Live Capitola




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brandi jones danny alvarez



Capi to la , CA



Capi to la i s voted by Sunset magaz ine #1 Coasta l town to v i s i t as wel l as top 20 best smal l towns in the West .

c o a s t a l t o w n top rated




Capi to la Chamber of Commerce i s act ive in keeping a sense of community wi th fun , h igh ly at tended, and wel l funded events in the Esp lanade such as the

Capi to la Ar t and Wine Fest iva l (over 30 ,000 v i s i to r s ) , Easter Egg hunt on the beach, Sur f ing Santa, Ho l iday T ree L ight ing Ceremony and Caro l ing, C lass ic Car Show on

the Esp lanade, Summert ime Concert n ight s on Wednesdays , and more. . .



Corra l i tos , CA



There are hundreds of emerg ing tech companies and here are some that now headquarter in the S i l icon Va l ley area inc luding P interest , Square , Dropbox , and

Uber . Accord ing to a report prepared by P r icewaterhouseCoopers and the Nat ional Venture Capi ta l Assoc iat ion, venture capi ta l i s t s spent $4 .7 B i l l ion in the

last quarter on S i l icon Val ley Companies .



Capito la i s one of the few incorporated c i t ies in Santa Cruz county where v i s i to r s fee l safe wi th the fu l l po l ice department , f i re s tat ion , and c i ty counci l . Capi to la i s

known for i t s we l l mainta ined Medi ter ranean c i ty ameni t ies . S i tes l i ke t r ipadv isor .com and VIA recommend v i s i tor s come for a fu l l weekend or more.

Wor ld c lass beaches , su r f spot s , and SUP spots are a l so located in Capi to la .

and Senses Style

come together….



I s C a l l i n g

t h e B e a c h

The S i l icon Val ley i s here. As of 2014 the top companies now inc lude Santa Cruz County in the i r HR packages as bus routes and areas for hous ing. Companies such

as Google , Yahoo, EBay, and Net f l i x have busses that p ick up employees in Santa Cruz .



Capi to la (c lose to beach) , Ca Capi to la (c lose to beach) , CA

c a p i t o l a

Among the hundreds of emerging tech companies now headquartered in San Francisco are Pinterest, Square and Uber.  Depot H i l l in Capi to la has the h ighest pr ice per sq. f t . than any other ne ighborhood in Santa Cruz County. What makes i t so specia l? I t i s an ocean

v iew cu l -de-sac ne ighborhood bu i l t on a h i s tory of a f f luent ownersh ip s ince the lumber boom in the late 1800’s .



As the top rea l tor s in our company and in the county we see a t rend f rom the S i l icon Val ley af f luent that we have not seen before. Many more are look ing to the Santa Cruz area for 2nd and 3 rd homes , but they want pr imero luxury . They have the money to spend but we don’t have the inventory to se l l them what they are look ing for . They want ocean v iew, beach f ront , modern , and a sense of pr ivacy (gated). We have c l ients ask ing what our most exc lus ive proper -t ies are and we f ind them d i sappointed wi th the casual beach fee l th i s town has to of fe r . The S i l icon Val ley i s ready for the u l t imate luxury complex !


REALTOR ® ca l BRE# 01237892/01385191

(d) 831 .818 .4181 (b) 831 .588 .5145

