Mammals Characteristics By: Will Reynolds. Mammals Nurse their young Mammals have organs called...


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Mammals Characteristics

By: Will Reynolds

Mammals Nurse their young

• Mammals have organs called Glands that secrete various substances needed by the animal

• Gland- is an organ that secretes substances inside or outside the body.

• Mammals also feed their young with Mammary Glands.

• Mammary Gland- Secretes milk for the young

Respiration and circulation in mammals

• Mammals need a high level of energy for heating and cooling their bodies

• This energy level is sustained when large amounts of oxygen enter the body and reach all the cells

• Diaphragm- Sheet of muscle located beneath the lungs

Mammals have different types of teeth

• Mammals have different types of teeth modified for the type of food they eat.

• Hoofed animals chew cud

Mammals have modified limbs

• Mammal limbs are adapted for a variety of methods of food gathering.

• Primates use their opposable thumb to grasp objects.

Mammals Can Learn

• They can learn and they will always remember what they learn.

• Dolphins, Killer whales, and monkeys are prime examples of animals that can learn.

• Monkeys can use sign language to communicate with human

Mammals have hair

• Hair is made out of keratin

• Hair is used to keep them warm.

• Mammals are the only animals with hair.
