London Learning Consortium  · Web view2020. 12. 14. · Commercial in Confidence. Community Grant...


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Commercial in Confidence

Community Grant Application

2019 - 2021

European Social FundCommunity Grants Coast 2 Capital

If you wish to be considered as a recipient and deliverer of a Community Grant within the London South Region complete this application and submit by e-mail to

Programme Overview

The project you are applying for funding to operate is funded by the European Social Fund. As such there are specific eligibility criteria that must be considered when planning your project.

The programme aims to support those who are aged 16+ and are furthest from the labour market, targeting economically inactive and unemployed people.

The programme is primarily targeted at individuals who are economically inactive and are the key focus group however individuals who are unemployed will also be supported.

The minimum grant available is £5,000 while the maximum amount that can be applied for is £20,000.

Geographical Area

There are 16 Local Authorities made up of county councils, districts and borough councils and one National Park within the Coast to Capital area:

Arun (West Sussex) Adur (West Sussex) Brighton and Hove (Brighton and

Hove Unitary Authority) Chichester (West Sussex) Crawley (West Sussex) Epsom and Ewell (Surrey)

Horsham (West Sussex) Mid Sussex (West Sussex) Mole Valley (Surrey) Reigate and Banstead (Surrey) Tandridge (Surrey) Worthing (West Sussex)


Please Note:While Lewes District and Croydon are covered they are no longer part of the Coast to Capital LEP area. While applications that cover these areas will be considered, delivery in other areas would be preferred and prioritised.


Activities should be tailored to Participants’ needs but may include: Outreach and engagement activities Motivational activities Skills and training support (including referral to externally funded formal skills training) Information, Advice and Guidance Support to remove barriers to labour market participation or engagement in learning e.g.

provision of childcare Support to address poor basic digital skills (managing information, communicating,

transacting, creating and problem solving), Signposting and referral to specialist advice and support services Employability support Volunteering and Work placements Action research Job Brokerage

Projects funded by Community Grants can deliver a wide range of activities including but not limited to:

First contact engagement activities, e.g. activities that benefit Participants who are not normally in contact with official organisations for example but not exclusively DWP, FE Colleges, for example by arranging events or training in places that Participants feel comfortable to visit.

Projects to improve confidence, motivation and social integration such as sport, gardening, music, art and other creative activities.

Developing local networks and groups to support people to get a job or access learning e.g. Job Clubs or Learning Champion type activity.

Softer skills development e.g. assertiveness, anger management and motivation. Innovative approaches to attract under-represented Participant groups into learning.

Priority Groups

Specific Targeted Groups Generic Groups

Participants over 50 years of Age 14% Lone ParentsParticipants with Disabilities 22% Carers

Participants from an Ethnic Minority

25% Migrants and refugees

Participants who are Female 36% HomelessEx-offenders


Bidding Organisations

To be eligible for the ESF Community Grants, Grant Applicants must be either:

Third Sector Organisations (an organisation which operates within the Third Sector)

Or Small Organisations (Organisations that employ fewer than 49 full time equivalent staff and have an annual turnover equal to or under EUR 10 million or balance sheet equal to or below EUR 10 million)

Any organisation that falls outside of this remit are ineligible for a grant and as a result any submitted bid that does not meet these criteria will be automatically rejected.

NB :

All Applications must be submitted in word format. No additional documents should be submitted with the application.

Please keep your answers succinct and pertinent.

Completion of this document does not infer that the application will be successful or any contractual agreement between London Learning Consortium and your organisation but will help us to assess your organisation’s ability to carry out and deliver the proposed activity.

Submission of an application infers that the information contained within is reliable, accurate and true.

You may be requested to provide additional details as part of the due diligence and assessment process

Should a contract be offered to your organisation, the documents you attach will form part of the pre-contracting process


1) Your Organisation DetailsOrganisation Postal Address(including Post Code)

Contact NamePositionTelephone NumberMobile NumberEmail AddressCompany WebsiteCompany/Charity Registration NumberPrevious Year’s Accounts Available? Yes No

Registered Address (including Postcode)

Delivery Address (including postcode)

2) Are you on the ESFA Register of Training Organisations (ROTO)?

Yes No

UKRLP Number:

Financial Health Assessment Grade

3) Organisation OverviewType of OrganisationPrivate Training Provider Yes No Third Sector Yes No Number of Employees (inc volunteers)Annual TurnoverPlease give a brief overview of your organisation (brief history, company overview and size, details of any specific client group that you work with and you experience of delivering employment and skills programmes). (Max 1000 words)


. 4) Financial Information:

Turnover for the last three years Year: Year: Year:£ £ £

Forecast Turnover for current year £

Profit/Loss for the last three years Year: Year: Year:£ £ £

Forecast Profit/Loss for current year £

Have you ever been subject to an ESFA Financial audit? Yes No

If Yes – what was the outcome How much funding are you seeking? What percentage of your income will this represent?

Please set out any notes to accompany the financial information here:


5) Delivery Proposal

Explain your delivery model and the services you will offer. Specify your target groups and specialist services.

What outcomes do you intend to achieve for participants?

Please detail your Learner Journey within the programme.

How will your project compliment but not duplicate similar existing provision in the area?


6) Client Group Breakdown

a) Outline which of the client catchment groups you will be working with

No of Learners

Economically InactiveUnemployed

b) Outline which target groups you will be working with and the number from each group.

Target Group No of Learners

Target Group No of Learners

Participants over 50 years of Age Lone ParentsParticipants with Disabilities CarersParticipants from an Ethnic Minority Migrants and refugeesParticipants who are Female Homeless


c) Provide overall details of number of learners you wish to work with and their progression route

Overall Number of LearnersLearners Progressing to Employment

% against starts =

Learners Progressing to Further Education

% against starts =

7) Partnerships / Employer Engagement

Please specify the current relationships you have with employers, Jobcentre Plus offices, local authorities and other referral agencies

You should demonstrate the mechanisms and effectiveness of these relationships, eg what outcomes have been achieved


How will you identify emerging local priorities and needs and adapt your delivery model to respond to them?

Please note that sub-contracting is not allowed under this application

8) Sector Delivery and Accreditation

Specify the programmes that you wish to deliver, the Awarding Body and whether you have Direct Claims Status (DCS).


Any non-regulated activity you plan to deliver must also be included eg preparation for Work, Life Skills. (the relevant code for these can be found on the Learning Aim Reference Service database). All non-regulated aim references will start with a Z.

Regulated Activity

ProgrammeAwarding Body Learning Aim Z Codes


Non-Regulated Activity (Please ask for the Learning Aim Z Codes if required)

Programme Learning Aim Z Codes Reference

9) Capacity / Infrastructure

Demonstrate you have the capacity and infrastructure to deliver the activities you propose.

Describe staffing arrangements, including appropriate qualifications and expertise


10) Performance Management & Evaluation

Describe how you will manage your delivery to assure quality, ensure value for money, and meet required minimum levels of success

Describe your processes for evaluating the success of your outcomes and learner progressions


11) Track Record

Describe your experience of working with the client groups you wish to deliver to.

What worked well? What did not? What actions were put in place and what lessons were learned?

Has your organisation had any contracts terminated early? If so, provide more information below, identifying actions taken in mitigation



12) Please give details of delivery premises that you wish to use for delivery of this funding.NOTE ; Delivery must be within one or more of the boroughs covered by the grant funding

Full address of each delivery centre

Borough No of staff in centre

Details of facilities available inc.No of rooms, PCs/laptopsDDA compliance

Proximity to town centre

Proximity to public transport

Permanent or used on temporarybasisstate days pw if temp

Closest JCP office

Other info


13) Please provide the following information regarding both your current contracts and those delivered within the last 3 years:

Contract / Programme/ Provision

Funding Body

Prime contractor


Region Target Group Activity Delivered

Funding Year

Value £/




Success Rate


Outcomes %

(job entry rates/


Further LearningOutcome


ion to additiona

l learning)


13) Please provide the following information regarding both your current contracts and those delivered within the last 3 years:

Contract / Programme/ Provision

Funding Body

Prime contractor


Region Target Group Activity Delivered

Funding Year

Value £/




Success Rate


Outcomes %

(job entry rates/


Further LearningOutcome


ion to additiona

l learning)

14) Delivery Profile ESF COMMUNITY GRANTS

Grant Recipient Name: Project Name:Date:

Note: Progressions must occur within 28 days of learner activity completing.























- 21


- 21


– 2



21 Dec –



– 22


– 22

Learner Starts Learner Completions Progression Paid Employment


Progression Education



22 Apr –





– 22

Jul –



– 22




– 2




Dec -




Learner Starts

Learner Completions Progression Paid EmploymentProgression Education

NB: Please ensure that your Total Targets match with those in Question 6 Client Group Breakdown (page 6)


15) Costed Activity: Please complete the following details outlining how much grant monies you are applying for

Heading January 2021 – December 2021 January 2022 – December 2022Staff Costs (inc on costs)Marketing / PublicityLearner TrainingOverheads

Any other costs (please specify)


I declare the information within the Expression to be true and accurate.

Name ___________________________________________________

Signature _________________________________________________

Date _____________________________________________________


LLC Continuity Plan – Corona-VirusDue to the current Climate, we ask new applicants to complete the Coronavirus Business Continuity Plan below.Please provide two points of contacts from your company that LLC can liaise with directly regarding this plan.

Company Name Full Name Title Tel Email

With the growing concern about the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), and its potential impact on individuals and businesses, we are asking all of our partners to submit a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) based on an office closure of two weeks. This could be due to a confirmed case in a staff member, or a change in the government's advice, such as a restriction on travel in a particular area/region we service. We would like you to use the below template or provide your own version of a BCP (if you have one already), ensuring that the topics listed below are included.

What type of delivery would be the preferred option to continue with business as normal with the contract you deliver?

Relocate to another site Co-location delivery (if so, with who and

where?) Another team delivery the service (which

team?) Remote/home working (how many from

the team can?)

Please give as much information regarding the option/s chosen above. Then answer the following questions with the options you


have chosen in mind.What level of service can be delivered using the above delivery option?

Full, limited, skeleton, none? What changes in delivery are required? What are the risks associated with this

change of delivery? What cannot be delivered using this

option of delivery?

If you are to deliver the service from a different site or co-location:

How many of the team can work from a different site?

What resources/IT do they require and are they available?

What are the travel arrangements for staff and participants?

What affect will this have on the participants on the programmes?

What precautions are place to prevent the spread of the virus at the new site?

If the service can be delivered from a different team: Which team site could deliver this? Would it impact on their delivery? Do they have the skills/ knowledge/

equipment/ access required? What service would they deliver? What affect will this have on the

participants on the programmes?


If the service can be delivered remotely or from home:

How many staff are required to deliver the service above?

Who has remote access already? Who has suitable IT and what device is

required? How would you obtain wet signatures to

ensure the delivery documentation is compliant?

What can or can’t be delivered? What affect will this have on the

participants on the programmes?

In the event of this plan being implemented, how would the changes of the delivery be communicated to the participants?

Who else needs to be informed? Guardians, employers other supporting agencies for the participants

How would we reassure participants?


What performance impact is anticipated as a result of the above option/s?

Delayed, lost or none? Is there an opportunity to innovate to

mitigate any loss of performance? If so what?

Are there any other factors or risks to consider if this plan is to be invoked?

What impact does it have on the administrative processes?

New site or Co-location sites being closed Participant engagement or behaviour Key stakeholders closing, i.e. referral

sources, Local Authorities, JCP’s What can be done in these circumstances

to continue delivery the programmes? Are there any other considerations that

need to be addressed? Please detail them.

