linkedin for business x-ray search - crowdsourcing


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LINKEDIN FOR BUSINESSX-Ray Search to Crowd Sourcing and Beyond

Seminar by:

Barry Hammond

Presented through: Computracks, LLC


1 1/2 HOURS

X-Ray Searching

Linkedin Search results associate to your network or GroupsAble to search beyond Linkedin’s Threshold

Search Engines, re: Google, Bing, Dogpile Yahoo, Altavista Freeality, Dashfresh & Metacrawler

Disecting a Boolean Search

What site is being searched (inurl:pub OR inurl:in) -intitle:directory (controller OR CEO) "St. Louis, Missouri Area“

(inurl:pub OR inurl:in

The Linkedin URL can be PUB or IN


More Boolean

The dataset position in Linkedin (inurl:pub OR inurl:in) -intitle:directory (controller OR CEO) "St. Louis, Missouri Area“

The position(s) being searched


(controller OR CEO

"St. Louis, Missouri Area“


Additional Criteria (inurl:pub OR inurl:in) -intitle:directory –indurl:dir (controller OR CEO) "St. Louis, Missouri Area"

Some search results have a dir in their URL

Add the dir after the directory within the Boolean search

Can eliminate non-individual, organized by Lname results

Free People Search Tool

By Region

Type a name and/or job title and/or company in the search field below. 


Saved Boolean Criteria

People Jobs Search

Looking for a job then:

-inurl:jobs “Electrical Engineer” ( Laboratory Equipment OR Prototype) "St. Louis, Missouri Area" –inurl:jobs –inurl:dir


Endorsements & Crowdsourcing

Skills & Expertise

Order them by importance

Move upwards to beginning of y

our Profile

Add Skills to Add Endorsements

Endorsements Dictate Positioning

Overview of Skills50 Skills are availableUse as many as applicable

Do Endorsements Bring Value?

Are they similar to a Facebook Like?

The Key

Skills become individually searchable

Charging down the line

Search for a skill or a combination of skills

Sort by number of endorsements

Data Quandaries to be Answered

How to generate a taxonomy of skills in a professional context?

How to disambiguate between contexts of skills”

How to leverage data to determine authoritativeness in a skill?

How to use authoritativeness to recommend people to endorse?

How to optimize for viral growth and engagement?

How to generate a taxonomy of skills in a professional context?

Taxonomy - a hierarchical arrangement of preferred terms (a classification scheme) and the rules that define how information is allocated to a particular category.

No Taxonomical Consistency

There is a lack of consistent theory for defining and classifying various skills, and there is no generally accepted skills taxonomy

Transversal skills that range from problem solving to interpersonal skills are considered important for innovation. Having these skills, which can betransferrable, is a good basis for accumulation of specific skills required by a given job expected in managing a robust innovation pipeline and portfolio to deliver new growth opportunities.

Disambiguate between contexts of skills

The discernment of skills utilizing multiple skill variants (re: search) requires the deciphered meaning of the skill.

Linkedin utilizes subsets of skills to discern and target the skill category.

SEARCH = RetrievalSEARCH = Search & SeizureSEARCH = Search & Rescue

How to leverage data to determine authoritativeness in a skill?

The leveraging of the skill data is (mostly) determined the volume of Endorsements for that skill.

Determining the efficacy or authoritativeness of a particular skill needs to go beyond the endorsement number, but to the quality of the endorsement over the quantity of the endorsement.

How to use authoritativeness to recommend people to endorse?

Authorativeness is having due influence for a skill

Having the sanction or weight to support the endorsement

How to optimize for viral growth and engagement?

keep the interest viral loops

acquire new customers in an unobtrusive way encourage customers to take action with others side-effect of causing other customers to re-engage.

synthetic notifications, organic notifications are subject to fatigue, if they are not used judiciously.

Facebook "poking" seems to have fairly high fatigue, whereas "photos“ has low (close to zero?) fatigue.


Crowdsourced Gammification

Skills are easy to add - YOU add them!Realize the universe of Linkedin cloud – BIG!!Linkedin knows their traffic influencers through a generalized 80/20 splitLinkedin will “know” who to ask for help by those heavily endorsed for a skill(s)Cleaning costs are low due to the crowdsourcing and your gamificationLinkedin can create reverse conversations as wellSkills’ crowdsourcing become borderless

Think vs. Are

Go beyond Linkedin to the Webthe reach is ………People follow and know me whom I have never met one-on-one

See me in new dimensionI am a Social Media Coach

My endorsers see me as a public speaker

How are you branded?What do your endorsers see you as?
