MAIA Intelligence Welcomes you to ‘Partner Sales Conference’ Panvel – July 18, 2007


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MAIA IntelligenceWelcomes you to

‘Partner Sales Conference’

Panvel – July 18, 2007

Business Intelligence - An Overview

Gartner: Business Intelligence is #1 priority for CIOs

Worldwide business intelligence (BI) software market is poised for constant

growth through 2009, when the market is projected to reach $3 billion

in 2009

- Gartner Inc

Business Intelligence Software Market in India

• Indian market for Business Intelligence (BI) is growing at a CAGR of 27 percent and is expected to be $ 17 million market by end-2007 – An IDC Report

BI Software Investment Contribution





BFSI Telecom Manufacturing Services (Majorly ITES) Others

Reasons for being bullish on BI Investments in India

• Heavy investments in ERP, CRM, HRMS, SCM applications over the last decade

• Managing information is becoming critical for Business growth

• Increased competition due to globalisation has necessitated effective and faster decision making across all functions

• Business optimisation can be effectively achieved by making data analysis possible at all levels

• Single View representation and analysis of enterprise data will add an additional thrust to smart decisions

What does Business Intelligence Software include?

• Data mining Software

• End-User Query

• Reporting & Analysis Software

• Packaged Data Mart / Datawarehouse

• ETL Tools



g V



Generational Step


Slice/DiceAd-hoc Query,

BI Tools

PerformanceManagement (KPI, Guided


Fact-Based Actions (OLAP,



(Data Mining)

How are my export and domestic sales doing

Can I understand my gross margin return on space?

How is the business doing compared to last year? Compared

to plan?

Are there any potential out-of-stock situations region warehouse wise?





MAIA Business Intelligence Offerings


Operational Business Intelligence

End User QueryReporting & Analysis

MAIA’s offering in the Business Intelligence space

MAIA Business Intelligence Product Offerings

• 1KEY

– Client Server Arch.

– Connects to all DBs

– 1KEY View

– 1KEY Cube

– 1KEY Chart

– 1KEY Query Builder

– 1KEY Scheduler

– 1KEY File Reader

– Real-time BI & Reporting possible

• WebKeY

– Web Arch.

– Connect to all DBs

– Supports all browsers

– WebKeY View

– WebKeY Chart

– WebKeY Query Builder

– WebKeY Scheduler

– Real-time BI & Reporting possible

Target segment for MAIA BI Products

MAIA Target Markets


Financial Services







Reporting Compliance with 1KEY

1KEY - Key Features

• Single Reporting Platform• High performance and scalability• High control with multiple levels of rights & securities• Flexible report formatting tool for business users• Ease of Query building for IT users• Visually stunning reports (View, Cube & Chart reports)• Local data analysis• Simple architecture• Mass Reporting• Affordable

1KEY / WebKeY possible ecosystems

Partner Partner ServicesServices InformixInformix



1KEY / WebKeY1KEY / WebKeY


MAIA Value Proposition

Today’s Reporting facts…

• Limited standard reports in applications like ERP, CRM, SCM etc – Time consuming scripting for additional reports

• Availability of only Static reports – No analysis possible

• For analysis & intelligence, export to Excel – Chances of data corruption and data manipulation

Today’s Reporting FactsContd…

• Multiple Data sources – Single view not possible

• Tactical & Strategic Business Intelligence for top management – After-the-fact reports and analysis

• Adhoc and enhancement requests from business users – Productivity loss of IT resources

Solution : Operational Business Intelligence & Reporting

MAIA Value Proposition

• Convert all existing static reports (standard & non-standard) to dynamic reports with rich features for data analysis

• Create a mechanism of generating non-standard and ad-hoc reports using 1KEY, thereby reducing the dependency on third party vendors and/or proprietary skills

• Provide a secure, enterprise-wide easy to deploy and easy to use BI & Reporting tool where users can create and format their own reports

MAIA Value PropositionContd…

• Connect directly to the source data, thereby enabling real-time Business Intelligence and reporting

• Standardise on a single reporting platform across multiple applications & databases

• Create an Operational Business Intelligence (Empowering ALL employees) set-up with easy-to-use multi-dimensional analytics

MAIA Strategy

Customers & Partners are not part of our strategy


MAIA Strategy

MAIA Marketing Strategy

• Corporate & Product branding

• Lead Generation

• Customer Testimonials

MAIA Sales Strategy

• Focus on potential verticals• Develop a regional partner network• First target : CIO with Technical Value

Proposition• Second Target: Key Business User (s) with

Business Value Proposition• Third Target: CEO with Strategic Value

Proposition• OEM partnerships with Enterprise Application


Technical Value Proposition

• How many of your IT users are writing mundane Reporting queries?

• Do your business users have a flexible reporting tool to generate and format their own reports?

• What is the frequency of Business Users coming to the IT department with new / enhancement requests for reports?

Technical Value PropositionContd…

• Are people using excel for reporting?

• What is the sanctity of data when say a Sales report generated by a TM is compared with that of the AISM, both reports developed in excel?

• Are your IT users able to re-use the work they have already done in generating query statements?

Technical Value PropositionContd…

• How dependent are you on your third party application vendor to develop new reports?

• How many reports are you currently managing and what is the significance of each report?

• What do you do when you need to create a single view of data coming from multiple data sources?

• Have you ever considered setting up an Operational Business Intelligence infrastructure?

Business Value Proposition

• What if we give you a tool which can convert all your existing static reports to dynamic reports?

• Are you sure on the sanctity of data coming in excel reports from various individuals?

• Are all your business users equally competent to use excel?

Business Value PropositionContd…

• How much time do you spend in collating data from your applications and multiple excel sheets?

• What is the significance of multiple reports generated in your department currently?

• Would you like to have a look at a BI tool which is extremely user friendly, for Business Users and can easily combine your current multiple reports into a single dynamic report with intuitive analytic features?

Strategic Value Proposition

• Are you able to get a reliable, single view of your enterprise-wide data with rich analysis features?

• Do you think you have a single, streamlined Reporting and Analysis platform across your organisation?

• Don’t you think you will have an advantage if all users in your organisation are empowered with a secure data analysis tool?

Strategic Value Proposition

• How many times have you restrained yourself from rolling out your current BI tools / investing in BI tools because of TCO issues?

• Have you tried incorporating an easy to comprehend and widely accepted single CPM & KPI structure across your organisation?

OEM Partnerships

• Joint positioning with Software Application vendors with the MAIA Value proposition

• Creating customer testimonials by implementing in current customer base of Software Application vendor

• Joint Marketing campaigns to a focused audience

CPM & KPI concepts with MAIA solutions


Business Challenges

Transaction Volume

Market Volatility


SuppliersGovernment Reforms




Today’s Business Pressures

Rapidly Changing Conditions• How can I accelerate my planning

and decision cycles?

• How do I monitor conditions and take early corrective action?

Accountability, Transparency• How do I comply with corporate

governance requirements?

• How can I ensure accurate, timely reporting?

Ineffective Decision Support• How do I filter extraneous data

and focus on relevant information?

• How can I access and rationalize disparate, fragmented data?

Efficiency & Cost Control• How can I sustain / improve


• How do I keep information current?





Project MgmtHuman




Plan &ModelPlan &Model


Report &Analyze

Report &Analyze

Corporate Performance Management

‘Corporate Performance Management (CPM) is the area of

Business Intelligence (BI) involved with monitoring and managing

an organization's performance, according to

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

CPM Significance

• Marketing Departments can develop better products & services, assess the results of campaigns, better understand their target market, cross sell, upsell…

• Credit Departments can leverage CPM for collaborative analysis and slicing and dicing data in new and creative ways

• Human Resource Departments can use it extensively to analyze the workforce and the impact of salary and related decisions

• Executives can get real-time access to key performance indicators, and would be able to interact and drill-down on data as against a static number

• …

What CPM enables?

• Make the right investments in products, people, projects and processes

• Continuously assess operational performance based on key performance indicators and historical trends

• Adjust & re-align strategies as needed to achieve organizational goals

• Deliver consistent information to all levels within the organization for collaborative performance

• Visualise enterprise-wide planning and budgeting in a single model

What CPM enables?Contd…

• Analyze customer, product and services profitability in real-time

• Consolidate financial data from disparate sources across the entire enterprise

• Standardise on data communication, data comprehension & data control

• Optimise IT resources and infrastructure

• Single version of the truth

CPM Framework

C3 : Communication, Comprehension, Control

CPM Elements

Business Measurements

Information Management

Business Processes &


Operational Objectives

Strategic Objectives &


IT infrastructure

CPM factors

Internal External

Business Functions Statutory Compliance

Data Integration Market

Hierarchy External Entities

Security Industry Regulations

Operational Discipline Competition

CPM Benefits

CPM Solution Benefits Align the business strategy horizontally and vertically throughout your enterprise.

Organizations are no longer fractured by independent actions of the business units. They now are aligned and working towards the same business goals.

Enabling proactive and directed


Resources are directed towards actions that are consistent with meeting the business goals. This enables improved resource planning and prioritization.

CPM Benefits

CPM Solution BenefitsProviding real-time, contextual insight,

delivering role-based visibility into

business operations and metrics.

Results in a consolidated view of the

current state of the business, by

combining process state information,

operational activity status and IT status. It

puts the current state of the business in

context, enabling proactive problem


Improving team productivity and


Enables improved and automated

processes and allocation of resources.

Provides collaboration across enterprise

teams and processes to accelerate

business performance improvements.

Initiating CPM

• Integrate and take advantage of existing IT assets

• Identify the data integration strategy

• Identify a Business Intelligence strategy (Operational + Tactical)

• Blending Business Intelligence with elements of planning, budgeting and appropriate-time monitoring

• Identify measurable Business Performance Parameters (BPP)

• Peg operational data with BPP

• Improve and simplify pegging continuously

Data Communication

Data Comprehension

Data Control

Data Communication

Data Comprehension

Data Control


• CPM is not a technology, but a Business Strategy

• Core concept for CPM : C3 (Communication, Comprehension & Control)

• Business Intelligence is an Intelligent first step in incorporating CPM

SWOT Analysis of MAIA’s offerings


Strengths Weaknesses

•In-memory processing architecture •More on operational BI than strategic & tactical BI

•Easy to use Business User tools •Performance when data is initially fetched from the data source

•Faster deployment - in days & weeks •No full-blown dashboard features

•Connection to disparate databases including age old legacy systems like Foxpro

•Late entrant in the BI space

•Innovation through Operational Business Intelligence concept

•Less top of the mind brand recall during BI evaluations

•Disruptive licensing policy •No unique proposition on technology

•Partner spread across India  

•Customer testimonials  

•Strong value proposition for IT as well as Business users


•Large available pool of manpower resources for deployment and training


MAIA SWOT contd…

Opportunities Threats• 27% CAGR in BI investments in India • Large brand recall players like Oracle, SAP,

Microsoft, Business Objects, Cognos…

• No BI vendor taking the Operational concept to market

• Large players in every aspect of Business Intelligence i.e: Datawarehouse, ETL, Presentation layer etc.

• Existing BI investments are not rolling out across the organisation

• Microsoft trying to create an Operational BI offering through a mix of technology and Office applications

• 80% of employees in any organisation are still outside the BI usage population

• ERP vendors offering their own BI - faster acceptability due to existing Customer relationships

• ERP, CRM, SCM applications touch only 15-20% of employees


• Large pool of Excel users  

• Co-existence with BI vendors targeting only the Strategic, Tactical & Predictive analysis space


• Rich strategic and tactical features like Dashboards, KPIs planned in the next release - Dec 2007


• Partners can work on OEM relationships OR vertical markets to create focused competencies


MAIA Partner Initiatives

MAIA Partner Support Initiatives

• Joint Marketing Campaigns– Regional– Vertical– OEM

• Leads generated through MAIA Marketing campaigns, event participation etc

• Product Training• Product Delivery• Online Knowledge portal – MAIA Forum ( )• Marketing Materials

MAIA Partner – Go for Growth plan

• License resell margins

• Service Revenues

• Special Partner Incentive plan

MAIA’s expectations from Partners

• Weekly update on leads

• Dedicated Sales and Consulting Resources

• Monthly strategic plan on what can be done jointly

• Suggestions to improve channel traction

• Weekly updates during delivery

• Business plan for MAIA products & services

Thank You!

Vikram Kole

Head – Marketing