Local Procedures 2018sgpstorage.blob.core.windows.net/sgpmedia/1732277/... · B.5.c CHEAP, PRE-PAID...


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Local Procedures 2018

Seminole Lake Gliderport Clermont, Florida

March 26 – April 1, 2018



A GENERAL INFORMATION A.1 Location of the Event Seminole Lake Gliderport Identifier: 6FL0 GPS Coordinates: 28.4058 N / -81.8379 W Field Elevation: 120ft (37m) Contact Info: 4024 Soaring Lane Clermont, FL 34714 +1-352-394-5450 office@soarfl.com www.soarfl.com Gliderport Frequencies: (UNICOM) - 123.300 MHz Official FAI SGP v8 Rules: It is strongly recommended that all competitors carefully read the official 9th series FAI Sailplane Grand Prix Rules before the 2018 SGP USA competition begins, here: http://sgpstorage.blob.core.windows.net/sgpmedia/1717796/sgp-rules-v8.0.pdf Gliderport Overview Seminole Lake Gliderport consists of a well maintained 3000’ x 200’ 18/36 grass runway. The major city of Orlando and Downtown Walt Disney World lie roughly 20 miles to the East. See Google Maps for more detail or the photos and airport diagram included below.



Seminole Lake Gliderport Aerial Photos View from above

View from W, looking E from 2 miles and roughly 5000 ft. AGL



Seminole Lake Gliderport Airport Diagram



A.2 2018 FAI SGP USA Orlando Schedule Official Practice Day: March 25th Pilots meeting 10am Scrutineering Period: The standard scrutineering period will be Thursday, March 22nd – Saturday March 24th and is by appointment. March 25th is a scrutineering “back up” day and this is also the official practice day (our official “dry run” and the activities of the competition schedule WILL BE the priority. Most likely appointments need to be early AM, early evening or during the race (meaning the competitor may have to miss the official practice day). It is the competing pilot’s responsibility to schedule their scrutineering appointment with the event officers. Contact Glen Betzoldt (head scrutineer) to discuss scheduling an early scrutineering appointment. Mandatory Pilots Briefing (ALL SGP USA competitors MUST attend): March 25th at 6:30pm sharp. Expect 45-60 minutes. Official Grand Prix Racing Days: Monday, March 26 – Sunday, April 1, 2017 Daily Prize Ceremonies: Daily awards will be presented each race day as soon as possible after the finish. It is expected that all pilots and crews attend the daily prize giving ceremony to support and congratulate the daily winners. The goal is to present daily prizes within an hour of the third-place pilot’s finish. This may require later finishers to cut their de-rigging process short. Light snacks and beverages will be offered to all attendees. Daily winner medals (Gold, Silver and Bronze) will be awarded to the top three pilots, each day. A short interview period with the podium pilots and other competitors will be held immediately following the podium presentation. Overall trophies will be presented to the top three pilots in addition to the daily medals on the final competition day.

A.3 Event Officers Competition Director: John Godfrey (QT) John is the senior official for the competition and has overall event authority in ALL matters. Airport Operations Manager Rich Owen (ZO) Rich is the airport manager and has authority over all airport operations and services. Competition Manager(s) Sean & Tiffany Fidler (7T) Sean and Tiffany are responsible for organizing, producing, promoting and managing the FAI SGP USA event. We are always looking for volunteers for a plethora of needs. We could really use YOUR HELP! From live commentary, to scoring, retrieves, ground handling and marshaling,



social media updates, to helping with meal preparation and clean up, we will NEVER turn down assistance and volunteers will be handsomely rewarded for their efforts! Please let us know if you are able to volunteer and help the SGP USA event run as smoothly as possible. Scrutineering: Glen Betzoldt Additional personnel to be announced. The scrutineering team is responsible for assuring that all required pilot & glider documentation and sailplane weighing activities are completed properly before the competition begins. Daily Reference Weighing Officer Glen Betzoldt The daily reference weighing officer and assistants will manage the scales each morning at the reference weight station. The station will be set up near the day’s grid location (runway 18 or 36), and will usually open shortly after the pilots meeting. FAI/IGC Referee Charles Peterson Referee will be the final FAI authority and supports us to help ensure that the event is run in full accordance with the FAI SGP rules and standards. Meteorology: Ken Goshorn Our amateur meteorologist (TBD) will prepare a short weather synopsis each morning and discuss the soaring forecast at the pilots meeting. We will likely be using a combination of SkySight, XC Skies and other NOAA models. We would love to have an independent (non-competitor) volunteer. Scoring: Tiffany Fidler Tiffany is responsible for all scoring related matters with John Godfrey overseeing all scoring results. Grid and Launching: Sue Martin Sue and Rich Owen will organize the team members required to efficiently run the flight line for the duration of the competition. Retrieve Office and Administration: Catherine Eaglin The retrieve office staff will coordinate trailer-retrieves and dispatch aero-retrieves as needed with all competition pilots, crews and staff.




B.1 Class The 2018 FAI SGP USA Orlando will be held in sailplanes of 18m wingspan (or less).

B.2 Documents to be presented to event officials at Registration/Scrutineering B.2.a PILOT DOCUMENTS:

- Valid Glider Pilot License - Valid FAI Sporting License


- Certificate of Airworthiness or Permit to Fly - Certificate of Registration - Logbook with current, valid annual - Parachute re-pack documentation (within past 6 months) - Current, valid sailplane insurance (Costello, LL Johns, etc.) including 1 Million USD in


- Tracker devices must be presented to the scrutineering team by each pilot during scrutineering.

- All competitors must demonstrate that their tracking device(s) are functioning properly and displaying properly on www.glideport.aero during scrutineering.


- A copy of the calibration certificate(s) for each flight recorder must be provided to the scorer at registration. An email or paper copy is suitable (paper copy preferred).

- IGC files from flight recorders without valid calibration certificates will not be allowed. - A maximum of two flight recorders can be registered at this event. - A sample IGC file (ideally from the practice period) from each registered flight recorder

must be submitted to the scorer (no later than 6:30pm on March 25th). - If two flight recorders are registered, one will be designated “primary.” The other will be

considered “secondary.” ONLY THE PRIMARY FILE SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE SCORER. The secondary file is only relevant if there is a problem with the primary and the SCORER REQUESTS IT.

- No files from other flight recorders will be accepted during the competition, unless a registered flight recorder fails.

- All flight recorders must be set to a 3 second (minimum) recording interval. IGC files which are set above a 3 second may be subject to a penalty.

B.3 Cloud Flying Instruments are not allowed The following instruments may not be fitted in any competing sailplane during the event:

- Bohli, Schanz, KTI or other gimbaled compass - Turn indicator - Artificial horizon



B.4 High visibility markings Recommended but not required.

B.5 Satellite & Mobile Trackers, Pilot Responsibility The prime directive of the FAI SGP event series is “to promote the sport of soaring to the general public and to others in and around the aviation community.” A key goal of all FAI SGP events is to provide daily live race coverage to a broad internet audience via YouTube. Therefore, all FAI SGP USA competitors must fly with a fully functioning sailplane tracker mobile app at all times. Plots must fly with their mobile app tracking system ON, functioning in tracking mode, free of interference from glider structure, and properly configured and connected with www.glideport.aero. It is each pilot’s responsibility to ensure that their mobile tracking application is functional to the best of their ability prior to their arrival at the event. Time penalties may be applied to competitors who fail to make a reasonable effort to meet this important requirement or fail to maintain consistent & reliable tracking connectivity throughout the competition. The SGP USA event staff (Sean, John, Tiffany) will assist you with the set-up as needed (as will Pedja Bogdanovich, the lead Glideport.aero developer), but, at minimum, PLEASE make sure you have a LTE enabled Android or Apple smart phone with the appropriate tracker application installed and set up to the best of your ability PRIOR to departing for the contest. This will help save time if we need to troubleshoot an issue. Please consider this requirement carefully. If you have a concern, please contact Sean at smfidler@icloud.com to discuss options. B.5.a SATELLITE TRACKING A Satellite tracker is highly recommended for safety and redundancy but is NOT required. Either Garmin InReach or Spot is fine. Tracking at the lowest available interval is recommended (this serves as a useful backup for the live mobile app tracking displayed on gliderport.aero). The mobile app trackers are usually excellent but are not as reliable as the satellite trackers are in the event of an accident or emergency. B.5.b APPLE OR ANDROID TRACKING APP OPTIONS For Apple devices, pilots can download the “GlideTrack” app. For Android devices, pilots can download the “IGCDroid” app. These mobile tracking applications are easy to setup. These apps work by transmitting small packets of GPS information to the glideport.aero website through the cellular data network, every two minutes. With a functioning mobile tracking app on-board with all competitors, our live spectators are able to watch the race unfold in a continuous 3D track (including full flight telemetry) in near real time. The data used by these apps is minimal. It is not necessary for the pilot to purchase an expensive mobile data plan. A one GB of data plan ($20) is more than enough data for tracking daily cross-country flights for an entire month or almost a full season.



B.5.c CHEAP, PRE-PAID ANDROID SMART PHONES? Inexpensive “pre-paid” Android smart phones can be purchased at major US retailers such as Wal-Mart for around $35 - $75 USD. Associated voice/data combination plans (1-2 GB) for all US mobile service providers are available for $15-$25 USD. B.5.d GLIDEPORT.AERO REGISTRATION & DEVICE CODES If you don’t have one already, please visit http://glideport.aero/about and register. Once registered, please go to settings/account and add your device codes as shown below in the settings/tracking section of glideport.aero website.

B.6 Procedures for ensuring wing loading limits B.6.a SCRUTINEERING WEIGHING PROCESS Determining the required mass for each sailplane to achieve the maximum allowed wing loading is a critical part of the scrutineering process. The maximum allowable wing loading will be set equal or greater to the pilot/sailplane with the highest dry wing-loading. The exact max wing loading for all competing sailplanes will be determined by the CD at scrutineering. The SGP scrutineering officials will do their best to weigh the “likely heaviest” dry wing loading glider first. This knowledge will provide the rest of the pilots with an exact max wing loading number and reduce workload. The table below shows the published wing area and the mass required in order to achieve a hypothetical max allowable wing loading for all sailplane models currently registered for this competition. B.6.b HYPOTHETICAL MAX WING LOADING CHART



B.6.c INITIAL WEIGHING PROCESS The initial weighing will occur during scrutineering. It consists of the sailplane, pilot with parachute and all normal cockpit equipment (but not drinking water). Before weighing, each pilot should make as accurate an approximation as possible of how much water ballast is required to reach their maximum allowed wing loading. The initial weight is determined by balancing the glider on the scales (main and tail wheel) until the max wing loading mass is achieved. The weight can be fine-tuned with a 5-gallon jug (for example) to quickly and precisely increase weight to the maximum allowed without having to deal with adding water via the sailplane’s main ballast tanks. B.6.d REFERENCE WEIGHT (Critical) Reference weighing is a quick method for checking the mass of all competition sailplanes on the way to the grid each morning. The reference weight is determined immediately following initial weighing by converting to the “tow out configuration” and then weighing the main wheel only. The normal tow out configuration typically includes the wing wheel, tail wheel and tow bar. The tow bar is held 18 inches off the ground in order to simulate the location of the tow vehicle’s tow ball. The reference weight is then recorded for future use at the reference weighing station each race morning. B.6.e DAILY REFERENCE WEIGHING PROCEDURE

1. Each competition morning, all competitor sailplanes will be weighed at the reference weighing station, in their “tow out” configuration, before proceeding to the grid.

2. The reference weighing station will be located conveniently on the way to the grid. 3. The reference weighing station typically opens after the pilots meeting. 4. Each sailplane will be carefully towed onto the scale, at the direction of the reference

weighing team, where the main wheel weight will be recorded. 5. That weight is then compared to the sailplanes reference weight (determined in

scrutineering). 6. If scale indicates a weight which is equal to or below the reference weight, the sailplane is

legal and may proceed to the grid.



7. If a sailplane’s weight exceeds its reference weight, ballast must be discharged until the scale indicates a weight equal or below reference weight.

B.6.f MASS RE-CHECK AFTER LANDING FOR RE-LIGHT A re-weigh will be required before re-lighting IF any water ballast is added after landing back at the airfield. The CD must witness all re-filling activity & may choose to conduct the re-weighing before releasing the pilot for re-launch.


C.1 Units of measurement Officially, all FAI SGP task units will be metric. For reference, the SGP USA scorer will provide imperial measurement conversions on the daily task sheet. Pilots might consider using metric units for distance and ground speed (start ground speed limit) in their flight computers to avoid breaking the start ground speed limit.

C.2 Competition frequencies FREQUENCIES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. WE WILL ANNOUNCE OUR OFFICIAL FAI SGP USA CONTEST FREQUENCY BEFORE THE UNOFFICIAL PRACTICE DAY, IF NOT SOONER. Pilots may only make radio transmissions on the official frequencies prescribed by the organizers. Transmissions on non-official frequencies may result in a penalty. The tentative competition frequency for FAI SGP USA Orlando operations is 123.300 MHz. Again, this is subject to change by the CD and airport manager and any changes will be announced.


D.1 The launch grid A grid sheet for all tasks will be handed out at the mandatory pilots briefing. The grid order shall be designed to fairly rotate all pilots on a per race basis. The grid will consist of up to ten rows with two sailplanes per row. The grid sheet will indicate only a row for each pilot for each competition day. The first pilot to arrive in the row shall simply pull to the inside of the row.

D.2 Discharging of water ballast on the grid Water ballast may be discharged on the grid. If any re-filling is conducted, it MUST be fully supervised by the Competition Director. This may require a re-weigh. It is the sole responsibly of the pilot to inform the CD of any refilling activity. Failure to clearly inform the CD of any refilling on the grid, after reference weighing release may result in a penalty or even disqualification.




E.1 Tow Release area The tow release area for each competition day will be determined by the CD and communicated to the tow pilots. “Steering” of the tow plane is not allowed.

E.2 Maximum tow altitude The maximum tow altitude will be 646 meters MSL (2000 feet AGL or 2120 MSL). All competitors should respectfully release at the max tow altitude. Failure to release promptly at the correct altitude may result in a penalty.

E.3 Re-launching (Re-lighting) A competitor may be re-launched provided that they land within the boundaries of the competition airfield. The boundaries of the airfield are defined as the Seminole Lake Gliderport runway area. If several pilots need to re-launch they shall be re-launched in the same order that they landed back at the airfield. Re-launching pilots who choose to add any ballast whatsoever after landing back at the gliderport must be fully supervised by the CD during the entire process of adding water ballast. The CD may require a scale re-weigh before allowing the pilot to re-launch. The competitor must consider and be prepared for the time delay this supervision and re-weighing requirement may cause them.


F.1 Compliance The opening of the start line and the radio procedures will be in full compliance with the FAI Sailplane Grand Prix v8 rules with the exception of F.2 (below). Please read the FAI SGP rules and become familiar with them.

F.2 Pre-Start Circling All competitors must circle to the left:

1. At all times before the start, regardless of position. 2. When “behind” the extended start line, before starting.

F.3 Maximum Start Height Limit A maximum start height limit will be provided on the daily task sheets. The max start height may vary each day depending on weather and other factors. The maximum start height limit can be changed in the air (via a pilot role call) at the discretion of the CD.

F.4 Start Line Ground Speed Limit The start ground speed limit is 170 kph (91.8 knots). The start speed is calculated in the scoring software by measuring the speed between: A) the last logged point before crossing the starting line and B) the first logged point after crossing the starting line. Headwinds and tailwinds (especially) significantly affect ground speed. A strong tailwind can often surprise SGP pilots and result in a penalty being assessed. Competitors must take care to monitor ground speed and ensure that they



do not exceed 170 kph as they cross the starting line. Pilots who exceed the ground speed limit will receive a penalty in proportion to the amount of excess speed, as defined in the FAI SGP rules.


G.1 Finish Arrival announcement requirements Competitors shall announce their arrival into the finish area on the competition frequency (tentatively123.300 MHz but subject to change) by stating their contest number and distance of 30 kilometers (18 miles) from the finish line. Competitors shall again announce their contest number and position while passing the steering turn (roughly 6 miles). Finishing gliders should carefully monitor the contest frequency during the entire final glide, and especially while in the proximity of the landing pattern.

G.2 Finish line The finish line (see diagram below) will be 500 meters long (.31 miles) and is centered on the start/finish turn point. The finish line always runs perpendicular to the final leg of the task course. As our steering turns are located exactly 6 miles due north and 6 miles due south, the finish line is orientated E/W. The finish line will be approximated (as closely as possible) on the runway by large checkerboard pattern feather flags. Unfortunately, it is difficult to actually see the feather flags while approaching the finish line from the minimum finish altitude. Pilots should plan on using the airport’s main buildings as a visual reference for the location of the finish line. G.2.a MINIMUM FINISH ALTITUDE The minimum finish altitude will be set between 500 ft. AGL (152 meters) and 800 ft. AGL (244 meters). For the convenience of North American pilots, the finish altitude will be specified on the task sheet in feet MSL (and meters). The minimum finish altitude applies from the steering turn thru crossing the finish line. In addition, Pilots are not permitted to descend below the minimum finish altitude at any point on this final leg (steering turn thru the finish line). Failure to remain above the minimum finish height on this final leg WILL result in a penalty. The Minimum Finish Altitude rule is intended to prevent competitors from pressing below the minimum finish height and then “pulling up” in order to cross the finish line at the finish minimum altitude. The minimum finish altitude may be changed, from day to day during the event, at the discretion of the CD based on various safety factors and other considerations. This safety margin should allow competitors enough altitude to complete a prompt, orderly landing pattern after finishing. The 500-800 ft. AGL minimum finish height will also provide competitors with some margin for error if a narrow final glide decays. In general, the SGP USA organizers feel that the area immediately surrounding the Seminole Lake Gliderport airport is just too sparse with safe fields to allow for the very low, SGP style finishes.



G.3 Finish Line and Landing Pattern Diagram NOTE: The finish line represented in this diagram assumes a steering turn due north or south of the finish line.



G.4 Landings on Runway 18 (to the South) All competitors must take GREAT CARE when approaching to land on runway 18. You will notice from the airfield diagram above that South Fork Ranch Road crosses the runway 18 right at the threshold. Although there are traffic signs informing auto traffic to “look out for low flying aircraft,” we all know the true value of such a sign. It is more than likely that an airport visitor, tourist coming into the gliderport for a sailplane ride, etc. may miss the sign and inadvertently roll out into the path of approaching aircraft. For this reason, it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that all competitors fly over that road at or above an altitude of 50 ft. AGL when landing on runway 18 (to the South). Any competitor who lands over the road lower than 50 feet is subject to a serious penalty at the discretion of the CD. Please make a mental note of this important Seminole Lake Gliderport rule and take care on your approaches and landings onto Runway 18. Let’s not compromise airfield safety for the convenience of landing short near your trailer, which is a temptation at Seminole Lake for pilots who trailer towards the North end of the airfield.


H.1 Pilot Outlanding Communication As soon as possible after landing out, the pilot (or crew) shall promptly inform the retrieve office of their status, location, and retrieve intentions. This should be done with a phone call to the retrieve office. The retrieve office telephone number will always be listed on the daily task sheet. Pilots should assume that their status is unknown until they (or their crew) have communicated their intentions directly with the retrieve office or have received confirmation from their crew of successful communication.


I.1 Submission of IGC files Each pilot’s primary logger IGC file ONLY must be submitted no later than 30 minutes after landing. We encourage all pilots to make the task of submitting IGC files to the scorer ASAP their highest priority once safely clear of the runway. Secondary flight logger files must not be submitted unless requested by the scorer or if the primary logger has failed. IGC files can be submitted to the scorer by each either of the following methods:

1. An email sent to tiffanyfidler@gmail.com with the proper IGC file attached. Please use the subject: IGC File + your contest ID

2. Deliver the IGC file, on USB memory stick or SD memory card (SD or Micro-SD format only), directly to the scorer in the scorer’s office.

Failure to submit your IGC file in a timely manner may result in a penalty.




J.1 The value of the protest fee The amount of the protest fee is $100 USD. The protest fee shall be returned if the protest is upheld, or is withdrawn prior to the hearing by the Referee.

K Seniors Pilot Kit

K.1 SSA Seniors Championship Reference Material The 2017 SSA (Soaring Society of America) Seniors Pilots Kit is recommended as further Seminole Lake flying area reference material. The 2017 Seniors Pilot Kit document can be downloaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hr3vagyfrk0rpof/2017%20Seniors%20Pilot%20Kit.pdf?dl=0