Let the Healing for Boring Bios Begin Because the Bio Doc is In!



Let the Healing for Boring Bios Begin Because the Bio Doc is In!. A Gift To Guide You. Access a video presentation to create Bio Wow Now! Here is the link – “copy and paste or retype” this link into your browser. https ://d26ehw723w44ow.cloudfront.net/121912_NancyJuetten.mp4. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Let the Healing for Boring Bios Begin Because the Bio Doc is In!


A Gift To Guide YouAccess a video presentation to create Bio Wow Now!Here is the link copy and paste or retype this link into your browser.https://d26ehw723w44ow.cloudfront.net/121912_NancyJuetten.mp4

www.authenticvisibility.comToday You Will:Learn a five-step system that makes writing your bios fast and easy;Grin at mis-steps to avoid;Get inspired to start sharing YOUR storyAnd receive an invitation to go deeper in your learning AND benefit from Bio Feedback and personal attention from me to make your story better than ever!www.authenticvisibility.comToday You Will: Learn a five-step system that makes writing your bios fast and easy; Get inspired by examples that brought in the business and the leveraged results; Grin at mis-steps to avoid; Get your questions answered; And receive an invitation to go deeper.

3Now from UNKNOWN

www.authenticvisibility.com4To KNOWN

www.authenticvisibility.com5You Can Make This Transformation, Too.Describe your WOW so you are excited and your ideal clients are, too.Get known so you can get paid. Make it happen by being consistent, tenacious, and READY.


What is YOUR Story?Who are you?

Who do you serve?In what ways?What impact?Why does it matter?What sets you apart?How can clients engage? Are you ready?www.authenticvisibility.com7Clear Objectives Lead to Clear and Winning Outcomes

Attract clients?Speaking gigs?Media interviews?www.authenticvisibility.comAttract clients? Speaking gigs? Media interviews? 8Shed a Little Light So That We Can See James TaylorMemorableRemarkableRepeatablewww.authenticvisibility.comMemorable Remarkable Repeatable

Turn heads and invite people to lean in and want to know more.Guide people to do what you want them to do.

9How?Make your story relevant to specific results you seek.Use this simple five-step approach

www.authenticvisibility.comMake your story relevant to results you seek.

Use this simple five-step approach. 10How to Be Ready for Opportunity in 5 Simple Steps

www.authenticvisibility.comA Audience Arrogance Alphabet Soup Affability What ACTION do you want the reader to take?www.authenticvisibility.comB Blah, blah, blah Boring Boilerplate (Dont) Bury the Lead

www.authenticvisibility.comC Content right the situation Confidencewww.authenticvisibility.comD Differentiation (Failure to) differentiate Disclose how clients can benefit Dare to discuss the dollars!www.authenticvisibility.comI I-Disease Every sentence starts with Iwww.authenticvisibility.comY Yada, Yada, Yada Make every word count or leave it out Brevity is beautifulwww.authenticvisibility.comTo Attract Your Best Clients, Your Story Should Focus on outcomes, ultimate results, and WOW Tell a story that gets the reader to YES fast. Be clear about what you want the reader to DO.

www.authenticvisibility.comIntoxicating Results! $2500 engagement within two weeks of posting a new bio to a website; Five-figure speaking gig within two weeks after turning three page speaker manifesto into one powerful page of WOW; Six-figure annual executive coaching contract!www.authenticvisibility.com

Healing for boring BIOs!www.authenticvisibility.comClient Attracting Bio Tempate #3 To the Rescue!Less than one hour!www.authenticvisibility.com

Amy Shapell, CFPwww.finpath.com

It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan. Eleanor Roosevelt

I am fiercely committed to guiding busy working professionals, especially women, to achieve confidence and peace of mind around money so they can focus on what they want to achieve in life. If youre looking for a proven professional who can guide you to answer questions like these, youve come to the right place:Are you saving enough for retirement? How about college? Are you investments working as hard for you as they should and are they being managed effectively and efficiently? Can you afford to work in a less lucrative career and be happier? Are you and your spouse or partner on the same page about spending and saving (and, if youre not, how can you find agreement)? With almost ten years working with amazing clients with similar worries and concerns and guiding them to achieve remarkable success, my mission and commitment is to help you develop a clear vision for your life and then educate and empower you to make smart financial decisions to make that vision come true.

www.authenticvisibility.comJason Dorsey The Get Y Guy

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www.authenticvisibility.comWhat IfThe perfect decision maker landed on your about me page?A meeting planner landed on your site?An influential reporter called and decided to interview you?www.authenticvisibility.comWhat Would It Feel Like If You were ready to respond to every opportunity like a pro with a message you love to share that turns the right heads every time?No more 11th hour scrambleNo more message point SOSNo more dropping other high priority balls to catch the one you werent expectingNo more bio emergencies!

www.authenticvisibility.comMore Success with Greater EaseMake a GREAT name for yourself.Pave a path to a winning reputation as an expert to be counted on.Get invited back.Opportunity would be calling YOUR NAME.Youd be ready for anything and have a wait list of clients who cant wait to work with YOU.www.authenticvisibility.comReality Can Bite

www.authenticvisibility.comIt can be hard to write about yourself.You can waste a lot of time not getting it right.It can be frustrating, not being able to see your own story in a way that will turn heads and invites the RESULTS you want most in your business.

27Thats Why Im Here

www.authenticvisibility.com28Your Invitation TodayPurchase Bye-Bye Boring Bio Premium today. www.authenticvisibility.com/BetterBioNowSH

www.authenticvisibility.comSpecial Bonus for Inspired ActionGo to the front of the line to Get Help during upcoming Bio Doc is In Sessions Several calls are coming up soon.Details are shared via my ezine.

www.authenticvisibility.comOther Ways to Engage with MeGet Known to Get Paid PRIVATE Mentoring ProgramIf you need one-on-one SUPPORT and REAL HELP to Get Known and Get Paid and are serious about taking an inspired six month journey with me as your mentor and guide, visit this link to learn more and apply:www.authenticvisibility.com/private-mentoring-program

www.authenticvisibility.comParting WordsEvery day is a chance for each of us to be important. Let today be that day for you.

