Lesson 2 - Opening the Channel from Heaven...Welcome Ma˜ Fraser PSYCHIC MEDIUM Welcome to Lesson 2...


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Ma� Fraser P S Y C H I C M E D I U M

Lesson 2 - Opening the ChannelHow to attune yourself to receive even more of these communications,

in a stronger and more powerful way.


Ma� Fraser P S Y C H I C M E D I U M

Welcome to Lesson 2 of Signs from Heaven: How to Recognize and Stay Connected with Your Loved Ones. The title of this lesson is “Opening the Channel” and what we’re going to talk about today is how to Turn On, Tune In, and Turn Up your ability to access the spiritual messages that are all around you… in a stronger and more powerful way.

Hopefully by now you’re already awakening or having more awareness of the messages that are all around you… just waiting to be discovered.

Let’s get started.

We’re going to cover three parts of this opening and activation process.1. Turning ON your abilities to start communicating

2. Tuning IN to the right frequencies for clear messages

3. Turning UP the volume so you can see, hear and feel even more

Turn On Your Abil�ies

Ma� Fraser P S Y C H I C M E D I U M

If you’re just starting out (or maybe starting over) with awakening and expanding your psychic and intuitive abilities, it can be difficult to know where to start. This is all about learning all of the ways you can “flip the switch” and start TURNING ON your awareness to the Messages that spirit is sending your way.

1. Protect yourself.

2. Start in the morning by connecting with your Loved Ones and say hello!

3. Spirit is always looking for a way to reach you, to help you and push you forward.

4. When you start to release some of your problems… you’re putting them into heaven’s hands.

Ma� Fraser P S Y C H I C M E D I U M

Exercise: Write down all of the ways your Loved Ones can use to communicate from the other side. Download this worksheet and print it out, or answer these questions in your journal.

Reminder: Think about all the ways spirit has communicated with you in the past. Some people hear things, see things, or feel things (or in some cases smell things). Other people experience spiritual communication through signs or dreams. It will help your Loved Ones know all of the best ways in which you’re ready to receive their messages.

Tune In To The Messages

Now that we’ve covered some powerful ways you can turn ON your psychic and intuitive abilities… now it’s time to learn how to focus TUNE IN to the messages that are meant for you… and give these messages the best chance of getting through to you.

Create a sacred place where you can connect with Spirit. Now that we’ve covered some powerful ways you can turn ON your psychic and intuitive abilities… now it’s time to learn how to focus TUNE IN to the messages that are meant for you… and give these messages the best chance of getting through to you.

Identify your “Spiritual Primetime,” the time of day when you’re most open to receiving messages from spirit.

Assign a symbol to your loved one and ask for a sign. If it suits their personality, it can help you identify the messages more easily.

Talk with your your LIVING loved ones about how you will recognize their communications from the other side before they pass. Set up a direct method of communication so they can call out to you from the other side, with a sign you’ll be able to recognize.

Holding or Wearing Items and Tokens as a direct connection to your Loved One.

Dreaming. Before going to sleep every night, take a moment to ask your Loved Ones: Is there anything I need to know? Are there any messages I need to share with others?

Validate, Validate, Validate. Take note every time you experience something you identify as a sign or message. What were you doing, thinking, saying? Where were you? Who were you with?

Ma� Fraser P S Y C H I C M E D I U M

BONUS TIP FOR TUNING IN: Automatic Writing Exercise

Automatic writing is a powerful process that allows you to get clear and focused so the messages you seek can come through. By attuning yourself to a specific person and an image of them in your mind, you can signal to them that you are ready to communicate. And the best part is you can do this process as many times as you want, with as many loved ones as you can think of.

Here’s one of my all-time favorite exercises that you can do over and over to strengthen the connection between you and your loved ones on the other side.

Here’s how it works:

• With paper and pen, sit somewhere quiet and peaceful. Find a spot where you can connect with your higher self.

• Write down your loved one’s name on the paper.

• Set your focus in on that person’s picture in your head. The picture that comes to mind.

• What do you start to see? Start to write all of this down.

a. What are they wearing, what do they look like, happy or sad?b. Pick out as many details as you can, c. Look at background, who are they with when you see them?d. Are they showing you something/referencing somethinge. Are you hearing messages?

• Trust this process - you’ll be seeing and experiencing new ways of communication.

• No message? Don’t worry. It’s all part of the communication, they don’t need to say anything.

• Just seeing them in a happy place is a message in itself.

Ma� Fraser P S Y C H I C M E D I U M

Turn Up Your Psychic Abil�ies

Now that we’ve talked about turning your abilities ON, and TUNING IN these abilities into your unique energetic frequencies… now we’re going to bring it all together and TURN UP your psychic abilities so you can further boost your signal to interact with messages from your loved ones on the other side.

Exercise: Journal what you experienced in our guided visualization.

Ma� Fraser P S Y C H I C M E D I U M

Ma� Fraser P S Y C H I C M E D I U M

HomeworkYour homework this week is to journal what you experienced during this visualization process. Write it all down and begin turning on, tuning in, and turning up your psychic abilities.
