March 16, 2014 Sharing the Joy of the Lord by Pastor...


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March 16, 2014

Valley Isle Fellowship 473 S High St • PO Box 886

Wailuku, HI 96793 808.244.0865(ph) • 808.249-0235(fax)

Email: Website:

Proverbs 3:5-6 (HCSB) says, “Trust in

the Lord with all your heart, and do

not rely on your own understanding;

think about Him in all your ways, and

He will guide you on the right paths.”

I have come to understand that this

passage is telling me that I have to

make a willful effort to trust in the

Lord. For me, trusting in the Lord

does not automatically happen. I

have to put forth the effort. If I don’t

put forth the effort, then I naturally

begin to trust in the things of this

world and I am robbed of the “Joy of

the Lord.”

John 10:10 (HCSB) says “A thief comes

only to steal and to kill and to destroy.

I have come so that they may have life

and have it in abundance.”

You see, when I choose not to trust in

the Lord, the devil will come (not may

come) and steal the “Joy of the Lord”

from me. In fact, he will not only

steal the "Joy of the Lord” but he will

try to kill and destroy me. However, I

can stop the devil’s impact on my life

when I willfully make the effort to

trust in the Lord and let the "Joy of

the Lord" reign and rule in my life.

Valley Isle Fellowship

As your pastor, I want to let you know

that all we have done and all that we

continue to do is aimed at trying to

move you into this kind of

“unspeakable joy.” We are desirous

of you being so in love with your Lord

that you begin to truly experience the

I can share with you that I have been

challenged in recent months with

allowing the “Joy of the Lord” to be

my constant demeanor and my

constant companion. The devil has

and is trying to steal this joy through

hard times, through depressing times,

and through disappointing times.

What these difficult times has shown

me is that I have the choice as to

whether I will experience the “Joy of

the Lord” or the disappointments

and/or depressions of this world. You

see, I am the one who actually

chooses to trust and lean on the Lord

or to trust and lean on the world.

You see, experiencing the “Joy of the

Lord” is a choice. It is not something

that is automatic and continuous. It

takes effort on our part that is

immersed in loving obedience. When

bad things happen in your life,

remember it is up to you how you will

respond to those traps of Satan. It is

up to you whether you will

experience the "Joy of the Lord” or

not. It is up to you whether you will

let Christ reign in your life or not.

(continued on pg. 2)

Sharing the "Joy of the Lord" by Pastor Stephen Kaneshiro

We are all very familiar with the Greatest Commandment, but what about the Greatest

Joy? Did you know that the Greatest Joy that one can ever have is the "Joy of the Lord”?

The Lord gives so much joy that can truly be described as “Unspeakable Joy.” In other

words it is hard to describe it with words. I believe that the only way to adequately

describe the unspeakable joy of the Lord to others is you simply have to show it to others

by living it out in the good times, in the bad times, and also, in all of the in-between times.


1 Sharing the "Joy of the Lord" 2 Sharing the "Joy of the Lord"


3 AM Service: God's Love and Our Great Need

4-6 Announcements

7 VIF 2014 Calendar

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Sharing the "Joy of the Lord" (continued)

Personally, I want to share with you that I fail so

many times by making the wrong choice. However,

I will not stop trying to choose to trust the Lord

with all my life. I will not stop in trying to let the

“Joy of the Lord” reign in my life. I know that I will

continue to fail, but I also want you to know that I

will not give up, because the alternative of letting

the devil and world rule in my life is something I do

not want to even think about. Join me as we

encourage each other in the “Joy of the Lord.”

Yours In Christ,

Stephen Kaneshiro

VIF Evening Service

April 6, 2014


You are encouraged to participate in


with Nick Vujicic of Life Without Limbs

God's Love and Our Great Need

John 11:1-44 ESV

The Story

1. Jesus loved ______________ and Family. (vs.1-3)

2. Jesus allowed Lazarus ______________.(vs. 4-6)

3. The disciples were _______________. (vs. 7-16)

4. Seeing ________________________in Lazarus. (17-27)

5. Jesus, ________________________________. (vs. 28-37)

6. The ______________ of God (vs. 38-44)

The Truths

1. True love _____________for what we need ____________.

2. To see ______________________ is what we need most.


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AM Service: Pastor Jeremy Kaneshiro


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Very Important & Exciting Business & Informational Meeting TONIGHT 5:00 PM VIF Church Sanctuary

Tonight, 3/16/2014, we will be having a Special Called Business Meeting. The main points of this Special

Called Business Meeting are:

1. We have a total of $298,798.31 in our Building Fund and in our Capital Campaign Fund.

2. At the end of January, we had a balance of $179,853.10 in our General Fund.

3. We are in the process of trying to secure a contract with Fong Construction of $315,000 to build the now

approved Water Line.

4. Therefore, we are asking you, the members of VIF, to approve of $16,201.69 to be moved from our

General Fund into our Building Fund in order to have all the needed funds to pay for the Water Line Project.

5. We are asking that an additional $31,500 be set aside from the General Fund to be given to the County of

Maui on the completion of the Water Line Project to meet the County’s requirement of a 10% retainer. This

retainer would be returned to us after 1 year if we have no problems with the new water system.

6. This would mean that a total of $47,701.69 be used from the General Fund to fund this Water Line Project.

Following the completion of the Business Meeting, the VIF Staff will provide a pizza and salad dinner and

ask that you stay and participate as they share where we are going as a church. They will be sharing the

dream and some of the steps to getting there. The development and building of the physical buildings are

important, but the development and building of the people who will fill these buildings is even more

important. We, the staff, are excited about the direction that the Lord is leading us and we are looking

forward to sharing and dialoguing with you about this.

Please make the effort to come and be a part of the decision making. We also ask that you enter into the

praying and implementation stage of moving into what is an exciting and God Glorifying adventure. God

bless you all.

Verge Conference

Pastor Darren and Pastor Jeremy will be attending the Verge Conference in Austin, Texas from March 25-30. Come to the business meeting and fellowship (announcement above) to find out what the

conference is all about. You can also find out more at:


March Mingle (aka Couples Weekend Out)

With Tom & Jane Crick from Saddleback Church

Couple's Date Night

Friday - March 28, 2014


VIF Church Sanctuary, Wailuku

All married couples are invited for fun, food, interaction, and insights. It's a couples' time.

Potluck Dinner - Please bring your favorite dish to share.

Check upcoming newsletters for more information and details.

Want to sign up NOW? Check the back table for the sign-up sheet

or Contact James Blando @ 808.871.7572

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Kalama Bandstand Time

Saturday - March 29, 2014


Kalama Park Bandstand, Kihei

All adults, single or married, are invited to come for fellowship and training.

Child care provided upon request


Volunteers Needed! We are in need of people to volunteer to clean our church facilities on High Street. Tasks include:

Sanctuary/3 bathrooms: 1. Vacuum floors 2. Empty rubbish containers 3. Straighten room/dust as needed

Annex Big Room 1. Vacuum floor 2. Empty rubbish containers Please sign up on the back table if you'd like to help. We ask that you choose one day of the following: Thursday, Friday, OR Saturday of the week that you are able to volunteer to do the work.

If three people were to volunteer each week, it would take only about an hour or so to complete. By joining together in this task, we can have fellowship, fun, and bring glory and honor to the Lord. Please pray about this need.

High Street Cleaning Schedule

Week of March 20-22 Grace/Aunty

Week of March 27-29 Kaimana Apo, Mattos

Week of April 3-5 Blando/Mendez



March 16, 2014

Team 4

Karen Fontanilla

Janice Robello

Judy Giron

Jaydee Giron

Jules Giron

Kolbe Fontanilla

Alysha Fontanilla

Next Week

March 23, 2014

Team 5

Shayna Manlapao

Chavelle Moniz

Dayna Asuncion

Seth Yamada

Wayne Sniffen


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March 2014 16 AM - Pastor Jeremy – John 11:1-44 Special Called Business Meeting & Fellowship 17-21 DOE Schools Spring Break 23 AM - Pastor Darren – John 11:45-57 PM - Pastor Jeremy - BFM: Baptism and the Lord's Supper 24 Surf Ministry 25-30 Pastor Darren & Pastor Jeremy attending Verge Conference in Austin, TX 26 Prince Kuhio Day - church office closed 28-29 March Mingle w/ Tom & Jane Crick 28-30 Malama Pregnancy Center Training 30 AM - Pastor Stephen – John 12:1-11 Lord's Supper Sunday School Worker's Meeting PM - Pastor Stephen - BFM: The Kingdom

APRIL 2014

5 Disaster Relief Training

6 AM - Pastor Jeremy - John 12:12-19 "Unstoppable" with Nick Vujicic 10-12 HPBC Wives in Ministry Retreat 12 Waikapu Work Day "G" Force 13 AM - Pastor Darren - John 12:20-36 PM - Pastor Darren - BFM: Evangelism & Missions 18 Good Friday 19 Easter Revival Celebration 20 AM - Sunrise Easter Devotional AM - Easter Sunday Service 27 AM - Pastor Stephen - John 12:37-50 PM - Pastor Darren - BFM: Stewarship

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Valley Isle Fellowship 2014 Calendar

Valley Isle Fellowship

473 S High St • PO Box 886 Wailuku, HI 96793

808.244.0865 (ph) • 808.249-0235 (fax) Email:


Senior Pastor Stephen Kaneshiro

Cell: (808) 419-8100


Assistant Pastor Darren Sarmiento

Cell: (808) 757-1651


Assistant Pastor Jeremy Kaneshiro

Cell: (808) 280-2780


Sunday Morning


Wailuku Elementary School Cafeteria 355 S High St. Wailuku, HI 96793

1st Service - 8:00 am *Child care available at High Street property*

2nd Service - 9:45 am *Children & Youth Sunday School at High Street property*

Sunday Evening


VIF Church Sanctuary 473 S High St. Wailuku, HI 96793

6:00 pm
