Look for these other fine Stainless Steel Dragon eBooks … ·  · 2008-11-24(Dwarf to titan...


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Credits Cover Art: Jon Volden Map Design: Jon Volden Writing: Jon Volden






"SSD Mapping the way to Adventure!" Please Note: This is PDF sample. It is designed to allow potential buyers a chance to see what they are getting before purchasing this product. If you do not like what you see in this sample do not buy this product, you will be unhappy with it. If you do like what you see, then you will not be disappointed. If this were the actual book it would contain much content and pages would be printable. First eBook Printing: July 2008 This eBook is a compilation of the Castles & Keeps Map Set, Fortresses & Strongholds Map Set, Temples & Tombs Map Set. Copyright © Jon Volden 1992-2008 All rights Reserved Copyright © Jon Volden 2008 All rights Reserved eBook copyright violation notice: This document is being sold as an electronic file for personal/private game use. This file and documents printed from it may not be resold or publicly displayed by anyone in any format without the expressed written consent of Jon Volden and/or a legal representative of the Stainless Steel Dragon Game Company. The purchaser of the map set may print out any and/or all maps from this eBook as often as desired for personal/private game use. However, user may not sell, copy or transfer for use any descriptions, drawings or symbols unique to this document without obtaining prior consent from Jon Volden as the legal copyright holder. Please report all copyright violations to www.Dunjon.Com or email JonVolden@DunJon.Com (In less formal words, if you want to use material from this eBook for something that might violate the above copyright, please contact SSD by email. There is a good chance use will be allowed. But SSD must post the above notice to protect its intellectual property.)

Table of Contents Castles & Keeps

Designer's Notes Page 5 Mapmaker Notes Page 6

1) Mountain Side Keep Page 7 2) DragonGuard Castle Page 8 3) Lake Town Page 9 4) RiverHold Keep Page 10 5) Castle With No Name Page 11 6) SilverCrest Castle Page 12 7) Water Round Keep Page 13 8) Castle on Mountain Peak Page 14 9) Castle WaterCrest East Page 15 Castle WaterCrest West Page 16 Castle WaterCrest Dock Page 17 10) Castle on Plain Page 18 11) Wizard's Hold Page 19 12) Death Guard Castle (Outer Area) Page 20 Death Guard Castle (Inner Area) Page 21 Death Guard Castle (Wizard Tower) Page 22 Death Guard Castle (Dragon Caves) Page 23

Fortresses & Strongholds City Maps

StormGuard Mtn Peak Level 1 Page 24 StormGuard Mtn.Peak Level 2 Page 25 StormGuard Mtn.Peak Level 3 Page 26 RiverGuard Castle Page 27 ValleyGuard Castle Page 28 SeaGate Castle Map 1 Page 29 SeaGate Caste Map 2 Page 30 Fire Mountain Stronghold Page 31 The Vault Page 32 Mountain Pass Stronghold Page 33 DarkGuard Page 34 Castle Windsong Page 35 Greystone Stronghold Page 36 Castle Dreadnaught Page 37 Waterward Stronghold Page 38

Temples & Tombs Dungeon Maps

Sphinx of Secrets (Level 1 Ground) Page 39 Sphinx of Secrets (Level -1 Underground) Page 40 Sphinx of Secrets (Level 2 Upper Body) Page 41 Temple of Blood Page 42 Pyramid of Power (Level 1) Page 43 Pyramid of Power (Level 2) Page 44 Temple of Terrors Page 45 Temple of Doom Page 46 Temple of the Tyraxxian Page 47 Tomb of Ten Kings Page 48 Tombs of the Elder Titans Page 49 Temple of Rolling Thunder Page 50 Temple of Many Tombs Page 51 Well of Souls Page 52 Temple of Time Page 53

Map Guides

Dungeon Map Key 1 (Items) Page 54 Dungeon Map Key 2 (Creatures) Page 55

Bonus Material

Voldaria Midlands (B&W) Page 56 Voldaria Midlands (Color) Page 57 Optional Monetary System Page 58 Optional Markets A-Z Page 59 Random General Events Page 66 Random Specific Events Page 67 Quick NPC Personalities Page 68 Random Laws Page 72 Random Punishments Page 73 Other Age of Volondor Products Page 74

Designer Notes:

These maps are NOT designed to be pretty wall decorations. They are designed to be extremely detailed, yet easy to use informational tools. Each map in this book is designed to be printed out onto an 8x11 inch sheet of paper with 1/4 inch wide margins on all sides. Maps are made relatively simple and are in B&W to ensure the best possible tabletop copy from a variety of printers. Also white space was chosen over a more artistic colored background to allow GMs to add notes where needed. It is recommend that GMs print out one map for their use and another map for player use. Please view PDF pages at 100% image size to see at best detail. These maps were deliberately designed to be iconic. Once a user gets used to the various symbols used on one map they can easily use all SSD map sets. At first glance these iconic symbols may appear crude, but they are designed to convey a lot of detailed information. (At pixel level) How thick are the walls? Where are the windows? How is a door locked? Where are torches on the walls? What is in the rooms? Are there any traps? This is important information and basic iconic symbols are the quickest and easiest way to convey it. The symbols in this map set are standardized in all SSD Map sets and up coming modules. As far as scale is concerned, most icons are in scale with each other, however some animals were made a little larger than they would actually appear. (Creature icons in most SSD maps sets are simply there for atmosphere to suggest what creatures might be held or found in an area and they should not be used as size scales.) The basic scale for all maps as the dungeon key indicates is one pixel equals 4 inches in a human sized settlement. So a door two pixels thick would be a 8 inch thick (heavy-duty) door. A bed would be about six feet (24 pixels) long for a human sized settlement. Scale bars were intentional left off most maps so the GMs can scale these cities up or down to suit their needs. (Dwarf to titan size.) If you need a scale, find a bed. SSD Maps are created though intelligent design, and not some random map generator. Although icons are used over and over in various maps they are not boiler-plated. An icon, by definition should be recognizable since it needs to be used over and over again. SSD maps attempt to use icons as a form a short hand to describe basic rooms details without forcing the GM to search through written descriptions in books. GMs are encouraged to embellish such descriptions, and numbers are often placed on maps to aid GMs in creating their own encounters and descriptions. Some serous thought goes into the making of each Castle, Lair, Maze and Cave. All are made for FANTASY realms, and they are not designed to be historically correct. Most maps are designed to offer "interesting" challenges to invaders or defenders not found in a mundane world. The effort SSD puts into unique atmosphere is one of the things that distinguishes SSD map sets from less detailed generic map sets. SSD Map names are designed to be descriptive, but are not written in stone, feel free to rename anything as you choose. In regards to other styles of maps, Yes, we could put color and texture and grids on our maps, but we believe those additions would take away from the "more important" details that are our maps have to offer. If not as a PDF on a monitor screen then when printed-out with a B&W printer. As a special bonus to this combined value pack map set. I am including both a B&W & Color regional map that lists the locations of over 100 Castles, Keeps, Strongholds, Labyrinths, Lairs, Temples, Tombs, Caves and Caverns. Many of which are now or will soon be available. I am also including some typed and/or scanned information from the SSD DungeonLord's Logbook that will help GMs fluff out their cities with various stores, NPCs, random city events, as well as laws and punishments. This additional bonus material will help transform these maps from a collection of individual Fortresses and Strongholds into a campaign of challenges for any would-be conquer, or perhaps provide a GM with an empire to base a campaign world upon. If you like this map set, please look at our other map sets and products. Final Note: If you have questions, comments or concerns regarding this product feel free to email me at JonVolden@DunJon.Com

Jon Volden

Mapmaker's Notes

I created this collection of maps to guide others through the forgotten kingdoms of the ancient lords. A path I journeyed long ago. In those days the wilderness teamed with monsters, and strong castle walls were all that stood between humanity and the evil that lurked outside. Today, there is no telling what manner-of-beings now inhabit these castles. Be their new lords good or evil, friends or foes? I personally don’t know, but I leave these notes in the hope that they may benefit those with the courage to explore that which waits for them behind tall walls of stone, and in moats of blood and broken bone.

1) Castle walls vary in height from 20 to 100 feet. 2) Castle towers usually stand at least 10 feet above the adjacent wall. 3) Castle towers have been known to house guards. (20-100 Extra Hidden Bunks) 4) Castle towers usually have several floors with trap doors & ladders.

5) Beds in various barracks are sometimes doubled, or tripled stacked (Bunk Beds) which increases the number of guards garrisoned in castle.

6) Moats surrounding castles usually contain some nasty monsters. 7) Drawbridges usually take at least five minutes to raise or lower. 8) Castles usually raise their bridge(s) and/or lock their gates at sun down. 9) Trappers, hunters, farmers and traveling merchants usually buy and sell their wares just outside the main gate, or in the town square if applicable. 10) Farm houses, huts, and hovels, were not included in my mapping, but it should be assumed that sufficient peasant housing exists outside the walls to support all the needs of those that live within any give castle or keep. 11) Thieves guilds are not “labeled” on maps. (I don’t want to be assassinated.) 12) Strangers can usually gain training from local professionals (For a Price.) 13) Castles and keeps with outhouses generally have some type of sewage system. (I didn’t map the sewers systems, would you?) 14) Since it has been several years since I mapped these castles and keeps, it is likely that treasure, traps, locks, doors, and other fortifications may have been added, removed or replaced. 15) Lords will defend their castles and keep to the death, and will usually hunker down behind their walls during any attack. 16) Most castles and keep have their own set of laws, customs and cultures. It is recommended that visitors learn these as soon as possible, or their stay may be a long one!

Good luck in your travels!

Lord Voldar Master Mapmaker

Monetary System (Optional)

10 Iron Equals 1 Copper Or Equals 10 Iron Or Equals 1/10,000 Gold 10 Copper Equals 1 Nickel Or Equals 100 Iron Or Equals 1/1,000 Gold 10 Nickel Equals 1 Silver Or Equals 1000 Iron Or Equals 1/100 Gold 10 Silver Equals 1 Gold Or Equals 10,000 Iron Or Equals 1/10 Gold 10 Gold Equals 1 Platinum Or Equals 100,000 Iron Or Equals 1 Gold 10 Platinum Equals 1 Mythril Or Equals 1,000,000 Iron Or Equals 100 Gold 10 Mythril Equals 1 Argonium Or Equals 10,000,000 Iron Or Equals 1,000 Gold 10 Argonium Equals 1 Adamantium Or Equals 100,000,000 Iron Or Equals 10,000 Gold 10 Adamantium Equals 1 Voldarium Or Equals 1,000,000,000 Iron Or Equals 100,000 Gold 10 Voldarium Equals Highest Value Or Equals 10,000,000,000 Iron Or Equals 1,000,000 Gold Note: 20 Coins of any material equals 1 pound. Size, diameter & thickness of coin varies with density of material. Adamantium, and Voldarium are generally considered to heavy to be moved, thus they do not make good coins.

Properties And Origins Of Metals of Voldaria Iron (IP = Iron Piece) This gray mental is the most common element of any worth in most realms. It is very heavy, rusts easily, and is relatively soft. It is rumored to be an effective weapon against certain types of undead creatures. Copper/Bronze/Brass (CP = Copper Piece) These fairly common metals and alloys carry about the same value. Varying form Brown to red to bright yellow in color these metals are somewhat lighter and harder then iron. They are often used in the construction of basic weapons and armor. Nickel/Steel (NP = Nickel Piece) Usually light or dark gray in color these metal alloys can be polished to a mirror like finish and they have about the same worth. Both are reasonably heavy, hard and strong. They are often used for making and/or reinforcing armor and weapons. Silver (SP = Silver Piece) This shinny gray/white metal is reasonably hard, strong and reflective. It is considered a pure metal and is popular in the construction of holy items as well as jewelry. It is rumored to make effective weapons against certain types of undead. Gold (GP = Gold Piece) This shinny yellowish orange metal is very rare. In its pure state, it is both heavy and soft. The rarity and beauty of gold makes it the favorite currency of many kingdoms. In fact, it is considered the “standard” used for measuring the values of all other metals. It is also used to make expensive jewelry and to gild fancy weapons and armor. Platinum (PP = Platinum Piece) This metal has a white/silver color and is more rare then gold. Platinum is highly prized for its reflective properties. It is suitable for making expensive jewelry and forging magical weapons and armor of minor quality. Mythril (MP = Mythril Piece) This metal is white with flecks of green and/or blue in its color. Mythril metal is very strong and light. It is suitable for making quality magical weapons and armor. Argonium (AP = Argonium Piece) This flat red metal comes from the stars, it is highly resistant to magic. It is lighter in weight then Mythril, but much more fluid in nature. It is highly prized by blacksmiths for its ability to deflect magical energies . Adamantium (To Heavy To Be A Coin?) Deep blue in color, Adamantium is an extremely heavy and hard metal. It is used in the making of powerful artifacts, including weapons and armor. Voldarium (To Heavy To Be A Coin?) This metal is a “light-absorbing” black in color, it is found at the core of planets, and is unnaturally heavy. Voldarium is unbreakable and cannot be lifted by any normal means. Furthermore it is 100% resistant to normal magic, and tangible in all planes of existence simultaneously. (Prime material, Ethereal plane, etc…) This metal is a favorite with the gods for the construction of indestructible artifacts.

Engraver Type Stone Copper Nickel Silver Gold Platinum Mythril Agronium Adamantium Letter 1NP 1IP 2IP 1CP 1SP 1GP 1GP 10GP 100 GP Basic Symbol 2NP 2IP 4IP 2CP 2SP 2GP 2GP 20GP 200GP Detailed Rune 1GP 1NP 1IP 1SP 10GP 10GP 20GP 100 GP 1,000GP Simple Art 2GP 2NP 2NP 2SP 20GP 20GP 40GP 500GP 5,000GP Fancy Art 10GP 1SP 1SP 1GP 10GP 100GP 250GP 1000GP 10,000GP

Food Store Dried Meat Nuts Fresh Vegetables Fresh Fruit Per Pound Per Pound Per Pound Per Pound Beef 5SP Almonds 1GP Beans, Green 5CP Apples 1SP Crab 1GP Cashews 2GP Beans, Brown 5CP Banana 3SP Chicken 2SP Peanuts 1SP Carrots 7CP Peaches 2SP Fish 4SP Walnuts 5SP Celery 6CP Pears 2SP Lobster 1GP Corn 2CP Plumbs 3SP Turkey 1SP Fresh Meat Lettuce 2CP Dates 5SP Pheasant 4SP Per Pound Onions 2CP Shrimp 7SP Beef 4SP Peas 1CP Miscellaneous Crab 9SP Pepper, Green 2CP Per Pound/Gallon Dried Fruit Chicken 1SP Pepper, Red 3CP Fresh Milk 5CP Per Pound Fish 2SP Pepper, Yellow 3CP Flour 8IP Apple 1SP Lobster 9SP Pepper, Hot 4CP Sugar 2CP Banana 3SP Turkey 8NP Radish 3CP Coffee 1SP Peaches 2SP Pheasant 3SP Squash 1CP Rice 1CP Pears 2SP Shrimp 6SP Tomato 5CP Salt 5IP Plumbs 3SP Turnips 1CP Pepper, Black 1SP Dates 5SP Tea 1SP

Fine Clothing Baldric 1GP Gloves, Long 2GP Socks 5SP Belt 1GP Hat, Small Styles 1GP Sash 2GP Blouse 2GP Hat, Medium Styles 2GP Scarf 1GP Cape 2GP Hat, Large Styles 3GP Shirt 2GP Cloak 3GP Hose 8SP Skirt Short 2GP Coat 5GP Pants 3GP Skirt Long 3GP Dress 4GP Robe, Bath 2GP Vest 1GP Gloves, Short 1GP Robe, Monk Style 4GP


Prices above are based on plain cotton cloth. Subtract 20% for Straw items. Add 200% for Silk Add 1000% for Royal Styles Add 50% for Leather Items. Add 50% for Fancy Styles Add 10% for Dye of any color. Add 50 for Fur Items Add500% For Noble Styles Add 20% for Embroidery Example: Embroidered Red Silk Shirt fit for a Noble would Cost: 18GP and 6SP. Base Cost 2G+4SP for Embroidery + 2SP for dye + 6GP for being made from silk +10GP (500% base cost) = 18GP&6SP.

Random Specific Events (Optional) Bar/Tavern Street/Road 0 General brawl breaks out 0 Beggar asks for a handout. 1 Challenged to a duel to the death with magic. 1 Pickpocket attempts to lift a players purse. 2 Challenged to a duel to the death without magic. 2 Driverless carriage races down main street. 3 Character is challenged to an armor wrestling match. 3 Five dark cloaked riders trot down the road. 4 Character is challenged to a drinking contest. 4 Circus Parade! 5 Character is asked to dance by opposite sex. 5 Soldiers escort a prisoner through town. 6 Character is asked to dance by same sex. 6 Soldiers wheel a monster in a cage through town. 7 Characters are invited in bet on dueling citizens. 7 A caravan of merchants stops in the road. 8 Characters are invited to play in dice or card game. 8 A funeral procession moves down the road. 9 Character(s) are drugged and robbed. 9 A headless horseman gallops down the road. Graveyard Temple 0 Undead rise from their graves. 0 Priest is holding a holy service. 1 Ice cold fog mysteriously arises. 1 Cleric is healing undead 2 Dancing lights can be seen over graves. 2 Dark priest is holding an unholy service. 3 A voice is heard saying, “Join us.” 3 Acolytes are singing chants. 4 Scratching noise can be heard coming from graves. 4 Acolytes are lighting candles. 5 Ghost of a young girl weeping can be seen. 5 Nobles are having a Wedding. 6 Grave robbers are robbing tombs. 6 Nobles are holding a Funeral. 7 Necromancer is making undead minions. 7 Child is being blessed/cursed. 8 Cleric is raising the dead companions. 8 Good or Evil deities are summoned. 9 Ghouls are feeding on dead body parts 9 Demons are torturing Priest/Acolytes. Inn/Hotel River/Lake 0 Hot tub or cold bath party! 0 A boat or barrel race is being held. 1 Thug sacks room. 1 A swimming contest is being held. 2 Monster or magic item found under bed. 2 Mermaids hold a water show. 3 Monster or magic item found in closet. 3 A water elemental runs wild attacking all in its path. 4 Room Party – Next door. 4 The Mermen launch an attack on land dwellers. 5 Gnomes make an undergarment raid! 5 A fisherman is pulled underwater by something. 6 Thief attempts to rob room. 6 The water bubbles for some unknown reason 7 Gold or magic item found in chest. 7 A child is trapped on raft and calls for help. 8 Treasure map found under loose floor board. 8 A loud splashing sound is heard, but nothing seen. 9 Spy hole found in wall. 9 Thousands of bones lay along the shore line. Stables Store/Shop 0 A prisoner is be shackled. 0 Thief attempts to steal something. 1 A noble is having a magic sword forged. 1 Shop Keeper mysteriously dies. 2 A griffon is being stabled here for a night. 2 Thugs try to extort money from owner. 3 A eight legged horse is being shoed. 3 Shop Keeper can’t add, but think he/she can. 4 An ogre is being chained. 4 Shop Keeper won’t take money only services 5 A very studied chest is being forced open. 5 Shop Keeper won’t take money only trades. 6 A giant hawk is being fed. 6 Shop stinks horribly, real slow service. 7 A huge cage is being built. 7 Fire breaks out in store. 8 Magic armor is being repaired. 8 Merchandise disappears when it leaves store. 9 A special saddle is being fitted to a warhorse. 9 Shop Keeper is a high-level pickpocket. Please Note: If an event doesn't make sense or seems out of character for your realm, please select or choose a different event.

Look for these other fine Stainless Steel Dragon ™ eBook products

Available at www.DunJon.Com 12 Castles & Keeps Map Set What is a King without a kingdom? 12 Fortress & Strongholds Map Set

How do protect treasure from Wizards, Giants and Dragons? 12 Temples & Tombs Map Set Tomb raiding can be fun and profitable, if you live? 20 Caves & Caverns Map Set

Places dark and deep, just add monsters! 20 Labyrinths & Lairs Map Set

Ready to take monsters out upon their own turf? 20 Mazes & Catacombs Map Set

These amazing maps might prove puzzling even to veteran adventures. DungeonHEX Map Set

Maps for Tactical Dungeon Battles CityHEX Map Set

Maps for Tactical City Battles CaveHEX Map Set Maps for Tactical cave battles. WildernessHEX Map Set Maps for Outdoor Tactical Battle. The Tome of Forgotten Magical Items Volume I (Weapons & Armor) ebook edition 1000+ Magical items all weapons and armor not found anywhere else. The Tome of Forgotten Magical Items Volume II (Miscellaneous Magic Items) ebook edition 1000 Magical items. A-Z Minor, Major, Cursed and Quest items not found anywhere else.

Things to come: Volondor: Core City Map Set (100+ Unique Floor Plans) Volondor: Volunder (100+ Dungeons)

Age Of Volondor: Population (100+ Unique NPC descriptions) Age Of Volondor: Quests (100+ Unique Non-Combat Dungeon Quests) Age Of Volondor: The Blood Pit (Blood Rules & Opponents)

Age Of Volondor: The Colosseum (Colosseum Rules & Opponents) Age Of Volondor: Battle Maps (Tactical Hex Maps of City Locations) Age Of Volondor: Races (100 new Player Character Races) Age Of Volondor: Menagerie (500+ Unique Monsters) Age Of Volondor: Strategic War Challenge (Mass Army vs. City Combat Rules) Age Of Volondor: Kingdoms (Details Maps of two Dozen Castles and one Dozen Temples.) Age Of Volondor: Dungeon Crawls (50+ Intense Dungeon Maps just add monsters.)
