Market dynamics European market, week 35€¦ · Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh...


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Market dynamics – European market, week 35 (August 2013)

Demand is low due to the summer holidays and the general economic trend; sales are favourable for few items, mostly for local season products such as nectarines and apricots in particular. The marketing season for stone fruits is satisfactory, with prices better than last year even though lower than in July as the campaign has fully developed. Schools have started only in some parts of Europe so that a return to full market activity is expected in the coming weeks. Avocado – Although arrivals of Hass have remained quite high compared to the average, the European market is showing a good balance. Prices have been stable and firm in particular in the Northern markets. Prices of green varieties are higher than the prices of Hass and above the average (decreasing season for South Africa). With Chile entering the market in week 37 the supply pressure is expected to increase. Figs – The season of figs from Turkey is fully developing, with large price variability depending on sizes. Ginger – Prices continues high and are expected to increase further. Mango – The market is calm with prices just on average since some weeks. Israel entered the market with sea-freighted volumes and production is said to be 30-40% lower on last season. Spain will soon enter the market with normal volumes or, possibly, up on last season. Demand should starting kicking in September when the summer fruit supplies get lower; weather conditions could also create more demand if the temperatures drop in Europe. Supply is expected to increase. Pommegranate – The season for Egypt and Israel started about four weeks earlier in comparison to last year.

Pineapple – Very high prices for sizes 5-6’, exceeding 11,00 Euro/ctn, with large price range depending on the market considered; very low prices for small sizes, sometimes sold below 4,00-5,00 Euro/ctn or just in consignment. Prices for top brands are expected to reach 15,00 Euro/ctn in week 36. Limes – Very high prices for limes from both Brazil and Mexico (12,00-13,00 Euro/ctn) with prices differing considerably depending on the market considered; demand is expected to decrease with the end of the summer season. Lychees – The season from Israel is coming to an end, some batches from China. Melons - The first Brazilian yellow melons were

unloaded despite there is still a good supply of

yellow melons from Spain. Galia, Cantaloupe

and water melons from Brazil are expected in

week 36/37.

The first forecasts on deciduous fruit indicate that production should increase about (+7%) for apples and (+18%) for pears. As the season is about one month late because of the weather, stocks of the Southern Hemisphere fruits should be fully cleared by then. September looks difficult, in part because demand usually delays in re-taking shape after summer and also because the season for local products will stick for at least another 3-4 weeks until all stocks of local season fruits will be cleared.

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

De-commoditization: Food for thought

The global population is set to reach nine billion people by 2050; nearly all of this population growth will

occur in developing countries and demand for food products is expected to rise by 40% by 2030. The

international community will need to fulfil this increasing food demand not only because it is fair but also

because it is economically convenient and would help in avoiding major social unrest.

The increasing development gap and the recent economic crisis, the end of which is thought to be near

(though nobody knows when and with what implications for less favoured countries), urges the need to

identify solutions that will allow to distinguish food, particularly agricultural products, as top-priority items

in the coming years.

The development sector has largely debated how to use agriculture in developing countries for

development; though the issue might appear simple it is in reality very complex because it involves not

only national policies, different production systems and different market structures but also the history of

each particular production context and its own approach to rural development and related constraints.

Consider, as examples, the long disputes between big tenants and small-holder producers in the

Southern Hemisphere or the different opinions on development in evolved, profit and service–oriented

markets, and developing countries, where market and food-security inevitably run on a same path.

As primarily mentioned at the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) in the October 2011 summit de-

commoditization could be the key word. “I dislike the word ‘commodity’ almost as much as I dislike the

title ‘VP of Perishables’ for fruits said the president of PMA. “Why have we accepted the commodity fate

that was handed to us without question? A commodity classification says we are not unique, we have no

story” he continued.

De-commoditization means presenting fresh products not just as a commodity with no measureable

differences between one and the other, but as a special, unique item that is strongly linked to top-priority

issues such as sustainability and subsistence. In developing countries millions of people depend on the

prioritization of food items for their lives and for food security. In developed markets the de-

commoditization may permit not only to promote fresh products but also to avoid the vulgarization of the

market particularly putting in evidence product characteristics, origin and history; traditions and nutritional

values, and avoiding price standardization. In the words of the President of PMA: “is our focus on price

influencing consumer’s perception of value? Are we creating a low price future when many consumers

want something more than this?”

De-commoditization would be all about product valorisation, health and safety, sustainable production

systems and markets and eco-sustainability. I think that the high-tech world we are living in today may

offer perspectives for the de-commoditization and the promotion of fresh food products; considering that

the consumption of fruits in evolved countries is as low as 250 gr. (1 fruit) per day per person and that

de-commoditization is now being done even with with music (yes, music) why not attempt to do the same

with food. Food for thought? Or should we say thoughts for food!”

Source: Guido Bernardi, ITC’s International Consultant (

Importers willing to provide market information on market prices and trade and exporters available for submission of news on their production areas please contact

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

EURO/USD exchange rates of 27/8/2013


1 EURO 1 USD Denmark 7.459 5.576 Sweden 8.698 6.502 Switzerland 1.234 0.922 United Kingdom 0.859 0.642 USD 1.338 1.000 Euro 1.000 0.748

Euro - Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Spain, Portugal

Source: If not otherwise stated prices are per Kg, pruducts imported by air; all prices are in Euro

APPLE BANANA / banane frécinette / bananito Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Ecuador 5.67 5.67 France Colombia 6.80 6.80

Ecuador 1.65 1.65 sea Holland Colombia 5.17 5.17

Ecuador 2.65 2.65 sea Italy Colombia 6.29 6.29

APRICOT / abricot / albaricoque by sea

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

United Kingdom Turkey 2.44 2.44

ASPARAGUS / asperge / esparrago

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Peru 11.50 11.50 gr tips 10x200

10.73 10.73 wh tips 12x200 France Peru 8.00 8.00 gr Holland Peru 5.00 5.00 wh

11.38 11.50 gr tips 10x200 Thailand 11.38 12.50 gr tips 11x200

Italy Peru 6.25 6.25 gr 8x420 Sweden Peru 7.36 7.36 gr 20x250 United Kingdom Peru 6.40 6.40 gr

AVOCADO / avocat / aguacate price per carton- 4 kg ctn by sea

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Peru 9.50 9.50 hass 16-18' South Africa 9.50 9,5ù hass 16-18' 10.00 10.00 ryan, pin

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

AVOCADO / avocat / aguacate price per carton- 4 kg ctn by sea

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France Brazil 12.80 14.00 trop Dominican

Rep. 12.00 14.00 trop

Kenya 7.00 7.00 hass 14' ex-quay

8.00 10.00 16-18-20' ex-quay

7.00 8.00 22-24' ex-quay Peru 8.50 9.00 hass 14' ex-quay 9.00 10.00 16-18-20' ex-quay 8.00 9.00 22-24' ex-quay South Africa 8.00 8.00 hass 14' ex-quay 9.00 9.00 16' ex-quay 9.50 10.00 18-20' ex-quay 8.50 8.50 ryan 16' ex-quay 8.50 9.00 18-20' ex-quay

Germany Brazil 9.00 9.00 hass 18' Peru 7.00 9.00 hass

South Africa 9.00 9.00 hass 18' Holland Brazil 15.50 15.85 trop

Peru 9.75 10.75 hass 14' South Africa 10.75 10.75 hass 14-16' 9.25 10.75 ryan 18' 9.25 11.00 pin 14'

Italy Peru 13.00 13.00 hass South Africa 9.50 11.00 pin

Spain Brazil 7.00 7.00 Sweden Peru 9.31 9.31 hass 12' Sweden 11.04 11.04 hass 24' Switzerland Peru 12.32 12.32 hass 16' United Kingdom Brazil 12.23 12.23 United Kingdom Kenya 6.99 6.99 United Kingdom 12.23 12.23 hass United Kingdom Peru 12.23 12.23 pin United Kingdom South Africa 11.64 11.64 ryan

BABY CORN / mini maïs / cholo

Market Origin H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Thailand 7.00 7.77 Sweden India 9.20 9.20 Sweden Thailand 9.20 9.20

BEAN / haricot / judia

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France Kenya 6.00 6.00 xf Holland Kenya 4.50 4.75 xf

4.50 4.58 xf 12x250 Sweden Kenya 5.86 5.86 xf 12x250 United Kingdom Kenya 3.49 3.78 f

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

CACTUS FIG / figue de barbarie / tuna

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Israel 5.12 5.12

CARAMBOLA / carambole

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Malaysia 5.33 5.33 10-12' France Malaysia 4.60 4.60 20-24' Holland Malaysia 4.29 4.53 20-24'

5.67 5.67 10-12' Italy Malaysia 5.14 6.29 20-24' Spain Malaysia 5.25 5.25 Sweden Malaysia 5.48 5.48 24' United Kingdom Malaysia 3.33 3.33 sea

CASSAVA / manioc / yuca

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France Costa Rica 1.20 1.20 Holland Costa Rica 1.03 1.17 Italy Costa Rica 1.11 1.11 Sweden Costa Rica 1.47 1.47 Sweden Ecuador 1.47 1.47


Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France Costa Rica 1.20 1.80 Holland Costa Rica 1.32 1.47

CHILLI / piment / ajie

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France Guadeloupe 7.50 7.50 2 kg Madagascar 11.00 13.00 raw Martinique 6.00 6.00 lan

Morocco 1.20 1.20 gr Holland Mexico 6.89 6.89 ser 4,5 kg

Peru 7.94 7.94 aji y 1,7 kg Thailand 10.25 10.25 r raw 2 kg 14.58 14.58 r raw 12x100 9.75 9.75 gr raw 2 kg

Italy India 13.75 13.75 raw 12x100 Sweden Dominican

Rep. 7.59 7.59 hab r 2 kg

Sweden Uganda 7.59 7.59 hab y 2 kg Switzerland Martinique 12.97 12.97 clo

Switzerland Thailand 16.21 16.21 raw

United Kingdom

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

COCONUT / noix de coco / coco price per bag/sac - by sea

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Costa Rica 15.00 15.00 40' France Côte d'Ivoire 9.00 11.00 15'

16.00 16.00 50' Holland Côte d'Ivoire 6.50 10.00 16'

13.20 14.00 40'

11.65 12.00 50'

Sri Lanka 20.00 20.00 40' Italy Côte d'Ivoire 0.68 0.90 50' kg

Sri Lanka 1.25 1.25 kg Spain Côte d'Ivoire 0.60 0.60 kg Sweden Côte d'Ivoire 18.68 18.68 50' Switzerland Dominican

Rep. 12.97 12.97 16'

United Kingdom Côte d'Ivoire 12.23 12.23 50' United Kingdom Sri Lanka 9.61 9.61 25'


Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Colombia 10.00 10.00 1,4 kg

DATE / datte / dátil

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France Israel 2.80 2.80 7.50 7.50 medjool l 8.50 8.50 medjool j

Holland Israel 3.70 3.70 barhi

South Africa 6.80 6.80 medjool j Mexico 11.00 11.00 medjool l Tunisia 1.77 2.00 24x200

Spain Tunisia 2.80 2.80 Sweden South Africa 9.43 9.43 medjool Sweden Tunisia 2.53 2.53 24x200 Switzerland Israel 10.54 10.54 medjool United Kingdom Jordan 5.82 5.82


Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Thailand 7.90 7.90 5 kg


Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France China 1.70 1.70 taro Holland Costa Rica 1.77 1.95 Sweden Costa Rica 2.24 2.24

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Colombia 8.75 8.75

FIG / figue / higo price per ctn

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Turkey 3.00 3.00 France Turkey 2.70 2.70 kg Germany Turkey 3.00 3.00 Holland Brazil 10.30 12.50

Israel 9.75 9.75 bl 14' Turkey 4.25 4.25 14-16' 4.00 4.00 18' 3.50 3.50 20' 3.25 3.25 22' 3.00 3.00 25'

Sweden Turkey 5.17 5.17 20' Switzerland Turkey 3.40 3.40 16' kg United Kingdom Turkey 4.08 5.68

GINGER / gingembre / jengibre by sea

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Brazil 1.77 1.77 France Brazil 2.50 2.50

China 1.62 1.62 Germany China 1.54 1.69 Holland Brazil 1.95 1.95

China 1.69 1.73 Italy Brazil 2.64 2.64

Thailand 2.15 2.64 Sweden China 2.18 2.18 Sweden Thailand 2.18 2.18 Switzerland China 2.84 2.84 United Kingdom Brazil 2.06 2.06 United Kingdom China 1.97 2.33

GRANADILLA / grenadille

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France Colombia 8.50 8.50 Holland Colombia 9.00 9.50

Ecuador 9.00 9.00 Italy Colombia 10.00 10.00

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

GRAPE / raisin / uva sea/truck

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Egypt 1.18 1.18 sgr United Kingdom Egypt 1.68 1.68 sgr United Kingdom Turkey 2.10 2.10 sul

GUAVA / goyave / guayaba

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Brazil 6.34 8.48


Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Thailand 5.00 5.00 10 kg

KAKI-PERSIMMON / kaki / caqui 2,5 kg by sea/truck

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland South Africa 2.96 2.96 14' Sweden South Africa 2.91 2.91 16'

HORNED MELON/ concombre africain/ melano

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Dominican Rep.

3.17 3.57 8'

Honduras 3.17 3.17 8' Sweden Honduras 4.34 4.34 8'

KIWI price per carton - by sea or

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France New Zealand 21.00 21.00 33' 10 kg 15.40 15.40 33' 5,6 kg

Germany New Zealand 20.95 12.25 22-25' 10 kg

20.50 20.50 27'

18.50 18.50 30'

17.80 17.80 33'

16.50 16.50 36'

14.85 14.85 39'

13.15 13.15 42' 12.36 12.36 46'

13.40 13.40 25' 5,6 kg

13.20 13.20 27'

12.35 12.35 30'

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

KIWI price per carton - by sea or

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

12.10 12.10 33'

11.30 11.30 36'

10.15 10.15 39'

9.30 9.30 42'

6.75 6.75 25-27' 3,5 kg

6.30 6.30 30'

6.20 6.20 33'

5.90 5.90 36' 5.25 5.25 39'

4.80 4.80 42'

15.70 15.70 org 22-25' 10 kg

15.30 15.30 27'

13.85 13.85 30-33'

12.38 12.38 36'

11.14 11.14 39' 9.86 9.86 42'

9.27 9.27 46'

Holland Chile 13.25 13.25 27-30-33' 10 kg

12.75 12.75 36-39' New Zealand 14.90 14.90 25-40' 5,6 kg

14.85 14.85 27-44'

14.10 14.10 30-48'

13.80 13.80 33-52'

18.00 18.00 39-115'

26.85 26.85 gold 27-48'

27.15 27.15 30-52'

26.95 26.95 33-58'

26.95 26.95 gold 33-59' loose 6 kg

24.35 24.35 39-73'

20.75 20.75 42-80' Italy Chile 15.00 15.00 20-23-25' 10 kg

14.00 14.00 30'

13.50 13.50 33'

13.00 13.00 36'

New Zealand 25.50 25.50 27' 10 kg

23.50 23.50 30'

21.50 21.50 36'

20.00 20.00 39'

26.00 26.00 gold 25-27-30' 6 kg

25.00 25.00 gold 33'

Portugal Chile 1.70 1.70 20-23' kg 1.60 1.60 25-27' kg

Spain Chile 1.42 1.42 kg

New Zealand 2.50 2.50 kg

4.40 4.40 gold kg

Sweden Chile 12.07 12.07 org 30'

Sweden New Zealand 16.44 16.44 33-52' 5,6 kg

Sweden 23.14 23.14 39-115' 10 kg

Sweden 27.22 27.22 gold 39-74' 5,6 kg

Switzerland New Zealand 15.17 15.17 30-48' 5,6 kg

United Kingdom Chile 13.39 13.39 10 kg

United Kingdom New Zealand 14.42 14.42 5,6 kg

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

KUMQUAT / naranjita chína

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France South Africa 4.80 4.80 Holland South Africa 4.38 4.38 Sweden South Africa 5.52 5.52 United Kingdom Brazil 4.27 4.27 3 kg

LEMONGRASS/ Citronelle / Citronela

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Thailand 5.83 5.83

United Kingdom Thailand 4.08 4.08

LIME / citron vert / lima by sea

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Brazil 1.78 1.78 France Brazil 2.44 2.44

Mexico 2.67 2.67 3.80 4.50 air

Germany Brazil 1.78 2.11

Mexico 1.78 2.00 Holland Brazil 2.25 2.25 48-54'

Mexico 2.38 2.38 48-54' Italy Brazil 2.44 2.44

Mexico 2.79 3.17 Portugal Brazil 1.80 1.80 Spain Brazil 1.45 2.00 Sweden Brazil 3.24 3.24 54' Sweden Mexico 3.49 3.49 42' Switzerland Brazil 3.48 3.48 United Kingdom Mexico 2.53 2.95

LIMQUAT / naranjita chína

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Israel 7.50 7.50

LYCHEE / litchi / lichi by sea

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France Israel 4.50 4.50 Holland Israel 5.00 5.38 j air Sweden Israel 6.55 6.55

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

MANGO / mangue by


Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Brazil 1.50 1.50 atk Israel 2.00 2.00 ken

France Israel 3.80 4.00 ken air Senegal 1.63 1.63 ken 8-10'

Germany Brazil 1.50 1.50 atk Holland Brazil 1.56 1.63 atk 9'

2.83 2.83 pal 8' rte Israel 1.19 1.19 atk 6'

0.93 0.93 atk 7-8'

1.06 1.06 atk 9' 3.33 3.33 maya 15' 6 kg air 3.17 3.43 shelly 13' 6 kg air

2.63 2.63 ken 9-10' rte

Puerto Rico 1.38 1.38 kei 8-9-10' Thailand 8.20 8.20 nam 5 kg air

Italy Brazil 1.38 1.38 atk 7-10'

Senegal 5.09 5.09 ken 5,5 kg air Portugal Brazil 2.90 2.90 Spain Brazil 3.25 3.50 air Sweden Brazil 1.87 1.87 atk 10' Switzerland Israel 1.26 1.26 ken per piece United Kingdom Brazil 0.97 1.35 United Kingdom Pakistan 1.11 1.11 United Kingdom Puerto Rico 1.50 1.50 kei

MANGOSTEEN / mangouste / mangostán

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France Thailand 9.50 9.50 Holland Thailand 7.50 7.50 Italy Vietnam 10.50 10.50 Sweden Vietnam 9.66 9.66

MELON/ melon/ melòn by sea

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

United Kingdom Brazil 0.62 0.62 hdw

MINI VEGETABLES/ mini lègumes/ mini hortalizas prepacked 6x200 gr.

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium South Africa 10.08 10.08 aubergine, carrots, courgette 10.08 10.08 fennel, leek, patisson gr,y

Holland South Africa 11.25 11.46 cabbage

9.25 11.25 carrots 10.42 12.71 courgett


11.25 11.25 eggplant 10.42 10.42 turnips

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

MINI VEGETABLES/ mini lègumes/ mini hortalizas prepacked 6x200 gr.

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

11.00 11.00 leek 11.25 11.25 patisson gr, y 10.00 11.88 fennel

NASHI - ASIAN PEAR / poire asiatique / pera asiatica

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Spain China 1.50 1.50 United Kingdom China 1.22 1.22

OKRA / gombo / quimbombó

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France Nicaragua 9.50 9.50 Holland Thailand 7.50 8.00 2 kg Italy Jordan 7.00 7.00 5 kg United Kingdom Thailand 5.24 5.24

PAPAYA / papaye

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Brazil 3.71 3.71 France Brazil 3.20 3.20

3.30 3.30 formosa Ecuador 3.30 3.30 8'

Holland Brazil 3.43 3.43 9-10' 2.78 3.41 formosa 4,5 kg 2.93 3.24 formosa 8 kg Ecuador 2.29 2.29 8' sea Thailand 4.81 4.81 cooking 8 kg

Italy Brazil 3.86 3.86 3.14 3.14 sea 3.22 3.22 formosa 2.82 2.82 formosa 8,5 kg

Portugal Brazil 2.85 2.90 sea Spain Brazil 2.75 2.80 sea

Costa rica 2.75 2.80 sea Sweden Brazil 3.83 3.83 formosa 3' 4,5 kg Sweden Ecuador 3.28 3.28 8' sea Switzerland Brazil 4.79 4.79 9' United Kingdom Brazil 3.56 3.56 formosa 4,5 kg United Kingdom Ecuador 3.66 3.66

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

PASSION-FRUIT / fruit de la passion / maracuya

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Colombia 5.00 5.00 France Colombia 5.00 5.00

12.00 12.00 y South Africa 6.50 6.50

Germany Colombia 5.50 5.50 Holland Colombia 5.25 6.08

9.00 9.25 y

Israel 6.08 6.08 South Africa 5.25 5.25

Zimbabwe 5.25 5.25 Italy Colombia 6.25 6.25

10.00 10.00 y Zimbabwe 6.25 6.85

Spain Colombia 8.00 8.00 Sweden Colombia 6.32 6.32 Sweden Zimbabwe 6.32 6.32 Switzerland Colombia 6.89 6.89 United Kingdom Kenya 4.37 4.37 United Kingdom Colombia 4.66 4.66

PEPINO / pépino

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Ecuador 4.43 4.69


Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Colombia 5.83 5.83 sea France Colombia 8.50 9.00 Germany Colombia 5.00 5.00 sea Holland Colombia 10.13 10.13

5.42 5.96 sea

8.67 8.80 1,5 kg Italy Colombia 9.17 9.17

7.79 7.79 sea Sweden Colombia 7.19 7.19 sea Switzerland Colombia 12.16 12.16 United Kingdom Colombia 9.70 9.70

PINEAPPLE / ananas / piña price per

carton by sea

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Costa Rica 8.00 8.00 Mauritius 13.00 13.00 baby 8-10-12' 3,5 kg air South Africa 10.00 1.00 baby air

France Benin 2.10 2.20 b kg air Costa Rica 1.05 1.05 swt kg Côte d'Ivoire 1.05 1.05 swt kg

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

PINEAPPLE / ananas / piña price per

carton by sea

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Mauritius 3.40 3.80 vic kg air Reunion 4.20 4.20 vic kg air

Germany Costa Rica 7.50 8.00 swt 7'

7.00 7.00 swt 8'

Holland Costa Rica 11.25 11.25 swt 5' 10.75 10.75 swt 6' 9.25 9.25 swt 7' 8.25 8.25 swt 8'

6.75 6.75 swt 9-10-12' Mauritius 13.20 13.50 baby 10' 4-4,5 kg air

South Africa 11.00 12.15 baby 10-12' 3 kg air Italy Costa Rica 1.21 1.21 swt kg

19.00 19.00 top brands


18.00 18.00 top brands


South Africa 18.70 18.70 baby air Portugal Costa Rica 0.80 0.90 swt kg Ecuador 0.98 0.98 swt kg Spain Costa Rica 1.50 1.50 swt kg Sweden Costa Rica 15.87 15.87 swt 6' Sweden 9.20 9.20 swt 10' Sweden South Africa 13.80 13.80 baby 10' air Switzerland Costa Rica 15.88 15.88 swt 7' United Kingdom Costa Rica 5.24 5.24 swt 9'


Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Thailand 7.67 7.67 France Colombia 9.00 9.00 y Holland Ecuador 9.00 9.00 y 8-13'

Thailand 6.62 6.62 10' Vietnam 6.50 6.87 10'

Italy Vietnam 7.67 7.67 Spain Colombia 5.00 5.00 sea Sweden Vietnam 7.66 7.66 10'

PLANTAIN / banane plantain / plátano by sea

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France Colombia 0.85 1.14 Ecuador 0.90 0.90

Holland Colombia 0.95 0.95 Sweden Colombia 1.26 1.26

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

POMEGRANATE / grenade / granada

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Israel 2.57 2.57 France Israel 2.63 2.63 12' Germany Egypt 2.00 2.00

Israel 2.29 2.29 Holland Israel 3.00 3.00 won Italy Israel 3.00 3.00 Sweden Israel 5.72 5.72 12' Switzerland Peru 4.08 4.08 8' United Kingdom Egypt 2.17 2.17 United Kingdom Israel 3.16 3.16

RAMBUTAN / ramboutan

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France Vietnam 9.50 9.50 Holland Thailand 7.50 7.80 Italy Thailand 10.45 10.45 Spain Thailand 7.00 7.00 Sweden Thailand 8.97 8.97 Sweden Vietnam 8.97 8.97

RED BANANA / banane rose / plátano de la Isla

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Ecuador 4.88 4.88 2.29 2.29 9 kg sea


Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Thailand 9.25 9.25

SNOW PEA / mange-tout / arueja chína

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Belgium Kenya 5.00 5.00 12x250 Holland Kenya 4.50 4.50 12x250

Peru 5.50 5.50 Zimbabwe 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 12X250

4.50 4.50 sug

4.67 4.75 sug 12x250 Sweden Guatemala 5.63 5.63 Sweden 5.63 5.63 sug Sweden 6.71 6.71 sug 24x150 Sweden Zimbabwe 5.63 5.63 Sweden 5.63 5.63 sug

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

SNOW PEA / mange-tout / arueja chína

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Sweden 6.71 6.71 sug 24x150 Sweden Zambia 6.33 6.33 24x150 Switzerland Guatemala 8.43 8.43 United Kingdom Guatemala 3.78 3.78 United Kingdom 3.78 3.78 sug United Kingdom Kenya 3.78 3.78 United Kingdom 4.37 4.37 sug

SUGAR CANE / canne à sucre / caña de azúcar

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France Martinique 4.50 4.50 Holland Costa Rica 4.25 4.25

SWEET POTATO/ patata douce/ patata dulce by sea/truck

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Brazil 1.08 1.08 wh m 10 kg Italy Honduras 1.75 1.75


Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Colombia 6.60 7.18 25' Italy Colombia 8.00 8.00 Sweden Colombia 8.29 8.29 25'

TAMARIND / tamarin / tamarindo

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France Thailand 3.08 3.08 20x454 Holland Thailand 3.07 3.07 20x500 Italy Thailand 4.00 4.00 20x500

UGLI FRUIT / ugli / ugli

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

Holland Jamaica 1.82 1.82 23-40-48' 14 kg

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

YAM / igname / ñame by sea

Market Origin L-price H-price Variety Size Pack Transport

France Ghana 1.40 1.40 Holland Ghana 1.64 1.64

Uganda 1.73 1.73 Sweden Brazil 1.06 2.21 Sweden Ghana 2.21 2.21

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


List of products in English alphabetical order

Product name Nom du produit Nombre del product

Apple Banana banane frécinette bananito


apricot abricot albaricoque


artichoke artichaut alcachofa


asparagus asperge esparrago

avocado avocat aguacate

Baby Corn mini maïs cholo

bean haricot judia


blackberry mûre mora


blueberry myrtille arandano


Cactus fig figue de barbarie tuna

carambola carambole carambola

cassava manioc yuca

chayote chayote chayote


cherry cerise cereza

chilli piment ajie

coconut noix de coco coco

curuba curuba curuba

custard-apple anone cherimoya

Date datte dátil

durian durian durian

Eddoe eddoe eddoe

Feijoa feijoa feijoa


fig figue higo

Garlic ail ajo

ginger gingembre jengibre

granadilla grenadille granadilla


grape raisin uva

guava goyave guayaba

Horned melon concombre africain melano

Jakfruit jackfruit jackfruit


Kaki/persimmon kaki caqui


kiwi kiwi kiwi

kumquat kumquat naranjita chína

Lemon Grass citronnelle citronela

lime citron vert lima

limquat limquat limquat

loquat nèfle níspola

lychee litchi lichi

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Mango mangue mango

mangosteen mangouste mangostán


melon melon melón

Mini Vegetables mini légumes mini hortalizas


Nashi/asian pear nashi nashi


nectarine nectarine nectarina

Okra gombo quimbombó

Papaya papaye papaya

passion-fruit fr. de la passion maracuya


peach pêche durazno

pepino pépino pepino

physalis physalis physalis

pineapple ananas piña

pitahaya pitahaya pitahaya

plantain banane plantain plátano


plum prune ciruela

pomegranate grenade granada

Rambutan ramboutan rambutan


raspberry framboise frambuesa

red banana banane rose plátano de la Isla

Salak salak salak

sapodilla nèfle d'Amérique zapote

snow pea mange-tout arueja chína


strawberry fraise fresa

sugar cane canne à sucre caña de azúcar

sweet potato patate douce patata dulce

sweetie sweetie sweetie

Tamarillo tamarillo tamarillo

tamarind tamarin tamarindo


tomato, cherry tomate cerise tomate cereza

Ugli fruit Ugli Ugli

Yam igname ñame

* Products monitored only during the European import season from overseas countries.

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


bin = 50 kg r = red/rouge/rojo

blk = black/noir/negro s = super

ctn = carton rte = ready to eat

cont = container sdl = seedless

gr = green/vert/verde sm = small

j = jumbo sug = sugar

l = large swt = sweet

lyr = layer tri = tri-pack (3 cartons of 3.5kg)

m = medium tru = truck-lorry

mix = mixed colors v.v. = various varieties

ora = orange/naranja vio = violet/violet/violeta

org = organic wh = white/blanc/blanco

pk = pink/rose/rosado xl = extra large

prep = prepacked y = yellow/jaune/amarillo

pur = purple/violet/morado


ard = ardit fue = fuerte reed = reed

bac = bacon hass = hass ryan = ryan

ben = benik lula = lula trop = tropical

edr = edranol nab = nabal wur = wurtz

ett = ettinger pink = pinkerton zut = zutano

mini = stoneless avocado / avocat cornichon / mini aguacate (sin hueso) / cocktail


bob = boby

coco = coco

f = fine (width of the pod exceeding 6 millimeters)

xf = extra fine (width of the pod not exceeding 6 millimeters)

run = runner

str = string

wax = wax


aji = ajies hr = thai chilli hot red

ana = anaheim jal = jalapeno

clo = cloche lan = lanterne

cub = cubanelles pob = poblano

fre = fresno raw = rawitt/birdseye/oiseau

hab = habanero sco = scotch bonnet

hgr = thai chilli hot green ser = serrano

Coconut/noix de coco/coco

12', 15', 16', 20', 25', 40', 50', 60' = cartons or bags containing 12, 15, etc. pieces

cartons aux sacs contenant 12, 15, etc. pièces

cajas o sacos conteniendo 12, 15, etc. piezas

drink = young coconuts with drinking milk in it

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


white/blanc/blanca blue red pink / bleu rouge rose / azul rojo Rosado

ale = aledo alp = alphonse lavallee

alm = almeria bar = barlinka

bie = bien donne blkdia = black diamond

bon = bonheur blkemp = black emperor

cal = calmeria blkgem = black gem

cha = chasselas blksdl = black seedless

dau = dauphine car = cardinal

fes = festival cri = crimson

imp = imperial dbh = dan ben hannah

ita = italia flm = flame

mus = muscat gold = gold

new = new cross muh = muscat de Hambourg

oha = ohanez mys = mystery

per = perlette nap = napoleon

pre = premier donne remp = red emperor

pri = prime ren = regina nera

pcs = princess rflm = red flame

que = queen of the vineyards rglo = red globe

reg = regal seedless rib = ribier

rev = regina or regina vera roc = la rochelle

ros = rosaki roy = royal

sgr = sugarone ruby = ruby

sul = sultana sat = sunred seedless

sup = superior sgr = sugraone

tmsdl = thompson seedless sultsdl = sultana seedless

vic = victoria sun = sunred seedless

wal = waltham cross

whemp = white emperor

whgem = white gem

whsdl = white seedless


alp = alphonse irw = irwin nie = nielum

ame = amelie jul = julie ost = osten

app = apple ked = kedan pal = palmer

atk = tommy atkins kei = keitt par = parvin

bad = badami kent = kent ruby = ruby

bor = boribo kns = kensington sen = sensation

cha = chawza lil = lilly sin = sindri

fra = francine mab = mabrouka val = valencia

gav = gaviota ngo = n'gowe van = van dijk

had = haden maya = maya zill = zill


can = cantaloup juan = juan canary

cha = charentais ogen = ogen

cre = crenshaw ora = orange-flesh

gal = galia piel = piel de sapo

Market Insider Tropical and Off-Season Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

gol = seedless water rock = rock


hdgr = honey dew green=tendral wat = watermelon/pastèque/sandia

hdw = honey dew


baby = small fruit of about 400 or 500 grs. per piece normally transported by air

(also called mini pineapples)

vic = victoria

4', 6', 7', 8', 9', 10', 12', 14' = cartons containing 4, 6, etc. fruits

Côte d'Ivoire pineapples

a = fruits of 1.8 to 2.2kg (avg. 2kg) b = fruits of 1.3 to 1.8kg (avg. 1.5kg)

c = fruits of 0.9 to 1.3kg (avg. 1.1kg) d = fruits of 0.7 to 0.9kg


ang = angeleno lar = laroda sap = sapphire

afr = african pride lay = larry ann sim = simka

blk amb = black amber lin = linda rosa son = songold

blk bea = black beauty mar = marian sou = souvenir

cas = casselman pio = pioneer

for = fortune rbea = red beauty

fri = friar rrosa = red rosa

gav = gaviota roy = roysum

har = harry pickstone ruby = ruby nel

lae = laetitia san = santa rosa

Snow-pea/mange-tout/arueja chína

sug snaps = sugar snaps t&t = top and tails
