Li Parent Resource enter - The Davis Academy · Shabbat ook Titles and Reading Tips: Shabbat in the...


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Li’l Shabbat in the Garden September 24, 2016 Volume 1

Parent Resource Center

Welcome to The Davis Academy Cub Club Resource Center

Welcome to The Davis Academy Cub Club Par-

ent Resource Center! At The Davis Academy,

we recognize that little lion cubs are curious,

inquisitive and eager to learn from those

around them. Our Parent Resource Center has

been designed to provide you with tips, activi-

ties and age appropriate resources to guide

you in helping your little cub grow into a

mighty lion.

Visit for more infor-

mation and check back frequently for new re-

sources and opportunities for learning.

A Shabbat Message from Rabbi Micah

As I sit here typing this message I find myself wanting to say the following: that Shabbat has become part of the syntax of the story of my life. Shabbat is the comma. Shabbat is the semi-colon. Shabbat is the period. Shabbat is the line break. The end of the paragraph. That’s because Shabbat punctuates my life with the markings of time in a way that makes me appreciate time it-self. Lately, I’m afraid to blink because I open my eyes and see my children more grown up than the moment before. I feel the clock racing, the days shortening, and the years melting into one another. Though I don’t always fulfill Shabbat according to the official style manual, I consist-ently appreciate the interruption of Shabbat that allows me to see the story that I’m writing and summon the restful energy necessary to keep the words flowing. Unique Ways to Celebrate Shabbat

If you’ve been looking for unique, non-

traditional ways to celebrate Shabbat with your

preschooler, check out Mora Rivkah’s recom-


1. Attend a seasonal festival and enjoy outdoor


2. Skype or Facetime with an out of state family

member or friend.

3. Invite and share Shabbat with a non-Jewish

family member or friend.

4. Create and make a new recipe with your family. (Visit our Cub Club webpage for a special Shab-bat recipe.)

5. Walk to the park for a Shabbat picnic.

Join us for the next Cub Club Event:

Li’l Sukkot in the Garden with

Special Guest Rabbi G

Sat., October 22, 2016 | 12:30 am – 1:30 pm

Please join us for a child centered Shabbat ser-

vice followed by challah, juice and snacks in the


Volume 1, September 24, 2016

Hands-on Learning:

Why do Leaves Change Color?

Materials Needed: Glass Jars Rubbing Alcohol Coffee Filters Leaves Plastic knife/spoon

Procedure: Collect 2-3 large leaves all from different trees. Break each group of leaves into tiny pieces and

place in the glass jars. Pour rubbing alcohol into each jar to cover all

leaves. Use a plastic knife or spoon to gently chop/

grind the leaves while in the alcohol. Cover the jars loosely with plastic wrap or alu-

minum foil. Place the jars carefully in a shallow pan with 1” hot water.

Keep the jars in the water for at least half hour, longer if needed.

Twirl the jar gently about every 5 minutes. Cut a long thin strip of coffee filter paper for

each jar. Remove jars from water and uncover. Place

one end of coffee filter strip in each jar. The alcohol will travel up the paper, bringing

the colors with it. After 30-90 minutes (or long-er), the colors will travel different distances up the paper as the alcohol evaporates. You should be able to see different shades of green, and possibly some yellow, orange or red, depending

on the type of leaf.

Shabbat Book Titles and Reading Tips:

Shabbat in the Playroom (Shira’s Series Book 1)

Fridays are Special

Light’s Out Shabbat

Shabbat Hiccups

Sammy Spider’s First Shabbat

Asking your children these questions while reading will strengthen their comprehension, vocabulary, oral language, inferencing, and predicting skills.

The next time you are reading together, ask:

What do you think is happening?

What makes you think that?

What do you think will happen next? Why?

Parent Resource Center

The Science Behind Why Leaves Change Colors During the winter, as the days get shorter the leaves are exposed are exposed to less sunlight; therefore, plants go into a resting state and live off the glucose that they stored over the summer. As the leaves shut down for the winter, the green chlorophyll (which gives leaves their bright green color) disappears from the leaves and we begin to see yellow and orange colors which have been present all along.
