Mark & Rfid Chip




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A question: Hi brother Lew, Knowing that the time is near, and we are closely watching all happening in the world, economic crisis,

poverty, natural disaster (earth quake, tsunami, fires, flood, drought). These all are happening in front of

us. More than that, lately we know that Obama health care is approved and will mandate every US

citizen to have RFID chip implanted by March 23, 2012. Is this time considered we are in the second part

of tribulation mentioned in the book of Daniel? FYI, here in Indonesia we will be fully ready with

electronic ID card with chip on it by end of this year 2012. How about you and family in regards to this

mandate RFID? We are concerned..

Dear brother, Thank you for asking about how we feel about the mandates we see ahead of us. The implanted RFID chips are widespread here, but so far only with household pets (and certain farm animals). Our cat has a chip in her in case she gets lost, and the chip will enable her to be identified pertaining to who she belongs to (ownership ). I allowed this because there is nothing cited in the Will of Yahuah that pertains to this, either for or against us marking or branding the animals we own as property under our care. The Christian world has interpreted the RFID as the “mark” of the beast in the forehead or right hand . The “forehead” pertains to our thought processes that involve our reasoning about what we are doing, and why we do it. The “right hand” pertains to our activity or actions which are expressed outwardly in the world, based on and the result of our reasoning. The “mark” of who we are obeying (Romans 6:16) is expressed clearly by what we have accepted to be the correct pattern of living, and the “difference” between the righteous and the wrong is seen clearly by our words and actions. Malachi 3 discerns for us what is happening here in the last days: Mal 3:16-18: “Then shall those who fear יהוה speak to one another, and יהוה listen and hear, and a book of remembrance be writt en before Him, of those who fear and those who think upon His Name ,יהוה . And they shall be Mine,” said יהוה of hosts, “on the day that I prepare a treasured possession. And I shall spare them as a m an spares his own son who serves him.

Then you shall again see the difference between the righteous and the wrong, between one who serves Elohim and one who does not serve Him.” The distinguishing feature between the righteous and the wrong concerns the “fear” of Yahuah (meaning obedience ), and thinking upon the Name of Yahuah. The mark of the beast clearly shows disregard for obedience to Yahuah, and they teach another name. The “mark” of our identity is Yahuah’s everlasting “mark” on us, and that is the sign / mark of His Sabbath day. The mark of the beast is Sun-day , and the RCC acknowledges the Sun-day Sabbath change to be their “mark” of authority (claimed by them to be in the

heavenlies as well as on Earth). This change occurred in the year 321 with the Edict of Constantine . The mark of the beast is described at Revelation 13, and the “forehead” (seat of thinking) is mentioned. Proceeding directly into chapter 14 we find the mark of Yahuah in the “foreheads” of Yahuah’s people: Rev 14:1: “And I looked and saw a Lamb standing on Mount Tsiy on, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s Name written upon their foreheads.”

An identification card with our photo and address, a specific “number” that is exclusive to us, merely serves to authenticate our true identity for the world system. It is concerned with security, and not in any way does Torah prohibit us from cooperating in civil security measures and properly identifying ourselves. We are not serving other elohim through this kind of thing. However, “implanting” a chip in our body, in my opinion, is not good. Marking ourselves in this way is more like “tattooing” ourselves, and we are made in Yahuah’s image so marring our body is only one level that I’m against. The other reason I’m opposed to receiving an identification chip “in” my body is it can be construed to be a sign of ownership (by the state). We are the property of Yahusha, purchased with His blood, and no one else’s property or servant. Branding an animal shows a sign of ownership, and so would the chip, it’s simply a different method using technology. I own my cat, and the chip declares that ownership .

The card is another thing entirely. It is less than a cellphone, but either may possibly have “tracking” capabilities in them. The card will enable government offices, employers, and businesses to retrieve the identity of anyone anywhere, and enable records to be created on travel habits, purchasing habits, and many other kinds of activity. It’s a stretch to imagine this is the “mark” of the beast, since obedience to Torah is not impeded, and there is no Torah against carrying identification with us, otherwise we’ve had the “mark” for a long, long time and didn’t know it. The world has been carrying the “mark” of the beast, but not in any kind of wallet or purse. It’s been seen in their actions, and it is Sun-day. By ignoring the true Sabbath, and following the practice of Sun-day, the distinction between the righteous and the wrong is on display for all to see, especially Yahuah. Rebellion is seen in the traditions of men, and obedience is seen in the observance of Yahuah’s instructions, and He does not change them. We cannot alter them, ignore them, nor add or take away from them. The RCC has claimed the power to do so. He sees us following His instructions, and has had a special scroll prepared with our names in it. He does not lie or deceive in any way, so we can depend on every Word that proceeds from His Mouth, and trust in all He said. Christians are chasing shadows because they have neither accepted His Covenant nor His Name. That’s because it is a secret: Psa 25:14: “The secret of יהוה is with those who fear Him, And He makes His Covenant known to them .”

Psa 111:10: “The fear of יהוה is the beginning of wisdom, All those doing them have a good understanding. His praise is standing f orever.”

We can fear man, or fear Yahuah. I love YeshaYahu 51, since it specifically mentions this: Isa 51:7 “Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, a people in whose heart is My Torah: do not fear the reproach of men, nor be afraid of their revilings.”

So, we can’t simply make up what we think is the mark of Yahuah, nor the mark of the beast. It’s obvious: those who cannot buy and sell do not have the mark of the beast (they rest on each Sabbath day, neither transacting business nor toiling to earn money). The text doesn’t say the beast system won’t “let” them buy or sell, it simply declares those who don’t have the mark of the beast cannot buy or sell. It’s a RIDDLE. 1. What 2 coins add up to 30 cents, and one of them is not a nickel? a riddle;

The coin riddle above is similar to the riddle at Rev. 13; YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT THE ELEMENTS GIVEN. Yahuah’s Torah is wisdom , and having it will enable His servants to solve the riddle of the “mark” of the beast. Those unable to “buy” and “sell” do not have the mark of the beast, because they have the mark of Yahuah, His Sabbath. Those obeying Yahuah rest on every Sabbath, and do not engage in commerce because they obey Yahuah. Those not obeying Yahuah are those who have the mark of the beast, and their behavior, buying and selling on the Sabbath, “marks” them clearly. The sign or mark between Yahuah and His servants is the sign of the everlasting Covenant, His Sabbath (Ex. 31:13-17, Ez. 20:12-20).

Thanks for asking this! Love to all the family, brother Lew

Torah Institute, POB 436044, Louisville, KY 40253
