List of Library BooksJanuary 2013



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List of Library Books

January 2013

Table of Contents

Section Page Number

1. Writing and Publishing 1

2. Teaching 2

3. Time Management 3

4. Faculty Publications 3

5. Qualitative Research 6

6. Research (General) 6

7. Statistical Analysis 7

8. Series: Green Guides 7

9. Series: Qualitative Research Methods 8

10. Directories 11


1. Writing and Publishing

Becker, H.S. & Richards, P. (1986). Writing for social scientists: How to start and finish your thesis,

book, or article. Chicago, Illinois: The University of Chicago Press.

Belcher, W.L. (2009). Writing your journal article in 12 weeks: A guide to academic publishing success.

Sage Publications. 3 COPIES.

Berger, Arthur Asa. (2008). The Academic Writer’s Toolkit: A User’s Manual. Walnut Creek,

California: Left Coast Press, Inc.

Boice, R. (1990). Professors as writers: A self-help guide to productive writing. Stillwater, Oklahoma:

New Forums.

Coley, S.M. & Scheinberg, C.A. (2000). Proposal writing, 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Derricourt, R. (1996). An author’s guide to scholarly publishing. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton

University Press.

Furman, R., (2007) Practical Tips for Publishing Scholarly Article: Writing and Publishing in the

Helping Professions. Chicago: Lyceum Books Inc.


Germano, W. (2008). Getting It Published: A Guide for Scholars and Anyone Else Serious about Serious

Books 2nd

Edition. The University of Chicago Press.

Henderson, E. (2006). Writing by choice: A holistic and developmental guide for student writers. Don

Mills, Ontario: Oxford.

Johnson, W.B. & Mullen, C.A. (2007). Write to the top! How to become a prolific academic. New York,

NY: Palgrave Macmillan

Jovan (2009). Writing your SSHRC Grant Proposal: Helping you achieve your research goals.

Jo VanEvery.

Lipson, C. (2004). Doing honest work in college: How to prepare citations, avoid plagiarism, and

achieve real academic success. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.

Lukerm K. (2010). Salsa dancing into the Social Sciences: Research in an age of info-glut. Harvard

University Press.

Reif-Lehrer, L. (2005). Grant applications writer’s handbook, 4th edition. Sudbury, Massachusetts:

Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Silvia, P.J. (2007). How to write a lot: A practical guide to productive academic writing. Washington,

DC: American Psychological Association.

Wright, A.W., Herteis, E.M. & Abernethy, B. (2001). Learning through writing: A compendium of

assignments and techniques. Dalhousie, Nova Scotia: Office of Instructional Development and


Woods, P. (1999). Successful writing for qualitative researchers. New York, NY: Routledge.

2. Teaching

Bender, E., Dunn, M., Kendall, B., Larson, C. & Wilkes, P. (1994). Quick hits: Successful strategies by

award winning teachers.

Boice, R. (2000). Advice for new faculty members: Nihil Nimus. Boston, New York: Allyn and Bacon.

Clark, Ian D., David Trick & Richard Van Loon. (2011). Academic Reform: Policy Options for

Improving the Quality and Cost-Effectiveness of Undergraduate Education in Ontario. McGill-

Queens University Press.

Hughes, P. C., & Tennyson, R. C. (2010) So You Want To Be a Professor? How to Succeed in

Academia. USA.


Huston, T. (2009). Teaching what you don’t know. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Lang, J. M. (2008). On Course: A week-by-week guide to your first semester of college teaching.

Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Lather, P. (2007). Getting Lost: Feminist Efforts toward a Double (d) Science. NY: State University of

New York Press.

Michaelsen, Larry K. & Sweet, Michael (eds.) (2012) Team-Based Learning in the Social Sciences and

Humanities: Group Work That Works to Generate Critical Thinking and Engagement. Sterling

Virginia: Stylus Publishing.

O’Neil, C. & Wright, A. (2004). Recording teaching accomplishment: A Dalhousie guide to the

teaching dossier, 5th edition. Dalhousie, Nova Scotia: Centre for Learning and Teaching.

Pelias, R.J. (2004). A methodology of the heart: Evoking academic and daily life. New York, NY:

Altamira Press.

Rockquemore, K. A. & Laszloffy, T. (2008) The Black Academic’s Guide to Winning Tenure – Without

Losing Your Soul. London: Lynnee Rienner Publishers

*Stevens, D.D. & Levi, A.J. (2005). Introduction to rubrics: An assessment tool to save grading time,

convey effective feedback and promote student learning. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing.

Stocking, S.H., Bender, E.T., Cookman, C.H., Peterson, J.V., Votaw (eds.) (1998). More quick hints:

successful strategies by award-winning teachers. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

3. Time Management

Lampson, S., Katie Porter. Steer Your Career: A Research Administrator’s Manual for Mapping


Limoncelli, T.A. (2006). Stop working late and start working smart: Time management for system

administrators. CA: O’Reilly.

Patterson, K., Grenny, J., Maxfield, D., McMillian, R., & Switzler, A. (2008) Influencer; The Power To

Change Anything. McGraw – Hill

Patterson, K., Grenny, J., Maxfield, D., McMillian, R., & Switzler, A. (2002). Crucial Conversation

Tools – for talking when the stakes are high. McGraw – Hill

Zeller, D. (2009). Successful Time Management for Dummies. NJ: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

4. Faculty Publications


Andrew, S.M. (2003). The development of elites in Acadian New Brunswick 1861-1881. McGraw Hill.

Achenbaum, W. A. (2005) Older Americans, Vital Communities. A Bold Bision For Societal Aging.

BLT: The John’s Hopkins University Press

Balsarini, Entraigues, Goncebat, Izaguirre, López, Lourido, Rodríguez, Zaccagnino (2003). Memoriales

a pura tripa: Pretéritos que se resisten a ser pasado. Catálogos.

Basabe, Omar. (2011). De Pie. Estrategias Discursivas y paradigmas narrativos de la otra historia de la

Argentina reciente. Editorial, Grafica 29 Demayo.

Boudreau, Michael. (2012). City of order: Crime and society in Halifax 1918-1935. Vancouver: UBC


Buckland, P., Forrestall, W. & Van de Peer, R. (2010) For Those Who Have Gone Before – A Series of

Intaglio Prints. NB: Fast Fine Arts St. Thomas University Publication.

Cheers, Clews, Powers & Carawan (eds.) (2004). Beyond geographical and disciplinary boundaries:

Human services in rural communities. University of South Australia & La Trobe University.

Christodoulides, Nephie J. (ed.) with Preface by Tryphonopoulous, D. & Robinson, Matte. (2012) H.D.

(Hilda Doolittle): Magic Mirror, Compassionate Friendship, Thorn Thicket: a tribute to Erich

Heydt. An Annotated Scholarly Edition. Victoria, B.C.: ELS Editions, University of Victoria.

Coats, J., Graham, J. R, Swartzentruber, B. & Ouellette, B. (2007) Spirituality and Social Work:

Selected Canadian Readings. TO: Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.

Coates, J. (2003) Ecology and Social Work: Toward a New Paradigm. NS: Fernwood Publishing

Day, R.B. & Masciulli, J. (eds.) (2007). Globalization and Political Ethics. Boston, NY: Brill.

Donovan, S. (2004). Cape Breton quarry. The Modern Languages Association of America.

Donovan, S. (Ed) (Spring/Summer 2006). The Nashwaak Review. St. Thomas University.

Donovan, S. (Ed) (Fall 2004/Winter 2005). The Nashwaak Review. St. Thomas University.

Donovan, S. (ed.) (Spring/Summer 2009). The Nashwaak Review, Volume 22/23, Number 1.

Fredericton, New Brunswick: St. Thomas University.

Donovan, S. (2011). From Ingonish Out. Can, Breton Books.

Donovan, S. (2011). The Men’s Breakfast: 19 New Stories from Cape Breton Island, Breton Books.

Elder, J. & MacDonald, M. (eds) (Fall, 2005). Ellipse. Canadian Writing in Translation, no.75.


*Faulkner, E. & MacDonald, G. (eds.) (2009). Victim no more: Women’s Resistance to law, culture and

power. Fernwood Publishing.

Forrestall, W., Bentley, A. & Larocque, P. J. (2009) Paintings Drawings. SJ: New Brunswick Museum

Francis, C.W. (2006). Gabrielle Roy autobiographe: Subjectivité, passions et discours. Les Presses de

L’Universite Laval.

Groarke, P. (2004). Dividing the State: Legitimacy, secession and the doctrine of oppression. Ashgate

Publishing Company.

Gurtov, M. (2005). Asian Perspective: Special issue on controversial issues in Japanese Politics and

Society, vol. 29, no.1. Jae Kyu Park.

Ingham, K.G. (2003). Never Too Late: A lifetime in medicine and more. Cedarbark Press.

Jarosz. K. (2008) Romanica Silesiana. Uniwersytetu Slaskiego W Katowicach

Jeffrey, L. A. & MacDonald, G. (2006). Sex workers in the Maritimes Talk Back. UBC Press.

Kennedy, J. & Kennedy, R. (eds) (1999). Shakespeare: The critical edition, a Midsummer Night’s

Dream. The Athlone Press.

Kutnowski, M. (n.d.). Watercolours for ten fingers: Intermediate through early advanced. The FJH

contemporary keyboard editions.

Kutnowski, M. (n.d.). Echoes, pictures, riddles, and tales for piano solo: Elementary through

intermediate. The FJH contemporary keyboard editions.

Mac, K. (2002) Nail Builders Plan for Strength and Growth. NS: Roseway Publishing

MacDonald, M. & Owen, M.K. (2004). On building solutions for women’s equality: Matrimonial

property on reserve, community development and advisory councils. CRIAW-ICREF.

Malcolmson, P & Myers, R. (2002). An introduction to parliamentary government in Canada: The

Canadian Regime, 2nd edition. Broadview Press.

Mbarga, C. (2008). Emile Zola: les femmes de pouvoir dans Les Rougon-Macquart. L’Harmattan.

McCormick, Christopher. Constructing Danger: Emotions and Mis/Representation of Crime in the

News (Second Edition). Fernwood Publishing.

McGowan, M. (2004). Pax Vobis: A history of the diocese of Saint John its bishops and parishes.

Editions du Signe.

Narine, S. (2002). Explaining ASEAN: Regionalism in Southeast Asia. Lynne Rienner Publishers.


Peck, R. (2004). Sculpture: A journey to the circumference of the earth. Brokenjaw Press.

Proulx, C. (2003). Reclaiming Aboriginal Justice, Identity, and Community. SK: Purich Publishing.

Randal, W.L. & McKim, A. E. (2008). Reading Our Lives: The Poetics of Growing Old. NY: Oxford

University Press

Reimer, M. (Ed). (2004).Inside corporate U: Women in the academy speak out. Sumach Press.

Schweitzer, D. & Simon, D. (Eds) (2004). Intersecting voices: Critical theologies in the land of

diversity. Novalis.

Steele, T. (2005). Impossible landscapes. Broken Jaw Press.

Tremblay, T. & Rose, E. (2011) Last Shift: The Story of a Mill Town. A Golden Girl Production

Van den Hoonaard, D.K. (2010). By himself: The older man’s experience of widowhood. Toronto,

ON: University of Toronto Press.

Wong, Jan. (2012) Out of the Blue. Canada: Jan Wong.

5. Qualitative Research

Atkinson, P., Coffey, A., Delamont, S., Lofland, J. & Lofland, L. (2002). Handbook of ethnography.

London: Sage.

Bochner, A. P. & Ellis, C. (eds.) (2002). Ethnographically speaking: auto ethnography, literature, and

aesthetics. NY: Altamira Press.

Ellis, C. (2004). The ethnographic I: A methodological novel about auto ethnography. NY: Altamira


Esterberg, K.G. (2002). Qualitative methods in social research. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Hay, I. (2010). Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography, 3rd edition. New York: Oxford.

Kirby, S.L., Greaves, L., & Reid, C. (2006). Experience research social change: Methods beyond the

mainstream, 2nd ed. Ontario: Broadsview Press.

Lather, Patti. (2007). Getting Lost: Feminist Efforts toward a Double (d) Science. State University of

New York Press.

Leavy, Patricia. (2011). Essentials of Trans disciplinary Research: Using Problem –Centered

methodologies. Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press, Inc.


Maxwell, J. A. (2012). A Realist Approach for Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Richardson, L. & Lockridge, E. (2004). Travels with Ernest: Crossing the literary/sociological divide.

New York, NY: Altamira Press.

Seale, C., Gobo, G., Gubrium, J.F., Silverman, D. (eds.) (2004). Qualitative research practice.

Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Van den Hoonaard, Will C. (ed.) (2002). Walking the Tightrope: Ethical Issues for Qualitative

Researchers. University of Toronto Press.

Van Dijk, T. A. (ed.) (2009). Discourse studies: A multidisciplinary introduction. Sage.

Wolcott, H. F. (2001). Writing up: Qualitative research, 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Zingaro, Linde. (2009). Speaking out; Storytelling for social change. Walnut Creek, California: Left

Coast Press, Inc.

6. Research (General)

Advisory Council on the Status of Women. (2001). Growing up female in New Brunswick 1970-2000.

Moncton, New Brunswick: Advisory Council on the Status of Women.

Agnew, N.M & Pyke, S.W. (2007). The science game: An introduction to research in the behavioral

and social sciences, 7th edition. Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford.

Alderson, Priscilla Alderson & Morrow, Virginia (2011). The Ethics of Research with Children and

Young People: A Practical Handbook. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Braithwaite, Ann & Lepp, Annalee (eds.) A Women’s Studies Journal (2011). Atlantis 35th



Beavon, Dan, Maxim, P., & White, P., (2003). Aboriginal Conditions: Research as a Foundation for

Public Policy. UBC Press.

*Brown, L. & Strega, S. (eds.) (2005). Research as Resistance: Critical, indigenous, and anti-

oppressive approaches. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.

Bryman, A. & Teevan, J.L. (2005). Social research methods, Canadian edition. Ontario: Oxford

University Press.

Christensen, L. B., Johnson, R. B., Turner, L. A. (2011). Research Methods, Design, and Analysis, 11th

edition. Pearson Education Inc.

Expert Panel on Research Integrity. (2010). Honesty, Accountability and Trust: Fostering Research

Integrity in Canada: fostering research integrity in Canada. Council of Canadian Academies.


Gerson, C. (2010) Canadian Women in Print 1750-1981. Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Gubrium, J.F. & Holstein, J.A. (eds.) (2001). Handbook of interview research: Context and method.

Thousand Oak: Sage.

Green, J.L., Camilli, G., & Elmore, P.B. (2006). Handbook of complementary methods in education

research. Washington, CD: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.

Lewis-Beck, M.S., Bryman, A. & Liao, T.F. (eds.) (2004). The sage encyclopedia of social science

research methods, Volume 1. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Lewis-Beck, M.S., Bryman, A. & Liao, T.F. (eds.) (2004). The sage encyclopedia of social science

research methods, Volume 2. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Lewis-Beck, M.S., Bryman, A. & Liao, T.F. (eds.) (2004). The sage encyclopedia of social science

research methods, Volume 3. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Luxton, M. & Mossman, M.J (eds.) (2012). Reconsidering Knowledge: Feminism and the Academy.

Fernwood Publication.

Maclin, K.M. & Solso, R.L. (2008). Experimental Psychology: A case approach, 8th edition. New York,

NY: Pearson

Neuman, W.L. & Robson, K. (2009). Basics of social research: Qualitative and quantitative

approaches, 2nd

edition. Pearson Canada: Toronto.

Reid, John G., & Savoie, Donald J. (2011). Shaping an Agenda for Atlantic Canada. Fernwood


Roberts, L. W., Kampen, K. & Peter T. (2009) The Methods Coach, Learning Through Practice. ONT:

Oxford University Press

Salkind, N.J. (2006). Exploring research, 6th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Shaw, I.F., Greene, J.C. & Mark, M. M. (2007). The Sage handbook of Evaluation. Thousand Oaks,

California: SAGE publications Ltd.

Van den Hoonaard W. C. (2011). The Seduction of Ethics: Transforming the Social Sciences. TO:

University of Toronto Press Incorporated 2011

7. Statistical Analysis

Aron, A., Aron, N.E., & Coups, E.J. (2008). Statistics for the behavioral and social sciences: A brief

course, 4th Ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.


Hardy, M., & Bryman, A. (2004). Handbook of data analysis. London: Sage.

Lind, Marchal, Mason, Gupta, Kabadi & Singh (2002). Statistical Techniques in Business and

Economics, 1st Canadian Edition. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.

Tabachnick, B.G. & Fidell (2001). Using multivariate statistics, 4th edition. Needham Heights: Allyn &


8. SERIES: Green Guides by the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

(*Listed by series number)

Gedalof, A.J. (1998). Teaching large Classes: Green Guide No.1. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Society for

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

Cameron, B.J. (1999). Active Leaning: Green Guide No.2. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Society for Teaching

and Learning in Higher Education.

Hudspith, B. & Jenkins H. (2001). Teaching the art of inquiry: Green Guide No. 3. Halifax, Nova

Scotia: Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

Piccinin, S.J. (2003). Feedback, key to learning: Green Guide No. 4. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Society for

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

Dunne, D. & Brooks, K. (2004). Teaching with cases: Green Guide No. 5. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Society

for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

9. SERIES: Qualitative Research Methods (*Listed by series number)

Kirk, J. & Miller, M.L. (1986). Reliability and validity in qualitative research: Qualitative research

methods series 1. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Schein, E.H. (1987). The clinical perspective in fieldwork: Qualitative research methods series 5.

Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Adler, P.A. & Adler, P. (1987). Membership roles in field research: Qualitative research methods series

6. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Manning, P.K. (1987). Semiotics and fieldwork: Qualitative research methods series 7. Thousand Oaks:


Warren, C.A.B. & Hackney, J.K. (1998). Gender issues in ethnography, 2nd edition: Qualitative

research methods series 9. Thousand Oaks: Sage.


Weller, S.C. & Romney, A. K. (1988). Systematic data collection: Qualitative research methods series

10. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Noblit, G.W. & Hare, R.D. (1998) Meta-ethnography: Synthesizing qualitative studies. Qualitative

research methods series 11. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

McCracken, G. (1988). The long interview: Qualitative research methods series 13. Thousand Oaks:


Pfaffenberger, B. (1988). Microcomputer applications in qualitative research: Qualitative research

method series 14. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Fine, G.A. & Sandstrom, K.L. (1988). Knowing children participant observation with minors:

Qualitative research methods series 15. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Morgan, D.L. (1997). Focus groups as qualitative research 2nd edition: Qualitative research methods

series 16. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Denzin, N.K. (1989). Interpretive biography: Qualitative research methods series 17. Thousand Oaks:


Gladwin, C.H. (1998). Ethnographic decision tree modeling: Qualitative research methods series 19.

Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Richardson, L. (1990). Writing strategies, reaching diverse audiences: Qualitative research methods

series 21. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Ball, M.S. & Smith, G.W.H. (1992). Analyzing visual data: Qualitative research methods series 24.

Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Atkinson, P. (1998). Understanding ethnographic texts: Qualitative research methods series 25.

Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Thomas, J. (1998). Doing critical ethnography: Qualitative research methods series 26. Thousand Oaks:


Schwartzman, H.B. (1998). Ethnography in organizations: Qualitative research methods series 27.

Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Kleinman, S. & Copp, M.A. (1993). Emotions and fieldwork: Qualitative research methods series 28.

Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Mitchell, R.G. (1993). Secrecy and fieldwork: Qualitative research methods series 29. Thousand Oaks:



Riessman, C.K. (1993). Narrative analysis: Qualitative research methods series 30. Thousand Oaks:


Hill, M.R. (1993). Archival strategies and techniques: Qualitative research methods series 31.

Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Hamel, J., Dufour, S. & Fortin, D. (1993). Case study methods: Qualitative research methods series 32.

Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Feldman, M.S. (1995). Strategies for interpreting qualitative data: Qualitative research methods series

33. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Psathas, G. (1995). Conversation analysis, the study of talk-in-interaction: Qualitative research methods

series 35. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Coulon, A. (1998). Ethnomethodology: Qualitative research methods series 36. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Holstein, J.A. & Gubrium, J.F. (1995). The active interview: Qualitative research methods series 37.

Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Altheide, D.L. (1996). Qualitative media analysis: Qualitative research methods series 38. Thousand

Oaks: Sage.

Jones, M.O. (1996). Studying organizational symbolism: Qualitative research methods series 39.

Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Erickson, K. & Stull, D. (1998). Doing team ethnography, warnings and advice: Qualitative research

methods series 42. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Czarniawska, B. (1998). A Narrative approach to organization studies: Qualitative research methods

series 43. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Atkinson, R. (1998). The life story interview: Qualitative research methods series 44. Thousand Oaks:


Mitchell, M.L. (1998). Employing qualitative methods in the private sector: Qualitative research

methods series 45. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Stewart, A. (1998). The ethnographer’s method: Qualitative research methods series 46. Thousand

Oaks: Sage.

Yanow, D. (2000) Conducting interpretive policy analysis: Qualitative research methods series 47.

Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Stebbins, R.A. (2001). Exploratory research in the social sciences: Qualitative research methods series

48. Thousand Oaks: Sage.


Rodriguez, N. & Ryave, A. (2002). Systematic self-observation: Qualitative research methods series 49.

Thousand Oaks: Sage

10. Directories

Canadian Subsidy Directory 2010: More than 3000 Programs listed, Canadian Publications 2010.

Directory of Grants in the Humanities, 2009, Volume I, 20th


Directory of Grants in the Humanities, 2009, Volume II, 20th


Canadian Subsidy Directory, 2009.

Canadian Subsidy Directory, 2007.
