject that was'Wrnlng in

i'the fluid's, of every one &t this time, r % luixed.double quartet sang 'a se-reetl^fi*" and ihei ' last number on the program' was.'called. It was '"How 'did'Folks ' Won the Oaks," and was air" ex;eitjng story of a hoiserac^, and, & llf-fie" darky, who wenfbys*the name of'^iQid^^blks-'^qn out when iV had

Taken to> the City hospital Tuesday nodn after being^ terribly burned sAdut the face and body a t her home in Norwood a few hours before, Mrg. 'Alinas Smith, 70, died Wednesday, af­ternoon and' two o'clock. The remain's wefe" taken 'to Norwood for funeral and interment.

Tuesday morning at ,9:.'30 o'clock, furs'. 'Smitti placed a can m paint pn

the' kitchen stove, preparatory to $bme painting she had planned that^day. She was tstanding near the ptovp wh'en suddenly she screamed in hor,-. rorl The blo'ttom of the can h&d melt­ed.*. Huge tongues of fire shot tVwaf4;j

fthe ceiling. Igniting the Woman's

yarja and, thr&w herseff on the ground in fgony. fA neighbor rushed to "het. aid, extinguishing the blazing garments :wit|i a blanket. The woman was -car,-riect iuto a^neighbor's house and med­ical aid summoned. Her burns .were of a. frightful nature, her fingers be-ihgj almost ?a crisp, while about the araijs, thighs and body the burns werev deep. At tea o'clock the woman was placed on a train and taken to the hospital., .Tpe fire department was called out

to extinguish the bla2e in the kitchen, of the^Smith home.

TJhe" deceased leaves one daughter.

if( all the odds'were It was, given by Miss

appeared/flfe *4^ains.t -Ifim. •Katfiprine. Garvey",* who ' wonderfully pleased the audience by her eage and 'grace." '., ^

The- committee of award consisted of'tFi-of. Charles'ftebert, of St. L/aw-r'ence University;Principal Taggert, of i*dtsda"m*N'&jmal Intermediate Depart­ment", a id Principal C. C. Hitchcock,, of'Norfolk High School. The commit­tee • retired for a few moments and then. Prpf. Rebert as spokesman for the rest' of the committee announced t*he; decjsion. and awarded the prizes. T.he flfst,'prize of ten dollars'in gold was given to Miss Florence [Stubbs; the second girl's prize M five dollars in, gold to Miss Annie Tarshjs. For thq bfrys the first prize of ten dpllars in gold' was given to John M. ^.ndrews and' the second prize of" ten dollars in gold to Benjamin Stiekney. TJie com­mittee stated that the work of each speaker seemeA to them to warrant a prize to* eaph and complimented them upon their success, and those in the audience, had they been called upon to render a verdict would .have had to hesitate before making any awards, so We'll ye r e the parts all filled.

thought "tlia-pp bear t"he_J'e|pp discussed' "Et'"I§| ally decided"t|8a| Mr. Mbfriso^liKl property owners' Might ask^- t tep | case -t-het-e f-wSjII ey to-"do a n f t ^

[offer, h o W e t ^ t " 'enough dirt '-xo^ s*idei of" 'his^MMi eredthat'th*4-!V|p t b - ' t h^ f -dp f^ l ? anee the f^ ; | g | l was not' i$|| | |j '; ' | ' tak-en u p ^ p f i c '

Appl-icat|>^:*S W.alis; wereiSilde "W!. Bali; B!<i]0kf terson .Go. ) ;A^§| Massena.*4^?|sS^ called -fip^ff" through -ffoat*-*. Lawrence^li^i", the •prop'Milff;

board t*h,0-(iiS| for thsk^;^0pl h^ve t c - l e ^ f sosijte 6f!'..|"hJ.|1 be put to ni^Le^ time. The inal table for one we< time the meniiberl lnok the :- ( :e&t oyZ much work will be re^fl

,Tbe towa o^Mafcevdj to .constructl.tke %«)' " proache^, to, Jtlxe;; "6J _ Sp-yings and.tgS.Api cenjent wcs w$J&0

.•Ijhe !Qther,„c^pii,or **3

|on;i,'froBj g , ^ ^ I ^


TW ,a^aiXcations-#'eM-

anc,es. were, xprn-m^mm ;%

E%soip;3^a^!.ca |^a^

MM fepIL811'0?-, j | M % 5200

jF ip&e an-d jm$ h'elpl Emsfe" was I

fin-h^iil^/do as ;;^|fe vdtner| iSSfi^'s-tr^et''




Construction of Sidewalks on Springs 'Bridge Approaches and Other Im­

portant Questions Discussed

, __.brrl'|on ^^%io 'u th j !

"* "*f|.ftmsid (S&K.'value



m KiHheV-sti.1 ^ t i i a s t . !


: e ^ : « w l d "^at'-ptis

a y d n ' ^ i i e | the mean

will 1mft bow

t i a r d

1 Owing to the fact that no new cases ,of foot and mouth disease have oc­curred in the state for several weeks,, the State Department of Agriculture *has issued an order removing the quarantine in most parts of the state, except on farms where foot and ipouth disease has existed and within a rad­ius of three miles from such farms. This oirder removing all quarantine from t!He counties of St. Lawrence, Jefferson .and Lewis. This does not" imply that all danger in this section has passed. Careful watch should be kept for any symptoms of the disease. Any suSpected cases §hould be report­ed at once to the nearest veterinarian or to the Farm Bureau Manager' at Canton. - <•


Eight Thousand' Teutons in Baltimore Adopt Resolution of Loyalty to


Baltimore.—More than 8,000 Ger­man Americans of Baltimore placed themselves behind President Wilson in liis handling of the situation with Ger­many through a resolution passed by the German Catholic Union of this city.

Low Water to St. Lawrence.

preparing ^ -the. ap-jt! r^asseita '; v0i )he ftfsw A. J-

;dre"ss, the^ flames,concerted, her hitfi.^^v^^^1Vf^^Simff^!W,.,c., a human torch. 'She, r an . into, the* teamsi.^d.,a»otor|^ehia^Md. :,fiq5ies

Missionary Convention

TJie. annual convention of the Wo-med's Home and Foreign Missionary Societies of the St. Lawrence district held intIMalone-"Thursday" and Friday, Mai* 20 and 21, 'The program" is full of gqod things and a gopd dele­gation is desired from each church. Miss tLmlu' Miller, the Conference Young People's missionary to Korea, is" expected'to be present and speak on 'Thursday 'evening. Miss Bertha FQwier, president of Folts Mission. In­stitute, will speak on "Our Country's Call!" Friday evening. All- churches sending delegates please inform Mrs. !L. "Donaldson, 48 Second street, Ma-lone, '"Nf. X., of the number desiring entertainment.

Power Plant Demonstration.

T ie (international Harvester Co. last Friday gave a power plowing demdn-tetration on the A. D. 'Hutchinson farm on the Black Lake road a mile' south of nOgdensburg." The demonstration attracted many fanners from that-sec­tion! as it was the first time that a plowing tractor has been used for plowing in this section.

The company used a Mogul tractor Weighing approximately 6,000 pounds and' drawing twd gang plows and was operated with kerosene power.

It' is expected that the use of tract­ors ' will shortly come into common use toy the farmers of ISt. Lawrence •bounty. Already there are a number of ijhem on farms in the vicinity of Goiiverneur and Macomb.

• IV-

*if . jhesj \£k^j joMMt

rtqjs-p, an^jf|f^B|>|i¥sJ^9

be prMfiA^gtisM"""*"""'"' the, l l v e / y ^ s ^ l e s s ^ i in. .other ,^r4*ffittffilS_ tnat th,ereT n e | d j | | i l | p s

. The J r e 4$p&i$M0gt aware .an^G/janWlSdlil^ fee ,to 'wgJ&W^M mq^e. • h o s ^ q f e ' ^ e m ' J I large, part .of^^af t i j jp ,the fire.^s^ti^n^t^^i and}mu«h; . o f ^ h ^ ^ ^ l l

' tral, fire _gtatipn!jsj:*iflypi "unfl|; f o r . u g e ^ i n l ^ l f f thaij th .ey.- iould^e^ai l in qase.;of--,a;%fgMr|?p^ 1,000 feet; op .newM^e^ has, already j;*b.egt^St^|| matter {of- tfceUoJNlraiffl as sopn as p.os_i?blf/ |i;.'jg

Ep^jitigji.-*%i^ | r ee t . .


H # * - n e , io.u,tthe'

^ e e s , , s p messtand-

i|€o*mmiti?-.. ' "Tul'chase

"" A WM iken. to

p | ^ . fall ffi"|>cen-p^Py'and

^ ? t a t e d ^ |ma jped |sked--for-| jteXyiiiage


dington"' funeral bf his a-uMMrsJ

Mr. and -MrsY " 5 t : s s- j l *

Wad-;Bhd tne

l^fhan. I^ow have

Mr. and M r s i ^ S l i m m i e s b n 'left Wednesday f o r ^ B s I W M I i i e n d s at Lyoks Falls/*Uti*5-feMft#i^^' ' '

B'iorence F i n S e ^ f : is in town •for'ai^Sfel his-brother and siste#Sil

* | g | n : Falls pjMtif 'with ^»iBliegan,

audi Miss • J e s ^ ^ # M f e « i ' 4 ' : " '' -Cnarles Pratt ' l f # | # 6 l | ^ n a m p i h e ade an .auto*m^j|jJ|^^g|Q Cole's

Creek one d a y W | I ^ ^ ^ S f * ' * ' D,elbert Shar lo^ |e f t^pfe f ;6T Mas-

sena. -*i...^~«.*..«. n W. T, Carr a n d ^ M | M f e I € w e r e re-cent business c ^ ' ?^ ' ^ESAl f -™ a ' .

The strike of ,thp^*pj'^^('Workers" here last •Saturdp§s^p |d | ; . - in the closing of e v e r y ^ W ^ W f | . y i t h the* exception of the.^bji^^^"^*"—-'-'•--• a total of b e t w e e ^ ^ dred men out a"*1" '*"


' making ^ven' hu.n

Eliza TfiL has been ssyiig/|||PtlP topher the, pas,t':iiSS-"-'''*'i>''''-*

l-g^auisville "~'t*fi^ CJiris-

fmrs. Byron of town

•Mrs.. W. M c Q u i K S l Steenberg did. '^ t t^pip2

Friday. . V^S^SSu . Mrs. Delbert ' S ^ l p M S ^ s i t i n g her

brother in.


The water in the St. Lawrence this spring is very low, compared to other years and there is no chance of its rising very materially.

'Boatmen are experiencing* much trouble in getting thPir 'boats in and out ot their "boat nouses, espeehiHy those who own fishing boats -and- hauL|

.them into the iipuses. Quite a few jboat house -which have had water nearly up to their floors in former years, are now away out of water and the docks are altogether too high for comfort in getting in or out of boats. . , One or two parties who have every year hauled their^ boats into shallow water, are this year experiencing trou­ble, in getting their craft into deeper water. Shoals which ordinarily are good spots for fishing during the sum­mer, are now showing their rocks above water, and boats are not able to go where they have heretofore been

i,able_ to travel.

The town board held a meeting on Wednesday at which quite a good lot of business was* done. The question of building sidewalks on the ap­proaches to the bridge at Massena Springs was discussed and a resolu­tion was adopted authorizing their construction at once. The number of feet of walk that the town will have to make has not yet been determined, but it will probably be from the ' the Ba'bcock store on the east and from the bridge to Hatfield street on the west at the north end and there will be a short stretch on each side at the south end of the bridge.

Franklin Derosia, who was appoint­ed temporary town clerk to succeed the late Ralph Andrews, tendered his resignation and F. A. Hough was ap­pointed to take his place. Mr! Hough will have his office at the town hall.

The superintendent of highways was instructed to serve a notice on the St. Lawrence River t Power Com­pany warning them -against doing any damage to the Massena (Center bridge while engaged in the work of dredging the river at th"at -place.

(Resolutions of respect were adopted upon the death of the late town clerk, Ralph Andrews.

'The matter of the EarJ Creek bridge was taken up. One of--the abutments of the -bridge collapsed, as* told in this paper a few weeks ago, and the bridge has been closed -since. Tjra matter was laid on the table and the "board adjourned until Wednesday of this week in order to ascertain the extent of the damage and wha |4s needed in the work of repairing-the structure. In this connection County {Superinten­dent of Highways Joseph Howard-came to Massena on Thursday an& went down with the town officials to look over the bridge. He stated that he would communicate with the state department of highways and have a bridge expert sent to Massena for the purpose of - -giving aay-^lwfo^wiatioTi and assistance to the hoard in the plans for the rebuilding of the bridge.


NATAJ> •P>#EAt*;'"'',*fBa^OjI!S[^ ' DELiylB'S""" ' ' ! # - . ;". '."n

^ | A$iMaMsv; ,."%':"'

New York.—Pr4sid|nt; 'Wjilso*n-^the man uponjwhom^the ^y'ej'of ^e^^ojq^l

urned because of .t"hC^tefnatip*aV

lantic fleet in e""li|u|ifeo'ar§j'f^i^S,^i , a luncheon l^hdereAto "|iim *m"*slf6£e

great battleships^atlayfjffi^Hf W$£>,.. he said wer^ ^en"ginls t*>'-^pmQtS'"f^S. interests of nhmj|'ni!"y,"*"''^~*'„f \'\ **.

"It is nc? t ' ^ re t^ i i s f$ t^ say that wje a * e ^ i ^ e ^ f - ^ | ^ W " ? r what every'nafidri *woul^^*&tf"^sftn8-' for and ipeaWngtOT t^d'spMngs'-wiTea; .all humanity mu | t 4estt"^; 'v ' :*$?' ''•

The spirit whlci/'Bygo^'el^ye-c^th,'?' river tbda'y, saidt" •t'n^^jfiideilll-'^a^. '-"just a solemn •eyMehc,'^-|h^l^|^?giP^ of America is the ifWc'efo'ff$bv&\"0i$- ' ciple, that there is.•hp't' fj00in§''%38& she -leaves pd t 'hkf^e r . f e - f s l^ tKaM- ' -thing else jfor ^Mcit.'*^,'%i^fipffiy*rid.

irV-'Tf-f M

• * * - | l



-H. S. Andrew has purchased a new Overland ear. 'Joseph Barry is the possessor of a

new two-row corn planter. Miss Mary Hodge was home over

Sunday from Potsdam. A welcome rain came Thursday

morning. Mr. and Mrs. *W J. Mein- of Norfolk

Were -eallers here last week. • Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George Bandy,

May 8, a son. Mrs. John French returned Thurs­

day after spending some time at the home of her son, John 'French, Jr., af 'Louisville Landing.

Miss iMayffed Layaw has Teturnfd to Norfolk after a week's stay with her aunt, Mrs. H. M. 'Smith.

Mrs. Charles Whalen of Wadding-ton was a recent guest of Mrs. Will •Whalen in this ivillage.

.IMrg;. 'Anna "Willard and daughter Ethel have returned to iSaranac Inn where they will spend the summer "George Bandy has purchased the E.

C. Beatty auto. Mrs. John \P. Ooud, Mrs. Fat /Smith,

and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Alexander were callers at H. M. Smith's Thurs­day. '

George iDavey and sister Margaret spent Thursday with relatives at Nor­folk.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'Reagan were guests Thursday ot relatives at Mas­sena.

The process of cheese making com­menced at the village factory .Wednes-. day and only a small portion of the milk is at present shipped to New York The price for May is $*j.,2Q DprJ hundred.

A novel sight passing through our village recently was six mules, two of which were being driven and the others in leash. The latter were en-route for Mack's Island to be pastured for the season.

W. H. "(Robinson of Marinette, Wis., •is' here looking after the affairs of his farm on the Thompson road.

'M. J. Hallihan, superintendent .of schools, wos in this vicinity Thursday and Friday.

Misses Margaret and Lucille O'Brian of Massena High School were home ov-'er Sunday. v

Mother's Day. Sunday, May 9, was Mother's Day in

North Stockholm. In a few of the homes the day was fittingly "observed. In other homes the inhabitants never knew it was the most appropriate day of the whole year. Mother's, Day is a tribute that the nation pays to the woman who have borne her sons and daughters, the women who have given their own travail to bring into the

. world the men, and women who will tomorrow honor in their thoughts the love that passeth every love save that of God's.

There is nothing in the world that compares ' with the sacredness of a mother's love. It outlives absence, ne­glect and crime. It is the love that never fails. The day brings back beautiful and sacred tboug4f"<""""*6£ the past, and there are thousands of men who will echo the sentiment in the ex­quisite verses of George Brengle:

"Sometimes in the hush of the eV^ifilg When the shadows creep from the

west, I think of the twilight songs you sang

and the boy you lull'd to rest— The wee little boy wtih the tousled

head *' ' That so long ago was thine,

I wonder if sometimes you long for that boy,

O little mother of mine?

And cow hei'has come to man's estate,, • Grown stalwart in body and string,

And you'd hardly "know that ,he was the lad

Whom you lull'd with your slumber-song. . ,

The years have altered the form and the life, .

But his heart is'unchanged by time; • And still he is only .thy .boy* as of old, < O little mother of mine!"

Clean Up Week in Stockholm. Monday, Ma^ 24, marks the begin­

ning of clean-up all through this.ges-tion. Spring's work will be done then, and omst every farmer, property-" holder and renter have anticipated the occasion and are planning a week -of hard work and civic pride.

From all sides there has come a spirit of hearty ^-operation ,oa the part of our citizens, who s$e§n to..f>e filled with a spirit of pride and a -gen­uine desire to make the town of Stockholm a sure-enough Spotjess farm comunity of northern New York.

•And, while you're doing such-a good job cleaning up your premises, why not do a little personal missionary work? There are cobwebs in many characters that need to be .swept away; dust . that obscures the vision and makes things seem- wary when all you need is a little personal house-cleaning of .your own, if with the rub­bish of the back yard, and barn, ygui can get rid of the malice and greed],

tnihg aiJout Ant#:ic*a^65t^' i^nf * l ^ nothing foil herseif-'ex«ejt*'h^''ii4a a right .to ask-lor^'hum'i^ttyy&el'f^"^ want no nation's, p j ^ ^ ' c t ' y ^ ^ r a ^ t ' j t ^ question no naaWs^tionpi^'^C-wSs^'to stand selfishly m ^e".^'ay'%f9fl*d'iQp"tt.;i we 'want, aothing ttiaj; we* c*in'"not^g'^ by. our ^iwn' jfegiiimate, enitjer^pe,.!Sd' •by^the i'nspiratipn'ol'tiVr^'Wn ti^MB' -'and standing for thes'e,t*hijags if3s?ii'ot pretension 'on our paTtj|Wsay'ina*t,*we. fere privileged Wstan*d;'fpfi*wiat-«V^y-r tiatioa wojjild wjsb.. H*** stand lor j tn 'd speaking for those thiiigs VMch^aliC humanity must desire. ; . ' t , w:"J»--*

and envy ifji your o ^ * 6 e a ^ j i t ,%iff"b» a clean-uPrwe'ek worth wrote* ' •

A Trip Back Home. . Mr. and Mrs George R. Smith, and

daughtei-m-law, of Potsdam, made an atTiS'Mj-Tp'xo <§Faokda.le_v.»t.Jp«fi£i Wednesday. Mr. anTOltrB. Si both ^frnierl^ ftwm;..jf^Ut jjfoi&hplm, and have' afways ."^ept^n'^tpjicjfc *wl&*,..'.";.. 014 friends, andtireold"Wome,fewt"u : / v"tli' Mr. and. Jfrti., S*o»t'h".]l%*(f|.'^on;.t^". , world's.favor, 'b' ^"Jjtls' 'aTCJfe», ^ f Jfliatt. '\ \ never "in the bijj^piejf; |( | |§%e;g^tinft. * s . agaiii thie l i a p | * y ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ t e l ^ | % ^ of their younger", days" "i^BrooiaaiK / ' "

"After*^aeTEitttlErl'ilp.p'ffl,*;^ '*' / Mr. and iffrl. -AB8'r^*w;*ai^fh^i|^Mfff;''' '•

Mrs. Brothers'" ' '<s^0 ' t \i < ^ .^"y^S0 ,^

made a, fisfiing tr ip" ' j^S^^j^ 'JBiii0' , r Thursday. ' They' [jreffgfy* "Very" igootl'


Frederick Car&Brij j j^ r jo j^ '^s^p 'ea . serious ^hjury Mpnday ".wfifS'Jie*'jpa$ thrbwn.frpin hm w®&---Ut~~A%r~'™'--'' son was,pri his "way! tiou, wh4re he is 'e |^! |s^T|^f)f^ :a*#r t•, the home of "Ekwar^; ^ | | ^ H * a / ' l | s ; wheel skidfled," \%vp^i^^.y^m's.: ground. Ex'bepting' ''pt'iF.^a^ja^a^ ing-up and posing J^|.liji5^fee'1c§iBiB| out'of the ipfxirp a^jiiglifir,"'". " , \ ^

Hooks a" iis^vpv^pim; s" "J Moses Bu|>a*3o;'>^.%,.|ay •otf4 | |ui"§-., i

the afternoon, ;3nd^S|i%ri|ig'^?:rafg,e;.'.: string, Mr. "feubado ~{{afb$i0j0g3ii£\ pole began bobtog'44p2.."ifiAS^ft'^t"y tne fate of i45 mlle l^n^h^u^iJn^L^-^ cording .to the stoly^^dl^'"Jir4tfijj|,. Brookdale, "he hooke8^#*5r^^dfl^m-"' per cod, the(firfi/,^,a*|ifhf'rjn'f^&,Js|.. Lawrence river M^ ' i$§e | i | s^ ;5J^ |Gf . cal name for the, cd4;.aBSM'EmafciCa"r'K ...

Who. WaptS i i i^5^v ' ; . ; ; , All work .is Jiano5a^i^v%l"say2,49e,s-,

t h e . * " * - " --•--••-••*" -* • - - • ' - * - ' *- *•--" -, , ^ ; i i *

jeal. ^to.ckhol-01? ' If sp,Jp||^^B;.>pn*.aindi the job is, yjnrrs. &4^"g043j*0&x wpol skunk jfarni M.^ '^vie | l^hl is^ed near .Bropkdal&JhJsJsu^*ffljfir.^aiflBi-ti- • able managed can J$ejfijij^j,',y." , ^ ..

inteEtaijied ^ % § ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ . - ^ .. Miss C a r r i p . . B r i n k , : ^ ^ ^ s » sta,, . tion, entertained, ar., .^s,ts^<pif^r-^p frieds and re | [at i ,Vfis , '^If^^o^^jles-day evening, in %Si>%v'ot-5©i,vi-7|n--birthday. Games .an4tof|eriV|'oitos. $ | amtisements , were «p$?"yp,-'*y- pwk%, present. A'teff^t; .JunclieSn'-was., sefi

Pe^spnp.JM^fb'ttei ...: / Andrey. ;Brotherg'i;|^eT'7a^"b4isinlese

;fip tojforfolk, Thuj^aaR'V-i- ,~,..,^. . E. A. Our^s P*c.-feeMf^sJt^rmrainl

son, Glenn, made a 'tfi|t;ljoi^oi^rood, Thursday . , " , _ ,.'' '-»'•-"', -.^;-..

Mrs. Kate Jones, .an^jaugijler^- Ida, formerly, -o£'BEOokaalgi;^UH.iiowr.«C,. Massena road,, wec^ ip l^ iV^ic i i r l t j t •: Thursday cailing .0% <ilf'imiia,m€ -neighbors., v ; , ,." f > . /^S^-,-i.% .•---,

Mr,„and Mrg. OrvJnJgjj|&49fl: grand? :,< son, Master Vernan"/&]^rb*i*to'ay-of .' Grove farav.Jeakies-. *S^*ieif^eVe-» i

callers in Broo^daleyfepentl^i'-i.•£?•,'•--•••: Mr. and Mrs. JIen*r^Mark«"imdeW ?-

;S.hopping.-*rip JLo Wfnljicop.r.oW'Mis••-• this week.. . , /*;,/;,^5•'

Joseph LaComJi *nia(|ej., a;,. trip tp ^?s!eiia,"^ati*sd^ayi....,

Adam BarWe^.otJSIapleTidgie'ftei: [.transacted, Imsiness^.,4^ -Magsenai Thursday. , . . l,?l'4^-J$i'-~et~~''a

. .» . - >„'*<

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