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* i y - '---'V-37«li>',»'^sw«BfJ"

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*pffEBE had been many s p a y days •*• In the early spring),, once, upon *

time, but instead of feeding: Ifcei* nests and working as they: sbjmld has* done, two chattering young Robins and three Sparrows were quarreling as hard as ever you beard in a big tree in the orchard.

Ted Squirrel ran over from the big tree at the edge of the woods, anci when he heard what it was all about, he began to wonder if he did not wast that very tree, too, for that was what they were quarreling about, you see.

It happened that one young Robin cape to the tree just as tj»e .other had decided he woujHf build there, and such a chattering and Sintering as went on!

Then along came three Sparrows, and when they found that some one wanted the tree very much they all decided that they wanted it. 'too, though they were comfortably located

71 r,i

vbc*4 * < W t &jk»f' W ?

.behind the attic,Wlnda.^f. .the ~far»~ house.

All day they quarreled, and when Qifirt f w i » -the-vt»v>'^0Q3iK ftsbtnr-

„had to sleep in the. branches without^ "a nest. They bad wasted t i e tline "in dispnting and no work was done.

X But thje first thing the next morning, when ti)e sun came up, they all began

JUHTJSliBik again—„. - --_ • -;. '- -

<• ^saw?*"** Should ha?e been re-p a f c t o l p f r nests instead of quarrel-Ingr o ^ ^ e t h t o g they did not want, f o r | | } | winter winds had broken thejr n o ^ l i | . W>d they were very ragged l o o k m indeed.

Teddy Squirrel, too, should have been at home making his nest clean from the shells he had left from his winter meals, but he, too^ came back to say the tree was his because he had been looking at It all winter out of his hole in the tree at the edge of the woods. . And so alt these silly creatures wasted two warm spring days in quar reling and the next morning they awoke to And the sky all gray and the air cold and"dam|.J

The two young jtobins began to shiver. They did s o t feel at all like quarreling. The Sparrows wished they had repaired their broken nests so they would have a warm place to stay until the sun shone again.

Teddy. Squirrel began to think of the time he had wasted, for he had no more nuts in his nest and he w i s too cold to go out for some that he knew were hidden under a rock in the woods.

By and by the old Sun-Man peeped out from behind a cloud and looked at the Robins and Sparrows. He peeped into Teddy's hole In the tree, too, and then be began to scold. ;:*r*Why d»fOB allthmk I nurtW ih> "days so nice and warm, I should like to know? I gave" you two sunny dafs and yon wasted them in quarreling over a tree. »

"Here "are trees" enough for "you" alf," and many more besides, but you fool­ish ones must^plelc out one tree and laatot-that there-Js-Bo-otaer.-—Get t o

*woj*-;«yery- one of-^you"or*T will | o back behind tbe cloud and not shine «gsJ*^fo*-'a.wiB*fc'*li''"-~ v"* •"•' •-*•*••**?

sure, and there was no more fussing,

old Sun-Man-and make the earth «qld and w»t

^ I SCHOOL DAljS | ^ |

waves, with Europaaa its destlna- HtfQf Combinatl0ri8 NpW ta» . Being abrlghi, M»y>)u^e^oon,> * l l » i l | i»„ i t - ^ «*-»L n « ^ .

with an Invigomtlnr *iK:Jrollnr about tn»»T

lounged in the, chairs.

3?he upjperde«k totaled # o n t lu^f-l mp ijeople. Among- gitfp' ^were #»* usual Jokers, and queens „§nji 3 and Harrys, and «o 6H100MWit-

One'old coupli8-.thevt ltt##!;» he about ftfty-dve—attriM^ed i^oodpShats of the attention. BVerybody usually surveys eTeryl)ody el^eThe $&&$ in order to deteriidne «tl:h,ey ar& bjlojg toaowed «r if m ftcjimteaus^. a«as-pens to be abroad.

A particular young mai «J»d * IP*-ty young woman watched the old cou­ple with 8xed ga«e. The inatttred pal?

line the young man picked It up foe her. The result was that the quarts* entered Into a conversation.

"I jojt remarked to my husband bow attentive you ar# to •«<!« othfk'* •poke the Jroung^wtte W^aijC*'!'vim der if we'll be as happy as you arc after we've been married so longl # « were Jnst married ye8terday,B

The old gentleman wrinkled Mm turn all up and smiled,

"So were we," he replied-Herbert Boose, in Judge.


tured by New York Drew-

(i »^i

'tom« Cwtum. ' l i i ^ AM mm iw*» «r mm «af** • • laws tlaat CttHi ^

.93u%.Ameci to begin to dJSpWV Uer^re*t)( •prlug frocVs und suits; ^reaayshs- i» ba|tottinf to aDjpear to »*»wu»tol* elomS^wWcli-'kilve aiy^jtwM "

were very assiduousrior-^etr^fff ^ u r n e « ^ t ~ i ^ ^-l*rota4s:dri lro»l>e^^lr^i^ | a p r f i i ^ ^ - ^ ^ i r s l | f T ^


shops and »tudlo», ther% m mora aa»d mora mfc>sMmt-<x*^^

W&t fbey:m--aftt to* dWfeceamdn u»« siyit* of u«t $»m ttowvm %%mfo **bX®$t JSM|t^Mr^sta ^nm^ijifc

an unrolitakaWe jiewse** of thrill abfut thent, •'•• .-*« . \ ^

Xjae 4$$&&$9% i nd the gam%4«Q^ sWriEi rstim long m*m Koea J»tttt«6f Wr'W~m* $& t*& *on^*^n?t l(^hs}.ft^..iir4^u^toji%5j] for that matter. At one fa»Woi» «l(ow»

.. .l««iowwm aW'fkjrts tnj|i tov^Qk*

.: sxdil«s^caa"^F th« MtairiNMI 'VtU «•• ' a'thain «»ig/.to-|hf 1^^1^Sf$§ji^^

Austrian Bxlla Had Radical Viawa «a

nanoa for Mankind, . . . .

to- the near neighborhood kt- Mk &f WwHa«r$#$.;^ Otrtneala a beautiful H U n d - c a l l e d \ t t W . ^ B » | i ^ | | a » ! ^ « ^ Kabftta; which .was-owned"by'att:;i'^ trian named Engelbardt, extfed" for some political offense, who "died"* hot Jong ago,—'-- .--_».. — <szm _

^|elh>rdt»- -was - known- «a«- ih*fw^lMia^^ 4uialrik^.*t«a<j^-tk^I«^N^ta^

le-Qf the coconut." jaavltif *&. fc"H*S .They.-Att w e « toKTOra>«uinsr ^ * « » » - * s ^ ^ p l M t ^ # f e « r y o s f i b W M ^

ire. and there was no H I M fnLiiiV ««« Of It Witt* cocpout Mlpas, th» *W** for none of them. wanted^o.-Jiave the :rfU1l_0' v*™J"^#^#J*jM f^^^SkM^m^i^l^ i i 5 ^ f e |

slated exclusively on cocw«t%JM »*> only drinkr'«««P»J-*ateri>"wa*03cc<oi mttfrntf^ri

cshU:id««* nut mlllc, But, although thi* «ub3ect, he did not fbrca nU-WflajlfeMtlty, MnJ^^Mk^M ^p^n-otter*--Hs-gaVe^«dmapabl*4ln- t*]^:tiil)tf.i#jbw ,s^-tl^ ruer#f-ati:H»^^ithinfo6tfi^^ iKafysWp: and the wines excellent, v

Engelhardt was a man of ^profound learning, and his coconut plantation y'^netTnln]:"'ii large"uicome. ..Pepptt Invited to stay a t hla house were lux^

founded. "uWo'n M&f^p't-y'

iojiytti her*; ' ""'"'-'"'" 'ont ." sjjpji:

—Philadelphia Ledger, r-iiii-.Ti" •H- ' - ,

Tip. and B* Happy. - SBtIiwIn«%ood^beU«rjBS?in'^piiini judiciously a» a step along th path of least resistance. In the Designer she writes

"You like to travel, or else yon dis­like to travel. .Putting-out <*o_f tha

- l Art U i a l ^ . « r n f . . . I M i ' . , , . i n ' I .

question love of excitement, th* ad- whole story. hMHtnrous spirit, the^jteat^fot^ttew]

j * ^S^iieB?^F^wfticli i«3a« i i

son for .your taste 4>r distttltft^raly really He Id your attitude toward soma of what you may have called lnconaa-ftn'ential details. '«••'"*

"Do you know how f reHnqulih your heavy suitcase, your hat box, your

tttir "TOn- -uptty roat—•and uuibmlla bundle tn. j . _red ca; have a chair or not, the potfef JgrM take yon the shortest vand re**l«4t*ir«y to yoar train, and jfptfilavoKi sli'lhaj your traTB^starta, ; H*Ul" mi:yiM$i seat In n day. coach and/dispose oi your parcels for you, «o that y»tt neither have to wrench jou^'arnx ottt or rely-cm the- chivalry of if *teaa|l fellow passetBy. ' Teis;"lie%"exjpKSsttni Up. but a qjaarter Is little', enoiigh to pay torliavJng tfie bramble* pullad out of your path.



Your partner has a knowledge of ymt. business and you look to him for advice and counsel on important matters. You are en-titlea to all the help he can give you. Do You get a partner's help on your printed matter? Do you get the most from the special­ized Jknowledge which we have regarding P"«tang and paper, and above all the service which a eom&ination of the two can render? Our job department had every modern equip­ment for dsirig work on rush orders. For letterheads, billheads, and all kinds of forma, we carry in stock, recctfnmend and use

The VtiUtr TtStitin* Var>*r

aom«<w»w ^worlng^alPtaas^f i

soap Bubbls sUHst. Beautiful scenes are common us th*

motion picture studios, and many-me* chanicaJ effects are prc^ticed•' whlcV

yijfciySkitXetbe 'eye of* ihe orul^c^r, Ai a climax to an -unusually gorgeQu*

a dance to T i e -JBlusl- of~soaiMnn>* -bits. Accordingly, since «' apace 20 by 20 feet had been desigflittetl to be filled with the frothy stibstnrice, a ittelar slever ort ids i l l^wBs^nttwr f8 the floor. A soap solution,. taadeTivlth

•^^feiBWl»-of'|nVpf^uet;«iid';n^x " fin- tn%~slmet-nSihtier-«s pla?rterWriJ pi pare Iline, was piped toi the floor, and steain forced through It. Tht Immediate transition Into bubbles be; gaa, and these soon rose to n iiu|t scintillating mass, in which the dancer* performed, the whole presenting, s& cording to illustration and description in Popular -Mechanics Maga*ln«, i scene of falryllKe' Sptenddr.14^"^" :

Traveling Telephones. It is reported that In India the Brit­

ish military authorities employ rfojftl ft>t naotttbte telepiiOher"whI<*"fflin bt

used with great facllily In the; fl#W, JXhe .cable weighs only seven pooatfi per mile, but It i s so well insulated that it can be stretched across a stream of water without loS* of cur-rent- It withstands a strain of 126 pounds. An apparatus for placing an-removing the cable, working auto matically. and capable of being i | tached to a saddle, Is employed. Re- \ cently in the rWjab a-Jnoii^nisn., pro­ceeding at a gaiiop, plsced t^rirAMit over a S t a n c e of Wfr nilles in seva.


Let U s Serve Y<$wt'^&m^HTtttmeft *m re ****** •


; ar€-''

ton, tkm~pm$*-)^mV)M •^•iitranfelr_b|^lii^*iiiW»|gsar-'

iynfn^iK$ .Ji'w.ir iww . wE^ WTiisfliajF1

^v.iV~^*--.,*(|rtfr.Ma>a( it Itsta rlaj' i'H.,

nltoles, -Into , which- llaHan ."*?'• T^L^S^i^*:^!!^^1^^


id! the> l i^«r>^";-,n*u\(nli^^ajf :

the m^t^nu^Mf^WMii ^0,f-:««»lies-M^ra!'es^»m auraoeri1 tod "they -j g *lf-iiir^rTii|ir beautifaii: for, $&*%piwMm dnfptt

laokjua* right-h ^ ^

simplicity of ^ 1 1 ^ W ; # ^ ^ P < € l & l i l S ^ S i S ^ ^ Ureases, t h e r ^ J f o l * ^ ' j t n ^ s M W&3£3B£W portumlty to makevtn^iteji i»j|.'tii» whole story. \^hen iW dres* | i %jf

h* lft*ntJawv-« ,-

sparkling bit of color'that-n»ak« dealgu a t|i rilling thing, '

Unadorned FrseW^ J ' Simplicity is a won | tliat has p«e^

utetl overtime In connection with tks newer «cvles. W r»slW th«t 1,

expression in the neWer gowns, TJiaf are all"matters of line and rotor ated

charming Gray ^Crafl* Orsas £$%* broidered With Qrsy SJ|var.

^__ _*. \ ' ^- -^ 0 t Anything ~efse— ft»y"trittmlltir of decoratlon—nnust neces&arlty** inerge Into the workings of tneae^genersl lines If the dies* *ia to he* regard^ among the best products of the *e«aonu At all of the American fashion ih<)»-iagS one is astonished to see how very plain and unadorned all of the frocks Sate i Tliey keep strictly to fli^-pnp> dple* and, because of that* thejr are

8. beautiful tlisn anything, tKat AmcTicftn designers bate turned otsi jpTteTiottsly. , ? ^ ^lpJsuit,ha# sott^fbat ensJagari j t » cfiaradssT, in that^ if it i s atrti^it»a> m trrf«tlrTt»fafti» ^ Bin*^^tM^'iKBt'

* coaiunU"'s«lt'iWd« fJr n a ^Waa>' •^•j I * T » ^ * ^ T W 5 ^ T J * W^WW", -^f-WT^, p- ^(^FS^B^^jas^r

Won o^ ion*- wMsai ttatatial •atM'anlM'; T h « ^ s p n ^ p i ^ f b« ito^l with that


• "s^aWiSf^JSt^if^'

t WWfJm**?zi??*i-**

; ^ J a » ; - V . % 5 i J . v ^ < . * - * -

ht*e deir»i,opad a $lj ' ' "" astlraiy nnlansv ^Casj fiuMita jHfrsoa^lltjr af ^ ^ # S s a ' woman,- Xney MU haf.p^a^aWawwV

-'•*•> * , ' k * s ' i » ^ ' •

•j )^*W^%*^!Si !«lik**»';

; - ^ J ^ . , L I ' S 1 > J i s i la i i ass^a^sssss»ss<i

tsrlfcl is#r

a^taa spring tkssataat

wlltbs •* plakkavac taaiatt^wora-wtth-a-l

11 esni'<otorsff JR»V And all of'Wasa t . aJsu*wslt dat»siH(||. •0tfr t0fifi •caaiM of dreaalag " (Wfav - ' -"• • * -

i^rm^M^^^ :^4 i''tr^f':''$

.MM? *%


tha f«c« aad rtae l»to a p«U( "sS frdV. whUiitt the aldas ta^aaWw t|ui

p^ja««l)lai«^l3M»^^ tlth brfsjs-i^.ci^fsaj^.a^.t^slt* « g ,

diaplag. asd ysilV i ^ t WP*/ >a* B«-

for later la ti.a ssraaWir tbsrs will iar#W(«? f n a * hata that droop aU around Oat flici|»Bj(t«r#x i«*na|sd irftt garland* itmnm, whlM tthi raw promise to ns dons in an" irf W M M I

Shoei hate kept steadily *s*oivl»g Into conafortaijle, llBWav-nntihtBls^es Hop we nate- shoes which sri not uaaly comfortable but go*d Jotfalngst sbs same tune< ^m3mMb9kAu^ Ui shoes; fog - Waml »1<a' »fliw c»sttBB«» which are tbe b*m looking thiai* irvsr *clrt«fflHi--b -*ne *AUer*^^^or'-thtra art traf ««*«( Drtide lB 4na«^^isM'g>MgslM «cst« •« the instep « d pretUljr _*titch*d toss - ^ - ^ aittf triihniihgft. % «• ggsw^ji

The shopping bags carried wits sot Hew spring clothes are nadt at hrUgbt bit* of brocade < f striped and artless sttks and of th* Hnest nt laatssi

rffr» s&all tklagi this aarsac wfl say BM^spawrha^wa^WaW

«fr> tltffAr

•...-V^a )

•^SsjJifes^^iitik^t^^lMi ^ f l

aji^ dollar Mil* * away from himw

mother Mra.as aqfc|.«

•way frW'l




