M. O'BRIEN & CO a Asnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1875/...No Cnrpo can bo...


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    (Alilerm.-in K K D U OK H , Proprietor.)I ,«Hl i ( S T CimTI.ATtON IN Til E SoVTll OF IR ELANI>.

    !iit'!i.;lii'i rvfr./ Kn'./ay Evening, al Xo. 49 King Streetlorr... iT« TIT r..,v,»a« T A N K .)

    fmfi: TU H I . K I' ESCK ; YEAII U ( IS A D V AN I 'K) K'..x.;l lv l'OST, Y K .MII.V. UIS . IX AuVANCK.

    Agent s for Sale of THE NEWS:*\ "ATK1 !KO1U)— .Mr. W. K KLLV , Little (Jc(irm>'s-flici(,.TISAMO li K—>li .-s CL A N C Y , Refreshment lloonis, in

    Srmml-sitreet..PASSAGE EAST—Tho Misses LCYE, Hotel , Square.CARRICK.OX-SUIU—Mr. J .M.M iiRri iv .News Agent.LONDON — (For Advta.) Mr. WM. CAKROU., 123,

    Loughboro'-roiitl (North), Brixtou.DUBLIN— A U V K U T I S I N I ; Annvrs : Messrs. W. H.

    SM I T H SOUTH WALKS , AMI THE SOUTHOK l l: i : i .A.M>, nv iltKAT WKsTKHN ItAlI .WAY ,rm M l l . l ' OUIl I I A \ KN ,

    In connection with tbo 'V ATK UIOKD AND LI M K R I C K andW A T K H I O K I ) A N D (. 'STKAI. ll '.KI.ANII LitlCH.

    SHORTEST ROUTE *T REDUCED FARES_. w* E'jj rrss Trains (in. Xne Fast Hail a -JZ,

    &3£k SU'cv.u;:- EVERY WEEK DA Y. MT'HVY.—Leave ¦\Y ATEU KOIID ut l.;!0 p.m., on Arrival of

    ll.Uii n.m Train from Limerick , nnd 10.35 u.in.Train from Muryboxough, AiunviKo in LONDON(weather ami circumstances permitting) at 12.10on following ihty.

    DOWN.— I.EAVK LONUVN (l'addington) at 5.15 p.m.,and AituiVK AT WATKKFOKD (weather andrircuuii-tiuiccs permitting) about eleven a.m., intime for llio TrnhiH o« the Vaterfortl amiLimerick nnd Central Ireland Lines.

    No Cnrpo can bo received on board after •1.1.1 p.m.,when the Mut'en will l>o removed , to enable the Strainer*to ilcn.irr PUNCTUALLY nt tho appointed time.

    K A I! K S — l VA J E l t F U J l D AMI LONDON :SISUI.ES (tivn.ilu.ulo I Days) 1st Class and Saloon, His 0.1

    ,. ,, L'nd Class nnd Saloon, Xis (! cliangc Orticr, .iiid HupgogcKj| 'n>» Oflico.

    Cinis 1'A»AOB , £15 16-. to i!U 1*. liclutn J u k r t p atrrilui-i- il ralc5.

    S irMiAOK 1'A 'f iGF B « lutv u« I'V any oilier first class)] D», iiiiluilin) ; .in amp le mi p ly of J' lovi suni f . .*i I AIK I' A. fAC .r. , iurlu -l ii i R !'i< l > , l l iddlii fr , «mlnil iifcra>ary I'tfui - iU int.! erpamH' Table , £S 8s.

    App ly in Hnhiililpliia lo I' l l K B V I:I« IIT & i:l^^ ,(i ^nt ia l A f i n i - , »'", Wuluut - .- l i i f l ; in ( iu>ri i>to»i > , lu N.A .1 . I ' l'tm.vc ,t IS n. t ln ' i * ; ami in l .iV 'M' .ol , In

    UICIIAl i D S - ON , Sl'KNCE & Co.,i f 17 mill 10 Watrr-M iirt ; or

    .1O11N I iKVK ltKUX . Uuay, Waterford.

    nit: ridSH BOATS !


    o.U'.o Ti -iis Uurtlim. 3,001) ilorn'.pi.wcr ,

    î |̂ >i Liverpool for New


    tSzJBBe&£* ~̂ TOWN evuy Friday ,foiwardin g ;I'.^niKeri. to all parts of llic Uliitid •15'»t< -s mid CaugJa ,

    lirUitiiiii) : dam Ni-w York rteiy Sattnlaj .Hj D!C«M«. I I A B L A M ) Jt Woi.r r, l i iM.vt, ti.il ai. urnlir,

    From I.iVEBrooL, via Qi iasMOvrs :—CELTIC ... ThnrBday, ... Sept. Uih.ADU1AT1C .. . Tbnraliiy, ... Sept. lfithBALTIC ... Tburnlay, ... Sept. U3rdWUTANMC TburBilay, ... Sept. 30thfjKKMANIC.. . Tburnlay , . . . Oct. 7th

    K liOM > 'KW 1O K K :

    BALTIC ... Saturday, ... Aug. lib'th1I, , M- .'iciinkbi].- Hi i - sdl n i i i fu i i i i , of t i n; li 'Klie .-t spriJ.

    • i.il n |i!ilc » i l l i ni. J . i n cnini.iti.c. h ill every d. p a r l l n i l i l .

    Tlie c. l ' i l l , • ¦ l « t c - l c< 'l l i s , i i l idMniki i' i i- roo l im . i n- a l i i i d r l i i l K .

    A M l l- f f I'""' r ''i ^i >- in Sunillitr, Pi days ill W i n l i r .

    KJII SI V I I M I I S co i i. lrur l . i l" in 7 watn-t i ii l i l toinp:.riim. i i i' .

    l)n.fls i>M) i 1 'JZ Guinta» ; Stnr^i'K.ir ,-.t Hi-Juci-J Kati -».

    •II , .- Sir.» .RAz> ;.r.' unucual l y i-paiiou>. w i l l hg liinl ,Tri,tdiit t

    til id I 'M. pi'Uy, 111 , I l iomlwa y, N' » Yuil , mill !'«, M a i l . l, l , , , t I I into ; MI QuTii'l'- W n . I" J:.im> So.ll .t t o. ; i.r

    1SM A Y , n . K I K A •'..., in, W a i . r - i i . i l , l.i v . i | i . . l ,^.ni ai , i . .ad . i . i . i .n -> i i ' i i , L. Mil. " , K. i ". [j.,i "'.n

    •| . S. l l A K V K Y . L i i i l t ' G. .) ) ; • '->'"" . ¦"¦' , , ,. I A M I . S 1 I K N N K S S Y , l i i i a t Ciri ; . v > l , U a l c i l id.1. Jl . M L ' l t r i l Y, 13, N. i. .)..i.. , ( 'mi "I • '" Hun .JUl lX W A L L , Jim., I l i i i i kMi 'u i i .I i i H N l l O l . D H A N . t'H^li'fi.ii '.i- r.


    Hy NO'I U 'H - —Tl''- C«. I»|.. I . I l a l 'i - t l . < - ntl ¦•' I 'lni -

    mi n- l u p tn i lKV'-'iJ cn i-iiiln l U- . V > .- M ;., l l - u * isiv.nit

    )' , . M P f . r > Uir V>t >1 pin.vi\ilf v«»i »«*>¦« f 'v s-atv iv M»l ;wl -,nll ol d a uK i r >t M-n . '1 1..: mo-t .-Mill . . rl > i..i,H' l'»« '•«•"'

    » ]»»} i. adi pli-d I'j llni. Con.I ..II) I" i'VUi'l Icr Mid ]li'»d-

    '"".'^SSS" :::.: H i ftSfete::: S5Afe ?S:::';:::;; ^r! J»£ffi":r s&r - I < A l i \ \V "i-'r :(•'•"" HKI.VCT IA, Spincir »•<x̂^Tbo;,:;:::::.::: .•»« : »KNMA «K . .̂... T

    ¦**.\\ ,ll .s»,l lr,,m l.,v,,| to X . » \ - < L » > "< < • ! • > ¦¦

    c|.ir\- Wcdnciday, hrpt. o?•¦¦",>•

    ¦ Wcdncbdoy, Sept. 15

    K^;LAND."."r.V.V:.V."" Wednesduy, Sept. 23

    H-K V iH K (Juiri .»i.. *i . tlit. lo lLmii ij t H » J S

    And from U.si. os I.. N EW Y OKK n« l u lmvV v , kl ,mi I A M) \\Hli.p- ,!ay, >r\.\ h\b

    KltAStT ¦ \Y..)n^)ay, .S,pt . i!2-l

    Vi.V S«r«;.'.»

    '^«. .. .... .lai.oi. " ni. 'U .I ^- .d , Hie Mair .

    I t l>» It . n - in.mii .ill} larur , ai'd "I"" "l\ the haloons

    •it^.:;i p^-;̂ .-',of..st

    .,,,,r, i2 ... and ,;

    4:- - : ''^^rrM .̂'.T'.i- .i i-r^^XV

    0.-"̂ .. I!."-" T..I.. . • lWhN " , YrOUl<•̂

    :':T m ( < ' .M KUKT Ut hTKKI.-A . i K l ASs ^f iKHS

    reSffllv cn-d....I - i f . v . . . . I . I... ..I ..I. ¦' *- -¦¦-» i.,, .qnall.d

    ,o, ,pac, , iv i;' , «.-i '̂;;i(!;i 'H;lI - J . i- „,,„, ilir i. *i.«...i."',"1 '^d'cM I. , - . . . .I -- c , K,- Hle«,, ril, . ,,,,c,,d-

    the Erie K.ilway.For Frienbl or ravage apl' lj '" , , . . . - , . . , ,

    Ihe Nat.«i.al S:ea...>l >p (I/n, l .dj ,

    ill *ml tia. W oi.t-Hft- i , l..v,., col


    JEKEMIAH MUKl 'i lY , Uarronftruu.I f - t i t - e t .j J ITL'UH1Y , CMI ,.V. U, SUI . J «iciui . i . UM.y,

    M^Vlrect do. ; liiciunu 1'iiti .Ah , I•ru«.. . , t. . - .l , 1 ..n-

    ,.w • \f i KonBi.lAl. U.oHr , Niw lie- ; 1'A I K . L»> OA > ,ioni.liun , Jo«Pii »««,. t.ncrr ,

    1)«»..« TT .,. ; ..i l.»N »ud J. CciiMIX- am) li»« .» ., (J .. . . i i - o«M.K,rn«c =»"̂ d

    t0 r

    LU" '¦'" '"" '"

    Loc.l Ag»Pl« f̂"" Ifa 'iD|: U" " _ .

    *2- For El LILT LA ULS , of uc r y ili-tcrijitioi. M..1

    Biie/printcd to order, cun-.u lo THE IN» - « » OI I I L ̂ IJ

    Kiss itreet.

    S H I P P I N G .O L Y J D K S I I IT P I N G C O M P A N Y

    SE1TEMUEU , 1876.AV.Tiirni- STEAM COi l i lVf l lCA TWN between

    W A T E R F O R D and L O N D O N ,Via Southampton , and London nn.l South Western Knilw ny,l'LYMOimt mul SOUTIIAMI'TON, nnd S0UTU of

    KNCLAN1) , COliK , DUBLIN, BELFAST, nodGLASGOW.a \» rjTHK new and powerlulScrow 'Stcaiapr'

    HfMm, X COI 'KLAND . TUWAUI ) , SANDA,MliLJ^-SKKKUYVUUK, CU M UltAK , KUI lY-.̂ ¦¦fcKte STONK , W1CKL0W , »ud AHKLOW , areinlcuiled Is ^ail as iindir (ni-allur pertnilliup, utilr.ss pro-vented by any unforeseen circumstiinecs), with librrly to TowVet.sc)>. and lu lender assistance to Vessels in l>i *tic *3 :

    FltOJI W ATKHFOUI) TO GLASGOW ,Wednesday, 1st ^cpt. 1 p.\o., via CorkFridny, ;ird „ 1 p.m.. lia C.uk and lielfastSalunlnv 4th „ 6 p.m., via HcllaslTwe.dny, 7th ,, 1 p.m., tia Pul.l i) .Wcdnisday , Ktb „ 1 p.m., fia Cork.Friday, 10lh „ 1 p.m., >i.i Cvt\ .iiul JlelfWlKaiuulay, ll l h ,, t> p.m., via lWfa>t.Tuesday, Mth „ 1 p.m., via llul.lin.Wednesday, l a th ,, 1 p.m., via Cork,Friday, 17lli ,, 1 p.m., ria Coik and HelfastSalunlj r , IH I I. „ (I p.m., via HolUstTue*d:.y ^i^t ,, 1 p.m., vin Dublin.Wcd.utday, 28n.l i!"OI;l) '10 DL'l iLlX, di i«t ,

    K«e.y T U K . S U A V, ... a l l p.m.I't'lt L I N to WA'I KUFOl i l) , Via l.lnsjton ,

    Kveiy W K D N K S I I A Y .FUO.M U A T K K F O K D TO COliK.

    K w ry \ V i : i . N l . .- I ' AY , - ..I 1 p.m. ,Kvny l - l : | H A Y , - - al 1 p.m.

    HiOM I O I . K TO W A T K H l ' O U I '. dnui ,r .v . i> MONDAY.

    WATKKi ' l U i l l IO LONDON ,Mi Mirer to >oii liain| Inn , llu nee l.y Lfinloti anil Siull .

    Wi .- I . m l la i lua ) I" N:n. Kims Slul .oi . , a I Tl.n -U K !> I. 'I '< SK V I - IJ NA'I L't i D A Y . al 1 p.m .

    l.i'N I UN 'Hi" W A l K K h O l i l i - Kv riy TUKM)AY ,(.'. . < U l l i u i v i d al iM.y ol i l ie Umivim; IIUUM> ol t l i c

    I.mid. HI :uid S ii i l i W' S- . in K.ulway Company, ami alNim Klins Station »p lo 0.311 r^n.

    WATi '. l i FUUD 'Ml ri .Y.MOUTH , direct ,K M- I > SA 'iniDAY . Hl 4 p.m.

    l l . Y M O t ' l i l 'Hi W A 'lKl lFOliK , dirrd ,K» HJ 1- 1J IDAY , at 2 p.m.

    WATKHFOUI ) to SOUTllAllI' T ON, ria l'lyinunih ,Kvery SA 'lUliDAY , Bt 4 p.m.

    ^OU ' l I IAJI l ' lON "10 WATKKFOKD , via l'l jinoiitli ,Kvny \\ K1 -N1>DAY , al lO a.io

    'll.cse Sl .mii . ih liave uu II. nl ni-ti 'lnntodaticn tor pass, nccr.«.

    TASSAGE -MO AKY.(,'nl.iu. Hetnrn. Uixk

    Wan-Hum it. I . I x t i M . u i r l i t l t M l 17s. Oil. "6̂ lib.Cork ... Os 14v 6iDublin , ... 1(K — «•.

    riui . i i . l l i ;:ml Soulb:.iii | .l(ii "Us. 3- bail at tin- Ollicrs.

    Fur Kal i s ol Frri pul , &r., app ly lo— COBS ST K A M M I I FCOBI'.SV ., l uiioM yuaj, Cork ; CA BO L IK BH'I K OAS ,Kdm Quay, I: LIII.IN i J . C. I'ISKEI I TO R, 10 Viciuiii .Stuei , lii l'iHst ; H EKJI V J. W A K I X G , Plymouth ; I I . W.\ViLl-IAiis , Lul.iU.n and ^ont l i .Wis l i i i i Kailway Cuu.)any,Kxei ir linililin^*, ArOiur -s lie. 't , Wt-vt , ,.nd llieir Hei'^iviiijj1I IJIII .CS tliiu ti ^lu lit I lie til) : Clydo .SliippinR Co., 40, U pperCitiKstm-t . Li ti .ri i ik. iini i l l > c

    CLYDE S I I U T l N C i COMPANY ,Si i.Hiainplon , Urepncek .Glas KOW , arid Waltrlotd.

    Sj reia l FoiniK of itt lU of Lading required by t l c C l y dt:ShippiiiE! Company, lobe hud i i in i the A|:euls.



    GIPSY , LAliA , ZEl'UYK, CLIO, or JUVERNA.- V _ VTOTICE.—TheWattrfordSteanuliip

    tfuMM t̂T ̂ i.i Company receive Goods for tShiptneut*Zlstti£ ii- OH the following Terms only :—They reservevBS3i55c> the ri l̂it to carry by any,' not by particularVessels , with liberty lo Tow Sbi pH and call at other Portsam! n ill not IK accountable, (or injuries or losr.es arikini; frouidel--y, uccidenih o( the Seas, Rivtrb , Fire, tbe Queen's Klip-tries , del'icliYc. Navigation ,or accidents from an)* other causeuor for any loss which might Lave been covered by 1 nturaucp,nor for Leakage , Breakage ,CoDilition, Quality, or itoiitenU olany 1'.'ill els orl'ackages , unless specially entered and adva-onm Frii glil paid. Goods not removed to be Stored at the

    ris-l i and einmseof the ConsisneeF.V A T K K F O K D A N D l l l t l S T O L ,

    FH.III W a t i- i l o i d to Urislol : F i t m Kris ti I to Wi.ieifi.nl.MIIKCT MUECT.

    Tii.Fduy, .Sit . 7 ... 101 Morn -niaretay, Skpt. Z ... 7 MomTuesday, „ I I . . . 7 .Morn Tliumlay, „ 'J ...II WornTms.liiv, „ L"l ... Jl't jMum Tliumlay, „ l(i ... 7 MornTuesday, ,, -b ... 7 MoniiTlinrFday, „ 23 ...11 Morn

    ITliiirHlay, „ 'M ... til MoruCLIO or JVVEHNA.

    Fiom Walnloi i l to llrislol , Ku-ui llrislol to Waterfoid ,Direct. calling at Pembroke Dock.

    Friday .*-ept. ;l ... !'i Morn Tui- .-l. ; Sorrants and Cliildrt /i , 10-.. Od.Return do., 26s. ; or wi l l , liberty to return from DublinO.ik , or Wtxford .au ., Steward's (e>-. included ; Dick7s. I 'd. F'eumles al lend the Ladies ' Cabin.

    W A T K K F O U D A N D L 1 Y 1 S K P 0 0 L .TlIltKK SAlLhNGS WEEKLY.

    11 Oil WA 7HIP0I I. . r l!O .M I .I Vt K l OlM. :Wi ., 3 — 10J Mi.rn Fiiilay, „ C >'o SaUini;¦Moii.l'ay,! i, '• — - Alfu Moudiiy, „ c — 1 MoruWidui'-Klay, „ S — SJ Affu Wiiliietilay, „ 8 — S Aft'nKri.lay, ,. I" .¦ 7 .Mum Friday, „ ID — li .Morn.M..li.luy, ,, VI — 11 iIc.rn .Moii.lajr, „ 13 - 'J MoraWi'iluwl'iy, ,. I'. -No S-iiliu -.- Wnlnixlay, „ 1ft — IU .MoruFri.lav , ,. 17 —ldl Mcirn Friday „ 17 No .Suiliui-Motiilay, ,. '̂ ii — '.ii Afl'mMiMnlay , „ 'in — \ M..ruWi.ln.silay, „ -.-J — :ij Affn W.diiestlay, „ '£> — •> AffuFriday, ., -I — ~> Morn ' Friday, „ 'U — 5 MoruMonday, » -7 — 1"J Moru ; Moiidny, „ 'SI — 1) MornMuiiday i. -'.' —" MciruiWulii-Mlay, ,, '01 —10 Mom

    Cidiiii Fare, 17 I N » OH W»:HC PATS. Sllvi i Mail , Mul jiiiilW ..T>.Jlrnn» U i U l 1*4 t J H M It! 18 , 3'0 LiMii i.jcK. Cl»n Class.1 Clan Class Claw Clim. Clas i

    A ,M | A >i I r.n. r.u. P.M. r.K r uWalerCrd.. ilcp. « 45 iTso ;11 45 I 2 45 j ... .. 8 30Carrick-i.n Sulr. « II ! 9 40 112 17 i D « ' » 1»Klonmoi J 5 [in 50 I i2 45 M 4 1 ... ...'' l0 tsfi pperary 8 15 .11 21 I 1 Sil | 7 30 ... ~ II 35

    Junilioo... nrriv! 8 »J n 40 2 10 I S 21' H 44ranun- arrlral ... ̂15 ¦ j 4(1 m 0 4 5

    -'O«K _.-arrlT»l ... ! 2 ll ; 4 .15 ! 8 15 - ¦'Jubiin dep. ... o 0 10 30 ! 1 « 7 45Coilc „ ... | „ U S D 2 45 — ... 10 6•'unctlnn ™ 8 38 1!! l i I J 25 ¦ S 4S l« 23I^mcrjclc

    ^arriFl JM5 12 52 3 15 : 0 511 ... - ̂ I 30

    Down Trains f rom Limerick.I TB»l xaoy wm OATS. 3*1 y'ai , ] ( r~M7lTr MaiT

    U M K K I C K |I S d 3 l 2*3 1 4 2 1 24 3 1 A 2 1 4 2 1 ^ 310 WiTl.liroBnCla>i. :CI*».!Clua CI KIB .T CUsi CiaM CI .IM. |_ A.H . ) A.M. J A .M. J P.M. ' p.m. P.M. F.U .Limerick ...,_ui d3) E Irnin a will IrateMaty buioug h at b 30 a.m. anil Witti-rfoi d at fi.5i p.m.

    Tlie i boned nutt Inio Walirl . nl and Kilkmii) to Dublin ,A tlilune , 1* . ituinna , rar.ontli-wn .or Ne.ia Kli , ia via Marj lmro'.

    Uy' tn.pio^ed quick «nd tbivtipb daily cummunlcHtitin l,c-ween N ar > l uriiut;li arid other blatioDb lo Wateili - it l , i:.:nc»tiaNew Miirnrd to l*oniiorj nnd oil ktationi OD the Great Wcbt-• rn cai lHa yc f HnglaDcJ *

    ?K0U WATKKrOKD.i misi (l^ \\r.r.x U A I I>. >« M.A\B

    KTATinx n I ' " :l ' »» ' 2 & 3 1 & 2 1 1!'A3 1 '.43B T A T I OK U . CI»»>Ula»». ;«;lnM. Clasf . Cl».» Cln.» -

    A.ii .j r.M. j r.H . r.H. Mi'i-n p inll nl I. iti ' h in ¦ li nt h m h in

    W»t crt. ril... c/i;.-«r/»i 7 15 : I 0 '¦ I 0 li li 6 50Kilinncon- I ? v5 ! 1 II. ' I lo — K 13 7 liMullitiavat ' 7 35 — \ •;« . — l'i-ii1 7 IIIHal l ) I.air _ ; 7 55 1 15 4 iu ' — 1- 0' i J 311'l')umiaFto*it | H in I 5H ) 4 05 ' — 1 11 7 5.1Mcr.uttEbm!t,'i' j 8 -. ̂ 'i 5 5 j : 1 'in 8 5Kilkenny arriral ' 8 II. . 2 2f . 5 VII \ — 1 I j H 'Jr,Do tlf j 'ar tvrc' b 55 [ 1! 30 ; j :'A> | — 1 5'.-! 8 '.lz tUi'.lyi:i|;ari ._ _... : 9 IS . ! iu i ill I — 2 I.- - .1 !-iAtlana K li „... . D •.'.'. .1 0 li o — ! If » i.A blnykix ! !> 511 3 16 ' I) 15 ! — 11 ».; II 20Ma r)l>ur . . ' arrirr.l Hi 10 3 U5 ; (j -IS > — It !• '.' -IuAla j Lurtupti (/r/i «.t/|» 10 Wi 4 'I \ 7 (li I — 3 -4rcllnilinft tci. Ju.ic. 'u I I I I 4 17 « 7 ! — 3 4:,. ...Oillilin arrival I 15 i 411 10 0 — 4 4- ! •••Attilct ie Junc ti '-n nrrl . 1 4?i • t oO ¦ — t — ... ...M aiyooio '...c/f;! c/oir« 10 31. — 7 11 — ... ' 0 52liHll)bri.| ih)' ._ 10 ,'iii — 7 40 — ... 'M 2->Koititn 11 :j4 ' - 8 3 — ... . —I'araontlown 1^ * ¦ — 0 {I — ... j —I'vrtuimm «. 12 4'l — 9 -IU ' — .. . j —NOI.«KI. ;l-J « — !i ao I — ... —'1'cniplriiK.rG I — — i l l ! — ... ! 10 64Tliurles arrival , 1 31, — jj :)3 ' — ... !ll \[i


    i . - . : » ¦ > v . i i • | srj KUlY s"

    HA l i . « s I 2 413 1 3 < \3 I A i I A 1Ch>.». Clues. Ulaas. Cla^. I ' J c V O l J . t S

    A.M. A .M. l . M . P . U . l ^ln kR f lnih

    „ , Ii m Ii III Ii in , li in u ii. . |. inl l iur l i» d tj n r t u r i _ 7 m . . ' 1 is — 'i '1lcn.pl. ii 'i.tc ........ _ 7 j!) i _ i i:t _ a •..,,Vkl l jbiv i li] „ _ 7 ;y _ -i t ,, _ 2 lo trmel by tl.e Kxpntu V.ail Ttiiui o» (iraiSualliero and U'ttlem Lio>.

    Ticlem iMued lor SiDtlc Juurney nra anilablt nol> (01 ibeTr» in bj wliicb Ibej are iiioed .Market TicittH to Waleifc rd acd back wi l l be iisutd onMuLilaja , Vid i eidaja , and tutuidajt , al Maiyi orou»b, Ab-beyitli , Altiuil|;n , u r d Hall) lS|;stl , b> ill' 8.40 a.m. down1'inin , ntmiablc K.r icilun b> Ibc 4,0 p.m u\' (rain in ila'e vti«»ui :. l ant— I n , l Clin, ) &., .--tewn Clatb ?«., mil ThitJ

    Clata, 6*.itelu.D Tickets arei«»ued b«tw.en aoj tw o fj latiooa BTail abli -

    (or i l ieda le of neue and day lullou-InK ; I 'IOM i^uni n,r «njilmancc iicecctinf) 90 miles, will In. atailable (or return 00 tlieday v( i;mo aril 1 lie luu lullou it 1; naj h ; i.nu lot dutiim. ei-ceedint i U U m i l i B , tlie) iiit av. iliibla toi it luru t.n the DAY KXCUHSlOKS- ICicniBion Ticket! lo Walerdiidwi l l be irruiii b> l l r 111.11, Icat.ni MaijU 'ii'Utli al b.an a.in ,n i i . i in l . i t in ituir. lij it. li 5i- p.ib 'Imln In in Wnutlord .l'i . i t> IM m i \ U i j l i M o u t l i , Abl ejiiii , A i t o D H R h , and Uull j ia. -a i l , ll . Wtui/oid and 1,1 cl— I I I M Clofr , 4. j l.'uvv.td IJai-tlates , ']>. 1- KilUnio to « iicitt.nl and back—4s und 21lid . hi-j. ncubi:tl^e t.n.1 'I I t inaM, V* I — 'J? Ou m.t. 1ft . blill)-bule-V» 1 )̂ and la til. Mullinh ral- Is lid and h. ivi imacfW—If . 3d nnd til . tird lu and l l .ui all inlermtdiale Stulitnsal^lDi; le i'aie* . TiLktli. iiul ttaii rfrr a blt , no lti£x.'>v e ulloHect ,and no liiil'lurea.

    W. V 1LL1AUK , Sccielary.

    WA'l Kia OllD AND TKAMOKK I S A M . W A Y .H'ttk Day Trains.

    mon ' 2 "'

    F ' 4 i « 7 1 8 '¦'__ • 11 m a m p m p m p in p in p in j p in i> in

    1 li 111 ' ll m h m h m b m h in • Ii in | !¦ m n 1.1W 'lcj d. 'U 0 i l l II 12 15 *2 II 4 II ' 5 31.! 7 l.'.l II 01 -Tin'u, :i l i |» tl 30 . I 15 :) 11 4 3u *0 O| 7 tO| » 30| —

    Sunday Trains.,„.,„ 1 - 3 4 0

    ~7 i~j iT_ *. '" 'L m Jl m l' "' £_'" P '" ' I 1 ", p »• \ ° '»

    I. n. li m li m li in li in li m i I. ni "b 11. t 11 mW .'oi.l S 0 l i 15 li 15 I 1 30 i 30 4 30 5 30 p 3i il 0Tinuit , I' 15 II 45 1*J 44*( 2 0 i 4 1 5 0, t> 11 7 45! D 50

    • M n i l l r a l m G. K . UA I C K . .Secretary

    HliAI/L'H LOST AXD KKGA 1NKD. —AOuide to the llninr Tuiilini'iit ol IN I ' l U - M l I 1 K S

    t. l YOUTH anil .MAMIUUD. i i l l i i r Hereditary i.r Acquired.II) I I K . M I T Siimi, M.I )., ol tbo Uiiiri -rriiy ol Jvna , Anlliorol " Tbe Viil i i i i t i i - r 'i. .Miii iual ," " Wwuaii ,"&c. HEAl. 'l l Il.OsT A N D 1I K U A I K K D gives Dr. SMtili '" lieatineutCt Ue umlt fHs. s i*l i l ieh'trvouK Sy^t.tc ,Neivouii Debility,nl intnl aud 1'lij bital l) ipa-»-ioil , 1'aljiitaliuu ol llio I l iar t ,Noises in tbc Head and E-ir*, liiili c&iuu , Impaired Si g litami Meu.i.iy, Jiidi gettiuti , I.i us ol Knerej-. l'aiin, in tl.e Hack ,('"iisli putiu'i , Dlti&liiiijc , ll j sliti i i, 'J i tiiilil y, t^elt•DihltU ^tl»i«.iu , l.nvc ot Suluude, Ciluumlltfs I'caf. M iscularKvh.xati.u , &i'., rcsultiuE from txbau»tiuu ot Nrrie I'uwir ,t l iu ttUct ul Our- liiH- il Kncrgics , Kiirrvutin g Habits , andother al>u-.v5 i.l Ilie 1*3- 411 tn.

    U lYKS I N V l l i U C l i U N S AXI) I 'llKLMIH'TI OXS,illudiiili-d w i l b Ti-slimouials I10111 y iululul patients ; withiiu-aiiM ol Cue- used in cadi me, Smt tut by l'usl 011 re-ceipt ol TITO l'cntiy titatDp;. ,

    Also liv tile muii: Author , |io»t fnr in an enve '.npc, for 13Stnmi* , W D M A N : tier Uutirh , liclj iioni", au.l Position ,fcubjrcl * ttLi . l c d :— CirllmocJ. Jlaidtuboo .1, C'ournlii p, filar-naui', Motlivilii iml , Knnalu Kducntion , I-Vmalo Heallli , lOe-iu;ile ll yg irno , DuincMic Medictie , &c , &c. Tim » » woiVoil bul jrUH ol vital i i i tri fKt to W0111..11 . lli-antitu il y Illus-tr.( tid l.y Kacraviiici 011 Woo.'. Dr. 11. SMITH. 8, l lnilunCrwenil , l.oiiJtin , W'.II , [ l l lO - t f l

    lMi 'c i iTA. > TToCoUBIi iy 1'A TIKM.-..— Dr. II. Saint, tliecuii iniit .-pi^iulitt , »bu injy lie Oiusulttd with Ilie grealebtconl'i euci: ro ri l ic Cum ul all LMiiliUUuii »»il loiilngiousDibiu.e-. , wi l l , I01 thebui.lit ol ruuiiliy patii 'iils who cautno! cmiMill biiu peisunally, .111 nreiviii); 11 ilctcri |itii.u oft l i i ir t-jre, hnid I.i- opinion , wrilli ajifirf H (ul ihitctiuns lortllH UlUSt PUCClhiilul Ifb '.'lluicitl til liealth lilnl v.por . Ad-dtn-J, Dr. II. M41I1I , H, Hiiitnu Cr.-K*«l , U.ndni , W .O.

    TVf KHVOUS DK1UL1TY , and all NJ5KVOUSXI AKKIiCTIONS, whellict tin.' rv.iult of early crrorg orotherwise , ate \j very simple mid ineipeusive muiiia quicilycuicd iu bulli rrntiuu and (Jeiinnny. 'l'liu atlveititer a n î-dint in tui» cubntiy, will be Imjipy lo ,eua tri e to till ajipli.cants full p.irticu|nr4 (il tiiBuiodo ol Ireatineni il.cre mlopud ,on itcei pl ol a dmcted I't.veliipe. Al l per«on» rnny cure Ilieui-».lve» , nnd lhu« uot run Ilie ri>k ol Uni fc vittiunm-d . AilJrewM.'ii*. A. DuVAL , 13, Newinaltrt -bttr i-t , Iliitutuitliuio

    1IKALTI1 A M D MANL Y V1GUU. -A MiJiul man oli!0 yi»rb - iip.ii.'. ;i- , iu the I1e.iiin .-11l ul NK U V O U S I)K.JIILI 'l 'Y, hpeiiiiat.irl i tBuiii oila r Hllecliom Hlntli KIU olleti:iu|uniil 111 rnll )1 III.- , ,1(1(1 u\ilil k u l l t i i r s lor ni.irri.u a midolh. r mcial dulii i - , I1.11, publMn-,1 :, b.iok civ iug ilie lullben. fit ul bia I OIIR ejpetunce utalis , mlli pl.nu ilirechvuifor ll :e ri' idTi -iy ot Ui-allli auil btri-uj lli. A I'II^ I C cu|.ytent to ony Bililiew on receipt ol One stamp. Aildre.-s to thetir ir t nry , Inbt i iute ol Ani in in \ , Jiiiuiii u'l.i n . i l l*

    I U UK t J I V K . S A W A Y !A Nuc Mtiliul Woik LU l!»niaK ,̂ il le causu .-.ml cure of

    |.i.uialun deihiie .il mini , Neivous Debility, luipoliucy,Ac, with, liulrs li.r n-iiiuvin t ! i t i U i n di.-.quHlitio ttiui in tb.i llUiltuy lilt liii|)|iiins-. nl Wedded l.ilr or

    E V E R Y A1AN I11H OWN D 0C T 0 K .K.ir Two Slumps suilintk may HV i:iil tbe numerous

    impo.-tois who nnd their luniks i oC iii.l|iiii» , puhli.b te.li-motiiols wlndi liny \vri t* iliriuiielvL-s, uctilioi". I -V I B W H fromjipli f-ipuy .loatnuU.inufCM, l o in i e ili»,.,iseii n t l b iu»lruinn.ti|ii6led,l ol .Medicines, aud Q:ber ab.urditie» as cruel an tbeyare deceptive.

    A iibysicinn , 2oj inrs r(tiT.>ivrlyp:.s> seil in tl irtn-atmrntof Uotiilitj aud lli« vanuu* ineutKl rfii.l utrvuira atli-cliniM ic-tultinx i l i e i t t i f . i . , w i l l Mini Inr , on ncei pt ..I Two PennyU I .I I I .|» - i. pin iiy |>- ->t. :•.!.• i i i i ,;iii.'|.| , «, | U ,,ii t|, B nm>s.iiy|ii'.'»r.i |.:ii.:, a iii.it i l i i icl i . i i i . 1-y n l .n- l i Mll' . n t s innv I U I .tl ii ' i ioelti . ,.l tiiflin ,: ci.bt. Ad.hiM Mr. l .twki. Mi'ilimlrubhtlii-r . i l llaud Court. llulbyiu . JLaiuluu.

    A U T U M N F A S H I O N S

    855" Special attention dircctod lo a. JOB LOT of TABLE LINEN, NAPKINS, SHEETINGS,TOWELLINGS, .

    H A R M O N I U M S iu great variety, English andFrench make ; Violins, Cornets, CoDcortinas, Drums,Flutes, Banjoes, Music Boxes, &c. &c,


    tho Harked Price /or Cash, tho entire STOCK LOWSELLING OFF AT A GREAT REDUCTION !

    C. A . J O N E S ,Jifi'OJiTiij: oj 1'IANUFCRTES , HA RMONIUM *, f rc


    Begs to cull special attention to his extensiveTUNING and HEPA1H1NG bnsinesa. His Tunersvisit, nil the Southern nnd Midland Counties of Ire-land Quarterly.

    S3T Pianofortes nnd Uarmoninma hired by thoMonth or Ycnr, with option to purchase, and on thoThreo Years' system.

    C, A. JONES' MUSIC WAREHOUSE.Crickettiog, Archery, Croquet, and other Games,nt UDDsnall y Low Prices. [my4-tf]


    Beg renpectfully to give Notice that they baveTT3 EMOVED their OFFICES and WORKSHOPSJX; from tfco Scotoh Quay nnd Canada strcot totho moro commodions and central Premises, latelyknown as Mr. J OHN WILSON'S

    TIMBER YARD, BOLTON STBEET,Where all orders shall receive prompt attention.J. K. ct S. tako this opportunity of nnncnnciug

    that they aro prepared to supply purties abont Build.ing or makiDg Alterations, with

    \Y1KDOW HUMES. 8ASUES, DOOIIB, T1UMM1NGS,Aud .every other description of JOINEKS' WOUKall ready for fixing, raado from tho best sea.soned Timber, and by oxperienced Tradesmen, work,inanshi p and materials goarantced, aud ou terms tocompcto with any Imported or Machiue-mado work.

    82J" PLANB and ESTIMATES prepared and furnished.Ireo, on application to

    JOHN RYAN & SON,_ j !3-tf] Boltou etrcut , Waterfbrd.


    XX. I'rrparatioiib have just ken received at Tll K N KWSOntcp, KiiiR-slici -t , Walcrlnril , from CourM-is, I) K K OUSto Co,, LouiJon :-liutt;e VitK , or Vcg:t»bl6 Life Drops, thegrtat rcioi-dy fur Nrrvou'iieaa, &c.

    Dr. DR H OOS' I'oinpiinud Rcnnl Pills , for Pnins in theback , Kiavel , rlicuniatism , KOUt , 4c. Price U. Ij il . to 33*ptr but. Sue advir l im- uic nt eleewliore for particulais.

    Di . DB R OOB " Vegclakle Life I'ilh, lor regulating tbestonmcli mid clp«nsing tho blood.

    ila.lhuie COUPSLI.K'S Ilair-Rfstoring Fluid , wl i i i l . hnsbeen louiiil wonderfull y oIKcaciouH in briug ing the hair loiUnrii c i i iHl color; also , COUFBLLE'S Hair Dye.



    scriptions of £1 and upwards.Interest in lieu of Dividend, 18 per cent, per an-

    num, paid monthly.Current Accounts opened, and S per cent, intercut

    allowed on tho Minimum Monthly Balances.CHEQUE DOOK8 SUPPLIED

    Tho Bank grants Credits, and issues Circular Notesfor tho Continent and America, and transacts every de-scription of sound finunoial business.

    For particulars apply to(jy30) R, B. OAKLEY, ManagOr.



    For.NEs AND NEWCASTLE BRANCH —Tho 3 p.m Trainfrom Nowcostlo will nob loavo nntil 3.15 p.m.11 VANDKLKUB " Steamor on Saturdays will not runfrom Foynes on arrival of 3.15 up TraiD, but will runBamo ns on other Week Days—namely, in connectionwith tho 11 a.m up Train from Limerick.

    K ILL .VLOE BBANCII .—Sunday Trains will bo do-epatched as follows :—Leavo Limerick, 10 a.m. and3 p.m ; leave Killuloo, 1.30 p.m. and 6.30 p.m.

    PleaEO FCO Company's Time and Fare Tables forDeparturo Times from intermediate Stations.

    JOHN ROBERTS, Traffio Manager.Traffic Manager's Offico , limerick Terminus,

    Autrust. 1875.

    BISHOP & SONS' aUININE WINE-THIS invigorating WINK, SO strongly recom-

    mendod by tho highest Medical Authorities for itsTonic and Rettorativo Qualities, is prepared with thomost earttful attention to tho parity of its ingredients,and contains Ono Grain of Quinine in each Glass. Soldeverywhere. Dublin t Wholesale by BOILBAU 4 BOTD,M'M ASTKB, HODOSON , & Co., HUGH MOORE A CO.,ALEX. FINDLATKR & C O., FAWCETT * Co., CANTBZLL& COCIIUANE . Retail by H ENKY TOBIN , JAMKS FX.AN -AOAN , JOUNBTON & OLDKAM , and others. Vlackrock :J. KiCHAiiDSON. CorJt t TOMKINB 4 SON, WOODFORD,BOUHNB , ct CO., H. MOBMH , J. MOROAN SjJTTU.



    ilanufacturod and Bottled by Messrs. BISHOP 4SONS, Finsbury Distillery, London. my28-6m

    Improved White Soft Soap,ERE E from smell, for the Laundry and House-

    hold puiposos. It rcudcra linen beautifully white,cleanses better, and ia cheaper than any othor Soap. Itpossesses determent qualities, and is a disinfectant whenused for cleansing and purifying Walls, Floors, Bedding,4c., and is recomended ns a Vermin Killer. Tho Sudsdisinfect Drains, 4c. Manufacturers and nolo Patentees,PUCE and CO., by appointment to tho Military andNaval Laundries, Carlton AVorks, Peckham,London, S.E.

    Agent for Watcrford—Mr. TUOMAB PUKCKLL, Bor-ronstraud-atroot m'



    I1 HIS is a Ccntml aud ComlortablcBotcl in. which everything can be had on tho most moderate

    termB.BcBt Dublin nnd Wcxford Spirits ; also, Brandies,

    Wines, Porter, Ale , &c. (a-ul5-tf)Cars on Hiro at the shortest notico.

    D U B L I N .Commercial and PriTate lodging House,• 49 M A R L B O K O U G H S T R E E T .

    PARTIES Visiting Dublin on bo accommodated,with or without Board, and all tbe comforts of

    a homo, on Modcroto Terms. [o25-tf]tST Situation central, closo to Sockvillc-Jtreet.


    I beg to inform my nnmerons Friends and thoPublic that, through elision of time, I have becom*Proprietor of tho above old-established Hotel.

    I have completely and most comfortably rc-furnishodit, and have considerably enlarged it, fitting it npthrongcout in best modern style.

    I trust by careful and constant attention to tho wantsand comfortR of my visitors to merit tho patronage 60liberally bestowed on my Into father, and respectfullysolicit nn early trial.

    MICHAEL COFEEY, Proprietor.Son o£ late MAURICE COFKET.

    ricoso note Address—30 LOWER BRIDGE STREET-DUBLIN. dll-3m


    Under tho personal management of J. C. WALSJT, latoProprietor of the College Hotel, FJett-strect and

    Collcge. t̂rcet^

    rilHIS HOTEL is most Central and Convenient ;JL Trii m Cars pass to and from King's Bridgo andWcstland-row Stations every 10 minntcs ; is onlythrco minutes' vralk from Smithficid and tho FourCourts, and is in the centre of tbu princi pal merchants'ofllces. .

    Charges will bo found moderate BcdB, 2s. and Is.Gd j Breakfast, Is. to Is. -Id. j Chops, &tPAh e, Kidneys,&c. A lar^o stock of Wines of tho choicest vintage.

    H pacious Dining-rooms Frt npi.rt for the receptionof Club, Dinner, or Supper Panics. o2.tf

    D U B L I N .The European Hotel,-Boltou Street,

    npHK EUROPEAN is tho lhrgrst, the bebt fcitnate ,JL nnd the most, (.-omforlulilo Hotel in I ho City . AHmodern improvements have beeu recTiilly intrmliicrd ,and the entire llo«£« papenil , painted , 11 nil ilcc-ornifd.

    Twenty Suites of Apaitmi-uta for Families. Draw-ing Rooms from 2s. Gil . to us. SiltiDg Kooms on thoground Door Iree of charge.

    JS5" Soup, Fish, Joints , Fowl, and Entrco inCollco Room nnd Restaurant from Tno to Seveno'CIock dnil y. Bed, including Servants, as. Gd., 2B.and Is. Gd.

    ("ni.'U-tn J. J1OLONY, Proprietor.

    THE GREAT GLOBE HOTELDUBLIN (Established •» Years),

    (, 5, (J, und 7, LOWKK ItKIDGE-STKEET,RICHARD COFFEY , Propiiclor.

    riMIB aljovc I-'IHST-CLASS IM/TEL lias been ncwlj-JL Painted , Papered, ami re-Decorated , several newliooms added, and nil fitted up, in a superior bty le ofelegance anil comfort , with the most modern improve-ments, and continues to receive the undivided per-sonal attention of Mr. and Mrs. COKFKT. From itscentral position it will be found most convenient for thevisitor, being in the immediate vicinity of tho LawCourts , five to ten minutes' drive from any City RailwayTerminus, and a few doors from Kind's Bridge TramwayLine. Supplies of first-elans quality. Notwithstandingpresent high rates , the terms will bo found most mode-rate. Brcalcfasts From I K. 3» , poilBblumelnl joinloil BU I .C). This ixtraunliimry instrument wi'tclenrly uliotv tbcnn iit iinponntil licarenly botliri , mid rihibitwith distinclines the t:ice ot an individual , or ol a clock,alici-p, c.iltle, &.C., »t nwiiy uiiliV distame, i-qualling iu tbemUMt rtbi'.ilinl points tliofc e (rUsscs usually MJpp lirtt at£U0 or £70.

    J MPl i OV K 'J DOUULK OI'EHA , HACK , & t 'lKLUOLASSKS—("lice HJ *. Oil., IBs., 21-. ; BUIIIC .0 miuuto insizetbH tt. iy bli p into n Watch l'ocket , yet rival in extentof powi r many ol tlit hitgest made ; nine, ilieroscopw ofgreat power, tioni 3s. Od., and iunisible I'liutograplis.

    MAUIU LAXTEUNS AND D1SSOLV1NU VIEWS-Clear, brilliaut , simple, thoug h unsurpassed for efftct.—Slides in Kieatvarit ty—Comic , Scenic,Eiluciitiouiil, Uluitra iling tales , wars, travel?, Ac. A superior Lantern and It•liilpu in, MI 7n.0J. A Cutalogue ou Duplication.

    A D M I H AL KITZKOY'S IMlUtOVED HAUOMETE.— Accurately loretelliug the Weather, haudsomely mouotrais jlaboxii.iy. "'.'I' Tlieroiouieler, price only lo tbey create a ben It byapp tite , corrtrl indigestion, rtuiove excess ot bile, over-come giddiDe>f , coiHusiou , Mtk IIPH U BL IU-, and all thosegloomy fort boilings arising Irjiu abatl stoioucb or disordereddigestion.

    Inn .MK D I C IS E FOB FEMALKS , YOCSO AMD OLD.—For ove.cnoj tbK ll" obpttuctions , autl restunag ausptrutledBecretiutiK , there i-i DO mvilicine to be curcputtd lo these-Pilln. Uiiiv eirall y a loplid »1 the one gmi;il remedy forFemale Cumpla-nlt , these l'llla cucoot fail Ibey streagtbenIbe system, end »lwnys briit fc about what is rtquired. Tofemales cnteriug iuto numnnbood , or nt tbo luru of life,tbey nre invaluable , leing A perfect ddlt-suard agaiuitdropsy, beuJochcn, pslpitution ol the Drait , and all oeivonsaffections often diilretmni; at Uiaie pcrioihi.

    COMPLAIMTS ISCIDBBIAI TO UuilDUlX.—Whoop ingcougli , oitiisley , tcnrlaiin.i , levins , nnd nil diseases of theskin , may be immediately checked, aud roon cared, by thesdpuriO*> DK Pilfs. No mother should be without them. Oootwo , or three [reduced to pander], may be given nigbtlywitb tbe certainty ot doiiiR Rood.

    AtRVoua intoEUERs.—Any ucraogement of tbe nerves,affects die«Ktrou > l y bulb the body and tbe mind. To tbeDMVOUS invnlin tbrse Pills arc of vital necessity, ns theyimpart lone and ligour to tbo iuternal organi , aodconse-queutl y to tbe ueitous system which netv&des 00 ̂cooucclttlit-m. Ilrnce Ibelr maivelluusxurcs ol hj steris, lotvfpirits ,(p.isDis , fi t*, nervous lwitch>ug% and other Iciodred com-plaints.Holtoway'a Pills are tlie Itst remtdy incur) i» the uorli

    for tht foil owing diseases ;A gue Fivers ot all Scrofula , or King's EvilAstbua kinds Sore Tbroittaliillious com- Gout Stone and

    plaints Uead-aihe Ut\mlIllutcbes on luilignlion Sccundnry Symptouii

    tbc Skin Liverccm- Tic DuuleuieuxIlowel Com pla'nts Ulcers

    plaints I.uiob go Venereal AffectionsUebihif I'I IOJ Wi.imsof all kiudsDrop3y Hlaum.ilinu Weakurss, fromFemale Irregu- Uetcntiou ot whatever cause,

    laritii s Urit ie 4c.,, 4cThe 1'ills and Oimtuuit ateSuld at I'tolcsiot UOLLOWW'S

    esUblibliiucnt , 633 Oxluid-alieel , London ; also by nearlyevery respectable Vendor of Medicines throughout thscivilized world , in bo>r> aud Pots a; la.ljd., 23. 9u., 4s. 6d,,lls., --'; aud Mi. each. Ibe tuiallent Box of Filld containsfour dozcu ; ani tbo suiullcsi Pot ol Ointment ODOonrjce.

    N .B.—Full priutcd diriclioui are affixed to each box andpot, nud cnu be had iu any language ,even in Turkish, Arabic,Arincnian. Persian, or Cbiuese.

    THE COAL TAK PILL (Wright's 1'iIula Car-boni» Del nn rns), " KilVuuDy, Jannarjlit , 1874—

    Please >eud me two tuxes of your valuable Tar Pilli , (orwhich 1 cuiloi c "¦*. uM. 1 am bound to conftss that I havederived mure linn fit inm them Iban nny olbcr pills.—Johnltyau , Staff Sergrant." 'Ihey act upon tbe stomach, theliver , uud kidocj s ; ire npetieut , ionic, and purifying;,—Tbey sweeten tbe breat h , »rc 1 be bet t female pills kDOWB ,aud a sure timcdy (ut Uiotc paiutul affixiioue, Hnmoir<bnidit (files). Iiy all clKmists, iu boxes, 1*. ljd aod 2s 9d.\V. V. W H I G H 1 and CO., Sotithwatk-j treet , London, pro*prietois ot Ibe celebrated Coal Tar Soap (Wright 's SapoCirbonia Detemcna). an!3xow



    /-lASSELL'S ORIENTAL COS FEE consists\_/ uf a selection of tbe huett growths ol Easf Indialo the process ot roastira: aod grinding tbe full strength andfine nroroa are preserved , rendering it iqual to tbe CoBee gomuch prized in OKIKNTAL COUKTKIKS, TUB PER.KECT1ON of COKKEB. Ptice2f. per lb./^ASSELL'S COFFEES aro also supplied at\s U., I *, id., 1«. Ud., l». 8d., aod l». 10J. per lb., byUrocni Ibrong boul IieUod, in Canistera and air-tigbcPackages Irom one ouuee t4i one poaud.|S ASSELL'S COFFEES? haTesecuredthe mosb\_/ wide-rpread repututiun, tnd they have been highlymeemrd hLcl txteuilvely ussd throughout Ireland for nearlyA QUAHTEU OF A CENTURY. Aik at yourGrocers lor UAUILL'S COT JIB, and be sure Vou get tbsright Article. (n6-ly)


    L O N D O N .-•IS" l̂titi Sold 6y Grocers throxighout Ireland.

    «' For the Blood is the Life. "~-Sec Deuteronomy, chapxii , versc 23.

    Clarke's World Famed Blood Mixture.17OU CLEANSING and CLEARING tbe BLOOD fromJ? ALL IMPURITIES, whether arising• Irom youthfulindiscieliou or any oit-er muse, cannot tie too highly recom-mended. It cure* Old Sores t cures Ulctrot«l 8ores ia theNel to test Us value,

    TD0U81SD* 01 TESTIHOItlLS IBOM JuLl FASH,Sold in liottlrt 2



    Sale of Modern Household Furniture, &c

    J OHN 1'K N P E K having received instructions from Mr.Wuir i i O'DONXK I .L, who is going to resiilo in Dub-lin , will



    and other Effects, consisting chiefly of :A mnasivo nud riclil y-carTcd Mahogany Sido.

    Imaril ; Mahogany Cabinet ; suite of MabogouyFnrukuro ; upholstered in Unir-clotb, consisting»f six Carved Itallnon-biickcd Chairs j Arm Cbairand Louiyo ; Outre Tablo (5 fuet) j Chimneyitu;iled in Uio eenlru -jf yUKKN-

    S ' U K K T , T H A M U H K . Tb'.-y are lit li /r immediatei'"':tip;iiiun. I'ur j 'Uriieulars aj»p ly lo Misa l'lt KLAN ,L', ( ^«' vt i- ^i i i " .t , Ti;un'>ri- . jyll.tf

    r i; A M o Ji i

    TO BE L E T ,LrNI- i ; i !M.S l l l -. l) , by tho Y K A H , Xo. 2, JCOSK -

    I H A N K T K I t K A C K , T H A M O K K , containingl) ini i ig Jtuoin , Drawin g JCoom , M i s lo feet ; lourI 'xi 'cll i .'Ul liediooms, Uiesfcing lioom,ServaiilB ' ltoom,illrl IWO AttiC 'S, lev.

    A'..-.) , No. 1 , l i K I . I . K V U K TKUI S.U IK , contsiiniiigl^inii i ^- lfoi/ni .ind JJ J ;IM ifiy )!uom, ],S x i t i leet each ;(•nil - /J r.licj 'jii is, t ivo Attic1, and two W.C'a.

    A pply to JOHN WAIIK M.tlTramore, 1st Junn , 1S73. 1, Hcllcvuo Teiraee.

    TO BE LET,r i V l K I.MH.K STOKES at K IM ;.SIIU .KT, K II .KKN .M- ,JL with cmiiorialde Hesitlence thereon. Those

    Siores an- near the Market. Thtro ure Four Floors) ,t ii '-a - iirin g Ml leet by H ; all in thoroug h repair;lii 'iu aU'mi i'-". App ly to K. DL'N NK , Uose Inn-Rtreet ,Kilkenny. j vli.

    0UT-D00E OFFICERS OF CUSTOMSA N OPEN COM 1'KTITION for not less than SOA. A ppiiiiitineuti ' , will hi; held on F1UUAY , the,l.-i i,f OCl ' OJJKIt , lhTo, in LON I IOX , EoiMi i.Hiiii .Df u-I. I N , and other places ; ago l'J to 23. For tbo Ueces-f u r y Form of Application , Candidates should applytil once, enclosing an addressed foolscap envelope , totho Siccidance , Civil Service Commission, London,S.W. u37.3t

    JJi t K.v K FAsT— itivva s COCOA —UitATKruLA N U COM -roKTI N O— " l'.v a llmruiish kmiwlcilce ot the untiiial la«Bwhich KOVrrti I tic oprratint iB of di^otitm and nutrition , Hndby :i lati'lul a|i |iln:atiiiu ol the linn iiro|» :ttir« ot well-selectedcocua Sir. K|'|>- ''as prot iili'H wir bicakfrthl tidiles witb adeliciit'ly tlHf ufil hi'vermte whic 'j nuy k»to us many IICITJilo' turs ' bill*, l i is by llm juiliciou* uio of BUtli arlitles ofdii

    't ili.il '" C'lii nlitvti i iii uiay tin ni.uiu^illy built up uDtit

    Kliun K riionab "' r< »"'t tvi 'S tendency to ibsPiisc. Hunilrudsot subtle miilaili" » '« ll'iatiiiB .-i'"»nil us read/ to attackw\imvcr Ihcrs > K a weak point. We may escape many •(nUl i-lmft liy in pine ouiseUn wel l lorlifieu willi purehluoil ami a proj ierl y nonrisheil Iran. P."— Cieil SeniciOazctU. (•«-»>•.)

    MASUFACTUHB I >Y COCOA.—" We will now givenu account ot tlie process stdtiptrd by Messrs. Jainet fcppsJfc Co., manufuctur ciK of dietetic luiU'lr* , at tluir wnrkiin the Eunton Koad, Loud«."—See Article in CatnU'tHauMtkol.l Guile.

    FUHUUSB !— For the TEETH aud BHEATH .—Afow drops of tbo liijo id Florillinr, kpiiullrii ou a wi- l toothbru»h , produce* » plensant lalber, wlncli thi-iou ^ lily cloniffitho Tcctb (row all paraMtet or impuritic'. linrOens the gums ,prevents tartar , »tups decay, Ki"» lo tl.e Teeth a peculiarpearly nuiteiiMi1, and u d«-l ^hllul lr»i;ritiu:i' 10 the breath *It removes all uiip!ea».iiit oJuur .¦rKinK tinm tlraiyn) theltor tobacco smoke. The Fragrant P orilUt living coiopoitdin Dart of buney and sweet lierU, it duhciuua to the tasteand the grcatdiV Toilet ditcoTery ui the an'. I'lice 2». Odof all Chemists ¦>n>l I'trfnmira . l'repured bjr II. C. GiLLDP403 Oitord Stret't . LoMdnn.

    HOLLOWAY'S PI LLS—Indigestion—In nil cases ofin^motion , prnduciug w sriucis , low spirit., pal pitation , midfominlint.. the.': famous V.lla .boaM I* rcaorud to a. IbeKrntlfst and «"'«t curr«trre ol t ic stonweb , and the beatantidote to ils ailment*. Thcee 1'iHi Ui^pcl the caote ofVl ,«,*i a • tveryoue ofllictrti with it may rejoice at the safeiS»^J.eS?««ltn.hieU

    «n b. secured a|, «, >IDalU

    ' 1,'ir^V. the putcl»b. "f a 1*1

    of Hillow.y 'a Pill.. They

    T sttfDiiihen , nad nuied y iinperf-ct de.elopmept of» . H i ''« and Ulb in jonng ptiaims J Uou.aud. of .of-irV7. wlio casual) }'">'>»»ecineations furnished.

    Bcresford street , Watcrford, July 17, 1875. ioly*


    Iu roturning thanks to bia Customers anil Friends fopast favors , begs to inform thorn that , in couso-quenco of tliu KAIMU I .NC UEASE iu hia

    WINE TRAJJK , ho bos found it necessaryto make arrungemcuts for

    DIRECT SHIPMENTFrom the leading Growers. The various Vintages will ,therefore , in future be Imported, in WOOD , and iiottlcdundor hifl immediate supervision , thus enabling him toguarantee their purit y aud offer special ailvitntugcs arfto Quality and Price.

    He also respectfully asks a trial from tho«e who havenot previously bought from him , which he is certainwill lead to future orders, as he can with confidence saythat while each Wine i»- of thu highest class, his Priceswill bo found to compare favourably with those of anyother first class house in the Trade.

    TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEE, SPICKS, &c,and all other articles, connected with tho GROCERYTRADE , supplied, ot best quality und at most mode-rato prices. icl8-&nj


    BIX! to inform their friends ami tbu public thati) wy haro commonct-d buBincss iu tbu

    WHOLESALE 1VINE AND SPIRIT TitADKand buving j irocured a largo and varied assortment oftbo finest brands ot OLD W HISKEYS , W INKS , and BRAN -DIES, on most advantageous terms, they nru now pre-pared to execute nuy orders entrusted to them.

    Tho selection und bottling of Wines and lirundieEwill bo conducted uuder thu supervision of carofulund experienced men.

    In Whiskey s uouu but thuao of tho best Irishmakers will bu kept iu t>took, und tbny guarantee) toibeir customers a puro Irish Spirit ,freo from auy blendof " Silent Scotch Whiskey," noiv BO much in UBU bywholcsalu dealers, and which is fast destroy ing thereputation of our Jrisb distilleries.

    Tho most corn ploto arrangements havo been madofor carrying on a hig h-class trado in goods of a su-perior description ; and by euro aud attention theyLope to merit a sburo of public favor.

    Tho most Liberal Terms allowed lo the Trade.6 5̂" A TKIAL BUI.I t l lKl ) .

    U. M Al l U N 1' A" C 0.,THOMAS STREET, WATERF0RI)

    Aug. 20th , Ib75. tfWHOLESALE AND RETAIL



    Be^a ruapoctfull y to iutimatu to bis Friends aud thoPublic generally, that ho bas

    NOW OPEN, tho abovo STORES, whero bo hopes,by strict attention to business, und kcupiugth .> very BEST WJXE S find SPIRITS merit nsli siro of patroinigr.

    JJoLstKCKi 'tiis will find it their interest lo patiruiBO the nbovo stablidbment.

    9 û Please observo tho address :No. 8G THE liUAY,

    (L -'orMW p/ (JojiJuit Lane J,t?S WATEHF0HD.


    S U M M E 11 G O O D S !HAVING completed stock-taking, 1 am now pic

    pared to ollV r thu rcsiiluu of mya u M M Ki t '» Manorlloufce.

    HATS 1 HATS ! HATS !

    M. POWER & SONS,

    EESPECTFULLY iuforra their Friends that theyhavo received



    MEN'S and BOYS' II ATS,Bough t direct from tho Mauufacturer a ,

    which they aro offering at very JI ODEHATE PRICES .

    (rt- 2 AKD 3, B R O A D - S T 11 E E T


    IN consaquencu of tho Postponement of tho JnA*T1ONAL SYNOD, St. JOHN'S COLLEGE shallNOT-KE-OPEN' for business until MONDAY, 13thSEPTEMBER . J. V. CLEARY, D.D., Prosident.

    IDth August, 1875. n20.2t

    Collegiate Seminary, ,L A D Y L A N E . W A T E R F O R D

    BUSINESS has beon RESUMED, and Ordinaryand Privato Classes formed.

    Iu addition to tho Cuursu of Instruction requiredfor Competitive Examinations, ontranco to tho Uni.vcrsities, and to tbo higher Classes in EcclesiasticalColleger, Privato Pupils can ulso bo instructed inGtusiAN , ITALIAX , and SrA.Msit. Iitisii is alwaystaught.

    Thcro is a Class at present iu preparation for thoEXCISE . This shall reccivo special attention.

    The Nigbt Classes, fur tbo accommodation of re-spoctablo young Mun uuguged during tho day, will boro-opeued on A'oNDAr , tho 30th Inst. Uouri fromEight till Teu o'Clock.

    For Terms (which in ovory instance mast be paidin ADriNct) , aud other particulars, apply to

    S. P. O'BRIEN , Princi pal.N.B.—Candidates aro prepared in Navigation for

    tho Hoard of Trado Examinations. n"27 *2t

    French College, Rockwell,C A 11 I R , C O U N T Y TIl' l ' E B A B Y,

    Conducted by the .liev. Fathers of the Congregationof theHoly Ghost und the imiiiuciifafe Heart of llary.

    flUlfS COLLEGE is situated in a healthful.A. and picturcst^nc locality, within three nulus of

    Caslicl , and live from Cahir. Its spacious buildingsstand in the centre of an extensivo demesne of fourhundred acres, thus affording the amplest space for thuout-door exereiso and recreation of the students. Ad-ditional and superior accommodation has been recentlyprovided.

    The COURSE of INSTRUCTION embraces tho Greek ,Latin , and most of the modern lanjruagcs ; Mathe-matics, Physical und Natural Sciences, Elocution ,Music, Drawing, and tho various other branches of tiliberal education.

    The Classical Studies, which include tho rhetoriccourse read in .Ecclesiastical Colleges, embrace all thoentrance and undergraduate courses required for any ofthe Universities.

    I rcnch and German being tho nativo languages ofseveral of the teaching staff , can here be acquired withthe same facility as on the Continent.

    The English Language and Literature, to whichspecial euro is devoted , are taught by first-class Eng-lish professors.

    This College, therefore, combines the advantages of anative with a Continental education.

    There is a. special course fur students destined forMercantile pursuits, or for Civil Servico appointments,The number of Candidates who havo successfully andwith distinction competed at Bank and other examina-tions, attest the efficiency with which this course is con-ducted. Preparatory classes for junior pupils under thochargo of experienced teachers, are attached to this de-partment. The junior pupils, forming a quite diMtinctdepurtment , arc now most comfiotably established mtho very beautiful wing formerly occupied by ecclesias-tical students.

    Music and Drawing arc taught by resident Masters.Every attention is given by tho Fathers tx> the health,comfort, and the moral and physical training of theyouths entrusted to their charge.

    TKKMS , -8 guineas per annum. A reduction iswade in favour of ecclesiastical students '

    Studies will be resumed on the PJth SEI'TEH UKU.For Prospccutscs and further particulars apply tojl3.ut. REV. P. HUVETYS , President


    A GRAND DRAWING OF PRIZES,On tho Plan of tho Art Unioo,


    XN Aid of tho N EW FEMALE OKI 'I IAN ACE , Morton-street, Cloumol.1st prize—A beautifnl Carriage, valuo 100 guineas.2nd do.— A Pony, or JC30.3rd do.—Haydock'n Bible, handsomely bonnd.4th do.—An Illuminated Text, framed.5th do.—A pair of Gilt Cundclubras.Gth do.—The Lifo of tho Blessed Virgin Mary (Orsini),

    neatly bound.7th do.—A lady's Work Table.8th do.—A llronzu Statue—a " Vine-Gatherer."9th do.—A large Engraving, framed in rosewood. Sub-

    ject : " Noah's Sacrifice."10th do.—A water-colour Painting.I lth do.—A large Doll, handsomc.y dressed.12th do.—An Kiglit-day Timepiece, encased , marble.

    ADDITIONAL I'KIZKS UECKNTLY l'ESKNTBU.Most Kuv. Dr. Gillooly, Lord Biuhop of Elphin—A £3

    note.The Lord Abbot of Mount Melleruy — A variety of

    articles manufactured by the Monks of Mount Mel-luray, and blessed by his Lordship.

    Mr. Chancellor, Sackville-street , Dublin —A FramedPhotograph of the Most Kev. Dr. Power, Lord Bishopof Watcrford and Lismoru.

    A Friend in Dublin—An electro-plated Goblet.Messrs. Irvine Ac Co., William-Htrect , Dublin—A bog-

    oak Pipe, mounted in silver , with amlicr mouthp iece.Messrs. Talty & Murphy , Henry-street , Dublin — A

    Ij ciiutifully embroidered Velvet L'osey.A Friend iu Dublin—A ludy 'n Gold King.Mrs. Cunock (the " Nun of Konniare")—Two volumes

    of tho " Lifu of 0'Coiuicll ," richly bouud.Mr. Kcrr , Talbot-strcet , Dubliu—A large patent duplex

    Lamp, value 50s.Mrs. lirctt, liclvicw, Dundruin—A beautiful modern

    liiscuitier.A Friend in .England—A beautiful copy of tho " Life of

    St. Patrick" (illustrated), by Mr*. Cusack, Kenmare.Mr. D. Uyrno, Dublin—A handsome Keailinfc' Lamp.Mr. G. Kanf ,i)onit'-street, Dtibli/I—A Jewellery Ca*a.A Presentation Convent in the county Kerry—A beauti-

    fully worked Lace Collar.Mr. W. li. Kelly, Orufton.Htrcet .Dublin—" Life of Pcroile lJuvi gnaii ," neatly bound.A Community of Sacred Heart Nuns—A Medallion of

    Hie Sacred Heart, gilt, on ruby velvet (framed).A t riend in Dublin—A valuable American Wolf Hug.Mr. Kearney Karl-streot , Dublin—Two Book Sliders.A Friend in Dublin—An electro-plated Tankard.A Community of Dominican Nuns—A framed coloured

    chalk Painting of St. Catherine of Sienna.A Friend—A lady's Work Basket.Mrs. Lacy, Clonmel — A gentleman'a largo Writing-

    Desk, elaborately bound.Messrs. Irvine, &. Co., William-strcot , Dublin (2nd gift)—A " New Ferj i" Broach and Ear-rings to match (bog

    oak).A Friend in Portarlington—A coloured chalk Painting

    ot^ Joan of Arc (framed).A Friend—A dejeuner Bot of Doll's China, valuo 25s.An English Convent—A baby's Crochet Frock and Ber-

    lin Macassar.A Friend—A Trinket Box.Spencer 4 Son, Opticians, Dublin—A Thermometer,

    mounted in ivory.A Friend—An Envelope Caae.Mr. Hart, Dublin—A beautiful Wax Doll, in bridal

    dress.Mr. Kearney, Earl-street, Dublin (2nd gift)—A bog-oak

    Heading Stand, liook-Slido, and bog-oak CroB».Mr. Costollo, Dublin—A Flower Banket.Mr. Eran, Grand-parade, Cork—A gilt Drawing-room

    Clock, undor plans shade.Mr Whito, Marlborough-Btreot.Dublin—A " Lady Spen-cer" Flower Stand.Mr. Keano, Sackville-stroot , Dublin—A L&co Apron.Mr. Daniel. Graf ton-street, Dublin—An Egg Boiler.Mr. 0*Noill , Henry-strcet , Dublin—A Steel Nccklot

    and Ear-rings.Messrs Strahau , Dublin—A Rustic Flower Vouo.Mr. Byrno, Dublin—A largo Lamp.A Friend—An Electro-plated Cup.Mr. Peyton, Cahir—A handsomo Sofa Pillow.Mr. T. J. Kenny, Mooro-slrect, Dublin—A TravellingWntine-Deak , with ink-stand.A Friend—An Electro-plated Fish Carver, in leatherCase.A Lady in Dublin-Threo lifo-Uko Wax Dolls, faRhion-nblo dressed.A Friend—A beautiful Oleograph Painting, framed.Messrs. McGlftshan & Gill, Dnblin—" The Home AITec-

    tions, edited by Charles Mackoy ; illnntratcti with onohundred ongravuigs.

    A Presentation Convent in tho County Wcxford—TwoFramed Pictures.

    A Friend in Kildarc—A Ono Pound Note.Tickets , 6d. each ; may bo had from Messrs. P. & T.

    Mnrphy, Main-Street ; Mr. Cooper, Dublin-street ; Mr.J. Thornton, Sfain-gnard ; Mr.T.Brott. Johnson-street ;Mr. Nctiglo, Johnson-street ; Mr. J. White, Dnblin-ut. ;Mr. Bolder, Main-ntreet ; nnd at tho Convent of thoSisters of Charily, Johnsou-strcot , Clonmel. fau27)



    Students are required to bo in the College beforedinnor on that day, and to present letters from •.boirrespective Parish Priests attesting their regularity oflifo and exemplary domcauour during vacation.

    Distribution of places at 5 o'Clock. Retroat nextday at noon. Thoso whom tho Superiors deem worthyof special approbation , shall bo promoted to Ordersat tho conclusion of tho Retroat by tho Most Her.Dr. POWEII , Lord Biahop of tbo Diocese.

    Frc^umon aro required to present Certificates ofBaptism, also Commendatory Letters from thoir ro.pectivo Parish Priosts, ond superiors of tho School*or Colleges in which tboy havo hitherto Btudiod.

    Tho fnturo ot tho dioceaodoponda on tho Seminary—tho nursery of tho Priesthood. Not only must thoDivir.o Vocation bo tested by vigilant observation ofSuperiors for a certain nnmbor of yonrB ; it must bocultivated from early youth with ossiduonB cure , andby a discipline of lifo suited to tbo great onda of thoMinistry, bo mado to fructil y in tho dispositions andcharacteristic virtues of tho Clerical stato. Th«young man callod, liko Samuel , from hia mother awomb, to bear tho message of salvation to God'spcoplo, should therefore bo roared opart, as much aspoasiblo, from tho world—a strauger to its ways, itsmaxims, its fashions, its falso eBtimato of things. Iutho Bbclter of tho Sanctuary, by daily and hourly in-struction and corrccliou of masters holding thoircommission from on bigh.ho should ho moulded in thopriestly form botimus, and so grow in grace Rnd wis-dom before God nnd men unto tho moasuro of tho agoof tho fulness of Christ. It is thus tho Child ofAdam is gradnally transformed into tho Man of God.This tho Catholic Church has declared to bo her par.poso in founding- Diocesan Seminaries. To givo effectmoro securely to this purpose, tbo Bishops of tboIrish Chnrch will tako counsel together, nnd undortho guidanco of the Holy Ghost, in tho National Sy-nod convoked for next month. This in tbo spirit ofiho rulo that imperatively requires students destinedfor the Sacred Ministry in the diocese oj Waterford andLismorc to reside within tho Collogo, and bo testedby its disoiplino.at least ono year bofor* admission totbo class of Philosophy.

    Tbo dispositions of tbo stndonts , and tboir profi-cionoy in knowledge and virtue, under tho influence-of Collegiate discipline, shall bo sabjoctcd to annualscrutiny by the Councils of Superiors, and tho quos-tion of each one's vocation decided , if possible., boforoentrance into the Close of Theology,

    Tbo Frco Places in St. Patrick's Collogo.Maynooth ,rccontly assigned to this Diocese, and others that willbo further assigned to it in dno time, are reserved bytho Lord Bishop to St. John's College, a« valuablePrizes, for the encouragement of piety and learning.Merit olono shall bo regarded in the disposal of themaccording as thay beef mo vacant.

    To Clerical Studonts from other diucoseB, St. John 'BCollege offers advantages,*? woll physical as moral andintolloctaal,Dnsurpassed by any otbor College in tbosokingdoms. Its loDg.established roputo among thoBitbops at homo and abroad, enables tho Presidentto provido mission) for thoso whom hedcems worthy.Ho has at present several hal f bourses at his disposal.Nono, however, bnt boarders, shall bo recommendedfor affiliation at any Btago of thoir course ; nor shallTheological Students bo permitted henceforward,without gravo cause o( exemption , and express con-sent of the Lord Bishop.to resido without the College.

    No Vacation shall henceforth bo given at Easter.Pension—£30 per annum , to bo paid half-yearly in

    advanco , on tho day of cntranco, Sept. 13tb, and onMarch 1st. This rule admits of no exception.

    lYatorfurd , Foaat of St. Joseph Cnlaaauctiua , 1875.(2t) J. V. CLEAKY , D.D., President.

    A. M. ̂I), o

    The College School, Waterford.

    I'ATIIO .V—The Most Rev. JOHN l'OWKll, D.D.,Lord JJ is/iop of Walerfurd. and Lismo re.

    THE CHIEF AIM OF THIS SCHOOL£S to givo to Boys of Watcrford and tho neighbour-hood a thorough. Moral and Literary Educatiou ,without depriving ihcm, at tbo samo time, of thatother aud not loss valuable. Education , which may buobtaiued only undor ihu influences nnd among tbuassociations of homo. In this way it bas already hada largo mcasuro of success. Tho averago aUoudaucufor tho last four years has been over ono hundreddaily. But , although unondowed and dopondent ex-olusivel y, as it is, upon its owo resources, it stillneeds and olaims a muro general and a moro con-tinued support. If it guts that support , no painsshall bo spared in olovatiug and onlarging tho sphere,of its uscfulueBS,till it becomes a High Ctass CatbolioSchool second to no other in tho country.

    Ith'LIGIOUS TBAINING.Tho constant predcuco und personal supervision of

    tbo Principal ensure, for tho moral and roligioustraining of tboso entrusted to bis chargo, tho primarypl&co which this vital clement of ovcry true systemof education imperatively claims.

    ECCLESIASTICAL DEPARTMENT.As tho Diocesan School, undor thu immediate pat-

    rouago of tho Bishop, this institution offers particularudvautagcs.to th'j sopropuring for tho Diocesan College.Thus, Pup ils aspit ing lo the Ecclesiastical stale andreading Rhetoric in tho School, are still tspecUMy ex-empt from the necessity nf res iding ill the College hefmeentering upon the Log ic Course. Again, iho Principal'srecommendation of auy of hia boys is kindly accep-ted by tho Collego Examiners as sufficient guarantee,of qualification fur Classes not higher tbau Fbilodo-phy. For tho rost, the CourBO of Study for Ecclesias-tical Scholars is framed to meet tho requiromuuts oftho Entrance. Examinations iu Maynoutb , All Hal-lows, uud other Irish Cullegod.COMMERCIAL, PltOFESSIONAL, AND GENERAL

    COURSE.Great caro is bestowed ou Eng lish Language and

    Literature, and upon thu Comtnurcial Dopartiuout.To tboso preparing lor auy Spociul Examinations tboSchool aQorda every bol p fur tbo attainment of thoimmediate, object ot their Studios.

    Trained und experienced Mastors prepnro for thoUniversit ies, Medical and Logal Prolusions, thoBunks, and Public Competitive Examinations.While, DO labour is spared iu oschowiag tho urila oftbu " cramming" system, and impartiug an education,in the largo »uit truo senso of iho word—a culture,that is , ot budy, niiud and BUU I—the Course of In-struction is shaped to meet tbo particular require-ments of thu culling iu after lifo fur which ea:u boyis intended. Equal attention is bestowed upou all ;und, thoug h talent is alway s rightly appreciated andc/irel"u)ly developed, tbcro is no intellectual forcingof a low nutablu cluver scholars at thu uxpeusu of thureal uf tbu .School. All those wunt from tbo Sohuoltu Ecclesiastical Culluges, Universities , Professions,or Civil Survice , duriug iho last six years , havu hadat unco marked success iu iho Examination for whichthey entered. Thoug h only a very short timuatlilia-tcd to tbo Catholic University , six #ot* ttio Pupils havomatriculated , aud twu huvo rouoived valuable liurscsin that luHtituliou.

    PREPARATORY CLASSES.iiuys from six to teu yeard 0 0_ Grey - • • 00 0 00 000 0 00 0FLOOR, penmck, of 2f*0tbs. „ n- Supcrfinci - - - 00 0 »» Oil n 00 0

    - ID/orior» . -l oo 0 00 0 00 0 00 0OATMKAL , per Sack - ' « 0 00 0 0" » 00 «BRAX , pL'^iwt. - 1 0 6 7 0 0 0 0 0POLLARD do - ' 7 G 8 0 0 0 0 0

    FORKIGX. F""- WHEAT, per barrel of »0Ib! . 0,1 to Cd.MUTTON, ]>cr lb 7Jd to 'Jd. 1'oiiK , per Id. uJ tu ud

    POTATOES.Avrraeo liricv, Oil. to Oil. ... Stl to 03 dl pcr ttone.

    HKKAD.WUITE, lur 41b —(Jid. to UJ d I HousuOLV , per lib ud U> Oil

    WHISKEY.DUBLIN , per fe-allou, M d. Uil. I ULU CUKK , (,-alion, IS.--. OdCoHK , puuclicon, Ifa. M .

    F I S H .N' FKur.lc b, |>r cwt, '20.-. to IU. \ PKAL — 0i 0.1. to 0i OilH EIUUNUS , IH.T hrl, H *. to 21.'. S01.1:, — (is hi . to Us ledSALSIUN , pur lb. vt to 0i ul. TUIMIOT, — fa 81. to tto lud

    FOWL AND E(JUS.CUICKKNS per pair, Is to 4s. Gd I lxius, jicr Yiu.Oi 0i to b'i OilDUCKS , 3a lid to 4*. Od couple. | TUUKEXS , US Od to 0J IK.T 1 aj r

    SOA1' AND (3ASDLKS.W HITE , per cwt. 2U*. to ;tij.-i. I MOULD, per tloz lbs f>s id to ifc,UlluWK , do. iOJ. Ud lo Ud. I DllT, do. 5s. Od. to 5s 5d.

    WOOL AND HIDES.HOUUKT tt'ooi., 1.-. 5.i lo Is. 7d H II I KS , 'SU. to :iii. bM iwr cutWETUKit & KwK ,la 4il to la. 5.1 Kira, 3«l. to -kl . ],cr lb.SKIM WOOL, Ua 1U.I to U. U.I OAI .>-, 0J . to 4i. U.1 mr duz•1' 1 M U U , 'it. I'INK iicr ton, S3s Oil tu Oil I STAVES, j/er l(iou Tcaco, Liiaci 'ck, tho

    w : u of Li :e Mu l ocL , Ks(j., ot u auu.At UccU-streut , Litucrick , tbo wi*o of Mr. St phuu .M'riwiuey

    of u tiuu.Ou the acth ult., at Je. Li-p V c, Ciouiuul, the wifo of ICoburt

    U. Uurtluu, hlsq., of ;i sun.Ou tli a '6 Jill Auy tut, at c-t , fiulxirro'a, Cork, tUo \v ' o of

    TuointM lUchard Luuc, K^it.. of a aou.

    M A K l i l A l i f i S ,At Old St . Puucroj' Church, Ltondott , Thoui JS, fourth sou ot

    thu Jii T. Hue' uj, K»i-, of !*)• oinatown , couut/ Wicklww, ' •Anua, eldest liauydttT ol tho lato Jobu Uawia, &>[,, of Buu-m&tiOD, uuuuty VYKtvrfurU.

    Aub^st «U, at iloyulasd Church, by tbc llor, J . T. llyau,brother of ibu bride, Mr. Tiuiutby liyua, Ulyuiuci b̂ , Holly-ford, tu ti uu, becMud tUughU:r ut Mi*. UuruIU Uyuu, C'ouiuuHouse, couutj Tipiwnirj.—uu »ftm\; dii>*, uud ab a\unz pk e,by tbu lUiv. X*. J. tuiiue"/, Mr. Thuuitu buuoiu^', KUlcuav 'c,to Aiuo.ia, tuird dauybuir uf Mr. Uutuld Ujuu, Cuole î Huu.-n.-.

    AUK 5̂, at tit . iliudacl'a Ciiurch, Liuiurick, C'upUua HeuryThyiuas Mitcht;bpDf to buaanuab d V;in-Kabcck, clae«t daughturol tbc L»UJ FruncU Yun-Ksbcct, Esq*

    At Clouiut-1, AuasUvtia, dauKUu.r of Mr. Johu Quiul.iu ,Upper JohuiU/U-atrect, tu Mr, >fichitcl Du^dti t ulouiavL

    At Limerick , Johu Loader, Ksq., Suul-Snrb'tjuu, to Mnrgarut/ tiiie , eldujit u;iughtcr uf tbu latu ltotwrt Mcilurray, K-i|. fJ.I'., of itoxboruu '̂li, couuty Limerick.

    At St. Mary's, lyudalo Fark, tlitWu. Har.-is Scott Hnucuck,ot llaukow, Cbmu, to Mary Kliz;ibutb Ku^ull, daugbtcrut thelalo Cbristophor Ku^cH, Eau., M.U., lorworiy u( tiuuukurrj,couuty Wickluw ,

    At St. Mnry 'a, Yought\I, F. 1J, Jcrrurd, Captuiit OUt Hi ^b-laudurc, tu lua (.l., dau^atur of TUomxd M. Cuuiutiui , La-i-,J.JL' ., Coolaba Lod t̂f , county Cork-

    Aujf. -7, atiaJjnburfa-b , \Vi l ,nm Fitz»inious, J^>(1>, Solicitor,'2 , t'uutu Turracu, Mary lwruiiKb , to Kate, second daughter oftbu luluJuhu lilmt , £»4f., li rower, Kd 'tuha^li.

    D K A T 1 1 8 .O» Saturday evening nt tliu Cuuvuti t of .Mere/, Carlutv, rfi t̂t-r

    Alar,. Jb'rauct'a llu.iry, lut« of WaUriunl.— K.l i'.Ou tbu *JJlh u!t., at Cippo^iuiti , county Waterford , t'raucii

    Ilobcrt U Uouucll , Ksq., J.i*., lite .\Iajor Tippumry LijUt lu-fautry, to tbu iuuxpredible grief uf hu dorrowiu^ fauiily. Tboreuj.iiLi yf iMitjor 0'l>ouneil.wer« ititcrrwl iu thu fuuitly buri-i lplace, Grange, uu Tuudday .

    August M t »t Hoar Ablwy, Coalml , n%f e*l 5U yuan. J auiciCbadwick, l-i iij .

    At Limerick uu thu 2Dlli Au^u.it; Mary Kate, cMiafc daughterof Mr* Jobu Gueriu , a ûl uij^Ut. j«an>

    aud nix. mouths.At 'J7 t Lowor Oluuni}rc-ro;uit Mary, relict of Uunirliiij Daly,

    late ol VJoolrjuriak, vuuuty Cork.At itoao Villa, QuuuUatuWit , Ucoruo Foibery, Ka*i., J.I' ., uf

    Cioruue, Kiltlituu, cuuuty Liuierick.On the Jo'ih ult., at Jervi^-pUuc , Clouuel, the iufaal sou of

    R. II. Gorduu, K^q.Outbu rst ult., suddenly, at Moldrum . Caihcl , county Tip-

    perary, a '̂od Jo yuari, Jubu Ujvid Hi '1, E»\.t ol Larcbgruve,jin\vTbo, Kdinburgb.

    Ou tbu 17th u|t., at Killed lloujo. iu tho JUli yea r uf hiiage, TliouiJto, tbird sou oi 'Xboiua* Keul, Ka'i., ol '1'crryK lad*,couuty Ttppvrnry.

    July -Hu, at I'ortuiaitlaud, Cauada Wc=t , Mary,.wife uf JuCook, K54., aud daughter of the late Julm Kriscoc, M.D.,WHturfont.

    August 'J8th, nt Uaue — —City of Dublin Steam Company...UK) — —

    RAILWAYS.Great Southern & Western X100 paid... 11CJ —Waterford and Limerick, 32 —

    Ilu '^aterforb |Uto0"BE JUST , A.Vt) F£AK NOT."

    FRIDAY EVENING , SEPT. :i, 1870


    This is not only tho harvest season of thofanners of tbo land, but with the expectant,followers and placid partizaus of the Tory Gov-ernment; and before ller Majesty 's supposedwords are again delivered to her " faithful Com.raons," several believers in 1JE.NJA .MIN , of thoTribe of ISUAEI, will have been gathered liomoto their—places ! Col. TAYLO R , the worn-outTory Whip, who has made many a hard andcostly fight for his party in the County Dublin ,is the first on the list , and is to receive the wcll-descrved reward of a peerage, his title being de-rived from his ancestral estate, Lord ARDOILL .VS ,and in ihe Upper House, will continue- to dubattle for his party. Of course, beforo thiachange was determined on , plans were wellmatured for tho return of a staunch Tory suecessor; but should that selected man get in , iiis certain that ho will havo to make a terriblefight for possession of the honor , for \vu learn i!is rumored, in woll-inforincil ij uartcrs , that iiall probability the county will bu contested, oiHome Kulc priuci ples, by NATHANIEL BL C K L K TEsq., of Kyccrol'l, Ashion-undcr-Lync, who wa.-an independent member for Staley brid ge iilb'0'8. Mr. IkxKiEY is a very wualiL y man , amis well known in the nei ghborhood ol the Galic.Mountains, county Tippera-y, .whore lie is tinowner of considerable landed property. Aa i-his politics, when in Parliament he was an advanced Liberal , and is a declared Homo Kulesince the beginning of 187:>. During the laiParliament he invariabl y supported the Nation:interests of Ireland, and voted with Mr. Buiand the few other representatives of Nationaideas in the House, notably on the Coercion Bibrought in at a timo, by the late Governmentivheti there appeared some excuse ; and had hbeen in tho House on the last, occasion, whethe Tory Government , with pal pably no causextended it, for years, there would havo been imoro untiring opponent than i\lr. BUCKLEY. Hreturn for Dublin would be a great victory fithe people.


    By our special report it will be seeu that Isixtieth half-yearly meeting of this Compa;took place in Limerick on Monday. Tho nurbers who attended were small, and the roomthe terminus wiiere tho meeting was held, a vc;gloomy looking one. The proprietors proseseemed rather indilfereut to the proccedintWe believe the great bulk of the proprietors onow centred iu and about Dublin , eomparatisvfew being on the line itself. The result is, tlthe " Dublin men," as they are called, havo u>tho whip-hand. Occasionally, too, they sh.the whi p to the old team, though they do notolten mako them feel it. On this occasion 1Directors had an unp leasant task to pcrforni-mect the " originals" with an empty hannevertheless, cleverly aided by the Secretary, 'J. F. Nicoll, they very ably talked them intcstate botdoring, we thought , on forgetfulness.

    We said last week that the report was ; -,encouraging. That is so. After 30 years' wo •ing, to pay uo dividend to tho original pror, •ters, would freeze even Laplanders. Still i ,Shares', strange to say, aro firm—or, perhaps, .clincd to rise—and tho receipts vastly iraprov'iT hey improved over £3,30U, as compared w ilast year. The line is naturally a mine of weal ,wanting only energy, steadiness, and perse- >ranee, to work it out. It has been kopt undo- aheavy cloud by beiug shuttle-cocked about fr ione directory to another—shall we say from i ofaction to another ? At, all events, the no oKailway itself, passing through tho richest p i aol Ireland, is the sufferer.

    Individuall y the directors, past and prcsc t ,aro respectable and intelligent ; but , somel ,vor other, their disunion , or whatever else it r \ybe called, has placed the line in a wrong p i-tiou—u line which ought to .stand amongst 10foremost, in Ireland. The present directors ronearly all clever , business men , who have r :uto pusilion and ioi tutic by their own utidou! idenergy, ability, and perseverance. We an toassume, therefore , that thoir intentions arc «-right and honest. We have, for a consider: ictime, known Mr . Thomas Synnott (chainnai • anative of Woxlbrd , now one of the foremost "idmost upri ght corn merchants in Ireland ; i> u,Messrs. J. h\ Lombard , J. 1'. (Dublin) • The a3G i-oene, J. P. (Ennis) ; Abraham Stephens, ,' P,,Duncaiu .on) ; J A. Blake, J. P. (late of We *"Old 5 bauiucJ iiurko (Cahir) ; E. R. Mall ,-(^ork) ; Dr. Atkinson (lor many years one o; UDproprietors ol the I 'rceman 's J ournal) ¦ J M'i «r.mot, and K O'Shaug hnessy, the latter the n'. oKmember for tho city of Limerick. T' roare two vacancies on the directory, which r. !Ivought to be lilled from the Great Western ( m-pany, as we expect both friendshi p and aid anmat, great Company. It would be a rich t cptowards promoting a proper understandin . -omuch rcc|Uircd for the benefi t of a)) 'The Waterlbrd and Limerick Directors ironow trying to play a game between tho two ' «6rival Companies in England and Ireland ' iVohope they may succeed ; but we doubt it ievexpect to get the Great Southern and We rnto " haul" (or work) the Waterford and v D̂nek at oO per cent., aud by that means to foon the Great, .Western to their original a, ee-merit. We think this a mistake, aHdbcli - i tcan t bo realised. "Wo arc confident it would bo a most danR bastlnug to allow nny other Company to » ul"the Waterford and Limerick, and why ? Be-cause it would be certain to be left in a wors on-diuon. Thu w tho history of all such arr go-ments. It was the history of tho Centra n-taad, n httle moro of which would have r withe line. The Great Southern Company ivo

    ?Vhv Sf h,,t° t t0 lnaintain tbeir ̂ZWhy should the Watcrford and Limerick indover ,ta railway-perhap, to starve io-i myother Company t It is now a great line n£.tung through the- counties of K&yT Zrary, Limerick , Clare, and Galway-Jr« 1̂ -tenord to Tuam-about 250 milo^uiK igh1'IL ''n^ Properly look aft r So!5r«b

  • children first, btcp-chihlrcn arc usually left outin tlic colJ.

    With rcg.inl to fmanrinl .iiT.iiigemeiil.s, wo ;iroglad to sec a fair 1IO;HJ of a satisfactory solutionbetween the Watcrlbnl :iml Limerick and theGreat Western . Wo believe it, can bo oiilvbrou l̂it about, by arbitration, as suggested b"vthe (ircat 'Western. To this there can he. noreasonable objection, " to settle the matters inditlb roni'e." This cordially ellected , wo havereason to believe I hat tbc I!real Western wouldnot see the Water-ford and Limerick .short ofcapital —nay, plenty of capital—to push on alltheir midiIII K>CK , Kertor Univ . Cath.Dnblinii , Kx .-oi' bnx. Universities Catholics).Ha*; ilk" loma Monsi * ,

    AtiKiisti , A.D.. 187.1.THOMAS SCKATTOX , a. Sccrotis.

    NUNS . AS W ORKHOUSK NUJt-SKSV ATKi s roKD , \\ KDNKSIUY .—At the meeting of

    the guardians of this union to-day, Major O'Uor-nian, M . I ' ., moved that the Inlirniarian Jsiins ,or Si.y 'M runs.The followin g county (ialwny gentlemen played inthe match :—Mr. 1{. A. Pcrsse, Mr. F. Persse, and Mr.G. Persse, of )!o.\boro and Cnstleboy ; Mr. A. Ffroncb ,Moiiivea Caftlc ; Mr. Galbiaith , of Cappnrd ; thoMi's'rs. Kenny, of Long ford Lodge, nnd Sir. Vyao, ofTull yva Custlc. Tlio visitors were entertained to adinner by the home club, at tlio (irtat Hotel , on the20th ult., at which a large puny assembled, ami tberowas n ball on tbo 2711), wWch was numerously andfatthionnblv attended.

    On tlu> niybt of tht 2Ctb , kneckers wero romovedfrom two lmll doors, and 6omo bathing boxes worooverturned. A seiiHationnl nccouut of tlio latter 03-currenco appeared in a local paper, which generallydraws in facts from tho authors of romance and tra-gedy, a coinjKjund of both being vory largoly in'er.woven with tho principal subslautive, truth , namely,ihul the police were absent from Tramore at tho Dun-roure boat-races , which took place on tho same day.We would bo the last amongst, mon to palliate wannnro«rdyi*m, wherever it occurs, but from all tho en-quiries we havo made, we aro quito euro tho picturodrown of tho affair is highl y over-wrought. Wo re-gret tliiit Fomc bathing-boxes of a very industriousman, liricn , wero taken from tho strand up Terminus-rood , and thcro overturned j but that his " mcuus ofsubsistence aro tone for tlio 6oanon." as staled, is bestthoH'n by the fnct that tlio Banio boxes wcre ir. U9O ontho strand next morning, and aro now in as pufect astate of order ns ever tiny weio ; added to which , woare glad f> learn , that Jlrien has been compensated ,through the. interposition of BOIIIU benevolent gentle,men, for uny loss ho had susthined. Wo detest mid-nig ht brawls of every kind ; we abhor those unmean-ing things , known as "gentlemanl y midnight reveli ,"beeuus'j they nre demtaui'.ig and unmanly, os well asdestructive ; but wo muBt also condcmD the systemof branding localities with degrading scenes whichdo not occur , or which ore highly tortured and madolook most hideous in tho eyes of outsiders ; and inthin case , too, we believe it. is thoroug hl y wrong tolay the blame, whatever thcru is , nt the door of thovi oitorri from tho neighborhood of the " City of thoTrihes."

    LOCAL ITEMSPFCfc ' iNAi.. —We notice , with much pleasure , tho

    nrrivkl in thin city, on his Hummer vacation , of ourhighl y intelli gent and esteemed friend , John Murp hy,K«j., Hicond eon ol'the lute lamented, deeply regarded ,and c Mimuble fellow.ciliac ii , Aid. Thomas Murp hy,w ild , in the year l.V J fl, well nnd worthil y filled theoflic i- ul Mu/or of Waterfurd , with di gnity, im-purlia lny, and advantage to his fellow-cit izens , as holiu'l dun'.- in tli - ! various public iliuiuh to which he«UY «! up s" mueli ul his time acl attcnliu/i . Mr.Murp hy, in lii« nrw fp hen; of action beyond theAll r mti'r, has devufd l im.-:i.-lf to tin! occasionallydirKrai: i .-d ,but very fi tipii-nlly hi ghl y hoiiorable .honor-

    l̂ . aii 'ldittini. j iahcd profcH.-:i(in of joiinrilist fur whichh::i much mi.re than ordinary intel l i gence udmiiabl yijuah fy him; i-.d wi- urn glad to nay that he Innaln-ad y, aft-T oi.l y a threu year.-.' ieMdonc'\ taken ahi gh [.'Jh it ion on " a leading pap'T i'l Albany, the.rat fl T l. t- l,< Ti.-!ativo A- > ' .inblv of the State (.1> i w V i. ik. (i ifurd with ran: talents , natural andnc';u!ri:d ; i.jssi-ssiii ;,' bi.lid inOj rnialion (iu moat Hubivc r ..- , nnd wi t l i an iii 'iuiring and penelrulinx turn ofmind , which enables him to master thojo olijocts towhich lie tiirn. i hi-i ui'.oiit ioii , ho in a ni-j-tt va lu-h\) le ac ij uirt itiou to any re.-.p-ctablo and influe ntialpaper ; and the rcatlll is, that he has produced ii'-mydi'.-cri ptive lettor.j on current ovents mid places of pub-lic intertil l iu the Unite d Stated -several of which wohave read with most ple:i*urablo interest — wliiohwould do credit to llio most prized and experiencedof iournilisu. Mr. Murp hy ciimo from New \orkto (JueeiiHtowu in eight days , in tho Jnman bleamerC,b, -f Cl - rf t i -r, which vessel on a previous vojagoeunvyed the American Team to this country. Wewish our friend » pleaB-inl timo of it whilst hebr.:athcii b^ .H native uir , a safo roluru n ;roSB lliuAtlantic , and n happy and prosperous future in hisnew home in tlio urva l Jiepoblic of tbo West.

    ,M I > I.I.K . TITIK .SU .—This eminent artiste having ao-i.uiud an eugagenient for tbc United States to singin (,ni! hundred concerts , for which sho will receive£:; ,'.iOO, hun deciileil to visit old Jrelaud beloro herdeparture. The concert al Walerlord wi 'l tnko placeot the 1 Ith September.

    H AD M ILS .- A limn numid Tower , from nenrH.illim'ud, was fined on Monday, at tho l'olico Oflico,C\ n-id costK , on complaint of Mr. Mahony, high con-stable , for having on that moniiog exposed m:lk forBU |e with 20 por c< nt. water in it.

    MR- l«- FKF.KMA N , T.C.—Wo liad un interview withour old friend , Mr. L Freeman, in jfil on Tuesday.Ho oodnres the imprisonment with g.eat patience ,, tl t} considering everything, 1. jks much betterthan wo had expectcJ. Ho wcara his OWD clothes,reads books (not newspapers) , and walks abjut aumnll vard . liis two moolha

    1 nnpriBoument will baup oil tlii. day fortnight. Surely, it will bo a newlil 'a to him to have done with it.

    T/ie 1J««»-£*T.—Tho harrest is now nearly all cut,Imt u conBidorable cinantity yet remains in tho field.There is ft largo nmouut of bay spill m tho fiamo con-Jition , but the farmer is taking udvaMago of everyMmoriunitj this brvk«i weather to get it into thehw««rd. Wo had BOtno very heary rain th s week.

    A v Ucinf M —Whilst Mr. J. Cox (Cox brothers)û drirhg a horso 3B d dog carton Sunday morning

    br lUilw.y S.jwim. Manor, tho spirited animal gotrcBtivo us the corner was being turned into theSquare, tho result beiug to put ono of tho wheels uponJbo kerbstone, upset the veh.cle and throw out ilr.Cor, who came to tho grofud on Jrs hands nnd knees,fortunately o»cajiiuB «id. a contusion of the wristTho frightened animal , in ruu.M.ig away, was stoppedby a iwlicemaii furtiior up tho Manor , with thoWboel injured, and one of tbo sidea of tlio duff cart.lore in. . _ . . . . „

    A KiM ' TKKA T .— On Iho ^ih ult . Lady drew en-terWiuoJ tho male aud female children ol tho Liinisoortby workhouse nt Castlcbcro , where they were re-raled With ull thu luxuiies oblaiuib.e. What hasbeoomo of tbo animal trip which used to bo girou J.othe poor childrcu of tbo WaU'rfnrd workhouse?


    SPIRITED CHIEF JIAOISTJUTK , AND KAK.SEST ASSIST-AXTS —TUB APPK AKANCU OF THE Ql.'AVS I I K F O H K T 1 I KHACKS— THE KNTK IKS , THE Kl 'NNI Nt i, THE VICKHIS ,AMP THE MII7.KS — TUB HHK1 VO1IKS, WITH TIIKKNIII M ; .Tho Watcrforil ltivor llpgatla, tl;o revival of whichmanly sports was set un fnot by a Icttor from our

    respected chief magistrate , Jamos T. Hyan, Katj .,with a liberal subscri ption , pub I N KWS, camooff on Tuesday undertwo veiy satisfactory clcineniy , one, and tho priuci pulono on Ruch occasions, propitious woa'.hor; tho other,woII-Uoviscd arraugemcuts, ably carried out by willingheads nnd hearts. Tho getting up of tho Watorfordregatta for lST'i.origiuated.as wo state, and its carry,ing out by tho encrgctio members of tho commitUouliow what can bodouo amongst us, and prove wbntshould not bo forgottcu, as it Eoetned to have beenfoi- tho past fow yearc, that onr city of Waterfordshonld have her annual aquatics, and that for thofututo tho yearly reenrrunce of our " Kiver ltcgatta"must lio regarded ns a ranttor of certainty. Thework to bo dono, an interva l of three years havingoccurred sinco wo had i\ regatta hero bofore, wngrather n, difficult ono; uuoertaiuty as to its comingoff had to bo rcmovod ; au interest in its success hadto bo created, aud then monetary aid, that grcate.itof nil lovers to raise overything human to tho do-lired end, had to bo obtained before, tho rosponsiblocoramittco could safely tako upou tbcmselvos thoduty of plauninjf and of nrr.ing ing tbo details. Thowork, hotvoror, heavy os it was, was ontercd uponwith a r.oal which wonld kuow of no dofoat; " whorothero's n will thcro'a a way j" tho honorary officersand tho committee resolved that, onco having startedtho 'project, tho public should not bo disappointed,and deservod success has crowned their efforts. Thoovents nnmod for competition woro numerous, (hoprizes valuable nud enticing, and all things dono toinduce- a largo amount of ontries. Tho only draw-back iu this roenlt—and it created deep disappoint-ment—was tho fact that tbo raco for tho first-classfour-oared out j iggers did not fill, tho only appoarancobeing by tho Shnunon Hawing Club, tho Glenbrookand Dublin University Ilowing Clubs being tho samoday ongngod iu a regatta at Glenbrook. Tho workingportion of tho prcceedings of tbo day was ably dis-ohurgod by MoeBrn. W. G. D. Goff, W. E. Keily, Capt.Parle, P. F. Hanrahan , and D. W. Davidgc, andtboir efforts mot with all suocoas. A roomy andwell-appointed Pig "oat , composed of two lightersanchored together, and boardod over, supplied by Mr.O'Neill , local monngcr of tho Bnrrow NavigationCompany, was moored oft" tho Abboy Church, audhero wero assembled tho stewards , amongst whomattending wero —Mr. Kichard Power, M.P., andMajor O'Uor.uan , M.I', (city of Wntorford) ; Me.'sr?.J. U'Neill Power, J.P., and Major Mnunsell , J.I'., llr.P. J. l'owor, D.li., Fnithleggo House, another of tbostawards , sailing about iu his pretty stoom yachtwith n party of friends. Tho committco officiatingwero also on tho flag-tout , and in connection withthem was tho little river stoamor Seagull , on whichthey followed each race, onabling tbom and tho pressto jti dgo ol tho severa l changes iu the contests, aswoll as keopiug tbo couiso as clear os posEiblo, boatsof all kinda and 617.03 covciing tho bosom of tbo riveriu almost every direction. Tho Harrow NavigationCompany's steamer had a largo party on board. Bykiud permission of tbo local agent of tbo company,tho Groat Western Company 's steamer Wahrf ord ,brought up end moored lit tho hulk opposite tlioMall , was alloUed for tbospleudid band of tho 100thKegimcnt , from Kilkenny, under Mr. W. Healy,their leader, and timing tho day they played thofollowing eboicM programme :—

    March , " Wt.-raii," oat , round a buoy opposite »nd close tobridge, and winning at flag boat.

    Mr. P. Kelly's Fly ; crew—Jaincrf Gleoi-on , W. Ken-nedy, M. Doberty, J. Heffernan, cox, and M.AVaitc. Colors—blue and, whito 1Marquis of KIJ'H Zclia ; crew — J. lirien , J.Toolo, M. TJclanj, M, Suimon, and Captain Kelly,cox. Orcen 2

    Mr. G. W. Carr'a Spray ; crow — J. Asolford , JohnDuly, James Leigh, Pat Leigh, aud G. W. Carr,cox. Kod and whito 3Also ran—Mr. James Tower's Anna ; crew— Pat

    Dwycr , John Dw/cr , Thomas Wall , John Afurray, andPhili p Hunt , cox—color , green ; thu Orwell , belongingto H. M. gunboat Onrell , at present in this harbour;crew—K. Shears, 11. Donovan, S. Ahearn , K. C'allughan,and cox , T. Callannn , color bluo ; and tho Orient , Capt.Davies ; crew—Michael Hardy, Kichard Hardy, KdwardHurdy, P. Corcoran, and cox, Si. Murray, color yelluw ;with an Italian boat called tho ljuttalion for tho day,the names of whoso crew could not bo obtained.

    There was a capital start elfcctod iu this raco, nndalmost all kept well together nearly half way to thubridge buoy, iu tho run up tho Zclia , the Fl y, uudthe Anna being tho favorites. Tho turning of thobuoy WII H tho gr< tit point in tho raco, and a strugg le)wa» made ' > round il first. This wu9 douo almosttogether by tho ll'ly and Zelia, the former a lililo inadvance, thu Aniiii a capital third , and a very excitingraeo now ensued down to I ho 11 jg buat, tho other corn -pelilora somewhat behind. When juat nt the Mallit was doubtful to those 1111 honrd the tug whether iheFl y or the Zeliu wi> s first , tho coulesl was so close,but al this point a lugger, moored right, in thu\\:iy of the Zeliii , obliged her I ) unship her lail Kirdtiiir.s fur a i-ccoiid , ihu.i giving a slroko in advance tolu-r antagoni st. Home on board , coini etciit to judge,ktati -d lliut wcrif imot for this mishap, Capt. Kellywould havo won. Tho lugger »i' -i rumored immedi-ate ly aflerwan lj .SKI ;OXI , H A < K— (urii'iiall j- fiicl us third)—Pu nt^ , not

    exeecd'Hg 11 feet over all ; priies— M 'J , £1, and 10s.Cour-e , from Uug-hout , round a buoy .-.hort of thebridge , at Thomas-street, winning at starting point.

    Tho following enWreJ :—Mr. it. Con orun'H Wild Iri.-h Girl , ijobcrt Corcoran ,

    white and bluu 1Mr. S. .Shallow's Linnet , S. Shallow, fi.eeu 2Mr. J. l'hehiu'a Kate , J. U'Mon , blue, Maltese, CKIKM... 3

    AUo competed—M«K»rs . U. W. Penrose'H Wynott , K.Garey, blua; Ml. Gleuaon'H Fly, Thomas Wa'l , black ;Jan. Xagc'K Helena , F. Murphy, red and white , and \V.Wuljh' H M. A. F.. John Jones, blue.

    This ruco from start to finish was confined in paceto iho three placed , and, lor a time, tho Knto luisedhopea of being higher up, if not tha loador. How-ever, tho Wild one was Hut to be beaten ; abo kepthor position hum tho first , Dud como iu a cajiitalwinner.Tuna) K ACE (fixed for Hecond)—Fishing eote , not ex-

    cceip'ig 'M feel ; prizes— X - 10s., XI , and lUs. Samoeour^e a« in lust nice.There were threo cutrie.i in this race, but tho (strug-

    gle MIS eoiifiuud, all through, to thu two first , theirfearfully energetic heul'ing ufford:ng vast amusement,and elieting much cheering. A capital race was wellwon by '1'. Lee's tho Kitten , crew, T. and J. Lee, color,white ; Kdmond KOWC 'K Nelly, crew, K. liowc, and W.Walsh , color, t.een , being second.FouiiTii H ACK .—Two-oarcd whorrioi , 29 feet over all ,

    same course as ships' (jigs ; jirizes—i!-l, X'2, and £1 ,if four start. Tho following entered, and run :—

    Mr. A. li. Cherry's Lotuw, Hoboi i. Corcoran andJohn I'owor ; cox.s., G. Kowlan ; wlrto, with rodborder 1

    Mr. J. H. Jones's Wasp, Kdmond Dunphy and PeterHurloy ; cox.s., Itichard Nowlan j colord, whito and

    I bluo bordc- 2Mr. li. Penroso'a. Lilly [}

    Die racn was held fiom start to finish by tho Lotua,tho competitors coming iu ns placed.FIKTU KACE.—Four-oatcd Yawls, not eicccdin(r 26

    foot over all ; same courso; pr°?cs, £1, X2 and £1.Mr. A. Wiallpy's Canary 1M Haugh". Samuel Thomas; crow—James Heffpman,

    K. Murjiny, J. Brophy ; cox , Michael Huugh ; color,green 2A'HO ran—John Dwycr 'H Nelly, and P. Vealc's Mack-

    duck, tho latter with a crew composed of M. Walnh, M.Col'ins , P. VenJe, and J. Fitzgerald, with M. Walbb,cox. At tho outsot considerable difticulty was experi-encod bv ilr. Cio£f. and Mr. W. K. Kcily, in effecting afa:r start ; the NDIIJ would keep U) thu fruut, uud dia-regarded re[>e«tohWSB, that the defendant bo $ued 40s. with 001U,

