Living on the Grid Using Taxicab Geometry to Model Urban Environments Forrest Hinton



Going from Point to Point (The Euclidean Way)

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Living on the Grid Using Taxicab Geometry to Model Urban Environments Forrest Hinton [Mathematical power] denotes an individuals abilities to explore, conjecture, and reason logically, as well as the ability to use a variety of mathematical methods effectively to solve non-routine problems. This notion is based on the recognition of mathematics as more than a collection of concepts and skills to be mastered; it includes methods of investigating and reasoning, means of communication, and notions of context. In addition, for each individual, mathematical power involves the development of personal self-confidence. (Curriculum and Evaluation Standards, NCTM, 1989) Why Taxicab Geometry? Going from Point to Point (The Euclidean Way) Euclidean geometry is sometimes an appropriate model. But sometimes it isnt. Imagine the coordinate plane as a perfect city grid, with roads and blocks. Buenos Aires, Argentina Going from Point to Point (The Taxicab Way) Two Important Questions Does changing the rules of the game change the results of the game? If so, do the results more accurately describe the situation were trying to model?