Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil, 4:00...


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Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil, 4:00 pm Sunday, 7:30, 9, 11 am

5:30 pm Vietnamese Daily Mass Mon-Sat 8:30 am

Morning Prayer 8:10 am

Anointing of the Sick on request following Mass

Reconciliation Thursday 3-4, 7-7:30

Devotions Adoration Mon-Fri 9-12:00 Wed & First Friday 9-6:00 Holy Hour Wed 2:00-3:00

First Friday 5:00-6:00 Rosary-Divine Mercy Chaplet

after weekday Mass 3:00 Saturday in Church,

1:00 Monday in Social Hall Miraculous Medal Novena

Tuesday after Mass Contemplative Prayer

Friday 1:30-3:00

Parish Staff Pastor

Fr William Fickel, SSS Parish Administrator Christine DeLieto

Secretary Peggy Genalo, LPMI

Faith Formation Director Jane Etzel

Liturgy and Choir Director Sheila Shindorf

Maintenance Robert Letsos

SSS Community

Brother Peter Mahady, SSS Fr Joseph Thai Tran, SSS

Fr Peter Tuong Nguyen, SSS

Bulletin Editor Ethel Lapitan

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 24,2016

St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 24, 2016

Sunday, July 24, 2016 7:00 Choir Rehearsal

8:30 Choir Rehearsal

Novena of St. Peter Julian Eymard begins

Monday, July 25 Adoration 9:00 - 12 noon

Novenas of St. Ann and St. Peter Julian Eymard

after 8:30 am Mass

11:00 Ladies Auxiliary K of C Card Party and Luncheon Fr. Farrell Hall

Tuesday, July 26 Adoration 9:00 - 12 noon

Novena of St. Peter Julian Eymard after 8:30 Mass

9:00 Miraculous Medal Devotion, Church

6:00 Children Choir & Chimes Rehearsal Music Room

7:00 Adult Choir Rehearsal Music Room

Wednesday, July 27 Adoration 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Novena of St. Peter Julian Eymard after 8:30 Mass

Share the Word Scripture Study on hiatus until Sept. 21

Thursday July 28 Adoration 9:00 - 12 noon

Novena of St. Peter Julian Eymard after 8:30 Mass

10:00 Mass at Sunshine Christian Home

12 noon MM & SJW Volunteers church cleaning

Confessions 3:00 - 4:00 pm and 7:00 - 7:30 pm

Friday, July 29 Adoration 9:00 - noon

Novena of St. Peter Julian Eymard after 8:30 Mass

8:00 Coffee Social Media Room

1:30 - 3:00 Centering Prayer Social Hall

Saturday, July 30 Novena of St. Peter Julian Eymard after 8:30 Mass 9:00 Carmelites Meeting St. Francis Room

3:00 Divine Mercy Chaplet Church

6:00 Teen Life Night Media Room

3:00 & 5:00 Choir Rehearsal Music Room

This Week in Our Parish We look forward to seeing you

Welcome to St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church.

Contact the Parish Office for registration and please

let us know if you need a visitation from our priests.

We encourage you to join in the many activities

found in the bulletin.

COMING EVENTS / Save the Date

SUNDAY - JULY 24, 2016


7:30 AM Agatha Boulay+ - Ron and Lorraine Tine

9:00 AM Sally Ann Living+ - Cathy Maroney

11:00 AM For the People


8:30 AM Alexander Nagy+ - Maureen



8:30 AM Virginia Seco de Lucena+ - Mother Espie


8:30 AM Christopher Taylor+ - Phyllis Tokar


8:30 AM Deacon Gerard White+ - Joan Milloy


8:30 AM Joann McReynolds+

by Geraldine & Kevin Hughes


8:30 AM Doris Mitchell+ - Bernie and Gaile

4:00 PM Domingos Matos+ - The Oliveira Family

SUNDAY - JULY 31, 2016


7:30 AM Jeannie Letsos+ - Ed Grimes

9:00 AM O’Connor and Ryan Families+

by Cathy Maroney

11:00 AM For the People

Sanctuary Candle Reserved for Adele Stregare

July 26 An open invitation to stewardship meeting at

1:30 in the Social Hall

August 6 & 7 after all Masses: Recruitment for

Faith Formation Catechists

August 21 & 22 after all Masses: Registration for Fall

Youth Faith Formation

August 27 10:00 - 4:00 First Annual Vendors’ Expo

The Family Of Deacon Gerard White would like to thank

the clergy and parishioners of St. Vincent de Paul for

their prayers and condolences on his recent passing.

July 17 —Parish Offering Support

Total Offertory—$5139

Total All Envelopes—189

#Cash Envelopes—107

#Checks Envelopes—82

Mass Attendance was—525 people

4:00 PM—119; 7:30 AM—74;

9:00 AM —132; 11:00 AM—200

Registered Families—647

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 24, 2016 www.svdpfl.con


Carol Albert; Jeannie Letsos; Richard H. Brose; Deacon

Gerry White; Elaine Frances Fletcher

Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual

light shine upon them. We glory in the resurrection of

Jesus Christ. We keep all our faithful departed and their

loved ones in our prayers.

In the New York Times magazine last year, vari-

ous writers were asked to profile “People of Ex-

cellence.” The writer who was assigned the “Best

Manager” piece chose —not Bill Gates—but St.

Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus!

“One of Ignatius’ gifts as leader,” she wrote “was

to envision a ministry wide enough to exploit the

various talents of the group’s members.” With

Christ’s love, St. Ignatius Loyola was able to see

the unique gifts of each Jesuit and then used the

lord’s power to steward those gifts according to

the Father’s will. This is the same task we face in

the parish. By attentively considering the talents

of the people in our care, the Lord will help us de-

termine the way he wants to inspire them to bene-

fit the whole community— and ultimately the


We would like to thank all of those who gave so

generously to our requests. We have someone

who will donate a 55” television set that is only a

year old. Thank you for your continued support

of your Parish.

Come Celebrate the Feast

Day of St. Ann and St Joa-

chim on Tuesday, July 26.

The Congregation of the

Blessed Sacrament in the

United States is dedicated to

St. Ann. The Congregation headquarters in Cleveland

has a special Shrine to St. Ann. Our Parish will contin-

ue the Novena in Honor of St. Ann through July 25.

The Novena prayers will be recited after the morning

Masses. Novena booklets will be available.

Readings for the Week of July 24, 2016

Sunday Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gn 18:20-32; Ps 138; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13

Monday Saint James, Apostle

2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126; Mt 20:20-28

Tuesday Saints Joachim and Anne

Jer 14:17-22; Ps 79; Mt 13:36-43

Wednesday Jer 15:10, 16-21; Ps 59; Mt 13:44-46

Thursday Jer 18:1-6; Ps 146; Mt 13:47-53

Friday Saint Martha

Jer 26:1-9; Ps 69; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42

Saturday Saint Peter Chysologus,

Jer 26:11-16, 24; Ps 69; Mt 14:1-12

Sunday Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21

The Scripture study program, Share the Word, which normally meets

on Wednesdays at 4:00 pm, is taking a break for the summer and will

resume on September 21, 2016.

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 24, 2016

Steps Eight and Nine: Make Amends 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. 9. Made direct amends to such people wher-ever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

It is a simple truth of being a human being, “we all have been hurt by others and we have all hurt others. It is also true that we are all in need of healing our brokenness. The 8th and 9th Steps are not about saying we’re sorry, although sometimes an apology plays an important part in the pro-cess. It’s about making amends, which means that we do our best to mend whatever our past behavior has damaged. We fix what we’ve broken or make restitution or do whatev-er else might be necessary. Mere apologies seldom suffice to set things right or to clear a guilty conscience. In fact, words alone may make things worse, not better. Our apologies are sincere when they’re backed up by action, either concrete action to make restitution where possible or by honest ad-mission of our own wrongdoing, together with the changed behavior that shows we really understand our fault, regret its harmful consequences to others, and are determined not to repeat it. Mending relationships damaged by wounded feelings and betrayed trust can be much more difficult, sometimes even impossible. We must bear in mind that our real purpose is to promote healing as much as possible, and not simply to soothe our own guilt with half-hearted efforts. Many of us

have been raised to believe that we should forgive oth-ers because it “proves” to our wounded egos that we’re better than the ones who wronged us, that it’s noble to let them off the hook, that as compassionate souls we should do it for their sakes, that we have no right to ex-pect forgiveness for our own mistakes if we don’t for-give others for theirs, that we should do it because God says so or just because it’s the “right” thing to do. The real reason we must learn to make amends and forgive is because it is essential for our own spiritual health and peace of mind. Without forgiveness, the pain and re-sentment of old indignities will continue to own us, crip-pling our capacity to love and be loved, and poisoning all our relationships with others . . . and ourselves. The only way to freedom is through forgiveness. When we forgive ourselves and make amends to others it doesn’t mean we approve of what happened. What it means is that we have chosen to no longer hold our-selves hostage to the past. We have recognized what happened, accepted it, experienced our feelings about it, and now we are letting go of it. It doesn’t mean that we like it or approve of it or that we will forget it, but only that we’re not willing to be enslaved by it and we’re ready to move on. As long as we are unwilling to forgive, we condemn our-selves to the condition of a prisoner chained to a stake in the desert. On the horizon there’s a lush, green oasis that promises cool shade, fresh water, and the joyful companionship of fellow travelers. But every time we try to reach the oasis we get jerked back by the chain. Regardless of how we got there, no one keeps us in that situation but ourselves. We have the key to unlock the shackle any time we chose to use it. That key is making amends. At every Mass Christ is present in the breaking and communal sharing to the one bread. The chalice of blood is for the forgiveness we all need to live in love.

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 24, 2016


RCIA - Rite of Christian

Initiation of Adults is a

wonderful process of initia-

tion into the Catholic Faith.

Here at St. Vincent de Paul,

we offer a year round pro-

gram, where you can start at any time and meet according

to your schedule. Those who are prepared will celebrate

the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and

Holy Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Those who are already

baptized in another Christian faith are not baptized again.

RCIA is for:

*Any adult who has never been baptized.

*Adults who have been baptized in another Christian faith

and wish to join the Catholic Church.

*Baptized Catholics who have never received their First

Eucharist, the Sacrament of Penance or Confirmation.

If this is you, or someone you know, all that is needed to

get started is a call to the Parish Office at 727-938-1974,

ext. 3 or the Faith Formation Office at ext. 6.

Upcoming Faith Formation dates: Catechist Re-

cruitment August 6 and 7, after all Masses; Registration

for Youth Faith Formation programs August 21 and 22,

after all Masses; and 2017 classes begin on Sunday, Sep-

tember 11 from 10:15 to 11:45 am. For more information,

or to register early, please call Jane in the Faith Formation

Office at 727-938-1974 ext. 6. Mon - Thurs.


We will be having an open house for

those interested in joining a fantastic

group of guys. These guys do a lot for our

Parish and help in many ways around our

community. Keep checking the bulletin

for the time and place of the open house.

It is a great way to secure your family’s

future. We are looking forward to seeing a lot of you for the infor-



The long awaited time is here. THE BRICKS ARE HERE!!!!!!!

They arrived this past Monday and I am in touch with a contractor

to place the bricks for us. We are accepting new orders for the sec-

ond installment of bricks and I promise it will not take as long as

the first installment took. I want to thank everyone who participat-

ed in the first installment. If you would like a brick you can find a

form at the doors of the church or in the Rectory. You can fill it out

and put the form and you check in an envelope and put it in the

collection basked anytime and I will get it, or you can go on line

and fill out the form there.


TEAM! This exciting group of teens meets every Satur -

day evening from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. If your Saturday

nights are kind of dull and you are looking for something to

spark it up, God may be calling you to say “YES” to joining

our Teen Life group as Adult Core Team Members. This

would not be an every Saturday night commitment; just when

you can. So come and join us by calling Rosemarie

Scordamaglia (Youth Ministry Director) at 938-1947 ext 7 or

email at

Good News about our Parish Teens: Many of the Teen

Life members took part in the Diocese of St. Petersburg’s

Good Samaritan project this past week. They joined many

other teens from other parishes to serve the needs of people

in our community with hands-on experiences with summer

projects such as Catholic Charities, Habitat for Humanity,

Sunshine Christian Home and several other needy areas.

God bless and thank you to this year’s Good Samaritan Pro-

ject Teens!


Just a quick update for all our baseball fans…. there is a

correction with one of the phone numbers I gave you last

week. Jessie Camerieri’s phone number was wrong, the

corrected number is 727-534-2090. Please let her or I

know if you are going on the trip. Again the tickets are

$50.00 a piece and the bus leaves the parking lot of the

church at 10:00am and returns around 5:00pm. It is a

very comfortable bus like we had last year, so come and

join us. We need all the money by August 19, 2016.



Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 24, 2016


We have four events coming up this late summer and

fall: Our First Annual Vendors Expo on August 27; A

King and Queen for the Day on Grandparents’ Day,

September 11; Our Annual Walk-A-Thon on Septem-

ber 25 and then “Corked and Uncorked, A Taste of the

Gulf “on October 22. We are looking for enthusiastic

volunteers to help with these grand and fun programs.

Please call the Parish Office at 727-938-1974, ext 1 or 3.

Thanks so much!

Is Your Marriage

Breaking Your


Retrouvaille can help.

Sometimes things can go

very wrong in a mar-

riage. Retrouvaille is a

program to help heal and

support married couples

experiencing difficulties,

couples broken, lonely

and hurting.

Retrouvaille is a program to restore communication

and trust in marriage. If you feel frustrated, hurt and

angry with each other, if you feel trapped by fre-

quent conflict and don't know where to turn, please

know that tens of thousands of couples have been

helped. Even if you are separated or divorced - or

are thinking about it - call and give yourselves an-

other chance. You and your relationship deserve it!

The next program begins August 19, 2016 at The

Hampton Inn in Oldsmar. Let us reserve a place

for you! For more information or r egistration

call 813-906-7705. All calls are strictly confidential.

If you know a couple in a hurting marriage, give the

entire family the priceless gift of love this summer.

Retrouvaille welcomes all married couples in strug-

gling relationships who want to save their marriages.

We also invite you to visit our website at


There will be a special

Novena in honor of St.

Peter Julian Eymard,

Apostle of the Eucharist,

and founder of the Con-

gregation of the Blessed

Sacrament, here in our

parish from July 24

through August 1. It will

be recited after Morning

Mass except Sundays. The Congregation is cele-

brating a special Triduum of Masses at St. Pas-

chal Baylon for St. Ann, along with a national

convocation of Congregation members and lay

Associates, culminating in the Feast of St. Peter

Julian Eymard on August 2.

Stewardship….. Time, Talent, Treasure


Catholic Online has some really great facts about the Roman Catho-lic Church which hopefully will be interesting to you.

1. The ONLY Christian church in existence for the first 1,000 years of Christian history was the Roman Catholic Church. All other Christian churches which exist today can trace their line-age back to the Roman Catholic Church. Most non-Catholic church-es which exist today are less than a century or two old by compari-son.

2. The Catholic Church consists of more than just the Roman Church. There are 22 Eastern Ritest hat are in full communion with Rome and although they go by different names, they are every bit as much a part of the Catholic Church.

3. The Catholic Church is entirely responsible for the composition of the Bible, which books are included, as well as the breakup of the chapters and verses. Protestants have removed some books of theBible because some of the verses were inconsistent with their theology. Martin Luther was a prime offender in this regard, re-moving Tobit, Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach and Ba-ruch. He also made an effort toremove James and Revelations, but this was rejected by his followers and those two books were kept. Catholics are often accused of “adding” the books, but despite this-Common belief, it is false. Older, pre-Protestant, Catholic transla-tions of the Bible include them.

4. About 15% of all hospitals in the Unites States are Catholic hospi-tals. In some parts of the world, the Catholic Church provides the only healthcare, education and social services available to people.

These are just a few facts you can read in Catholic Online. Some you are familiar with, others you are not. It’s fascinating learn about our Church.

Your Stewardship Ministry

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 24, 2016



