Leverage PMR from voice to data with data applications


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Leverage PMR from voice to datawith data applications

TETRA event — Forth Worth, TX, US — 8 September 2011

TETRA Applications Working Groupapps.tetra-association.com

Hannu Aronsson TETRA Apps WG, chairman


Data and applications are core to operations in the field.Data communications and apps are being used more and more widely everywhere.

“The twitter generation is coming to work in your organisation very soon.”

Office: IT-enabledPMR: Voice + Data

Always available, secure, features for professional users.PMR = Private Mobile Radio.

PMR =Your Communications

As data use grows on all networks and organisations become more data-enabled, it is important that all systems are ready for data applications, including mission critical

wireless communications.

Future-proof PMR =Voice + Data

TETRA is the mature, proven PMR network technology with great voice and data features and a growth path for the future with TETRA 2. TETRA terminals are also data-

enabled and allow single-device access to voice and data.

PMR Voice + Data =TETRA

Competition provides faster development and multiple sources.New manufacturers are joining the TETRA community.


Interoperability with standards

Air interface (radio)Selected terminal features

Room for innovationUser interfaceAdditional features

Competitive marketCompetitive prices

Find the TETRA applications working group at http://apps.tetra-association.comTETRA has active community to make things work.

Quote: Police, Finland.

Leverage both voice and data for best results.More efficient use of the TETRA network with combined voice and data solutions.

Data applications leave more capacity for voice.

“The control room became silent”

Traditional voice communications to access office data.

DispatcherVoice operations

Hello, unit 5 calling dispatch?

Please check vehicle delta limaone two alpha mike seven three

seven, thank you ?

Vehicle database"DL12AM737"


Vehicle delta lima one two alpha mikeseven three seven is a white 2007

Kia hatchback, taxes are not paid...

Copy & pasteDriver database"090467112K"


Please check vehicle owner status

Vehicle owner zero nine zero foursix seven one one two kilo license

is suspended...

Go ahead, unit 5

Thanks, unit 5 out

Typical database access application query response.

Database inquiry application


DL12AM737 White Kia 2007 hatchback.Taxes NOT paid.Owner 090467112K licence SUSPENDED.Vehicle details ->Driver details ->Tax details ->

Database App

Timeline comparison.

Dispatcher Database inquiry applicationVoice operations


Hello, unit 5 calling dispatch?

Please check vehicle delta limaone two alpha mike seven three

seven, thank you ?

Vehicle database"DL12AM737"


Vehicle delta lima one two alpha mikeseven three seven is a white 2007

Kia hatchback, taxes are not paid...

DL12AM737 White Kia 2007 hatchback.Taxes NOT paid.Owner 090467112K licence SUSPENDED.Vehicle details ->Driver details ->Tax details ->

Copy & pasteDriver database"090467112K"


Please check vehicle owner status

Vehicle owner zero nine zero foursix seven one one two kilo license

is suspended...

Go ahead, unit 5

Thanks, unit 5 out

Database App

Resource usage comparison between voice and application.Look at both personnel and network resources.

Dispatcher Database inquiry applicationVoice operations


Hello, unit 5 calling dispatch?

Please check vehicle delta limaone two alpha mike seven three

seven, thank you ?

Vehicle database"DL12AM737"


Vehicle delta lima one two alpha mikeseven three seven is a white 2007

Kia hatchback, taxes are not paid...

DL12AM737 White Kia 2007 hatchback.Taxes NOT paid.Owner 090467112K licence SUSPENDED.Vehicle details ->Driver details ->Tax details ->

Copy & pasteDriver database"090467112K"


Please check vehicle owner status

Vehicle owner zero nine zero foursix seven one one two kilo license

is suspended...

Go ahead, unit 5

Thanks, unit 5 out

Database App








Network loadvery low2 SDS

Network loadhighvoice


55 sec

Not just save resources, this can be process-changing efficiency boost. Not just do more, but enable new modes of operations.

Dispatcher Database inquiry applicationVoice operations


Hello, unit 5 calling dispatch?

Please check vehicle delta limaone two alpha mike seven three

seven, thank you ?

Vehicle database"DL12AM737"


Vehicle delta lima one two alpha mikeseven three seven is a white 2007

Kia hatchback, taxes are not paid...

DL12AM737 White Kia 2007 hatchback.Taxes NOT paid.Owner 090467112K licence SUSPENDED.Vehicle details ->Driver details ->Tax details ->

Copy & pasteDriver database"090467112K"


Please check vehicle owner status

Vehicle owner zero nine zero foursix seven one one two kilo license

is suspended...

Go ahead, unit 5

Thanks, unit 5 out

Database App








Network loadvery low2 SDS

Network loadhighvoice


55 sec



Some requests are repeated many, many times every day, multiplying benefits.Start with the most profitable applications — based on your operations.

Dispatcher Database inquiry applicationVoice operations


Hello, unit 5 calling dispatch?

Please check vehicle delta limaone two alpha mike seven three

seven, thank you ?

Vehicle database"DL12AM737"


Vehicle delta lima one two alpha mikeseven three seven is a white 2007

Kia hatchback, taxes are not paid...

DL12AM737 White Kia 2007 hatchback.Taxes NOT paid.Owner 090467112K licence SUSPENDED.Vehicle details ->Driver details ->Tax details ->

Copy & pasteDriver database"090467112K"


Please check vehicle owner status

Vehicle owner zero nine zero foursix seven one one two kilo license

is suspended...

Go ahead, unit 5

Thanks, unit 5 out

Database App








Network loadvery low2 SDS

Network loadhighvoice


55 sec






Source: Police, Finland.

Location tracking (AVL) is often the first application.AVL = Automatic Vehicle Location. APL = Automatic Person Location.

TETRA radios have built-in GPS and support for efficient tracking (LIP).

Enhance situational awareness on all levels of the organisation.Integrate data application activity and location data into situational awareness views.

From AVLto totalsituational picture

All levels of the organisationIntegrate all activity into one viewKeep the big picture in everyone's mind

Source: Portalify

Database Query applications.Get the information you need, where and when you need it.

(Demo data shown)

Easy database access with photos to validate person and vehicle access to secure areas to support operations.


ApplicationWith multi-database





Stolen vehicle database


withposition and





JEE398Toyota 5d RAV41.8-ZCA26LAWMNKW/249Silver/MetalCheck: 24.9.06


Source: Police, Finland.

Multi-database query:One user action — prioritised information from multiple sources.

TETRA includes status messages which can be used to deliver status information about field units in a very efficient way. This allows seeing which units are free, engaged or


Status updates

Who is available nowActivity statisticsTask progressWho needs to know?

Group delivery?

Information from the field into the office IT systems and databases.Update information in real time. Save reports and tickets in real time from the field.

“One workflow from the field to the office”

Paperwork reductionReal-time reportingLocation statusTask managementHigher visibility

Source: Police forms, Finland

Example forms application: Information from field directly to the database.

Applications support your existing processes, streamlining field work and presenting the information needed at each step in operations automatically.

Tasks and processes

Find the top repeated routine processes

Are they automated?

Enforce processesFollowing the processProcess quality

Shown: Sepura Short Data Application (SDA)

Task allocation applications make it easy to manage field forces.

Machine-to-machine (M2M) integration allows systems to use the same network to communicate between themselves, delivering commands, alarms, status information to

other systems and human control room operators.


Control over secure networkRespond to telemetry alertsIndustrial automation

TETRA-enabled devices cover many needs, including telemetry and industrial automation and remote control.

Example: Intelligent I/O-enabled TETRA radio with SCADA etc support.www.piciorgros.com

Messaging leverages data for group communications. Messaging is easy to extend to all users in the organisations (also those not on the radio network). Data-based

messaging is also easy to integrate with databases and other automated systems. 19

Top management

Emergency Centre

Office staff

Team members

Field officer

Field officer

Team leader


Field Office

Instant Messaging• Team communication

Location Tracking• Vehicles• People and roles

Team Communication

VIP convoy approaching gate D, ETA 3 minutes.

OK Back

SEND TRAFFIC Gate ready.

Send Back

Picture messaging on TETRA: From surveillance camera to terminal.Selecting the relevant information provides the most efficient results.


Example WAP push picture messaging application with images from database and surveillance video camera.


WAP image and information display application.

TETRA standard "Callout": You can send alarms with task information, clearly view updates, and confirm information reception.

Paging: AlarmUpdateConfirm

Alarm usersSend tasksUpdate informationConfirm receipt

Successful applications communicate with the user's IT systems — An end-to-end solution for user needs.


TerminalUser experienceClient softwareNetwork optimisationNetwork integrationServer intelligenceBusiness LogicIT integration

Source: http://www.evolved-intelligence.com/documents/MissionCriticalImpossible.pdf

Comparison of PMR (TETRA) (left) and GSM/3G (right) coverage.PMR network provides solid communications throughout.


TETRA provides the mission-critical narrow-band PMR network you can rely on.TETRA 2 (TEDS) offer even better bandwidth and capacity.

Other networks can be used to complement TETRA for nice-to-have applications.

Bandwidth need




A 2



Mission criticalvoice + data

”Nice to have”

Catch Alarm from TETRA and forward it to selected GSM users.Receive acknowledgements from GSM and deliver them into the control room.

Connect to all staff and volunteers as needed.


control room

and dispatch

GSM / 3G





to GSM



Alarm messages



ty s




ty s





IP packet data is not optimal for all applications on narrow-band networks. TETRA has messaging (text, binary data, status) with group delivery, etc. for radio-efficient

communications. Standardised message formats (eg LIP for AVL, unit alert) work across devices.

PMR data for real life application comms

Narrow band IPData rates?Round trip delays?Dropped packets?Protocols designed for fast fixed networks?

Narrow band appsOptimise for PMR & radioUse suitable methodSeparate GUI from comms

TETRA is a narrow-band radio technology. Smart use of TETRA allows most applications. Operators can manage application behaviour.

Leverage load control features e.g. “cell service level”.

TETRA bandwidth is enough for smart apps

Application optimization for TETRA networks — relevant to-the-point information. 500k 50k 1.5k

Source: Portalify, Cassidian

A Case Study:“TETRA does not have the bandwidth for pushing data to everybody”?

We can use Group SDS to efficiently push image and data.Image push becomes practical tool, even on TETRA1.

Picture push to any number of radios: 14 seconds.

Smart TETRA applications

*) Available from manufacturers on different devices

TETRA support data communications and application technologies from handheld to PDA to MDTs. Different types of applications work well by choosing a suitable technology from the TETRA features. TETRA has more options than just IP.

Status MessageStatus updates, alarms, acknowledgements, other

notifications (32k+ values)

Text message (SDS) Database query, Push, Instant Messaging

Group SDS TETRA-specific efficient group data delivery

Packet data Standard TCP/IP

Application messaging User-level acknowledgements, pictures

WAP Handheld browser applications*

WAP Push Push information to the field*

Java Mobile Java applications*

PEI Peripheral Equipment Interface = serial port

MDT Mobile Data Terminals (PC)

Examples from Motorola, Sepura, EADS, Teltronic

TETRA terminals include great data features. Big screens that can fit in your hand. Single device solution for both voice and data.

Big Screen = Big Data

Applications on hand radios are being used by many field forces. Can also connect PDA of PC to TETRA radio for secure communications.

Data in your hand

TETRA Handheld radios offer application features.

Bring applications to the whole field force

Not just PDA or PCUse existing devicesSingle device for voice and apps!Competitive prices

Example device from Stopnoise.

Peripherals becoming smarter and data-enabled.Bar code readers, RFID readers, cameras, smart card readers, etc. coming out.

Example schedule from Police, Finland.

Deploying applications:Users typically start with one application, but will grow to multiple applications quickly.

Provide them with a growth path for the future and plan for multiple applications.

Pilot and trial phase Production phase

Pilot and trial phase Production phase

Test phase Production phase

Test phase Production phase

Test Production

Test Production

EU Presidency

Application projects are often low-cost with disproportionately large savings in expensive time and resources.

Higher return on investment

Leverage existing investment


Get more out of what you haveLeverage existing access

Information available in all situations

Higher efficiency in information access gives more results.

Higher efficiency

Quick information accessUpdate information from the fieldRemove unnecessary tedious workConcentrate in the important issues

Task-aware information access provides the information needed right now.

Informed decisions

Access to relevant informationMulti-database search with data miningBetter situational awareness at C&CHappier workers

TETRA is the premier data-enabled PMR technology with network and terminal features enabling today's Information-enabled operations. TETRA is mature and provides a growth path for future data needs with TEDS, all this at competitive prices, today!

PMR Voice + Data =

TETRA Apps WGapps.tetra-association.com

Hannu Aronssonhaa@portalify.com

Leverage your PMR network from voice to data!

TETRA Apps WG — apps.tetra-association.comHannu Aronsson — haa@portalify.com
