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THE IRON ERAf p j U I I j j EfKBY fllTUDDAT 11


Offloe on Horria Street near Elackwell


. IHTillUuA IK ABVAKCCOne Yew, - 82.00gix Months,-. - 1.0f

eo months,- - - - r - - 51



oillCr.. ITlCKXtV

Ck>iinkellorat Law


I jf^NEELAND,Carpenter and Builder,

Jobbing^promplly attended to.Jbopt aa BLW&WBLL fit,, uort to O*go

" ' • , Hilsej'a lotnbumill. • ./ - •Contrscti tsken. iud mAti-riftlfurnlalicd.

-ariiTMON HOU»IC...' , • : - ' " .

Oarntr ofjiiukxep and SLUHDX .Bit, .. •T\.f\w\TTtlT> -XT' ' "1"' "-'•' ''• •"

B.JOt.l;Ey. Proprietor,.'.HqrsMWidCwrlagesloLol. .



Offlmlo the National Onto D«nli IMMtaj

*3uarw%ui Si. , - DOVEB, N. J,


O F Hoitma OOUSTV. '

O t f i 6«r OEO. HI0BA1UJS 4 Co.'i BTOllE,

.,..'=•", DOVEB, N. J.' "'SMdaltiiScs, Jionra go tialuniavii from 0 A,

M.tru,jir.M. •" . H-tr


-LAW, . . : _

Cor. Blackff ell anil Suaaoi Sti.

. DOVER, N, J.DwemotrUlb, IKS. • 1-ljr

1. s. HEionnoun. . *. c. uni

G JL. CtXliSlIf,' '

t - . . . . , ;<.Gmir»l

Furnishing Undertaker' UCKNbEDiUCIIOSEERAKDCOlim.'!-

! BIONEIt 0 1 DEEDS. . , . ' .

Ail orders promptly nttonded to:BTMET, ' • Dover, N, J .

IKftCOOOPER,Mason and Builder.

Contract* taken for all klndi of llsion ,Workid JubbluR. • •

LI1HS, PLASTER AND CEMENT, . *' riimlalieU At short cotloo.

Iflloc under "TUo Iron Era Offlco," Dover,T . J . . • - . . , >'•' \ • ' • ; • • ' . • - 1 7 - l i i

Carriages and Sleighs.Or Ev.tr DMcvlptlon.

Our Ibcltwoll ind Borsenjltj. DOVEK, H J

Particular Attention paid to repairing andBalntbg 21j


Aa»jeaaAAuljraoi .fall diicrlplions or

.QJtJSgJ.Nl) MiHJ£JB,JjufL

W. S. & E. P. DeUAJUI',


Tor Iron Orel ond llinirsl Propcrtj,

POWEEVItLE,N.:j,, E 0. nt BOONTON, N. J. j

(Tai. B. DxOmr.: :. t ; . ' , . , / . . / * . FT DECAMP.

CiBEFOLLX MADE.UUt of cnirB.swlUb. furnished on ipplleation.

; ' LCIIEBKniTHSnerUorrkCemalyN.I.

Allen Palmer & Sou,Cnrpontcrs


DOVEB, N. J.Jobbing promptly attended )o.

S. J. PALMER, Architect.. 16-j

PIANOS, -Organs and Melodeons

Repaired and TunedV, In aiy part of Morrir Oitintjr Ad

SoTor, N.J.




DOTED, N 3Til plate ha> beeo euHrclj rentted Is a nut

manner The Ter; boat brania 01

Foreign and Domestic SegarslTTAISOHUAhD S6II



' n a t ' n r m i l sucauviox ^

DESIGNEDand txeCDted,Tand matejiaf furnlihed

PLANS arA SPECIFICATIONSforotahiid, KA coutracta taken tor all forkTbobegt rehreDte* RITCD as to captelt* In

ei«j liraneb at tlie CollntM and ill «wktiarantoed POVEU.H 1

. A. Beemer, .• R E A L ESTATE AGENT,

Blttkwetl8t.»iiear Sussex, Dover, N

HOUSES AND LOTS, \ - ; ; . > J F 6 E S A I B V .•."'.•

Fer d c i c r i r U o n s o r F r i p o ' r t J . n a p u t l " ' ' 1

• K t r a i t t k e o f n e e . . . . .


aUHB,: LOOKS, AND REWINQ 1UCEI5K3repaLei aad aold bj

REUBEN ROWK,BDS8EI SI. BOYEB, 'ml to the EVO11KHObHE. Ordera 1-tl a( II I) Cbeac * ilor«pninpllfalliorlecllo Silt



WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS,II i n n rpmeilj for COUOrK*ncl»D ilJKkiei offto iiniOAi* LUNGS, c n t s r «od KocoraWEMBRANK,,


0 . M. O1UTTENTON, • 7 Biilb i t o . , Mew TTork,

A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS.a r We want BOO mnro flnt-elan Benin

MacblDs AMDU, and SOD mea or oaajrj anaMit, toJeTra lie bna neea of e;lllnc SenlniUaculnea. Cotspeneatlon liberal, trot Tanin•ccorwnt 10 abllllj, ebaraeler aod onjHcatlona orue Ajrnt »oriiarttonUriJ*frr"

B T . D t l l Broaa.aj, He> York, or HewOr.W<u,La. ( IMt

Business Cards.11. A. BKSXETT, M. l> ,


Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts.(Oppoiito Dover Bank,)

DDVBI,H,J. ,DUtaici of Wonion and chililipn, and o n h e

E>e ami Ear Hjituioltlcu.Offlco Honm: 71.) B A. M., 1 to S aud 7 to B P. 11


HS. L. 0.




oBlIouns: 8 to lf)i.K.,aua 2to4r.ii,

roMtt l>. MUTH, . . B. 0 . IIKUIE. IK.


BUCKWKU, BTOEET,s.lj ' DOV13R, KT. 3".


Ofllce on Blackwell Street,. DOVES, S. X

Collodions sttfiniled lo nitli illtljienK.Also,, Agent for tbe bust Lifuaud firu Ininr-ace JotnpsDles. ' H. ' -


C*fti>, HaroMn.wllh stove OS lnree TU.1I »nrlK»na«l of direction* . • . . . ,110,00

Case Morocco, of U Urge yUU »ndpook, 0,00. TheMtremedleinreMntijrJitn eaieplnmc box or vial, lo nny pa f tn r Ihecountry, f

fiumptiref •t'lioniran n thte

jn.1 «l J. H. BROWN'B drug store, cornor or'Dlaol.wo.1 aud Humx 8I1. and VongU & Kill'Kure, new comur drug slore, Dover, N. J.57-lw *



pOTER, N. J.3fl.ee o*er A. Wlghton's itnvo *nd tin atoro,

G-randin House.'[00 YARDS FROATD. h.&W. DEPOT

STA.TOTEIOI'ij, SO*. J".T. F. GRANOItf, Prop'r.

Excellent aocnimnofotlmifl for transient oricnunmt boarders, alto a tircrj and )ioariliog

itibla alladiuil to tliuUUIIMJ. ruwit.-i.tjci* UWuand from llmld'H Lake and Lake llopntcoiigreaBDiiablo chtaracs,' . . " , %-it

SIRS. A. BEEMERIa tiBW read; with till the now iiyici for

FALL, of 1876.Fashionable Millinery


Fancy GJ-oocIs.. . . THE . ..

Latest Styles & Newest DesignsXEAHLY OITOStTE HATIOHAt DSIOlf BANK

DPILDINOt DOVER, N. 7.Tlia larswt end raoit cumploto itock sf Mllll-

icry hnd Fnucy Qooui to bo iuuna iu Dor—-oiuiiridnj

Bonnets, Hats, Flowers, Feat-• ers,, Hibltom: l^acea—real

ana l»iita4ioii--Nei]ktleB- and BowB, Collars,

Luce . aud LinenJrftpcB, Mourulugllonnets

an.I Haiti.k fiaa asBortmont of

SWI1CHES, BRAIDS, 4c,; • Also, ft very latpo virioty o , :

ZEPHYKGOODSiAud k fln« stock ol . . ,

Ladies' Furnishing Goods.ETerytliitig of the bcit material ind mado upby tbe most eoropohmt Mdialanti.

PASSAGE TICKET?• • • ' - . A T • • • . • • ' '• . •": .••' •


all the principal llooa of atosmiliibrrnimNo^Tcrl l l i . t rmmi UMlVEiJ]

F^, Aln DIIAPCS OS CHEAT WtlTAIKO1IIELANO. • •..-•.-.:, • * . ' ID-t



Hardware, Iron and Steel,AI1S, BtJILDEEH' HAHDWAEE,

Con: WAsnttOTOX a? B W arBttrs,-

MOBRISTOWN. NJ J.„.- A'Oourbins STOCK or , ,t

IVoodeu Wnro nndV.v' !. ; IIoHHokccping Goods.

, . AIM, ' i


Lime, Cement, Plaster,




\TtTO tHiitioot) chtxgts tor oxtnoling wberc

lug LreutlfQl wtv or teeth lot . • -




calls ntt«titlon to tbe f net tlint ho lifts taken the

TEL, on BtAOKWELl St,DOTRB.N. J.>Wy kept T.y Ctiui. Watein,and Us comp\eU)y nmoTat«d and rcfur-n[sbad it. sd as to gl?e spad sad anmle.ac<^modatioDBt«l»th-inani.odbea4,J ftsBAJl wHl bs sanpllci with tho belt braodj ofLiatioBS and Swtum. Board wiU be fur-nisboa t>/ the daj ox vwb, on reasonableBnns. My ' -r- '

Livery Stablerill tie continued in conweticii with thii

HOUK Aninritatlonis oitonded to all myold friends snd the genond pablio io ri-me a « l l . &1*


s!le°l CO.lland W0OB, on BLACKi., n« l t« "AOE * HA13EVS L»m-t CunsUDllr on li«nil all k ndi of

F'SoVFJl OB VICISm. WOOD, lotha«ato«f" '»le . l t l i .ma'ordel l»eroO

OFSoVFJl O,.«.aa«atoo«.f" '»le.lL1MK ILAsfER. CKOBAINOFALLKISBa.

A rie of tt*el'eBAINOFALLKISBa. . , . . .An experience of tt*el'ejre»ra in thalnriDFsl

wamjta.llblnke|»rf«ctv«i>wltcl«ofit,a»•n rtiTator me jrrtb ihelr wlminje, m.rroltnuonloll.wol«Me, bonMt dealll», 1 0 *FH10E8. and proraptnris In QUinc onlere."o»coV» J . J TrAana'e Oirpeeter Shop.

Do»er,A.» . ltb,lB73.'m HILL




HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICSBeen In general uwe for twenty yean.

e people WB ».,lnn time, money

Ilie well tried prracrlpTTon of

No«- . Cure*. Con In.1. P f T e m , Ceng&tton, lnfiummcUatm,. . S31 Worran , WormKovor, Worm(inic, , . IBR, OrlnK-CoUe.orTcrtWiJBofJnfuiU,. IS4. D l a r r h n a , of Children or Adnlt*, , . ufi. D y i e n t c r r , Griping, llilloni tk.Uo, . . 15

7. Comthfl, Oold^ Br'onchHK, . . . .B. Nturatr la , Tootbiche, Fweseoe, .9 llfRdaeliea Blck n«d»eho V«nln)

K. WhOoplmCoUBli.TlBl. Allhm«,oppr««Mdltreilb.n/SS. GarDlKMrice i , Impaired IiS3. •M-ronUli.BnUrged Blind* Sw« U t n e r a i l D o b l l l t l ' l

Uropty wa

ny pnftnr Ihe! on recelplo/

PURIFIES THE BLOODRenovates and Invigorates


VEGETINE U raulo exolmifely from iholutcei ol enrurullj doltotcd bark*, roots tot'hflrbi. and mi «imnKly cunanlritod, t l m t lwill cliL'ctaa1koritdlcKtorromtiieR.VBtDBi etaryHint of Btrorulu, Scrotoloui Humor, Tiimon,(fencer, Canecrouri Humor, Erril()ol*8,.tii)lniionrn, B;pliilitio SIBCOIOI, Oinktr, Fointnewttt tliu Hlonucli. Brid nil dliettrim tint mi BOfrom impiiro liiood, Sciitlci,' loflnnnnatDryuidClironicKliemiuili«ni,Nonral8fit. Ouut andSplDil Catnplalnti, can only Go clToctuillycurud tbrotiRU Iho blood.

Uot Ukors »ndUruntlto Dh«a>icn of theSkin; Puitiilo*. PitnpluH, Blotcbei, Doila, Tot-lor, S«ia.)io»i »ua IUng-worm, VEGEIINE' » i narer&iloil toelToc. * iwrmknont ouro.

ForPitngin the Hack, Klilney Coinpbicti,Dropiy, Petnalo WeakDten, Lencdrrliaia, «rl«-'-iff from Intornal olcortlion, and Htriino din*

IRCI tnd Oonon.. Debilltv, VEGETINE acuirootl; npon (hn CUHRRR or theta oitrajilsintfl.

.v iDTiKontd md tlrttufttboDB ttio whule %jn>lom, act* upon thtj lecrctlto ntfjmii, alky*Infiammation, ourei nlconllon m d regulates

For Call nil , Cfspcnila, Unliltual Ooallru-.,SBB,PalpiUtionoftliaIIoart,H«adtclio,Plleii,Ner*uu*ne*B and Dtneral FroniTition o/ IlipSertoui Byslera, no medicine buj- lven inchoiTcut i.tUfMctlor, u tbo VEUl?fINK. Itmrifiei tLo blood, tluanses all of ttio orpin6,ind.poNiGBRDa a cautrollinji power <nror tbclorvoaa djitcm. , •'Ttio romarkaulc.carci cffifltod by v r a m m

h«T0 ladnced mnnjr pliTaklana and apatlio-

ID thulr own families.In fiat, VEOETIUE Ii tbe bcit romodj «<t

dltcoTcred for Uio nbnre dli"mse«, and is ihoonly roliible BLOOD FUIUPIEI. jci pUept)Uefoto tbo publlo. ' ' • (

THE BEST EVIDENCE.Tho followine Idler from HOT. E. 8. Dest,

r*itor nfM. £ . OUfiroh, Nutloli, Vast,, will b«road nitb intcrcat by ln»ny phyilaiani. Also,those BufTarinfi from tlio Mime diseno at af-

, fllotuil tbe'ion or the Her. E. B. Ba»t. Ho per-I ion a n riunbt tbli teitimany, as tbcro ii noloabt kboat tbe cunfire poiron of VeaEninc.

, KATIOK, Hut!., J»n. 1st, 1B74.JlR, B. B.BTXTKHI! ,: ' i1', •

Dxavn Six—We huve good! rtaion for regard-iuK tonr YKGET1NE a tqedicioe <bf Ilia great-e i t it iue. We feel iwared Dial It liai boon tb .memi of »TlogDnr' loa'i life. He 1B DO*. 17tcatioftge; tor.thtUii twoyciri beltaisaff-brod from neoroiii of lili left. 'Giuacd by i c r ou.om mftDOtloD', Mid wm to far redacod tbtl

dearly all who irtwMin itioiiRltt liw rocoTervlnjpc.nbte. A conuci! of tvbltt p|iyi)lDt»na ontiUiTO Hi but tin faintest bopo of his ever rnllyf

Trig, Iwo of tbo number deeUnnr tbnt bo wanbovonti tbarcich afbuman romodlCP, that QTODinipuutlon Aonld not *»TC Mm, n tin had not*lgor epongh to endure ttio uper»t>on. Justtlisn vra eoromtnoed giving him VJOITIHB, audr tbat tima lo the prrteut ho lias licen

I cuntlnrnjuiO? impronDg. , Holitu lately return-ed hli utaiJlos,, Ibrena w a y bii crutchei and

ane, tnd m Ibi about cnrjorfnllT and ilronR.Tbouiif) tnoro It itlll somo alialsurgo from

tbc opening vhctro the limb wia lanced, irei btTo tbo rujIcM conBtltnco Ibat In * little: tunn

o will bo nerreotl* cared. : -. • ,. .i He b n talMn uliout ibrtw dni»n bo I lie i ofVEOETISE, but Utoly n i « ' but litlle, ax tindeclirci Ibat hn !• too well to bi taking tned-


All Diseases of the Blood.IfVEOETlKE will relUTep»b, eleinsfl, pu-

rify Wd core aoel* I)1M»M», ««toring IliopaUrnt to perfect lnnlth after try!op fllOtiroDtphjitcltDi. maDy romedlei. inffarlng Tor yean.U ft n«t cunciuim proor, if yon are »infferor,jon can bt3 cuwd 1 Why Is lhi» medicine per-Torrainc uncb greit euros t It worki In theblnoa. In tbe drcolitfnc Haiti. II can trnU boealWlhi GREAT DLOOD rUniFIER.jTliBereat sonrao or dlnenio nriRm»tei in ttin nlooa;and no medicine that does not act dirnclly nponIt tonurilV and renovate, Lai anyJusEoitir*npon pnUic atlenlion. ; .

. ItEOOMWENp IT HKABTH-T. * . ', . Bourn BDHTOM, Feb. Tlh, 1B70.

SIB.BTETII": PtarSIrt IhatatoIiCD lorcr^.botlies of yonr \eorrwB and am conTinced ItIn a vainftlilii remrnlj tor. pri|»piU. KidnoyOomnlalnl and general tlcliliityar tlie system.

I can beartily Moommend ii to atliulTcriagrroo thoaljofe cnnjpUlnla. ••• :

' Yonri renpectful.T. ,Ku. MUNROE PUiKEIt, wS Mhtn



POETIC.. Did Hhe Lore thm'Ml t

keep ibna in th« old, old buzTint Willie Rare me jrara ago,

TUc Unto we piitud on Ibaroukit;His nLI|) UyswinRing lo and fro,

At the welling in tlia lower bay ;1 thoufflit ray bean would break Ibat day.Die pfctnre wlib tbo pcmtivo cyci

IaWillld? Ku, duar, tbat'i yonng BUke,WJia took Ibe Weal I'olut hltflicti prize; -

lio woutlialfcraiy fgrmysako,lltio aru A lut (it rlijinoi liu *rut«,Aud bcro'i & balton off bir coit.I i ttils liia riuft 7 My dcarcat alaj,

icvor look a ring ttam liim ITliIn waa a gilt from Howard UUy;

JUBI ace, tLa.iMiarla.oKgoillt.sdim;lief say that pt-aria aro loan—whit atoffl

TIJRI loltEue taut! a littto rougL,

He was at baniUomo as a prlnoc-" id Jealom I But bo wenl to lUnne

Last Tall I IIo'i i tem ttritUu'since. ,I uvo<l lo vlilt at lilt bome—

A faretr p'tee bcyotitl furl lea,' ' •His oiolber tliaugbt Ibfi *urid of m« I

Ob, no I Iscnt bl«letti)r»ljick ;71iene eamD to tns from Wnlilrgtoni

lit aln^ys «rul« me llirojfor one.know I o.cd lo trait liito 111-

I'oor Jack-bo f v\\ at Chaacullon villa,Tbe vlgnellei -all ILat lut-aru loalpi

imkfoLouaon.Naplaa.Nlce,At I'urlmnd imung tbe Alpi;

lone forulen lorors act lite gedo ;Bui, dear, (hoy ironacbbandiomg tnoa jWe go to Prince, next year.-igalD..TliUli tbo doctor "i algnet rinffj -- Tlicao fadedfloncra? Ob, Utaesei—Wby, what a iery corlom thing I

"Who oould liatretont llioao floirtri to metAh, now I haro H-COODI deTwit];He married tbat fit.Croible girl.- ' •'•

ills hair was red. Yon nonil not look ' ' "Bo iid/7 s t fiiat raven treu; •ou bniiw. tbe hoad that lock formook jYou know—but joa could never gucial

About ntioae brow that ringlet curled,'hy won't I Wl? Well, pii-Uy, child,Becauie you like thomanyounolf;

But moil bocinse-duti't get 10 wild!I UTO not laid him on tbe shair—

H«'i not a bjgono., In a yoar VI'll loll von all about liltn, dear.


. Treasury girls (lo not tight mit TIMen.

Ura. Bradle.y is n Hajeg mun, whichDemocrat* tliinlt explains thinffB.

Qen, BanltB'two uanghtera are "lovely1 dreamn and graceful M liHIes.'1 Yum!

A Rejnoldsvilla nan ia so pug-noiedtbat be oan'l blow it witbout hlowiDg offbis hat—Jieynoidtvtlle lleralti..

CongtosBinftti Thompson, of Masanclm-ilta. wlio teat Ben. Bntler, baa ft largo

jaw and robcarsBS nitli a Tom cat twonights a week.

Tlie poemof "JOIID OilpJo's Rjfle/'bvCovper, UHS eighty-tbrei) per ueut HI IUwordu in nnoBjiInble, wliile ShnkeBpearabad oigbty-ttne nod Uiokena seventy-five.

i of Mack. Tiitse poor', people aro thworst sufferers^: la^licro h a fii'l in HIDmarket, as tliarfefi aa^beou lately, na theyeither run in a t u j l | o sell out ot anv

: prico, or kxe OQld ipjtjiyJUcir broken Iftbej IIOTB bougc -en a ."murgir i" 1cannot make tbo icjiditionnl Jeponit

{quired. '^fais.^i laralljr "corners". or''singns1 ' tbelipM raf-wbo oro not, oblcto dinptaatjof fcpFa{ rwt l j money otslibrfnotice,-atjd who\ ;%aa livable to boou'to tboir Jtoafc^ jjfa turn takes plmin the tide. Besi\ m tirrn nsk they nUr We to liaye itf aseesHmcnt levied ntiny moniDnt; nn^ ow fraiidulout miinyof tlieae oaBesaroep isre is evident fromseeing tbei)DtD«Jw >?>oomplaiiits Ly out-lugcd ahiueiiold'eh aloly. * l yby, it ma;bo asked, do tlio* Ipcer olasscs exposethomGolves to'tliMt lingers ? I fllioald

r, Throagli^i fe RptpTjIing Bpirinm3 the joiflll BOE^ 'Aqnircd to sedureshare, wblcVmim; try ia value from"wild cat" st'teiroi nts, "to a bonauza nt84por«W. ', 1 I I. . .

Tbo ores of tlie $ pdpal nines on tboGouBtook aro bonji niated not ID millabelonging or In BDJ wny up dor the con-trol ot the miningo spany, but in thosoof tbe cupirnlifltfiwl control tbo miues,md who cliarge, E, lolieve, $18 a ton,md have the resaJtiq [ tailings and slimesfree. Ibis oiplaiii wby there is nosorting of tlia ore a i tho mine ; nil, richnnd poor, hehg dun ted into the shuteamid Irontod alike.' 1 i.a, I think, ia tmethod not followed in any other silveimining country, and is only to be ex-plained by tbo contr^lHoB pnitieu bciugcareless of* the ,por:onf{ige of sitvetextracted. However ionorable the ben-eflolntors may bB r i t . a evidentlj a veryinvidious procesa whop t&egoboral Bhnre.holders bayo to take; t ie »or|c of a f prtywho IIRB ft.JrtroDg.inli rest in oxtraotlngaa litllo us pDspiblo 0 tho eilvor in tbodirect prooevi, tlius t trowingthe result-ing loss into the ruaii ue, from •nfiioh itis aflerwardreiitraote^ by working the

Tsohikowy 1B tbe nad, BWOOI. nameof nacn)ii)ciitEu68inninnafoisp, who cansit down to a. piauo and pnw Hory tillTsoliikowflkv'm liomc—Burlington Hawk

A cntitributof sends •nia'producHon,"and adds: "Did Surni HTerrita any*tliitiff liko tbat ?" AveorclinBto tbo Watf knowledge lie nover dtd.—yim*ir*

Tho cohclu'istoii topreTiouj BtntctneatJtbcovilof tbcpf'/

jueeinont ofwbosQ iutorents nay bwitb those »t- tliolliiuk tlio, Btxi^-,^-miaUilte, tUongb.no 1

iy individuals ~,tofalse apd irjjnrlDtis inijt IM us«d'in^tUa-'lir1"not, B prcaaiSptlori;not sqmre.bat' on:

I crooked, WUB^""


Gold is said to bare fallen nt 1 greatrate during tlia post week t bat we donot Beem to Qnd any more ihan tlie naaaloimnlity lying sroand looso.— ifcQtfi»ff|ber'wdnia

Senator Ingills, of KauBaa, fan collegeman, nnd hnis forty -lour yoata old. He ietlie moat literary man io tho Senate, andbe looks like s clothes pole animated

rftti conscience, , - - . .

It is very considerate in tramps to wil-fully Bet flra to no hnildingn that nro notwell innnred. I t saldom Iiappens that anincendiary fire originates in an aninaniedbu\Wne.-?Turner'$ Falli Reporter. •

The largertbe ear the bnttor apsrson'sDiueictil disoritninntion. The eJitqrofthe Nnrristonrn H E R U D IB able to dii-iineni»b evory instrntnetit separately init band of twtintj-$even por/ormofrd,—Rochlan'd Courier. . . .-

The corrcBOOtidpnt of the New York-Herald in ERypt- who is supposed to boaXieutensnt of Marines, tells of a ROV-eminent ofBoioJ who bayed $200,000,000WWIB in office. Thin ia mora than thewhole conntry {a worth. ' 1

,/e bttTO io.type'tbe obituary of theman vfao COIJKJS into onr office And car-ries off tbe' latent sod most importantexchanges before WE bayeread .them—and xbail charge nothing for lmertingit,—DiMaVTLLB EXFBESS. . , _ ,

Some WOR son* Oovoinor Hoyen theknlfa tlmt Don Pialt intended to aesln-Jinflto him witb; and Butterlord does notknow whether to wear it for a shirt Bindor snll It to Fred. Douglass to out bis toenails with.—PamA. CnnomcLB. :

A young American prima donna, whotook lessons in Milan a few years pgo,md returned to this country diBRnsledwith tbe tyranny of Italian masio teach-ers, ban been engaged as a substitute fora steam wbistie in a Mnssncbaaelts bootfactory. " , . • ; - • . . •

Hot water onres felona.—[Horalr? P. I .Man.] If tbero is any truth in tbls asser-tion wo moke tbe "proposition that onrStato prisons beprorided with a liberaloumbfr of b«tb tabs, and tbe imprisonedfelons be treated to a hot bath everyday ,—Gamder iPoi i , •'• • _'•'

I t is gratifying \a learn that a plan is,Jn profrrtas for prcflpirinff wntcrnaolonsall winter 1 and now it will be possiblefora St. Louis girl '<o have somethinground enoujrh to. put. in tha bssl of hnrito'ok.dfi wnen she wnnta to darn itirnootbly.—1 -

A terribio mortality bos set inanlopRtbo original "Uncle Tom," the' hero ofMrs. Stowo'e novel, and be is dying witbfearful and unprccented rapidity all overthe country. At tbjB rate, be will toonbecome as - scarce ss the last survtviogaoldier of the revolutionary war.—BUBL«

JOIOHHAWKBXE.. , , ; , ; < v ; .

ComiptioD in high places'; eorrnptiori'neatu tbo dropping of the sanottiry I"Traptiun everywhere, iaioleqt and no*ouooked. When, oh wbon, will B tjdalwave of Integrity iweep o'er onr beloredland that will e'en caasa Vtnanio retnmtbe oggB wbiab tbe neighbor's [ions layIn hiswoodbouBe ? ' : .' . ; ;

A nBtarnUBt walk/ boldly, to tbe front_nd announces tbat tbe tireservation ofJonah in tba whale's bolly was not amiraolo. ltio throat of tbe whale is

' large, and is provided with a bag or in-testine, so considerable in size,I th«tirbnlea frequently take into it tiTo oftlieir Toung ones irbeu weale,' and espeo*

I ially dnring alempest, As tb^srcaoptA-I ele Is furnished with two vents that serrefor inspiration; it is, claimed tbat Jonah

; oonid have lived there' comfortably, andwitb a reasftnable amount of fnrnltnre,for manryearn.proTidtdbooonld obtainfood and drins. , , •' "] • *

About mid-winter city editors throwout valusbla, hinta and supgestions tofannern—Botnetbing aft«r this fashion •"Now is the time topaintyoarpeabrashand perform otber indoor work. "White-

1 wasb yonr snow chords now. * N»f lookafter yonr next orison's bean poles, andtrim off all enperfloonsspronl*. Oitycmrgnrilen rakea before (iprfnc sets in. Poryyonr grindstone in tbe cellar to preventUsfrceE.ng,"&c.,&c, Farmers eafa save

['more Ibsn fl/ty dollBrs by — * ' - " — ' " -(bis advioa.!>-KoBSxnowH 1

i MiOaiiib.lnfflii Mines )n «iu Francisco-A new.fasbiuzi|hflB baeo Ibe subdivid'

ing of mining '{snares tuto otUera p]smaller deuaniut^fi^ii, generally oae-titlhul tLo olil oht4. vT le oljjoot is not atfirst npparent, batiMs iu reality to TBUCIIthe laboriug olcnes, who thus otTurd «larger clientele toUinlond stocks throughmid who are lijas' likely to koow when a

dual is to;li4 ma&a, uud nrc, eqUGiitly-, less on their giUi-d than thknowing one? wh hold lurger qunutitif M k Ti ' l ti

\dodancd from tbo. that tlie root ofiBystem lion in1 tho

by ^

[the Eastern' Stales be cohvincod that ttieminos were mnnngeil in4 an boaornbloway, it IB probabb tbat (lonble tbe num-ber wonlcl^io nt work - oan at,presentAmong tbe coriosi'ties of OpniBtock liter.ataie ate, tho weekly mining reports,which ore not more- opqsnicuousfortuebeauty ot'tuBir , style than for theiradberened'to tlio trnili.Uhewtiplo trath,and notliing bat tbo troth.

Tlie system of selling ba "marginB" isost pernicious, as the investors gener-

ally tint |Q all tlislr spare monej ozpect-1 :„; not a tall. ' I t 1B noaailjje tor

inecapital,wlioin¥Cfltflin timeof a panic,, snob' ns occurred niter thefailure of tbe Bank of California, or tbabaroiogofVirginfa City, to msikemoneya(. such ft eon junotnre by clioosing tbostock of Bptoe sound mine.: .Tl)6 reactionaftei Buob a panio will lie nearly sure toooms, but again this in a very precarionsbasiaess, as one mnBtiftep his moneywell in land unrt " may( have to wait alongtimofor Snob at opportunity/' -

Contrasting tho method practised here,'ithtbat in somootlier mioirig districts,

I moy say tbat mines in'Mexioo are gen-erally owned nnd worked by Dome dozenor ttvo Df rich ^mcn^wlioso interest isolenrly to havottem'ioniingedtotbobeat

There h .so room /or cor-nering in such a case. Again, in Corn-wall, cilbor a ricb Iiondon Companytakes anil works a mine,'and annagea itto suit itself, or where,tbe mins is divided

i(o a'-natnher of smtdJ 'ahares, ae iotbono on the Comstnckj'.f'hefle are m^tlyheld by workiDg mtuen'arJd personsresiding In the neiglilioibbcd,'wuo;notonly understand mtiiing:process^,'bntore eognlxatit-of the'nietii'6uB adopted inthai particular'mine, a » 4 i p this caseagain thewts bnt'-nndlirdmnce;of aserious, abuse being tolerated., Bnt inCalifornia and Nevada DJORI of tlio stockis held by, persona lnT6«p JFtflneiBOO, orin the uon-ttinlner par^bf'/tbo formerState. . Tbeso persons-are1' gcborally ea :

tirely' .finOrtnt of mining,* or. of. thnmctliod of nanngamontiia t ie concernstbe,v own. wlticli 01*0 poriiapa 400 or BOOmiles away. Tbere.ft.eil.lrely Uh>"mncbof tbo play "Hends 1 vrip, tailfi you lose,"

present';nnd to thoBe v*bo shouldwish-to soghloT bonabsasin the mnddywaters of California street, I would givePonob?i> celebrated advice',."Don't."—Engineering arid Mining Journal. ;

•: ' • « , « ' • v - '• ', -. ., /a ti H GAZ-+T\\Q skeleton

of a oat walked into Ryan's store fit j Ho'-bokua. RyatS'aceing her, bawled oat.—"MioVey,-dldn't-I teirye auiorith; ngoto fade Ibat eat a ponnd of: mate a' "

;Hydbndher-fatr.;: * *:•, ; . : _ .Ton did: sad I'm jost after fadcing

her a poond.'*' *" ••• - •' j"Has that caUte a pound this mora-

I n g T 1 • ' • • \ •• - " ' • • - • " • • ' •

'•Yes.Bir." ' " , , . ,, 'Sbnrej I think if a n, \\o ye'ro telling.Bring me tbat scales. Nov. bring metbatcat ."- •• ::,'•.•- , , , . . . } . .

:That eat turned the,Bpale at ncactlyone bound,, . . . j ,1 . . . . j _ " • ' >Jt" "- "There; didnltl t«U ye slie^had catcia ponnd of mate thlimornjii'?"' "AH right, my boy t there's yer poun<of mate, but whero's tbe cat ?."-: ; .

Hostess—We're going down: to sup.per, Mr. .'Minble.'.; I*Gt"me 'introduce

Mr. MirahleT-AT-piirdon mo—ia thatMiBtall young lady "^tandiug by •yonrfid?^

! r.^:She's the most ebarmi*nggirtlki»w....[ ,.:- ' . - , [ ' , ; . f

Mr.'Mirable—I're no doubt, But—a—the affects anillRodycfl, "don't1 youknow! I,*eal!y-conldn't go1 down tosuppnh with p, yonng lady who'wearsDjonve twimmings in ner bkirt and Majentft wibbojwtn.het hair,—Pwneh.

AncndutpR or illltz.It is imiiousible to give more than e

few nf the toanv ancudutos which SignciBlitz himself boa left of his long life amvaried experience. Meeting I'ananini,the violiuist, darinc a visit -to Glasgow,un infant's cry enmc from witbitigreat Italian's tiddle.

"My Qod,"Buid Ftigachi, "wbiit inthai!"

"Yon l:now WLOBO child it h," snlcl 1lemulo voice from ft neighboring closet,The exL'it"d musician rushed to tbc

[cfouet; tliencs buck to liinvioJrn, nad thenturned nuind to see Signer Blitz lnugh'ing, nud to receive his explanation.

An Egyptian mammy was presontcdby the American Consul at Cairo to aPhiladelphia museum. A crowd wan otiedoy'nboutlhoycEfie, and was startled bya' tbico from'smbng tba multitudinouslinen folds.

"Open tho box 1 ipeD tbe boi 1" raidthe vbice.

WIJO are you ?" asked ono visitor,moro'veuturesomB tlian the rest.

I'm a descendant of tbo Pharaoh*,answered the voice.

"What do yon want f""Aalc yourself. Tour confounded

Yankee curiosity has waked me up fromthe sleep of ages. Opon tbe boi I'*

'What is your name ?"'Signor Blitz," answered tho voice,

and the groat ve ntriloquiut made himiollknown.

Tbe Signor, while iu Nova Scotia, was*approached by an old orauge womanwith a bucket of delirious fruit. liebought an orange for a slxpenoo, nndcutting it In bnlf drew from tbe centre agolden sovereign. This performancewas repeated.with another orange,'tboold woman looking on with amazement.

was nbont to tako a third from h<basket, when BUD snatched it nway. undvowed (hat bo Bliould have no more uov-

signs for a niipci.ee.Introduced to a very solemn clergyman

in Hartford,Connecticut, that goutlernanabruptly denounced tbo Siguor for per-

ninees which wore "dangerous to UJBwelfare of maukind," and muob more ofthe sain0 nort. Iutcrrapting him the

jor plucked a puck of playing-cardsfrom tbe pocket of bis ministerial cootand withdrew a dice-box and dico fromhis oliiricnl hat. BignnrBlitz was trnub<led with no more orthodox objectionsfrom that gentleman. '

In tbe old Biztb, Street Market, Phil-adelphia, bs bought d docen of egga fortwonty-fonraoDta, frora a stolid German.'Clenr us wasfior mit a woll-buokot, eb.?"

remarked the von dor, as lie banded themo v e r . \ • ' „ * • • •

ha-Slgour brokii aiiu.imd lliorecauiepeeping Uir6up;b the nporture first afeatheretl bead and tben a whole canarybird, whjoh Bang awectly to' tbo mail of

}gX8. ;'; . ' • • . . • '

Tba Slgnor's fun-making propensitymoms to bare icon irreaistablo, nndfonnd expression in all manner of.start-Hog wa\s and pliioos. Ho made a negrocry-out/rom witlifa J\iu trunk- on oue

eta abulitlonist."' fio inmfa hts fianitalk, andthetfrigbUned hostler could notbe induced to .re-enter tb.o dtuble, Sotha Sigoot waa himnolf compnlied t,groom Uio. animal. Hia favorite resortseems to kuvo been in tbe market-places,where be gavo voice to chickens and pip;and flab and oven oysters, to thq greateohfitHinn of thfl" market-people. Butwlien he bad lied bis laugh the kind-hearted Professor uever failed to makegood any loss, direct or indirect, thathis victims might have Buffered. Hiibenevolence wits comprehensive, nnd itis said of him tbat be gave away half ofwhat be made in charity. In tbe Islandof S t John, however, an offer to givetlia poor the pfooeeda ot ODO of bis en-tertainments was refused Ly tbe.vUlngepastor.' "What I" said tbe Bhepherd,'rocoive alms tor tbe poor from a wiz-

ard I—a bewitched hand ? Ob, no 1What Bpiritnat grace would! flow upontbe objectain.distreaa J"

During the war he gavo ,132 free an-tertainnaents before C9,O0O soldiers, whohad conRroctEtod in ths various hospitilnof Philpdolphia, besides contributingconsiderable sumn of money in nid of thesick and wounded.

Ho enjoyed friendly relations withmany distinguiBhed men. Calling uponDaniel Webster nt tbo statesman's rooms

Washington, Bignor Blitz anted hiniufluonoo to procure for him a govern-ment appointment

"Vfhat office do you wish f" askedMr. *Wel>Bter, somewhat astonished.

"Toeonnt the treasury notes," BnidLho Btgcor. "You might give tne 100.-000 dollar bills to count nnd watob meclosely, and you would find only 76,000when I returned thorn."

Signer," exclaimed Mr. Wobster,with lively Animation, ^ there are better

igiciaim hero than you, for there wouldriot bo $30,000 left when they had, fin-ished counting."

UDCO, certainly,.tho famous magicianas noflpluBsnd. A bright boy of ten

years was assmtiug him in bis perform-anao, when tlio Professor proposed topass a piece of silver into bis pockets.Tho hoy dbook I is bead, declaring thatthe "Signor could not no tbat."

"Wtiy not f" nskod Signor .Blitz."Becaiuto I've'only Oua pocket," chir-

ruped Uio child, "and that's got a bigbole in i t "

An Englisb pliotograpuer mattes thetallowing suggestions; "Whon a ladylitting for a picturo would compose hermonth to a hlandan^ serene character,sho should, jast upon entering the room,nay ,' Bosom,' and keep, tbe expressioninto which tlo mouth subsides until thedesired effect in the camera is evident.If, on the other hand, abo wishes to aa-|snma a- dinting..labcd "and somewhatnohio bearing, not suggestive of flfreel

i, aim should "say "Brnsh," thiresult of wbioh is inflfillible: If shewishes to make lier mouth look smnll,iho roast nay *,Flip.' but if the moutlibo already too small and needs enlarg-ing, Bho mnat svy 'Oobbngo.' If shewinbes to look mournful/elie must

Ktrsbunk ;' if resigned .hhemnj l t S W t '

Tlie President of tho New Jersey Cen-tral says bo knova Iho perils'that beBe!a rnilrom] as well us any living American.He is like tlie'Irisli pilot" wbn, whenask od if be It new the rooks in the har-bor, replied with'oonfldonco, " I do, yerhonor, ivry wan of thdm. That's won,'he'addoil culmly, as tbe ship strnek it,QUed BDd sunk.,—,ZW Tori GrapAic

Tlie Word Uult-Jluzing.

An tliis »lncg word has been ofteiused of late in reference to tbe outrnge;averted to Liivo occ'irrcd in Louiainun exchaugc ijuhliuliec] in Ceo trol Atnica tbiuks it not inappropriate to givii(a viiitta an Lo its prububle origin.

TUo nogrues in the French Parishes olouinianit r>i>eak what itt called " Creuli

Preuch." This is a vory peculiar Inn-gunge, nnd origiiialod nmong the curli-est uettluuiCDts of tbe buccinocrs inSun Domingo and tbe other West Icdii

ntbi, m nlso on tlio coasts around (hiQulf of Mexico, Iiouirrinnn included,These buccanoeis were of all Europeannations, princjpnlly French, but alsoincluding tnuny Spaniih nnd English,The profeaFiiou of buccaneering wasofteu cunibiued with eluve trading, andthe flllibuBters owned mnny negro ulavenwhom they employed not only to till tbilands amuud the BotttomonU, but olsoto roan their pincticul craft.

As tniyht Unve been expected, tbe dia-lect spokon by the dcBcendanto of Buoba motley crowd ia a conglomerate, Tiieprincipal components BIO Die Frenchand the languages of Guinea, interalliedwith maoy Bpnnisb and EnglishTho Bjntai of this mongrel tongue is!duo chiefly to tlie African elements, andis extremely slmpta in its elractaro,while tho words aro BO much clippedand twisted tbat the dnrivntioD of manyof them is extremely difficult. I t is avery soft language, aud abounds in

h. It avoids all harsh consonants' difficult combinations ot Boundi

It is spokeu universally by tlio negrofof Ibe French colonies, both in theislands and on the main land. In Lou-isiana it is nlranst tbe only languagebeard among negroes in tbe olden par-i h r j , and itwau in tbese district* thattbo word "bull-dozing," originated,

TbetmccnoeerB of the islands and oftho Quit cnosts were ofteu eugnged indeadly warfare with oue another, withIbe Indinns around thorn,'and with theirown runaway slaves, I t is a historicalfact that iu theso wars tbo pirates andslave traders employed dogs to buntdown their fooa. Tlio fiercest brutesthey oould get for this purposs worebull dogs, no doubt furnished by thoEnglish. pirates. Ibe word was tliusadopted in "CreoleFronch ;" and M thedogs wore used in packs the plnnl, bulldogs, was tho only form beard by theunlettered buccaneers of all nations andcolors.

Now those who spoke so very soft alanguage could not sonud this harshEnglish word. Tbo difficulty wasin IbeutterfliicQ ol tho hard G before tho coftS (or Z Bound.) The O wuu thdropped, find the nearest approach totho English word ••bulldogs" that couldbo madain "Orcolo French," was "bool-doz«"—oraB it in now written, "bull-doze. "

mauR tbo traditions which bnvecomo down from tho times of tbo bueca-

aV'iS that of their employment ofbulldogs for (lie purpose above' mea-Mftpifl-i jTbe^pcgrocVof Lonisiauajbivageneraltsbd the tefm and applied it toall Boris of Btivago attrxks *whetbor. bydogs or men. They accordingly ns'e itwhen describing the persecutions whichtboy assert liare beoav inflicted uponthem by the White Leaguers ; while tberecent evidonco showa also that the mostsavage "bulldozing" has been practicedipon tboso of tbelr rooo who bava dared

ts declare themselves Dempcntts.

Uulng Orer The Falls.

Some years ago, while two trapperi,large, powerful men, known aa '* Buck-akioSani "and "Old Rip," were bunlug on one of the "forkB " of CaimdinBiTur, iQ Iudian Territory, the) weisuddenly set upon by a party of hoHtiliIndians. Tbe odds ware so terribhagainst than, that their only chance o,life was to shoot dowa the mountainstream in tbeir canoe. They commencedtheir flight, followed by their enemies,who had canoes of their own. Theii

'speed presently put safe distance beID llieni and their puraacrs, with lb<

exception of tbe foremost canou load,who still kept in sight.

Tbe river suddenly narrowed, and tbetrappers rushed into a canyon barelytwenty feet wide, and nearly roofed overby the cliff on each side. The currenlwas not quite so rapid here, and theyguided the eanoe easily.

"This gets interesting, Kip," laidBam, as tlinj went on through the nsr-rowpaw, "Weare going"—"To ourdeath I" in tempted Ilip Ford, in a! solemn voice. " Do you htnr ihe/allt t"

Through the eplash of tbe water andthe dip of the paddles, they hear a low,dead tremulous roar, which woa thosound of fulling water. Fora moment,tbe bronzed taee ol Sam'; blanched,then be drew his figure up proudly,

lying, "Better than the scalping knifeor stake, old friend; as tbe Frenchmaneays ' Vtn la mart /' Long live death I"

It was, indeed, before them ; for asbey shot out of the narrow pass, they

saw the fall before them—how high theycould nc-t tell,, but lbs smoke whichirose showed that it was not a small one." Keep her head tn it I" cried Rip. «Ifvc don't get through, it's good-byo for-.»er, Sam."

The swift currant caught them, andthe caioo, burled forward with terrible

went flying towards tbo Terge. Amomeut more, and it Blot out into tbemist and went down into the* unknowndep<hB. Eaoh man clung to bis paddleiff bo went dowa, hold by tn JnrisibJelower, whirled to and fro, as ia h maal-

etrom, nad then shot up into the light,below the falls. Far balow them the

IUOC floated, and, as tbe current swept;h«m dowa, the two men looked bask laime to eoo the* Indian canoe come overthe falls sideways without an occupant.ft was burled far out, and foil lightly on'lie water, only to be arrested by theitrong arm of Buckskin Sam, . -

Tho Indians, appalled by tbelr danger,md upset tbe canon in their franticfforta to escape. Wliatbeoameof them,:he trappers never knew, for wbeD they«Mbed.iue fool of the rapid, far bslowthe falls, and righted the eanoe, theymade.no pause, but Ii timed down thoitream, and before night were asielyfloating- in the waters of the CanadianRiver, Two days later, they, reached~ >rt Sill in safety.

Pce Died.

Tho true story of POWB death has neverbeen correctly toW. It is this:

In the Summer of 1749 be left NowYork for Virginia. In Richmond bemet Mrs. Elmira Sheldon, whom ho hadknown in his youth, renewed his ac-quaintance, and in rt few weeks theywort engaged to bo married. He wroU

bis friends in the Nortb that hei.iould pass the remainder of bis life inVirginia, wiicro tbo happiest ttoyi of bisyouth had been spent. Early iu Octo-ber ho set out from Uiebmond to fulfilla litc/a'rj engagement ia Now York, andlo prepare for his marriage, which was;o fake place ou the 17tti of tbe month.Arriving at Baltimore, bo found that bo

id missed the Philadelphia train, whichbo expected tq take, and would have towait two or three haare for the next;rain. He wout into a restaurant neartho- depot- to eat soma refreshments.There be metnomcof bU old West Point[rionils, who invited him to a champagne

pper that night. Ho accepted the in-vitation and went At first be refused[n drink, but nt last be was induced totakeaglnssofcbampBgne, That sot himoff, and in a few hours bo was madedrunk. In this atata. bo wandered offtrom MB friends, WOB robbed and beatenbr ruffians, and left insensible in thestreet all night. The' next morning bewas picked up and taken to the Mary-land hospital. Be -was delirious withjrain fever. He fWas well cored for by ILho phyaicianv but lie was beyond thejkill of the doctors. Ho lingered two orthree days, and died on Sunday', Oct.Tth, 1849,,in the thirty-eighth year of


' Mozart and the Orchestra.,

Moiarb-bcing oi.ee on a visit nt Mar-seilles; went to tlia opera. incognito, tohear the performance of his "VHlanellannpila." Ha had" re-uson to he tolerablywell satisfied, till, in the midst of theprinciple aria, the, orchestra, throughHomo error in eopyinittheaooro, BoundedD Batumi whore tb<j composer had Dibarp. Tbe substitution did not injuretho harmony, but gave aoommon-plooecharacter to tho phrase, and obacaredihe Btmtiment of tho composer. MozartDO sooner beard it tuan he ntarted upvebemfcnt.y.and, from tbe middle of thepit, cried in a voice of thunder, "Willyon play I> sharp, you wretches 1" ,

Tho sensation produced in tbe theatreiay be imagined. Tb« actors were as-

tounded. The lady who was singingstopped short. Tha orchestra followedher example, nnd tbo audience, withload exclamations, demanded tbe expul-sion of tho offender. Ho was accordinglyseized, and required to namo himself.He did so, and at the name of Mozart,the clamor suddenly subsided into (silenoe of rcupeclful info, which wits soousucceeded by reiterated shouts of ap-jilanBa, from nil sidos. I t was insistedthat tbe opera should bo re-commenced.Mozart wax installed' In the orchestra,and directed the whole performance.Thin tirao tlia D sharp was played in itiproper place, and the musicians them-selTcs vero finrpriscd at the effect pro-,dncod. Alter tbe open, •, tfouit WMoo&dDCt«d in triumph to hli bob). .•

A Mine Under the Sea.-

The following description of a visit toBottallaolc copper mine, in England,'isfroma-TTOrkentiLloa-"RBmblei BoycndEoilroada." In compJeU mining equip-ment, with candles stuck by lumps ofclay to tbelr /elt bats, tba traveler* bsvepainfully descended by perpendicularhidden and along dripping-wet rookpassages, fathoms down into pitchydarkness; the* miner who guides themeatlB a halt, snd iheii exact position withreference to the. surface of the "temf-quootiB globe " is thus described :

Weare now 400 yards out, undertbo bottom of tho: sea I and 20«/athoms,or 120 feet below the sea level. ^Ooaattrade vessels are sailing over our heads.Two hundred and forty feet below nsmen are nt work, and thote are galleriesiven below tha t" The extraordinaryposition down tbe faoe of tbe eliff. of,be engines and other work on ths aar-Tace, nt Bott&llaok, is now explained.The miii* is not excavated like othermines under the land, bat nnd«r the sea.

Having flommuaieated these "partioo-lan, the raw miner next tollsm to keepilri«t silence and listen. If th* readeridtild only have beheld us now, f3r*s»odin onr copper colored gannonta, huddledilose together iu a mere tleft of subter-ranean rook, with a flamt burning onr"icftda and darknesa." enveloping onrImbs—he must certainly have imagined,rifhotit any rhltnt stretch ot fancy, thatie was looking down on a conclave of

After listening {or a few .momenta adistant unearthly noise becomes faintlyudible—a long, low,' mysterious moan*

ig, that MTcr obangos—that is felt onthe, ear as well aa beard by itc-a sound

iat might proceed fjom some futinviai*>lo height—a Bouiid :.niiltke ^suythingihat is on tha appwjixbijnd'lD the free

x of b e a ^ B ^ 2 e ^ ^ K ; < B Q b l i m e l yjoumfal and fitfl), BoSghflatly andim-.resaive when listened tola «nbterraneau

ol the earth, that «a ftontinaeinstinctively to bold our .pence as if en-)liant«d by it, and do not think of com-municating to each other the. astonloh-

it whtoh it bas inspired in ns bothrroro the Hist.' , . , ^ • }'r

At last tbe minor speaks again andtells us that what we hear is thesound of the surf lashing1 the rooks.20 foot above XXB, and of tbe waves that;rc breaking on tbe beach beyond. Theide is now, at tbe flow,' and the BOB is iiio extraordinary state of agitation ; so

ie sound is low and distant juat at'titisperiod. Dot, when storms aro at ..theirheight, wben the ocean hurls mountainsaf water ou the olitft, then,' Iha noise interrific; the roaring hoctd dowtf here in;he mine Is so inoxptassibly fleroo andtwful th»t the boldest men at work are

afraid to continue tbeir labor—all ascendto the- auffaco to breathe the ' Bpper air

aland ou the tirm earth; dreading,though no catastrophe has ever happenedyet, that tbe sea will break m an themif they remain in the cavern below.

WILL HAFFW.—A jewelerwas heard saying to a tod-eyed, yonngman yesterday : " I kno.nr jnat bow em-barrassing it is, but it can't be helped,I sold you tho ring for $3, and agreed totell your girl if she barae here with iithat it,was a $50 diamond ring.' Bbieatno in yesterday wbila I was busybaek hero, and that blockhead of a clericup and told bar thai ib was .filled ringwith a brilliast.in tbe top. Yes, I sop-pose she eave you fits 1Mt-night, and itmay brant off the. match, bat yon seehow it was., flbo ought lo bare Iftkcnyour word tbat it waa a diamond. Ifyon -want to tale her upon* of those86 imitation coral s.'ts Til make out abill for 660 cm-lo-frn 't In regu'ar shape,and perhaps ibo'll t» p%cif\td.'-IM-nit

Hcrroainess, and tlon to Urercomc It.From an article on this subject in the

Herald of Health, ve make tbefollowingcitrcctu:

Tbo symptons of iicrrourjness are toomany to mention, and vary iu differentsubjects. The patient knows and techbo ia ill, but cannot tell where or how.He becomes frettui aud ;>cuvjfih (md

igry without cause. He is etihUyBtortlcd, compla!&8 of irregular action oftbe heart, sleeps bndly, aud this loss ofsleep spoils tho, next day's liappinaEs.Resolution and courage fail, memory iuimpaired, lie becomes tired and eaailjconfused. He is subject to fits of mel-ancholy, continually m&kes himself uu*hanpy. He looks on the dark side,and seems to have no silver ray to linetbe clouds of life. If tho nerves ofmotion become weakened tbe suffererh u little pleasure in either tncutal orbodily exertion,' The appetite failx, be- *comes capricious, inconsistent; thepatioat complains of a bod fceliug, npaia In the head, flatulence, irregularityof bowels. 'Woe be to him now, if beflies to ulchohol to stimulate his fallingpowers!. : '

I shall not here enter into the eycop-toma of hysteria, BO oft«n tiio. result ofnervousness in both men and women.

Now, trom whatever caufio or combi-nation of causes nervousness boa beenproduced, if happiness and health are tobe restored, tho causes must be removedand the injury they have cauaed be re-paired. For in proportion to tlie weak-nesi of a man's system and the enfeeble-

ieat ol bis nerves, .will be the liabilityof bis falling a victim to tbe other andmort) fatal maladies; and thus it is thatever; day find snob tlisokses as bronchitis,Blight's disease, and insanity' followingat tho heels of oervousnetof. ^ ., .' :

The indications for treatment" areFourfold, First, we must remove thecause, restore tbo tone of the heart, im-prove tbe blood. All injurious hobits

iust bo given u p ; late boars and in*temperance ic eating abandoned;imolrfng, if practiced, Btopned. Thinlone, the patient is on tbo road to amre, for nature is very kind when Bhotas a chance, though Bhe is dreadfully

cruel when abused.

The loo<\ is most important. I t muntabundant a id wtoleaome—neither -

too much nor too little. I t should uotbe sloppy, and soups should be avoided >to long as solid food can be taken. Bise \

from tbe table feeling you have hadenough, but not opposed witb what youlava eaten. ^lany a man has lived toild agi by following tbis rule. Tlie

broad should he stole, and no very

atod food taken.Eight bonrV aloep should be takeu

tvery night, if possible. Tins alone willnearly cure. "Early to bed and early:o rise"," should be tbe motto. Hleep is . ,tbe saltation of the nervous system.Wbeu there is etreugth, a cool bath,jhort and quick over, with much frio-

under a sheet, should be takeny morning, and reaction secared. *

Without a reaction much barm results; ' •• • '

Tbe fciercTse^'oliould MB modefate and * : -pleasant. * Biding, driving, rowing, light . / .pbysical labor, are all good. Breakfast

•ly, dine at one- or two and vnp two'.'.. ' •,hours before going to bed; drink no tea.'

Take DO narcotics to make you sleep. ^ 'A few raw oysters before bed time aro :rorth all the narcotics in the world, aro

easily digested, and furnish material forrestoring nervous tissue and blood. IIyou ,walte up in the middle of night, .sometimes a small, stale biscuit- entonwill send you off to sleep again.

A change of scene, air, and cheerfullooiery, with sea-bathing, are excellent

agents for curing nervousness. < -

Avoid physio—it exhausts the tone ofthe fyBtem, the very thing you* wouldrestore "

Above all, keep up a good heart, and,firm reliance on the great Author of

W e , " • ' , . - ' • • - ' • ' • " ' -:' ' * '

I Story About VandcrlilH. , , f

A Traveler " writes to tbo Cincin-,, 'natt Timet: An amusing thing came . .,inder my oh&fir\atiou between Tander-; ,,

bilt and Lloyd, tbe map man,, in. Hew.'"fork is 1867. Lloyd wanted a .pass' '/'• -ivet the Central Railroad for ono of bis "'

agents, and Vouderbilt refused i t A ,'. I.'-week'after this, liapponed, Lloy com- ' "-jleted hiB famous Bailroad Mop of the / >United States, arr shade largar than tho.'.'•/"•.'?

York Berakt, printed on one aheot ' v.<at strong bank-note paper on a lightning. . ^ireas, and Bold like a newspaper all * 'iver the •conotry," and tbe sale was tr&". •'.lendous, sevenl newspapers ordering

100,000 copiea at a single order. Lloyd . •ikdtb^ railroads on this map about as -iroad as an ordinary penholder—very

distinst and clear. To make old* Tan*3erhllt angryi bft lifted out of the doc-

JTp plate the . New York Centralrailroad from N«w York to Buffalo, and Y "'tbo Lak» Shore railrottd and i(i connec-ions trom Buffalo to Chicago, and issued *.•'-.the eheip ten cent, map without theirinei on. tho map at all) There was a -

white canal-like blank epooe In tbo map-; ' -wbtre these railroads.bad been lending' _'/.Vrrom New York to Chicago thnt looked ."'juriouB enougb. Well, Lloyd mailed' "copies of every «ditiou not only to Tan-lerbllt, but to all tbo Btookhoidcre,joDdholders, ticket agents, 'freight -agents, and all id any way connected . .:with tbo Central railroad. OldVauiler- \bilt swore and raved and tareateneil to

ie Lloyd for damages, but every iusuo -made, Lloyd woald mail tbe Commodore

d bia crowd copica of the railroadmap, witbout his line and oonaeottonsrbown ip it, until Vandetbilt yielded•.net sent posses by tbe wholesale toLloyd, and to the day of- his death, lienever refused Lloyd, the map man, all.thfc panes ho wanted.' Vanderbilt wouldJump up and down every time ho saw n.copy ol that map witb the caual fromN York to Chicago running along the ccoarse of bis track, aud bis track invisi-ble.

• . . • » • » • • • • t

Tbreo of Washington's third cousins,the grand-children Df Warner Wuf>hfn.g-ton, of Virginia, are now living, Q'-d,

jpoor and uepeudent, in Qordonsville

Andorson M. Waddell of Nashville .I gave $5,000 to tlio widow nf a manwhom he hud killed, bad been acquit*

I ted on a ohnrge of murder.

Baldbraded men nre.so numerous inChicago that an andionco in that city issail to look, wben .viewed from above,like a cobblcBtoue pavement.

The Prince t<f Wales has determinedto visit Auitralia and New Zealand, bat 'Uii dat) o~; the, proiocUi tour h w no:yatUwdsciiei .

TILS IRON ERA. ORA1T, X. J . , U S C A U J i D FOB.IXanU Stli. li7T.

GUBO. FEDEBrl€:v;:'B;:;H?£f ;™;Ei|| Clothier and Merchant Tailor,

,-T"'V"'''^ri .. •,..,• • ' • ' • • T . 1 ^ / ' " . T - • • • , " ; - " ! ' " , - ' " '•; '•»': /..•.rv.''Tiin,'1'i"'"i'.^TjJ."f , , ^ Milr'!CT!,!.iriV°^"lle " " " b<T " ! • • /« ." . '™i"«" .X~X^VtX'n^™." i ' i " ' " ; ' ; % a , i.^fitJ^'"^ ! MONDAY, the 9ih day o i ' p r i l l i m ( i ^ f ( ^ ; H j . S ' v E a f H , tam" . " . . ' . . " . . 5 ^ s »

•lu^'i'ii",:.•',,™ : .n"^'!'-". ^,^'.ll.:.'..:Z'-7.-^i'L>.^X ; , . r , ; ' , r : . . ^ . . ™ — > ! ™ - ^ i : . U . . . , r r . i . , i . . . h m o « « « « d i A l»™••"'"""" " ' l ' 1 " " i i ' " • ' , " " " ' " ' J",S:z'^Zl"ft;"!""'""'J i ^ * . • " ."i7-^"T^! ' '1 ' ' •™ tr> :M J M ' j " i n x r i H L L . v O V K I I C ' O v i s . ' • • '- ! - - '- '. | | ° f..., •',.. t... i..l . « - • „•• f - V I, - -f .r-. . ~"-:M .<ut i.,t : : . .• -..lit « . - . , . • , :.i. i:..n,:1,l,,.m_«,,r :!„ ; , , ,„, . , , , ; ; , .- , , I E M . . L T B : I .T . . : » ! k , v i , l » > . I . 1 . « L , JOHY IIAKPE. P V i .V i V X • iJ.a of li.i'iI.V '.I, u.; r.li.!-i:.i,B DIAO. N"AI. OVEKCOAT.S, • ' . . . - • . . • „ j];,,',r'r;,l ; T , h :.n . , : : - . . • • • , - . - . • : — • , . . « . ; . ^ , n s , ; I i , i . ^ -»»^ | J t ! f , f e ! m . n m ( | 1 Jn . . « ,«™i^ <.'.^- TOmWf.a | , , „,,,,,,;,, , , r , . , , . . i .Vr .™^.^ - O O T ^ ^ T S , r™n - -' : - • , - . . . ^ | |

' ' ; - , , . J ! . . ', •••'. ' • ' ; • • • ' - -• '•",];;" *\?,. r « , . . u . - r r , . \ . v •••™i AI>.-I.™ J V . - L ™ . . -•" ! y ; ™ - ••• '.*•**•" :< .''*'"« i ' " - j « , „ , , ! i : , . * . . f t a « « i : i iiu- .ni.n-»< <-. | tan* is:-. I t...!Si.^«K'ri,,,i !!,,,u.!i.,i A LAT.nc STOCK OF

.p;^,^;...^,,.:;-':.',;.- ?:v;7::,::'';~;' •:•:/;., ::,;;,:;;:;:!;!:;;:1.;': i r l i r ' H £ £ ' " ' ! 'H^ ; H^; .H:r :%?t | : :

FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PIECECGODS' " H " ' L . , l i " . j T i . ^ . . \ » - i r . i - i ' - ' - ' l ' - l i . . . . • • . I" TI I^I . ,1 f \ f i . - .t-n . . t.i.iini M r-nl Ir* tl.^j' tl ?1!M1 • .\ri?iL..id 'tl ll'll nff- . . . _ . . . . I . f r . l l . i-.irl rici .tvt.l rmi4'J^i.|'iTo U*i"irit Fit tfit>l Int. '.•! l^rn^l frft rrt'w f nut/vtrt . 1 A._^_ i


.f ;:l .. fir

irri«iou to IKl!i« in i t rnn

,rr..-*l n.-rfe f.H

. - f t i i f l . ' l . m t.irry.,

I J S I ' , vr. , ,1 f,.r Cl.-.y.

;.»r«it;oi . j jn ( - M , .- , , , .—f, l r-Ii.^k^in. Tl

!•!•= f'Tiiti--,,.,,._ i.j*('iily •, it*!f.)r--Ol.l II;

li.-T;-sti.-;ii • , . , . , u r i t J ^ ,-,,r AA>3W, .iml

- m - n t •••f!,-,..r.

Th*-rMitit of tins flrctfuii <>f •

, It U r.i, I_ .t '.V. ;

lOTCfillut ].a-f (in-

; :;fi jut-i-i lot

•1. '

n.pj'fd •! • Ti .

:rll). r.^EHEn. p. T . ! ';]<!:..._j rlKftv-Yoli

I isd ai i i lni

; al.mg liu; K

•r " » (.'=» J 4'tf •.' fo*-t.

.1-1 1 *.•• r:f th'- l.cnh'-rnil f " t . in tt-hirh I

Riitfni- I-iuili'-r f-'r-;i--l!ct! rt'w* ,11.1K- thif-k. N'IW. -i»i

A-Uiu -*, Mr. t::7. Th* dwTioii


Vluimr.hon 'i»( Iin.iniwt. S^

. f.ir l.V'j^n f.xtim;i2 f.-ft . i m i . ir ^.Tiir* .md -...li>

ilinl i

i! J f "• . r ; M

1..,-.. Tl,-ti

I ••••» f.N<l t h j -


- lirHtUli.it. 1

'-arfuf ?:,-*.inR nt alirnjt

n is:i'_*. fnr 1 t i l a t >* worth rr-a-iint;. i:"

j t wiw thfct I 17. f'liriFiian Awviatioii wll K° W l*ort!•. Ocnfntl I Jfi-vi*. N.'W Vori, on K.itidn.y. I t.

Mr. (IAV t j n t l n j ^ KiHinnw, '>f Bnontnn. a rinilor V. i J

Onr frif-ndRin-.^n^rCTitirne nf tho ti

N.uilyt-11 ili

r. .1 I'Lilli]! J . rim

1 '1-1"1 t«i«

wu* of 13


i.-U f^vor hv MWIUM, In thD M - I th« ni-nL-.ry ijiw.hiB nl

i Lit! [ j a i i Il.tl . .Ua JiJtnriiuy eToniu^; IJi-r J. 17. Gunning, of MomstnwTi . . , .

, I'npliHE i huivh, ha« unaiT coiuwli-mtiitn A I . ( . ^nju,

.all frrnn *hn Firrt Bnptirt OLurch of Titnii-1,. , ._ p I ):: , .M hmi.my nifirntiig. -I^rrr Sin

' ' (frmnd .lead nt lh«^Rrf.Jnt farniMw, 1>>

»lii nt

[ Tl.c I*. H. S.Tftt.> (?ommitt<*« wrrn np-

'rlnrt j jiointivl yinvni/iy, S*nntnr lUindolphi thn liubii »f

inrt.-»* 'of;.TI. :w-,, Atii.iritfy-Oem-ral.

lif«p m«n i-pprevit I!IB C

nnnt of M10 ]i(irt», and it

fj.inty r.f Ihrm <vpre snppur^n

il t!j

,r:.l'?. Thtm it -.ill !>•! -*^n i (j,, r,, - . , . r o i:ll',''

-.I :\i<' I i!id.-r. l..i.l ,lnwt> th* i ,r,,,t«in[n(,' f.r^ ni.il

;.l f.,r the all^ratimm i .M'«i r f i t t W ( u , > „ ,!{,„,„,..,

tii- iii.ti ™f:i;; ;..r : iir !hn '•ntn i j<,rl,,y wlm <,] ..]) i

mid '.tv thnt tho IV'hnld'-m i n | h n r jnnint»<: f.f til

kinti liis l.t«l M]$*-lii-re nnii ww unr^r par-ilnr-tvhoih'.rtn'a cnrnfortihtn roum <>r

•Ih-y •.

. a wiyn Hint 1« Wint

of I i -t --

" M lh»

Mm Ut iff

read in l^. UIniitel>in^

t ha Committee* of Cnninn

m:ly, -.tis Uirrwi lo din j -j^0 UacJ^tUl-jirn Ilirald says R li«bhiin|r | ta t ? w frmatbo furaww und died fr.

*-n ~tv.-i.ti in this limiM; r ,u .Mi i ; plftnW in t!n? lion*! of Mr. Weiw, nf I . ^ p J ;

tbn- ••«•!« !.nnin« low. i s<rhnoli>y'h MmmUtn. ] ii,1Knur«

M l.y rwo smm nf Mr. ! Ew-j, i .n i r^f .p^ i i sp tn . iun^nnn^mpe of ;„,„„,, l f ) f ^ |r.imr^ w w b - p t ittnc«:t>;

'"-' , ton rhii-kn ];rr VMN-rnnny, in fnvnnhln BCR- ! (w^nt»-ti« r*titx«u'h, nrnhnnt 32)'). Tliii

nils, hatnh niiV'f.n in a brood, and thi-n | rpnr nlmut "00 lw»c KI> fur l<non cnnimilte'l

lintrh n tiivond lirnmi. I |o j iil, at a crint fit abnnt $SS0, e(d

Tlie vilbi^c of rinnilnra Ixmttn of two | '•*" k"T(»ip Th» rnnxbibla ami jn-itic

uhonl, four rtwu. throe flmir I """'•» wrb •*««? "twt 49.20, eiclush

nrrt. . .

" i ii

•nii.in.l'ia'Tnnc. nil ioro |

p dihitttht'T. flll of whom |

Ti.i-v li'i««* tmt vftt li"on cnndrfilOil,

it i i (jfis'ihin Hint iln> IVmni-iit", m

!•) 1i-i» divi'iiiin among :lm T^piililir

M-<v iiiivr- tin- |riiwv-r of pnnfirmhi'* .,

i« •1,,,,.,-ht ilutt if fl.n D'-mm-rVi

l . v o i f ^ - ' . n iliopurl. 'rili .-Clnv-nir,

,;, v.(. 'iifT..irqin <U. S-iwlli Hi"y


onimat'tl l . i ' t ! i !B! i n , o n ritin ^HIP tl.nt pr*M.i]iil.

v> fippcnw t i IKIVA stnrt.'ii linnfftl

Gf t t , c RMiond ,r<-.iy and tnwnrd th^.,j},li,lK, (hiK f.vt nlnn

•' l,rH (i <-M?f-nti. r

' 'thnt iiHtcifl of it"

.r;flin; th'i Citi

tho faw nf a 'M.IM. ! y a r r t M 1

latt-'r r.f r.t)(-t-tii»K->m I I n n H .

!'ar*T'j f.r.nUinjf llio inli>r.l-« tn r-s.-npi>. r.« tha pain

i P»* ! l.lnw ,|jr«ptly frnm thn hnutli. N'lTcr in th«

rntii »• i.irtorj of lilo tntrn lin» tlnrfl W n a. niora


ithinittin Vntii

,rr;wl hunilrftflH•en afjaiimt other lmililin(;n I!tht) well i^onk.'d rn«f« n

Jolt;* <'. FOBCK.

Afir torv :.nll• r..|> l-|r',l«'l aTr.nt-vl.iy.

Tlwt only t mtl wnmi litlln kit-ihon

1 mills, thr^r MIW millR. «iity dwelling* and npopulntion of ntarly :'.(¥).

A Mow York wholcfiolf proc*r wyp he b utold mum Ixitnn fnrthii Bed ion thin whiterthnn (far hpfnr —n suhstnntml if noteliRint tflstimrmy of tho economy of thnpnnple &linnt hrr«.

Atthfi npmnnntifii'.iiirnt in Mt. OHwe onf nt irdfiv nft mfvm livrt tlio prtTVRiti&l noiatinns v-vre: C.ill.'rtnr, Wm, Ritnyon: AiuB/«i"or, I*. S: Wfiiwt! Pritebotdotn, E. C.WHIrt nnd !„ n . Hunt

mp tlnff, thn liurt of thn^ill Im hold In thn Millllnok

^t I [.„ ,,l.itil.linq:

fiirnit'irf» imd nnnia of tho clothing Ln-long.trn« of tnlmri-o I . k,, . . " ,i "'•" - I 11 l»i{ l" Me- Ciiffoni** family. Mr. Kenny in

.krd, if,., ..n ' l l l^;1 ; ; :^, l ;T > ; ; ;1 ; ! ; f ;^ ™;';^l1

i;l...!ihhw«*i,,»u, w» t m wttaftn-wftd ir,imn><l for ,*1,'»n(»~ii.iit)O in the Hi

n'iinndftL'.OCOiui (iiir.'n'iit i>nrticn 11)1011 tin-"! tni'l™

.illhnn <ld lint *(•" fitta nll.irli tln-liIK fRnwT.iu w ltntln uny NCIIIW >

'pijitT, find In

. [Jr«-

tliii). TwcfifVi

n* 3.000 i

thnt , t .i' ntmir i

p trr.ni[i-' 1 * Tit tn

i.-|.-K'.f tbim.fthiml In tl.irt .,(11^ ;i <

li>"i wlin fi'fl n(;[fri(

T-liiRlitml. All llin mini-it w w nt wort j Mm wjiiwnl nffiirdineii tn nttN «fivilr*s<jit Ui» tiniff. TtiA iinml-w !n«t. ii not i ii>iiinf> w)m Imtntinnh^l thi'tn. An.l ilni

Hi l ton lollies brt*** : iI-! mie i»-.n ^nnBMnt, unvlpnunnt tnmn.il.rM.lr l»-n tnken mit. I tthnt hit more are in the pit.

i tllOl Ik c n. in it f.iir ppvi-iKitinn. If

Warren's Fishing Inlentts.nm the nev«ftitli anniiiil r^l'irt of tht)

nini»Kir>u4>M uf Fi^luTi^, of tho Stith

t-Jfroi']-, we luiikntltn frllimiug .-xii

In W.irran, ilr. W.ir.(.tit Will.-r Juu.

ifmiived M -MIM fnunil in lh« D«lu

miiiiy nf thoMt ffliiml in tbu trltmt.11

U.'I.iwut--1. In onn inKtuiisd lw win

1-d to Mop Itin wnrk of tanrlnji otit r

>y iv bniiy i.f iiinn wbn ennui upon lit in

( jnw Idiiiiuit, imtl tlirraitcni'il vWon ll.ink ll^wtl

William T*. Spetirmfiti, n rw,id<>nt of ] I'Ttmwii fdr th« lu-ni-dt oflb«wi.tlitl.tli*. MMM., vnn nrtMtfil Wnlm's-t M.iml richt up l<* th.1 w»U an<liu

n1 Iimlf hnvlnp bpfn titmouf cnt In pip.'"f'i'ith an nx^. Hjirnrmnn is a mill oiv:>l-iv». ami Inift li»pn inBnne (mm tlm

ff.-fM nf tii]nor for spreral IIIIT^ jvnt,rtii nnftdrnnk wlien tlie marflnr WT.H

Work i

HIP P.Whrt'n "ted in ib^ nilhn» i>fffnl I iTf.iInment, h

with n pnTtimi

Flanders School Exhibition,Tlio fihihitinn of thn nitml^rn publfi

sclionl, holit on Tlitir^dity evening, wrw >

gratifying HIICOI-KH in tivery r^Kpect.' Tin

cHinldM nrijtiittM thpntiiMvfK with erfilit t<

tli'-ir pnr^ntH nnil ihtmclionl. A ronsiil^rnhl.

jihrt <if )liu mnt^rifll fivpfired cniiliT not he

tlin dnlnnnp will lift nof thnt Mrfiuly n^i],

i:'tti»ti'nclH(l in B>TI<I

l'livlnfr jrfvpn in«trnftIn tin* ui'ftllitw.t. Tim wliflci! •:n«frs tli«M01I4 bounded l>v VuniVrbllt, Qr-rn.

c'-l/M in'qniii. will h" nlHint; S2.niin 011(1.

I!."') ffiflt"- Frnm tit* trrnt in tlm nn i. i f Mie 'Cuilinlr-Al will 1* 3M feet. I i

ir-iJl Raj 16,000 p<«nple.

Tho Wi.ltlnm 1«ill.1ioir, a lirffA hmi- "» h l" ^ " ' i ^ -n<«si slnietnr* in IVinil Sr.'. IJnvr York,woi bnrnml f inTnf l^T niirUf, with nI.KI of nwrly two million i lnlhn. Roh-n Ti'* nnil AppiRfon, rppr^^t incj Ini*.\nipriein" Wntcii ComnnnT. tln» Onrlmm .fiilvrrwrrft MAwnfiietaring Comtxiny. | jmrlof iha Hrh"otn, Hi? inntiny If lw Li

• & Comimnr ffffr(V 1''* liwiviwflfrnrn ihn infl'nne nf tha StuM Tinul, wn«

Ih" Hth. In the tn nun fjoin'-nt of tho PfhPr«f. ITardy ht» ovlnoprt i n n flattprimiinncr his pi'mlinr fitncMi for IIIH cftlliinnd Ihi tkill htiwn by bin pupllM in I

a untiring UMimaninl that «on!<t U pnld

Our Eiluantiontillntermt.ii.lor 11'iUV hill; flpnmpriiHnR frnm

tin-l'thb 510,000 li«<r.tlt>r.-.rut. of the ftnln fnn.l fnr tlm

. . ' I ' t q . H i i M t u p . . n v n t i t ^ r t i r F n * ! . ^ . i n . T i f i i

' tnn)!or 1O««M. Tlift flr^ WM linrr.inf*ffvrT.il linnrji, nntl ll)c wnlU dirt not- fall

l"ii lit ing's were saveil \>f great, exertion*.

li'ft :ilnn« in a lioum iiy tliftir nuilliftr nt.

DOMMR^ITI ihc lionso ' to **n*i nnil lh* r

irttviici) Iiy tmme n?fp!ib<iWl' rtiildrftn.

I'ool^nrnl tit* thVrrt. I n n slmrt. timeoi'o of tlie Bffnifi cbiHren' illwl. Ifcfwc

irffr«-nll vnrysfclt, but were

.M lOn 'cWk Tltnrwiity'eTMiinjr MM»mUre frontnml pnliV nnil walls of- ihff>rc-^orybnililInffnt.:Ml. S4(%- nnd :MflAV:in!)in«t*m h!reet\ Netw Ynrlf, nrcitiiimil'» II-nry JVrhh, wlinlff'ilft'tftioiv. Hti-l'Of1 titV jrtivtfwav, and with n trfmentlon"orf.rfi Wl iito'tli^Ktrcpt, A jmrl nf Hi*r.nll ffll iifNin til* riiof nf tljff frtimcli'itMidf-fit-r,3!>. in tin* nltic of' v\M>v.-rvt- fil>'fping Alidt lift tn Decltcr nn'l 1)Hfmv,i'v or ciglit rliil-lren. Tlify W<TCd.riipVtfllv linrfAtl im.-lcr Ilifl rrmf. wli:nh\ms rnirtVil in. IHU all i*«i|i«l; Tli^(hmti'jf t" linildinpa and *toffe' i,i i-sti-

About fifty slIkwrnvrM, irtwt- of thpmf{"il-i, cin]Jrtyi:(l nt th» Pimmix MilU, in P.it-<Tsn.i. nr.i on n «trlJcn fcr hfftiior wnp^«. Ap'iihniitU-9 irait-diipon Mr. Tilt, th* pro-prit-tnr, nn<l nnhmitteil their tlenwtuK Mr.Tilt r.-}ilint that lift won Id entertain nn prop-ot'{V-n for m\ M*nnce until Ilia lr.tli cr thii-in.islli, wli^ithff Springtnwle-WDold be fully

hml ha wooU the t.itiH lh>

, nnd th»y quit wort i

11M nntin^l prophet comfB to tli« froni•trail H:o folIowIi'iB prullctioni T1i*> pmn-j )d< trf lli« fruit d nunn nre rncoiimfpng inpn:n? r. iiril* nnd thff ojipowlt In ollftn. Hofur r.i rtportrd tlin nppls nrsil p^ar trfes nrc.nli r'g!i(, [bo fvewt not having nffsvl-il tlirmto B-jy dt[;rcp, nlthongh thfl wnnJerfu!yjji<ton«ht yen^mny not b« npt'cUd this»> •I-;III, Tlic p«rtcb nnd cherry crnp dnpBu I iimmliia m-m-ll, the frost having dum-a;,vd HIP tn>(TB.

Tlin Mttlifflllrt ITytnn Itook Committee tinsliju-i hi mirfulon thlii m-clt nt No Sfl^'firond'•way. "Iliwa ii( a hnpo mprerated' thkt tlic•a ,w l>ook will bo rcmly williln a year.

;,-> -IT

K to

rt yon•;innit

r dHubi 1

Tnr tftwrliile jcuitoiL

tr.Mw; nnil lwra

tjio t^o, t


Hy in.ml be

<• ihn Hi'iiiiio ycHtenUiy. Mr. lliH«vpl»in-

Imt if(hi> ii[<pmpri;ition cnnii onf ot Ih'e

ll of Ibrt Hi-lirti'l fnml it U OiTlvrti-fMirt

r nnnrroi, .v,<\ hix Lill CTR in (l.o (cU

iw tm««. Stimttnr1 Ablirtt nppomicl tli«

Hi- Mil on Ihfl ?;rmn.l Hmt lh« jnliry of Out

Kruli ix in lcnTfl thft Btliool.fnn.^mtnnrtiri)

lill ittOinil iwTfliicriiiiiiil.itcil to ,.10.000,1X10.

•*hen itft iiicomfl wonlil -IH> Nnfll^lent'tn wip-

jmrl tlif KclMMitH'witlinut further (Ai.\llon.

Tlie Puler-mn On.irdinn Myn :• Tlwr« nrt

[icrhipH t«n htinilr^il littla waiving imUtW

li'ihrncnln olinut town', in jiriTi\te' IIOIIHMI

[in ihAlipp

% frnm one Ipr«prlct«M ».f ll

• n Imlf dozen \<v\m*. The

ilia, of ronr-n. At prffiMit

thfynre iiwirly nil' lintyT mul' for th« innKt

ihtrlon hitk imriitkerHiii-f-*. i t in 11 nln^nhr

Lii-ublcm T,1HTP ill 1I1-? hilk hrtnilkt-rrlikf* ^u

it miy time wHiVwl tn^ntins wi) nr frnm thft milh with 11 hif*

vrr* (joinsmlen rdl-

r wtlli'i f plenmiri1, tlmtWih<* mining intprent iKfttxiutU>ri>vir<

tn^B will wion cf»wniMiftP(vtthn fitppVnnhnrg

mine, nnrf otltfHI following in rnpid SIIITCM-nion.—lfnck*lUlo\rn Gitzrtte.

lV«hki in *nUl to" ha jnftt" nov thft most(loarlnhing tot?n in tin* Stutfl, nil th» fwUiriefil> ff In" op *Tfttlon, and omjilnyln^aliof^fltherilirne tlinnsnTitt'lmnilii wlio nre rpgnUrly paidwry Sntnrtliiy.1

Show your friwwta tliis veck'finTiralwr- olTitR IHOXEBA nnitnalc' lliem if'stich n pnpfr

not •worth $2 »• year. Wo hplifro onrfrienrl* am helping tin for onr subscription iffmpidly rlnng.

t fifty of'1nl>orlii(*Put rsnn nrn In emigrate tn T«iM thin wepk.

ro in' ffTPbt pOTt-rtyonicinfj IliftCH intlialcitj- on'occonnt'oftli*

Mr. Cumminn. tU# TrcnmirBr of tlio Ilnr-ngb of iwhinfrton, l i« rcndeitdTils reportnd in itwefiha-thAt tlirra in'ftrt R'stlng

i cm the town lull of$\',ttflT. •

The prrlimintiry report'of tliatanninl Comtni«sktnertl« the C5o*crnnrshowsthat Vow Jersey eUmi* dx In the ]S*t at mail.

Thft Und ovtifdbj tba CnttnlNnw Jcnt-jATU ImjiroTcraCTt Co.,i»tob«ii»W«l into

Inu and distributed among ttiemwkholderE.

FnnrarflvA Soirton men waa^ l l^e tow.ne Uiuir country in tho pout QSlatsX UiAti

to xim (1 tin;

tflli.n w)ii(f U

ut two i.tory wiTlifl losa tomes-•iir.y, wlaj i;l 1

iinf[f.h IIIH film

rnituro itml oth

xu: 'tiff ™ l!3i

llin htlililii

tli nwnftiiril roof.iinrti^iitr.rJj-^nvn


illy Imnr Until

nrativcly [»•

x all thtiirWl UltlirGH.-

iL'B, withi(j wan a

re on Mr.nor tnnn,clothing-litinimr.


Hn I111H tiii|iloyHl t-imntu>l.vsill 1 rnM^ntfl ihit uif.-in'trtto <ll>p titlllout 'il tlw liu'. Tlio mi t fur trospn***liiviuijlit minima l.im l.utt ye.ir Tor Uuirinf

tU-hL—'^.t i^Mlll |IPMl>l[|iH Ihu Wl('.unity C i im df C*oiiii»i'i> J 'I1"""- As hn Wiw•trictly within tlm limit nfitN a 11 IT, th-.re i,,r> (l..ni.t t U t tlio t'.isi Will lormiimM in l>i,ftvtir, IU r^jMirta tlmt l.ir^u nuinlnTft nf tl«i'oiuift ffllmoii vnrre Kfcn l.it« in ihn hnmtm-iID l ib IVuni'sL Tlmt Nlr^nni \* i'N[H.i'lull>11L p cil ifi tlt.it. d.kHM i>f tltheH. IH Oi'tnlx-i

IIIKI, w« U>nvil tlmt n three nnil OIIH-IIII|1


Ifli1 flr.it put i

l lind lie 1 in thntil., of the

IIW011M Im n t;iK).l thin); fnr ttin finh if wenidiM grx*\ it WnH.in to lonk »lt«r iliingx in

f?oc*flwfl_c Township Nominations;

Tim Deiuoorata ofTlockawity on Tli'uwtdaj

if t*moon wiule thn f ollowlnp tirlitt 1

Jiiilgo nf 'Electiou—John O. lilntt.

TWn (Jlirk—John B. 0ox. '

Oullirtrir—Thomnn II. Hongliiwd.-Oncer Cortwright,. IM IT.FMnh

Ofrrnpcr t lh>* Poor—Andrew ttnlona.

Edwnrd Po*. JSOHWCU Ai. Sampwn, Jol» T.Hilt, John RnytW.

Omrrtlifllonrrs of Apprnt—Mahlon Ilowg-nrl; AdnmEarlPH.AVilriam lloyil.Surrpyom of Hifjhwny—John S.

M*n, AtiVAhtim W. Rh»WRPr.-nilinm VConttAHcF—Willin Rryan, John 0.

tt, nnnf«l Hhawger, TitoAndrew Mntnn«,

Fi-fd, Oliileon (look, Olinrliphnit't f.yon; Wllliatii J.' Uirtnn, Anthony•fth, •\Villmm Ztndliv -Ir.Fnr rnnrt rrpftirs, sjin pyr UiausAtwl 1 fftr

poor imit towiwhip pnrposes, ^WHl; bountyon fmteti Hi, mfnkB ffl WTIIA, wilil cnU $L» (nfiTlilectlon Mid t/»wa meeting at Itookuwdy.; Tlio I^pnHicnnH Iwld tltelr cnncnii jtnUiifdny nft^moon, but we linve not' learned thonominations.

When he Found Him.Miid n thrccfmirthii druuWpn mnn

d'a train this Hidii of'New York andon ntlcrp. Tim condnctor

d V d l bip

lilm with aifflmlty <ind i l bin fnrc.lii« poclit-t for a tlm« nnd

tho cftndni"tor a Wll.' On b>ingwhdt pliico ho «»nwi! to pj, b>

il, to Ui« (Wll. Tb»y lmndftd him lilt cunnRa tiHIingJiim

e to jjctoff ft nenmt jtoiot:. Sny.trrolli?r of tbo En A, 01.1 tlmt man get off tit

Hotabitofi t ,inp DOTfir that h« bad Ienm«l tlint: hisHa'jinlc mnJeKty « M unpaged just uow atBul'idtrfl in teaching Juntlccfi of th Pnow to mate S4; a liwvd' by committingtfftiiipfl, and liewcnfon lo ttiat place to findhim.

Settling up the BethAn a lft*t who atUndathe Port Onun school;

futoa hit tvnyte tlmtlnttitiitlononirondmorning iiut'lie ww h»il*dl(y o woman wliMid d liim«flvocentnick!d, wijinBthatu," \rfrtied-to pur that debt."'-Tlie boy,llttl* Kurnrlaed, inqpirpd what K?t hh» nllndedto, Then ha wiw reminded that when nt b«rIioms'Iart Fall, ah'e had'bet bin five centstlifttTUdfu mmld ben*^tl*rwrfd(nt, "and/1

continued'she, "im IliyM ii influ^rr.ied lo-d/iyyonh*rowonjfttidliero in the money/'Tb« boy reluctantly took tli« coin, as heUiongbt it all in fuD, tlio nUkcsnot havinbeen put upj •"

Tb» FIrrt Pronbytwfao- Cbnrcn of' llf-ntl-a», which hM b*«n clowd fnr Ttpairs sinc

October Ust; vill 1M nMltdlrftUdon Tbnnt-y

willb* a by Ittrr. Dr. TbW. 3..H«aUpfiu,l d W D f d M^l P<if Ifew Yrrrlr, and IW. Da of Pat;

p TUBcbnith b u beenentirely »mod«led and wltb elfpiut d«om-U<nu oddtd prwent*

pyenrM. E. Rahlmtfi School trt-innrrow nft*ninon,

hy intftmting ez»miM«' andHOT. Jfr. Itooncy im.1 othor*.

frnm itH tirmliiiifl nt thn Rihfrnla 1to thft month of thp tnnnd. whf-ra tho lun-

ura wtll hi-rrnff^rihimp thoirow frnma trtfitld into thn cars of thn railroad,thtin tAlP (ftrtil)g.

Since cnnl stwltH nml rnilrond botidfl ar«proving wnoh biul inomttmnntit, rcnlri

\'H fivpw nt t»f:nminf[ n doKirahlo nrtioln1. Ttilu in n rcnitt hnth tmtaml and in.

i-ritAlilc, nnil \» onn of tho nignn of bueiuewtpw^Mfrity in thn nwvrfiitnw,

TUT. P. 3, Donm-n will (lcliTcrivlnctnra on'Tho Apmtln of Ireland,"in Bt. Bemfird'n

Rliurch, Mt. rfopi', on Tunclsiyftv^nlnR, Vuvbttdth. Tim int^rPKtingiinbjtict niirt thnfihilfty.if the laetnrcr nrsffnamntflrBthtttthi) lectnre

will 1M» well vnrth ntt«nili>iBr_

, iintifHnjf thfl jirrnenf.n nt'. Mr. O'*to. W.'.Tpnklnn Mid lion, 0. O. Oonppr nt ttn

fof Ifny rmr*«pnndentr

tho Newark Courier wiy« thuy" mnlnMfnedrlntin iioportment. nn bnenmn tha citlutui

of A county with tho largest lunatJoin thfl world."

Hmthnr Oftrrinon of th'« Hoontnn ],(elling Mn rcaddnr haw to' ooofc mutton.lint hrt la perfectly comp«Unt:'t»:

horn in thin r#fpnet ntny bo inf#rnd fromtho ftot thnt hid motion vriw " cnok«d "timnnqo. It iWBn't «notwHiy. any n»of lii" fnmlly, either;

Tho R*pnlilic(inR of "Morrlii Township belt!enncimnn Tlmrfiilfty evpninp; und nnmfn-

tftd n tichnt on -which the followingprinntpnl offlnnrs 1 AMflmior, Iiuinoh^ -h Collector, UIIM. F . AxUltf CbonanFreeholder*, Oeorflo U XlaU, II.: 31." Olm-Btwid; JnHticcH, Wilbur P. Day, (leorgcLinoherry..

A» thfl Mt Ilopn on tmin wiu drillinft attho Rlclmrtl Xlino yesterdftji Johnny Rognn,n lad of twelre yenrB, nttetnpU<l to jump onn enr; nnd fell l>etipnth. Tlireo •cnrti piuutcdo"or otw of bin lfgs Iwt-wectv tli« bnoanndnnklo, Tt in witt thnt amputation will bonoccrwiry. Tit wo nnppoRt thisiinnSni'Kii will continue Jnut BO lmgnro enrs nod boys left to mnnglu,

In the New- Jersoy LoBiflatnTfitAfternoon ftmntor S«wctl intrtnlaccd n billrrlntlve to fitrlke« of rfillrowt engineers; I

ii)k«B nn abandonment of it railroad tndn,Injuryor obtrtrnctlonii of"the rond Iwl'ortrnckn, or intfrferenci'ii with imploytcn en-gaged in Ihnlr duties, cocb nnd

tamennov, pttnlnhabln with nno not* ex-ceeding 3S0O, or nil' months' impriwmment.

iit-re* of Liml. AUnmoy. Oeneral. Vti4lorttndu(r the CamtniMtonRn in their m

it.tndE.lw.vwl O. ILirrh, of'Nowurit up

Anotlifr bill rook#pcrime with like

'< Tltrco rdilrnnileni from Port^

r railroad tickets

i rainedrow- in tnwn ypfcterdiiy af If moon, and

Marsiial Artnitngo in attempting to arrestone wjifl pretty acrrrely. Imndlei), He how-ever cccuTed' lii*-inivti, (Icorge Wheeler, Midplaced him in' tha lock-tip. The other twotied upon help coming to tb« aid of' theInrhhAl and mad a their drape on n coal

1, onn of them purling out of Lin cOiit;nnd lenTing tha ptrment in tha bands of,iian who hud enn^bt hold of himr. •

Tho Easton FVco PTCM it authority for thefollowing citmordinnry htaUtment: Tberriro t*n thouMtnd loaded'cotrienrn ntandlngo

thft side tncU between Fott-tfbrrii andHobokr>n, and two thoiiBond lit the htttfirplnoc, tbo company bnvingbecotne'convivonHint it in chcojtor to let tli»coal'cttuid inthictiK thnn to dnmp it and tlitD have the band-ling of it air Again, when it- ti. wiwted atnarkcL Cars nre bdng rracWed ot tbe n>f weven hnodrn) ft (Uy at

Tlio T. l i t 0.' A. of Miduqp appointlenders fnr tbo SnncUy afternoon meetings

month* in ndvnnco, andfbr Sunday, SAthult., Mr. Alfred D, Drittln WM nppoint«il.It' appears (hut. J>ff* BriHJo,. upon. beingappointed, bad with his uinal proroptneiw

ediaUly prepared MI orticl*-, • and thlilulling,be^D foiiud'oiDong hU jnpcrx, WMread:by Mr. Jan. A. Wubb. Mr. DrlUIn'tithem* WM " Tlie ll«inrrectlon«id"the Life.1

Mr. nrittln'n place wu not sItenntlfu] star of while jdnW yn» pl»ced intha lRnder*8 chair. The ECiricM were rery

•QIMITA and a frciih reminder of Mr.Unttin's worth.—JtrMjroaa,

;« flnu WutUinnprnpCTty ontbir Mend<i~cxwi ami ntnr iliAt viiM^e, .cooautin^ ofIf lOfl am-* ofliwd rartning, land and iv

6ns bonuand rmiliuilillnpt wu». sold by tbeSherltf bo Mon'ny \itnt under torectonire byhe- Mutiwl Life Iiisnrauto Co.,- of Sew

Yorla- Tit* property wna sold' same tornHugo to tha IJMUI mt-nof the propoMd

MimtnUirnmV MtmUwra milrrad'i for 933,.000, tmt'nn Mimduy il irns bought In hyth*Mutual Life for «11,000. Tbe p&co a nd.nimbly Hitttivlett for a mmm*r ruiiUnee for

rictt follit, the bntw Wing1 birgencd1 wrljcfinnlmctrd, bnt' fnmiftif now*tvn]Myn won't]wr- mnefc o m 5B0^pflr;'rcro fnr fnirttifrie

i?erfbr 1 Amnricrtn

U.illy injur.'.l BD^cktrtnvrn. rniniua r-xt,

'liM-k Wedneiiliy rrrnint'. lid Imd

tlver in bin 'mil, ami it dropped OL

:pl.«h-(l no it Hlrnck the nnnr. Tb<

eiil«!*mdhiKrifththip nnd canto cut bmide

ifnal cnluum.

•fan. Ciwipffit Ilnwitt have mnvedihn

a find ih'iirnpjvir^titfl fn^TiiJljn ILirt/

Mino. nmr tfte Old Oifnrd Cbnr«b, nnd hui

illMviiitinntiil ull opmtimm thorwit. Ii

uot iinduntiQod Ihut ihi»y linTi- ctliminteil c

»(jbf ore in the miim. but ntlmr rtftimi

lui»« pn'vtilttil.' TliB Tluilchir" Minn

tho nullddkunt Iron (Jii. Tbore in ao cilm

ihmoof giHxlore i n l h i x iiituo-, tiut at tho

i>f iron itilOKKiint paytowm

it. Thin mine isut t tlUtimcc froiu tliuttuit hiin I tug in f|>tir« no item.

In Juuu last wituotittnen prnprrtj ownw

lib'il in tho SdjiL-uma Court ubjwtioiu t

uiuiiiiitH niiulu iitpiiimt thuir Unil* b

mm iHsioin-m of DnUnngu of tha

hf Bilovr*," in Wnrren eiiuuty, eti

their" lamia vrcn lint within the

•insof thn tr.irt to bo ilniiiifl'l,

inlil lint he tiuiit-Qioi1 l>y'the

0 thiit in leinff cnrritid out:

a of draii

it' nt tho.November- Ttrm,und thn Haprsmn Oniirt hns jnut re nil e: I DO (HI mi, .HilxtiJnitig the olijoct»N IUiinriflg th«iri.iniU from tba CDIIM-}nonm forTMfoiwnrjpied. Tin aweMQionti

nsit'to tbirt*«& tboomin

pwtred for Iho land-owner*.

and T niAM,

1 ted to. OLiU,.Ohllblauin, Pain*Bnnb', ifcc, A twentj-fiie, i n , A twentj-fi

•nt bottle how* an mneh na vtUtj cunt hL.tlrt of any other- tlndiof iinimmt:, Soliwholowilo nnd Vctail by. Vougbt A. KUlgore.

THU3SES;.Htipportort, S6onldflrIlrace«i RnspRn«oriB«:nil' Btylon nnd-priaat- Agent fnr-SetlefiHard Itubhtir^TntM.- VOBOHTA: Kitu

The hwrt tnnUrinla for KalwminlDs ere tobo found Bt;thwdnigft*re of

RHEUIiMTISM',If'ynn have.the IUicnmntljim, Gent- „

tumbnqo; get ivbottli! of "Dr. BtntAn'tt Ilhew-mntklfenied^. I fw taken internally, oodinccrtdln-wbef; whllu ull ejterral'apnlictt-•'—aaivebutUmponiTy,. Tolwlmdn

T-VTta DltTti r

t prfT«t»nt

pt*m»tnn)y cirriad lo (h«lr Imt 1t>Iu-f>knntiallrfmm.dUnaH of ti« ihmai,

id rh*il, than »Df oihw aunt, frnm Ih* InfantilTarailDr with cmn •, lu tk* nnther'i arm*, [».• ntii-i, lb> mirtleD, lh«-nJiJiltfl^drrt, an) [iff

lirrnif. enntninivl l n r t h n lUf»1..M-H

d l t


ni> C h. M H U t A i t o MVtaillT.rticlN ihtiTaw

rudely turn irfinutir'rmhnri>. Cnnnh, w hum inn.

pnramnnla nrt n n r a f I f ii«r* r»fl IrtinHacB'Tirfcnd thn

n fit rariirot >unb* nalnt tm riSratn

Hhr.- Old poopln likeRnWbr V<in»H*KW.Do»ir If; J;

v ciy.forlt. RnWbr V<in»n Una- •tot», Do»ir; If; J;

T»iij»nfniTi7i«B.CnMTlin»t. I.

nin«j*»»|n«ir l r t f

toil clhKr wtini ni>tbnri7 'TrntiHanl»V»''lVaKciri»tnl n>IUbl«T»m«dr. f finia bj VOUORT * KtUJtawt.

ntbitinniiidciitlralkliul of Kills :E??r!L*?? "••»«Pply. fwmtUH» j t . ? b l rhiM to the >n<i fri

«'a"hnadrHl.t i t ' lbh. hiniHho dally p r r n r i * r h l t

mrnaM«ahnadrHl.t i t ' lbh. hiniHalarlfrt who dally prnrntoari* r«hl«tj»t>lnMll«RdiaatH id MMtj ilirwfil up to

wltb. Ibtir l«U>nlM. W.HK,H «te i •<Jftr«iiitm»i-twU

i, .rnntllnf ftnmh E t l

ira<7 MIE t i rn»* Or. J.VDnwillhvJRit

rt lKh»n:ed frnm tU ht*4: now and thrtoti «.« « nbriibtra MMt*ipMikUwlihit»li|ihtt tb*hs«rtr

n l <«aln ; atlpitirbM AM, mMIlf* onctMMt WMlv VOlMHTiIIIJilflM

«o«i of tbcta, •ntTilM TAUILV. «r n«*t of tben. _ . .»r*ltl» tl»« inn n mil . . . IBIBTT ot a n t ;)i, -jmwiniUAlli.kRtl nttwr >lmll*r froll:m n t in»«jNi *dtli tbrm bad batUr'nat

vv*a l eu t^ Tbj i *dtli tbrm bad batUrnat

rrmrttb«lrvv*aleutM^. Tb»r u r n o n m irrre»hl«Mirarnmton* than » KrUilT brat; •- vcnldlaswif«, i7»fc-irnnfcwi'hw«bw.d; Thmw- •mictxt will" " • -*n"rafArti7-iwitiicnil»r- "

:.•££•»*Pir.Wtu-Itti mil m f welt rfttthiwo nottmbl«d

in thlnkit nnthlnpt ta !«*• F11««.<. r^irtbu

tnn>rr«<n>(lnrr<l bj nlDJani wttnH< mieinal MwdiiiN. murnt tann'-'"tUmnfirtlntiiffmR Drti

nnions1 HAIR STIMBLATOB Win pw«»i•Ir tnraincpMy in* aUntaiHrcuaetitw Ja

, nnd' it wonlfl titke cv smkucp np U —BepnUIeno.- V' .

1 I

NOTICE!r lTE Anmul Toirnnliip JfMtinp fnr J-ffi-^nn•fiiwrnhln. trill b«r 11 alii at CItlGHTo

itOTEL. '.VOODrOBT. uaTLTMDAV, .lUUCIf ISIto, U77, .

l'aUfc opin a l 7 A . ^ i m i <:toi>e atT I*, ir.\T. It. GORDON'. Town n e r t .

Wnoilnort, Mamli M, 1H77. 13-1 w

Thft Aonuol Township Maeiiiifi for Itnck>awny Townnl.ip, will bo Iwhl ot IUGG0TTSHOTEL, on

TfK-iDIV, H t n c i t 111k, 1^77,Polbi open nt 7 x. if. and CIIIN? nt T r. ir.

EDVAUD P. HEACH, Town « . rk .


red on Hi? Ut i.f Mur.1)indQiiHiul uriiidnut, I'tn


willnlaliii< niiti.U*. v,ho will nn

dUnO. .Ul |HTH.)U» havingr« rufiiimud to it-Ill.) lllemnl"iviinnnt ilHax

r>. A.xTnmr.w, '7. T . Vi'OODEHTJ^

riicdet-. Jhnsh tat, 1877. 13-ii

Township Committee Meeting,rpHElIK will tin a tnwtmrt nf li.VNLoU'I1 TolVKHIIlPCOlialirTEE, ol^tho

ENGINI1 HOUSE in DOVEH, onMONDAY, March 1241,1877,,lialr-paiilwuoVnck.

ALBIUDUE 0. SillTIT, CJlerk.

Dalcn JIttMli «!1). I SIT. 13.1*/

ELECTION UOnOE.Tho AnnuiU Town ifeetiuR of Unudolpb

Townnhip will ba bold in DOVEIt, onr, .11 A u r n m t i . 1177,

from 7 A. St.* to 7T. M. for tha clnctionthn fallowing of Ice m, to-wit: A TuwnnhlpfJlurk. onn Jttdita and two Innpfi'tort-nKl«*tinn fnr thn Kouthim ^ctinii liiHtritt

11 ra.rticn Ol>:rk for tha wimn; om,. undlwo Fnnpcctnniof lX^tiou for thi

Notthnrn Hlnction l>i«rict, unrt nn EltictimOlnrk for the MFns;:two TaiitiP«( nf ihc

!•, K- Cbllcelnr; two 01

t tho Town OommitUc, fl« Con£tahle«, onOferswr of tbo Poor; anil two Found K«<-p-enr. AbtotovriU tha uini)«p.t of t<nrmihi|i,pnor and rmul tnoni'VK fiir the t>nminp ;and to ilcuiilo- tht) JHIICO oflioldiuar thit-tuutiuu ouil luwu lutHiilug lu Hoiii >l«ciioub'iiUutU. • ALURIDaP. a SMITH,

Towiwbip Olork.Hatd,l MarrH !Hh, 1877. * lS-lw


07 l int


ilAKa l.i, 1BI7.

nre and rtxlnren. - '-JM u

Balsneu ia Satlouil Uniun Doolij. i 'l >7 5C


«... " <uja taiis u can nt, ti

Atcmed iaUm 1 tLu llnnkf I,ei3 7,intxiiituve,. 093 71

Wlioto onmhor nf account* opened to data 5Q7timtn opened t

'«, J iyS. Treil, Trt-nnnrir, nnil Jamn IIBlrapmn, i; B. Jolley ind Wm. nj'J<amberl,aptimultteo appointed lor: iL'e pnrpow, beingduly Kworu, do cicb Jepoutt and u r ih.ifwrgoing lUteracntii correct and irno.' J.'H. TI1EAT, Tfeaaorer.

JA». IT. Bijunow, ) Audit jugT. II. Jou-tr, VWM. ti. LJIUBWIT. 1 Commit tee.

Sirora and nnhuer.liwl tit txifiire me Ihii neconlUjof Mtrrb, Al 0/1877.

W: T. kcrotti. Matter in Clunccrr


the Iari;tit and'taamt incctwfat dealurin

BOOT.S an* SHOES; that GTer dM Ijailnom 10

M: O'Ttltr S T'O'WTN",hit JDII fininkcil •tectlnchla itore with

sbauTpif*" aoTlblcg In tbu-Ung,

VARIETY of MAKE and STYUE,ud SDrntlORlTT; o r MATEntAL, rrer I*.

. fore offered. TI1K UEI.ECIUTED


SHOES,Wiiriated'alw4t* to flt, ftK to be fannd io

IUI. *lere m [be Krmo*t prbfaiilonof itj ln and mt aiaremcnti, and -

TiutJ AT ANY oTncn sTonrIN JJOMtlH COCKl'Y.-


M»rci lDtU, ifiTT.



.OMH *m asdhu Burma: STOCK, U W -it, nntil.April I(t.,b*»Ing (lettrmined; to

clou oat hU UIIIIMII m rba4 HUM. . Tb» atwh«aia»l TftrfetrorHOrjSEaOLD,. pert*etlj- saw. He Uf 0 offer*

ONDERT A KTN& BUSINESSwltb all the modim nipli»Bc*t.

ttinj-eittWiihroent, wIlU scplelet n>oin,iiit»» QSircd far iil«, at it 'ii hit inientlon to

r!-pri« oUewhere.. Thi»' irons oftht I)«t trail-

l b I l:I»M locaibna ID lApril-lit, it will then twfor r

If not' 10IJ by

Thjt)i tlitlait ehttifotnIlBAr; »nii.ttct» Hbacomt firil will bate

he Hnt cluiea:

Cbctttr, Utreb 1011), IBT7,"

Urv I/iWil^.rini

• nil a tut-Ii relinkid in Iiin l.nt-1

T ; lllcrtCC 5ii.:i

mith liltv-tini]

nl»-lH0linkH.)!llL'12llirrU.j-rp.it: t!.f!tin> alitns ilti>• 1 !tti line, ill.

w . i t.iiiri;baiii«anil ttitriw tinki,ra.ir.- cr.irr.»rHHjBf,'li so t l ia tarnur i> iiunliT'ir!?-livi-MU\ n li3ltiM'vrLt'HVi->it»iiDc|»iil3iiillirt(-riinr

" lr:f:t> iho Uslimio^ corner: thenr

llfiy-nnir link* tn 'He b^iiiuiuJ

ro iitonuir trs*.I'lEll^ON A. I-'RrU*J.lV. Kh

Vbroary Till, l i u . . [Pi: Is


TTfim L*lit*' Hull.i U'iJ'1 Walckra at 34O nnii|iirar<<N. Kollii HtlffT Willhim Watflirs »t $1'

mown as ( HEAP Wure. )l*aiitltul Jmii'ni ("f"'


ol crery doc'cripiion. AJtto

HAITI: .TEWELItY,intcincd la Indiana* it era ttookf. roaJs la ordi

tho mnotflG^nt dc^gnn*nil pattern

EORKS ,'AND SPOONS,tnd iK1rl*i fnr tahin nw, UAKKXH DOIVS TC

DrtTTOM I1UCEH. Atrut Dr ib*


A SPECIALTT.All mtohrepatririfrsrranlHi. K

Nt.VTLYUO.SE.Dwnnktr 14th. 1871.



St-, Dover,.Pf.J..

varifllttH and nt I he la'^at (loBieoi.- OANDIEi-•if .- i r r j il.iitcripti.Hi, (lre|M'p, lle»ijnn LtmnnH.IUMDO> UittiRL-Mj Couuaimtil arc] Knti cT allkinit^fite., Pie-.to bu in!d virr clicaptiihe tittici,. Ooino oud «tm for juawilvfi


(orrosiTE THE MANSION nousa)

HtLVKIUl'tATED W A H E , E M .tr cLupl* ilnnn 11 ud warrtnlnJ.-

In Clianccryof NcwJersey;.

U» virtno i.fnn nrdor,of' tbe OonrtofCIiacjr» of SBW JUI-H^T, maiJ* on iho da*1 of the

•late lierrnf, Inn can*n wherHn l* t«-P. (lonltIn complainant, nmt v«n und oltion on- defend.Him, vou are required 10 uppcar and iiliftlitetnor oraoitvrrr to (hi* cnraphunanl's hit/nn oiM-r«rc tho thirteenth day of Ajiril ncsti or tinltd liltl will bo liken tin i*nnt*nuHlnL-alnni rnnTim an id Ull t« Hied loforrclono aco r t imLorf^s^PtriTpn lit ynn nnrt iriffl lo nne £>linrlv. Ci RV, ilatfil JntylOlh, 1373; on land! intli

•lorw-*;. and rficntAul iii ttio Momu 6otitnItloriU OKcr. la l-mkYlnl n ^ r t f ^ N , p ^468, An, tthkb HBld ranrtfcaco WHB imHitrond t

im mwrt a .V.fcmUnt,'.bwanra .vmi;nr» Ihiiwnor o* Ita raortfiaRcd pti>roi»e« and tfare utiinortglgc.

the atUniion of." Ute ladici.to her



SMEEFFSiSMLE!;ID Clunecrrof N«-« J«*oy. FI. fr.Jiirnab of

mortRsgcil prrtBlM**. Wiirrcia' Albert ll:Kf|tR« i».con.nlaiuaLi; and^ Oynu Cl; K rJr., is iWewlim.. lU>luriublo to Februa'&n»XD:i87T

si-iaimouT..i. H

... . . ilieUnilcd BUIMilulfMijrriiUiwn, Ni J'., on'.aifffnur; the a t b djy of irAntinneitj.

I1- D. lB77i betwiH-'B luaTbnnri.oMQ.3i: and-5u't-tuct r . « : , ihaMitOMt a t l u ' d n c k In theiftcrnooii rt raid tUv, nil tliat tne t or parcel ofl»nd and prcmUesi nitnato, Ijinppmil twin;

. nn IU flouilicakf OOHJIT of: Murrii and

tfrc mntb side ur-Mtc• UcESHitDd »:mit northiffbtv»wn-B. depnra- im»t: onnhnnilrt-d andIty fri-t ;.lttci.cv (21 amilli- tUtmfle^recF eon

Stir rwt in thr> nonliHida of;tbe Mbrrll (imallaaiii; itmnca(n) aloni^tlw nonb Klciaornaiais*in Bontbr ol^btr-seTen desren wrat' onr

tinmlrnl f<«t-io ibf> nmt'Mile o r sold halingice (4) nlonp tlte wmtniiU nf'Mfd twinib i h w ilCRiri-i Mirnno bnmlml 'nv t ;

_jec (6) •rmtli cteUiyseTpn dtxrocn noatfly fpet:i<> tUe lam: ftrt* or"Mnrrii iirrel •

ibrtnce (B)nlnit[j Itumoii mtia niutd'MbrrlaKtrmi north tliriw()mi>s« wcit'onu ImmlrcdWi'lfllly ft«|.Ui;ibB plaw nf: l*Bttn»nir; reni-

inine. IKeUf tlmnrand and Ur*-;htunrrd

oarrfeet, Demic** " : ' '•' cnirveTed i o «


FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PIECE GOODSil nil f TitilnK uml ciati-riaK Strirt nttnnlion U pnkl to my Cpulom Depnrimcirfin! I wili K'townleesi^oillitoriii* will*, ua l tlufy c-iupfitition. tbtuugiiout tieMab.jii, I li.ivi; iil:io mi band ;i fi:ll lir.u i>f -

GENTS' I'TJUEriSHTNG GOODS:.i?mGutlu>r I -"'1! H iroo?, lmnn nmiersliirt for IS cents. A (nit'KICWU o{ V*n>.riKiiiiH' ami a>v*' HATH nnii (UKS jont amvpil. I unt-nmtly ioYtte tbe *

torn.! in fbHf>l.i%';i:iil. NEXT Til TIIE PO311. U l ' F l ' 1 " " * 'head to tfiotfiti-verv Jittln laotifT, by

GEORGE•. May 11th. 1S7C.





FAEFGY. GBOCEBIES: Teas, Sugara^Spicea.Goffees, Canned: Fruits andl Vegetables.





Rhl'j."Ainflrinto Mi

iif litui-ature in tt>h'Ciinatr.r; a a' ifmatki !*miUHUuMat comjilLllon nf u-Rreat nn'U-UUimiindurtlbinfr, Ifain labor run. wltielitisa i-itemJUVIT n lUTitid nt eiglit jenn. I t if dflHt'till:

TIN •«•> JAPAWNED, WARE) s S € ' S £ S S B :iint'ir ili^eftHl,'indnairial procunm^ut ttw

_ _ . _ _ _ - , , — - _*« r t natnre liate Imcn rxaminod.nml tbu titeiiit8 9 *"<-* \ / -*i i»» c » w . - j,rovtmi'iit*ll"irciiiuoie<l, £dRiuieriii);worti

hciiiDtifto (liwo*eHe». and.toola of.cxrrcn

PUENA0E3 AOT) EAK&ES,. I i V ^ K f f f i & M r S ^ a r aWE ALSO MAKE l |

PLUMBING. WORK.A SPECIA11T. ind nnploy only practical

for tbta Lnocli of tbo trado.

E>laDi »nd »pcei3oitloni g i « n wbem required^.


at lotrcit market ntei.

! Wood,andiron Pmnpa:and'«Pipe:cf nU klnda,

BBABTTUIB.fIUingi«t,aiI'tindi Jor OBIVCN

Ortr man; jrtit cipenanob ia tbo above tradri•nahkfi ni W aaurt with npnouoaea onr a U lil jin da any and ull .irurkv in thin lino nf traila to.tbo tntue Mt!«frfellono(th« tmpluyVh

ALL/WOEK-HaiUhctorj- refanoec- si*

|iuU triutic. hnaTiRinn -atid condtt

and reTenrcb.' Add to itialriiotialmt t nf an

vH I'I^TH te^mn-'k^Bfi'tijat! 1100.000; °tb°

i n n : auri tint il* ibrre'votmnDi'laelmJo -n|;o RCB. • It ii more (ittenoj-elrtpadlttbin n itiimnorr; It Hi io Tact, a mccliaaical and 100UQo l.triiT.LarriB^np la iha laleetilaf -iDtttitimate «f tbn rtunpn-hemiT^-iai..

«urk,.aad itt-iniportanoe • to ininitw

ilijrarii-a,' MO.IWI.I ho Ktineilby titeful tuonitiuo of tbo volomoB tbcmaeliea..

> Outtoo. Wooli' Sill, flu

, and ctl.MrMotorf ;Jp, and Vent Hut in?:

hi T ^ M




. will keep; * largo and iielcct stock of!


wiarata UATEKULS,

Newspapers: and' Magazines,,Segars, Tobacco, Bipes,, -',

nveaientlr located' wot: n IUIUI0.U).

lic oro tB of vxcollent nnalllj-and known-aiiicmer.'.'uul liai bocn socccufnUjrworked

for iomo tlow,' Tile-- faichinBrr. romiHti ofalarRCfnfn'nB and Inflor-ntltolfd for tLe ttnrfcn erpr.T patt|enl*r: jinnjpingapjwraiDf, hnUt-

inrroBchlneMr.-nndlnractcTtrytbfnffmrrfld.eNH for immcdlald eniplotraent.Tlieowiier noMwins s-.min«r-will>rll'lliohbkt itupcrtr nt a *irj-(,Teat bargain:Enquire or or adarcn«-

BENT.. HI YOGT,.EcrniK o r THE IKOX a m

over; K; X, No*erab.-r'i3d, 1B7SL.



;. COKMET *t Co..



WOtflhiire werainrprintntbflntnre, wnnl.l Iw wrjr-irnit mmMopv,' it*1 Rreit innwoPr ot ilk

t b l t i tlUMopv, it* Rreit inand Iba trcBtmnrtbloi

t i l i l

TlierelipntiliahPil'no book.offnimiliti»lewblebtn at gneo HD Ui-Rejdo trellllloilnltiiclnMlrbranhbt JIOWE to tbd jffTHouiiirae.liBO- fall: nf iilaotritlnna. • BentiHtf. mrftv

brof*fni0fn Ihan can IwfDnndIn well*fnniiibMnrm and mnnofMtoriiia;.and ,the.f will iifind'a. conatant: anpplemeDtAry/Coiirte n[

liandiame ODISTO TBtnmeiu nndivltt bofoqnn iowloflLlo bonkLofTrftrrac&iirihB f»mfTrftrrac&iirihB

and1 Iheiroikibi'a Jrt coo Id he placed Ubifirirt a«*ken »'liu

t boitinj

no iowlotbo conntins-nnb.-ttar I'dacotionalcbllilren. lrtnptedtmte wbickmnrha

H l i r 'nHr:lirecarrerTito work it void liy-enbucriptlhh, ami |wr»

aMlriQftiteparchavrlt-NbinldUildTi'i* iTtahli*hnnaibol*nr. AOianB-WASTED.

A l I. nuim ASD






CUJ.- *r. O I U M . uauik.

l*jf.. Me,


Hot.. 2E

SOe. 33Cr.. 30«.


int, Soft and Plciible Oooda r6r Ladlw Wear.


BcuEira;,aud; CAli: UAHUBXTS,, at: rodeccdi prteer

Adjbuwieff SlieriflTs:Bab!![il d i incnr of Mew Jero*T.;. FT. fi.. Fnmali or

ranrtesKctlipremliiM. WBerHnJicobHkinnercmniilainintjmdrninTma.Toinisflmit.vdii. >unnK lilt wire arn t'efimlinii.. Hotorna-1* to October; Terra..Al


TIi» nla-nn Iwbalf of:tba •boT^nsmni' iwiirai! j£l"«rnwl to lake plH^at-lhB' tKJTED BIATla

' MONDAY;.UAIICIIilBUjlFT^.twwwo the hmn o f . iu t wd;io'eloek-.P: Ml

P I R iRA.mEPUiN.tlbcriKrUTT.. rr. n . ti.w

UAS; FHipHft[PM.ft.17.20

HO a u i r i T PTiEa.:

P:. Oi.

WteniJ i jni Hjd nt (U* Ubrrii Cnnntrtire- and: Fim UunroOTO OdniHWr ll fpahlfn aciinawtfilfsBcnt ;Uo miik nf tbe rrwrrotn tbrmtUi da-r^pr'tURrniraananl^Ininnuicf 1(115001 on tbcKantli flirrrt Cirlthwtli mhaU- nrtlhterriirferlMi LrOn-ib»IOt!i'fnituaiidltn expTMir our gBpprcdatlrauribtirlfbenlanil preinp*ltti*


JIbrrltlDwn, .H.Ji, J


.Vfnlt arronnt of: tbla Orrat-. 1

b b i b l H b i(rfocivm;MnipI*1n!W!M)ant!ora!ld

ttona imd>MU;. 300-lltn»tr*linii»..

lllniitrnlifin». TSMB »Mui»:wtl*t-Msd W l A n tit


C . | '£ W E B . | 0 W K B . [ 1

i 2 . . ; $ l ; , i i j ;'1 U U I 2 i i l } j• 2 7 5 a M )^ j W > ) J , 7 1 ) ]4 ' . M l fl ; . U .

c n i n l o y i n

R ( I I I 1 ( ] ( K )( M l 1 0 2 ' . I 1 - J 5 0

I f i ( M 1 U I H > |

II I H ) I H ( H l i 21 I K II I I 0 0 2 1 ( H I ) i l l ) ( H I

H i 2 f l S W M \ j | J > ( K Ii n m i T.t ti\)\ 4*> on•in on 37 w] an (KI4 1 O U fi.r. \*}[\VM I K I

y i i E NT I C M * !•' C

L T ^ W. B. ETrnox DOVER ooixo VCHT:

TlihinglJ »tatl, 0.25 A. JI.; Oiwego KipriBHJWA.M.; E»»ton ExprctB, 2.0uI\M ; KantoXsprcss, «.97 V. M.; Oi»r f in Kini-H, 6.17 I1

M.; Haokcttitown Exproti, 7.2S 1'. II , ; iltrrlaburg Bnedftl, HMO P .M.

rvounovzn ooiso u r r ;

M r . G e o r g e A . P r e s c c t lI r a ] E x p M M route,

l i o o u l o n c s p r n d f d E o t n n p o w d e rr o J d i n i t i a l r e m i t .

A b o u t 3 d m e n a n d b n j u findt t l i n I t o v c r r i l l o H I D .

V i g i l a n t Horn r e g u l a r m o n t h l y w e t t i n g- ' i t V r i d i i ( " ; i l u y ( : V i - i i i i i ( j .

T h e t b t T i n m i i t t t r c h u n g t d Z'l d f g r c C Bi t l i i u t e n h o u r e o n T i i u r h d n y .

T h e l i n r a f l e p i z o o t i c i n n e n i i i n i i p c n r i i i G i nN e w Y u r f c n n i l o t h o v p o r t * o f i h o c o u n t r y .

T b e l i a b i l i t i c r t o f t l m firm o f K i n g A J o h n -i i ) , o f M o r r i i - t o w i i . a i n o i i i i i l o n l i o u t 5 ^ 7 , 1 ) 0 1 1 .

W h y U E l i o f I D u U i t t h l o v n l i k e E l i o fS c r i p t u r e f u u i o ? I U C I M I H C h i s S u n w e n t b a c k

o n L i r a .

l i t r i i i i s n e n i i i i i i vicin-cvtrn]

p r c i l , fl.fiO A . M . ; I f a c f c o l U l M D M a i l , l.illl A,W , ; E a » l o n E i p r c H , B.VZ A . U . J n i n f i l . a m r . l o iEiprpa, J2U**• M-'. Tlnoncb Hail.2.5111.II..Bjnam E W « M , B.M 1'. SI.; Kastou Aecmn-medltinu, B.ftJ P. St.


. f W T W A B P . i T i T I O i m . E A B i nA.M. j \ H . A.M. 11O.BJ 7.05 Cheater 7.E0

20.9210.1110.00 0.8S


HiiccatoinnaMcCnltwvllhPnrt OramDovci-


i4V IMlOi&S-- 6,10'.

;iui..a.»1 1 . 9 1 B . 8 S1 1 . 4 7 6 . ( 7n^a o.oi12.03' fi.64112.09 ' IMS:ia.atf r.is

l . ' w ' N o w Y o r k ,



• M B W K E K E N D I N G T l l U B B D A * E V 1IKO, Marcli 8th, 1877.

flUTJOM* { U O K t ...l i n o k i w i i y * . • • • • • •C l m s l o r l t . l t . ( l l n r l g n s , C <

8 n a e » n » p a , V a t n t t t i a u < l C l i ilor Jnaulion BUlIuns,)

Par tOnm;HUnhopaMountain ViewHonnlon,.. . . . . ,DraktvllleWaterloo,...



1 0 1 0 3. D U O 0 7

• U i I IS i t

. C U l l l, 1 0 8 0 5

M M 00

l l y fit H o c l i n w u y , n n d t h e r f t h u v u b e e nf u t t t l t w i c e .

Air. S . 11. forry will h a t tlia Y . > f . O . A .n j i r m e e t i n g t o - m o r r o w n f t m i o o u . A l le i n v i t e d .

A j o u r n n l i O i c p h i l o l o g i s t c f I b i s m o t i o ni s m n d u t l i e d i s c o v e r y t h a t a m a r r i e d w o m a na t n u i d c u .

M c n d b a m t o w n s h i p h a s c o n t r i b u t e d $ 3 0 0I n m o n e y n n d v a l u e o f p r o v i n i o m t o t h op o o r o f I t o o u t o n .

D a n i e l G l a d t t o u , o f B o o n t o i l , l i a s r e c e i v e da n a p p o i n t m e n t t o t l i o U . fi. N a v a l A c a d e m y

a t A u n a p o l i K , o l d .

T h o G o o d T e m p l a r s o f H o c t a w n y p r o p o s et o r e n d e r s o o n t l i o t e m p e r a n c e d r a m a , " T e nN i g h t s i n ft B a r l t o o i n . "

I t I d t h o u g h t t h a t l t n v . J . I t . B u r r ,i u o a , w i l l b e a s s i g n e d b y t h e n o x t C o n f e r e n c et a tiia c h u r c h a t M o u t e l i u r .

S u b s c r i b e r s c h a n g i n g t h e i r p l u e e o fdftico thin S p r i n g nhaulft n o t i f y nn i n o r d e r ,t b n t t h e i r p a p e r s m a y b e c h a n g e d .

] w h o l i n v o l i n t s l o p a y o n t l i o P r o s - 1r e s u l t w i l l find n fine l U w o r t m c i i t n t

I , o p i i o d t o t h a P o s t O f f l o o .V i l l i i i m O r u l i b a m i A b r u m K t n g h U i i d ,

b u t c h e r s o f B o o n t o n , l w v u r e m o v e d t o S o u t hO r a n g e , w h e r o t h e y w i l l e n g a g e i n b u H i u e u s .

T h o H u n o f y e e t e r d n y s o y s U i o e m p l o y e e s

A multiplicity of Accusations.Fur ( j u i t j B O I D C t i m e f i w t U i e p e o p l e i n

t k l u i t y ' o t H t . Freedom<y th.AUt a n d i i l t > - m ] ) t e u t

l i u v u t a i l e d n o l l t t l m - K r i > c u l a f i D i ii n d t n t i t y o f t h e j p t r p i t m t o r s . O n S l o n dM a r s h a l A n u i t n g c , n n m d w i t l i e u v e i o l w i

, wept t a Ih'i h m i u n o t H&iry A . V d hb e a r C U I I U H C r o w ; H o i u b i , a n d c a u s en r r u i t o f b i i n a n d h i s w i f e , o u c h a r g e s p if c r r o d b y f u n n c r » tit t b i : u n g l i b o r h c o dL n v o l o u t b u f t i l o r u l i , G . b U i i k i - t ? , v - 1

tiottltry. h l v t n a t f ^ e s , *U>. While l i el i m i t i n g t l i o a i T i > t a n o t h e r c i i i i h l a l i l i 1 , w i t hw n m i n t f r o m J u h t i c c P i c r a o n , o f l i t . F i( l o m , c n n i D t o n r r r s t D e l l u r t . o n » c b a r g f l

i n i i p t i i i g t o fire t h e d w e l l i n g o f L n f a y cc r « , i u ' T a n u j t i y l a « t . He i»aino s u n p e

tit b i : h » B i m p l i t a t < : d i u t l m r o b b t r j u fK t n r , " o f G e o r g e C o r - , s o m e w e c k i i H I H C O .i n r n r u u i t i o n u b l d i J i d t o U i e i r u r r e i if i v c u h ) - l £ l i j i i l i H u f f , o r o l o r r d m a n , w lI J I I S h a m c u i j - l n r L i l b y J J e J J o i t , a u d w h o t et f l o a t l i n t t h e y M O I L - t h e g n o d v a n d h\t i i c u l o U i i i r h m i K r . H e u U o c n y s l hI f i - l l i j i ' t . w o u l d a i f o i n p n n y l i t r l i u n b r t u dt l m n i l - g ( ( l t b l u v h t g v i e n r e i u u s h u b i l c dI U I 4 ) ' H c J o t l i t B . H o t h w n v i - d n n c i m n l u u t io n t t i i i y l > r c i u { [ b t l i t f o r u J i i h l i r o Q U Q H , Ut i x v i t l i e n m o u i i t o f b t i i l f o r t h i - i r n p i i e & r o ml e f o r o t l i u n e x t G r a n d J u r y . B a i l w i i r t o f f c r tn u d t i i M t n f o r M r s . D c l l a r t , b u f h e r h u i i h i

a i l i n g t o p r o c u r e s e c u r i t y w u c o m m i t t e dl i n t c j i m t y j n i l o n T u e s d a y m o r n i n g . B o irt' c o n n e c t e d w i l h H o n m o f t h e i n o r t r c B p e tM D f i t m i l i c B o f l i b s e c t i o n , w h i c h mak<h e « f f u i r a v e r y - i m p l i n u i u t o n e t o s a y

W u o r e i n f o r m e d t h a t M x « . D e l l a r t h ii n c c b o i ' i i c o m m i t t e d t o j n i l o n t b o c h a r g e

h i d i ' K t h i c h a r g e s T i a r r n U d , H u f f

ol tho D., It. & W. rood wt-ro ngnln notifiedof » furtlitr reduction of five per cent, oThurBdny.

Mr. \tm. n . Most) lxui hU SAW mill agnlIn npartttlon. Among tlio recent improvenoiils in ODD of I W K patoul WIWB, with nioreiblaLectli.

The cfBcinl members of tho Port Ornra 21.E. Church, rcwolved uimuiinoiiHly to roquestConference to rtturu IteT. Mr. IUtwliugs totliat h

lie?. Mr. Hn11ow»y will repeal, by retniont,the flcnnon on "Bcripturnl HalintBH," licitSiibbfith evening In Uis Frosltyturian churchat 7i3O o'clock. . • '

Mr. Jcssa E. Cullerof hiB fingers

tho n<4mid rol

<UtO, a

they Iind plotted toa MIKH. "WillintuH of Succatuiuiid to kill scmo of Uiis'ir ueigliboru b,

pnlnoniuK' tho natom of & WLII. Prom othiin:pruhahle flotkfi told by tbia lu-gro w<think hl» atntenieula BIIOUU LO taken wilninny graiau of allflwanco.

Inr.ftrtuce to thisntattcracoircspoadonlwrites: " I t will bo remunihtTed thnt thcoa»aiuc pfliiiuH crtiatej conBldomllo aouBatloabout two yearn ngo by entering a couijilufingainst one of ciuf Utwusuicn, which uinn;bellvvtd at the timo van only nn nftoinpt oith< Ir l»ort to hlaclctnail tho accused. Uuthe Flood firmly by his rights the partibacked down. Theso latu tluvuloiinuntn onl;prove more fully the innocence of the ac<

Btd and tlie niDfircB ofElljnli Huff, the iiogro, who gtivo the In-

formation tlint Ueliart and hia wife were theparties wlio fired the liouse of Mr. Ahers,w u committed to jnil as n witueiaby Jutticif i e n o n , o f M t . F t w d a m , o n I h a t n t l a y .

'REPUBLICAN CAUCUS 1 -The lUipnbllwi Totere of H AMD0L?lI TOWN-

"' ' • ' !? '^BH'r .w' i ' uicet fu cancan tu "


Vtw BajjporlpMy-tUciBVV:'tie elect

day, Umh j « I i . \ ; FUEEMAS i v S t S ^

; 0 5 - l » r [ i;~. ; :• \ ctntrtntt) or kit m«etina


coUt lite 11T1CSLE

MONDAY,March 12tli, 18W,

: at-io^iock P..Mtl'to poinlu.tB ft tlcUUo. - • o j i p w i o d l y t b o ' D o m o c r t l c o f i M t o i r n H h I

\ t I b t ^ o m i n g t o W o o l i l p e l c P t l n D , w l i l ^ b m i l b eh e l d o n T o m H U y , M a r c h 1 9 i b . * : ' - •

, 7 ' T - " ; .* C H A R L E 9 M . T U N I S ,1 3 1 i r - C h a i r m a n o ! l u t m e o l i D

n Monday had three:raUd by com lug ii

contnet with a wiw wliilo Ku'wiug no mo ttripaIu Gago'e mill.

.An entfrtninmeiit will be given in thiIlurdfown 31. E. Church on WcJncsdityCTi'iiiug next by tlio pliblio school of thatplaco, tho proceeds of wliich will he devotedto ibo uso of tlio acliooL

Tho TruBtoes of the Prcubyterkn ChurchImvu bflcn negotiating with (Iia hvln ot theInto E, T. 'rhonijiHou, for tlio fturciuuic of a

Daulc btrect upon which they will ttoonbegin Uio erection of-a parsonage.

Some follow entered tho roost of SfayorKing, of Dooutoii, nud after killing a settinghen scnttored tlio eggs all about. The

[Bulk-tin saya " the Mayor will low that broodpf.chickens." 1Ye should think so.:

^ o State Senate on Thursday a LIU torepeal the law giving counties the right to

! uuintalii local lunatic «uylum» was introducd.W B W E j J ^ h i r f la^to


Ftcfih shad are appearing. -

_ .Newark;Conference, SBtliinEt.

Ke^feroywiill.rtckBi.y,,Mr.' 7. "Wnght Eriiea intends iomodoliiig

ihis residence

Towd meeting? next Tuesday. All thetownihipfl must Tote by ballot.

. Morris County I<odga of Good Tuniplara' -meot next'Wednesday at Mine Hill.

Wonder if the' blue gl&xs cicitcincnt hutanything to do with the Use times.

• I t i g said that Dr. Struble of Stanhopswill temoTB to }lops, Warrea couofj,. .Jlot. J. It. EanieU wiU prcacli in theUoFarlaa street U. E. Church to-morrow.

>;.; ThB hlinips Mfl.agibdiag a moTO to ban: "blue glass introduced io'tho station houBcn,-" Three'perBOBB were recohed on probation

. Sunday in the BlackwellstreetM. E.,Churtli.That luxury of Now Jersey tax payers,

) t to Lcgldature, reacb«d a fiu&l ftdjournment>; V "

J. Frant Maso -was cleckd Llbrarinii of: ProtccUon Hook a id Ladder Company

Monday evening.

Victor lodge of Good .Templo-n has nowa membership cf orer 130, and j t Js con'

' fitantly Increasing.

Qon^Fite Joha Tortcr hai been nppotntedRnasBlfiaut lo Jadga Lathrop, tho llecciver

' of tho Kcw Jersey Centrnl Itnilroid.

We regret to notice tuat'our esteemwl audlitolvliUloponteaiporary, tho PaUrson Bulle-tin, . h u suspendeddaily leime.

i publication uf iU

.^"Thirty ear shop cmplojeen went bora*"with Bad hcarta on Saturday evening hut toUUtoelr famineiitiiat they were again thrown

l j

A catelwis compositor nude us Bay last-week tliatlhe leU Urn Anna Stickle wtu adaughter of David Coo]Rr. It uhould haf>eadDavid Conger. .^.- . •. ilr'i Frank B» Thompson, baa disposed of'

- bJa -hara«rftrd*store at Waialuttchie, Texas,*nd is now engaged in tlio ofllco of a. 3L-TAUIB UBWEpoper.- * '

. Mr." R."-J. kiilgcre,.'of tho Hupterdon.' Sfiinocnt'spcat last Eabbiithin Dover. The

genkl 4nnlitiiM of «ox edttodal friend makes,.>jhiia tn eterydepme vititor,•'• T h e M *as n l iWal Bprinlling of flags dis-. pt»yed,In Motfiktowti on Monday over the

inaugnraUon of Mr. Ilayei. Wo noticedbut one houro decorated in Dover.

The Missionary conifibut/ons of tho & Vbath School connected with Uie Blackwell

'•brett, M. K, Church, ebow tbia year an in.crease of S3 per cent, over last year,

.Messrs.': Wm. H t Lambert, J. J . Baciofl |«nd JOB. Melick, tho comroiUea of VigiUatHose,- a n making armBgcmcntB far tin•linual Easier Dull of thocompnny. ' .

;;. Dr. A. KflhoeU, tito. well Inown dentistotthiaplnee, in about Ui rcmovfl to Clinton,N. J., where he will engage in hjs proftfiB-

: !qn. Tho best wishes of many hero will go" •

, A company, of fervent paiHiotaju between- t i e ages of Un and eighteen years celebrated. Ule. Inauguration ot Hnycs by a demenetn** t W o n Mondny.evenlQg wiUi cannorj, drums

. A'baildcr in thU vicinity *>ys he i . cow- t a l k i n g etUthatos on fifteen bnildlngs—the

largest nontber at on* time since tbe begin-V f c l f l fiil i i XlOalioneof

furco all patients intoMorris Plains, ,'• - . ... -. ; , .

By flja burning of a hotel at Karns Oily,Fa,, on TucKdny night, Be\en lives were lost.Mr. 1' Harry " Blmpsoo, o brother of Jos, H.SinipBon, Esq., of tlila place, boarded at tliiBhotel,'biit fortunately, ptrlwps, hod lodgingsin another building. . .-

A mad dog*mode its.appearance at Mt.Fltaoint I«wt wotk mid bit a dog belongingto i t t . . Jefise Langdon and anothci owned byhiu ROH. All tlirco were iiliol..' -\Ve also bearof ftevernl dogs Bupposed to be mod havingboon shot in tlio neighborhood ot llockawny.

Mr. Vf. 0 . Dcnoghno, of Uiia place, £astaken charge of Uio store of Mr. 8. 8. Lyon,at:Doonton. Mr,• Lyon will devote tliegreater part of his timo to the ttoro i o hanrecently eKtabllKhcd in Pneealc, Mr.'Don-Dgbuo has oiir bent wliJios for unbounded

Yicnr-Ocatrnl Dimne, In the »bscneo ofBishop Com'tjau, has issutd a circular to theprieBts of tho diocese of Jersey City andNewark, asking them io celebrate tha goldenjubilee of Ihc Pope's episcopate by Inkingcontributions for his holiness^on too thirdSunday after EaeU

111 the Supremo Court ut Trenton lust weekiiu case of Bonncll vn. tlio D., U & V. It.

It, Coinpany, Wiis decidid In favor of ihu(?]l( wLkli cemfirms a verdict of $4,000u Mr. lionncll in the Morris Courts for

dnnmgcB sustained by him In being run intobj a gravel train ut SuccttEunnn.

Tho barren street bakery, next to COI'Hmfatmiirtet , faoa been rc-opened for tbeSpring trade, nod will hereafter' conlninoverj* day a frculi and good assortment ofbread, pics,hpai>try, and-evcryttiiug elao pur-tning to Iho bakers' urt. An invitation tocall ia extended to ail tho old oaslota^rs and

Port Morris.For four J:«WH we lmve bcL-n lipgclilff Ihi

mrtnl of CIIOKL'U Frat'liolilera to biilhl tw iojiilto Sitiuhoje, mid fur funr yean tbo;live peivlKivntly rcfuncd. Twice luvc tlie

people here luul thu roml "Lild out" nud( i ; i f d t l i u H i i r v t j v i i p i o i lnnd yut they nr *r.<,nt,wl The

t of tliitlr iWu,u m l i u b y o n . t i l Im p m i y r e f U H e t o i d l

U H ( o d r i v e o u t h e t u w i M l l i , w l i i c h t h e y h iu p c t f L - c t r i g h t t u d o , u n t l n o w w o p j P l ' c j t ll l m j w u p l t i o f l l u x l m r j - t o w i m l i i p l o g i v d uw » y n u t , h i n c o n j t p t a i t o i l i e F r e e h o l d e r * t

u u i n i l t e o h i w h c e n I n r u i n . I f n t i l: n l m v u n . ) t i ^ b l H w l i f c l i w l i t t o f o l kn d . t u r c H p t - ' d w o w o n l d l i t e t o I c u t i v

i t . . T o w n m e e t i n g i a d m w i n « n c u r m i d , l i k iJ . H i u i i H u n V V H H , W O w o u l d l i k e t o I t u o w

• l i o l b c r w o a m " I r e o m e n n r V H W I I I M "; w h e l l i -r w o u i i i x t w i l d u u l i l J < i t i » , D i c k n n d j l n r r y

o m d e c i d e n i n u n g t l i u m s i l v M w h o s e fiut b o r o M n i i i f i t r u n t t n m p l i n n d w b t u ht h e i i l ' , l t f t n I > H i m m t I . e i i L l i t l e i l b y i t .

W e t h i n k v u l i u v e u n i t e d p a l i e i i l l j c u o i if u r w h M W h t l i f u l c k n i i l y fl r i g h t t o v h k hl h a l a w v t t l i e S t u t a c u t i t l « n as a m i i f .' • g e t o u o u r a i r " u i o i i t i t U i e r u w i l l b o f w i n cp y l i l l c n l s l n t e n ' b n i i l y n i u i H b e d . T u t s l ip ylib oat (he atyle of tulk u u here t

p l yabout .11 The inforuintion may

be iiMiful to some gautleiuuii iu tbe touTwLip

thfl general public*

A Committee of tlio TUTIOUB College ScatClubs vitdtcd Oroonwood Lake o\ Baturdoyliuit lo examino It with reference to the re*gnttus of 1877. -They £nd the lake muchimproved by the removal of stumps anil weropleased with it UH B rcguttn course.' No de-cision was mode, as tbe natter will tbefore a futuro meeting.

Tho dwelling housa of John Bsrrctt, ofBoonton, was discovered to bo on firo about1 o'clock Tuesday night but was noon ei

Uagiiialicd. Singular to' say it caught firagain about 4 o'clock next morning and waswholly destroyed. The furalturo WAS saved.The hoaso was covered with a mortgage andtho mortgage was covered witli an insuraueeof $000.

Now that ilia business iatcnsfaf of thejcountry hive boon rescued from farther |parftlymtioubyihe scttlEment of tbidontiol qoeBtlon, Itwill become oTcry manto put liia shoulder to t ie wheal for a revival!ot tiio traioi Our merchants who want to

], the f'jrine trafflo will find the Bof amedium by wliich they can reach nearly

,Ter> household In tbia section.

' Tho Engineering and Mining Journal ofln£t week toilet more cheerful about tba Ironmarket: The* Thomas Iron Company reports2,0(l»torso! all grades sold at our quota., g

hions. 3he mnrkitis generally very quiet,although there in a fading, now that thorWdtn t i o ! qpettlon ia settled, thnt a beltojbunincsB muKt Boon follow. Low prices,imvrvfr, nra rumored and in ecme cases not

ithout foundation, . WequoteNo. lfonndry

at $20; K°- 2 foundry *1H, and forfiB f lB.

TttOB. Walsh, UIB' Cuatotn Tailor, has putut the first fnthion pinto of Spring styles of

clothing, and with an elegant assortment of jdiagonals and block fabrics for coaU andyettB and plaidri aud stripei for EulHngs, in-tends t y itiikitg close to «w* prices lo do •liu-ga Ef ring business. . He is ready to makeat Ehort notico and law £guru CTerytiiBgfrom the styiiEh wcdding.otlfit • to the plaingarb of every daj w a r . I t is astonishing,tml nevertheless ft fact, O»t be la i sakissa

rci Bolt—cut, fitted and PJ«J«,

T l i u M o r r l t i C U D I I I f o l k s e r e b u i l d i n g a n e wr i i l g » . » o p « B I I I B c t u i a l j i w t b u o k o f t h e

r o n u a i i o u B O . . h • • . '; :P u y i i i R c l e c t l o u b u t i i a n o w i n o r d e r .T h o m a s H i c k e y l o s t 3 p a i r s o f b o o t s a n i t

p a i d i t l i k e a m a n . H e i s a s l i o u a i H k e r a u dc m e f t o n l i L H e I s g i i i n g w e s t i i e x t w e e k .

T l i e S t n u b n p e f u r n a c e t r a i n I s o u t h e r o a da g a i n * J o e i k - n r l H , e u g i n c e r .

T h e y w e r e m t q n i l e i r m l y t o t o * i c hf u r u n c a o f f i n a m g u m t i o n i l n y , b u t 1 m nI n n n w l t b o y w i l l a p p l y t l i e t u a t c l i S i t t u r d u ym o r u i u g t o u t l p u t o u I b e h o t b t o n t M o n d a yw i t h o u t f n i l A A u d B l i m b o p e ' w i l l r e j o i c eI h o r t n t . ' l l t l . Y n u H o r n h i m b e e n i i p | « ) i n t -

w l [ t u i t i o n n g e n t a t ' S t a n h o p e v i c u T . F .i n i u d i u , r e H l g u e d . ' :

T h o S t n a b u ( M j " f r . I k « n - ( i t i e H ( m e < o r e m i n dy o u r r u n d e m v i ' l i o U v a i u t b n t l i e i g b b o r b o o dl i u i t t b e - f u b t t v u L i u t h e C r o u t o n b u i l d l u gc o m e s u f f u u I h o 1 3 t h n u d U l l i i b t i u t .

i f u r H d t i l t H 1 0 c e n l H , e b l l d i o nI u i l f ] > r i i : c . / t i c k e t t r i l l h e g i r e u l i t i h o

r , b o w e v t r , g o i f d f o r t h e m n a u n l u f l l i uf e t , i u a n y l b i i l g t o r n i l " n t t h e

t a b l e s . B o y o u g o t t l m l u l l v n l u e o f y o u rt e n c e u l M i u t n i d e .

t b e y ttilJ h a v o a g o o d l i r a * a m ]e u o i i g h t o t t e p t h e i r r e u d i n g

t h e y e u T r u a u d . T h n t d e -b u t e o n i i u t i u i i t i m d l i i i l d r r u i m l r i o l i u m w a np o H t i t o u u d u n t i l t l i u 1 2 t l i i u w t , b v c u n u e R u v .J , J , C n i u e i n w m d u e l i u g a a i r i e S o f e x i n ii i i e o t l u y a i n t b e P r e K b y t c i l u u C b u r c b . D . J . i


H t . J o h i i '; i . . . I m r u i u } :

> t i m l d c iM i l l b r u i . k r

i - U n m i p ii i . f , ' b i i i l a i

- r e n t t l i u I r u i - ku u t a r r i v e i l l l i i

i - r e d U u - l i wb l i i n t i l l l r t d

, y , w b u w i n ii v , u m l r c i i i o

b u r l a i l n - r n t n rV I U T O i l m m , i v

l l t W U V I T I t o U ( H. . H I M * I h u l ( b i y

lery. Tha en-nl

Guunul Itishkrl i e l i o i U M n t l j o l i

i e l ' u c u b y t l i u

Our RiV>'o u u d L - r u i a i i

. n u r « f t b e S f .'. i n r n l h i i i i l i u

i { j D i i u i mngo l

.-«|.t t l

THE TAX PACERS' ASSOCIATION-i r t 1 T h n T a x I ' t t V t H * A i j K u e u t i i r a » t H v n i e i

o'L- .Omity htl&ltawwtitoguwtiliwlnthtQwutl^vM; (UH HDUHC, MorrlutoTrii, ou Momluy moriiing ! * " ' t 0 3 '

iiiKitiP limn*'.. In i^t," Mr. II. JI. Chnht.id, tliu rn-Hiili-ut, iu ! Blul ' l w»lPrtrtliyttTiiiu— thB Chair, 'i'h'J uiiiiibtrK lint AN«I:IIIMC«1 iu

lllll(.'llt< Ut It

i luktiii-lliim ihuir di«-

I L , v v c r u n o i i l i u u c d c x u u p i i i i K,< n l - i r i n v - n x t H - L ^ i o i i r c l b y

I I O I I K U o f U : n i y G i L u a u ,» i r | ) c > n i t i o u l i m i t o u t l i ol i v l i w h o i i d i h c o v e r e d V i i a

I L I I U L H l l m t i t w . t H h n p t m i .i y o r l l s c o n i c i i l u . V i ^ i l m t

l i i t K , " g u o d t , i n r t n r r i v t dt u i v i n ^ t h o I I H U K C l i j j o i u .

i l u i J l u r r i i M J i i , b y l u l j t t n yw i r e ( I r u u i ^ h i u g i t w t i b

i i u g i n t h u I n i m e ( f t l i oT l t t : d i h h i u c e b e i n g s o

[ h k i i i i i i t c d i i ) [ i . i i i i t H c o u l dl o l i ; u i ' > % i - \ ' i u v , m i d• o u t h u u n y . T h e b u ii c i i flccujiictl b y G i - o i

^ o n i o a t l J B b i i i c e h u dh k x i i C o t u I t m h o m o

, l u a i i i i B i t i t i r f u r u i lu W I I H n i l ( l L ' h t r u . v L i l .b u y h a i l n u t b u v i i i nU I U H U u f t h i ) l i r e i n i i nj M i r t i > f i h u I H O U

b y a n i n b u n i i i c c o f $ 5 0b i l e [ w u i b t i n y i n B a v !

> , v i u i H u v t i i ' l y b u r n e d

t h e C o u n t y l l f l l l , b u t t l j i i u b w u u e n f l i r ei b f i t i i p a r t i u c - » t w f l s n ratasiiro w h i i l u it l u i i r r i y i d i d u w o f M o u o u i y h a d n o t c n u t . -

i m d t h e y a d j o u r n e d t o I l i a u m r o c of o r t u b l o a U c o i j i h e r e o l . t i i e C o u r t l i o oA b o u t a Aazxa m e m b e r s o f I h u A i w c H f i t i

• o p r e v e n t a t t h o o p e n i n g , t l i c l l i i i jf r o m ^ U i Q P r e s l t l u u t t o t h e t H ,

t l u i f i f ft d o g fight h o d b e e u a d v e r t i s e d U , or o o m w o u l d b j i T O b e e n . fiHud a t t h e t i m e o fm e e t i n g . ' •!

A t t c r t h e r e a d i u g a u i n p p r o v u l o f t b e

road Engineers.Unit BuiK-r utoutlast Hoi£ . Uivibiouofibel). l>reci!ut coDvumlit;d i i b u t i t e i i t y - f l v o

e x t n i l ( i n g i u u t r f o r H t r v i c o i n Il i n t ; hu L a d t n l l u d i t t H u t a d o z e n

I n o j d e r l o g u t o n e n o b e r e n o un r t h c w o r k . l | o w b o m y a i l w r e i s n o t m o i

w J i o c J r i u t , n n J t u a ui , l i k e " T o i L * 1 K c o u n u , ' - H d " K i u B

• H u r r y " & m d l m 1 , , ' a i t r y l l i e l r W H Lv i t b t h e m i n t h : i r c u l m , a n d U n r e b e e n t h

i i i h t t u m e u l u i n 1 i t l i u u i l s o f t h e L o r d o f c o it h i g h u u t h e d i o f s c u f a i D c l u i l i u g u i n u yI r c a n i n n l e s D O I L e r o u d , a u d o f t nm i i i g u i i m y i d m u k u r d ' t i I I O I I M ) i u t ui [ > y ( I m u l u i l a i f t b e ( j o d - f c t i r i i i g t n i i u .

d u i u g o f 1 ) 1 0 r g l o t i o i m w o r k t l i e i r k i n d ]S u j k r i u t e u d e n t u t T o r J n t h e m e v e r y f u c i l i l

l i h i u b i n p q t v t r .

P u o t i l o I I U V B u l w n y s f e l t n n e c n t i t y i ni n g o v e r t h e 3 1 , & £ . H u e f r o m t h e f u cn t d u r i n g i i u e x i n t e n c u u u t n u i u y l e vr h i m c v o r b e n u k i l l e d w h i l e i u I l l s s e n t ,

> f s e c u r i t y L i w b e e n d n u bi h i i n c t d o f I n t ^ b y t l i e k m i w l u d t e t h a t m i

l l i t i r r e H p o n h i b i l i t y t o b t ld nuA n i n u j i u v o I h c i r h u u d u u p o u t b i

A s » " e h t h e i r w o r t hI J J O p u d l l o n t l a r g o

l i o n .

et of the engl d

he Preebylei

t « i y o f N m- t h o < . | :

pi p o i i i u g h j i l l H m d t l i e a l r e - g n i n i ; , n u d c o b -

b lided with niru their conidulging In

b t c l i l l i e yi d - u f T u c l i i i m, v a h l m e t l f

: i n ( l i e

rew out HevlercNt. Iliid beau h gnj


i t o j w s l o r si(|rcgntii>nN of ."Hie danger

rccreiitinu ornmuBerocnut cngnga uilli n nroHt-jnicinbnmco of him wlnil." Tlie deihilt), whicli

recnmmltlnl of tho repmili'ritnl oninioiisol paxnli

Dr. Craven thought Ibtrcit (tbiuige. fnr tbB better ii

iieuts luy iumany of whor

itud worn

!e, bnt (hongJulged iu ou

Tao number>vcr stationbinary w uIgers at anjj[ht of luet w

ipless wijjhtjttcd them,

ID of ordlnitftblnztag, and wo *i


/is on Popular, Amuse-ments.

i n j t p i i i t e d b y I b e P r e s b jo d n i w u p n p n p u r e i p r e a a -

o t n i i u i u U ' r a i n r u l . U o ui l i w i i n n r u ^

i g ( h e j ni f t h e G c

i x t y y e a r s ,l A n s e i t . l l

lfl«d.; Iluv. D n t Swith him. Ilov. Dr.

objection lo theatrical auiuse-IO diameter of the nctnr>ire 'recognized on immoni, In rcgiinl to duueiug, bJaucw as -_ hpp)jiona .-Am

rjiirtpnrity.~ "Ttu "rtfd not«i*j«il Jnucea of tbnt sort in nri-it tJioj wcra dangerous \rheulublie occiudoDB.

tramps that lodged iu Ui.•ass during tbe raoutb

'D. Tbe largest number ofono time was on Honda;:k when twenty-nine of thesewere Bqucezcd in tbe spacilich is not larger than a bedf BUW. In tills rooma to cave them from frets-told that thoRfi wbo Weretho fiie actually bad they

of Uicli pants burnuil put, and theiwd had to iccp rotating from front to>r to keen fi am roiBting. Who

clrcumtitanccB that it wouldor these men to go to tbe

riow of thhe bette

maty Poor Vthis, Jd

;&lu each wli 1

people put|

arly 101)

ItThe Township Elections- ;

nn becu decided by our nuthnriliell/ut iu nccoTthuw trjlh the t ^ hw the l e c t i o n i n t l i i n t o w m b i j t w i l l l u t e j i l . i c e i uA p r i l , I k e H I I I I B I I H l n « t y W d

J I i ' Ukp y

that JInrriH nud' Uouku

ju d u n t m i d

y , w h o n r e i n i h u• u i m e p l i g h t t i n l t n n d n l p h , b a d i l c l u n u i i i e i l t o

I t h e i r f l t i c l i o n x o u T U C K J I I Y n e x t , b u tt l i a t i n U u c l u k K i v y n I d l e r h a s b c e u r e c e i v e df r o m S e c r e l i i r y o f S t n t o K e b e r , m y i u g ^ a tt l o y c a n u o t k g i i l l y ' b u l d t h e i r e l e c t i o n u o n

', n u d t h i ! ) ' b i t v e t h e r t f u r e r e s o l v e d t op a t i t o f f t i l l A i - r i J - W h a t M o r r l a t o w u u l i f pw i l l d o i v e b n v a n o t y v t W r u e d ,

O n T u o w l n y l n « t M r . C o o j w p I n t r o d t u e d i nt l i e A w e m b l y ft H u p j i l m n P d t t u t l i o b i l l r e -

g t n w u i o f o v e r 0 , 0 0 0 i i i l n i b l l n n t s . n u -i i g i , u c b t o u n s u l p s t o h o l d t L e l r v l t i o »u t l i e s e C D U d A ' u o H d n y i u M n r c k , b u t

i f I t p i u w i i i t w i l l u o l b e c o n i o n ' l u w i i r t i m ot o n l l o w t l i e u o t i t e u o f t k c t i o u t oI b o l u t i f i i b o f t i i i ) B p r o j i e f i b e d b y l iT u t i l t i y n t i x l A n i b e m u t t e r n o w « <


ouno than to lead s a liftMia, tt la eafo to aay thai thesa

loirs oblnimjd, on an average, nt least tiro" loin Dover—or about sown

ifty meals in all that wereally necdedl by the deserving poor of the

There Ian be no doubt that thoKooneila stop to (hiBwill be off.

the Huv. Dr.

\ping the Drew Seminary,lien connected with Meiiio-Nuw York and Now Joney

Huruoon In the St. Paul M.fu«orlt, to bolp tul^e nn m

SfaOiiOfor Uie Drew Theologiftry.- After no nponfn? ppxyet by

Ho r St. Tnside, utid Mrn.«ns mnde BeVrenidetit otn brief accouiof tbo iimhtulNow York, hi

Vnil orNewurlc, Mm.'A. VanI'H rimrcli wna Killed to prAlbiTl Miinn of Eiut Onuitfe:»tnrj'. The REV. Dr. Hurst,

Brow Semiuury, ihoa gnof tho enihnrniRKO<1 conditiiu. Mre. Cllntou l).,Fisk of!

rs: Ferry of Orange, :N, J.,Mrs. Dr. Ridiiur of MIUIIHOO, N.. J., Mra, A.

R t t i i r d i i y W t ,

not be adviniblo fnrmich towithliipiitfil thirty at fiieh i l i t k h

Id, Hw. Dr. Dorr of- a a Colt of;V, Ptotit of

J m s j City.piadD^ddrcb»iU. It nan duoidai tn rails the

<foro tlio close of the presentyear,

hold tbwif (.'licticmn next week, as the pny>nent uf tiixta iu nny of tlieni ntiglit bo re*,igle(l on the grouud of ibe illrguilty of (ho;]eclloii*of the AKhetsor.

B T I t l k M C l i n t K . . ,

Since tbe foregoing miR'in type tha billgreqniriug nit tbe

i T

ypto hold thei

:ltclioi)B next Tncs-Viy has passed both boua-ei aud only ieqnires tha Quyernor'H Hlgun-tnro to becouo ft low. , I t waa «!«o thoughtthat a upeclal act would be poatcd by tbe>lf!Glntur« before adjournment yeutenlny'ellevlng tbo to»p*Jiip« of tlie necessity ofliviug the umul Jegnl nolices. Tbe matter,till iirvbctbly be seltjod Simlly tn.dny.

• ' . TOE ujvtr. • . ;

By reference to advertised nntico of thoTuwnhhip Cleric, in nnoilicr column, it willbe fioen that it Las been resolved to hnld tbeeluctien in tlifs (ownxlilp next TaemJny, nmlH-eniidctKtandJbut Uie Hinioncliou baa bceudecidtd npon in Itnrkawny nnil Morris towu-Bhipn. There will bo two election districtIn (bis lowmihin us heretofore. The preaenilaw jec\ui(ti three, but & tj(eCorarailtee gurpoficd (hey uonldApril to tnako ibo diffninp, nud in view of ibill proposed to be Introduced in the J*gU-hturo muling Bucb divltdos unneaeuary,they have bkcu uo oclion in ibe niallar andtbitiklt u» Into £<w tp do no mtifJuoIorHyto idl partita canwincd. „ . . .

Hope, Wnrren Connlyr cluims to havo Hli.

Tommy.have tilli

p•d « HuckmakB Jtwt

bos long been I Q

tk, }Irpe whl^eyoootftlu soon •ckkcib i bto the fturt ttaa any «lb«r i* tba

1 ou TiiPBdny. JOrdfTD havJ

hups of th

W . C u i n p - i i i y i w i d o n u o t L c ri l o y e e f l i t l t n l o n g t b e l i n e o i

d i K c L n n j i i i R five h u n d r e d m o t; c n m i d S c m n t o n , i t t d u d i n g !

l o v e r e l i o ] i t t , a u ( t p a W tiil o f f )

t i o n f r o m M r . H o r a c e C b p i u b t r l i i i n , o f J t - f f i r -m n u t a w i i u b i p , w a s r e a d . H o r e t u r n e d t b am e m o r i a l p r e s e n t e d t o t l i o t n x p n y i r s o f t l i n tt o w n a h i p , w h i t l i I m d b c t u a i g u c d b y e v e r ym a n t o w h o n j r i t b a d t t u n j i r c s e n U d , a n dc o n t f t i u t d t h i B t y o r f o r t y t a m i H . T l i e j i e o p l eo f J d T e r B O i i w e r o i n f i n w o f n i i y u i M U i u r ot l i n t w o u l d l e h a e u t b o l i n r d c u H o f t u x - i m y t - r a .

M r . W m . H i l U a r d n M B e u t e d i n e n i a r i n l ,m t h l i s t o f i d g n e n a n d ( i t i n m o n e y f o r t h et r c u K u r y f r o m C h e s t e r t o w n s h i p . H e h u dh a n d l e d t b o p e t i t i o n i n Q l i t B t i r l i i m w l f n u dh i i d r e c e i v e d t e n b i g n m i n d * 1 0 i u m o u e y .

A c o n t r i b u t i o n c f 4 1 0 w i i B o u i i o i u i m l f r o mM r . O i o r g e F o m c r o y , o f C h a t h a m . j

M r . O l i a s t c u d t t a t o d t U t t b o m e i u b u io f t h o A B H O c i f l t l o f l , v h l c b j n t l o a t n - p o r tt w c n l y - f l v i ) , n o w j i m o u u t a ' t o a t l e a s t e i g l i t ;A c o p y o f t b o G o f t t i t u t i o n h n d b e e n i w n l

a t l e i u i t o n e p e n » n j u e a c h t o w t i t h t p , auos o m e i n s t a n c e s t o t w o . A o B O m o h a d n o t

i ^ e u r e t u r n e d h e b n d ^ n o p i e n u s o f k n o wi b e e x a c t u u m b c r o f U i o m e m b e r s h i p .

, J u d ( j o K n u o u w i , C l i a i n a f l n o f t h e E Kt i v a C o i n u i i t i e o , p r e w n b d o - K p o r t f r i m j i b iC o m u i i t k B h e a d i ' d , " A S e c o n d A ^ i c u lt l i u T a x V * y w a o f M o r r i i i p o i i n t y . " A f t e rfinely w c r d m l p r c A n i b l o i l f g o e s l o s h o wg r e a t h m g t b . t h e c i p e u d i l u r t s o f U i e c n u a

o r vurlouH ohjtxta d u r i n g t l i o p i n t a f f y e « i, n d t i h o w i u g a c o m p a r i s o n b o t w e e u t l i o B X

p o n i e s f o r a p e r i o d o f s i r y e a r s , f l



t u i f o d o wt l i v l . n d gi r i i h i l i ' i ' l i

t u . l o r l : ur . l l y b t i u n.v i» esp<o l d t i i n w

e e h ' j l i l . n i

u o u I ie t b e r

l ] , V l f if [ « T l h1 Up 1.Plltitri I!i. Th., mt l<;

tidgidnlo ftTcnuee. The couulyir tbo jiliniK, nnd: bu,l,lilIR cf il,

K»W. Ho fiilvo-inil urgid tlieiu[i troublmiuw init i i i ldn bridge

-i fa

to t!u> iiriutiiig Of tliu Aj.pml.H.r. llilliard uiid be <ui<1orskd the

ot Mr. l'ittify. 11" vau one of tht printingoininiltyo, hnt did uot know howlie work sliould be done. Tliin "penuy,-itie pound foolinb" policy iH niininfj un allIiu time. AfUr giving Judyo Knnousu the•bolo credit of having iircjinrtil tho r-]>ml

uf tlio Executive CoiiimiCdM-, be aliuilLd todiHcmirngiwciitu Uiin morciutiit wns

Lting. If we cxjittt Hint thin thing inng to he jumbal by u few luen, or by ibis;culive Committee, it will IIB a fuilurc.

'ilic people need tu take liold at it.Sir. Pitney uuid tbo peojiu of thin county•a inUr«t>t.d in tbe mntUr. Thty knowic men Unit hiivchuld of it nud linvu confi-mc.e in them that thej will do Uie woil;

Ltttc-r thiui they could tlieruKc)vc». Ifogn nlm wnB ever affected by clumor. The

rrporls you aro goinjj to Lave m-iulul will

1(» , Tliat it u lli«Jin.


i, and a similar period from IXC!) to1870. Witbin the W t U\hero bos been a rapid and ulnriiiiu^ increase

taialion. Accouip" unjiiig this rcjiurl «eiuibulated stflteinenU, Eliowing tho txyieumof bridges, of ptiupcra In {ho County 1'ix

f lunatics, tlie iutortitt of tho BUIreijne on jiublio Joiuut, tliBCOuuli

Froebolders, courts, and tho aiuounUi olaud enrrent expenses. * TlieSo

jUasifltd under Uie benOs of Briagea, Fau-Urn, Criino and I-itigaliou.irs ago tbe cent of bridgts wan tbo knot olBO UcmB. During tbU time tbe

of 'crime, ltligulton and puujierifiin Imd in.credited over 80(1 per. cent,"—or from $3,471from 1849 to lSr>U,to over $31,000from;o 1870, As tbe Increase of population lias

ien but 09 per cent these1 figures KIIOW analarming illsproporttons., Tlie vouchers fo:

e eipDUEes of the Poor House Iu 1874 nixI'li could not be found In the vaulU of tbi

Ckrk of the Board of Freeholders. Th<cbargci of tha Trustees of the Toor ItonmIn 1872 were found to be $100 for twelveleya1 services each, .ibese facts nnd flgurcirere given, without comment, biit with the

that tbe people would examine the:and act upon them.".

Mr. II. C. Pitney tendered hU tlifiuku tnIlia Committal for the excellence of their

iport and moved that i t be adopted endrluted. He ultl that the first report hnd beer

irinted and put iu his Imuds. It won printedio doubt tfl cheap as tho printer could do it,mt it was n miserable job,. I t wm clearly

printed but cut what they Wanttd. In binunion tbe Committoo to get H, done knowrtiamuoh nbout printing as ntmo of tin

F-rceholderB do abont the bridges they* build,they had pat about fifty', per cent, tnon

money in . i t they .would liAveliod a jobwould have pleased everybody, i t *so with the. Freeholders.' TJier nra aot

ircliitecUi.tlieJ kopw tiotbing about etoncthlch theyara iotf!' favoriug—how

lie mortar, or the season of t i e year. Theyire formers, merchants, etc//'and bavo uo

skill in building bridges. Ju consequence oftin much money that ia honestly put io

jridgcslTg'loftt.' In consideration of thesethings be favored tne appoiutuicnt of a

Mr. Pitoey nest aald;h*| panted tomnkipersonal explanation nwptctinghiiremnrkhtlio bat mtetlug nponn Freeholder who

i»d received a commlBBlonv'upon goods pur-chased by him for the county. Hfl under-itood ha bod beenmuquotcdandmndoa plea"or fair report* iutbo nowBpupera. Ho Aidat care'wbat tho newspapers enl'1 aboutim,but ho did cot want to be placed In ti false

ion^, He bad seen r. letter writlen by ajiniiler to q $tty YOrjf>jnercanUle houst

Biting $H coiumlHsion upon goods purchasedor too couuty, H e l a a n o t said wkntyunrits happened, aud h^tl Rn«e simply written

letter of explanftilon. /. Ue did not nowinjot anything. I£a bad seen that letter

ind bad Wornmtion tlmt that person hod;r $fi lipofi ilia books of the firm.He bad a few vfords to sty respecting the[pentes of the Courts, , As long as jury

rial rcmaini yo most hnve juries, nnd an,iip inesB t\ad populatipn Increases litigutlpn

itt, increoao. Tho jiny, of jarynien shouldrnftdo- more equal by tho adaption of n

udielouH mileqgd eyateth, that would• UIOBD living at a distance, AB reenrdedemploymeut of a stenographer he wouldthat it advanced JDHtlce and mada it more

irtflin, a td he woadtrcd they had beeni do without oao no. long. If there is anyliiputo about ovidencB the einplayiacut of n

h l t k l

this Tn

ight be properly called—hadth t hh

lion, hullPayer*' ABAOItion, (ifl it iUIKO no eyo to tbo Inxcs throughout theSl«te. The only wny to get nt rcnl reforiiiia thin matter in uult.;d action throughoutIJje Htolo. l£e alluded to the extraordinaryHalaiits paid by tbo Hlatu to oflltiula nndhoped thnt this AlKOciation wouM comuiuiii-

itu with every enmity in tlie Rlnto, TIIIKnpor t juut prcflciitcd wns as intcnuiting many novel ho bud ever rend nnd Hhould 1>

riuUd !u Inrge tyjio. Ho alluded to tinicri'tiw of Mihirk'H of county ofdcinlK, amifd tho only Item not lucrcnscd wiu» tinilnry of tlio DOUIINI of thu lJonrd. All

louor to tho lnwyer for sticking to hia corljifiM td ifica tbu diit;>-H f.i

the CKrlt of the Board made him tlie recipi-ent of ( u s per year. In 18G8 his s'Hjimng to $:UHI and hii» been sjLT.Ouincu. If tliin report in printul in good typellwilldu mum to simtaiu the biiiidH of tlielux I'nycra' Aiuwetotion tlmt) nil the HJJCCCIICHilint could bo nindo. I t will bo (i teil boo);Tor every couuty Iu tbe Suite to prepare nHlmilar statement, lie, moved nw nu amend-iiicuttotho rcHDlution ou adoption tliat theflnst re|>ort l» piibliRlicd in connection with

report wo now have. A question nris-iug aB to tho eipctiKc, lie said ho would gludly

iy ouiM]uattL-r of it himself.Mr. Pitney, in reply to Mr. ArnoM, aafil

mtraetorn and builders wero soiuctiiuctiomidrcln, and tliut n win nf hnr<l HciiKtml Uo behind thin work of liridgo building,

i'ou mny linvo arcbitccta and ytt nmut relyimcwiiiit unou yoiu-Bcivrn. A Frotlioldcr'd:tioiiH belong to tbo comity. If ho can buyir five per cent, oil lie intibt give tlint toia county, aud not buy at murk it [i

md then claim from tlie mcrcliant five ortao iiercent. coiuwheiou tor himself. They

not put bridges ell over tbe countywhere they are not needed for (he eakc olgetting support to elect them nt the ncxi

A Freeholder muftt not make bitislUr ol jjcivitte tuitolimwnt,mold claimed Hint iu this mattei

Mr. Pitney " hnd got tbe bull by tbe wroiif;" i n i B . "

Tbo Prenldeut tinted thai Uie newnnapcrKhad crSlit'bHil them lot windering too muchmd ndvi^cd them to return to tbe subject oftidcr conei d i rutl on.I t ft-ne resolved tliat the firtt and secondppcaU Le priutcd wrinrntcly, nt one jul-,i hirsn trpo.Jndga KnnnuBO prcRciitcd two bill* thnl

iad boon Introduced in tho LcgtHlaturiB nt a reduction ofthe militia expen-Oiio of them wns too radical. Tin

ither rcptnlt the first nud uecoud scction» olnot, and aokcn the tliird lo read

bat tho militia BIIOII not eomU of mon

N o . '~'ll a n d K o . 1 . " H i , n r u i i e o f t l i e i u ,

l i a u c l N o f M r . H i l l , o r M r . V . < M \ M .T i n - m e e t i n ( ; t U i ' i i u J j o i . r m i d .

J i i ftciwi^nce vrith i d - w i s h a t ( h r t A m o c i -J U S t r . C o o p e r o n T i i f f i l i i y i n t r o i l n c i d i nn I l d i i s e u f u r t b r r nuit[)\> i n . ' l i t t u t l i e K n -

j i m l U < m r d u r t , w l i i u l i j > n i v i i K > N t h a t t h el U i t i w m i l i t i a o f l l i i - s S t ^ t o h h a l l b L - r e d u c e dt n nn t o c o n u i t t o f n u t m o r e ( i i o t i " ' I v o u i -p u i : i e n o f i L f u i i t r y , o f u o t k s h t l i u n G U U i c uc u c t i , m i d n o t i i i u n t l m n t w o c o n i p a u i t e r a t hu f t n v u l r y n n d n r l i l L r y , m i d H i n t t i i c b c u u u l y^ l i n l l b o t n t i t l u d - t o u t k u t t oao n t w i l d d o i n -j i n u i t - H ; ( h a t every c o m p a n y ahull h e p a i w l t t du i U u - t f o u r t i i i u s a y i n r , n u d o n e o f w i l dj i n r i H k * H I I I I I I b e b y b r i g u d e , b n t u o l u i l i l i i r )e u L i H i i p w e n t o f t b e K u t i o u n l G i i i i r d ' b l i u l l b ei i l l o w t d l i t t l i u flxjieiibc o f l l o ( i l u i t j c x c c j i li n c w w o t hiYii.iiuii, i t c .

FLANDERS.A. C. Q,, who wrolo tbu FlandcrV article

l)iilli«1iLd in the KInrriH lltpnblicau liut

SCtWBBTQWN.: . i T o u : ~ I t i K - e t i i i U K o u r p a i n f u lj u n i i o u i i r i ' t h u d e n t i l c f o u r U W I I H -

J o i K - M . T I M ? d i - " ' - " n ' f " J w a n o n e o fo u r l u f e b t ] > r o s i i i i G i i ( i J l i z e t i H , m i d l i n d a n i a f M e dc o i w i i l c r n l j l e w n i l t l i b y d i b t i i l i u g w h u k ^ y .I n u r i n g t b e m u n y y i - n m h e l i v t d i n o u r m i i U ti n - w o n t l i e f r i e n d i i b i p o f ( b o s o w i t h u ' l i o n

l i e c u i u « i n d u l l y c < ] i i t f l < : t , w l i i c h w c i\A& U H I I U T O I I B c U E t u i i i c n i . I U . J ub i l d t h e h i g h m o r a l g r o u n d o f t h u

o f H i t - i n t o x i c a t i n g < - n p n n d t l » n e oI I - m e n n f t l m r a e l i T t o t r a u b f l c t t h eHe WHH rfrirtly a modem Ut drink

and ucrer viuLittd tbe law. Some veryK t r L * c i i s u B p e o p l e i u s it o K e l i l t ^ u o r b y t h ei t u t t h e fiiiloou; b u| i t r r i e c u L ' ( t i i o f h h u ui n n t i a u U b i n f n t i i i l y

ted that it was worse

n e t k , h n s j u h t d i s r o v e ro f b u N i u E b s , a n d t h e <

;dun entire new linei n l y w e n d t r in H i n t

l i i i H n o t f o u n d o u tb t f o r i t o n d j i t l b l i e l i t a t n I b e w o r l d t l i c f m tt l m i H o m u m e n l i r e c m l o w t d w i ' l i n d i v t r H i t y

C P E O u i n n y b t r i l i i n g i l l i i K -4 . C a n i t b o i i o u i i l i l u t b n t

F i n u d i r s i s j u s t t m r r g i i i g i n t o t b a B u u l i g b tl i i i o n l i d g e ? V r r i l y w o t h n u g b t f o r y e a r s

n p a r t n u d p a r c e l o f e n l i g h t e n e d

o f { { i f I s , w h e n w e ^tratianu all nbout u

» y brfor( ( r n ] i h , j i n K s i n g b u

a r u i l r o n d u t i d t c lc n p a i ' i t y c i j l t o

why A, O. Q. nhould singleN FEW and hold up thuir excel-


h o l e t i l l o t h a n t o rn o t w i t h s t a u d i n g

u i m , t l i f e h i g h l y mc c u p i e d a p r m n i iU H . A I n v i l n y n « ] u c e

h e W U H p . ' o s t r a t t d b y f e v t r a n d D r . C u l o i\ v a u s o o n i u e t t e u d u u e o . T h i u b r u v e p l i y

e m n c u c t L - n v o r t - c t t o r e r i v a t h e s i u k / u g ainub y a g e n e r o u s u u < > o f e t i n i u l u n t u , t h e e f f e c t s

i f w l i i c h , a c c o r d i n g t o c u s t o m , h e l t a d p r i• i o i i H l y o b h t r v e d u p o n b i « « w n n y « U n j . H n t

o U of moriliau 48 cbtnpaniGB, inttend of en as now.Jho'enutlfHrure thdt'nititt filrlki* ftfretorm

g p h ^ o j l m t h n Hon nyrorn to. To obtain certainty it is oniGolute necessity land enables off to dispilch

lusinesu with a great dcal'mora velocity, fortie con be tried i i about two thirds of thoIO iMCAUM )awvcrj(ar«,nbt compelled to

io 1 complet* ttoteS, H« urged that the• t of t lo wtliiilniitraticjiof jn'stico. could•"mhwiA' b v / ~ ? - - ' - ( ^ - - ^ " - •-•

g nunberqrtled.by tiUtait as i


T U o n e w t | iC o m j m u y t h i

pbeea rece|vojl ot tbe

D u l f t w n r i ' , I j i t c k a w iWvutorn llitil ond Company io tliin city re-tlncliig Uu in rkiitg hTaeoao-thiTdnud mnk-ing a reduutio i c f tun per cent In-tbo vmges.Ouehuudccd and fifly-one men were dis-cliarged from the cur shops on S-iturditj

In waKerf is Utterly couulaitlupjoyecs. It belug thi fifth re-t per cent, thnt hiw been tm>de |

ttitliin tbe pajit nftuen raonUjs. A strike isit the pRsent rate a Rkiliodlot enmmnre thinaixorHerei

jeb, while tbo wnges ofifilv 70 c btM it d- y,

'ew Bergen Tunnel.inel uf the ». . L. & W. It. It.

Hb Ocrgon Hill, will be renSyfor tbo pawn e of IniluB in abont two v-eeks.Tbo (nnncl is to be arcbed with brick

: throughout t ie entire length, 5,200 feet. OfthU dial mice tbe nrdiiuR hnn been complitod

COO f et. It will give nn (dea nf t^cjs stnted tbA 7.000.000 brick

tmva lieeq ]n|d in thearchiug. Alllbesbaflihave been Iprn down and nn being rebuiltIn rsiicli n m ipncr tlint (lie ventftitio,, ^

tbatof any tuuael in' the ooaBtry,at of tha cddfiionnl nrclifng wi(I, In

the opinion uf Mr. Klu.u, ri^iJciit Df ihoi),,.h.&\V. It. It. he mow tlmti oomponwt-e<1 by' tbo wearily ac&imt accidents from" " crock.

JohpLBJairUIookkg-afur rnilwuy eo-.i l JTtorfriseilo |TesB«i'

g/tbo refowoases could be

led.by tiUtait s Mtiettotorily as by Juries;id at lass ainonse Decauat tbe logiiifj party |i t o p s ; tho referee.' .fiu^parUeaoftintcHj|oct to trying-c«u?eiin''Uji» way becnueothq eipeuM,--Iffil^f wos.ina(lB t y tjic

oard of Frceholdcrt to ay tiie exucnica of*orei§,'»emwjt)]tii*Woaia cost thi countyCO per day to try copia Ue trttd by a'irce for flbput f5, per;'day, I[o would

y Use Hoard otfreaholiiirs could mab«such a law, but ho would not ho surpriicd ifthe ; cmild. lijouflftnda of dollars arb BpeB(In tiie name of the countr.'wlthn great dealleu authority for doing ea,

Tho Jinprarcmenfe aV'the Court Uanee,noxtdnlnied'Mr>Fituey>B attention. It isvery beautiful no doubt, but no.nutter howmuch you paint it 'you t in killing us whohave to occupy ikby.iaehct - A man cannotdo * (pod day'* work faersbBcatJSff of beingpoisoned .bj.foul a l r / J I p .favored putting•otuo ot t}|O money now.expended for paint-ing, knlsbmiuing, fancy gaa fixtures, etc.,into ventilation. Artificial ventilators couMt f f b p r a Rr »rstfl eyjwpie \h»\. would

p tno^e rirtcticol gcod. Much ofthe work now is - deno to siake joliu /or me.chanlct orouod town to 'get votes for Free-holders who are on-Uio Co'iamittco.'. No bills should be, p*Jd by m e

out of moneys in UB hands. yfbcA wu wouiji a County Auditor, whoso duty It elall bato eiamino every bill before it is paid. Hofavored hisf aucb » »v«tcm of Rudillog as tlmtadopted by the .Vnltu4 States and ly theSUte of New Jersey, Some people call itred (ape, but it Is red tape that eaves millionsofdolUrs.; Tbe oard. of. ffcehgiden baYBthe [»vezici'aiipaitit'Ba Auditor, which they•hould do; and no bill Bhould bo paid exceptupon Mi warrant!' If ilili !i dona na bUUt t V

thdt'ftiutt Hlrlki* ttTetormUio doing away of military pniadcB aud

•ncampmonta. He naked tha opinions ol\e members if they slioiild not prepare anucudiueut reducing, tlie mimbir of com-

pauics to 21 and doing avay with paradiiud cncampmcnlB. Tlieir bill to this effectmd been scut to Mr. Hill wlfo did not iutro-luce it becauso bo did uotwnut lo put theItata to tlio cxpenRo of printing It.BIr. Pitney moved that tbia OEEOdntion do>t approve of Mr. Hill's failure to presenteirbill.. He did not bvlicvo lumen being

lid ta tnke the Lull by the Lome.Judga ltnnouso said tbo billn lie hnd rend

pending in the Assembly, AB ba uu-iderbtood ilr Hill's letter qtbers wen

igiiillie Senate, "Would itnotbebctteito send in an'ninoiidroent to Uieso ?

Mr. Pitney believed Mr. Hill kutw thoiiinhcH and Uie fliuwinces of tbeso other bills,vain of hia long experience in Cougram

and tho Ltcislattirc could BOO through (hornIu n minute, find lie severely censured l\r,llill for tlio course ho had taken. He hadtheir hill three weeks ago nud knew whatthey wanted,

Mr. Stone wanted the Gominittee, through f

Its Secretory, to write to Mr. Hill to com"trwith Mr, Cooper.

Mr. Pitney «aid Mr. Hill had Lot donennythlug nt nil for thoin, On tho contrary,

1 It appeared fo Mm tlint ho hnt! lent himselfto tbu other aide.

Mr.' Hilllnrd seconded Sir. Fituey'K rCGOlti.iouaud.Kiid tlint Hoiue people tlioiiglit tliismovement was uot a popular one, oud were

afraid to touch It.Mr. Pitney luovcd tbat It is tho ncnse of

tliiH inoeUng tbnt Mr. Hill'H conductin refer-ence to this militia bill in not Baliufactory to t

this Association.

Messrs. Rfglilcr and Stono mado cxplana-[om as to Mr. Hill's action.JudgB Kanoune^flnid the bill prepared by

tlie Executive Committee- was Bent off <tho 9Ui of Fobruarj-. Ho had bad a coim

with Mr. Coojiet and about- a wcisince had written to Mr. Hill. Baying tliat ifhetbotigbt it would be better to move tho1

laller in the House. He hoped the meetingwould not be raali iu any of iU netionn. Mr.flffl mf[>Lt have good rcusons for hia coursennd be tbought it would not bo wise to ccn>

Mr. Pitnoy withdrew ul» motion, 'anil saidto Mr. NilcB tbat hu thotiglit' thu State Asso-ciatioa would uot amount to anything at AII.

Mr. Kilct) thougit that Mr. Hill and Mr.Cooper eliould bo informed tlmt Uie billsnow pending In relation to tbe militia should

o amended ia accordance lo out bill.

Sir. Pitnej sold ft v w t o o late

Mr. C. II. MuUcnl thought if Bomo one'era employed to ring the Court House boll

these meetings ironld be better sttended nudeuouD.li money would ba made to more tlmnpay the expense.

AdiBCUBsIoncnsuddaitotbalDtcrcGtbcEngtaken iu tlio mutter.

Mr, ritnoy inquired, if tho tabulatedrcportreferred lo Uio amount expended on bridges' i each towcBbfp.

Judge Knnouao eaid tlmt owing to sicknessnd lu&bility to find such information ait he

wanted, it did fcot *• •

Sir. Pitney ettlA he

M'e do uot) U t A C K I I TL ' l i r i c H w h e n t l n r e r . r c no r n : i n y o t b e - n i e q u a l l y

i l i ' v c r v m g . A n y p u L l f i : t e a c h e r o f e x p e r i fn u ( j l i t t o b e n\j\e t o U u d i a H c h o o l , n t t c u d t of a m i l y < l u t i . i M , w o r t l i i s g a r d e n , o n c u ^ i u i i a l l ;w r i l o f o r t h e p n p e r n , d m w n p r c m k i r y n o Uo r j o v o n w r i t e u ^ . ' t r u c t b e t w e e n " v i r t u o u wp e o p l e , " c o p - B c f a l l y i f r e a r e d / r a m c t i i k U i a o db y n u " e v p o u n d c r o f t h e I n w " a n d h a v i n g

H i u e g K a r y b o o t s o t r e f e r e n c e .[ i a r c I n i l r t o n y f u r t h a t i n n n w h o ! H: m i i ] ) c ; t e n t t u " J I r u t l i t e w l i n t b e j f r e a n L c K ,

or jin'itch v h u t h o | » n M i ( i « * y I t cannotr u q u i r o n n y v e r y g r c d B i r c t e l i o f i n t e l l e c t t o" B I I O O a I m r t t 1 , o r [ u i i n t a l i n u s o " f o r o n e v l i

i e l d c d H id a y s .

y f e m p p o m t h o l i t p u b l k o n correspondent i l l I l c d t l t f » u d i c n t

w tbo doctor iuiportluB large quouUtlcs of t h " ' ' t t ' ° *Lillufna from the city rcwntl/, whicb led "elgbbor drink.1

ldmtoffoajFctura nH wrl luasaurt lmfal lnr l ie l i i i of homo nn

will t»ke a W^li raui" in tbisw tlriig tiloro.

It Iti ccrlninly very beneficial to the placei hnve n jeweler who cnu work the lelegropli

nudnui n priuting prens for job work, forLe cDinblncK nil tlio so "oxcLlk-ucicu" in aworkiiiniilikc manner.

l'lnndcra in a groat town with many goodjitipple, nnd EOIIIO nf them have becucudowedwitli thiu FACULTY (no rccL'titly discovered by

bin efforts proved unavailing, and, to Uikiilihfiiofioii of thn community, he xurrivedbut a few tiiys. While wo ore uot EO lirart-[em as to rejoice at Uio dcnUi of a fellowbeing, y t t if one mr>»t die wo cheerfully bow-to tlio decrcee of fate and turn but EN UIEHE

t o v i t a c t u t h o o b s e q u i e s . D u r i n g t h e Qayip r e c e d i n g t b e f u u c r o l U i e n f l l i c k d f o m i l yw e r o a c t i v e l y e n g a g e d i n p r e p a r i n g f o r >g r a n d f e i s t o n t h e r e t u r n f r o m U i e t o m b

i d d e c i d i n g t h e a m o u u t o f c r e p e n e c e s s a r yl o exprena t h e i r g r i e f ; w h i l e t h r o u g h o u t t ] j f

i l g b U l o v i n g s w a i u s s a t u p w i t h t l i o r e m a i n si o d g a i l y K j t e n t t l i o h n u r s a t t h o b e r e a v e d

h o m e . T h o h o u r I m v i n g A r r i v e d l o r t b e

! ) o m » g . I ' f D j J e V ) J O w t r e o t v e r s e e n w i t h i ni U p o r t i i l H o n o t h e r o c r a s i o n u w e r e t h e r e . I tb e c a m e e v e n n c c e n B a r j ' t o p a r t i a l l y v i o l a t e t l i en n c i c u t c u s t o m K t i l l o b s e r v e d n m a n g U H o fd i v i d i n g t b u m x e u . T h i s e x c e l l e n t a r r a n g e -

l e n t s h o u l d n e v e r h a v e b e e n a l l o w e d t o f a l l' i s u c h g e n i ^ m l d i s u s e . N o t h i n g s c e i n s

Berkshire Valley.T h e f o l l o w i n g r u u i i e t o o l u t i J f o r p u b l i c B -

o n i n H t w e e k :A s I b e g i n t o w r i t e t h i s c o j m i i u u i w i t w > n

from t h i n V a l l e y I a w r e m i n d e d o f i i u n n p c .d o t e o f o u r p o e t L o n g f e l l o w w h i c h I r e a d af e w d a y s a g o , A u E u g l i s l i H i a n , w l i o , l i k eS i r C l i i i r l e a C o I t U t r n u u , I m d t r m d i d u v t r y« J i « r c , nccu e v e r y t h i n g , u » ( J y U vrou t e r r l W y

cd, calls a i d , " J h i w

t h o u g h t I o u g U t tL - t , ' u ' s c n t ' i i

b l y t l i n py . H . M r . I n

H I ' B t h e K P - i i ta r d . " T l i u \x.<.

« e d p o t t

rinhor la l>c stntod, whim ho r" YcG, you sec Mr. Longfellow, I vgreet traveler, sir, beun all ovi

b u m e d ;h e t i ) u

t h e C O M -m d K c r -

t b n t t l i o b i u t b a n d a u dp p o s i t e s i d o n o f t i e

s hntmutr and Imifch iu bin early

i v h i c b l e dt h o p u b .

a u f a u t i i n

A. G. Q.) of " cnuccntnitinge of yenra.

ou a yrisli i t l m t a n d o fnill nud blacki

t h e c o t n u i i i u l t y w eii

u i l h b L o p ; ts carrie

i grocery store, tannery,s h o p n n d f i i n u ; w e l i n i

ineehimic wLo can build IIOUKOH, # ,is o proffBuioiial wheelwright and cabinet

icljicr in u blackiiuiith and fnrmcr;nuolLcr ruuu ft (rHst mill, farm, Wo itihiim.iceig;tn-y, fpeculntor, &e,; n»nthi>r inn notarymblic, roBlinntlcr, mcrehni:t, nnd Innnntticeigent; another cntrifB tho mail, i» geitou

nud tencher; onotlicr is men^bout and fnrmer,while tho women nttcud (o bousthold dutiesand do a gencrnl luillincrj- and dress-mukiug

Our Juhtico of the Teace worksmd atttndB to tbe dutiea of bin

BeVcrnl men here who can attend

ro appropriate thnwtfo should nit on pphouse and ullow their children lo congregateiu the n a r . This enables our youth to keepowitke during service, nnd nil pnrtipH nppre*ciatu each others' society more after this jweekly s(.'parotidn. The " funeral WASpreached" l y Brother Btnbliui who astou-

b t i c n l o I r i ' l n n d , Siw a y . " " I n d t c t l , y w i n m u t I m v o f o u n d m i u h

W e l l , b o m t t i t i v g ; b u ti t s g e t t i n g t o b o n n h w f u l b o r e . I ' v e j u h t

E g y p t ; u M c o n n l r j - , u n t i i i ' u i t i c r f ,y o u k u o w , " " V e s / ' n p l i i d t l m p a c t " m n n y

t t r t ' h t i n j , ' r u n n i u s o f p a h t a g f B . " " A h ,e — j u j i t a*, c i a c t l j J b t a p s o f o l d n i l n s ; Ie r u i n s . N o w e v e r y t h i n g i » n e w l w - r e i u

u i r i t - n , y o u k n o w — c a n ' t f i n d a n y o l d ' r u i n w ,T n o i ' o i i r I ' D T O M E A N D K i x V O U - " K o v r

m t I a m n u x i o u H t o k n o w , M r . E d i t o r , i sH ; " K i d t i n t E l n g l i i i h i n i i u r v r r c o m e u p

re't" I V t r e 1 p i - n u i t l t i l t a n n B w i r H i n tD U U O Q 1 s h o u l d m y D o , e u i p b a t i c a l l y K O !

f o r i h u fiiuiplo r t a f i o n U m t U j t r o ' a r e m i n i !o n e v e r y L o u d . I c u r e n o t t o w l i a l p a r t o fo u j V a l l e y y o u g o t h t r o y o u w i l l b e B U M t oH e e t h e m . I w i s h B o m o e i i t i r p r i i i i n g o r t l i i -

t * j c t w o u l d c o u i o u p h e r e , t a k e p i t y o n t h o s eo l d b u i l d i u g n o r t h e i r o w n e r s a n d e r e c t a f e wn e a t l o o k i n g s n e d s , . b a m s , J f c o . , i u t h e p l a c eo f t b o p r c a e c t d i l n p i d a t c d o n e s . A l t h o u g h

e e c n i a t o b o H t U o o r n o u m b i t i o u o nt h o p a r t o f p r o p e r t y o w n e r s t o m o k e t h e i r

o t m d i n g s u J c o a n d p U ' i s f t i i t , t b i u Q S n r oi n g p l c i w a u t l y a l o n g i n t h e C h u r c h m i

S n b b i t h S c h o o l . A T e m p e r a n c e S o c i e t y w a so r g i u i i z c d h e r o l a s t n i g h t ( F e b . 2 8 t h . ) A

a r g e n u m b e r o f t h o c o n g r e g a t i o n m e t I n t h ui l i u r c h a u d p r o p o s e d t o o r g a n i z e a T o i n p c r -i n c o B o c i t - t y , d l b t h u c t a n d B C p n r u l u f r o m U i o

l i g h t i a i y h c t e t h a t t b ot e m p e r q u c s l l o ithe popular ieclbe

o r i g i n a t e d t h e r e , L u tIVOH that it should ho

distinct from any oiher organization, and dof owu work. Officers were tippoilitcd andtho mcutiity Hdjourncd to meet at the call ofthe new President of (tie Soultty.

We hope in *paper to uend you particular

by unfeelingly ithnt |


In Epito of thB general

bin formoflico.

Via bnvi endto their biiRincEB mutters nnd do the house-

if ' k hweeks.

th houses work when n]\c is absent for a few

'liius you Bee we h»ve a goodly nuinber inmidfit who are in the habit of"•''cone'en-

ptor extra a e paid, hka those-wocVni bebate heard this morning,

"Mr. Arnold said be snpjioeedhe wu oaoof taa nnforianale ones aecn*ed of stealing.Ia iel«Uoa to Mr. pita*j'« remarkl faioring:ttw app«IaUaei4 if 'a Cmnty Ardiikrt, b»

trnting tTbo only mnrvclout thing about the matto.

is that It ubouid bo going on for years andA. G. Q. has only j undiscovered the fact.Afitonlsliing what an idea, wo rautt have anew title for tlie Aisdovtrcr, a good oao hasbeen suggeGtcd, M. N. I. or " Master or NewWeas.;1

.In there anything to equal nil this in tbohistory of tho world ?

All , i ttiL'ti I iava been tradesm,

mew and kings. Many of our Presidentsi aud btntcfancn;h

were mechnnies, WHTand ttill wo have' ;

who Imio followed

J i c e c h c r i s p a t l o ic b r n u c l i o f b u b i n c t s ,

near))- 3,000 m e m -

Imd benrd gentlemenfrom Chnlbom and Mun^lhain fifty Uiat.thuirbridges hwl not cost niuob. Vhcte has thinmoney been put? Tbcro u o tamo particulartownuhipi in this countythat have carriedtho art of bridge Imitdiig to perfection. Hethought tlie Committee should aftg ft litllo toUielr labors <*nd. ahp.w the amofint fiscd by(ho Freeuoldcn ef each township In days

u t . ' • • .Judge Kanonoo Raid the acconnts kept by

tho County Coltcctors prior lo Mr. Bnttin dosotabowhow much each township im ex-pended for hridges, and how much ban beenpaid oaoh Prcclioldcr. lie would baio to godovQ bi tha voucaon u d post up tbaaccount! of each EWholdcr.

Mr, Xftlea offered tlio foUowtaa; »aoluUoa

h e r n , b e e n n o l o e d i t o r o f t h e C h r i E t i a n U n i o n ,f f l r m r t - , l e c t u r e r , w r i t i n g b o o k s a n d ap a p e r c o r r e s p o n d e n t .

T n l m n d g o n m i n i s t e r , b e e n e d i t o r o f t h oI b r i i i t i n n n t W o r k , J e c t n r p r , m m p t i p c r c o T .

r e s p o n d e n t & u d t e a c h e r . P a u l w a n u t e n tm a k e r n u d A p o K t l e ; L u k e w a B ft p h y s i c i a na n d p r e a c h e r ; n n i l i n a i i y o U i c r s j i t h e p o e tw e r o i n t b e l i n b i t c f p r c n c l i i n g , t e a c h i n g a n dw r i t i n g f o r t h o p n p e r a . I t d o c n n o t n c c c f i .

u a r i l y f a l l o w timt b e c n u e e o n o o u c a c o u l d d o( i p i e c e o f w o r k t b n t h e m i m l f o r g e t h o wn i t e r n l a p u u o f a f e w y e a r s . T b o p r a c t i c e o f1 ' c o n c c i i t r a t i u g e i e e l J c n c i e s " i s m o l d a s t b e

g c n c r n t H n H .

W o v / o u i d a d r i f i C t l i o c o r r c t i p o n d e n t o f t h oM o r i - i s I l c p u b l i c n u t o r e n d t b o U t c h a p " , o fE c c L w l i i c h s n v H , « t h c r o I R n o n e w U i i n g . ju u d i T t h o s u n . I H t h t r e a u y t i l i n g w h e r e o f i tm a y b a u n l d , n o e , t h i s I H n o w J I t h a t h b e e aa l r e a d y o f o l d t i m e w h i c h v a s b e f o r e u e , "

S o " c o n c e n t r a t i o n " h f i H b e e n p r a c t i c e d e v e r !i i i c o t b o i l n y u o f K o n l i w b c u h o w n u b u i l d i n gi e a r k n n d p r e a c h i n g t a a G o d l e K s w o r l d .

O u r p r o f c f i f l i o n n l c o m i B p o n d o D t ' t m l y a is t r t H t l i a t a s a c b i e s n c o m e s o v e r u s r e g a r d i n gt h e d e p a r t u r e o f t h e R e v . 8 . K . D o o l i t t l e .H o s a y s t h e i n e m b e m o f b o t h c l i u r c b c B w i l ld e e p l y f e e l h i s f a r e w e l l ; b u t ( h e b e t t w n y t on t t c E t t l i n t n p p r e c i u t i o n f o r b i n s e r v i c e s I E t oR I I O W t l i c i ' r p r a c t i c a l c B f o c m f o r h i m b y c o n *i n g f o r w n r d n n n p a y i n g h i s E f i k r y i u f u l l , a st i i o t i o E u h s t a n t i a l l y n r e w o r t h m o r e t o t h en i i u l f i t c r t h a n o o f u t n n a o f a n o w h p n p e r p u f f .

P . S . E v e n \ . O . Q . i s a w o r t h y u a m p l e o fo n e s k i l l e d i n p o l y t o c i n f c f f .

For Tha Ladies.

idicB wbo VIEU a Tnriity In silks rnunt1B bo content with those, they olroidy<, AS well as tlioaa nen l j imported, for,

owing to luird timcR nnd thu genernl drpres.Kionof'triidp, ndd«l to tbo riso in raw Bilk,tlicro will ba very liltlo vsricty in nilk thisKoson. Those now being cihibitcd Bhow atoft cashmere Sainh, as all Jubrlcs ot high

luster arc gradually being nbaudnncd aincetha introduction of Indian goods nnd allmauner of Oricnlnl etuffw. Bca] and chctt-nut brown and different slindet of gray areamong tbo fuTorite cplors, Ic 6t33itlon thereare several ttioden of grcon, including Uietew ULIEUL, crcnmytlnted grc^n, bronzeLung, dueky olivo, f Iolbcin, moss, jind warmrich Unla of purple, prune, grafo juice, andmulberry, A return to viridftnilina colon)U predicted. Tbe latest impDriitione offigured silks Bhow a soft surface, coveredwiUi arebeequcB of a smaller figure than thoseof last yenr. Oilier styles show icrolls, fret-ITOIV; medicTal designs, medallionB, andlgurcd circles.

11 VCBUTO" in tbe newest bbade of red, IkA n brilliant flame color, ajid will be citcn-livcly nscd on Spring bnnneU,

Tlie favorite comfainntlon in camol'B hairfluffs nre tillcul ptonnd work., tbot withdarker thrends of myrtle green, brown,blneV oi dark red. Tlics« htbfls ate prc*ferrvil to nilk for drees ekirts,

Islam'seems tt» be gaining ground: Thefaiblons of Statnbonl ore rivaled by thalatent UBSUD vailB, alz feet in length.

indignation It produced a wondrous effectipou tha comrimnity. liiroo moderate

drinkers returned . home and nlgued tbepledge. At the close of Uio sermon auopportunity was giyen the audience to viewthe rcuniiiB, nnd also to ecrutlniu tbe

irners, lha eoffln aud the flowcru. 1'hffloral display wnn uteufiive. Wreathx,croKHCH, nud other designs, covered Iho (opof the coffin. Upon tho lid rented n crown,appropriate])' migseKtiug the reward which

rnitu tho rum Keller. Tho interest was at; height when Uio frieniLt took their lnnt

view of the remains in (lie presence of (heinterested public. The out-breaking elglihnud Bobn wero received with manifest BIUB-fitctlon by the people. After Ms sublimospectacle wai over tlie coDgregntion moved~it of the church and waited about tiieporch to HCO tbo procession move out ofsight. Tho remains were carried to SlabCity for Interment,

We clip Uio following from tlie EOOVILLEgii'fi: "Tlio dcatli of our Uglily entecmtd

friend, Caleb Jones, fills the whole commu-nity nt ScruLbtawn with mourning. A manof tstrict integrity and unbounded generosity,he was every wbixo greatly beloved nnd willbo widely mimed. Ilia phce cna never befilled. H<i was twice elected to the office otSuperintendent of tho Poor, nnd was over afriend of Reform, Ho was & descendant ofHon. Peter Jones, and ft cousin of ouresteemed townsmen, Hon. Henry Jones, Ef q.his only heir. We offer sincere sympathy toUig nfillcted family of the deceased,"

'. • > AU>RA.

'AiieriibHSThat Should 'nVt'SUtiut."'DOY*B, X. J., alarvh fitb, 167T.

Mn.Eurron i—From your report latt vcikcf tlie dedication i«rvlcen of (he Second M.E. Church I learn that Her. t. E. Danickeold that when he came bore I'hip congregn-tfon numbered oofy 75 or 60 metnben, aa&there were among them only a few men ondwomen Hint could endure n Sunday morning

ict-vlce." Also, that "alfseemed to bu dlitand dilapidation."

Now,'sir, an theae tf uaturnlahed t a W *reflect strongly upon Mr. Daniels' predeces-sor, llcv. TLoB, Walters, for having left thechyrcb En the condition alleged, I as a friendof that esteemed minister cataot allow Uietnto patu umioticod. Tbe aagertious nro falsein every particular, When Mr. Daniels c*niihere tbe membership of tbe Church com-prised 22f) members in full connection and Tprobationers. The Bret time* Mr. DatfrU

c as paster be wna greeted by alnrga congregation, and during his entirtministry preached to crowded aqdienccs.'ilils in proVcd by the fact* Unit Wben htwent away there wero 2ftl members and 21probationers—an increatie of 26 metnbertand 14 probationers in two yenm. Borne tttn<after hu left n aumbcr of meniocru wbo badbeen hia particular ndherents withdrew fromthe church, mnny of them without payingtheir subscription!. But despite this exoduiaud th° financial embankment cau&ed b;-

I* failure of those wbo did not pay whalthpy bad agreed to, tho church stood, andban been steadily gaining since. During tbepast year it lias raised more money for allobjects than ever before, a spirit of thtutmost liannoDj and earnestness prevails,and the rjcinbcnihip is greater tbnn at anytime la its biiilory—eonsirtirg now of 2Kmembers'in fnll connection and thirty onprobation. '•

AVhcu Mr. Eanlclii came here tbe chnrcbwas not In a dirty OT dilapidated condition.To bo EUIO It was old and insufficient for thtlarge congregation, but its members wenearnestly working to supply (bis defect bjbuilding a new place of worship. Yet 1bejloved the old building where many nf themlind been converted lo God, nnd where theiifdthcrB bad worshiped. They looked upontt rtverenttv, ac a temple consecrated to U»nertice ol the Host High, and nearly if notall of them with feelings of paia and shamifirst heard their paster call a ward from UK

cftbulwy cf rogncs to east odium upon it.This WOB wlico bo lost his $e]t respect so fflias to cill it a *' shebang"—J»n epithet uenalljippUedte gin mills and places of bad repute.

t u f y o u rof t h i s g o o d

T H E T A .

Drakestcwii.For some lime time pnxt wen have been

prospecting thin region for ores; we bepalo rt]>ort mining operaltoua on on tx-

le w i n t e r j ^ a i n i n t L i ;

should tlie spring be wet, we may look foran rthuudaut harvest.

Six men leave ltcntlyetowu the firtt ofApril for tho Ilhuk UiUu. FIDES.

Throughout the recent cortcit in Congr< tsMr. Uutlfir voted every timo with the ecu.servatlvu eU'nicnt of tho D(inocratic parly.

111*. St i i tntk '* Slumlniil lUiutrilln,The fitundird remedies fdr all (littcaxcx of tliu

anfin arc Bcmtucn'a I'ULHOKKI fiiuir,CUOtfB'S ME* WEED TOMO, BDd' HCUKKCf*

iro destroyed, » speedy cure IK tflVetcil.To tbcifl iLroe mcilicluts Dr. J. II. behenck,

if Phifadcinfii*, on-cs lilt mittentlcd BUCCCM la

T h o P u l m o u l c ti c r i n t l n ) l i i i t g i i ;

o n , T i - i p c c t n r . i i l ot t e r i i r i

r i p e n s i h o i u o r l > ! d i n o t -r u t l i r o w u i t o f f b j t nr w l i u n l l i n j i l i l r ( ; m o r

i n * H o i T. o n , T i i p c c t n r . i i l o n , l o r w l i u n l l i n j i l i l r ( ; m o rm u t t e r i i r i | ) u a i l i ^ l i l r i i i i K u u i l l l i n o * H o i T ,i l i e p a t i c n t l i u s r e n t u u d t h e l u n u i i b i - p i i i l o u ^ n l .

T o e n u l i l n l l i u i n i l H i u i i l o c i r e i i i o tin t l . l t ,S t L e i i c l . ' n M a u d r n h f l r i l l s » m l i S c l i o m - 1 . ' * H t - n

i c t u n t h e l i v e r , r c m o v i i i L . . . „ „ . , . . . , » . — . ,r e l a x I b o h > a U i j k d O c r , l u e W l d c t n r i u t n t l y ,a n d I h c l l v r r i a d n n u i T l l c v c d .

• • i t ' J j o n d i ' d H u n Wit a Jonlo l i a g e n t l e t l i n m -i i t n t i i i d a l l c r « i l r e ; U i e a l l i u l i o f w h i t b i t i vt o t n p i / s i d i n i i c j n f i l i ( h o f u n d a n d j r e v c u l sJ V O U I l t i ( , ' . I t * a i < i s l B t l i t ' d l H o f - ' i o n by l o m t i R u n 'l l i o t t o m a c h I o n h e a l l b » c ( i n i 1 i l i u i > , « o i b i t t h a 't u o d a n d i b v P u i i n o n f o K v i u p f r i l l m a k e g u n dl i l n m l ; i l i t - n I b e i n n K B b c o l , e n d t h e p s u e n tn i l l n n r t k g e t i r c l l j r c a r e I K t a k t u I u p r e v r m -n - u b c o l d .

A l l w b o w i f h t o c o n i u l t D r . S c h c n c t i , c i t h e r 'i f r f d n a l ' T o r b y l e t t e r , c a n ' I u I D I I b i s p n n - •l i p i l u f l l c o , c o H i o r o f S l x t l i a i . d A r c h b t r u e l i .[ ' u i l n d L - l r i b i i , e v e r y U o n d a y ,. t j c l i q u a ' D m o n i c W i » r o ( o l d b y a l l £ r n £ g l a t ab r u u e b o n t i b e c o u n t r y , " "• ' ' " ' ' :•* ' ;

Q w M l A t l v l r r .S i < r I s H e t i n e n f r r a r f a r f n e n i a o n i i , L n t gT t r , A c B v u r y f u u i l l y t l i u o l u l u v t m l u t i l vB o n c i i t E ' i O I I I U A M h v n i r . E e t i ' t i t I u w h i re m o i m - u t i B i T C o B R b i u l i k e b o l U i f T o a r• I d , j o a r f a m i l y o r j t o r w ^ r . ( ' Q U » U n i p t f e n .

A a l h n i B t P t i i i i U K i t io t h e r f u t i l c i l h a u- ' - i c C i e i n a b 8 v

y[ i i « t - n r i u y t

t n , y e t i t ) • ri t u l l i r t e i m

H v r n t i ^ ib e t e d r e a d e d d i wi l i a v o I I a t b n n Un o . O n o I I o t i l e w i l l h i t - } < - . . . . . . . .i n t e r a n d k e e p t o n n a l u f i o m d i i i f i r r .

. r e connvinpfire, d o n u t n n n o t l l y » , . » » . vn i f d i b f i r t m c i l v , f f a m p l e D i U l c i t m c v i i n ." — ' • - i w e * c « > r i t y . f l M t e n t e . B o l d b v v o n r

I , T o r o i i v * K I L W U V E .

u a m ofcu better

i c i will ciiruwtiule faniilj asiifirr. l!}\noti) yon hnvvl

Wo hear a rumor to the effect that Rev.Mr. Taylor, ot the Boonton M. E. CburcV,is ooniidnring a call to Uie Fire\ PrcsbjteriiriOiureh <rf Morrutown,

ng,reinlt of mental o

The Old Peoole fif Raxbury. " .V?e two weeks ago copied from one of outunty |>npcr> aa article wiUi tho above

neadlng which has cauBcd Bl eoma tronble.'We but week had to tnako ODD'correction,dad hero comes another from ft subscriber iuminoiu:

"'Mra, McBslnger, aged 80, aaould U Mr.UcnrT Mci^uger, wto -will bo 82 years oldiu KoTcmber next, lie removed from Fcnn>

BIR to Koibnry about thirty-tight yearsngo, and has been la jcars past quits anactive man in townaliip matters. lie was ia.tercBtcd in Uie road from Nowton to Doverand HoniBtown," having tie toll gate tADrotevillo for year*, I correct said error[or Ibo rcasoii tbat I am greatly Interested

your pnper nnd the interest JOB toko Inmch matters, Thoogb far away from tieiccnci of my childhood, 1 am deeply inter.tested [a GvcryUiing connected with old Hoi-hnry, and tbo Eni affords ma tbo mostpleasure of an; ntediam through which Iobtain news.

D o » o t n i n i l K - -I r a t u o f " I I U I U ' R H o n e y

l o t " w i n i n c T t t » b : y earn c oi i f l t i o n z i i n d t T o r y i i t l i u r

ncTti i f l t i o n z i , i n d t T o r y i i t l i u r -

t l m t a w l o ) n a l i d y . H o l d b v a. F i k e ' H T o o t l i t c h o S m p n

Drnlu 1

i s .i i m t c .

Dclayi " r e Dungcioni—ir thU tlioni laae ronpcctlDff the ordbir j affair* of lire, stilllore obxhasty §a a* regards tbe exigencies ofj[)roi,euiOB diBtiso. Uuqncitlonabljr 1 Yetjtv tuhnv orgli'Ct topncticaly recognize Ibis

,)laln truth VUCD, U-alili |B in ihu balance. Oi<tnauv premonitory *ymptDm« uf (IIMAIIO s,:king caiieh ii tbo musl pronbelic or peril.

Arrest t u t ibcoulFot willi Dr. fffsuart's Tine '•'LrruTi'i Cuidial, BUII KI avuld CuiiHuiuplluu, -llionchltlK, InHnnimatinu uf UIOLUUBH, ^ cl<l», •Roughs, ami, Indeed, n"t Afltetinne ut t i e -ltti(tir-tury Oi-gatm u.t '•.. Imiy uurid by (bUHJTureipo rfnml)-, wlilcb lUacMtlicattsDjB-,H;I*I*, Oravcl, l'lir'B. N.ii..t,.n.,i - «• 1-• UufiLeLfvtr, Ilion, ralpiUliunAm«tfnnti. taiid Hi. . ,. . .-.— .« IUOsut ler MX- Thin Cordial deilvusils vtrlttea -from (lie vrgvtBbtc kingdom, OPO In Infinllclyto be prelcrreu, bolli on HCJouut uf lis tupt-riur ••Jnit>cy and fi'tedotn from nnubcdns and injn*i'iun« iiroperttM1*to ibo cflkml ihugHiio olu-a'iilminislercd willi nootliur ittccl lUau ta oEfctiulit' puUtu Autl dinarilvr ihoiumacu. Ttii1 l'iuo"'.I'reo Tur Cordial can alwuys lio retlcd un lo do .;hit iaeiuiraed for it. fijld i.v ail drpRRii.1*. ;rmcipnldcpotNo.UlarilboitBt.PLilaaetplli*.

/i/lfflta/'iltft,' CaoKl/Ji.tLO| Ue«tt, Bcrotnluus

NervoM JKbllltf.iUl wcikucii or depression: a weak cx>'~'~

nsted feeling, no energy or eoar*pu- tliol f ek d

g y p t l i ow o r k i n d c B t r c i i o t m o r

' hi l n a v

trciiotm or, criomo drain npoa'the tAMeni, Ucurtd by linmphrnvi' Uoutopatblo

N i l , 3 f t I I iouOM U p a n i l !i,vixoraU:».d !d

p O U p a n i l !i,vixoraU:»;be system! dlspeli the gloom and i!ei[Hindi!ncy(^mpamtircnftthincl encrgy-stou* tlio Jruln 'tnd rcjutODittca tlio eUlln, maa, liova UR<120year* witli per foe I sni;Wrn bj iliousatuJa. Bold

loslcrs. PrlreCl per Hugle vial, cr S5pt-rpackage fin ffojs aud t i vial of pov<hr.

tiysmll ou receipt ut price. AtlOrtesjiUrfj»' OgnicnpntUio lltulclu* Company,rooawsy, Now Vorli. S7-1 y •




Newspapers and Periodicals,


BRACKETS, •*<•:.,



Gilbert's Pure Confectionery.

Tbo Engineering and Midag Jooroalany of tho leftdicE members of the Aintr-

lean luEtilute* of mining Engiwen arefavoring Uio adoption of tho metric ijfof weights and mcasunu. Mr. Cooper of

count? introduced a resolution ia tiioen TuMday /avaring tho «dof tlqti





, _ CLOTHING HALL!1 " 1 C j J.i;.-[,lt W. rL!.lii'l..l:;'Irtw Hi*. Jr.. ffu. C. Ii»'i >t j M-m-'-.'ii'l r>-l V- "•


( i t ''RESTAURANT,!

>...: 'ir,',,..!,1-v i, tl bj'urt


-if tin NASTt'.VlTI!IN<i i M J ITSIUM

roi....u writ™. a i d of (a!-, t.1,,-o tliv lo .l-:u.

, Julia.'GOOD lTi'TIXii



DO V E l l , X. J . ,

, it uro lu li,

( l l r i l H I S G 11ALI. l> ' I






I HORSE and OAKEIAGS EOUIFMEKS.XiT.r -anT.il n» Iwnjolitap before M now at





ii.,111 t.-.Lrri.-d iiis bank on liis wrist, j.1 --\.<- aUt-miL-J t*v !.us li.juiitl. almost.i Li,.:ti:rin" ("•aif.il1, UU.IB imwk wimltii:-iim.-«. fa.-li n iirii'B uhirli, when••.Wiiu'c- i- in;uii; fur tlie ilifllxeucu in:• *.,i!iiiinf muin'3". w..iiM now Ix* con-ii r: il aiimj.fl *;x[rav.itr:iut fura Utiliy•mtT. Tmvitr.1 thuvud of the rtifiuK u . i r J 111, falomt of pood lireal•,.i:i lu bo HM.CC, uud ncconliugly iti rua.li! ft-Suny without beudit ofr,;y U> SUMI a Imwl;, wink' to take itsj..;i wan pimifiliuble willi iuiprUuuractitr n v!ir ami ii d.tv, (iud u fine at tlieux'siiaVaiiirc. H.nv.Jrie, as a ]iaslime.iffhiii'-il.ii1! MiJ«tinlt'iit «t SIii.l;e>|njnte'I he lYiiiimiy.l, Imijr into tlic Tiiil-jr

!!-..!. It dir,l out uith tin; I'rulcetor-

v,.,i'uLinil tn liu ln-Liiriicillj txtiuct.Wr-llUK I'UllJllbiill j.>l]frt:l!, tlliSHpott



(iiJUIt.-i [in C.\KII ttuU si-llinj ftt j



iT.AI. WATEI1F. r:ONFE(.TH)NF.r.V, ilo.

KSTKCTAIJ NOTICE!Havisig Lf-cti npiwinti-J SOLE AGENT to


in^u'n.Mjnc-i' hr lull, H, I hlwll imfcu tin•A- «r ITI'.L'I.KAH a Mfednllv the n>inin;

1 i> n.--<:u: ciutfil in Irt'lunJ,—B

ln.ini!filii(--Hi the hair, prcj,,fti,.tli. Sulil b y j . II. Uiiu

Sir Joint Aslli.7 hUH pu

Dnc iVAnmalc'H louse nt

l»iiji?g (heritor tbo sum &125,O00,


„.,. Ivitnro clcttr, vt-lvol* oml Hjv J . 11, liltUWS, UOTIT, K. J.

i n vi'pra I*I a mi i"ii ' " • .aj

i1i-ii»l». Hfi.tiflih Ihu

twet known i A i U A l s ' A ^ u »iid n-.imrtok Blltime aro Hem!inner, with | j

e must nitcratlvti, iavlsomtiup anil purifying..-im-uls that enn )m nclrolcil from tlm v

lik- k instltmi. Hold l»y '1. i l . Known, Doi

J V.TLVUA.V.n fnNloiitlT ilinlndKc-N ami oxmhall nuiuttirnl V^rrCuni. iriiin tbe tuad, no BOt l t i h d i l ! t l

iriiin tbelear!n(t tl

l and h

mnlinp liiallli, .|ik:anurHri fur Hit1 rintfurer. mm KIIIIIIIIT KITmntor. Hunt by tni.il, Prlto 6fl ettt.ORIIOIINH A i V . 745 Ilrotilway, NiHold Lj J . 11..DU0WN, Dover, M.J.'

iitliy roiiditlr,

ing in tlio'ac

Tnrl, atid'tinm

A K(>]ifiiUint Kuglic.

Twelve yuan ugo W. & J. Harper 4L'u., hardware dealers ot PliiliidduLiii,ili.iiring toi»v(Mt in oil lurid" H, en> pinned:.n i;ii(.'li-,111111111 minic-il Jidgur C. C.

MIL! ildli.in wius iutnistfi] to M:II:..! I- II pilVIUBllt.' H« jli.-.CUll.loil WithIM- ui.-tii-y' uud .Mr?. Usli'lla W i m - n ,I . - jinml.^'iin' young wifo ul tho I<:ir

Ho t.i.uv ' .Mho niii.iwav«jiiijleroiilil liedlil•ilin-.l, mi'.l ciil 'iijri.-iiliitiuii of tlm^ . " • 1 - : . Hiirpi.-rjin-ci-tiicd uo further.

.'it (lie tuvlvj yuars two member* ofiln' Urn) h;ivi- ilk-il ; iliu siirviviuf,' mem-•«r, Williiim Hui'inT, hcoanic a bank-liiiil in l&TJ. Hi1 rtaiovcd from Plnla-(ii-Ijiliia to I'liriMt Cniiiity. In tlio early]i.ut ol rohriuiry u letter, poht-murki'd.Sun fhincineu, was received from tlioliiiKj-iniriiiiit', fuitblfsfi ugont, Martin,jmjjtiMing t« refund tlio €20,000 withi tiU-rnst, provided no legul monsurcaKlimiM bo taken against him. Mr.H;ir[icr wont to Hun Franciaco and found?.uvtin nml 51 is. AViiriun liixnrliiiisly<i,!:;;ureil in nn nrUlfjcrntif! part of tlic j - , I-AIUOV-M <;KK\M U P UEAWTY In«••!;-. Mr. ilariier iignwii to all or Mnr- j i l l chirm-Ins, ft^uti U fli.' w.i IIHBIO.,,1tiii'-: iiniiMirtitiinirJ, nnd received ?;JC,ai)O ; ilijVM^ltM^'ui'n'oViii i"j?irtUoix-mVcl'i

ilii-liu limi Koiio direct toPfim umliililuincil mi iulc-riMt in isevrral silveruiiipfi t'n- IIIH mrrlw in ik-veloiilug thornimd ;:;>i,l tlmt lie wflS Rood fur i», 1100,000.ifr c.iiiio to Culifuniiu ivceutly ou 'buti*JU'S^, nml tbouyliL lie, wuiili] eventuallyteltirii to tlie Htnles lo live. Mia. War-rta lias Ijome Mart in ono child, wlio isUn years old and blind.

Martin loft n.wiffl nntl BI« cbildrcn inMur;luQ(l. l ie >t\iya that he lm» i>ruri-«it'tI (or them nud tlmt tliuj ore now in

TUc S20.000 received by Sir. IlwperMUZ u belter iuvmtinciit th*n if it LndIwuu put in uil Inud. for the Pithniccounlrj win a short-lived and unprollt-

lVrkln:.*, n San Frnnrisco broiur, invlitmtMulvutjtares The Utilt hikes greatAbVusht, Ijonplil two of Vruf. Bell's U1e>p'nui'iii ami mode eonneetinn beUMs nffiio 'nml his titular. Uo tbongbl itv.nnldbo a iiliiiiHiuil thint; to coaveracivitli Iii** wife whou liu.iincsa WRI stuck,lo iufurui liur when lie would go to din-noi1 uud to learn how oflou lili JOHOKim fell down tho celhtrKtuirsdtiriiig thetiny. One rain-Ding lie was couveraiugliv iviro with his wifo about ft new bon-nut when n broker came iu to ask abmiLRimcstockr,. Ho " telephoned " to hiswifo tbut ho wnfl busy, and withoulst-'vering connections uith tho iustmincut turned to tho broker and openciucjjoLiations lur llio purchaso of Julia.Liuly ByroD, nud other stocks, Mrtil'urliios at the other end of tha lint! liu-Icccil iuteDtly, aud liiiuUy caught h«imsimuVs words, ''"I'll lake. Julia aG;30." Her suapicioiis wore nrousoJthoi-o wna n woman in tbo ease; (.lieIiut3t iolo uu animated BoUloqnj, whichthe faithful telephone curried to tbo carsof her huHband urnl hia customer. "I'll•Tulin bini—wretch—villnin—mnrriod" 15years—whore's my rubbers?—just waittill I get hold of him." T h e * word*,logolhor with- misodlaneous tokens o!confusion and racket, denoted uctivlireparatiouB for a nortio upou hiu offii:o.IVi'kina hioko of! Uio mock ncgqtintiaufpml wcut home to anpeaso liis wife.The iusiruments were Bubsiiquontlj re-iiiyveil.

Soiuc cnrions details nre gircn byJiiliniieso uuwspapor—the Tdtoya Chim-(Viuji—us lo tho muoncriu wliiob'ktniol' thu "oristocmW ot tho old scbools intitui conntrv, who were condenmed todwitii fnr the part they took in ttio lateiiisuiitietion, but who preferred hari k>to tlic-TpitiVion, spent the Inut few hoursof tlieir lives. Four Samonrui iimur

. i DDti of KouiniiDotc. wlioescnpcJonthiMifjht of tlio 2illi uf October, nsscmhlea

' nt tho houtio of out) by nnme Yonemnrafor tlie purpose of ending f heir existenb j llio "Imppy despn'ich" in hit hoBpitb'c dwelling. Defore. however, givingthnuiaelvs oyer lo denth tlity gat(tiiGiEBe'vfs • iTcr to n rrgular jollificutiot—drinking iiunaiag, dud niuging atthough mi ii fesliToufCiiftion, Their bosless, wilhuut nay with iiunecessarily Icciittnil tlieir tujc.jmenl, with much tactmid good feeling udviftcd them not totoop up thia nvflry li-o lung, r»s (hepolice c iU'd liai dty /nil to licar the dis-turbauco ciusrd by their Bougs anddancua. They turned a tltaf VUT, ]ever, t» her kin.ily warning, ami con-timifd to drinl. nnd nmiiso themselvesfor tba wliolq. day,. Haying tlmt if the"sLizohn".arrived tlicy were prcijaredto light tbera, Tlio hours thua jmucipleaeiintly uway until Eiinsct, wljeu tliparty mrnyed tbrnsfllpea in the robeavhibli, neoordiuff t» old Jnpancno faah-iou, are uppropriutQ fur tho corenthey wore nbout to perform, nnd, WOUOTO.1 «p their prayers to tbo g

-""happily despatched" themselves with-out dclny.




PI HST.HowuKt- UIP htock i« ltin,'<; nt nil times anil

Mobniiwi li'-ry vurirly ,J Fi.KSH MEATS,rtHiAIt UCUED HAJIS, HALT TOHK.FllKHH Kinl SALT I-'ISH. ,,ml nil kimlH olraClTfiu»ilVEIlETAIlI.li>iiiUu.irw«<oii«.

SECOND.IWauso c iH-'i-iiil

Mk lll 1 l

! Count. Caltl*, InSKeai*, Ho»t"E«*. ElEc•DT A mrxnvr T c;t j*»Ab». w* <» iff«ttcii of the n » « ,

to Cosiopflica.

1 DOOHfl E.19T OF 1I1E Ml?

D 0 V J 3 K , 3ST. J".

A Urge mil will m'lM-ti-,1 stoek ur




cHits, nf all dihtrisiiiuiiH Ixithavli. All linil-iiil licavy Huun>.r dnmglil IXIIP"!.-!', Hiillort", Cpons'HaiiafivVIiYTHINOiiill

I m S T w l i h 1 TAK-BALM, cUradid from iheI I IFE rRlXCiri-F. of Ihe fw-I u t c Alit-IS

irA. ot Ualm of GUHUI.' .Honey nf Mmcboind SAOTIIFJ AKn

SCATTERS all irrilalions anrtintbrniualioiis, amitheTar-lalm CI.MNSFJ AMI IUAUS the ih ru tand air lassagi.'. leadinfi to tlie liinfis. J' li *

" i»t incredicnts keep the organs cool,, .mi in healthful aclion, IM no prc-

udice keep you from trying till* Cjenl nwdi-ctne of a lamouB doctor wlio has saved thou-•ands of lives bvit in his large private praci

N . 3 . - T h e Tar-Ilalra has no BAD TASTE orsmell.


Pike's Tootlmclio Drops" Curein 1 Minute. . -

Sold by all Druggitis.,0. N. OEITTENTOtf, Prop., M

y iMuiUt«, iiiul h.,1,1

Kiiiisnro taken thni tliel-'ItF.-SH, OOOI) nml

U-i I't'iut! rwfcive.l iliiilynuir ill tlio New York

iilly tlmt in, nU.lot tl i H

SHERIFF'S SALE![n Cliancory of Suw JLTMST. Fi. fa. for Bali'.


Thfsv. Fi. I .., .. Wlipraln William Jt-r-

, uthl Dmiil Lloydilct Lliivil, llnlieri<1 Wiliinm G. l a t luriialilo to Pubnnru i-lL-fimlniiift.

Term, A. J). lh7T.XKIOIIUOUll A SMITH, Bol'm.

By urtno ot tlio above utatcil writ or flciInclAii ID mr ImniU, t HIUII vxptmi for m\c niI'UllUO VMS DUE, nt till? UUIU.LSII.UD llcltl,

JI0SDAY, tlio llitli eny nf SIAItCII uA. D. ]H71, lictwumi llni IIOUI-H uf 12 M..Vl'icl P . M., thril lit lu 'iiv, at 2 o'clockTturoooii of Kald <lnv, all Hint certnin lot o

.et o) laud nnd prumJst.'H, uitunio, IJffiie amllQIIIR In tlic lownslup ol Handi)Ijili, In the

IIIB ami Stale uf Non Junov,ihutl ott followr •- - ' -

L'd frn.ii Cijninil I'nupunlitiricn anil niiirtiOH or lh« (irit part, hosting' daJ\y »r KotomUrr, Hull I cm bumlre

risty-ttivoti, anil rueortli'il in tlio MnrriB crrci.rd t .nimln In I "ink V, 7. pitKc» 427,Ac.,nnaliL-saii tlio west nldii of Kirwt ulrent, nt 1'urt(Jram, ami In ilcKiL'ii&lc-d na Lul No. 47mop of mid Intuit, and boslus at a pofw o._ ...went *Idu ar said Hlrcot, licintr a corner lolutNn. 48 tuld m Waihon Alk-n, and Is distantll fly-four fuct from tho liCR.uliltiH enrUfa Allen's lot, wlifca i« thnnnrlbweilc-.. . .i>ri'n|>n«tilniHi;n Mid Firpt ntrwU,••tul U iipaid Allcu'i douil innro parlicatnrl.v ilnncrind rime llietito nlont' tlio A'ost aide orf in t t t r ec i ns tbe nceOletinir iraTeraoii1(l.

.*.«..... —.'Ofl'CttOlot; tlie.icyilt riRl

imnilrcd led loci<ou "


l ]of the

l linter1.

1 n half dccrecit

halt K'''(•Kiiiiiluc oinaro feet i

cant DUO luiniim. f.iot to tl• ftiniDg tiifiilT-flvij bntulnire or k'BS. Jlulnt; tlm Han

eg lioccllM-'l in ti motlg.-iRo frnm Davland wifo to William Jeremiah, <hlW

Mnruli 1H[, 1871. ond rccuriiud in liw.k V %Vft. of MorriH ennuly mennl of

jnjrra. 1'IEHSUN A. FI1BEMAN, 81WL ...Dated Xinuliry lib", W77. ' . [I'r. Ut KM


arc nnir prep a red to fnrnUh FARJIl^ns anolbcrs ID car-load lofn nn extra qmllty i>f

BROWN" LIMError.i tfia fltowartsTllla QnarrkH. TbTn Limo Is

Kill be sold at Intvnr rate* Minn (HIT hnlnr'a ntlic lino of tlio Morris & Rut*1* nnd Client I

Ralston & Hlrke's Bone Dust,

North River Barrel Lime.DELIVERED AI DOVER. .

Lltnoincarlnaili.pcrbailicMMIlbs.) 12JCIB.

QDnDiifit, ppr cwt.' 1,7,1nrth Itirf r Lump Limn, iier libl. 1 nonrlh Hirer Finishini! Lime, per bbl, 1.J5 .XJmc ui'llvorpd to QFIV finint on thu Chunl

A fiue quality of WHITEWASH LIME ODliniid and sold in any quant i ties.Ortlcri will rccelre prompt itlcutlati.

L A n v TKl iF .auAPIIV. VfmiiF Hen•ml Wornon, and rani Iroin US to 1100 per

raonlli, • Ouxt aitualiuiH uiiBraulavd, Bmallu lnr j while pnvclicinc Aildrcu, wllli pt.nip,U. P. B A Y V / A B D , Oberlin, Ohio. n H w

ml it

THIRD.j waiting on hlnii

H Lciumnilo of tlio inurhi ..-untied Blike, uud (lun-'iiutn't* lti'iug itulii,i«oftl»rgo.

FOURTH.ItocunM! tlio priecH nre iiimlii to unit tlio

<K\;C\. bodliH of tlie jwiple in thuNU tiliii'i'huii elieiiji wa^nn doiuuiid cheap cntnlilrHllbcRil diKcount Ijfin^ uindu lu tLimo v\n

my u quuutily ttt a tiinu.


FEANK COX, Propriotor.


E:, & G. H. Ross & Breesc!,fiHSEr.iL n»f' i s n l i r e

Insurance Agents,Mice, Old Iloll llnilk Iliiilcliiif

Morristown, N. J.;mvis Itoaf, 0r.o. H.ltos)., SrKrur.N Uncur .

A. J CQE, Collector,DOVEn, N. J.

COMPANIES HEPRESEmED.American Mutiml IDB. 0O., of Newark

H.I . , Assets over 81,00.000

Merchants' Mutual Ina. -0o.( of HamH. J,, AnacUomr 600,000

firemen's Mutual IDB. GO-, of Hewaik,H. J., AtsttJ ou r EOO.000iMnin Katnnl Ina, Oo., of HewarlB.J . , Capital, . 100,000in Insurants Oompan , of(lorn., Ausits, 6,000,000

Continental Insurance Oompnny, of HenYork. Capital, ' 1,000,000

Mnttml Bimfit Life Ins, 0o., of Nowark,H.J., Assits, 6,000,000



D O V E R , N. J.






Stove and Tin Ware Store,


SUCOASUNNA, N. J .f l lHE Htihtivrihcr tntt'fl pleimiro iii In fernJL Hie eHliona or Hurnaminu nud -urruult.£ euimtry. Hint tin hnn mUliliHlicil a tiland tin wiru cnlablleliinetil at thu ahnvo ttl'i

Tlm Hlm.-h «r gntitln uouHlutiug ur tlio Inanil mast nnin-oveil

PAltLOR & KITCHEN STOVES,[UN0E8 and HKATEHH. have Jnstin, and nn> cciimL-niirinlv thu VERY KBWKHin DRRION. UUOPl^CJ. PMIMHINO unJ ' t i t h t IIARD1AM P iti, at thD

k f tin w

. MMHINO unit IIARD-1'AM Prices.T d I i 'Our Ktnck of tin wore vt every

i IHU nciT, and cheap. Call nml RUO uur Unoibuforo pui-cbanlng rlvcwlicrv. '

JOS. J. COR"V\1N.SuccrtBtinna, K. J., Oct. BUI. 1675. 45-tf

lor, ft la ordered L>T tlio SurrflRntc tlmId Eiccuior giro I'UDLIC NOTICE tt

Morris Co. Surrogate's Office,In flin nutter of loacpli Rod era/, the EXOL.. ._

»rJch(t ilulul, doccatied. SurruRalb's Unluito Umit Creditors.

ON application at the olHiT .n»ino>l E:lor ft hi ordered L tl S

Ihu Mild Eircuior girothe crctlilum of Ibo fntal(i urmid dvccdoL. .brine iu their ituhtu, Jem amis ami,claimiRtliisl tho nnmo,' imilor onlh, within nimmonths from this date, Lv tilling up aooiiy tthin nrder, tvilliln iwnijj ilnyn LorcaUor, in tlv(if tint most public IIIQCCH III thv count v ol' Hnr-rln for tw«. nioiillis, and also w l t l i ' t l 'intntv ilnve by atlvtirihini; tlto nnmo it. ...IitoN KKA, out- of tlic iiewcjinpnrfldf linn Ktatc,Tcir tho noiDii gpacu nftimo (llioKurrngitt jildinRauy fnrtliur nuti^o to he unnci:oeii.iry);aiiiranycmlitdrnlmll lifKlixl to ciliil.it liin ther debt, (kni;m<l nnd olnim wilhiu Hut HUI[Kriud ol nine niniilho, public notice biiinfiifen an afntofinSd, such auditor slinll Ito foinvcr unrrcil of liis or lira- nctiuu tli ere tor i s aimIbo Maid Eiecntor.

E. E . WILUH, 6iUTOfrntc.A trno copy from tho minuti'H, 10-10


nnrtga^cd pmrpim;Jlulunl Liro In nrnuno CompanypUinant, anil Fraiirin N. Gore, Airro.l J.TOT I or, llorui'c w. Fowltr aud fleorct "'Hunton i n .Iprt-tidnals. Jtoturmiblo la OberTerm.A. D.]S7C,

* FltEDERtC ADAMS, Sol'Tliu BOIO un bcliaif'uf the bbova-iiamcili

BiaVii/lfiiti'Uii'srqrrlstonnl S°j1, oa""MONDAY, MAItOIISCtli,

A. TJ. 1877, liotwcim tlio tiunn ur 13 H. and5 u'clocU P. M.

. HEtlSONA.FI.EESIAS.Bboriff.EiUil Jan. 2Ctli, 1877. 12-1'


REAL ESTATE!Tficmihirrlber. Administrator of the ratali

if HOUEiST JIEItHUOK, drccaned, will ofTi-t PVUUC BALE at hi* late rcsiJencc Inif HOUEiST JIEItHUOK, drccant PVUUC BALE at hi* lateTEPHESPBUItaU

SATURDAY, March 24th, 1877,the following dCHCilbcd prnrHTty, viz :

HOUSE ANJ3 .LOTiltunloil'in filepliou«bnrslitfl(ljtjininK laiidsIkran Bu t ty , ..nos B lukml l ond /ulm Mo..•t\. The linn.e in n nru «lot7 rram« bnildlni*,'ontiinluff (our roonn witlj cojlar. Tiit ' 'IBS HHTIMJO i rnrDtirili, barn nml otlirsriQlldiiiRn. FltUIT OF ALL KINDS. Tinilmrint tiBlfoii ncru In tlm pikli , . .

Tlio ult 'wtll IjLo plRcn between tlie In(it 17 uiJ fi uVIucli, itliuD coDtliliuiit nil

idu kuuirn by





ibin cjlirnaDd faiu-v, In tlio new coloranm

New .Mourning Dress Goods,


DL\*)K OAfiHMFIlES, llioliiB'" ' lii.o.bcagmtU unit totmt l>rk'.i in inni-k,.t.

DRAP D'ETRfull lino from I I « per yaiTal up.

1U.ACK DllESS flILK, at rormor prlcea.

B I B B 0 N S , a l l ttia nil, >l,a 1.1.

Full line HLANKHTS, FLASSF.r.«, ANDUKDEllWEAK lur LmKua, Ounta au.l Cliildreu,

D O M E S T I C S of nil tindi-very chtap.

HARDWARE!& i-mapk-le utcok uf


Meolianios' and i'aTmer'a '.Coolsi






lllimk U"iyaand Kcr>Filled



Blaokwall St., near Mortis,

D O V E R , N. J.Duvcr, AngiiRt Bull,, 1879.

Freeman Wpo'd


' RtuuinuH & UI.'H ITOUB.1


LcRally nutlioriat-d ORcnt or the follcwinn fimt.iun cmnpauleB— tlio bout in tlio norl

LONDON und LCTERPOOL onclGLOBE, Capital S20,000,t)OC

LANCASHIEE ot MANCHESTER,Capital S10,001),00


noyAL OP LrvEnrooL,

Cnpital 310,003,000.


Capita! SS,000,000.

HOME, • • " 000,1)00.

8TA11, Jcreoj City, " 600,000.


Oapilal $300,000.

8TANDAED, Trontort, " 800,000.

PEOPLE'S. Nownrk, •• S00.00O.HIBERNIA,






Choice Lots in Dover,. for sola elioip, and


Freeman "Wood,JuntlcD of tlio roaco ami Pollc o M L lati

Adjourned Sheriff's Sale !Saw JtrusyBupremijConrt. Morns Count*. ]

H.Jolley n. Nntlun Dtviit. Fi. fa. dn bon.ul lor. ID cjic. On iWhntnl Jiidj-mcnltcturnftblo to November Tel-ni. A. D. 1B70.

OSOAKJfilTliEy.Att1;.Sow Jewey Buprcnir Conrt, Jlorn" Count\

Oncnr Jfffrtj TB. Nillmn Dami, Fi, ra. i]tjnti. ct icr. In ilfbl. Itutuninble tu NiCorTmin,!. n. lH7li.

O JEtTHl!\', Atl'j i-iMi. IE.f T tl lo -non i i ' d par

.nailjouriicdl(Kal;oplncLiit llio Uultoiluatul, in Morrislown, N. J., oa


r B 1

TnE Hula nn btlnIfoT tlio alitiw.nailjouriicdl(Kal;opln

• twuatul in Morrislown N

I'lERSOS Ar FnEEMAN. Blierlir.T. SOtl,, 187C. [ r « . fc. f 1.D0

l-piia.foTOOcm. liambetti ralillod[inokr'pt Block RDII mm I |H! | ( , H . KnlidOnld Watthci, 110 earh, for njwcnlatire'pout*

, itire pnr-In «|ipcarntcn to »rtpatallon ['irbon-

DncemlKr Ittk, 1»7D. - l0-iv '



1 B . IICKERSOFS,m i is cuiuiso OL-T ui« (L'lmrjt sroci « r





Lailita rcadv-maile SDITS ia


•liii-b will IM ROIII at ortEATLV ItErUCElCViy lu diisi' tU.-m out. Wo Lavo iccelvct





susisa HAimwAiiE, a.vs PII-ES, BTEEI

mos, FACKisa, Ac.


Blaokwell St., Dover,Dover, N . J . . Aon. Itl . 1E7&



MORaiSTOWU, K. J,niter 21cl. 1870.


MACHINE SHOPSM. floagluuil, Pro|ii£ctor, .

ROCKAWAY, N. J.\ MANDrdcruuEnit ur

Chill a U Dry Sand KoUsj mulflllkindacf • ^


Engines, Pumping Machines,v, ALLSIZMOP



•AKD '

Hoisting Apparatusor an klmh ft ipacialitjr, and

FnmUli'cd at SbDrleit Notice.

Turned and Grooved to Order,

ANl)FJXTmillSCffTA)irI>fITT£._T0 0KBER.



Prompt attention Given to HEP AIR WORK,

1876. Centennial Year. 1876,


P. H. HOFFMAN,Merchant Tailor,

M O K I U S T O W N , N . J . ,

TT In vfilh i, great ilffll cf plcmaro Hint

'urai-nt, tlit lor wore than »

QUJLBTER OF A OENTUIIT,. Imvo been able (n mluliifcr to' Ihctr wfttiU Itlie litia of OLOT4IINQ with imnll nreDt btproat pk-ninro to.mjaeir, nml witb mcroattln

tl»rsctfon la tlioin ; unii that I am notrprfl-rtU with a full Jinu of NEW QOOmtoc i rvm U-tter BAUOAIH8 than erer bufuru,Otiotb nro cheeper now tlian the; tia*e toeir vuit»,»ud\ou liaTeonlv la slop 'nnnil inkilook «i mj t'lNR CLOTHS and 1IANUSOMisaiHEJtES to mkku y.m torGot ill about.

HAKi) TIMES-The FALL STYLES have atlaitml UII

linppv medium foi* Icuctlin nud ilzo tliat uvnnoud lu-itftale aboiil ordering ((.rniciiU foarinithe; will bu out oriaitiion in a fun mimltu.

• ur <]oubto-l>n.-4M«<J Frock Ccmtn, tho Froncl1.0. EngliKb iliogonal nomlcd aru tl iumoso rn, mil lor j'


FALL OVERCOATSre cut lonR, anil mailfl or lllaeii and Oxrori

nilaod lleavon. Tba

CUTTING DEPARTMENT-.ilU-niillciK-.f umiiTrayotin FEBROIULcifinoE,and it willbn invutniont ondoiiTor ID lliufutorc•a it has U>i<n in tliopiBt,lo[;Ito mjcnslrnur

tiro iut<tIaciioD, botli in tbc flttina anilmnk-uorihelrt'orincnit.' SHinTSmadutoni-.ler.

...3 a Tall line «r 0£K3V FUHNISIIINGGOODS ou hand. Aim a nul l aainrimcnt of


uriBtowD, April lft, 1K7EI. • 19-tf







conatantlypn ban.}..' -


I pr FANCY OATtTlS lSi l .vlra with n imp, 10



Dealers in



Gluss 'Ware,

Wood & Willow Ware


Iron aad Steel,

aud Fittings,



Powder, Fuse ami Minin

Materials constantly on


Cor. Blackwoll and Morris Sired;






DoTor, N. J.

Orders for Sawing and Planin

H. P. SANDERSON,lit* on tmnd m large *toc\ of


WHEELS, n6 low M $8.50 per set All kini_of FINE COLORS for cnm'ngn nnii'vaininpotnUng. Also OILS wid VAUNISII, liolfaforeign and DomeEtio. TORPZHTIKI, WIIITKLKID, etc. Pnint, Coloring nnil YaraiiiiBrufihes and Btriping reaclls, n full stack.

All of the above goods from tbo l>*bt nink-era luiown Lj pniulers.


HnTing haO s Inng cxporienco In tlm Cirri apeDuaiacm (noble* me to br>u competent judtor any articlp connci-tcj with tho Ionium, ITany periona riTtitiiiK nio witli ttidi-urden miroly 01-011 my farmtililnfc <1">DI with an artic.unilalilo to tlieir tTontB, ami at ax na«oiiall<prfen ai can bu oUtnlm «1 at auvotlior place

' OrtJcn by lellor lor Carrirt'o »ml Kfoigh Oiimeiiti nill bo Bnltobty fllkd by stetiiiR k

wbat purjiuao tli 17 rtru trnntod, and sciidiiii j enough to cover tha imoant. You

rt-upMirully BnlidtoilrU.rtHANDKIlSON,

Opposite Dover Dspol



CiN convfneo jou tlmt'joa enu iai

Cheap Bool anii Ehoa Hi ere. Otn newID ind m i ncrnr raoru coiaplrte In ev,<i

preMnt, Kvcry (Iwtmlilc »tvo..-.j'.miii!e»', jontir«»nilcli,ldi-cn

itwnljiceaailConBrcsn Giliom and 8hmNitmtlf onhncJ. J! .O. U B I i r a hore en.h a i l o n l y i t o . W. DIIAICR'H Chfip Doc IilStinoHlort. CDtfTOM V01IKandJohbl

iromptlj- altaDtle.li o. Otis door fram Uu1f<D h Co/a Cloth ioeStore. . . , • *

M. & I. SearingCARPENTERS,^



Jobbing in General.iabarUtb IBTt). : I*Jr.







F L A G STONICS, C l ' K U I i X G



Uunc Dust} Guano. Poiitlrcfle.


WOOD sawed in stave lengths,

TAP.D l'llICE-S : .

STOVE, - - - $4.50EGO, . . . . 4.25CHESTNUT, - - 4.25

Town ttlliu-rT 40 cU.\ Slino Hill 75 cln.Orders m»j i>o addrcmi-d thrnngh tlio I'm

OOlte IJOCU lios 28, or left al A-Uccmor'noflHOWkwdl Bt., near SUBHUI, or at ilic jard.

nLADKSlIJTti'rt COALcnqslsntlj dii hand.rnzira nREUEn. J . D. PALMF-B. n.B.PALHr.i


Capital, - $200,000.jjui.kinRtii-inrafrf.m9 A.M. to4 P.M. I'rimi|)

ittinti'it L'ivvn tn ihe inirebiwi- tnJ wx\oUunili ftpd ollii'T Hcuiirilii'H; tlic cullcciiou.r«i(_'ii untianini'nlioiitfix'r, diaflH, clitvko, !i

COLUMBUS BEACH, .Pres't.AT. S. TItKAT, Cadiivr.




Stoves. StovesTHE OLD STAND.


Hot Air Furnaces,Or (he ktcel -llnl lnof.1 iii.pn.ua itjk-K, r>Kaniiing|mljlicBiiOjirivale biiflillnga. A lirgi

nssurtiut'ii1, of fliuvw, dump rurtatli .COOK, PATILOU, HEATINO

STOVES, RANGES,&c. Alto a vwiety uf





LEADETtS.BinloU Iiiuda ofJobMng In my line,Joiioiu Iho 'jest maiiniT tntl al ih» d.orlcfinotico. Hijjhctt pricu* paid fur old Irou.

Copper Its 1 anil ixurtor taken ia ttxclu





uonina cucirn.





CltOCKERY, Tin, Wooden amWillow Ware.

Groceries mill 1'royisioiis.

Fnuov Qrocorica, Canned Gooilg, Srlod FrailToas, ColTue*, Bugara, 8picc« anil every-

tiling ID Ito flioior; ||,.u.



HABDWABEIron, ftlocl and Mining Haterlata or all tlndi

Powder and foal , U^am aud Gaa P i p amFitting!, Cut tfala, Dnltdera' IIanlvara, lilacaraillia anil Carpenlera' Toala, »ti)am Packia,orallkladi. ; ,

Being largo wliolegala bltyorR, wo Aro floablotlto uBur all gooda at cLca|K'0t raice.




Tho Old Reliable Market In


&BEEMERhaving nraoTcd his mtrkot—tbo.dilcit :

Dover—to bis : .

NEW BUILDINGon bOWJEX 8TRRET, tmn doom nciuth of ttio

old stand, will licrcifier lurnlBU choice


BEEP, -W0TT0N,: - • LAM0.TKAL, .. BAUa\GSj

CINCINNATI HAMS,tlio best in lbs market. WQ msko a (podalliuf billing all uur one meat, and tlic to fora '"*'tlmt it h o t tlio bust.. All limla nf%..

kept on liaiitltnarketi, _


[>oi] an tbo; appear in theDII) qt rcnionoblo pricci.'

n_ —.-kotpricM paid in cull , foilleof lliAv. Veal Skins and Hlnwp SLIng,bouBU.at tlie nnrktt. CiiHluraoii anpuliud ti; -maunon Tucadara, ThunOajii and Baturdayii,


tn tho tnatlor of J . Aqdrow OiaU-rlioo. Aamin-iairator or JoUn A. Ciiterllni*, doccuiei)Italo to *hnir UUBC n b j there ihoald uot bo

f Andrew Caalerllne, Uio AAnlnuta l t . .I * JolmA-CatturliuL-, tstu.ufllioConntr orUII.IB, deCL'aae<], uuflriff mailc and cihibitcd) tlilx Court, undor oatli, \ jo i t and trno ac-imilof ttif ptraotial rstulo aud debitor aaluuceaicrj, ai for aa bo bialiceo ablo to iliHcuver

tlie Mine, by wbich il ippenn tbat t tc |n;rBonalwtat« ol aaid ilccvaucd it inntifllciout lo pay allbit juBtdubta, anil staling tbat Bald dix-casci(lien (olzed of tandii, [eneutcutti, hcrtdltniuojtiand rfnldnliito, iltolteiD tbo County of Morri.nil prayiDR tho aid ur the Court lu HID prero-ma. Therofori*. it is-ordered br (tie Court

tb»l all pei-ionn iutenatetl In tbe land*, teimcntf, liercdJtnraontti ind real oHileoftf, liercdlinraonlrj iod real H l o f s

uaicd. do appear Iwfuro thf Jitdcoi or tlrt l I1 d l H in UofAtowri,


aljtliiid. do appear Iwfuro t

Itwrt. nl I1.P dourl Honno in UofAtowri, oaHONOAY, IliP ninth ilaj nrAPHIL, A. D.IB77. »nd Htiow caniic, it nnv tliej Iiavo, Wliy r-

ncli or tlm *aid lauds, tcnemnnti, hertdileniaand icilculato or said duceaiod BtioalilUaaldiitKlllbesurUdontlopayHIidfibi

E.K. WILLIS, Surrofjate.Airnocopyfrom tliomlnniBB. 0-Cw


C D , KBGBA k Co., or Jackitiri; Mich.", willicuil to any idOrm, olrcnlm -OcRtribliip Ibli•Train, am) cottiQcato gf merit, urn-receipt orFlnnm In pa; puntasa. I l doc* well in llmorlh. OaatiafrofltalilJcrowD. EitMllentloc»bld vac, aud fur fcotllnff all kiula or a luck.lotbbff equal to it for faKODiDc fowls andallnjftlumJaf. ; < •• -C • jft-tw

before tTEHBEB and

Open (UflJ- ll

The Miners' Snvings Itnnk

op Dovr.n, N. J .

^I> IHWJVK IIF inr, S*nn»*l USION BAS:

Intar. I will l,o r"'«l "" duirnam niadb on 01before tlio llrat dayH nr Milieu, J o e , b'c

BEB and Ucui:iui£u.9 o'clock A. M. to

M AH A G E E S :


HENMY McFAH'Jlrl, Preaidont.El'llllAIM LISIWLEV, Tice PreaiJtnl.

JAVS.TOEAT, Trea«ui»r.Dovrr, Fob. 17.1B7H. 12-tf


W. S.




Mcdicatfrd Flannel, Canton Flannd, OraiiFlannel, Union Khnoil, Vina Flanu.'l,


W H I T E HOSE B L A N K E Tfrom »2 toll! per pair.

. _lod DlnuhotJi, Gllrunn Jllankcli, at

W. S.Monlilown, Nov. IStli, 1870.

1776. CENTENNIAL I 1876,

aitEAT itEDUtrnoN i s rmuEs AT

Tliu sabtcribcr baring Juit receIced a LAIUSTOCK cf


for Spring and Bummer wear will offer (hemcuatomera at tbe LOWIST PHICEI, ai follovri

Jim's Suits • - • - ' *7.e0to|lBI'I Wonted Coata and VCBIB, 7.60 " 12.

Hen1! Black Coatn, 0.00 » 12.Youth*1' Sulla, B.M « 19.Boy'sBaltiilalarfiii qaantity) 8.50 '• S.Oliildrou'a Suila, 2.00 " 7Vorklng rwla, 1

" •' eitra, 1A LAttOI QDAXnTI or

Oontft* Furnishing Goods,

oxcwuHngly low, and B s«nv»i tfliortma&t or


Diagonals, Worsteds, Veatlnga, Ac,gold by tho yard and cnl gratia; Ofnlhlng mitaurdcr in tbo beat and latcit itjlo t t ibortnciiiefl. All poraoui Owlring anytbion in taboyn-.inonUoncd line ur Booth a n nlviiedvail ind eiimino thui a tool ami eaimlder thiprices, wliiclt' are mnch IAWBIt ihia eVeibefum Bold in Dover, Do not forget t i e place.

WM.SIMON,SUSSEX St., near Illackivcll

Dortr.S.J., April 82d, 1870. 4S.1T

PROTECT Y0UE BUILDINO!Wblcb majr bo itoue nttb cne-roiirtli tho m

cjpuDed, by UBIDK our


Fire-proof. Water-proof, Durable,Economical and Ornamental.

A root nay bu covered with t Terr cbi..at logic. And b j application of tills ulatobo mudito hut from 20 to 25 ynt»... Old roofioan beiiitcl[(>d auu coatrnl, looking maiui butter, andlaatioff loofor tban new aliinglca tritlioal the

ON^TIIIRIJ THE cosropnEsiiraaLiNiTbo cijwuf c of alitiuR new sblDRieg is unlj

about tbo coat of din ply laying tbom. Phijiaiot i i nnE-rnoor ksainat aparki or flyloi

ibcra, DB may bo e>t>ily iculeu t j nI T STOPS EVER* LEAK,

id for tin or iron lug no oqonl, as it oj beat, contract! by cold, and ucrur eraeki

_. ir icalca. Hoofs covorcit with Tar HkeatlnntPelican he made WBlrr-tlglit at a t "penna, am) prcnerved fur UUUT yean,

Xbli Blatl rniut IsEXTREMELY OOEAP.

Tiro gallon* will cover a bnndroc. square footjf alilngla root, whilaon UD, iron, fell, inalclitdboards, or an ; anioolh anrface, frum two quartilo ODO gallun ftro rot] a trod to 100 iqnara foe I- - ' i c e , ami allbongu tbe Paint IIBB a bp»

it is eiailj apptlod tritli a bnrnli.NO TAR IS USED.IN THliCOMPOSITION,

lenrora It noltlwr eractii In Winter, nor rnii Summer.On decayed elilngTijB It Oils op tlm boles BE

ports, and gi?ei> LOW Bnbalanllil roor tinwill.list for years. Corloil or wirped iblnnkIt brings to tlieir nlaow, and keens tbom tlioroIt fill] up all boloit in Felt 100/1, stops tho leal—and altbtmfih n Hlow dryer, rain due

ffotl It a fuw honrs after applying. At _._..11 piiats tbataro black coutsin TAR, be «urc

joa Dbtnu onr OKSUIKE arliola, wblch (for•'-•-' roor») is

. CH0C0L1TE COLOn,when (irit applied, cliani-lnft in .about • mon•oatimroraBlatociilor, and is to all inten,nd purpoeci BLXTI. On

TINItOOPSja r reil color in a Entity pr*fcrrcd, u cno coi!• equal to flvoofauyotillnarj paint. -For

URICK WALLSmr nniairr REV is tlio oolv reliable Blato Fall

itrodiiecd that, wijl eBeotnoll;evor iDtrodnccd that, wijl eQuodam ptiem from penelratlnR and dlHL'alorWUicplaster. Those painta are olio largely ttBod onnuilmanca tod iWcs, or aa a priming coat on

ldlnjia. "l l C K

NEW YOEK CASH HUGE LIST.fi Gallons, can and b>.x .fit 60

J0 '! otio barrel,. .*,'.,..."*..','.'.' go UWa liaio la Ntock, of our awn nannfnetare

wQne mattriali, etc., at tho foltowiag low

1000Vo.lBoztraltnbborllnofingat Scents perinaw foot, (Or wo will turniafi ttahhtr RoVf-ifi, m i l l , Cani.aailHlatePafut for an entire

new roor, a t 4 | cents por njnara foot.)'SOOU rolls 2.|)lj Tami l R ^ D O B fell, at l i e

porsnoai*ifiiot. *3tXHJ rolls U-|jlTTanoaiUKJ0ogrbh,»tSJcii.200 roll* Tarred Sheatbing, at } cent por

] u o r a f o o l , . - - • , * • fr »•6000 fialtocs flno Enanwl Paint, mlzod ready

nr i iu , on iniiJo or ontuda worlc, at tno Jut-a n por gallon. • • • :

8ond Tor latnple card of colon. All ordonsuit lie accompaaled with lbs moner or aatia-ctorj city reference*. No gooda ahlppod O.




SEW MERIKO6, SkllQE. BKOES,r D l lUin , KGW DUOOiAL, BILT FLUIM, DSltj ' i l**; Ctildrcu'a Plnida, E11.W D'GT£,

Hliawlg, ClnaklnRH. Water-Proof, incoTorB)i>c. ai loweatcifibpiii*es,At

W.S. BABBITT'SMorrifiown, HOT. lfllb, 1170. . ';• • f



iuccefinor to rJegiir'H B u n t ai aM tlie "Lilian llaub at Doni..]

Capital,-$100,000.ATTENTION (1IVES TO THE ITIiaUaK

or all nnunR~tn tlio c»l|..,.tllm

• ••"'"idctt• - c..u;, :

a. II. nll'KErWON,HES1IV UAKEll.M.c. \VHm.o<i(,


Dover Savings fnstittitTonT""


O F F I C E It8jJOHN HANCE . . .JASIE8IJ. IiEfliS . . . . VjWAlUlKNfcEtlUH - . .

T B U S T E E t i tHenry DaUr.II. II. DickonTltuH. ll.OrltlAloi. IV11

lUd.ai.1 nu-,Willlnm il. tH. P. Kaiiik'r

Jol.nII.mce.JuatK L. Uvb,J « . II . Nf ishho.tr,CliaM. JI Xunb

Tlila InsUtution U now orgsnued ntdnp«a

OtllcR.iuliovprBanlc.IntercHt alia)! coinnienee rtmtiing nnon *n

miiif d^poBhud on I bu Drat day iii: ffmTjiinVleplember » d IWcinWr, wi.l.O, ' j

.,rat iiapn1!) nuxt attur llio uoitoalt la wadeWAIUUaii HKCIVU - • - ' Tr!aaii»r

Feb. 11. IMS. - Mf ' " " " " ' •

The New EmpireIfnt-Alr, Gas & Basc-burii<

ing Cooking Store.*

T H E l iEST DAKDtQBTOVK INTHBTTORLDAIno, a Large Astwrtmcnt of a tiler Stylo i

of Cooking bto«r«i, JUiigeo, VarlurBtovei, A c , ' • • , . ,

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE.; AJao, % choice ntock or

Hardware, Cutlery,laBi, Wooden, Copper, Ttaln and Japanned


Oil Olotha, Carpota, L . - , , ,bird Cagea, Foafliort, Pratt a Aatral Oil (noi,exploslvr.,) Alao,


llooilng, Plumbing and JobWort prouptr/ Btteudea to.


•Ailrliank'* ScatcB'at M a n n f a otui 'ei ' ' i p r i c e s ; -

Old Iron. Coppur. Braaa,. L«ad, Itiea anircDub&cka taken In oicliancs for eooua.

JAUES 1;. W E N k Co.,• Itoclaw»j, Matcli 1,1878. A

1- ;.


KoMiwhine haa eprnnglio rapidly intofavor as poOTesring jurt tha qualltlei needediDafomfly Mocbina—nnnielyt LIGHT Hen-HINO', SUOOTH, NoisELtse, lUno , Duaisu,with perfect .LoournroB.. ., : .•. ;' Within Uia pout year important ImproTc-mentB have boen added nna no trouble willbe Btiared la Itscping tho HEUIHOT0Hahoau of all competitors.'





CREBDMOOR,J814,. , „,





SHOTTho licstgansfor thoprica ercr prodacednlTersalbr recommended bj those wko havs

ihem " : "

PATENT CARTRIDGE LOADER.The only complete appamton eter inToombtning in ona complete and portebl

cliluooil UievarimiBimnleiaciitaemployloading paper anil ~—*»<--*-i? * -J

tvolTflm, HowaUng Pistoln, AnmanlltoGun llminUngB, Iron and Steel Eifls

and Shot Barrels, for CtutomGUD Smiths. • •





i o t e r s , Solid E M KnlUiA'jir Tectl,, a l lPoinla, Wrought Iron StADojini GultintorTeolh mi Points, Sayro'a PaUaH Homo Hoe,BkoTel Plows, BboTof Plovr Blades, Plain atdwith Wi»B«, rf ulltiziis. , , . . . . - ' . . .


Arch and TrspMoiOo] Ttww, Cast BltalS h l Cost Stetl Hot. and Q u d n Hai"i

Handled Hot»,. HowcM, W"™UOTBO IUkos, Koedle Cotton Qitur.

Armory, ami Prinoipil Office, Dion,

New York..';

Branca Omota'*—28t «nd 283 DroadwijjHOT Vorlc, Anno, llndiaoo Square, G R St., New York, 8. Jiachinoi. BostOD, l «Tremant S i , Sewing Hachinei.and Anns-CbicnRO, 237 BtaU St., Bewing Machinea UiiArma. SL Louis, 00!J North Fourth BtrceSewing Machines and Anns, rbilad^'l1^SlflCliGBtnutSt. Sewing MacHneB and Arm*DoIUmore, 47 North Charles St. (MMOOWTempla), Sawing Mjwbinea aaA Arms.' Wain-ngion,.D. a . fBl.BoraiUi St.,. SowingilnchineB nnfl Anus. -' - * . .7-18*



••;••.''. • ' .MlOHiEti WETJEB, *.-.• • ' nLiCElTEiSU, POYW,* '

U n n b i ' n i U . ' . . . ) . ...- Y - X u n"

' '-/I ' , -:'.'...••../•:•:.
