March 1993 All Souls Magazine


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  • 7/30/2019 March 1993 All Souls Magazine



    EDITORIALOver the past couple of months, two pople who have tcen in the publiceve have dled df ADS. First therc was Rudolph Nureyev, whose illness wasliit it tiu.t nominally secret until the very end, then Arthur Ashe' who confirmedhLi FfiV-positive stafus a couple ot years ago, and worked for his own AIDSawa.eoesi programrne until just before he died-And I don't quite understand this, but I felt much more touched' and hurt'bv Arthur Ashe's death than I did by Nureyev's. I can't find any logical reason1i1 ttris, for bauet has always given me much rnore pleasure to watch tban men'stennis, which for many yeirs -bas been dominated by a kind oI- power Pl?y thatt, ioi one, find too tedibus to get involved with. -It can't be because of sometletiog thit Nureyev was sonehow "suilW'] .of eptting..AlD$ trgq !s nar{cqtar.iroi"i iit"stvt. wirereas Ashe contracted ii "innocently" frcm a blood transfusionJ;riaq futt sursery, for both men acquired tfie virus before it enjoyed allir" -dent oublicitv-' Perhaps it is because Nureyev always seemed to be ani.""rtatioti fron iome ex6tic, doomed, world' a wild creatu,re in an irresponsibleofftession. whereas Ashe, for all his extraordinary abilities, was an ordinary;i;n:I"i*, boy-oext-door, raising himself from very humble beginoings bybis own taleots and efiorts.And anway, once we start dividing AIDS suffercrs into $e 'Suilty" qndthe "innocni", wi a." oo very slippery ground..Just imagine,. for example' th?t-x"t"u"u nua contracted the - viru3,- ndt -from his notorious nights out with thei*J'iir' pitii. but from a half-litrc ot contaminated blood while he was bavingri"""".uti* i* an in'growing toenail' Would that bave altered anyone's viewso" lii motut responsidilty fi'r his own dath? Or imagine that Arthur Asheirn tit rilcked uf, rfw rr,im surgical -interventiln' buJ-jro.n-r q.dru4ken one fight;fi"f-;ith io ;irt"ct"O woman- in New Orleans. Would that have tamishedioiever his wholesome image, and allowed people to forget his otbcrwise blame-iiJJ ti-t i I hasten to add -(betore anyone tries to. sue me for- defamation) thati.oill,-irr"." Jtt'utiue scenarios are'purely imagina'ry. But if tlese altsrnative."io-".ior *"." somehow to be found to be -true' in 9ay ten years time' wouldthat force us to rc-assess our moral evaluation of Nureyev's and Ashe's lives'ilri deathstI write this against the sombre baclcground of the recent Ame'rican opinionthat an anti-AIDS- inoculation is as far off as it Ever was' and that the hoPes

  • 7/30/2019 March 1993 All Souls Magazine


    expressed in the early 80's for a "cure" have beenaainea. fne virus is far more clever than ourscienqiss. The Pnincess ot Wales has agqinspoken of her experiences of meeting AIDSsirfieters, neat deaih, rejerted by their familiesand former friends. The number of, mostly)oung, men appearing in the obituary columnsif nivspapers, with either an oven mention ofAlDS-reiated illnesses, or a too obviously discretveil drawn over ttreir private livss, continues tosrow. Thre is disturbing evidence from hospitalsind clinics thst people are ceasing to hed safer-sex advicel are ihei becoming bored with it. oris the advice just nbt getting through to the rightoeoole? We are all more and more likely tohna' rlat sorne of our friends' even members o[our own families, have somehow acquired ihevinjs, and be brought 'ab'ruptly to face I 'rmortality, and our own.Those of us who are parents have an increasedresnonsib.ilitv in this situation to ensun"e tiat.

    hoiever embarrassing it nlay be for us, our child-ren are made aware of the dangers of HIVinfection, well before the age wlen thef arelikelv to exDeriment with sex or drugs. That isno l6ss than-our naftral, and chrislian duty. Andwe all of us have a responsitritty to ensu{ thatthose who have acqiuired the viru6, and aresufierine from its va-rious effects, are cared forin the -wav wh.ich is best for them That againis our christian duty. I remember Jesus talkingIo the lgDers of his day, to society's outcasts' totfte-i"ouiitote. I remember Jesus taking. -tlte"hildr?n itt his arms, protecting them and bless-ing thern. C-an we do uot t"Fi*r* RTCHARD.

    HOLY BAF"IISM"lesus look them in his ums and blessed them"February l4th - Haniet Fielder'FIJNERALS" Rest eternal grant ,c' them, O Lord"Januarr 3ftb - Dennis Graham Samms'Februarv 9lh - Elizabeth RobErs.FiUr"a.v 15th - Barbara Ann Hug,hes'MOTHERING SUNDAYThis fails this year on Sunday' March 2lst'Wc hooe that as many cldldren and young people"r ooeiible will ioin us in church at 9'30 that;f,t-il;1; gi"e it'uolu to God for their mothers'. LENT ARRANC']EMENTSThrouehoqt March, there will continue to besible S6Av meedng' at the Vicaragg on Wed'n".0"" """iioet at 8-p.m.' and Open Study Groupson Ff;auv evinings.' also at lhe Vicarage, alsoat 8 p.m.AGENDA,FOR ACTIONThe first of tlre meetings to discuss the Bishop'sacenOi for Action' will be on Tuesday' March23-rd at E P.m. in the Small Hall.

    EASTER SERVICESDetails of all Easter sewices at All Souls' wtllappear in the April issue of the St. Margaret'sNews.Report of the llounslow Deanery Synod27th Jan]uary,1993

    The major item for rhe meeting was 'AgendaIol Action' oI which more later. Be"fore theBishop of London was allowed to speak we had[o wade through I0 notices, a report from thiBoard of Social Responsibi.lity aod an updateon Lay Ministry Training. I will rePort under 4headrngs: The legislation on women priests;\Velcare; Lay Training; and 'Agenda for Action',THE LEGISI-ATION ON WOMEN PRIESTSThe Area Dean - the Rev. Patric.'k Tuft -appealed for charity and understanding followingth; vote. It was difficult to know what the ctlanges*ould mean or how people will ract to them.He understood tfie,re are already parishes wherethe difforenc,es are making thernrselves known.The priority should be nraintaining the unity ofGod'i peopie as sign of God'i saving workWELCAREThis is tlre local Deanery supported charitvwhich works wih young, single mothers, teenageoresnancies. refugers and plans to work with thcLtalrlv in the firture. Hounstow Council hadthreatLned to with&aw the grant which wouldhave meant it folded. After an extremely wellco-ordinated campaign v' hrch included modt Ang-lican Churches (noi Alt Souls; writing to ttreCouncil the srant has been reinstated for th'isvear. Their w6rk therefore continues with demandior their services increasingLAY TRAININGA course on Pastoral Care which will last for2 years is being des,igned and will run in thefuture..AG.ENDA FOR ACTION'The Bishop of London, Dr. David Hope'slarted bv e*plaining the background to 'Agendafoi Action'. Duringihe S0s electoral roll numbersdroooed and the Church started to be seen as afosiiiised sffucture rmole from most peopleTbe Bishop spoke of horv the Church ouqht.tobc. The Cirurih ,as a co{r.m'unity of friendshiip'the Church as blonging and being together andthe C'llurch as a paftcipative, growing organisa-tion. In his time with us he has found manyoositive things happening - including tlte in'irease in eleitoral roll numbers 1990 to 92, workwith the horneless and berearement counsellingnroiecb but he has also found no cohesive'orelnisational structur. One example of tlislaci< of cobesion is that often resources and ideasare not shared across lhe Areas or even betweenioial larishes. Anothsr example is that Bishop

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    David has found no strategic, torward thinkingat an Aree or Diocse level. Thus the Diocesglutks backwards and not forward. He, therefore.started to discuss what the Di,ocese's missionfor the future should be.What is the inspiration / base on which theDiocese moves forward I How do we equip theChurch to aobiieve this?The Bishop believes the paxochial sys0em isthe ba6is for mission which makes each ParishChurch a key part of any change. A booklet hasbeen produced which asks questions under 4headings: a) Worship and prayer; b) Teachingand nurtune, c) Care and service and d) Re-sources. This tries to move us from examiningourselves individually and as a Church to howwe are sharing our faith with otbrs oiutside theChurch. The Bishop bglieves there are manyquestions in the 'outside' world that we asChristians should be addressing, e.g. how doyou cope when you are unemployed? What shouldbe the Christian attitude to Yugoslavia or IraqiOnce a clear ndssion has been dEfined wehave to plan how to get from here to there. Ifwe do not start looking at \rhere we are goingtlten we will be weighed down by inertia andnothing will be done. If nothing is done decis-ions will be made on a flnanoial basis. Theseruay not be correct, long-term decisions. Wg needto shift from living off past assets to being livingagents of the word of God.It wo'uld be easy to be daunted by the taskThis needs to be faced with realism. There aremany sources of heJp for parishes

    -they are

    not being given this task and then left by them-selves. It is imprtant that we continue to lookforward to where we are going rather than baokto what was. Bishop David then went on to givemany examples of how different Areas, Parishgsand ce,ntral departments are all working together.He has many ideas for how tlre future will beachiwed building on current achievements.I left the meeting feling very hopeful - be-licving that Bishop David is going to provide astrong lead to take the Churoh (protesting alittle I suspect) inio the 2lst "il,H?.O*rr".WHAT IS THE GOOD NEWS?Cbristians Togethe,r in Isleworth will meetweekly in Lent '93 as follows:l. Thursday 4th March at St. Mary the Virgin.Worton Road.Sxbject: In The Beginning2. Tuesday 9th Marcih at All Saints' by the RiverSubject: The Kingdom Comes.3. Wednesday 17th March at the Congregationa'lChuroh, Twickenham Road.Subject: Salvation.4. Tuesday 23rd March at Gumley tr{ouse.Subject: Forgiveness.

    r-5. Wednesday 31st March at St. Bridget'sTwickenbam Road.Su,bjet: New Life.Each meering 7.45 for 8 p.m. Bring a Bibleand Bring a Friend.MONDAY EVENING GROUPThe Monday Evening Group would like ro

    thank everyone, both singers and collectors, whojoined us for Carol Singing a,round the Parishin December. f,143.65 was gene.rously donatedand has been forwarded to 'Save the Children'.Once again, many thanks to all concerned. you all a happy, healthful and peacefulyear and look forward t'o seeing you next time.Clnor BunneLL.MIRACLE IN NW3A recent conference looked at elderly popleand their emotional needs. It was miraculous.Ten years ago the dominant quoslion would haveb!.n, qan elderly people be helped by psycho-therapy? Now it has changed -to: How cantherapy help the elderly? Freud doubted whetler?nygne over the age of 50 is capable of makingfundamental, conscious changes to the structur;of their emotional lives.So what's so speoial about entering the .thirdqg!"? Do people in the later stages bf life havedifierent isstres to confront, tasks to tackle? Lifelor Tort people has an element of continuity -he kid wbo had psychological problems -thatarc not dealt with may well become a turbulentadolescent, and if the "not dealing with" goeson. be or sbe probably stands a good chanc; Cbecorning a lurbulent (=demented?r.y senior citizen.Olrd, agp throq/s nrew things at us: seripus ill.ness, loss of the identity-preserving power of aJob, loss ol partner, siblings, children, friends.Bcreavement counsellors speat of the enormousand. impossible demands they fecl ttat the elderlymake on lhem. Cients often drad tle end ofa mtrnselling session. lt means sparation fromthe one person who will try to understand, whowill -not give useless advise, lile ..Stop crying"or "Pull you_rse.lf together!" (Yes dear, 5ut nowl)Such counseliors work under great intemal pres-sure. Yet. man-y speak of the ieroic caprcitf forsurvival that therir clients em ody, a cipaci'6' togo on livrgg, mourning rhe loss of good h;althor the beloved parlnei, without cafrtuJating tobittemess or total hopelessness.

    . In the hospi lrt where I work there is a groupdesigned to help people to cope lvith issrjfo citloss and bereavemenl. Far from giving false re-assurance_.or suggesting that all the answers licrn provrdrng the right medication, we en@urage1]."r g rp.+ _openly of the tragedies in thelrlives. These include not only the literal boreave_mfft situatiofs. the loss of wife or husband,brotlter, -sister. child friend: but the phy;;;ilosses. of learing, of spech or of sight oi 6t ttcuse of a limb through a stroke. It -may even bJ

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    that the loss is more intangible for some, the lossof confidence to go out alone, to dEal with gettingon or off buses or doing one's own shopping.Feoole make imDortant human c.ommunica'rions, bffered is a grbwing trust lhat what is saidw l .be valued as a means of re-establishingcontact with thEir inner exFriences of emotionaltrutbs.I called all tbis a niracle - sonething ul'exolained. imDortart, elriciting a response ofwonder. Only latety hove we begun to takcseriouslv the emotional trauma of loss' bereave'ment aird dicability. "Compassionate" leave forthose of us who wbrk in the NIIS is 3 days fora bereavement, and that says a lot aboutour coilective fantasies about coping with loss.

    Perhans the cburches in the Kensington Areasense thal there is an inrportant issue here forthe ctutctr as a whole t6 take seriously. Onedav I shall be old, and look for someone who*iir tut" mv emotional needs seriously - oeedsassociated riittr aeine, with "surviving old deathsand cra.dling neoi tite". will I find that kind olsuppott uoi understanding at my local church?Do tlese ttrouehts, in some shape or rormtrint-ai vour cbuirch's task for the year ahead?Nicholai Robens, Chaplain, St. Charles Hospital

    ALL SOUIS' Cf,URCHNONTHOOTE ROAD! ST. MARTGARET'SCtrurch telephone: O81-891 6820

    SERVI'CES : Strndavs :

    Thunsdays :Fstivals :Conlessions or Counsel :

    P est-in-Charye.' The Rev. R. J ' Hammood30 Ailsa Rosd' St. Marqarsts.Telephane : O81-891 4942

    Holy Cornmunion . .. 8.00 a.m.Sung Eu,charist 9.30 a.m.( W reteshrneots in the Clubroom )Familv Se,rvice (every 2nd Sunday- in the month) I 1.00 a.m.Holy CommunionHoly CornmunionFr, Hammond will be available at any limebt* apqointment.

    9.3O announced

    H"ALL B O'O,K|N,G'S :Mrrs. Joan Hilton56 Gordon Avenue 892 5809Bookings may be madc inthe evenings trcm 4 untlt Ip.m. and at weekcnds.EDITOR:Miss F,rancqs Billingron2 Ailsa Avenue (892 0826)PLAYGRO'UP:ln the SmalLl Hall, Contact:Mtr3. J. Hilton. 892 5aO9

    AT TH,E CHU.ROH :suNDAY SChlooL: strndays 9.3o arn. in the small Hall (except for scoond sundayr)MO[{.DAY EVENING GROUP :

    Flrst and Third Mondays in the Month at 8'OO p'm'CHOIR FRACTICE : Th,lBdaYs at 7'30 p'rn' in the Chu'roh Vestrv

    wHo's wHoCFIURCH WARDENS : Hon' SECR'ETABY P"C'C :wirs. "foan Hilton Mrs' Judith Spicer;6-ilt'd; Averrue 892 5809 439 Twickenharm Roe'dMr. A. Fre,ernan242 Twickenham RoadOR,GANIST ard' CHOITRTMASTER :Mr. Frederiak Hilton56 Gordon AvenrF 892 58@HqT. TREASLTR,EB :Mrr. Jsnet Wrd.30 ll'librtm Rod.

    Hon. SECRETA,RY F.W.O.:Mrs, A. vwtlte,