Makalah Bu Vera


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  • 7/29/2019 Makalah Bu Vera


    X-ray PaperGroup 6/11-8

    Fauzi Firmansyah : 11.57.07001

    Intan Maris : 11.57.07030

    Rizqi Amaliyah : 11.57.07144

    Yuza Pratama Muharam : 11.57.07190

  • 7/29/2019 Makalah Bu Vera


    X-ray Paper/Group 6/11-8 1


    Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

    Praise to Allah SWT, who has always bestowed His grace and guidance so that we are all in good

    health in carrying out daily activities. Compilers are also turning to the presence of Allah SWT,

    because only the pleasure of the paper with the title "X-ray paper" can be resolved.

    Author fully well aware that without the help of various parties, this paper would not exist and

    is still far from perfect, therefore, with all humility and suggestions the authors hope for further


    Finally the authors hope that this paper can provide benefits for the needy.

    Bogor, May 2013

    Group 6

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    X-ray Paper/Group 6/11-8 2


    Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 1

    Contents ........................................................................................................................................................ 2

    Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3

    A. Background ....................................................................................................................................... 3

    B. Problem Formulation ........................................................................................................................ 3

    C. Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 4

    D. Benefits ............................................................................................................................................. 4

    Chapter 2 Discussion ..................................................................................................................................... 5

    A. History the Discovery of X-ray .......................................................................................................... 5

    B. Characteristic of X-ray ....................................................................................................................... 7

    C. Process Occurrences of X-ray ............................................................................................................ 8

    D. Benefits of X-ray .............................................................................................................................. 10

    E. X-ray Radiation Hazard ................................................................................................................... 11

    F. X-ray to Work .................................................................................................................................. 12

    G. Application of X-ray ......................................................................................................................... 14

    H. Sample Problem .............................................................................................................................. 17Chapter 3 Closing ........................................................................................................................................ 18

    A. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 18

    B. Advice .............................................................................................................................................. 19

    Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 20

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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    A.BackgroundAlong with the times, man or medical experts use technology to help treat. On the other

    side of the security technologies against living things should also be considered so as not to

    worsen the patient's condition.

    One technology that is developed among the medical experts to treat patients is X-ray

    Medical experts use X-rays to take pictures of the position of the bones or organs in the human


    X-rays have high penetrating power of the material in its path. Thus the X-rays can be

    used as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool in medicine. X-ray devices for diagnosis of X-ray called

    a photo while on therapy called Linec (Linear Accelerator). With the development of the

    technology can be improved X-ray photo broader function is through a new tool called the CT.

    Scan (Computed Tomography Scan). Any equipment using X-rays will help in diagnosing and

    treatment (therapy) a disease, so as to improve public health.

    But what is the use of X-rays is not harmful to humans. Though X-rays penetrating

    power is large enough, whether human tissue safe when exposed to x-ray exposure is too long.

    And X-rays is also one in which the electromagnetic wave radiation from electromagnetic waves

    could harm human health.

    B.Problem FormulationBased on the background of the problem formulation that can be raised are as follows:

    1) What is X-ray?2) How does the process of X-rays?3) What benefits of X-rays?4) What are the dangers of X-ray radiation?

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    C. PurposePurpose of this paper is as follows:

    1) To find out what the X-rays2) To find out how the process of X-ray3) To find out what the benefits of X-rays4) To know the danger of X-ray radiation

    D.Benefits1) For Authors,

    This paper can be used as a means to increase interest, talent, and creativity of the

    author. This paper can also be used as a means to find out information about what the

    x-rays, how the processes of X-ray, what the benefits of x-rays, and what the dangers of

    using x-rays.

    2) For StudentsThis paper can be used as a medium of information for students regarding the X-ray

    3) For the CommunityThis paper can be used as the media to inform the public about the dangers of using x-


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    Chapter 2 Discussion

    A.History the Discovery of X-ray

    X-rays were first discovered by German nationals physicist Wilhelm C. Roentgen on November

    8, 1895. Roentgen was working when using tube. Crookes in his laboratory at the University of

    Wurzburg, he observed a green flame in tubes previously attracted the attention of

    Crookes. Roentgen subsequently tried to close the tube with black paper in the hope that no

    visible light to pass. But after closed there was still something that could pass. Summing

    Roentgen rays that there did not seem to break through the black paper.

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    At the time of Roentgen turn on the power source for research cathode ray tube, he found that

    there is a type of fluorescent light on a screen made from barium cyanide platino who

    happened to be nearby. If the power source is extinguished, the fluorescent light is

    gone. Roentgen rays soon realized that a type that does not appear to have emerged from the

    cathode ray tube. Due to previously unknown, then the beam is named X-rays. Yet to

    appreciate his services in the discovery of the X-ray is often also called Roentgen rays, we call X-

    ray beam.

    Green flame seen by Crookes and it was found that the Roentgen rays is none other than the

    light waves emitted by the glass wall of the tube when the electrons hit the wall, as a result of

    the dismantling of electricity through gas remaining in the tube. At the same time it stimulates

    the atomic electrons in the glass to release the electromagnetic waves is very short

    wavelengths in the form of X-rays. Since then the physicists have known that X-rays can beproduced when electrons with very high speed crashed into atoms.

    Tempted by the accidental discovery, Roentgen investigation focused on X-ray. Of that

    investigation he found that X-rays can be casting different types of chemicals. X-rays can also

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    penetrate a variety of materials that cannot be penetrated by ordinary visible light is already

    known at the time. In addition, X-ray can also see the shadow of his bones that glowed on the

    screen by placing his hand on the cathode ray tube and screen.

    From the results of subsequent investigations known that the X-rays propagate journey straight

    and not be deflected by both electric field and magnetic field. The services in finding and

    studying the Roentgen X-rays, then in 1901 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics is

    awarded for the first time in this field. The discovery of X-rays was able to deliver to the

    occurrence of a fundamental change in medicine. In the course of medical, X-rays can be used

    for diagnosis or therapy. With the discovery of X-rays, the information about the human body

    to be easily obtained without the need for surgery.

    B.Characteristic of X-rayX-rays or Roentgen rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength

    range of 10 nanometers to 100 Pico meter (similar to the frequency in the period 30 to 60 EHZ

    PHz). X-rays are commonly used in the diagnosis of medical images and X-ray crystallography. X-

    rays are a form of ionizing radiation and can be dangerous.

    X-rays are widely used in the medical field position to photograph the bones or organs

    in the human body. Although beneficial, the use of x-ray procedures must consider the patient's

    condition. Karana break of considerable power, the human body can be damaged tissues

    exposed to x-ray exposure is too long. So, the transmission of x-rays in patients cultivated as

    short as possible.

    X-rays are emitted electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves, heat, ultraviolet light,

    but has a very short wavelength that can penetrate objects. X-rays were discovered by a

    German scholar of physics nationality is W. C. X-rays in 1895. X-ray properties as follows:

    1. Have a high penetrating power of X-ray can penetrate the material with a very large

    permeability, and is used in the process of radiography.

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    2. Have short wavelengths are: 1/10.000 visible wavelengths

    3. Have the effect of photography. X-rays can discolor the film emulsion after processing in a


    4. Have ionization characteristic, primary effect of X-ray if strike a material or substance will

    cause ionization the particles of substances.

    5. Have a biological effect. X-rays will cause biological changes in the network. This biological

    effect is used in radiotherapy treatment.

    C. Process Occurrences of X-ray1. In the x-ray tube anode and the cathode and there when the cathode (filament) is

    heated more than 20,000 degrees C to light by delivering electricity from the


    2. Because of the heat the electron-electron from the cathode (filament) apart,3. By providing the high voltage electrons accelerated motion towards the anode (target),4. Electrons are suddenly stopped at the anode (target), forming a hot (99%) and X-rays


    5. X-rays will be directed out of the tube and pass through window called the diaphragm,6. Abolished the heat generated by the cooling radiator.

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    Process occurrences of X-ray grouped into 2, there are:

    1. X-ray Bremsstrahlung

    Electrons at high speed (because there is a potential difference 1000 KV) is the target of the

    anode, the electron will suddenly weakened a very drastic by causing the target x-ray, x-ray's

    going on called "x-ray bremsstrahlung" or "braking radiation ". At the time of the charge

    (electrons) moving at high speed (accelerating), because of the potential difference, charge

    (electron) and will emit electromagnetic radiation when the electron energy is high enough

    then the electromagnetic radiation in the range of X-ray. This ray type not used for XRD (X-Ray


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    2. Characteristic x-ray

    Electrons from the cathode is moving with an acceleration that is high enough, the electrons of

    an atom can be the target (anode) causing an excited electron from the atom, then the other

    electron is in a higher sub-shell will fill the void left by the last electron, by emitting light -x

    which has energy proportional to the electron energy levels. Because X-rays have wavelength

    specific characteristics that can be filtered, then this type widely applied to XRD (X-Ray

    Diffraction) in determining the structure of the material

    D.Benefits of X-rayX-ray benefits for humans can be divided into two, there are medicine and industry.

    1. MedicineSoft X-rays are used to take images known as radiographs. X-rays may penetrate the

    human body but is absorbed by part which denser as bone. X-ray images are used to

    scan bone defects, scan the broken bone and investigate the state of the organs in the


    Hard X-rays are used to destroy cancer cells. This principle is known as radiotherapy.

    2. IndustryIn the industrial sector, X-rays may be used to:

    a)Scans the defects in the structure or parts in engine.b)Investigate the fracture in a metal pipe, concrete walls and high pressure boiler.

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    c)Examine cracks in the plastic and resin structure.d)Investigation of X-rays used for probing crystal structure and the separation distance

    between the atoms in a crystalline material.

    E.X-ray Radiation HazardAlthough X-rays are very useful to humans, but excessive exposure to X-rays may lead

    to, destruction of cells in the body, changes in the genetic structure of a cell, boils cancer

    disease, bad impressions like hair fall, skin becomes red and ulcerous

    X-ray radiation can kill monocytes (a type of white blood cells) are found on the walls of

    arteries. This was found to lead to increased levels of monocyte chemo-attractant protein 1

    (MCP-1), which can lead to cardiovascular disease

    Usually, the common people call it as'' X-ray''. Useful addition, x-rays have the effect /

    impact is very harmful for our body i.e. when used in excess it can lead to dangerous diseases,

    such as cancer. Therefore, doctors do not recommend overuse of x-rays'' excessive''.

    After the X-ray showed the captured X-ray of the hand of his wife who wears the ring,

    where the image is clearly visible vertebrae finger, then people started to realize the great

    benefits that can be obtained from discover ionizing radiation earlier. The use of ionizing

    radiation in medicine, especially X-rays, rapidly growing sometime after the discovery of the

    radiation. Acquisition of knowledge about ionizing radiation by increasing the human race from

    time to time also allows the radiation exploited in various fields of activities outside of

    medicine, in addition to its use in the medical field itself is also constantly increasing.

    Some adverse effects that arise in the human body through exposure to X-rays and

    gamma soon observed sometime after the discovery of the two types of radiation. The adverse

    effects were such as hair loss and skin damage. In 1897 in the United States were reported 69

    cases of skin damage caused by X-rays, while in 1902 that number increased to 170 cases

    reported. In 1911 in Germany also reported the existence of 94 cases of tumors caused by X-

    rays. Although some adverse effects of X-rays and gamma observed, but the protection against

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    radiation dangers of X-rays and gamma had yet unthinkable. Marie Curie, the discoverer of the

    radioactive material Po and Ra died in 1934 due stricken by leukemia. The disease is most likely

    due to radiation exposure because he often associated with radioactive materials.

    F. X-ray to WorkOn the application, the creation of x-rays no longer relies on mechanisms Crookes tube,

    but rather using modern x-ray plane. Modern x-ray plane basically generate x-rays with

    bombard metal target with high-speed electrons. High-speed electrons must have high energy,

    and thus is able to penetrate the outer orbital electrons in the target material to grind the skin

    electron orbital K (closest to the nucleus).

    Electrons are crushed will bounce off of its orbit, leaving hole in its place. Hole that was

    left behind will be filled by an electron from the outer skin and the process involves the release

    of photons (electromagnetic light) of the electron charger. Photons that come out that are then

    called x-rays, and the whole process of the formation of x-rays through the mechanism known

    mechanism characteristic x-rays.

    As another possible mechanism is the emission of photons that experienced by fast

    electrons are deflected by the target nucleus for the consequences of the Coulomb interaction

    between the target nuclei with fast electrons. This process involves distorting slowdown and

    therefore requires energy in the form of photon emission. This mechanism is called

    bremsstrahlung (German language of 'braking radiation').

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    Furthermore, modern aircraft utilizing x-rays both above possibilities to enable the production

    of x-rays.

    As shown in the illustration, the potential difference between the anode and the

    cathode is made in such a way that they reach sufficient numbers to make the electrons jump

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    at high speed after the cathode given energy (typically 1000 volts). Once the electrons at the

    cathode filament jump and hit the anode, x-rays there are occurred with the mechanism of the

    characteristic x-rays or bremsstrahlung.

    Because the filament on the anode is tilted downward, x-ray photons will go down, out

    of the plane x-rays pass through tissue and then photographed. Shadow / image were formed

    on the film that is placed underneath.

    G.Application of X-rayX-ray machine (X-ray) is commonly used to take pictures of dense structures in the body. X-ray

    machine using a photon is emitted through the body. Very dense structures such as bone,

    making the photon is not able to pass through so it will appear white. On the results of the

    scan, in addition to bone white, air will appear black, while fluid, fat, and muscle will be grayed

    out. X-ray machines are used widely in the field of health. X-ray images produced called


    Here are the different types of X-ray machine:

    1. CT Scanner

    CT (computed tomography) scanners are

    commonly used in the health field. CT

    scans take a two-dimensional scanning

    which is then processed into digital


    CT scan machine resembles a large box

    with a hole in the middle as well as a table.

    When scanning, the patient lies on a table

    and then moves into the hole to be

    scanned. Scanned and then computer processed to produce 2D radiographs.

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    How CT scan Work

    The film received a light projection is replaced by detectors that can record all the light. The

    recording was made by combining three plane detectors, two of which have received rays

    that penetrate the body and serves as an afferent detector that measures the intensity of X-

    ray radiation has penetrated the body and carried by the three points of protection,

    according to the 12 o'clock position, 10 and 02 hours using time 4.5 minutes

    X-ray attenuation experienced, after penetrating object passed to the detector that has a

    very sensitive nature of the differences in the grasp of the X-ray attenuation which then

    converts X-rays into electrical signals. Then the electrical signals are amplified by a

    photomultiplier tube X-ray. Data in the form of electrical signals are converted into digital

    form by the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), which is then entered into the computer

    system and processed by computer. Then Data Acquisition System (DAS) perform data

    processing in the form of digital data or numerical.

    The data is what is computer information with mathematical formulas or algorithms which

    are then reconstructed and the reconstruction results are displayed on a TV screen monitor

    tomography slices of the desired object in the form of gray-scale image is a scale of

    blackness and whiteness. At CT scanner has the absolute linear attenuation coefficient of

    the tissue observed, namely in the form of CT Number. Bone has a value of the highest

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    magnitude that CT Number of 1000 HU (Hounsfield Units), and the air has the lowest value

    of CT Number which is -1000 HU (Hounsfield units), while the use of water as a standard

    that has a CT Number 0 HU (Hounsfield Units). Above value is the value of the CT plane with

    a constant magnification factor of 1000, to clarify the structure of the other structures that

    have a difference in attenuation coefficient values less than 10% then the window width

    can be used to obtain a wider range.

    2. Bone X-ray machine

    Bone X-ray machine consists of an X-ray tube is accompanied by an examination table.

    Under examination table are X-ray film and tape recorders.

    X-ray tube is attached to a flexible robotic arm that can be moved depending on the body

    part being scanned.

    Tube then emits photons that pass through the body. This machine emits low levels of

    radiation are not harmful to the patient. Bone X-ray machines are also available in small

    portable version.

    3. Linear Accelerator

    Machines used for radiotherapy linear accelerator. This machine emits radiation to kill the

    cancer without affecting other parts of the body.

    This machine emits strong X-ray to be able to kill cancer cells. This machine is easily

    calibrated to suit a variety of different patient conditions.

    4. Backscatter X-ray

    Backscatter X-ray machines used for airport security and passenger baggage checking. This

    machine can see through clothing and other materials so as to detect the contents of the


    Backscatter X-ray machine uses a different technology than traditional X-ray machine.

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    Instead of measuring the intensity of photons that pass through an object, this machine

    measures the ability of objects to deploy proton.

    Materials such as liquids and metals will absorb more photons. The computer will measure

    the level of deployment that then produces an image.

    The X-ray machine produces images faster and easier, and provides sharp detail, much

    better than conventional X-ray machine.

    H.Sample Problem1. To capture the state of the bones in the body are used ....

    a. visible light

    b. gamma rays

    c. infrared

    d. X-ray

    e. ultraviolet rays

    2. Velocity of the wave in vacuum is 3.108 m/s. Determine the frequency of X-rays ( = 1nm)

    Known : v=3.108


    = 1 nm = 10-9


    Ask : f?

    Answer : v= .f

    f= v/

    f= 3.108/10


    f= 3.1017


    3. Explain what you know about the X-ray!Discussion:

    X-rays have the ability to penetrate the meat but did not penetrate the bone; it can be

    used to photograph the inside of the body (commonly known as the x-ray.

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    Chapter 3 Closing

    A.Conclusiona) X-RAY

    X-rays are emitted electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves, heat, ultraviolet light,

    but has a very short wavelength that can penetrate objects.

    b) X-RAY OF SUCH PROCESS1. In the x-ray tube anode and the cathode and there when the cathode (filament) is

    heated more than 20,000 degrees C to light by delivering electricity from the


    2. Because of the heat the electron-electron from the cathode (filament) apart,3. By providing the high voltage electrons accelerated motion towards the anode


    4. Electrons are suddenly stopped at the anode (target), forming a hot (99%) and X-rays (1%),

    5. X-rays will be directed out of the tube and pass through window called thediaphragm,

    6. Abolished the heat generated by the cooling radiator.c) Benefits of X-ray

    Used to take still images which known as radiographs. X-rays may penetrate the human

    body but a portion is absorbed by the denser as bone. X-ray images are used for bone

    defects impressive, imposing a broken bone and investigate the state of the organs in

    the body. Hard X-rays are used to destroy the cells cancer, this ray known as


    d) Dangers of X-rayTypically, ordinary people call it as'' X-ray''. Useful addition, x-rays have the effect /

    impact is very harmful for our body i.e. when used in excess it can lead to dangerous

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    diseases, such as cancer. Therefore doctors do not recommend too frequent use of

    excessive X-ray.

    B.Advicea) For Students

    In order to continue to learn so that later can create treatment technology using X-rays

    were more secure.

    b) For the CommunityTo be careful using X-ray

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