Marketing Management



marketing,briefly explaining the various aspects of marketing including marketing, types of markets, 4p, 7p, 8p, stages of marketing, scope of marketing, selling and marketing, marketing concept, by

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• Marketing ?

• Identifying and meeting human and social needs.

• Meeting needs profitably.

• Flow of goods and services from producers to customers.

• The term was first academically defined in 1937 when the newly born American Marketing Association (AMA) asserted:– “Marketing consists of those activities

involved in the flow of goods and services from the point of production to the point of consumption.[2]"

• Adding to Kotler's and Norris' definitions, the Chartered Institute of Marketing's (CIM) definition claims marketing to be the " process of anticipating, identifying and satisfying customer requirements profitably .

• For a marketing plan to be successful, the mix of the four "Ps" must reflect the desires of the consumers in the target market

Types of markets

• Consumer markets.

• Business markets.

• Global markets.

• Non-profit and governmental markets.

Marketing mix

product promotion placeprice

Core marketing concepts.

• Market segmentation.

• Market place.

• Market space.

• Meta market.

Seven p’s

In addition to the traditional four p’s three more p’s are added by Booms and Britner.

people process physical evidence

Eighth p

• packaging

• People:all people that are directly or indirectly involved in the consumption of a service.e.g.: knowledge workers, employees ,management.process :procedures ,mechanisms and flow of activities by which the flow of services is consumed physical evidencethe ability and environment in which service is delivered.

• Segmentation based on demographic, physiographic and behavioral differences among buyers.

• Market place is physical – shopping in a store.

• Market space is digital – shopping on the internet.

• Meta market – is a cluster of complementary goods and services.e.g.: automobile –insurance ,loan ,accessories, dealers.

• Needs ,wants and demand.

• Brand image.

• Offering.

• Marketing channels.

• Competition.

• Needs become wants when they are directed to specific objects that satisfy the need.

• Wants are shaped by the one’s society.

• Demands are wants for specific products backed by an ability to pay.

• E.g.: many people want mercedez .

• Competition-

• Brand competition.

• Industry competition.

• Form competition.

• Generic competition.

• Offering – combination of products, services, information, experience.

• E.g. :offer from the Mercedes Benz

• Brand competition :a company sees its competitors as other companies that offer similar products and services to the same customers at similar prices.

• E.g.: wagon r from Maruti and santro from Hyundai.

• Industry competition : a company sees its competitors as all companies that make the same product or class of products.


• Form competition : a company sees its competitors as all companies that manufacture products that supply the same service.

• Generic competition:a company sees its competitors as all companies that compete for the same consumer group.e.g. :Volkswagen would see itself competing with companies that sell major consumer durables , foreign vocations, new homes.

Stages in marketing .

Entrepreneurial marketing.Formulated marketing.Intrepreneurial marketing.

The scope of marketing.

• The scope of marketing.

marketing people are involved in marketing 10 types of entities.

goods. services. experiences. events. persons. places. properties.

Organizations. Information.Ideas.

• Ideas.

Every market offering includes a basic idea at its core.

e.g.: Charley Revson of Revlon: in the factory we make cosmetics in the store we sell hope.

Marketing management ?

• Marketing management ?

• Is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing , promotion and distribution of ideas , goods ,services , to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.

Evolution of marketing.

The stage of barter.The stage of money economy.

e.g. :pricingThe stage of industrial revolution.The stage of competition .The emergence of marketing .

Three stages in the evolution of marketing.

Product – orientation stage.Sales – orientation stage.Market – orientation stage.

Product orientation stage.

Focused on the quality, design and quantity of the product.

sales orientation stage.

consumer had limited resources and selling equipped more place through advertisement efforts.

Market orientation stage.

In this stage companies identify what the customers want and accordingly they will shape their products.

Orientation of management towards marketing.

The five distinct concepts of marketing

• The exchange concept.

• The production concept.

• The product concept.

• Marketing myopia.

• Sales concept.

• The exchange concept.

product exchange buyer-seller.

distribution, pricing concepts lies .

• The production concept..

focused on mass production and least price.

• The product concept.

improved products , new products Focused on the quality, design and quantity of the product

• Marketing myopia.

excessive preoccupation with the product , production or selling , ignoring the customer.

• Sales concept..

as promotional methods are having more importance ,advertising, personal selling, discounts ,sales promotion , public relations etc lies on this.

Selling and marketing

• Selling revolves around the interests of seller whereas marketing around the buyer.

• Views as a goods producing process. Whereas mktg views as a customer satisfying process.

• Firm must make the product and figures how to sell it whereas mktg shape its products on the customers demand.

The marketing concept

• The key to achieve the organizational goals consists of the company being more effective than its competitors in creating , delivering and communicating customer value to its chosen target markets.

• Meeting needs profitably.

• “You’re the boss” (united airlines).

• “putting people first ” (British airways).

• “Have it your way” . (burger king )

The marketing concept

Target market



Profits throughCustomer


• Integrated marketing.when all the company’s department work together to serve the customer’s interests the result is integrated marketing.e.g. :sales dept, advertising , customer service , product mgmt, marketing research.

• Traditional organization chart





• Modern customer –oriented organization chart


Front –line people

Middle management

Top management

• E.g. of companies practice marketing concept..

• Mc Donald's, P&G , Wal- Mart

Limitations of marketing concept.

• Proper attention is not there for employees and suppliers.

• It gives priority to customer satisfaction secondary how to compete , how to perform marketing activities.

Value driven marketing

• Value driven marketing is an orientation for achieving objectives by developing superior value to customers.

• An extension of marketing orientation that attempts to overcome the problems of marketing orientation refers to value driven marketing.

• Six principles lies for value driven marketing.

• Customer principle.

• Competitor principle.

• Proactive principle.

• Cross-functional principle.

• Continuous improvement principle.

• Stakeholder principle

• Customer principle: focus marketing activities on creating and delivering customer value. (direct & indirect )

• Competitor principle: offers customers superior value to competitive alternatives. (icici bank ).

• Proactive principle : change environments to improve the chances for success when appropriate.

• Cross-functional principle :.use cross functional teams (bring people from other business functions i.e. finance , r&d ) when they improve efficiency and effectiveness of marketing activities.

• Continuous improvement principle: continuously improve marketing planning , implementation and control.

• Stakeholder principle :

Stakeholders are individuals and groups who are influenced and can influence marketing decisions.

e.g. : customers, employees, suppliers ,
