Making every contact count Knowing your service Policy context – background to reforms 1989 –...


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Making every contact count

Knowing your service

Policy context – background to reforms

1989 – Working for patients

creates internal market in NHS

1997 – Labour comes to power with pledge to abolish internal


2000 - Focus more on targets

than competition

2004 – Targets achieved.

Attention back on competition.

‘Commissioning’ born.

2010 (May) – Coalition

government formed. Promise of

“no top down reorganisation of


2010 (July) – Equity and Excellence:

Liberating the NHS published

NHS Reforms

Changing Population

Source: Office for National Statistics 2013 Source: Warrington CCG 2013

What does all this mean for you?

Think about the context just presented and reflect on how this is impacting on you locally

3 critical hooks

• On a post it note write down in bullet point style the top 3 things about your service, or if you are not in a service the top 3 things you would say about physiotherapy

Knowing your serviceQuality• Effectiveness• Patient experience• Patient safety+ COSTQuality + cost = Value

Cost of falls tool

Knowing your populationPopulation is made up of• Current users of your service• Future users of your service

Health profile

Health profile

Health profile

Knowing the evidence• Published research• National guidance• Local data

- audit - patient experience/satisfaction/outcome - KPIs

• Other...

Reflect on your offer • My service is...• Delivers to this population...• Based on this evidence...• For this price!

Next steps...• Why do you need to change? • What will you do differently? • When... • How can you improve?• Who will you influence
