Local Public Agency (LPA) Basic Certification Training March 2014 1


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Local Public Agency (LPA)Basic Certification Training

March 2014


A Living Document

Provides links to References and Resource People

Defines the Process for: Project Development Letting Construction

LPA Guidance Document


LPA Guidance Document

Critical Elements Fatal Flaws Documentable Proof



INDOT Central Office:


Kathy Eaton-McKalipDirector of LPA & Grant Administration100 N Senate AvenueIndianapolis, IN 46204317-234-5142Kaeaton-mckalip@indot.in.gov

Britni SaundersLPA Training Program Director100 N Senate AvenueIndianapolis, IN 46204317-234-7930bsaunders@indot.in.gov

Brenda FoxLPA Policy & Guidance100 N Senate AvenueIndianapolis, IN 46204317-232-5311bfox@indot.in.gov

For general questions, feedback or training registration:LPAQuestions@indot.in.gov

District Local Program DirectorsCrawfordsville District

Susan KempPhone: (765) 361-5228Email: skemp@indot.in.gov

Greenfield District OfficeKim Bowdell/Cassandra

HudsonPhone:   (317) 467-3440Email: kbowdell@indot.in.gov Email: chudson@indot.in.gov

Seymour District OfficeDebra AultPhone: (812) 524-3969Email: dault@indot.in.gov

Fort Wayne District OfficeDavid ArmstrongPhone:  (260) 969-8277Email: darmstrong@indot.in.gov  LaPorte District OfficeMarcia BlansettPhone:   (219) 325-7564Email: mblansett@indot.in.gov  

Vincennes District OfficeLora LewisPhone:   (812) 895-7393Email: llewis@indot.in.gov


Program IntroductionChapter 1


Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

FHWA – Responsible for ensuring adequate and proper delivery of federal-aid projects.


Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT)

INDOT:a. Provides technical assistance to the

LPAb. Accountable to FHWA to ensure all

project elements comply with federal law and regulations

c. Ensures that local projects utilizing federal funds made available by INDOT are appropriately utilized in a timely manner and are in compliance with all federal and state regulations


Local Public Agency (LPA) LPA:

a. Must have a certified Employee in Responsible Charge (ERC) before applying for federal-aid funds for a project.

The ERC role cannot be filled by a consultant or a contract employee hired by the LPA.

The ERC must be an employee of the LPA.

Because many smaller LPAs do not maintain full time staff, the ERC is not required to be a full time employee.”


ERC (cont.)

Responsibilities of the ERC:

Managerially responsible for project

Listed in Section 1-3.02 of the LPA Guidance Document


ERC (cont.)A few of the responsibilities of the ERC: Submits electronic project application Ensures the INDOT-LPA Project Coordination

Contract is executed and returned to INDOT Submits the Requests for Proposals to INDOT

for a consultant LPA’s ERC is responsible for attending

Quarterly Tracking meetings and submitting required electronically Quarterly Reports detailing up-to-date cost estimates and schedules through project construction.


Consultant Requirements

The consulting firm must be on INDOT’s pre-qualified consultant list.

Consultant must have a Certified Project Manager who has attend LPA Project Development Training and become certified prior to working on an active project.

Provide information the ERC for quarterly reports and attend tracking meetings.


Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)


Chapter 6


Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

MPO’s are responsible for transportation planning in urbanized areas. These areas are based upon population

density taken from the Census. An MPO has multiple boundaries.

In their core or Urbanized area, they plan and fund the projects.

MPO’s also coordinate on projects within a larger planning area.

Understanding MPOs

Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)Maps showing the urban area boundary for each MPO:http://dotmaps.indot.in.gov/apps/PlanningDataViewer/FC_Maps/FC_listing.asp


Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

This is a 4 year planning document specific to an MPO.

The TIP shows projects in that period with all funded phases in the year and amount of funds those will be obligated.

TIP Phases are Preliminary Engineering (PE), Right of Way (ROW) and Construction (CN).

Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

The STIP is the same type of planning document as an MPO’s TIP.

INDOT is responsible for this document.

The STIP covers projects across the State as a whole including LPA projects.


MPO Coordination LPAs outside of the Urbanized Area (UZA),

but inside the Metropolitan Planning Area Boundary (MPA), should submit their projects to the MPO for concurrence.

All Indiana MPOs conduct Quarterly Tracking meetings. The flow of information should be bi-directional.

MPO_INDOT Cooperative Operations Manual www.in.gov/indot/files/LPA_MPOManual.pdf Indiana MPO Council Website www.indianampo.com


Brenda Fox
The previous slide talks about the MPO area and this slide goes into the Early Coordination meeting. Should there be a title slide for this section?

MPO Coordination Most LPA Surface Transportation (STP) funded

projects located within an Urbanized Area are funded by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) using selection criteria established by the MPO’s Policy Committee.

LPAs must notify the MPO of any change in project scope, project phase costs, project/phase timelines, funding sources, etc. so the MPO can appropriately modify or amend its TIP.

LPAs must familiarize themselves with the MPO’s established Change Order Policy and comply with that policy.


Early Coordination Meeting Early Coordination meeting

Project Development Process Consultant Selection Process LPA-Consulting Contract INDOT-LPA Contract Funding phases Environmental Process Right-of-Way Acquisition Process Schedule and Budget Responsibilities of the Local Public Agency


1 contract covering all phases

Schedule and Term

FMIS approval

INDOT-LPA Contract


INDOT-LPA Contract Terms:

Funding Window LPA’s responsibilities INDOT’s responsibilities Maximum amount of federal funds,

including credits, for the project.

INDOT-LPA Contract – Contract Terms


INDOT-LPA Contract (cont.)

Supplemental INDOT-LPA Contracts:

Changes in the scope Changes in the federal funding Changes in funding sources Additional award Move to a different letting


INDOT-LPA Contract (cont.)

Executed INDOT-LPA Contract returned to District Local Program Director

Executed contract must be returned within 6 weeks of receipt of contract

If not returned funds could be rescinded


Signature page of the INDOT-LPA Contract:

Required signatures of LPA Highest elected official Clerk Treasurer/Auditor

INDOT-LPA Contract (cont.)


Request for Federal FundsFiscal Management Information System (FMIS)

FMIS: federal authorization for the use of Federal-aid funds on a specific project phase

Every project phase must have FMIS Authorization before any work begins.

The ERC must request FMIS authorization for the Right-of-Way phase in writing after the environmental document has been approved.


FMIS Authorization

Important revision to the LPA Guidance Document:

Before funds can be requested through FMIS:

The project phase must be in the TIP (if applicable) and the STIP.


FMIS Authorization (cont.)

INDOT must have a copy of the executed LPA-Consulting Contract.

The INDOT–LPA Contract must be approved by the Attorney General’s office.

A Purchase Order will be opened. Notice to Proceed to the LPA is given

by the District Local Program Director


Notice to Proceed

What is the most important thing to remember before beginning work on a project phase?


FMIS Authorization (cont.)

ANSWER:If you want reimbursed for any work your Consultant has done on a project, you must wait to receive INDOT’s written Notice to Proceed!


Consultant ContractingChapter 7


Consultant Contracting

Topics covered in this chapter include:

Applicability and LPA Responsibilities Selection Process Contract Scoping and Negotiation Contract Administration Errors and Omissions Documentation


Applicability and Responsibility

When consultant services are to be funded with federal-aid dollars, or by credits used as a match for construction, the LPA must follow all Federal requirements.

When no Federal dollars are used to pay for services, all services leading to federally funded construction must be performed by INDOT prequalified consultants.


Brenda Fox

Applicability and Responsibility

Federally funded consultant selection, contracting and contract administration activities shall be performed by or under the supervision of a certified Employee in Responsible Charge (ERC).


LPA Consultant Selection Toolkithttp://www.in.gov/dot/div/legal/rfp/LPARFP/LPAConsultantSelectionToolkit.pdf

Links to all relevant documents are included in this Toolkit!!!

Prepare RFP

Request Past Performance Data and Verify Prequalification


Ties and DBE Verification

LPA Selection Review Checklist

INDOT Selection Process Approval


LPA prepares Request for Proposal (RFP) Use RFP Template

Identify Prequalification Requirements

Contact Economic Opportunity Division (EOD) for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goalInclude in request: Brief Description of Project; DES No.; Total Project Cost; Estimated Fee; Typical Sub-consulting Opportunities Associated with Type of Service; Copy of RFP; your e-mail

On-line: http://www.in.gov/indot/div/legal/dbe/dbegoalrequestform.htm Email: DBEGoalRequest@indot.in.gov


RFP Advertisement

Submit RFP to INDOT District

INDOT posts RFP to website

LPA may also post locally

LPA receives Letter of Interest (LOI)

Minimum of 3 responses


RFP Responses Received LPA requests past performance scores from


LPA verifies prequalification requirements met

LPA rates firms and ranks

LPA submits Affirmative Action Certification Form of top ranked firm to EOD for approval

LPA Selection Review Checklist


Verify Prequalification Requirements

! Verify INDOT Pre-qualification of firms who submitted LoIs

Prequalification information: http://www.in.gov/indot/2732.htm

The Prime Consultant is not required to be pre-qualified in every work type; however, either the Prime or the Sub-Consultants must be pre-qualified in every work type category listed in the RFP. The LPA must confirm the pre-qualifications for both.


Selection Rating Sheet (City, County, Town, etc.) - or - (Local Public Agency)

Evaluation Criteria to be Rated by ScorersCategory Scoring Criteria Scale Score Weight Weighted

ScorePerformance evaluation score averages from historical performance data.

Quality score for similar work from performance database. 1.2 6 7.2Schedule score from performance database. 0.1 3 0.3

Responsiveness score from performance database. 1.1 1 1.1Evaluation of the team's personnel and equipment to perform the project on time.

Availability of more than adequate capacity that results in added value to INDOT. 1Adequate capacity to meet the schedule. 0

Insufficient available capacity to meet the schedule. -3Technical expertise: Unique Resources that yield a relevant added value or efficiency to the deliverable.

Demonstrated outstanding expertise and resources identified for required services for value added benefit. 2

Demonstrated high level of expertise and resources identified for required services for value added benefit. 1

Expertise and resources at appropriate level. 0Insufficient expertise and/or resources. -3

Predicted ability to manage the project, based on: experience in size,complexity, type, subs, documentation skills.

Demonstrated outstanding experience in similar type and complexity. 2Demonstrated high level of experience in similar type and complexity. 1

Experience in similar type and complexity shown in resume. 0Experience in different type or lower complexity. -1

Insufficient experience. -3Project Understanding and Innovation that provides cost and/or time savings.

1High level of understanding and viable innovative ideas proposed. 2High level of understanding of the project. 1

Basic understanding of the project. 0Lack of project understanding. -3

Location of assigned staff office relative to project.Within 50 mi. 151 to 150 mi. 0

151 to 500 mi. -1Greater than 500 mi. -2



Print Name:


0 5 0


Team's Demonstrated Qualifications

RFP Selection Rating for __________________________________ Des. No. ____________

Approach to Project


Consultant Name: _________________________ Services Description: __________________________




Project Manager

Past Performance

15 30

15 15

10 10


Capacity of Team to do Work

Weighted Sub-Total:

It is the responsibility of scorers to make every effort to identify the firm most capable of producing the highest quality deliverables in a timely and cost effective manner without regard to personal preference.

I certify that I do not have any conflicts of interest associated with this consultant as defined in 49CFR18.36.

I have thoroughly reviewed the letter of interest for this consultant and certify that the above scores represent my best judgment of this firm’s abilities.





Rating Sheet Certification

It is the responsibility of scorers to make every effort to identify the firm most capable of producing the highest quality deliverables in a timely and cost effective manner without regard to personal preference.

I certify that I do not have any conflicts of interest associated with this consultant as defined in 49CFR18.36.

I have thoroughly reviewed the letter of interest for this consultant and certify that the above scores represent my best judgment of this firm’s abilities.

Signature:_________________Print Name:________________Date:_________


Ranking Tabulation Form

Consultants Bob Smith


k Becky Jones R

ank Richard

Williams Ran

k Henry Robinson R

ank Member 5

Name Ran

k Rank Totals

Firm Ranking

A Engineers, Inc. 80 1 70 2 80 1 80 1 5 1E Architects & Engineers 80 1 70 2 60 2 70 2 7 2C and Associates 70 3 80 1 60 2 60 3 9 3B Consultants 40 4 40 5 50 4 30 4 17 4D Consulting Engineers 30 5 50 4 40 5 30 4 18 5



LPA Selection Review Checklist


Selection Review Checklist – General Information

General Information: Number of Letters of Interest received __, if less

than 3 attach documentation of recruitment efforts.

Number of teams that not meet prequalification requirements_____. Explain why teams did not meet qualifications. __________________________________________________________________________

If pre-screening was used, was it consistent with the process advertised in the RFP? (Yes)(No)_________.


Selection Review Checklist – Score Sheets All scorers used the same score sheet as advertised in

the RFP. All scorers have scored all firms that met

prequalification requirements. All scorers used the values from the “Scale” column to

populate the “Score” column. The Location rating for the same firm has the same

value applied on every score sheet. Past Performance is applied consistently

(Only applicable if Past Performance is required) N/A

The calculations for weighted scores and weighted sub-totals are correct.

The Signature and Date of Scorer is on each score sheet.


The signature of Scoring Team Leader and Date are on Tabulation Sheet.

All qualified firms are listed on the form. The total scores at the bottom of each individual

score sheet were correctly reflected on the Tabulation Form.

Highest ranked lead firm is INDOT prequalified. (Applicable when INDOT Prequalification is required in RFP.)

The highest ranked team (Lead & Sub firms) is prequalified to perform all work types listed in the RFP.

Selection Review Checklist - Tabulation Sheet


Approval of Consultant Selection The LPA Selection Review Checklist should be signed

by the ERC.

The LPA Selection Review Checklist is submitted to the District Local Program Director along with the following:

Advertised RFP DBE Goal set email at ___ % DBE Goal met email from EOD Past Performance Data as provided by INDOT Scoring Tabulation Sheet and Score Sheets Affirmative Action Certification Form for the top

ranked firm


Approval of Consultant Selection The District reviews the consultant selection


If there are no errors that need correction, the District signs the LPA Selection Review Checklist.

The District emails a copy of the approved LPA Selection Review Checklist to the LPA, stating in the email the LPA may begin negotiations with their No. 1 ranked firm.


LPA-Consultant Scoping Meeting

Communicate project expectations

Answer questions

Set due date and requirements for proposal package


Contract Compensation Methods

Lump Sum – Good method to use when the scope of work is well defined and when there is confidence in level of effort required. Not acceptable for construction inspection.


Contract Compensation Methods

Negotiated Labor Rate – Acceptable method to use when the scope is not well defined or when the consultant is not in control of the level of effort. Typically used for construction inspection.


Contract Compensation Methods

Cost Plus Fixed Fee – Acceptable method to use when the scope is well defined but there is a lower degree of confidence in the level of effort required. Consultants must have full CPA Audit or Cognizant Audit prequalification financial approval to use this method.


Contract Compensation Methods

Unit Price – Good method for use with repetitive well defined units of work. Typically used for geotechnical and right-of-way (ROW) services. INDOT approved unit price rates for ROW services are available on the INDOT website.


LPA – Consulting Contract

Always use current “Boilerplate” LPA-Consulting Contract posted on INDOT’s website at: http://www.in.gov/indot/2390.htm

LPA and Consultant MUST use this contract to be eligible for consultant expenses


LPA – Consulting Contract

Project specific issues can be addressed within these contracts by amending the appropriate Appendices

Appendix A – Services to be Furnished by the Consultant

Appendix B – Information and Services to be Furnished by the LPA

Appendix C – Schedule Appendix D – Compensation


Proposal Package Scope of Work formatted for

contract Fee Proposal

Detailed person-hour breakdown by task

Overhead rateProfit rateComputation of total costs

Overhead Rate Documentation


Fee Proposal Review

Review task list and hours

Verify overhead rate

Review escalation - INDOT posts Employment Cost Index rate from Bureau of Labor & Statistics - http://www.in.gov/indot/files/DBWI_ProposalsContracts_EscalationRates.pdf

Review profit rate See INDOT Profit Rate Matrix -



Contract Review Checklist


Submit Draft Contract for INDOT Review Signed LPA-Consultant Contract Review Checklist

Contract Review Checklisthttp://www.in.gov/dot/div/legal/rfp/LPARFP/LPA-ConsultantContractReviewChecklist.pdf

Unsigned Draft LPA-Consulting Contract (electronically)

Consultant Fee Proposal (manhours and fee justification)

Consultant Prequalification Letter

All LPA – Consulting Contracts and supplemental contracts must be reviewed by INDOT prior to beginning any work. 66

Submit for FMIS Authorization

LPA may not issue a Notice to Proceed to their consultant prior to receiving the Notice to Proceed from INDOT. Expenses incurred prior to the Notice to Proceed will not be eligible for FHWA participation.

Invoices must be reviewed to verify consistency with the contract


Critical Elements & Fatal Flaws Certified ERC Advertised RFP DBE Goal Prequalified Consultant and/or Team Proper Procedures followed including Scoring

and Ranking Use of Standard Boilerplate LPA-Consulting

Contract Contract Reviewed by INDOT NO Work performed prior to INDOT’s Notice

to Proceed


Plan PreparationChapter 9


Roles and Responsibilities

The District Project Manager (PM) is the first contact.

The District will coordinate with Central Office as needed.

The LPA and their Consultant are responsible for uploading plans and documents to ERMS.*When documents and plans are uploaded into ERMS, it is critical that the District ERMS Coordinator is copied. See Guidance Document for specific communication standards and contact information.

The LPA and their Consultant are responsible for maintaining the schedule and timeliness in getting the project to letting.

(ERMS – Electronic Reporting Management System)



 A. If the LPA has the plans, special provisions, and cost

estimate (list of pay items, quantities, and unit prices) for the Project ready such that federal funds can be obligated (INDOT obligates the funds about 7 weeks before the date bids are opened for the construction contract) between July 1,       and June 30,      , INDOT will make the federal funds shown in section I.A. and/or I.B. of Attachment D available for the Project, provided the Project is eligible.

 B. In the event that federal funds for the Project are not

obligated during the period listed in section V.A., the federal funds allocated to the Project will lapse.


Responsibility for Design and QC/QAThe LPA and their consultant are responsible for the

preparation of: All Plan Sheets Design Computations Quantity Computations Final Package/Tracings Documents Engineer’s Estimate All other Pertinent Project Documents necessary to

certify the project is ready for construction.

The LPA and their consultant are responsible for quality control and quality assurance with detailed documentation.


Plan Development Process

Plan development begins at the inception of the project

Performed concurrently with other activities

Stage 3 Plans are required for INDOT review

Stage 1 Plans are required if there are Level 1 Design Exceptions

LPA may request Stage 1 and Stage 2 reviews


Design Criteria

Projects must be designed in accordance with the Indiana Design Manual (IDM), FHWA and AASHTO requirements.

Level 1 Design Criteria Critical to safety and serviceability

Design exception required if not all Level 1 criteria are met

Requires a Stage 1 Review Submission

Level 2 Design Criteria Important to safety and serviceability

Exceptions concurred with by LPA

Level 3 Design Criteria Any item not listed as Level 1 or Level 2


Plans Preparation Process


Required on almost all projects Gather data on existing topography Initial utility survey


Drainage system adequacy Water quality Waterway opening for bridges


Plans Preparation Process


Preliminary field check is required on most projects

An opportunity for involved parties to review the plans


Evaluate subsurface conditions



Designer is responsible for design Compliance with IDM Chapter 52 Design stamped with Pavement Designer’s PE

stamp Checked by second PE Reviewed by the ERC Submitted by the Designer in ERMS, with copy to:

ERC INDOT District Pavement Engineer District Project Manager


Plans Preparation Process


Single source materials Approval must be obtained for FHWA to

participate in cost


Plans Preparation Process


Must be approved prior to Stage 3 Review Submission and reviewed by Estimates Manager and Specification Engineer

Non-participating items100% Local funds


Plans Preparation Process


Submitted at least 75 days prior to RFC date

30 day review period Reviewed for conformance with IDM and for

Fatal Flaws Reviewer comments must be addressed



After Stage 3 and 30 days prior to RFC date

District reviews for conformance


Approved by District Construction Engineer Up to 1 week prior to letting


The Design FileAll documents related to the project design must be maintained by the LPA for 5 years after project close out and final audit:

Design criteria ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act Maintenance of traffic Design exceptions Proprietary materials

Stage 1, 2 and 3 Plans Geotechnical report Permits

See the Guidance Document for a complete list


Americans with Disabilities Act

Keep in mind that a properly designed pedestrian facility, i.e., designed according to PROWAG or ADAAG,

If constructed or installed improperly, may:

Not achieve the intended goal of accessibility Violate the Americans with Disabilities Act of

1990, as amended (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12101 et seq.)

ADAAG - American Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines Handout Provided on Detectable Warning SurfacesPROWAG - Public Right of Way Accessibility Guidelines


Environmental Processing/Permitting

Chapter 8


Introduction The LPA and their Consultant are responsible to ensure the environmental document and approval covers all of the applicable federal regulatory requirements and is consistent with the plans.

The current “Indiana Categorical Exclusion Manual” and “Procedural Manual for Preparing Environmental Documents” will be used to document all impacts to the natural and human environment, with the following supplemental guidance specific to LPA projects.

INDOT’s Environmental Services (ES) should be contacted to resolve any disagreement between manuals.

Request clarification prior to submittal of the NEPA document.


Environmental Document TypesCategorical Exclusions (CE)Programmatic CE

Minor Projects, No Permits Needed, No R/W, Uses Section 106 MPPA

CE-1 Minor Projects, <0.5 acre R/W, No Substantial Impacts, Water

Impacts Not Likely to Need Mitigation.

CE-2 <10 acres R/W, Minor Impacts to Historical Resources, Water

Impacts Will Likely Need Mitigation.

CE-3 >10 acres R/W, Substantial Changes to Existing Roads or

Noise Levels

CE-4 Federal Involvement – Section 106 of NHPA, Section 4(f) of

DOT Act, Section 7 of ESA, Impacts to Ground Water


Typical Completion Times

Level of CE Average Completion Time

Programmatic CECE Level 1

~1 Day 6-8 Weeks

CE Level 2 4-6 Months

CE Level 3 5-8 Months

CE Level 4 6-12 Months

EA/FONSI and EIS 12-36 Months


Environmental Document Types Environmental Assessments (EA)

EA’s are used to document that large projects would have impacts similar to a CE with no Significant Impacts.

EA’s can have two outcomes FONSI (Finding of No Significant Impact) – NEPA is

satisfied/complete No FONSI Issued – An EIS will need to be prepared.

This scenario is very uncommon.Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)

Projects which expect significant environmental impacts or public controversy

Coordination With INDOT/FHWA Will Determine Which is Needed Coordination should be conducted as early as possible,

when a project substantially exceed the CE-4 Thresholds.


Process Steps Notice to Proceed – Check for NEPA Prequalification Red Flag Investigation Preliminary Field Reconnaissance Environmental Early Coordination – Two Types,

Both May Be Needed Standard Agency Coordination Section 106 Coordination

Additional Studies Submittal to INDOT Draft CE (Categorical Exclusion) release for Public

Involvement Public Involvement Approved CE


Environmental Steps Red Flag Investigation

Should be conducted early in NEPA process.

Reviews numerous resources – not only for Hazardous Materials

Includes Site Assessments & Investigations

INDOT Cultural Review looks at archaeological sites and above ground resources.

Threatened and Endangered Species

Environmental Early Coordination

Project details and description of environmental resources are sent to resource agencies for feedback. This is known as early coordination.

Level of early coordination is project dependent. Include INDOT’s Office of Public Involvement

Identification of water resources is needed for NEPA document.

Environmental Steps


Permits LPA’s and their consultants are responsible

for their own permits, as well as any technical studies.

Schedule Time for Permits and Mitigation

USACE 404 IP ~ 12 to 18 months (mitigation?) USACE RGP/IDEM 401 IP ~ 4 to 7 months

(mitigation?) USACE NWP/IDEM 401 RGP ~ 3 to 4 months IDNR CIF ~ 9 months IDEM Rule 5 ~ 4 months

All required permits must be in hand prior to Final Tracings Submission.


The level of public involvement varies with size/complexity of project.

After INDOT/FHWA have reviewed the document, it will be released for public involvement.

The environmental document will not be approved until completion of any required public involvement activities.

Public Involvement


Once public involvement is completed, submit updated environmental document to the district for approval.

Larger projects require additional signatories:

CE-1 INDOT DistrictCE-2 INDOT DistrictCE-3 INDOT District and Central OfficeCE-4 INDOT District, Central Office and Federal Highway

Environmental Document Approval


Common Causes Of DelayUnforeseen adverse effects

Know the impacts to water resources Identify resources of concern on the plans and

reduce impacts/prevent scope-creep near these resources

Environmental document does not match the plans

Additional Information Addendum (AI) may be needed

AI documents can be time consumingFailure to plan for permitting timeframe

Mitigation required prior or with project to obtain permit

Off-site mitigation often requires it’s own CE


Environmental Consultation Form

The Environmental Consultation Form is required to provide quality assurance and demonstrate compliance.

Shows that: Plans match the environmental document Public Involvement has been completed Permits have been obtained

Form is submitted with Stage 3 Plans and Final Tracings.


Utility & Railroad CoordinationChapter 10


Presentation Overview Utility Coordination

The primary objective is to prevent utility conflicts during construction, provide just compensation for property taken and maintain good relations with utilities.

Railroad Coordination If you are using federal funds railroad Coordination activities are handled by INDOT District Railroad Coordinators.

Determine if there is Railroad Involvement (railroad signals in the project limits, project touches railroad property, project is within 50 feet of railroad tracks). If so INDOT will help with an estimate.


Avoiding Risk:

Factors to consider:

Can you avoid having utilities move? Relocations included in construction

contract Right of Way Space - Did you get enough

for utilities? Legal possession of all Right-of-Way


Additional Factors: Advance clearing contract


Project complexity Project type (i.e., urban, rural, design-

build) Number of utility relocations If the utility says they will move after “X”

happens don’t tell the contractor a fixed date.

Managing Risk:


Utility References Utility Coordination on all projects must follow rules:

* 105 Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) 13 Formal procedure for process

* Federal regulations for utilities:http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/programadmin/utility.cfm

* Utility Accommodation Policy http://www.in.gov/indot/files/UC_AccommodationPolicy.pdf as applicable

* INDOT Manuals


Utility References More rules: Attorney General Opinion No. 26 Audit Requirements Basic accounting Brooks Act Public Law 92-582 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 23 CFR 1.23(a) 23 CFR Part 630, as follows:

subpart J 23 CFR 645 23 CFR 635.205 23 CFR 710.201(e) 23 U.S.C. 313 36 CFR 800.11 47 U.S.C. 224. 49 CFR 192.1 Court of Appeal Rulings Hass vs. State of Indiana No.

64A03-0501-CV-11 Louisville & Indiana Railroad v

Gas Co. No. 03S01-0401-CV-00009

Elements of Contract Law Environmental Law IDEM Rule 5 Ground Disturbance Tree Clearing and the Indiana Bat Archaeological Findings Hazardous Materials Waterway Permits Wetlands: Threatened and Endangered

Species Farmland: Commitments Database Federal exemption for pipelines

for natural gas and oil transmission lines

Federal-aid Highway Program Stewardship and Oversight Agreement

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Order 5060.1 Letter on Right of Entry Guidelines for Utility Encasement

Policy for Highway Crossings Indiana Codes 14-18-10 14-21-1 22-5-1.7 32-23 32-24 32-24-4 36-7-3 36-9-27-33 36-9-9 5-15-5.1 5-17-5 8-1-2-26 8-1-26 8-1-26 8-1-9 8-20-1-15 8-20-1-28 8-23-1 8-23-2

8-23-22 8-23-26 8-23-5 8-23-7 8-23-9 Indiana Administrative Code 105 IAC 13 327 IAC 3-6-9 327 IAC 8-3.2-17 327 IAC 15-5-1 327 IAC 15-5 Rule 5 Indiana Design Manual Chapter 104 (10) Chapter 102 (2) Chapter 303 (49) Indiana Manual on Uniform Traffic

Control Devices for Streets and Highways

INDOT General Instructions to Field Employees

INDOT Guidance for a Relocation Drawing of Sufficient Detail

INDOT Recurring Special Provisions

100-C-151A 100-C-151B 100-C-151E 100-C-226 105-C-224 107-R-169 108-C-585 203-R-550 INDOT Unique Special Provisions INDOT Standard Drawings Index INDOT Standard Specifications

Section 100 Section 105 203.09 Section 207 Section 211 Section 715.09 INDOT Utility Cost Estimating

Guide INDOT Work Zone Traffic Control

Guidelines Legal Agreements Memorandums EDS Number A249-09-320705

Remediation of Properties Contaminated

National Electrical Code OSHA construction requirements Ten States Standard Utility Accommodation Policy


Utility Coordination Steps

1. Utility Research (To find names of utilities in area of project)This is done prior to survey!

-Permit Files-Reviewing Past Project Plans-Field Check-Indiana 811-Contacting Local Officials (5 to 10 days)

For each utility, document the contact person, address, and phone number.


Utility Coordination Steps2. Initial Notice

Letter is sent to each utility to inform them of project and get type and locations of facilities from them. Prior to survey! (30 days)

3. SurveySurvey is done using information

gathered to make sure all utility facilities are picked up.

Watch out for unknown underground and overhead utilities.


Utility Coordination Steps

4. Verification Letter along with plan sheets are sent to

each utility so they can verify that their facilities are shown accurately and completely on the plans. (30 days)

5. Preliminary PlansLetter along with plans are sent for utility

review. Gives utilities a chance to point out conflicts and possible solutions to avoidrelocations. (30 days minor/60 days major)


Utility Coordination Steps

6. Preliminary Final Plans Letter along with plans are sent to each utility so they can develop work plan/relocation plan (60 days minor/120 days major – 180 max.)

Try to accomplish this step in 60 days max, often there isn’t 180 days to work through this step.


Utility Coordination Steps7. Reimbursable Agreements

Send agreements to the District for review prior to signing in order to verify what the LPA is offering to reimburse using federal money is eligible.

- Replace in kind- Use agreement provided in Manual- Document the property interest


8. Work Plan Approval /Permit(Send the permit, and have them complete

pre-construction activities)

9. When the required items in the work plan necessary to begin have been accomplished, issue the notice to proceed. (constructability reviews determine the sequence)

Get federal funds approved and a PO before you give utility Notice to Proceed (NTP).

Utility Coordination Steps


Railroad Coordination


Is There Railroad Involvement?

Railroad within project limits?

Does project impact any railroad facilities or operations?

YES or NO, contact District Railroad Coordinator to help determine the extent of railroad coordination needed.



Good News – Districts generally handle it for federally funded projects

Bad News – It costs. It takes a long time and does not start until you have plans

You have to pay for railroad engineers and their workers

Codes: IC 8-23-5-2FHWA 23 CFR 646.214

IC – Indiana Code

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations


Resource People – RR and UtilityCentral Office Crawfordsville

Utility/RR Utility and Railroad Kenny Franklin George Moffat

(until March 28th 2014)(317) 232-5007 (765) 361-5271 kfranklin@indot.in.gov gmoffat@indot.in.gov

Utility Fort Wayne Joe Gundersen Utility (317) 234-5199 Chuck Carson jgundersen@indot.in.gov (260) 399-7329


RailroadTom Imbimbo

(260) 969-8292 timbimbo@indot.in.gov


Resource People - RR & UtilityGreenfield Seymour

Utility UtilityLavon Marshall Matt Harding(317) 467-3475 (812) 524-3972lmarsh@indot.in.gov maharding@indot.in.gov

Railroad RailroadMichelle Loveall Tom Dunbar(317) 467-3438 (812) 524-3954mloveall@indot.in.gov tdunbar@indot.in.gov

LaPorte VincennesUtility and Railroad Utility and RailroadOpen Shawn Will

(812) 895-7358shwill@indot.in.gov



Chapter 11


Legal ReferencesImportance of Land Acquisition Process

The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. ConstitutionThe Constitution of the State of Indiana Article I, Sec. 21

Just Compensation

49 CFR 24.201(d)

Uniform ActUniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, and amended it in 1987

Coordination with NEPA 23 CFR Part 771


Land Acquisition Process Steps Assurance Letter

49 CFR 24.4

Land Acquisition (Right-of-Way) Management 23 CFR Part 710

Title Research (Abstracting)23 CFR 710

Right-of-Way Engineering (Plats and Legal Descriptions)

Indiana IAC Title 865 – INDOT R/W Engineering Manual

Scope of Work and Appraisal Problem Analysis (APA)

Uniform Act Section 301 49 CFR 24.104139

Appraising (Opinion of Just Compensation) ROW Appraisers must be on certified list

Buying /Negotiations & Relocation Agents ROW Buyers & Relocation Agents must be on certified



Condemnation Every property owner has the right to go through


Property Management

Right-of-Way Certification

Land Acquisition Process Steps


Fatal Flaws

Assurance Letter not completed

Property owners not properly informed of acquisition procedures

Incorrect Right-of-Way Engineering

Incorrect Method of establishing just compensation (Appraising)

Conducting appraisals and making offers before Environmental Document certified


Fatal Flaws

Appraisal before environmental approval

Relocation must be approved at Central Office

Relocation Assistance not handled properly

Parcel Packets not completed

Lack of Certification Letter signed by LPA

False Information


Compliance – Documentable Proof

Assurance Letter 49 CFR 24.4

Public Hearing Certification 23 CFR 710.305

Environmental Approval 23 CFR 771.117

FMIS Authorization

Project and all Parcel Certification Checklists

Completed Parcel Packet for all parcels

Certification Letter signed by an ERC of the LPA


Fatal Flaws

Assurance Letter not completed

Property owners not properly informed of acquisition procedures

Incorrect Right-of-Way Engineering

Incorrect Method of establishing just compensation (Appraising)

Conducting appraisals and making offers before Environmental Document certified


Fatal Flaws

Appraisal before environmental approval

Relocation must be approved at Central Office

Relocation Assistance not handled properly

Parcel Packets not completed

Lack of Certification Letter signed by LPA

False Information


Compliance – Documentable Proof

Assurance Letter 49 CFR 24.4

Public Hearing Certification 23 CFR 710.305

Environmental Approval 23 CFR 771.117

FMIS Authorization

Project and all Parcel Certification Checklists

Completed Parcel Packet for all parcels

Certification Letter signed by an ERC of the LPA and the Consultant, if a consultant is involved


Preparation for LettingChapter 12


Primary Steps in Preparing For Letting Review of Contract Documents

Engineer’s Estimate Determination

Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) Approval

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Goal Setting

Contract Information Book Preparation (CIB)

Construction Inspection / Consultant Selection


LettingChapter 13


Ready for Letting

Advertisement Contract Questions and Answers Revisions Letting Bid Evaluation and EEO Compliance Award LPA Match Contractor Financial Liability Coordination Notice to Proceed Purchase Order


Contract Letting Information




Once a Contract has been approved in FMIS it is eligible for advertisement.

INDOT does the advertisement and bidding.

Bids are only accepted electronically.

All Bidders must be pre-qualified.

Bids must contain required information.

Bids will be publically read.


Contract Questions and Answers The LPA and/or consultant shall not directly or

indirectly answer pre-letting questions from Contractors

All questions start out going to a website

Questions that are contract specific are forwarded from District Construction to the LPA designer via e-mail

Designer contacts must be kept current

Questions need to be answered in a timely manner


Contract Revisions

Contract revisions are sometimes necessary

Requests for revisions can come from many sources LPA Contractor INDOT LPA Designer Material Supplier

The Designer shall keep the ERC in the loop on these revisions

District Construction must endorse/submit the revision


After the Bids are ReadINDOT will not let the contract if a LPA is more than 60 days past due on paying an INDOT bill

Evaluation of Bids Received and EEO Compliance Post Letting Review of DBE Good Faith Efforts Determine if Contract Awardable

The low bid is less than $1 million, or; There are four or more bidders or; The bids are within 15% of Engineers Estimate Concurrence from District LPA Coordinators,

the Programs Funds Manager and ERC District contacts LPA-ERC to obtain their decision

- approve and award or reject all bids


LPA Funds for Construction (Match)

Notice to Proceed is issued to the Contractor by the Contract Administration Division, but will not be issued until INDOT receives match funds.(

If the LPA cannot provide match, the contract is canceled.

Funds need to be submitted in a timely manner.


Compliance – Documentable Proof Advertisement

Issued Revisions

Bid Analysis

Concurrence of Awards

Official Awards

Notice to Proceed (NTP) to LPA & Consultant

NTP Letter to Contractor


Construction Inspection/ Construction Engineering

Chapter 14


Construction Inspection/Construction Engineering Construction Inspection is required on ALL Federal aid


The RFP for a consultant for Construction Inspection must be advertised on INDOT’s website 6 months prior to the Ready for Contracts (RFC) date.

Prior to the RFC date:

Letters of Interest must be scored and ranked

Consultant selection must be approved by INDOT

The draft LPA-Consulting Contract, manhours, fee justification and Engineer Assignment letter must be submitted to the INDOT District for review.

The Executed LPA-Consulting Contract must be received by the INDOT District.

Utilize Boilerplate Consultant Contract located at: http://www.in.gov/indot/2390.htm


Construction Inspection/Construction Engineering The LPA must submit a copy of the signed LPA-

Consulting Contract to the District Local Program Director prior to the RFC date.

This is done to avoid any delays or time extensions once the project is awarded to a contractor

CE / Inspection work is billed based on an hourly rate; the contract can be signed based on the project estimate

The federal-aid “not to exceed amount” for Construction Inspection is set by INDOT based on the final construction amount.


Construction Inspection/Construction Engineering When the bid award is deemed official, non-

participating items (if any) are deducted from the contract, and the Local’s match has been calculated, INDOT Finance will adjust the Purchase Order accordingly.

The District Local Program Director will then issue Notice to Proceed (NTP) to the LPA. The LPA can then issue NTP to their consultant for construction inspection.

Any Construction Inspection costs incurred prior to the date of the NTP, are not eligible for federal reimbursement.


Consultant – Construction Inspection Consultants must be prequalified.

The LPA will submit an Engineer Assignment letter with the draft LPA-Consulting contract. The Engineer will be reviewed and approved by the Construction section at the District. The Construction Inspector acts as the LPA’s representative and administers the project on a day-to-day basis.

The Consultant will also provide an adequate number of qualified Construction Inspectors.

If a consultant is used for Construction Inspection/Engineering the LPA ERC will review, approve and submit all consultant invoices.


Project Engineer/Supervisor (PE/S) Each project must be assigned a Project

Engineer/Supervisor (PE/S).

The PE/S must be trained and certified through INDOT Certified Construction Technician Training and the INDOT Quality Assurance Training Programs.

The PE/S should also have demonstrable experience. This means they must be able to use SiteManager effectively.

The PE/S will be approved by the District Construction Area Engineer after the LPA-Consulting Contract for CE is signed and a copy submitted to the District Local Program Director, and before the RFC date.


Project Engineer/Supervisor (PE/S)The PE/S will oversee and provide:

Inspection Testing (performed by Qualified Technician) Documentation of all construction activities Daily reports Testing reports Progress Estimates Change Orders Ensure the project is constructed in accordance

with the contract documents and INDOT specifications

Final Construction Record (within 45 days of Acceptance)


PE/S and Change Orders The PE/S will document all communications that involve change

orders, time extensions, or claims.

The PE/S must maintain communication with and obtain approvals of both the LPA ERC and the INDOT Area Engineer and the relevant MPO if the project is located with a Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) for all change orders.

The PE/S will be provided the amount of federal funds available for construction from INDOT. The PE/S must use this to maintain a running total of all contract costs showing how much is left of the federal allocation - spreadsheet to track.

Current Change Order policy effective: January 1 2010 http://www.in.gov/dot/div/contracts/conmemo/10-01.pdf

Cap on Federal funds available at: http://www.in.gov/indot/2390.htm


ConstructionChapter 14


“Notice to Proceed” - Now What?

The Contract Administration Office will send the Notice to Proceed to:

INDOT District Construction LPA Contractor INDOT Project Manager

INDOT is charged with overall responsibility of the construction phase


The Pre-Construction Conference INDDOT’s Contractor will coordinate with

the District Area Engineer to schedule the conference.

District Construction will provide a checklist of items to be covered at the conference.

In order to be eligible for reimbursement, the Pre-Construction Conference should not be held until INDOT has issued Notice to Proceed to the LPA for Construction Inspection.


Shop Drawings & Falsework - Review

Review of all project shop drawings will be the responsibility of the LPA & their Designer

Follow IDM 14-1.02(07)


Final Construction Record – PE/S Responsibilities Maintain all documentation throughout the life of

the project and 5 years after final audit.

Form IC-639 (Report of Final Inspection & Recommendation for Acceptance) will be sent to the LPA and shall be signed and returned by the LPA within 10 business days to District Construction.

Complete the final construction record within 45 days of acceptance of the project.

Ensure all monies due the contractor are paid with the exception of disputed quantities.

Follow-up all unresolved issues until completed.


Final Construction Record Failure to complete Final Construction

Record tasks could impact the LPA

All contracts will be audited by the Audit, Agency Results and Revenue Forecasting Division.

Final Audit balances all claims, invoices, billings, etc., between INDOT and the LPA

