Marks’ and Marta’s project April – June, 2014



13th Sabbath offering project Raising money for «Boys’ dormitory for boarding school in Karmatar, India». Marks’ and Marta’s project April – June, 2014. Mission stories!. We love to read mission stories. One day we read about India. We wanted to help!. How can we help ?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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13th Sabbath offering project

Raising money for «Boys’ dormitory for boarding

school in Karmatar, India»Marks’ and Marta’s project

April – June, 2014

Mission stories!

• We love to read mission stories.• One day we read

about India.• We wanted to


How can we help?We decided to earn money for the children in India.

So we prayed to Jesus!

How can we earn money?

• We cleaned the side of our Hwy and got $6.

• Then we found empty bottles!

• My Mom suggested that we can collect them and recycle to get money for the project!

Work on the projectI wrote letters to the neighbors about our


Marta made nice envelopes and a special gift for each

person – a magnet!

First bottles!• First we got

bottles from our neighbors.

• But we have only 3 of them!!!

• My Dad suggested to write letters to his co-workers and to our church members as well!

You helped us!• The first letter I

wrote was to my Sabbath school teacher Mrs. Parker and she was happy to help.

• That encouraged me to write to others whom we know!

• Thank you for your help!

On the way to the bottle depot...We tried to put all bags in to our car!

Some of them we put on the front seat as well.

Full car of bags with bottles!!We had so many recycling bottles that we had to make two trips to the Bottle shop!

Long time to wait...We had to wait a long time while all the bottles were counted. And finally – SURPISE!!!!

LOOK what we got!

A special thank you to - • JESUS for answering the prayers and helping us to raise so

much money for His work!• Our Dad and Mom.• Our neighbors:

- Mr. Don Gordon;- Mr. Freeman and his family;- Mr. Jim.

• Campers: - a lady with 2 dogs;- a man who worked for an oil company.

Thank you

• To our Church members:- Pastor’s Rosengren family;- Mr. and Mrs.Lyons;- Mr. and Mrs.Parker;- Mr. and Mrs.Tailleur;- Mr. And Mrs.Willing.

• To our friends and other people who helped us a lot!

‘’Every good gift and every perfect

Gift comes from above.’’

james 1:17
