Mainstreaming solutions tested in CIP in the area of ICT solutions for Energy Efficiency Mercè...


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Mainstreaming solutions tested in CIP

in the area of

ICT solutions for Energy Efficiency

Mercè Griera i Fisa, Mercè Griera i Fisa, European CommissionEuropean Commission

DG Information Society and Media, Unit H4DG Information Society and Media, Unit H4


• The Context

• Related European policy on Energy-Efficiency through ICT

• Deployment of ICT solutions for Energy-Efficiency

The context: “adding Bits to kWh”The context: “adding Bits to kWh”

Central anddispersed sources

Smart embeddedpower electronics

Central & Dispersedintelligence

End user real timeinformation & participation

Large Power PlantsVirtual Power Plants



Transformation of the energy sector

Energy Policy at EU level

Three 20% targets for 2020

December 2008: Council and Parliament adopted the Climate and Energy Package that reinforces Europe’s commitment to:

● A reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions of at least 20% below 1990 levels

● 20% of EU energy consumption to come from renewable resources

● A 20% reduction in primary energy use compared with projected levels, to be achieved by improving energy efficiency.

Policy - ICT contribution

●● ICT can bring about direct efficiency gainsICT can bring about direct efficiency gains

measuring, monitoring, intelligent management and control, etc

● ● ICT can help drive behavioural changeICT can help drive behavioural change

provide reliable data to governments, industries, citizens about energy consumption / carbon emissions

identify how much energy is used and where

enable comparative analyses: identification of common inefficiencies, best practices and opportunities

Energy Reductions

enabled by ICT

Energy Consumption

of ICT solutions~8% of total electricity consumption

~15% by 2020

Sources: Pickavet & all (UGent-IBBT)Source: An ICT policy agenda to 2015 for Europe (Swedish Presidency)

The ICT sector takes on the


So far:●● High Level ICT for Energy Efficiency event in Brussels took place

on Febuary 23-24th


●● 4 industry associations announced officially at the event the launch of the ICT4EE Forum,

●● Digital Europe● ● Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI), ●● Japanese Business Council in Europe (JBCE)●● TechAmerica Europe● ● Presentation of a 3 years roadmap to address EC Recommendation

Major EU Cities take on the Challenge:The Green Digital Charter

● An initiative of Manchester City, Eurocities and the European Commission launched in November 2009

● The signatory Mayors commit to > Deploy 5 large scale projects before 2015 > Decrease ICT direct carbon footprint by 30% by 2020 > Create partnerships on ICT and energy consuming sectors

by 2011

● Signatories: Amsterdam, Birmingham, Bologna, Bristol, Genoa, Ghent,The Hague, Helsinki, Lisbon, Malaga, Manchester, Murcia, Nantes, Nice, Porto, Reykjavik, Rijeka, Tallinn, Stockholm, Vienna and Zaragoza.

Policy Context The Green Digital Charter (2)

●● Aims at: > Reducing own ICT footprint (notably data centers)> Increase the use of renewables> Improve measurability, transparency and visibility of emissions and energy

use> Improve transport and urban mobility> Deploy smartgrids with particular attention to microgrids and virtual



● In the context of the Covenant of Mayors


PROGRAMME 2007-2013

Information Communication Technologies Policy support Programme (ICT PSP)

• Better access to finance for SMEs through venture capital investment & loan guarantee instruments • Europe Enterprise Network• Support for eco-innovation

• Fostering energy efficiency & the rational use of energy sources • Promoting new & renewable energy sources & energy diversification • Promoting EE & new energy sources in transport

~2,170 M€

~730 M€

~730 M€

ICT Policy Support Programme under DG Information Society

and Media

ICT PSP aims specifically at:

Stimulating the wider deployment and best use of innovative ICT-based solutionsFacilitating the coordination and implementation of actions for developing the information society across the Member States

Focus is on areas of public interest:

Where ICT-based solutions can bring substantial improvements to quality and efficiency of services

To open up and facilitate the development of EU-wide markets for innovative ICT

ICT for a low carbon economy

ICT for energy and water efficiency (Pilots B)

● To demonstrate that advanced ICT components and systems* significantly contribute to reducing both waste of energy and water and management of locally generated renewable energy sources, etc.

*e.g. smart metering, smart lighting, power electronics for integration


reduction CO2

-15% Consumption


Spread Shoulders

+ 15%

peak loadshaving +15%

cons. energy saving

+20% renewable

Facilitating replications

• Developing a common measurement framework• Sharing experiences on users involvement (living labs)• Common dissemination actions notably to public

authorithies• Provide socio-economic evidence for ICT investment

(user acceptance – ROI)• A consolidated set of Best Practices including guidelines,

manuals and training materials

Thank you for your attention

DG INFSO Unit H4 “ICT for Sustainable Growth”
