Life Group Study: Week 7 - Amazon S3Life Group Study: Week 7 05/19/2019 – Metamorphosis… The...


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Life Group Study: Week 7

05/19/2019 – Metamorphosis… The Wrong Jesus

Getting Started

This weekend we continued our series Metamorphosis: Face to Face and learned how having the right view of Jesus is key to our transformation. Study Questions: 1) This weekend Dre taught on the importance of having the right view of Jesus. As you look back over

your life, share some examples of how you’ve seen Jesus and how your image of who Jesus is has changed over time?

2) How we see Jesus, as well as the expectations that we place on him, deeply impacts both how we

then relate to him and our understanding of who he has made us to be. Read in Matthew 16:13-20 an account of Jesus’ disciples wrestling with Jesus’ true identity.

Ê In verse 13, Jesus asks his disciples what the general public is saying about him. According to verse

14, what were some of the theories about the identity of Jesus?

Ê In today’s world, who does the general public say Jesus is?

Ê What was Jesus’ reaction to Peter’s answer that he is the Messiah (the anointed one) and the Son of the living God?

Ê If Jesus asked you the same question, “Who do you say I am?”, how would you answer him in your own words?

3)Now read Matthew 16:21-23 to see what happens immediately after. We’ll see is that the disciples had the right title but the wrong idea of who Jesus came to be.

Ê In verse 21 Jesus warns his disciples that he is going to suffer and die. This wasn’t what his followers

were expecting of a Messiah. Why do you think they so strongly disagreed?

Ê Peter’s response is to pull Jesus aside and tells him he’s wrong. What does Jesus say Peter is


Ê Reflect back on your own life. Has there ever been a time when you “pulled a Peter” and rebuked

Jesus? What were the circumstances around the event? Why were you so convinced Jesus was wrong?

4)In what way have you seen Christ-followers thinking like their culture instead of thinking like Jesus?

Explain. 5) One of the important questions that was asked in the weekend message was “Where does your image

of Jesus come from?” As you look back over your life, what resources or key people have been important influences on your understanding of Jesus?

Ê What specifically has helped you gain an unfiltered view of Jesus? 6) This weekend we learned that “An unfiltered Jesus is going to challenge you” specifically in 3 key areas:

love, priorities and success. In which of these 3 areas do you feel the most challenged towards transformation? How so?

Ê Spend 10 minutes in a silent, uninterrupted place and ask Jesus how he wants to grow you in that

specific area. Journal any insights he gives you.