Masjid of Rasulullah ﷺ - Jamiatul Ulama KZN · expansion of the Masjid. •Uthman ibn Affan, the...


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Masjid of Rasulullah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Arrival in madinah

• Journey of Hijrah

• Welcome in Quba

• Masjid Quba

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Journey into madinah

• Everyone trying for Nabi

to stop at their place

• Masjid Jum’ah

• Tala ‘al badru / Excitement of people

• Place of Masjid chosen by Allah

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Place of Masjid Nabawi chosen by Allah

• Camel reaches area of Bani Adi bin Najjaar, continues …

• Stops a little further, sits down

• Stands again, walks a distance and returns to initial spot

• Seems to be searching for a specific spot

• Rasulullah climbs off, next to the place of Abu Ayyub Ansari

• Abu Ayyub takes Rasulullah’sbelongings to the house

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

The Land of Masjid Nabawi

• Land belonged to two youngsters from the Banu Najjaar – Sahl and Suhail

• Nabi asked them to sell the land for the establishment of a masjid

• They wished to give the land

• Rasulullah refused, and Abu Bakr paid for it

• Land:• Described as mirbad – land used for

drying dates

• Enclosed area, with some palm groves

• Area where trash was thrown

• Few old graves

هللا عليه وسلم عن أنس ـ رضى هللا عنه ـ قدم النبي صلى

ار ثامنون "ال المدينة فأمر ببناء المسجد فق "ي يا بني النج .

ين، فأمر بقبور المشرك .فقالوا ال نطلب ثمنه إال إلى للا

يت، و وا النخل بالنخل فقطع، فصف فنبشت، ثم بالخرب فسو .قبلة المسجد

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

First Masjid – Initial construction• Period: 1 A.H / 622 CE

• Period of Rasulullah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

• Description: • Dimensions were marked by

Rasulullah• Took approximately 8

months .• Open building with small

roofed area towards the front of the masjid.

• Great Camaraderie among Sahabah while building

• Humility of Rasulullah


• 30m from East to West, 35m North to South.

• 1,5 to 2 m high.• Total Area: 1, 050 m2.

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos


• Began in Rabi-al-Awwal; Completed in Safar of the next year. Took seven to eight months to complete.

• A rectangular building. • Foundation was dug and built with rock

Approximately 1.5m deep75 cm below ground and 75cm above ground 1m below and 50cm above around

• Structure made of unbaked bricks and mud for the walls; • Date palm trunks for columns. • Roofed area attached to the Northern wall, about 1.5 to 2m

high. • The living quarters of the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص was built on the Eastern

Side of the Masjid.• An area was allocated to the Ahl-us-Suffah: in the Masjid,

originally in the southern side of the mosque, but was transferred to the northern end after the change of the Qibla.

• Eastern: the Door of the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص and the door of Uthman. Now known as Bab al-Jibril.

• Western Door – Originally known as the door of Aatika, also now known as Bab al-Rahmah (Door of Mercy).

• Southern Door – It is now known as the Door of Umar. This door was closed and a new door, the Northern Door, was opened after the qibla direction changed from Jerusalem to Makkah.

Dimensions of Structure

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

First Masjid

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Change of Qiblah• 16 months after Hijrah, Allah revealed revelation instructing the change of qiblah

• The Qiblah was initially facing north towards Jerusalem.

• Remained in this direction for 16/18 months.

• The prayer direction was then changed from north to south, towards the Ka’bah, and the original mihrab/musallah(prayer niche) was converted to a door.

• Roof made from palm tree branches cemented together with beaten clay. Slightly sloped to facilitate drainage during rainy seasons.

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Expansion in the time of Rasulullah • Period: 7 AH /628 CE

• During Period of Rasulullah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

• Description:

• Population of Muslims increased significantly.• The Masjid was used for various purposes where

teaching was carried out, politics were discussed, delegations were received and the needy were catered for.

• After the Battle of Khaybar (7AH), Sahabah requested permission from Rasulullah for the expansion of the Masjid.

• Uthman ibn Affan, the Prophet’s ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص son-in-law, purchased land next to the Masjid Nabawi and this land was used to significantly extend the area of the mosque.

• New size:

• The masjid was extended to the north and west. • Each side now measured about 50 m.• Total area: increased to 2500 m2• Height increased to about 3.5 m.

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

2nd Masjid – 1st Expansion

• 7 AH, after Battle of Khaybar

• 3 pillars to the right/west

• 5 pillars to the north/back


• Pillars cream, no vertical gold lines

• Base is a gold circle

• Where top meets the ceiling, a gold and brown

• Western wall marked with green and gold logo, written hadd masjid annabawi

• East to west, 40-49

• North to south- 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 110, 120, 130

• Height 7 dhiraa or 3.5mMl Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Period of Abu Bakr

• Period: 11-13 AH (632-634 CE)

• Under the Khilaafat of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq

• Description:

• No expansion

• Significant changes to Masjid• The pillars of Masjid Nabawi

were beginning to eat away• Abu Bakr repaired and restored

the pillars – while maintaining their original design

• The roof began to leak.• It was restored with the same

materials, but was expanded to cover a slightly larger area.

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

• Period: 13-24 AH (634-644 CE)

• Description:

• Reason for Renovation:

• Umar was approached by people to extend Masjid Nabawi

• He initially shied away from an expansion

• However, he noticed the pillars being eaten away, and began repairs on the pillars

• Upon insistence of the people, he began expansion of the Masjid

Period of Umar

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Period of Umar

• In 17 AH (639 CE), he bought some houses surrounding the mosque and the Masjid was expanded on the Southern, Northern and Western sides

• Three additional exterior doors were also added, bringing the total number of doors to six.

• The columns, minbar (pulpit) and mihrab (prayer niche) from the previous construction remained as they were.

• Small stones were scattered across the floor and woven palm fronds provided carpeting

• Umar also introduced incense, which was used every Friday and during Ramadan.

• In addition, he introduced an area on the north side of the courtyard known as al-Butayha, which allowed people to discuss their worldly affairs and to recite poetry, away from the ritual prayer.

• The homes of the Ummahaatul Mu’mineen were on the Eastern side, so the Masjid was extended on the three other sides.

• Umar rebuilt the houses of the Ummahaatul Mu’mineen with baked bricks

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

• Doors:

• Baab Rahmah and Baab Jibreelremained

• New door: Baab as-Salaam

• New External doors: One new door on the Northern side of old Masjid,

• Internal Doors

• Two doors each to the East and West of the Masjid area on the Southern Side

• The three openings have been marked with copper entrances

• One of the doors on the Eastern side is now within the Hujrah area.

• Two on the Western side are also marked with copper entrances. They are found to the left and right of Mihrab Uthmanniyah / Sulaimaniyah.

New size:

• The front of the mosque / south was increased by 5m

• The back of the mosque / north was increased by 15m

• The western side was increased by 10m

• The masjid was now rectangular in shape again,

• 60m from east to west and 70m from north to south/ 4200 sq meters.

• The roof was increased to a height of 5.5m.


• To the South: one pillar – Pillars 152-162

• To the West: two pillars – Pillar 24-29

• To the North: 30 dhiraa / 15m

• Homes incorporated in the Masjid

• He called those neighboring the Masjid, and gave them three choices:

• Sell, Gift or Sadaqah in the Path of Allah

• Homes incorporated:• Ja’far bin Abi Talib• Children of Abu Bakr• Usamah bin Zaid• Zaid bin Harithah• Abbas• Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas• Abdullah bin Mas’ood

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Period of Uthman • Period: 29 AH (649 CE)

• Description:• In the month of Rabi al-Awwal 29 Hijri, 12 years after the previous

extension by Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman undertook a new expansion.

• The Masjid was demolished and a brand new structure was built, taking 10 months to complete.

• It was completed in Muharram 30 AH. • Uthman personally took part in the construction.• More durable materials were used in the construction of the

mosque:.• The number of doors remained the same, as in the period of Umar.• Despite the large renovation, the original layout of the mosque was

preserved. • The mimbar (pulpit) remained in the same position, as did the

Prophet’s ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصmihrab (prayer niche). However, a new mihrab was erected at the north wall where the imam led prayers from, allowing for more prayer space.

• The Prophet’s ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصmihrab was no longer in use and now stood in the prayer area.

• He made a protective enclosure around the area where he led the salat to avoid attack on him during the salat.



Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Period of Uthman

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Period of Uthman

Homes incorporated into the Masjid:

• Ummul-Mu’mineenHafsa

• Marwan ibn Hakam

• Ja’far ibn Abi Talib

• Abu Bakr

• Abdullah ibn Abbas


• One pillar to the South – Qiblah direction, 5m• One pillar to the West – right side, 5m

• Color of the pillars: • cream with gold line on top, gold and brown when it

meets ceiling

• Western Side: Pillars 11-19• Northern side: extended by 10 dhiraa’ / 5m• Southern Side: Mihrab of Uthman; a small structure

was made for the Imam

New size:

The new masjid remained rectangular in shape, increased by 5m on three sides.

80m from North to South and 65m from East to West.

Total Area: over 5200 m2.Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos

Kindly note that pictures utilized in these presentations have been derived from various sources, including:

▪ Various Internet websites, including:




▪ Wasf-al-Masjid-an-Nabawi

Ml Abdullah Jeena @madinahmemos
