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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Agenda• What is a Search Engine?

•What is SEO ?

• On-page Optimization

on-page factors

• Off-page optimization

off-page factors

What is search engine?Search engines are programs that search

documents for specified “keywords "and returns a list of documents where the keywords were found.

Typically ,web search engines work by sending a spider to fetch as many documents as possible.

Another program ,called indexer ,then reads these documents and creates an index based on the words contained in each document.

Search engines examples Google, yahoo, Bing, msn.

Major Search engines

Google: Google founded sep 4,1998 by two “Stanford” university students names “Larry page" and “Sergey Brin”

Google holds more than 75% market share of the search engine industry

Yahoo: Yahoo founded by “Jerry yang” and “David filo” in 1994 January.

Yahoo stands for "yet another hierarchal officious oracle”.

Bing: Bing was launched in 2009 by “steve Balmer” the CEO of Microsoft.

Bing has enough potential in changing the metrics of search

What is SEO? SEO is the abbreviated form of “Search Engine Optimization”.

Seo is a technique which increases the visibility of websites on the search engines. It makes the website crawlable and easily accessible by the search engine bots. It improves the site structure and other elements like the loading time of the site in order to increase the user friendliness as well as search engine friendliness of the website.

There are two types of SEO Techniques On Page Optimization – All the changes made on the files and

servers of the website come under on page optimization. Some common examples are changing the title tag of the website, changing the meta tags of the website, rewriting content, applying redirects, adding some commands in the robots.txt file etc. In simple words, changes that one does on the website itself come under on page optimization. Off Page Optimization- The work that you do to popularize a website on the World Wide Web comes under off page optimization. These may include directory submission, article submission, forum posting, blog commenting, link building, social media promotion etc. 

ON-Page optimizationOn-Page Factors

Meta title Meta Description Meta Keywords Header Tag Alt Tag Robots.txt file Canonical form Anchor text Xml Site map Html Site map Google Analytics Webmaster Tools

Meta Title tag: A Meta Title tag tells both users and search engines what is the topic of particular page is. Create a unique title for each page .Title tag should exceed 70 characters ,other wise search engines consider the page to be spam. Never repeat keywords in your title tag. This is considered as keyword stuffing and can get you banned from search engine results altogether. <Title>your Title</title>Meta Description tag: The Meta description tag displays valuable information related to the website on the search engine result pages. The description which you see under headings while searching for queries is the content embedded under description tag. Google 160, Yahoo 165, Msn 200+ characters supported.<Meta name="description" content=“Your description. " />

<meta name="keywords" content=“your keywords" />

The Meta Keyword Tag: The Meta keyword tag shares information related to the terms that are useful in locating that particular information. The search engines use this information for finding relevance of the web page content with respect to the keywords mentioned in the keyword tag.

Meta tags is found between <Head> and </Head> areas of an HTML document.

Header tag: Effective organic search engine optimization uses many factors all focused on your keyword phrases. Heading tags are one way of emphasizing your keywords to search engines. Heading tags are used on the headlines on your web page. Heading tags (H1 through to H6) are given much more importance by search engines than regular body text. Alt Tag :Alt tag (also referred to as image tag) is textual information related to a graphic image to indicate its relevancy and avoid indexing problems. The thing is that search engines don’t perceive websites the way we do. They cannot read images, that’s why it is important to use ALT tags to tell the search engine spiders what this or that picture is about. Basically an ALT tag is a name of a picture or graphic image.Generally the image ALT tag looks like this[IMG SRC="URL" ALT="Insert your alternative Text Here“]Robots.txt file: Robots.txt file is considered as a convention useful to prevent cooperating web robots and web crawlers from accessing all or part of a website or its content for which we don't want to be crawled and indexed but publicly viewable. It is also employed by search engines to archive and categorize website and to generate a rule of no follow regarding some particular areas of our websites.To exclude all robots from the entire serverUser-agent: *Disallow: /

To allow all robots complete accessUser-agent: *Disallow:

Anchor Text: Anchor text is the name of the hyperlink describing the web page associated with that link. It is the clickable text associated with the link.You can create an anchor text with the help of the <a>  tag. Example is given below:-<a href="">Doll</a>Here:-The href attribute specifies the linkThe text “Doll” is the anchor text.Hence, to create an anchor text you must supply text before the closing </a> tag.

Canonical form: Canonicalization is the process of picking the best url when there are several choices, and it usually refers to home pages. For example, most people would consider these the same technically all of these urls are different. A web server could return completely different content for all the urls above. When Google “canonicalizes” a url, we try to pick the url that seems like the best representative from that set.

Google Analytics :It is a free web analysis tool first rolled out in late 2005but generally it become available for users in August 2006. This tool acts between website & internet browser/users and offers complete overview of visitors statistics which exactly says about general website activities like page views, site visits, bounce rates, average time spent on site or pages, sources of traffic, location etc. It is also obvious for tracking Adword queries.Webmaster Tool: It is a free service catered by Google which provide us a complete report for indexed data, crawling errors, back links information, search queries, website malware errors, CTR and submitting XML sitemap. Basically, it acts as a mediator between website and server provide complete overview of data,issues and other queries.

HTML &XML Site maps : sitemap incorporates list of web-pages which is accessible to users or crawlers. This helps search engine bots and users to find out the pages on a website. The site map renders our website more search engine friendly as well enhances the probability for frequent indexing.HTML sitemap can be incorporated directly in a web page for user’s flexibility and can be implemented through proper design. On the other hand, XML sitemap is useful only for search engine crawlers or spiders and doesn't visible to users. It sits in the root of website.Such as:

OFF-Page optimizationOFF-Page Factors

Directory Submission Social book marking Blog Commenting Article Submission Press releases Forum Posting Classified posting Google Groups Yahoo Groups

Social Bookmarking: After the recent Google updates, this method of creating back links has got a new shape. In this method, you submit your site urls on popular social bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Delicious, Diigo, jump tags, Misterwong etc.

Directory Submission: The most basic method of building back links to your website is directory submission. If your website is new, you should start with directory submission as these are some of the easiest ways to obtain back links to your site, and also increase traffic to your website

Blogcommenting: One of the most effective ways of getting a back link is through blogging. There are several websites like blogger, wordpress, blogfa, weebly, sosblog etc which provides you a free blog. You can use these services to create a blog related to your niche and update in on a daily basis. You can put back links on the sidebar or take contextual links from your blog. Do not spam the blog by adding duplicate content or rewritten content, make it unique and informative. Use your creativity and provide some useful stuff for your audience. IN this way the chances of getting a back link would increase.

Article Submission: The articles are concerned with specific topic or event and are highly oriented towards an opinion instead of information. An article is supposed to be more oriented towards showing up opinions, views and idea. Generally, it is written by a third party or expert of any specific field.Press releases: Press Release is related with a specific action or event which can be republished by distinct medium of mass-media including other websites. It should be simple, short and professional. It conveys a clear message or information.Forum Posting: Another great way to build back links but this method is slowly declining. Now quality forums rarely provides instant signature links because of excessive spamming. To continue building links this way, you need to have patience, must contribute to the community before actually getting a signature link. Links from quality forums would work but again the measurement of quality relies upon several standards.

Classified Submission: Advertisements works wonders for promoting any website either it is online business or any products or services. It plays a very important part in building reputation of a business or products and services. It draws more attention than any other form of promotion. In an online business today, it is seen that there are many classified advertisements on the search engines, News Portals , social networking websites and other websites dedicated to the classified advertising. It is one of the most efficient forms of online advertisements.Google Groups: Google groups is free service from Google Inc. with Google groups create online email-based groups, engage in discussions about a specific subject, organize meetings ,conferences among members of a group. Find people with similar hobbies, interests or backgrounds.Yahoo Groups: Yahoo! Groups is one of the world’s largest collection of online discussions boards. The term groups refers to internet communication which is a hybrid between an electronic mailing list and a threaded internet forum, in other words group messages can be read and posted by e-mail or on the groups webpage like a web forum
