… · Ma continued,...


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Appendix - 01

Ma’s ivory skin gleamed around her brilliant amber eyes. We looked so alike that

she was a vision of my old age and I a vision of her youth.

Ma also announced, ‘ It is a blessing from our Pir. She became the Pir’s mureed

after hearing innumerable accounts of his miraculous feats. On her last visit to his

far- off village, she had taken all three of us along with her and told us, ‘You

don’t need to cover your faces before Pir Sain. He is too holy for that.’

The Pir’s room had been full of waiting women and children squatting on the

floor, and so Ma had to tell him as many problems as she could in the few

moments bestowed on her. She cried and begged him to pray that her daughters

get good offers of marriage.

‘Pray that the burden of these girls be lifted from my tired shoulders, Sain,’ she

implored, and the Pir had put his hand on our heads, turn by turn. Staring at me,

he had said to Ma, ‘She will not be a burden to you. Her beauty is a rare asset.

Ma was ecstatic. The holy man had made a prophecy.

Now she was overwhelmed at it coming true.

‘The family has an impeccable bloodline,’ she exclaimed.

My friend Chandi had told me that.

Ma’s voice was becoming characteristically shrill.

‘He never married because nobody was good enough for him. He is much older

than you, may be eighteen years or so.’

I did not know that. I had thought Ranjha was much younger because he was still

a college.


‘They observe purdah and are are deeply religious. They live in their village. Why

should they want to live in this dirty city when they have a kingdom of their

own?’ she declared.

My heart was pounding. I was not listening, only wondering whether Chandi’s

family also observed strict purdah and lived in a village.

Ma continued, ‘We are extremely lucky. After your father’s death, people did not

think we were worth anything. Your marriage will restore our dignity in the

community. Your sisters will marry well and your brother will get a good girl and

a good job. Our status will improve tremendously. I even like his name. It sounds

so very powerful. And, a last she uttered it.

(Durrani 1999: 24-25)


Appendix - 02

Stripped naked, i felt a mountain of flesh descend on me. A fisherman, hopeful of

profit and safety, had set out to sea on a bright day. Suddenly, clouds thickened

and collided. Black rain poured into the ocean. Thunder and lightening drove the

vast expanse of water wild. Its volume and anger swelled. The noise down below

was even louder. The air was solid. There was no escape.


With only the sheer will to be, I remained alive, barely. He had commenced our

wedding night with an animal haste for food and ended it satiated. The shrill ring

of the early morning alarm shrieked and i jumped up like a frightened bird. Did I

sleep that night or was it some kind of death? We had celebrated it, my loved ones

had joyfully sung and danced for it, I had been beautified days ahead for it,

enhanced in every possible way. Why? To tempt like a sorceress and unleash

upon myself this madness, this cruelty? It seemed evil now.

The preparation, the rituals, the ceremony and the slaughter. I had been sacrificed

to a god on earth. The contract had signed away my life. Its terms were specified

by our faith, sealed with social and familial norms and this, our first night, had

been its first dawn. Was this repeated in every corner of the world over and over


(Durrani 1999:39)


Appendix - 03

The story of another pir, who gave sons to barren mothers only to have them

taken away and absorbed into the system of his shrine, made the shudder. At

birth, the child’s head was fitted into an iron cage, so that the body grew while the

head did not. Because they grew up to look like rats they were called chuhas and

forced to beg for alms; an army of deformed beggars was bred.

These stories confirmed that I was not alone. There were so many other like us.

As a member of a similar shrine, I wondered what was happening to their women.

Faceless and nameless, they must all be trapped like me.

Pir Sain ruled over his trapped people. He could demand and extract anything

from anyone. Considered to be direct link between the Almighty and the wretched

people believed that his intervention could even alter what Allah had fated for


That made them worship him.

Amma Sain had told me, ‘We are the direct descendants of the Propher. The

power of the shrine is fourteen hundred years old. It cannot be challenged.’

A langar distributing free food strongly aligned and attracted the poor to the

Shrine. They traveled with meager resources for days, weeks, months, sometimes

on foot and sometimes on bullock or donkey carts. If Pir Sain was ever sighted,

they would rin to fall at his feet and kiss them until the khalifa forcefully pushed

them away.

Imploring him to diminish the strength of their enemies or subjugate their

oppressor with the power of his word, they gave supplications for employment,

health , marriage, and every conceivable human need that they could not fulfill



Pleading over the limp bodies of their sickly children, people begged for the water

Pir Sain had used for ablution to make them well. They fell over each other to

grab the bones he had chewed the meat off, so that they could grind them into a

sacred medicinal powder. They collected the earth on which he had stepped and

sprinkled it across their doorsteps for protection.

They even salvaged his sputum when he spat.

My husband never showed any signs of emotion but nobody thought that he might

be devoid of them. The distance he kept from people was considered godly.

Nobody imagined that it could be a mask. His presence was so powerful that

whoever dared to look into his eyes was hypnotized by their strange lights. They

were convinced it was the light of God.

(Durrani 1999: 61-62)


Appendix- 04

I noticed that Gori’s fair skin was too delicate. Surely it would char in the heat of

our summer. It seemed to have born kind winters with discomfort, in the sharp

winds here, it would tear. Nor had she tasted the venom of a man, the poison

inside Pir Sain would kill her. Gori seemed frail and helpless to me. Her world

had made her weak. Mine had made me strong. When she asked me if anyone

here was educated, I remembered Amma Sain’s wise words about us and repeated

them; Assi pare hoe nai, pur asi karrhey hoe hain.’ Her translator told her, she

says that although we are not educated, we are condensed with experience.’

Gori thought I was very intelligent. I wanted to know if she was intelligent too.

Noticing her every moment, I followed every word she said and discovered that

she was a jouranalist. But I have sworn not to write about Pir Sain”s women”, she

explained, ”Pir allowed me to write only about the men. That made me ask her

what she had understood about the shrine. I wanted to know how perceptive her

wide exposure had made her, I also wanted to know what its lack had made me

.Gori’s skin gleamed, “The people love ur husband. I see it in the way their eyes

light up when they catch a glimpse of him. I pricked up my ears. She was not

looking deep enough. They are so devoted to him,” she swooned, and I thought,

that she had passed judgment and drawn a conclusion without realizing that there

is always a cruel meth od behind undying devotion. Could she not see the terror in

our eyes. I have met him”.

‘Your husband is so humble despite being all powerful. Its such an honor to She

declared. What else?’’ I inquired and she had more words of praise for him.

“There is purity on his face .He is serene and peaceful. He works miracles. I have

heard it from so many of his supplicants.” I couldn’t help glaring at her when she

exclaimed,’ So much tranquility in the midst of poverty can only mean one thing

He provides the people with something divine.” Fool, I thought


She was after all, English. Her ancestors had cleverly converted Muslims into

grave-worshippers and vanished from the scene. Did she not know about that? I

wanted to tell her Toti’s but didn’t dare. My mood blackened with the frustration

of having to keep silent despite having so much to say. I shrivleled up like a dried

leaf and slumped deep into my chair to mourn for Sakhi baba and burn with

jealousy against Yatimri again.

(Durrani 1999: 151-152)


Appendix- 05

Sadly, stepping out meant nothing. Cheel’s presence, my husband’s company, the

darkness of a tunnel, and the two small net holes in my burqa let nothing through.

I counted five hundred and sixty two steps to our destination.

We passed a room with an intricate patterned carpet below and a crystal

chandelier above. Before we went through another door, Pir Sain told me to

remove my burqa. I held my breath as a fat man with a big curled moustache

jumped off the bed. He walked towards me, exclaiming loudly to my husband,

‘Sain, baadshah, you are the greatest. What a find! What a rare jewel!’ His big

hairy arm circled my waist like an octopus’s. His drunken eyes rolled as he

drooled and slurred around my neck, mumbling, ‘Where did the master discover

you, my jewel? Where were you all my life?’ My husband’s laughter repulsed me

even more than his friend’s blubbery lips.

He was the jagirdar.

A man commanding the respect of a king.

These custodians of the people, revered for adherence to the faith, were

concealing their sins under my burqa. It allowed them to introduce me as a whore

from the city because no one had ever laid eyes on the venerable wife of the pir.

While the jagirdar’s fat fingers ran like black rats over my naked body, my mind

was consumed with the idea of purdah. From behind it no call for help could be

heard. An abandoned species was trapped in a forbidden world. Every thing

corrupt happened under the shroud, when it was off, a faceless and nameless

woman appeared.

The jagirdar’s thick lips slurped around my ear and I shouted and screamed

inside, ‘Know who I am, you son of a pig ! See who I am!’


I was up and down and over the craggy mountain of flesh, thinking only of purdah

draping the sins of men. The burqa had become a licence for corrupt men, A

tonne of flesh compressed me and I thought of so many more women buried

under the same crimes . I cried inside myself to the jagirdar, ‘Open your eyes,

you idiot! I’m the master’s wife. The mother of his children. See me. I’m naked

enough .

Know me.’

(Durrani 1999:164-165)


Appendix – 06

As young feudal lords, Mustafa and his brothers had few worries concerning legal

and societal proscriptions. The feudal system is a carry over from the time when

the British ruled the whole of south central Asia. By bestowing land and absolute

power upon certain ‘loyal’ individuals, the ‘white masters’ were able to control

the country’s multitudes with relatively little effort. With the passage of time, the

privileged few multiplied their wealth exploring the feudal practices of tenant

farming and arbitrary taxation. Feudalism was a license to plunder, rape and even

murder. The rich got richer; the poor despaired .

In the areas that were later to become Pakistan, some feudal families

utilized Islam as a weapon of control. The patriarchs were venerated as holy men,

who spoke with Allah. And, indeed, at some earlier time many were pious and

righteous. But gradually power passed to elder sons revered by the illiterate

people of the area and perceived as ‘envoys of Allah’. They had the authority to

justify their every deed on the basis of their own, quite convenient, interpretation

of the Koran. A feudal lord was an absolute ruler who could justify any action.

When British rule ended in 1947, the stage was set for at least a half

century of turmoil. The vast holdings of the commonwealth were divided along

religious lines. The Hindu strong hold became India. Muslim Pakistan was a

country like no other in the world, divided into two slabs of land by the immense

impediment of India.

Democracy took hold in India and the feudal system collapsed. But in Pakistan,

although lip service was paid to democratic principals, feudal lords remained in

control. It was they who decided who would sit in the National Assembly and

who would reside in the prime minister’s house .

(Durrani 1995:40-41)


Appendix- 07

However, gradually the relationship between Bhutto and Mustafa grew strained.

The Chief Minister of the Punjab was now politician in his own right, emerging

from the shadow of his mentor. Bhutto knew that the Punjab, being the largest

province, was the vote bank of Pakistan, and thus the backbone of the People’s

Party; he could not afford to lose it to his own Frankenstein monster. Everywhere

Mustafa went he was greeted with the slogan Sher e Punjab(‘Lion of the Punjab’),

and he acted the part of the number two man in Pakistan, which persuade him to

go his own way in politics- and, if he believed himself to be the number two man,

there was only one job to which he could aspire.

Indeed there was reason to worry. Bhutto had many enemies. People with vested

interests, regarded his theories of Islamic socialism as anathema. They realized

that if the Punjab could be extricated from Bhutto’s control he would fall, and

they started to form a wedge between two men. Mustafa also began to undertake

crucial initiatives without first clearing them with the prime minister.

Disagreements sprang up both on policy matters and personnel appointments. If

Bhutto rejected Mustafa’s nominees, Mustafa sulked and turned down the

alternatives presented by Bhutto. He developed a strong political personality of

his own. Islamabad was a buzz with stories of his megalomania: he was rumoured

to have said that he would be the next prime minister; the people of the Punjab

would catapult him into power. Butto’s advisers suggested to him that two swords

could not be accommodated in one scabbard.

Bhutto loved Mustafa like his own son and tried to admonish him like a

father. In return Mustafa pleaded his case. He argued that his emergence as a

leader in his own right would enhance Bhutto’s rule. A prime minister could not

be expected to oversee everything; the People’s party needed a strong second- line


leader-ship. On several occasions Mustafa reaffirmed his loyalty and support to

Bhutto as well as to the party, but his pledges did not hold water. He referred to

himself as Bhutto’s shock-absorber. ‘I take the flak and criticism upon myself,’ he

proclaimed. ‘I do not direct it towards you.’ But Bhutto knew that Mustafa was

chipping away at his power base.

(Durrani 1995: 53-55)


Appendix- 08

I began shouting for Bilal’s help. Mustafa only stopped when he saw evidence of

obvious damage. Some of his blows were errant. My mouth showed blood. ‘Ring

up your mother this instant!’ he raged. ‘Tell her you are mad. Tell her you made

up everything . Pick up the phone!’

‘I – I can’t do that,’ I sobbed. ‘She will never believe me. I can’t change my story.

She will suspect-‘

The force of his blow interrupted me. ‘Stand up, you bitch!’ he commanded.

There was a new, ominous, more methodical timbre to his voice. ‘Stand up.’

I was barely able to rise, but I did as he ordered.

‘Take off your clothes,’ he shouted. ‘Every stitch.


I trembled, clutching at the cloth of my baggy shirt, and when he saw that I could

not respond he grabbed one arm and twisted it behind my back until I shrieked in

pain and screamed that I would obey.

He backed off and sat in an armchair. He watched as I slowly began to remove

my shirt.

Again I was aware of the emptiness of the room, but this time it looked unsafe.

There was no place to hide, nothing to which I could cling. I slipped out of my

trousers. Clad only in a bra and panties, I started at him, pleading, begging, crying

for him to allow me to stop. But there was not reprieve. I felt blood drying on my

swollen lips and nose. With trembling fingers. I pulled off my underclothes.

He sat in the chair with his arms extended on either side, like a king on his throne.

His eyes ran up and down my naked body, invading. His expression was grim, his

lips tightly pursed. His eyes narrowed, searching, glinting, gloating.

Never before had I felt so totally humiliated, so utterly controlled. I could see on

his face the awareness of the importance of the moment. This episode would

cripple my spirit-perhaps beyond salvation. From this moment forward, it would


be nearly impossible for me to function as an individual. There was not one iota

of self-esteem left. The shame had burned it down to ashes. I was exposed as


‘Please, Mustafa,’ I cried, ‘for the sake of Prophet, let me wear my clothes.’

‘Pick up the phone. Make the call first. Then we will see.’

‘How I can call without my clothes? Please, let me put them on first.’

He hurled profanity at me. He dragged my family through the gutter. Emptiness

engulfed my senses. I could not reach out to anything. I could barely stand. My

knees knocked against each other. My hands and arms were not sufficient to cover

my nakedness. I wanted to grasp something. I tried to kneel on the floor, but as I

bent my knees, he screamed. I rose immediately.

I stood there for many moments, begging and pleading, invoking the names of

Allah and Prophet.

(Durrani 1995:164-165)


Appendix – 09

In Marbella, I tried to let my past sink away into the deep blue Spanish sea. I

visited a health resort daily’ lazed about and forced memories out of mind. I

brought clothes and shoes – too many- for me and the children.

The days passed over me like a balmy wind.

I heard that Mustafa was shattered. In keeping with the image of a jilted lover, he

grew a beard. He cut a sorry figure, traipsing back and forth among the homes of

our many friends, weeping and wailing, trying to convince them to persuade me

to return. He drank heavily. He spoke to strangers on the street about the wife

whom he loved, who had deserted him. He met Asim and fell at his feet, begging

my brother to mediate. He called my mother- for the first time since the Adila

episode had burst into the open- and pleaded for forgiveness.

He won crucial sympathy votes. Friends phoned to convince me that he had

changed. My family members urged that I give the marriage another try, for the

sake of children. Even my mother switched sides. I was amazed to hear her

injudiciously weigh the pros and cons; I knew why: she was unused to Mustafa in

the role of the pitiful child. I knew how convincing the false act was, but no one

else did. Everyone saw a strong man dissolve into tears at the mention of my

name. They saw him humble and repentant. They saw him grovel, and believed

that he had actually changed.

The exuberance of my liberation began to dissipate. I did not want to live the rest

of my life as a two time divorcee, and I wanted my children to be raised in a

stable home, if that was possible. Darker fears beset me, with petulance and

remorse, but I worried what turn his personality might take if these tactics failed.

Long ago I had buried my physical fears, but when I stared at the innocent faces

of my sleeping children, I sometimes shudder.

(Durrani 1995: 222- 223)


Appendix- 10

I gulped back tears, pretending to be unaffected. The poet Ghalib’s verse flitted

through my mind:

Your taunts chip away my identity.

No-one speaks of me with such audacity.

That evening at home alone, Mustafa’s words stung me. I rethought my life,

trying to define my reality. I was no longer Mrs Mustafa Khar. I had been

discarded and spat out like sugar cane chaff. He has done everything he could to

destroy me and he had very nearly succeeded. A few more doses of Mustafa and

my spirit would have died for ever.

Many people had suggested that I keep his surname as it was the name by which I

was known. I was repelled by that, and in any case I did not want to lean on a

pillar that had fallen upon me instead of supporting me. But if I was not Mrs

Mustafa Khar, who was I? The Tehmina Durrani of my childhood was an alien to

me, a confused little girl whom I had outgrown. I could not relate to her. Was

there a new Tehmina Durrani inside me, older and sadder, but also wiser?

Sitting alone with my scattered thoughts, I conjectured that fate had placed me on

his torturous path for a purpose. Our closed society considered it obscene for a

woman to reveal her intimate secrets, but would not silence be greater crime?

Silence condones in justice, breeds subservience and fosters a malignant

hypocrisy. Mustafa Khar and other feudal lirds thrive and multiply in silence.

Muslim women must learn to raise their voices against injustice. For me

conventional politics was no longer the answer. In Pakistan, the system is merely

used to hoodwink further those who are already exploited. I realized that I could


do no greater service for my country and our people than to expose the


I was determined not to waste thirteen years of my life.

I decided to cast a stone at hypocrisy.

I decided to write this book and break the traditional silence.

(Durrani 1995: 374-375)


Analysis 01 Appraising items Appraiser Affect Judgement Appreciation Appraised

Ivory Heer + reac Mother’s skill

Brilliant Heer + reac Mother’s eyes

Amber Heer + reac Mother’s

Announced Mother + sec Pir

Blessing Mother + prop Pir

Mureed Heer + cap Pir’s

Innumerable Mother + comp Feats

Miraculous Mother + reac Feats

Too holy Mother - prop Pir

Cried Heer - hap Heer’s mother

Begged Heer - dec Mother

Pray Heer + dec Mother

Good Mother + reac Offer

Pray Heer + dec Mother

Burden Heer - ten Daughters

Tired Heer - reac Shoulders

Implored Heer - dec Mother

Sain Mother + prop Mother

Not a burden Pir - ten + comp Daughters

Rare Pir Asset

Ecstatic Heer + hap Mother

Holy man Mother + prop + reac Pir

Overwhelmed Heer + sat Mother

Impeccable Heer Mother

Exclaimed Heer + sec Mother

Characteristically Heer - reac Voice

Strict purdah Mother + reac Purdah

Deeply religious Mother + reac Pir’s family

Dirty Mother - reac City

Kingdom Mother + cap Pir’s shrine

Declared Mother + sec Mother

My heart was


Heer - des - reac Heer’s heart

Strict Heer Purdah

Extremely lucky Heer + norm Mother’s


Worth Heer - prop Pir’s family

Dignity Heer + cap Mother’s

Good Heer + prop Girl

Good Heer + reac Job

Powerful Heer + cap Pir’s name


Analysis 02

Appraising items Appraiser Affect Judgement Appreciation Appraised

Stripped naked Heer - Reac Heer’s body

Mountain of flesh Heer - Reac Pir’s body

Bright Heer +Reac Day

Black Heer - Reac Rain

Vast expanse Heer + Reac Water

Wild Heer + Reac Water

Anger Heer - Sat Fisherman

There was no


Heer - Des Heer

Sheer will to be Heer - Sat Heer

Remained alive


Heer - Sat Heer

Wedding night Heer + Reac Heer’s wedding night

Animal Heer - Reac Haste

Shrill ring Heer - Reac Alarm

Early morning Heer + Reac Alarm

Shrieked Heer - Hap Alarm

Jumped up like a

frightened bird

Heer - Des Heer

Did I sleep that


Heer - Sat Heer

Some kind of


Heer - Hap Heer

Celebrated Heer + Norm Heer’s family

Loved ones Heer + Hap Heer’s relatives

Joyfully Heer + Hap Danced

Danced Heer + Hap Relatives

Beautified Heer + Norm Heer

Sorceress Heer - Cap Heer

Madness Heer - Norm This

Cruelly Heer - Prop This

Evil Heer - Prop Night

Slaughter Heer - Prop Heer

Sacrificed Heer - Hap Heer

Signed away my


Heer - Sat Heer’s life

Social & financial Heer + Comp Norms

First Heer + Reac Night

First Heer + Reac Dawn

Hopeful Heer +Des Fisherman


Analysis 03

Appraising items Appraiser Affect Judgement Appreciation Appraised

Faceless Heer - cap Woman

Nameless Heer - cap Woman

Trapped Heer - ten People

Leaped Heer - ten People

Demand Heer + sec Pir Sain

Extract Heer + sec Pir Sain

Direct link Heer Pir Sain family

Almighty Heer + prop God

Wretched Heer - cap People

Worship Heer + hap + cap Pir Sain

Direct descended Amma + rec Pir Sain family

Power of shrine Amma + rec Shrine

Cannot be


Amma - ten Power of


Free food Heer + comp Food

Meager Heer - ten - comp Resources

Fall at his feet Heer + des + cap Pir’s feet

Kiss them Heer + hap - prop Pir’s feet

Oppressor Heer Pir Sain

Power of his word Heer + val Pir Sain

Pleading Heer + des People

Limp Heer - val Bodies

Sickly Heer - val Children

Begged Heer + des People

Fell over each


Heer + cap People

Sacred Heer + val Medicine

Never showed any


Heer - sat Pir Sain

Godly Heer + prop Pir Sain

Powerful Heer + cap Pir Sain

Dared Heer + sec No one

Light of god Heer + prop Pir’s eyes

Barren Heer - norm Mother’s

Shudder Heer - des Heer

Look like rats Heer - cap People

Chuhas Heer - cap People

Deformed army of


Heer - norm People


Analysis 04 Appraised Items Appraiser Affect Judgement Appreciation Appraised

Fair Heer +reac Gori’s skin

Delicate Heer +reac Gori’s skin

Kind Heer +reac America’swinters

Sharp Heer -reac Winds of Pakistan

Frail Heer -ten Gori

Helpless Heer -normality Gori

Weak Heer - ten Gori

Strong Heer + ten herself

Wise Heer + cap words

Intelligent Gori +Cap Heer

Intelligent Heer +Cap Gori

Wide exposure Heer +cap Gori

Its Lack Heer -reac

Gleamed Heer +reac Gori’s skin

Love Gori +hap pir

Not looking deep


Heer _norm People’s

So devoted Gori +Prop Pir

Cruel undying Heer -val method

Terror Heer _norm People’s

So humble Gori +Cap Pir

All powerful Gori +Cap Pir

More words of


Gori +cap Pir

Works miracles Gori +Norm Pir

Purity Gori +Norm pir

serene Gori +norm pir

peaceful Gori +norm pir

tranquilty Gori +norm Pir

Fool Heer -Norm Gori

blackened Heer -hap herself

shrivelled Heer -des herself

Like a dried leaf Heer -des herself

slumped Heer -hap herself

Mourn Heer -sat

Jealousy Heer -sat


Analysis 05

Appraising items Appraiser Affect Judgment Appreciation Appraised

I held my breath Heer - Des Heer

Sadly Heer - Hap Heer

Announced Heer + Sec Pir

Excited Heer + Sat Heer

Intricate Heer + Comp Carpet

Darkness of a tunnel Heer - Reac Tunnel

Crystal Heer + Reac Chandelier

Fat man Heer - Cap Jagirdar

Big curled Heer + Reac Moustache

Exclaiming Jagirdar +Sec Jagirdar

Sain Jagirdar + Prop Pir

Badshah Jagirdar + Prop Pir

Greatest Jagirdar + Norm Heer

Find Jagirdar + Norm Heer

Rare jewel Jagirdar + Norm Heer

Big hairy Heer - Reac Arm

Like octopus Heer - Reac Big hairy arm

Drunken Heer - Reac Eyes

My jewel Jagirdar + Norm Heer

Laughter Heer + Hap Pir

Repulsed Heer - Sec Heer

Blubbery Heer - Reac Lips

Respect of king Heer + Cap Jagirdar

Custodians Heer + Norm Religious Leaders

Sins Heer - Prop Religious People

Whore Heer - Prop Heer

Venerable Heer + Prop Heer

Black rats Heer - Reac Fat fingers

Fat Heer - Reac Finger

Naked body Heer - Comp Heer’s Body

Mind was consumed Heer - Des Heer’s mind

Abandoned Heer - Val Species

Trapped Heer - Cap Heer

Forbidden Heer - Comp World

Corrupt Heer - Prop Everything

Faceless Heer - Comp Woman

Nameless Heer - Comp Woman

Thick Heer - Comp Lips

Shouted Heer - Sec Heer

Screamed Heer - Hap Heer

Son of a pig Heer - Cap Jagirdar

Craggy Mountain Heer - Rec Jagirdar’s body

Sins Heer - Prop Religious leader

Corrupt Heer - Prop Men

Tonne of flesh Heer - Rec Jagirdar’s body

Crimes Heer - Prop Off religious leaders

Cried Heer - Hap Heer

Idiot Heer - Cap Jagirdar

Masters Heer + Prop Wife


Analysis 06

Appraising items Appraiser Affect Judgement Appreciation Appraised

Few worries Tehmina -sec of feudal lords

Feudal Tehmina -val Power

Absolute Tehmina +comp Power

Certain loyal Tehmina +ten Feudal lords

White masters Tehmina +norm The British

Relatively little effort Tehmina -comp The British’s

Few privileged Tehmina +norm Feudal lords

Exploiting Feudal lords -cap People

able to control White


+cap People

Feudal Tehmina -reac practices

Tenant Tehmina +reac farming

Plunder Tehmina -prop Feudalism

Rape Tehmina -prop Feudalism

Murder(even) Tehmina -prop Feudalism

Rich Tehmina +norm Common


Poor Tehmina -norm Common


Despaired Tehmina -hap Poor

Islam weapon of


Tehmina -cap Feudal families

Patriarchs Tehmina -cap Feudal families

Holy Tehmina +prop Feudal families

Pious Tehmina +prop Feudal families

Righteous Tehmina +ver Feudal families

Neither pious Tehmina -prop Feudal families

Nor particularly moral Tehmina -prop Feudal families

Illiterate Tehmina -cap People

Envoys of Allah Tehmina +cap Feudal families

They had authority Tehmina +cap Feudal families

Feudal lord Tehmina +norm Feudal families

Absolute ruler Tehmina +cap Feudal families

Who could justify any Tehmina +cap Feudal families

Turmoil Tehmina -hap Common mass

Remained in control Tehmina -cap Feudal lords

Who decided Tehmina +cap Feudal lords


Analysis 07

Appraising items Appraiser Affect Judgement Appreciation Appraised

Strained Tehmina - sat Relationship

Mentor Tehmina + cap Bhutto

Largest Tehmina - reac Punjab

Vote bank Tehmina + comp Punjab

Back bone Tehmina + comp Punjab

Monster Tehmina - prop Mustafa

Sher e Punjab Tehmina + norm Mustafa

Worried Tehmina - sat Bhutto

Inflated Tehmina - reac Ego

Worry Tehmina - des Bhutto

Vested Tehmina - val Interest

Islamic so lia Tehmina - val Islam

Control Tehmina + cap Bhutto

Crucial initiatives Tehmina - reac Initiatives

Policy maker Tehmina + comp Matters



Tehmina + comp Appointments

Strong political


Tehmina + cap Mustafa

Megalomania Tehmina - reac Mustafa

Suggested Tehmina + sec Bhutto’s


Loved Bhutto + hap Mustafa

Tried to admonish

like a father

Bhutto + sat Mustafa

Pleaded Tehmina - des Mustafa

Strong second line Tehmina leadership

Loyalty Tehmina - ten Mustafa

Shock absorber Tehmina + cap Mustafa

Proclaimed Tehmina + sec Mustafa

Raged Tehmina - sat Bhutto

If I wish Tehmina + des Bhutto

That is Mustafa - sat Bhutto

Protect Tehmina + sec Mustafa

Threw his Tehmina - sat Bhutto

Either I Tehmina - sat Bhutto


Analysis 08

Appraising items Appraiser Affect Judgement Appreciation Appraised

Shouting Tehmina - Sat Tehmina

Obvious Tehmina - Comp Damage

Raged Mustafa - Sat Tehmina

Mad Mustafa - Cap Tehmina

Sobbed Tehmina - Hap Tehmina

Bitch Mustafa - Prop Tehmina

Commanded Tehmina + Sec Mustafa

New ominous Tehmina + Rec Timber

More methodical Tehmina + Comp Timber

Ordered Tehmina + Sec Mustafa

Shouted Tehmina - Sat Mustafa

Trembled Tehmina - Des Tehmina

Baggy Tehmina + Comp Shirt

Shrieked Tehmina - Hap Tehmina

Screamed Tehmina - Hap Tehmina

I would obey Tehmina - Sec Tehmina

There was No

place to hide

Tehmina - Sec Tehmina

Pleading Tehmina - Des Tehmina

Begging Tehmina - Des Tehmina

Crying Tehmina - Des Tehmina

Swollen Tehmina - Rec Lips

Trembling Tehmina - Comp Fingers

Sat in the chair

arms extended

Tehmina + Cap Mustafa

Like a king Tehmina + Norm Mustafa

Naked Tehmina - Rec Body

Grim Tehmina - Rec Mustafa’s


His Lips tightly


Tehmina - Cap Mustafa’s lips

Narrowed Tehmina - Rec Mustafa’s eyes

Glinting Tehmina - Rec Mustafa’s eyes

Gloating Tehmina - Rec Mustafa’s eyes

Totally humiliated Tehmina - Sat Tehmina

So utterly


Tehmina + Cap Tehmina

Cripple Tehmina - Hap Tehmina’s Sole

Beyond Salvation Tehmina - Prop Tehmina’s sole

As an individual Tehmina + Norm Tehmina

No self esteem Tehmina - Cap Tehmina

Shame down to


Tehmina - Prop Self esteem

Exposed as


Tehmina - Ten Tehmina

Cried Tehmina - Hap Tehmina

Screamed Tehmina - Hap Tehmina

Begging Tehmina - Des Tehmina

Pleading Tehmina - Des Tehmina

Invoking me Tehmina - Sat Tehmina


Analysis 09

Appraising items Appraiser Affect Judgement Appreciation Appraised

Deep blue Spanish Tehmina + reac Sea

Heath resort Tehmina + reac Resort

Forced memories Tehmina - reac Memories

Like a balmy wind Tehmina + reac Span sea

shattered Tehmina - sec Tehmina

Jilted lover Tehmina - cap Mustafa

Grew a beard -Tehmina - hap Mustafa

Cut a sorry figure Tehmina - hap Mustafa

Weeping Tehmina - hap Mustafa

Wailing Tehmina - hap Mustafa

Drank heavily Tehmina - sec Mustafa

Spoke to strangers Tehmina - dec Mustafa

Loved Tehmina + hap Mustafa

Desisted Tehmina - cap Mustafa

Fell at his feet Tehmina + sec Mustafa

Begging Tehmina - dec Mustafa

Burst Tehmina - hap Mustafa

Pleaded Tehmina - dec Mustafa

Crucial sympathy Tehmina + reac Sympathy

He had changed Tehmina + sat Mustafa

Pitiful child Tehmina + ten Mustafa as child

False act Tehmina - comp Act

Strong man Tehmina + cap Mustafa as man

Dissolve into tears -Tehmina - hap Mustafa

Humble Tehmina + prop Mustafa

Repentant Tehmina + prop Mustafa

Grovel + prop Mustafa

He actually


Tehmina + sat Mustafa

Exuberance of my


Tehmina + val Tehmina’s

Stable have Tehmina + reac Home

Darker bears Tehmina - reac Fears

Petulance Tehmina - cap Mustafa’s

Remorse Tehmina + prop Mustafa’s

Worried Tehmina Mustafa

Physical fears Tehmina - hap Fears

Innocent Tehmina + ver - reac Face

Shuddered Tehmina - Des Tehmina


Analysis 10

Appraising items Appraiser Affect Judgement Appreciation Appraised

Gulped back tears Tehmina - Hap Tehmina

Pretending to be


Tehmina - Sec Tehmina

Taunts Tehmina -Sat Mustafa

Audacity Tehmina + Cap Mustafa

Word stung me Tehmina - Sat Tehmina

Had been


Tehmina - Hap Tehmina

Spat like


Tehmina - Sat Tehmina

Destroy me Tehmina - Hap Tehmina

Few more doses


Tehmina - Hap Tehmina

Suggested Tehmina + Sec People

Repelled Tehmina - Sec Tehmina

Confused Tehmina - Sec Tehmina

Older Tehmina + Cap Tehmina

Sadder Tehmina - Hap Tehmina

Wiser Tehmina + Cap Tehmina

Scattered Tehmina - Sat Tehmina

Torturous Tehmina - Reac Path

Closed Tehmina - Reac Society

Obscene Tehmina - Prop Divorce

Intimate Tehmina + Comp Secrets

Greater Tehmina - Val Crime

Injustice Tehmina - Val Towards


Subservience Tehmina + Ten Silence

Malignant Tehmina - Reac Hypocrisy

Feudal Tehmina - Val Lords

Injustice Tehmina - Val Voices

Conventional Tehmina - Val Politics

Exploited Tehmina - Cap Many woman

Greater service Tehmina - Val Country

Expose Tehmina + Cap Camouflage

Determined Tehmina +Sec Tehmina

Decided Tehmina +Sec Tehmina

Decided Tehmina +Sec Tehmina

Traditional Tehmina - Val Silence
