Managing Issues Seek to Understand (communications) Process of sending and receiving messages


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Managing Issues

Seek to Understand(communications)

Process of sending and receiving messages

Review Question

What are the two forms of communications?

Review Answer

Verbal- talkingNon verbal- any other communications

Review Question

Which form of communications is used the most?

Review Answer

Non verbal communication

Brainstorm forms of Non Verbal


Body Language Meanings


Stiff shoulders

Drum fingers

Arms across chest

Tap foot

Fast speaking

High pitch voice

Not making eye contact

Body Language and their meanings activity

Body Language charades

People do not believe words when their bodies send a different message.

Communication Messge

Communication Message

Communication is different among different cultures. Be aware of the culture.

Parts of communications


The message

Guidelines for effective Verbal Communication

Speak for yourself Use I statements (make it personal) Avoid speaking for others Be clear and to the point Be aware of the listener and surrounding issues Ask questions for clarity

Is there a difference between hearing the message and listening to the message?

Discussion Question

Steps to being a better Listener

Use eye contact Give your full attention Concentrate don't anticipate Show interest Listen to non verbal clues Avoid judgments Give feedback only when asked Paraphrase what has been said to you back to

the speaker Ask for more information

Listener Activity

On the screen watch the video. Answer the questions after watching the video asked by the teacher.

Steps to being a good communicator

Speak clearly and loud enough to be heard Speak at a good tempo Be a good listener Give examples to support your views Take turns speaking Match understanding of language levels with

listener Only give your opinion when asked

Communication Activity

Break into groups of two. Put your backs together and then follow the teachers instructions.

How to break through a communication

roadblock Use I messages Focus on problem not the person Be willing to compromise Don't be defensive Look for the “good” in the situation Stay calm Realize that you may be wrong Deal with your emotions

Tips to dealing with your emotions

Admit how you feel Talk about your feelings Write out your feelings Work off your feelings Cool off before communicating

The root of poor communications

Stereotypes Racism Prejudice discrimination

Image formed in advance about a group of people

Belief that a certain race is inferior

Like or not like a person without a good reason

Deny some people rights or benefits that others have

Sample Stereotypes

All blonds are dumbLeft handed people are creative

People that wear glasses are smartMales can't cook

Remember, stereotypes are false.

Discussion Questions

Why might some people not be aware of their prejudices?

What can you do to make sure that you do not act on prejudice?

How do people become prejudice?

Discussion Question

What is the most negative emotion that causes Roadblocks in communications?

Discussion Question?

Is it ok to feel anger?What problems can lead to uncontrolled

anger?As you aged, has your anger triggers and

reactions to anger changed?

The emotion AngerFacts on Anger

What makes one person angry may not make another person angry.

Some act before they think.Anger #1 reason for conflict.Some people do not realize that they are

angry.Anger can help people accomplish things.

Causes of Anger



Feeling threatened


Treated as a stereotype


How to handle Anger

Deny the anger

Turn the anger inward

Avoid the anger

Blame others

Tackle the anger problem

Conflict Resolution

Ways to successfully solve problems in a socially approved manner.

Hints to conflict resolution

Walk in the others' shoes


Be aware of feelings

Find the real problem

Explain yourself

Encourage calmness

Be prepared

Be alert to aggressive messages

When all else failsPeer Mediation

Everyone must want to solve the problem. Each person shares the problem and then repeats what they hear. Find out what each person wants from the other. See if each will accept. If not, compromise.
