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YOGA LIVING May/June 2009 37

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What Will You Do WithYour Dash?

38 YOGA LIVING May/June 2009

Isn’t it interesting that after all the peaks and valleys,our life journey is summed up by one simple dash? Letme explain. When we attend a funeral, we usually

receive a memorial card or program. Almost always, theperson’s name appears at the top and beneath it theirbirth year, a dash, and their final year (for example, 1939 – 2009). This little dash represents the person’swhole life.

At a funeral people take time to honor the person’s“Dash”: what they stood for, what they accomplished andmost important, who they were. My husband recentlyattended the memorial service for a friend. He returnedhome inspired by the way this man’s family, friends, co-workers and acquaintances remembered him. Theycelebrated his life by compiling a beautiful book of letterswritten by loved ones to express the impact he had madeon each of their lives.

This man’s life was cut short by an unexpected heartattack. He had no idea it would end the day it did. Yetbecause he lived each day with passion and kindness, histime on earth was deeply meaningful. He cared about others. He took time to listen. He helped wherever hecould. His vision was to create positive change in his community and even in his country. His Dash was a legacy of love to be carried on by those he left behind.

As my husband shared this experience, we both felt theenormous importance of living every day fully—and of living it on purpose. Life is a gift. If we live awake to ordinary moments, this journey can be fascinating and fulfilling—something fantastic, measured not so

much in materialgains, businessachievements orother accoladeswe’ve accumulated (though such things are exciting to experience, delicious to enjoy). But fantastic in the way wehave touched others with our thoughts, words and actions.

What will your Dash mean? How do you want to beremembered? I love these questions. I have been meditating on them recently. I see how days becomeweeks, weeks turn into months and before you know itanother year that has gone by. The elders in my family tellme that for them, time seems to go ever faster as theyage. They marvel that they are approaching old age withsuch speed.

I ask you to give deep thought to what meaning your Dashwill have. (Please get out a pen and a piece of paper. Getready to write down your thoughts and answers so thatyou get the full value from this article.) Here are a few ideasto contemplate.

1. Wake up to your life. Are you sleepwalking, allowingdays to slip by, feeling depressed, disheartened and unsure of where you are headed? Someoneforwarded me a touching email titled “Seven Wondersof the World.” As the story goes, a teacher askedher class to write down what they considered to bethe Seven Wonders of the World. Most of the students used traditional answers like: the Egyptianpyramids, the Great Wall of China and the Taj Mahal. One student’s answers were quite different. For her, the seven wonders were to feel, tosee, to hear, to taste, to smell, to laugh, to live. If lifefeels dreary and grey to you, if you find yourselfwandering aimlessly about, reconnect with these

On Health | by Patricia G. Omoqui

What Will You Do WithYour Dash?

continued on page 40

“When you were born, you cried and the worldrejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, theworld cries and you rejoice.”

- Quotation from the Cherokee Indians

YOGA LIVING May/June 2009 39


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40 YOGA LIVING May/June 2009

On Health | by Patricia G. Omoqui

simple wonders. Open up to the exquisite realitiesof life all around you. Come alive to the moment.

2. What will they say about you? How do you want tobe remembered? My mom and I just discussed thisbecause her 60th birthday is just around the corner.She told me that at 50, she would have answered,“I want people to say, ‘She was kind.’” Now, at age60, she says, “I want people to say, ‘She taught meto listen to the Spirit of Truth within me.’” All of mymom’s time is spent in helping others who needcomfort and support. She is already living in a waythat will yield the answer she desires. Take time thisweek to formulate one or two statements thatexpress what you want people to say about you. (I’llshare mine. I want people to say, ”She fully lovedand accepted me where I was but helped me to seeand to reach my full potential.”)

3. Use your passions, talents and resources. Onceyou have clarified the way you desire to be remembered, ask yourself, “How could my interests, gifts and assets be used in a way that willfulfill my desire?” Then begin to take daily action.

4. Lighten up about life. Remember that much of whatwe worry about is frivolous and 99.9% of our fearsnever materialize. Einstein once said, “I want toknow God’s thoughts; the rest are details.” Ratherthan obsessing over debilitating details—whatsomeone else thinks about you, what someone hassaid about you or ways you feel deprived, conserveyour energy. Ask to know God’s thoughts. Keepyour mind tuned in to the grand Mind that dissolvesall problems and leads to wholeness.

5. Fill ordinary moments with love. Don’t underestimatethe importance of offering a kind word or a listeningear, sharing a meal with someone who is hungry, orgiving someone in need a few naira. Adopt the philosophy of Mother Theresa, “What I do you cannotdo; but what you do, I cannot do. The needs aregreat, and none of us, including me, ever do greatthings. But we can all do small things, with greatlove, and together we can do something wonderful.”

6. Wake up to your personal power. If you are unhap-py with your current life situation, remember thatyou are not stuck. First honestly see yourself whereyou are. Take stock of every blessing, even the tiniest. Also, take note of the things you don’t like.Then, take time to clarify what you DO want toexperience. As you accept this moment with gratitude, you become free to focus on what youwant. When you concentrate your thoughts onwhat you want, you are much more likely to experience it. Remember, no matter how manyarrows you shoot you will never hit a target unlessyou are aiming at it. You were created with both thedreams in your heart and the capacity to realize them.

At the beginning life feels like it will be a marathon. The farther we go, the more we begin to see it’s actually a100M Dash. What will you make of your Dash? Take timeto define it or before you know it, life will pass you by. �

YOGA LIVING May/June 2009 41




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42 YOGA LIVING May/June 2009

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YOGA LIVING May/June 2009 43

Ahh spring…the sun has come out fromhiding and the air keeps getting warmeras each day passes. There’s a distinct smell in

the air that started as a damp green sliver of hope rising upfrom the ground and is beginning to evolve into a verdantand plush landscape that is ripe with color. The same creative force that pushed up the bulbs and turned theminto flowers has blossomed in our hearts and everyone weencounter seems to be full of positive energy. Everything ischanging in preparation for the coming summer. Spring is here and with it comes all sorts of new and ediblegreen things – enter in spring vegetables in all their glory.With the new life and greenery that spring brings, a love forthe freshness of the foods of spring is reborn. Fresh local asparagus is one of the delights of spring.Whether it is steamed, grilled boiled or roasted it is so tastyand good! When buying asparagus, make sure that stalksare firm but tender, the color bright and the tips tightlyclosed. It is best stored standing up in a small pool of water– an old yogurt container is good for this purpose, as it holdsthe water and the asparagus upright. Eat it on it’s own oruse in salads, quiches, soups or pasta sauces. Asparagus andeggs are a natural flavor pairing and a healthy breakfast orlight meal. In addition to it’s distinct flavor profile, asparagusbrings to the table a full day’s serving of vitamin K, which isimportant for bone health, as well a good amount of folateto help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.Take the time this spring to eat the spectrum from lightgreen to dark green, with fruits and veggies like Avocado,Spinach, Artichokes, Fava Beans, Fennel, Mustard Greens,Green Garlic, Scallions, Watercress and Fiddlehead Ferns.And remember that spring is a great time to visit your localfarmer’s market and refocus on the other meaning of eatinggreen – supporting local produce and sustainable agriculturefor improved personal health and planetary longevity!

ARUGULA, FENNEL AND AVOCADO SALAD6 cups arugula 4 cups thinly sliced fennel bulb (about 2 small bulbs)1 3/4 cups sliced peeled avocado (about 1 small)1/3 cup fresh lemon juice1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil½ teaspoon salt2 tablespoons shaved Parmigiano-Reggiano cheeseCombine all ingredients except the cheese; toss gently tocoat. Divide the salad among 8 salad plates. Sprinkle thecheese evenly among salads.

Eat Green For Spring!

SPRING VEGETABLE SAUTÉ1/2 lb fresh or 2 oz dried morel mushrooms (preferably small)2 lb fresh fava beans, shelled (2 cups)1/2 stick (1/4 cup) unsalted butter, softened1 1/2 lb thin asparagus, cut diagonally into 1 1/2-inch pieces1 lb sugar snap peas, trimmed4 bunches scallions (white and pale green parts only),trimmed and chopped2 tablespoons chopped fresh mintIf using dried morels, soak in warm water to cover 30 minutes.Agitate fresh or dried morels in water to dislodge grit, andthen lift from water, squeezing out excess, and pat dry withpaper towels. Whether using fresh or dried, leave smallmorels whole and halve or quarter larger ones. Cook beansin a 4-quart saucepan of boiling salted water 3 minutes, thentransfer with a slotted spoon or skimmer to a colander andrinse under cold water. Peel skins from beans with your fin-gers. (Keep water simmering, covered.)Heat 2 tablespoons butter in a 12-inch nonstick skillet overmoderately high heat until foam subsides, then sauté morels,stirring, until tender, about 4 minutes. Season with salt andpepper. Remove from heat and let stand, covered. Returnwater in saucepan to a boil, then cook asparagus, sugarsnaps, and scallions until crisp-tender, 1 1/2 to 2 minutes.Add beans and immediately drain well in colander. Add vegetables and remaining 2 tablespoons butter to morelsand toss to combine. Stir in mint and salt and pepper to tasteand serve immediately.SPRING VEGETABLE SOUP1 tablespoon olive oil2 large leeks (white and pale green parts only), thinly sliced(about 3 cups)1/2 cup chopped peeled carrot4 1/2 cups canned low-salt chicken broth or vegetable broth2 cups shelled fresh fava beans (from about 2 poundsunshelled) or one 10-ounce package frozen baby limabeans, thawed5 ounces green beans, trimmed, cut into 1-inch pieces8 ounces asparagus, tough ends trimmed, spears cut diagonally into 1-inch pieces2/3 cup thinly sliced fresh basilFreshly grated Parmesan cheese (optional)Heat oil in heavy large saucepan over medium heat. Addleeks and carrot; sauté until vegetables are tender but notbrown, about 8 minutes. Add broth and bring to boil. Addfavas and green beans and simmer until almost tender,

by Kristen Butera | Recipes

44 YOGA LIVING May/June 2009

MONTGOMERY COUNTYArnold’s Way 215-361-0116 319 W Main St Lansdale PA 19446Gary’s World of Wellness 610-539-6727 4 W Mount Kirk Ave Norristown PA 19403Healthwise 610-668-9988 111 Bala Ave Bala Cynwyd PA 19004Holly Hill Health Foods Inc 215-361-7770 1200 Welsh Rd North Wales PA 19454Korner Kupboard 215-799-0149 Telford PA Narberth Natural Foods 610-667-7634 231 Haverford Ave Narberth PA 19072Nature’s Harvest Market 215-659-7705 101 E Moreland Rd Willow Grove PA 19090North Penn Health Food 215-855-1044 1313 Broad St N Lansdale PA 19446Whole Foods Market 610-896-3737 339 E Lancaster Ave Wynnewood PA 19096Whole Foods Market 215-646-6300 1210 N Bethlehem Pike Ambler PA 19002 Whole Foods Market 215- 646-6300 1210 Bethlehem Pike North Wales PA 19454Willow Creek Orchards 610-584-8202 3215 Stump Hall Rd, Collegeville PA 19426

PHILADELPHIA COUNTYCommunity Health Food 215-438-7576 5007 Wayne Ave Philadelphia PA 19144Essene The Natural Food Market 215-922-1146 719 S4th St Philadelphia PA 19147Harry’s Health Food Store 215-742-3807 1805 Cottman Ave Philadelphia PA 19111Health Center For Nutrition & Herbs 215-549-6151 5601 N10th St Philadelphia PA 19141Health Heaven 215-969-8420 14200 Bustleton Ave Philadelphia PA 19116Logan Health Food Store 215-324-2662 5009 N Broad St Philadelphia PA 19141 Natural Goodness 215-977-7749 2000 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19103-5608Stan’s Health Foods 215-332-4577 7161 Frankford Ave Philadelphia PA 19135Weavers Way Co-op 215.843.2350 559 Carpenter Lane Phila. PA 19119Whole Foods Market 215-733-9788 929 South ST Philadelphia PA 19147Whole Foods Market 215-557-0015 2001 Pennsylvania Ave Philadelphia PA 19130


Bonterra Market 609-484-1550 3112 Fire Rd Egg Harbor NJ 08234Festival Health Food Store 609-625-3377 Festival at Hamilton Mays Landing NJ 08330Health Tree The 609-561-8316 200 White Horse Pk Hammonton NJ 08037Interhealth Foods 609-345-3711 2830 Atlantic Ave Atlantic City NJ 08401Premier Nutrition 609-822-6999 5026 Wellington Ave Ventnor City NJ 08406The Health Tree 609-561-8316 200 White Horse Pk Hammonton NJ 08037

CAMDEN COUNTYBerlin Farmer’s Market & Shopping Center 856-753-1472 Berlin NJ 08009Good 4 U Healthy Foods General Store 856-753-1472 Berlin NJ 08009Haddonfield Nutrition Center 856-857-0020 7 Haddon Ave Haddonfield NJ 08033HealthWorks 856-854-4468 786 Haddon Ave Collingswood NJ 08108Natural Health 856-784-1021 Blackwood NJ 08012Nature’s Cupboard 856-354-8811 208 Kresson Rd Cherry Hill NJ 08034Natures Earth 856-662-42442107 Marlton Pike W Cherry Hill NJ 08002Wegman’s Natures Marketplace 856-488-2700 2100 Rt70 W Cherry Hill NJ 08002Whole Foods Market 856-797-1115 940 Rt73 North Marlton NJ 08053

CAPE MAY COUNTYBack To Nature Health Foods 609-886-4027 Rt47 & RR Ave RioGrande NJ 08242Bayshore Nutrition Center 609-886-8008 3702 Bayshore Rd N Cape May NJ 08204Green Street Market 609-463-0606 3167 US Hghwy9 N S Rio Grande NJ 08242Luna Sea Health Food Market 609-398-5750 301 E10th St Ocean City NJ 08226

DELAWAREBack To Nature Health Food Store 302-328-5504 835 Pulaski Hwy Bear DE 19701Country Health Store 302-995-6620 2199 Kirkwood Hwy Wilmington DE 19805Francine’s Community Market 302-239-3737 6149 Lancaster Pk Hockhessing DE 19707Goodnews Natural Foods 302-730-1910 739 S. Governors Ave, Dover, DE 19904Harvest Market Natural Foods 302-234-6779 7411 Lancaster Pk Hockessin DE 19707Mona’s Health Foods Inc 302-475-5185 1802 Marsh Rd Wilmington DE 19810Natural Evolution 302-893-4941 1715 Delaware Ave Wilmington DE 19806Newark Co-Op Natural Foods Market 302-368-5894 Newark DE 19711Newark Natural Foods 302-368-5894 280 E Main St Newark DE 19711


Blue Mountain Herbals 610-562-4403 308 State St., Hamburg, PAHartz Natural Foods 610-286-5268 211 Twin County Rd, Wyomissing, PAHealth Cupboard 610-929-4565 N 5th Street Hwy, Reading, PAHome of Natural Foods 610-373-5847 3 N 9 Street, Reading, PAKimberton Whole Foods 610-385-1588, Ste106 1139 W. Ben Franklin Ct Douglassville PA, 19518Nature's Garden Natural Foods 610-779-3000 4290 Perkiomen Ave, Reading, PAPuravita Natural Foods 610-685-6666 448 Penn Ave, West Reading, PAThe Spirial Path 610-926-7749 Rt 61 Schoolside Place, Leesport, PA

BUCKS COUNTYBunn’s Natural Foods 215-355-1165 1007 Street Rd Southampton PA 18966Earth Foods 215-794-5311 RR 202 Buckingham PA 18912Faraday’s Natural Food Shop 215-679-8815 840 Penns Court Pennsburg PA 18073Grapevine Natural Grocery 215-860-8878 5 N State St Newtown PA 18940Kimberton Whole Foods 610-847-2419 239 Durham Rd Ottsville PA 18942Natural Foods Store The 215-752-7268 131 Hulmeville Av Penndel PA 19047Nature’s Garden Of Health 215-752-1270 207 Colonial Drive Langhorne PA 19047 New Hope Natural Market 215-862-3441 6642 Rt 179 Solebury PA 18963Plumsteadville Natural Foods Inc 215-766-8666 Rt 611 Plumsteadville PA 18949Queen’s Health Center 215-721-0577 711 Rt113 & County Line Plaza Souderton PA 18964 Sprouts & Wildberry’s 215-493-6076 15 S Main St Yardley PA 19067 The Health Food Store 215-997-2838 4275 County Line Rd Chalfont PA 18914To Your Health Nat. Foods 215-538-3480 Trainer’s Corner Shop Ctr Quakertown PA 18951

CHESTER COUNTYArrow Root 610-640-2720 83 E Lancaster Avenue Paoli PA 19312Great Pumpkin Health Foods 610-696-0741 607 E Market St West Chester PA 19382Lionville Natural Pharmacy 610-363-7474 309 Gordon Dr, Exton, PA 19341Kimberton Whole Foods 610-935-1444 2140 Kimberton Rd Kimberton PA 19442Kimberton Whole Foods 610-873-8225 150 E Penna Ave Downingtown PA 19335Natural Way 610-268-3938 1140 Glen Willow Rd Avondale PA 19311-9532Spring Run Natural Foods, 909 E. Baltimore Pk, Kennett Square PA 19348Whole Foods Market 610-688-9400 821 W Lancaster Ave Wayne PA 19087Venus Nutrition Center, 610-644-9111 81 Lancaster Ave., Frazer,Pa.19355

CUMBERLAND COUNTYHealthy Grocer, The 717-737-5123 3800 Trindle Road Camp Hill PA 17011Herbals On York 717-243-4503 232 York Rd Carlisle PA 17013

DELAWARE COUNTYAll Natural Market 610-896-7717 30 Lancaster Ave E Ardmore PA 19003-2205Arrowroot Natural Foods 610-527-3393 834 W Lancaster Ave Bryn Mawr PA 19010Burman Natural Foods Ltd 610-874-8418 3411 Edgmont Ave Brookhaven PA 19015Farm Fresh Express 484-461-7884 305 Windermere Ave Lansdowne PA 19050Health Hutte, The 610-497-8611 239 Concord Rd Aston PA 19014Martindale’s Natural Market 610-543-6811State Highway 320 Springfield PA 19064Rios Nutritional Products 610-543-1858 35 N Morton Ave Morton PA 19070Selene Whole Foods Cooperative 610-566-1137 305 W State St Media PA 19063

LANCASTER COUNTYCommunity Natural Food Store 717-355-0921 12 S Railroad Ave New Holland PA 17557Cornerstone Natural Foods Ltd 610-693-5027 361 Bunker Hill Rd Robesonia PA 19551Natural Choice Foods (717) 665-0720 655 West Newport Road, Lititz, PA 17543Nature’s Helping Hand 717-733-2510 10 Lime St Ephrata PA 17522Rhubarb’s Market 717-390-3001 1521 Lititz Pike Lancaster PA 17601-6505Weaver’s Health Foods 717-336-2263 108 S 6th Denver PA 17517 Your Healthy Food 717-859-4746 703 New St Akron PA 17501

LEHIGH COUNTYSecond Nature Health Food Store 610-683-5020 329 W Main St Kutztown PA 195307 Senses Health Center 610-807-3677 960 W Broad St Bethlehem PA 18018Sign Of The Bear Natural Foods 610-439-8575 514 N Saint Cloud St Allentown PA 18104

Health Food Store Directory

ACUPUNCTUREDamini Celebre, Oriental Medicine+other good stuff! (610) 251-9880

Ruth Fletcher, M.Ac. Narberth & Pottstown (610) 668-1114Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs, NAET, Facial Rejuvenation & more!

Harmonia Healing Arts Spa, 610-688-1007

The Healing Point, Meredith Murphy, LICAC, MAAC, DIPLAC

215 W. Church Rd, Ste 112, King of Prussia, PA 610-265-1827visit us on the web!

Sharon Rose, L.AC, DIPL. O.M. Acupuncture, Therapeutic Bodywork721 E Lanc, Downingtown. (484) 238-8127

AKASHIC RECORDSAkashic Records Readings, Donna Raymond, Certified Reader Use reading to identify & resolve both current & past life issues. For details visit cell (609) 502-7608

Akashic Record Teacher & Reader, Nancy Campoy. Readings/ClassesParents of Crystal’s welcome. Pathway Prayer©, Center of Akashic Studies(630) 469-1777

ALTERNATIVE WAX CANDLESScented Gourmet Candles (877) 775-8747

AYURVEDAAlpa Bhatt, BAMS, LMBT, NMT (610) 239-9901, (732) 857-6411 Ayurvedic Lifestyle Education, Body Type, Shirodhara, Pulse Analysis& Yoga Marma-point Massage, Diet, Cooking & Natural Remedies, Ayurvedic, online, personalized diet. 484-467-7503

BODYWORKDr. Shapiro's BodyPeace Phila. and S. Jersey

CHIROPRACTIC CARECraig Shapiro, D.C. (215) 627-1610

Dr. Scott Yorker DC, S. Philly, (215) 351-1603

COACHING & - Career, Life/Personal, Bus 610-213-1010

COLONICS/COLON HYDROTHERAPYThe Art of Health, Jeannette Ponder (610) 935-0701Colon Hydrotherapy, Nutritional Counseling Kimberton, PA

Colon Hydrotherapy - Haverford Wellness Center 2010 Westchester Pike (610) 924-0600


Andrea Bosbach, MSW, FT, BA, CYT Kimberton, PA & Wilmington, DEConsultations, Trainings, Lectures. Individuals, Couples, GroupsDynamics of family, organizations, health and (610) 513-2757

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPYBrigid Meagher 610-469-1717Upledger Adv. Pottstown, Kimberton, Paoli Integrative, Experienced 610-213-1010

CREATIVITY COACHINGA Writer’s Place, Offering workshops, life /creativity or call (610) 585-1441, Virginia McKinnie

DENTISTS, HOLISTICDAMS, Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions, Intl 610-649-0465Learn about benefits of mercury-free dentistry for your health.For resources and information, call

Dental Health Associates, Ltd. John P. Roeder, DMD

Look great and feel even better with a beautiful healthy smile.Biological Care 45 Darby Road, Paoli, PA (610) 647-7272

Dental Wellness Centre, Dr. Hyo Lim, DMD (610) 265-4485Biological Dentist. Exceptional dentistry in a caring environment.216 Mall Blvd., Ste. 11, King of Prussia

Donald Robbins, DMD BioSafeDentistry (610) 363-1980Protect your Health, safe mercury/vapor removal, no fluoride/metalsFREE mercury vapor testing. Exton, PA

DRUMMINGPete Barnhart Hand drumming, group classes & private lessons Chestnut Hill, Wayne & Lancaster 717-290-1866

EAR CANDLINGThe Healing Point Health Ctr. www.healingpointonline.com215 W. Church Rd, Ste 112, King of Prussia, PA (610) 265-1827

ENERGY AUDITSResidential Energy 800-789-5131

ENERGY West Chester, PA (484) 467-5449

RYAH Yoga & Health Conshohocken (610) 834-1551

FENG SHUIWendy Young (610) 688-0505Certified Feng Shui Practitioner and Interior Designer (CFSP)Improve your home or office environment and change your life.

FLOWER ESSENCE THERAPYCharlene Briggs, BFRP REG. BACH FLOWER FES TRAINED (610) 594-9591Safe, integrative approach to releasing emotional energy patterns. Personalconsultations, workshops. Transgress grief, depression, transitions, stress.

GYROTONIC® EXERCISE5th Line Bodyworks Studio Kari Hyer, Blue Bell Move beyondthe ordinary to build core strength and flexibility 215 605 1109

Holistic Resource Directory

YOGA LIVING May/June 2009 45

HEALTHY HOMESHealthy Spaces (215) 233-1852 Healthy home/office check-ups. Investigation. Testing. Solutions.

HOLISTIC HEALTHLionville Nat. Pharmacy & Holistic Ctr (610) 363-7474

PABodyTalk Center Jalma Marcus RN,BS,MS,CBP,AT,PARAMA 215-840-3263

StarCatchers Healing Arts, Counseling, Hypnosis, Massage (610) 251-6899

Thai Yoga Massage & Shiatsu call Marlene Burk at (610) 613-9248

HOLISTIC MEDICAL DOCTORLisa Beth Freedman, MD Villanova & Huntingdon Valley (610) 579-3797

HOLISTIC STUDIES/TRAININGLourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies (856) 869-3134900 Haddon Ave. Collingswood, NJ www.lourdeswellnesscenter.orgYoga Teacher Training, Massage, Shiatsu, Reflexology Cert.

PaBodyTalk Center Access & Basic Courses CES RNS, MTS 215-840-3263

HOMEOPATHAngela Walker, CCH, RSHom (610) 526-2246

HYPNOTHERAPYNancy Schappert MHt Suggestive, Regression & Past Life Therapy West Chester 484-343-0896

INTEGRATIVE MEDICAL DOCTORChristina T Santangelo MD Nutrition & more 610-918-3939Call now for Complementary Nutrition Assessment $75 value

LIFE COACHINGKinepathics Life Solutions: Tantra, Reichian, Bioenergetics

Anita De Francesco, M.A. cell 310-210-1464

MARTIAL ARTSKwon’s Black Belt Academy Katharine Ruoss-NaumenkoTae Kwon Do • Tang Soo Do. Instilling those elements which create a quiet con fi -dence. (610) 651-KWON (5966)

MASSAGEHarmonia Healing Arts Spa, 610-688-1007

The Healing Point Wholistic Health Ctr. (610) 265-1827 Massage, Shiatsu, Myofascial Release, Craniosacral, Prenatal215 W. Church Rd, Ste 112, King of Prussia, PA

Kneady 14 Thomas Ave, Bryn Mawr (484) 432-8131Corrective Massage, Acupuncture, Shiatsu: Pain Management West Chester, Pa. (484) 467-5449 (610) 525-0110 15 Morris Ave., Bryn Mawr

RYAH Yoga & Health Conshohocken (610) 834-1551

MASSAGE SCHOOLSThe Massage School Exton 6wks to certify. Roxayne (610) 524-2171

MIDWIFERYThe Birth Center, Bryn Mawr & Exton (610) 525-6086

NEURO-LINGUISTIC NLP Training/ Counseling 610-213-1010

NUTRITIONBen Briggs, RPh, CNC, Functional Nutrition (610) 363-7474

Joel S. Edman, DSc,FACN,CNS 610-742-8880

Rosemary Nardone, (610) 651-8181

Nancy Schappert PhD, RN Holistic Nutrition Hypnosis Qigong Reiki West Chester 484-343-0896

PSYCHOLOGIST Timothy Freitas, PSY.D. Devon 610 688.3538

Susan Lorain, Board-Certified Holistic Psychologist (484) 885-7765

Private Sessions and On-site Corporate Workshops

Christine J Ware, PhD, RYT 610-664-6446

PSYCHOTHERAPYHolistic Counseling & Life Coaching, Nourish, deepen connections,live on purpose with joy. Elizabeth Burns, MS (610) 999-0876

Holistic Resource Directory


TherapyMary Sue Hardy, LPC, MS, CACD, CYT

Psychotherapist/Certified Yoga Teacher





1002 Geigertown Road, Birdsboro, PA 19508(off Rt.422 corridor between Pottstown & Reading)

phone: 610-582-2639 • pager: 610-907-0098

Using an Integrative Approach


46 YOGA LIVING May/June 2009

YOGA LIVING May/June 2009 47

For more info. call 610-917-1228 or visit our website 227 Bridge Street, Phoenixville.

Art and independent films seven nights a week | Classic Films on Sundaysat 2:00pm | Children’s Series on Saturdays at 2:00pm | Baby Nights on

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under 13 and Members $6.00 Seniors/Students with ID

Holistic Resource Directory

TALK CIRCLES1st Friday Talk Circles-Pot Luck: Karen Wrigley,LSW (610)631-08801823 West Main St, Norristown, Pa19403

THERAPYRinah Karson, MSW, Yoga, BodyMindSpirit Healing, Wayne, 617-388-4281

WELLNESS CENTERCenter for Vitality & Berwyn PA (610) 251-9880Acupuncture, BodyWork, Flower Essences, Shamanism, & Classes!Damini Celebre, director Healing for the BodyMindSpirit

Essential Wellness Ctr. Supportive, Nurturing, Integrative CareTherapies, Workshops. (610) 647-5407

HealthBridge Wellness Center on the Main Line, since1991Therapeutic Healing Modalities for Body, Mind & (610) 647-5210

Lionville Nat. Pharmacy & Holistic Ctr (610) 363-7474

RYAH Yoga and Health Wellness Center in Conshohocken – Holistic Health Svc; Yoga/Pilates; Massage/Energy; Counseling Svc; Events,Workshops; Corp. Retreats (610) 834-1551

SereneQuest Kennett Square, Pa 610.388.3200

WISDOM CIRCLESWisdom circles workshops, wellness-oriented events by inherlife,LLC: women’s renewal/retreat; south/central NJ; www.inherlife.comor email Lee at for more information.

WOMEN’S HEALTHLionville Nat. Pharmacy & Holistic Ctr (610) 363-7474

Bach Flower Therapy, Charlene Briggs (610) 594-9591Helping with grief, depression, stress, transitions, anxiety &Emotional challenges.

YOGA THERAPYRobert Butera, MDIV, PHD by appt. only (610) 688-7030Develop personalized Yoga program for health, psychological &spiritual. In Devon. Daytime hours.

QIGONGDebi Dunn certified Qigong, T'ai Chi, Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master.Classes & seminars. 484.431.1270

REIKIReiki Healing Center 20 S. Olive St, Suite 305, Media, PA 19063 Classes & Sessions 610-348-5698

Restorative Reiki – unique blend of energy and expressive therapy.Jeanie Ruland-Matteson at Creative Healing Arts (610) 738-0988

RETREAT CENTERSPendle Hill Retreat Center (610) 566-4507personal retreats/ seminars Wallingford, PA

SOULCOLLAGE®2009 SoulCollage® workshops! Facilitator is qualified by Founder;Visit for south/central NJ locations and dates; Email Lee for inquiries in your area


48 YOGA LIVING May/June 2009

GENERAL CONTRACTINGSunPower Builders, Jon Costanza, 30 years exp. 610-489-1105High Quality, Fine Design, Energy Efficiency, PV Electric, Solar Hot Water & Pool Heating.

Schreiber Gen. Contractors, “no job too small” 484-955-0292


Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia network ofsocially and environmentally respon. businesses. Website has events, on-line marketplace, membership info: 215-922-7400

GREEN CLEANING SERVICEGreen Cleaning Service and Supplies for Office/Home 856-834-6763

Purity Power Cleanin For a greener/cleaner home 610-322-9786

LANDSCAPINGFlowers & More, 610-701-9283

Pride & Joy EarthCare, Birchrunville, PA 610-495-5684

NATURAL PHARMACYLionville Nat. Pharmacy & Holistic Ctr 610-363-7474

OCEAN CITY, NJ ‘ECO-HOUSE’Eco Equipped Summer home rental property, 1 block to beachPrivate Deck w/ Ocean View, 3 bedroom/2 bath, 2nd FloorSee for on/off season rental.

PAINT AND PAINTERS, NATURALAmerican Pride Paint Order on-line: www.safepaint.net100% No toxin, all natural paint that holds 1-601-264-0442

REAL ESTATEKeller Williams, Pam Butera 215-646-9200

RESIDENTIAL ENERGY SOLUTIONSEnergy Audits, Diagnostic & Thermal Infrared Testing ServicesResidential Energy 800-789-5131

SPA, HOLISTICGreen conscious, holistic massage & organic skincare, unrivaled touch&training make us a leader in supporting wellbeing in a sustainable world. EviamaLifeSpa 215-545-3344

Harmonia Healing Arts Spa 610-688-1007

VETERINARIAN Animal Wellness Center, Rose DiLeva, VMD, MS, CVA 610-558-1616Cert. Vet. Acupunct. Alternative veterinary med. Chinese Herbs, AmazonHerbs. TCM. Holistic cancer treatment. Pain management. All animals.

Green Business Directory

Yoga Living Seeks Green Businesses; Cleaning, Natural Builders, Natural Painters, Green Investing, Green Stores!

ADVERTISINGYoga Living Magazine 610-688-7030Reach loyal 65,000 readers. Local, community oriented events.Main Office, 821 W. Lancaster Ave, Devon next to Whole Foods.

ART & GRAPHIC DESIGNArt & Graphic Design for Holistic Community 610-933-4545Logo Designs, Effective Illustrations, Successful AdvertisementsMia Bosna • •

CRAFTSMAN SERVICES & DESIGNTJ's Painting & Renovations offers eco-friendly products &services. Meticulous-Conscientious-Aesthetic. 610-864-1649

DRY CLEANINGDevon (Monarch) Natural Dry Cleaners No Toxic SolventsEM (Effective Mirco Organism) Benefits us and the Environment 821 Lancaster Ave. (Next to Whole Foods Mkt.) 610-687-1140

YOGA LIVING May/June 2009 49

Go Green! | Inside YogaLiving

50 YOGA LIVING May/June 2009


Earth Rhythms 610-374-3730 641 Penn Ave Reading PA 19611BUCKS COUNTY

Freckles Place 215-674-5640 1165 York Road Warminster PA 18974Solutions for Daily Living 215-968-9750 126 N State St Newtown PA 18940

CHESTER COUNTYBendBodyWear 610-558-0565 Old Ridge Vil 100 Ridge Rd#7 ChaddsFord PA 19317Charmingly Linda’s 610-640-1220 480 Lancaster Ave Frazer PA 19355Earth Mart 610-935-1793 235 Bridge St Phoenixville PA 19460Earth Speak 610-933-7375 2123 Kimberton Rd Kimberton PA 19442Revue Boutique & Gallery 610-918-4402 138 East Gay St, West Chester PA Ten Thousand Villages 610-594-2370 271 Main St Exton PA 19341YogaLife Bookstore 610-688-7030 821 W Lancaster Ave Wayne PA 19087

DELAWARE COUNTYTen Thousand Villages 610-892-5020 101 W. State St Media PA 19063

LANCASTER COUNTYEvolution Power Yoga LLC 717-391-1060 447 N Mulberry St Lancaster PA 17603 Radiance 717-290-1517 9 W Grant St Lancaster PA 17603Ten Thousand Villages 717-721-8400 240 N Reading Rd Ephrata PA 17522

MONTGOMERY COUNTY AVJ Natural Cat 610-326-0177 6 S Hanover St Pottstown PA 19464Got Your Back 610-834-3992 521 E Hector St Conshohocken PA 19428Dreamcatcher 610-584-5556 4049 Skippack Pk Skippack PA 19474Environmental Home Store 215-368-2589 1684 Kriebel Rd Lansdale PA 19446Lucy 610-649-2541 24 Parking Plaza (Suburban Square) Ardmore PA 19003Ten Thousand Villages 215-723-1221 787 Rt 113 Souderton PA 18964

Featuring Yoga Shops, Green Stores, Gift Shops, and local, fair-trade shops.* Email us your store’s FREE, one-line listing at Kindly let us know if there are any corrections.

NORTHAMPTON COUNTYOrganic Mattress Shop 866-246-9866 1075 Main St Hellertown PA 18055

PHILADELPHIA COUNTYArcadia Boutique 215-667-8099 819 N. 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123The Black Cat 215-386-6664 3428 Sanson St Philadelphia PA 19104Environmental Home 215-844-4733 550 Carpenter Ln @ Greene St Phila PA 19119Eviama Life Spa 215 545 3344 262 S16th St Philadelphia PA 19102Garland of Letters 215-923-5946 527 South St Philadelphia PA 19147Greenable 215-922-6066 126 Market St Philadelphia PA 19106Greendepot 215-333-1404 6951 State Rd, Ste A, Philadelphia, PA 19135Lululemon 215-735-2431 1704 Walnut St Ste 3F Philadelphia PA 19103Moving Arts Institute 215-205-1292 7425 Old York Road Elkins Park PA 19027Sanctuary Yoga Shop 215-242-3150 8611 Grmntwn Ave Chestnuthill PA 19118Ten Thousand Villages 215-574-2008 1122 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107Villa and Hut Furniture 215-425-1014 1105 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19125


Lucy 856-983-1291 500 Route 73 South (Promenade) Marlton NJ 08053CAMDEN COUNTY

Body Encounters 856-985-6363 230 N Maple Ave Marlton NJ 08053Yogawood! 856-858-YOGA 688 Haddon Ave Collingswood NJ 08108

MORRIS COUNTYTools for Yoga 973-966-5311 2 Green Village Rd Madison NJ 07928


My Thai 302-428-1040 21 Trolley Sq #A Wilmington DE 19806

*Note: Featuring stand-alone shops only.

Holistic/Yoga Gift Shop Directory

YOGA LIVING May/June 2009 51

Holistic/Yoga Gift Shop Directory

8611 Germantown Ave. Chestnut Hil l215.242.3150

Philadelphia's only store devotedto yoga wear and accessories

and the yogi lifestyle.everything you need to create your own sanctuary

Yoga WearCelebrate the Yogi Lifestyle


Filled with beautiful clothing for yoga and aprésyoga, yoga mats, towels, pil lows & bags, meditation supplies, new age books & music, unique jewelry, Buddha statuary, luscious organic bath & body treatments, organic flowering teas, fine incense, candles and much more.

New Address

SHOWROOM: 1075 Main Street Hellertown, PA


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521 E. Hector St. Conshohocken, PA 19428 1 800 677 9830

everything for massage & bodywork

Massage Equipment • Oils, Creams • Hot Stone Therapy • Aromatherapy • Spa

Grow your practice this year with classes from Got Your Back

products, classes, expertise.

Got Your Back

Peri-Natal Massage ClassInstructor: Olga MorrisFriday May 1, 5:30 - 8:30 pmSaturday May 2, 9 am -5 pmSunday May 3, 9 am -5 pm$300 17 CE’s

Bamboo-Fusion Class Instructor: Nathalie CeciliaAugust 29-30, 9-6 pmIncludes Student Manual. Class size is limited - Register Early$399 16 CE’s

Join us for our FREE Summer SolsticeJune 21, 9-3 pm

-Meet the instructors - Ask questions

Class Demos

Re�exology Level I ClassInstructor: Judy DobbsSunday, May 17, 9:30-4 pm $150

Massage Cupping™Therapy Level I WorkshopInstructors: William BurtonSeptember 11-13 Fri, Sat, Sun 9-5 pm each day$395 22 CE’s

52 YOGA LIVING May/June 2009


about 8 minutes. Add asparagus and 1/3 cup basil and simmer until all vegetables are very tender, about 7 minuteslonger. Season soup with salt and pepper. Stir in 1/3-cupbasil. Ladle soup into bowls. Serve, passing Parmesan sepa-rately, if desired.

SPAGHETTI WITH GREEN GARLIC ANDOLIVE OIL1 pound whole wheat or multigrain spaghetti1 tablespoon plus 1 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil2 bunches fresh green garlic, cleaned and chopped1 teaspoon chili flakesFreshly ground black pepperSea salt

Boil pasta in salted water until al dente, drain and reserve.While pasta is cooking, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in smallsauté pan over medium heat. Add green garlic and chiliflakes, sauté for 2 minutes or until translucent. Removefrom heat and add to pasta. Add remaining olive oil and tossto coat. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

SPRING VEGETABLES AND CITRUS BULGUR1 1/2 cups boiling filtered water1 1/2 cups bulgurZest of 1 medium lemon (about 2 tablespoons)Juice of 1 medium lemon (3 to 4 tablespoons)1 tablespoon minced garlic3/4 teaspoon sea salt1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper1 1/2 cups baby arugula or other baby greens1 cup snap peas or shelled peas1/2 cup diced red or orange bell peppers1/2 cup thinly sliced radishes1/4 cup thinly sliced green onions1/4 cup chopped fresh dill weed or parsley1 tablespoon olive oil

Place the water, bulgur, lemon zest, lemon juice, garlic, salt,and pepper in a large bowl. Stir until evenly combined,cover, and set aside for 25 to 30 minutes or until all of theliquid is absorbed and the bulgur is tender. Fluff the bulgurwith a fork to loosen the grains. Stir in all of the remainingingredients. Serve hot, cold, or at room temperature.

SPRING PEA SMASH1 cup of vegetable or chicken stock2 cups fresh peas1 clove of garlic, minced fine2 tablespoons thyme 1 tablespoon butter1 tablespoon olive oil2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese, grated fine

Heat butter and oil over med-high heat and saute garlic andthyme for about 2 minutes. Add the stock, bring to a boil,and add the peas. Cook peas in stock for about 5 minutes.With a slotted spoon, remove half of the pea mixture andput aside. In a small food processor, add remaining peas andstock and process for about 30 seconds, on intervals.Remove mixture and add to reserved whole peas and mixwell. Fold Parmesan cheese into pea smash, and serve!

SPRING ASPARAGUS BENEDICT4 tablespoons olive oil 1 lb jumbo green asparagus, washed and trimmed Salt and pepper ¼ cup white miso¼ cup unsalted butter1 teaspoon sherry vinegar2 poached eggs (recipe follows)2 Multigrain English muffins Put oil in large skillet and heat to medium-high. Cover thebottom of the pan with a layer of asparagus. Sauté untilbrowned around the edges and slightly softened, about 6 - 8minutes. Whisk together miso and butter in a smallsaucepan over low heat until the butter softens but does notmelt. Whisk in vinegar and set aside in a warm place. Toastthe English muffins and put 2 on each warmed plate. Topeach with a generous portion of the asparagus, then apoached egg. Spoon some of the miso butter over each oneand serve immediately.

POACHED EGGS1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon white vinegar2 eggsBring an inch of water to boil in skillet, add salt and vinegar,and lower heat so it barely bubbles. One at a time, breakeggs into a shallow bowl and slip into simmering water.Cover skillet or spoon water over eggs. Cook 3 to 5 minutes,just until white is set and yolk has filmed over. Remove witha slotted spoon. Drain and serve as desired.

SPRING ASPARAGUS SOUP1 pound fresh asparagus3/4 cup chopped onion1/2 cup vegetable broth1 tablespoon butter2 tablespoons all-purpose flour1 teaspoon salt1 pinch ground black pepper1 1/4 cups vegetable broth1 cup soy milk1/2 cup yogurt1 teaspoon lemon juice1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheesePlace asparagus and onion in a saucepan with 1/2 cup vegetable broth. Bring the broth to a boil, reduce heat andlet simmer until the vegetables are tender. Reserve a fewasparagus tips for garnish. Place remaining vegetable mixturein an electric blender and puree until smooth. Melt butter inthe pan that was used for simmering the asparagus andonions. Stir while sprinkling flour, salt, and pepper into thebutter. Do not let the flour brown. Allow the mixture tocook only 2 minutes. Stir in remaining 1 1/4 cups vegetablebroth and increase the heat. Continue stirring until the mixture comes to a boil. Stir the vegetable puree and milkinto the saucepan. Whisk yogurt into the mixture, followedby lemon juice. Stir until heated through, then ladle intobowls. Garnish with reserved asparagus tips. Sprinkle withParmesan cheese if desired.

YOGA LIVING May/June 2009 53

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Some areas where permaculture can be used are landscaping/foodproduction, energy efficiency, water management, home buildingand community design. Resources are used in a sustainable waymimicking the efficiencies found in nature. There are three basic principles in permaculture that emphasizecommunity and the environment vs. individualism and consumerism.They are: caring for the earth, caring for people and sharing thesurplus (food, wealth and time).A central theme in permaculture is the design of food producingecological landscapes. These ecological landscapes are a mixtureof wildlife gardening and edible landscaping. The former creates orpreserves an environment that provides the essentials for wildlifesurvival, where native plants are emphasized. The later emphasizesthe production of food for human use. The permaculture landscapetakes an ecosystem approach, where components provide multipleuses and there is a wide diversity of species. As in naturalecosystems, more complexity means more resilience. A permaculture landscape is built on a healthy soil ecosystem.Organic material and natural fertilizers are used to enrich the soilthat in turn, feeds the plants in the garden. Compost can be madefrom yard waste, kitchen scraps and manure, and can be used tosupply organic matter and nutrients to the soil. Leaves and grassclippings can be used as mulch that help control weeds, conservemoisture and regulate soil temperature. Composting and mulchingreturn waste, as nutrients to the garden ecosystem, followingnature’s cyclical pattern.The some of planting design methods used in permaculture areinterplanting, companion planting, polycultures and guilds. Theseplanting methods use a variety of plants placed in a way that minimizes competition, enhances growth, reduces labor, increasesyield and benefits the environment. The edge effect is an importantconcept in nature and permaculture landscaping. The edge iswhere two natural systems meet, and it is important because ofhigh biodiversity. Examples would be where a lawn meets a gardenor where a garden meets a water feature. The edge effect can beenhanced by making irregular shaped beds and/or by layeringplants from short to tall.Different plant species are selected for various functions such asnitrogen fixation, food production, soil enrichment, medicinalherbs, and wildlife habitat. Below are some examples of howplants can be used in the permaculture garden.

54 YOGA LIVING May/June 2009

Healthy Family | by Ron Della Penna

Whether planted individually or as part of a garden bed, trees havemany functions. A properly placed tree can help save on homeenergy use by casting shade in the summer or blocking the coldwinter winds. Shade also provides a microclimate for shade lovingplants and the leaves are a source of organic material and mineralsto enrich the soil. Trees are food producers for humans andwildlife. Apples, peaches, cherries, pears, walnuts and chestnutsare examples of common food produced by trees. Native treesrequire less maintenance and can produce food for humans andwildlife such as persimmons, paw paws, serviceberries, and hickories.

Shrubs form the next level in the permaculture garden and, liketrees, they provide year round structure. Shrubs such as viburnums,inkberry, and winterberry can provide cover, food and nesting sitesfor birds, which in return, help keep insects under control. Shrubsplanted as hedges can provide privacy, a windbreak and a barrierto some garden pests. Hardy native shrubs such as blueberry,elderberry, raspberry, beach plums and hazelnuts provide food forhumans and wildlife.

Perennials are very versatile plants since they can be utilized insmall spaces and require less maintenance than annuals. Floweringperennials attract beneficial insects; predators to control pests andpollinators that increase fruit yield. Examples of these insectaryplants are: bee balm, butterfly weed, mint and lavender. Perennialsare also a source of culinary herbs (sage, chives, oregano) andmedicinal herbs (comfrey, coneflower, ginseng). Rhubarb andasparagus are examples of two perennial vegetables. Strawberryand creeping thyme, are two perennials that serve both as agroundcover and a food source.

Annuals, though temporary, produce a wide variety of fruits andvegetables. Their bounty includes tomatoes, peppers, squash,spinach, lettuce, potatoes, carrots, etc. Some annual vines suchas cucumbers and pole beans can be grown on arbors and treesinstead of the usual clematis. Some nitrogen fixing annuals providethe important function of supplying available nitrogen to otherplants. These legumes include beans and peas. Of course annualscan provide continuous flower blooming for enjoyment through outthe growing season.

This article is a very brief introduction to permaculture in the homelandscape, but the possibilities are almost endless. Our currentagricultural system is heavily dependant on energy from fossilfuels. It takes 10 calories of energy to produce 1 calorie of food.Large amounts of land are converted to agriculture to support agrowing human population, reducing wildlife habitat. Most of oursuburban landscape is used for aesthetic and recreational value.By applying permaculture to the home landscape we can help prevent habitat loss, reduce energy usage, and by supplying foodyou save money while eating healthier.

Recommended Reading: Gaia’s Garden by Toby Hemenway, 2000 �

