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Social Media Metrics

Session 2

New Media and PR

Ways To Measure Social Media?

Ways To Measure Social Media

• Buzz – posts / impressions• Buzz – time of day / seasonality• Buzz – channel: twitter / forums / video / blogs• Fans / followers / friends• Content popularity – video plays / embeds• Growth rates and virility• Downloads, uploads• Social bookmarks• Pageviews • Loads more …….

What Are The Objectives & Goals?

Big Business Goals: Raise revenue Lower costs Improve customer satisfaction

PR Goals: Reputation Relationships

What Are The Objectives & Goals?

Reaching The Audience


Reaching The Audience

What Does ‘Reach’ Mean?

ArticlesEmailBlogPodcastPhoto, VideoTwitter

How Can You Reach An Audience?

FeedburnerSubscribersClicks – “reach”Socialising feeds:


Measuring Reach

TwitterNot about number of followers

Retweeting – measurable word of mouth

How many followers you have How many retweeted How many followers they have how many of those retweeted

Measuring Reach

Measuring Influence

Individuals or ‘hubs’ Size of audience Degree of connectedness Power of voice

Who’s In The Crowd? Subscribers / followers value = 1 Readers value = 1 Fans value = 2 Repeaters value = 4

Measuring Influence

Emotion and Sentiment

Emotion and Sentiment

Polarity London is a city London is great! London is terrible!

Intensity … can be ambiguous Tools:

Tweetfeel Twitrratr Twittersentiment.appspot.com

Search all social media: Addcitomatic, IceRocket, Yahoo! Pipes, Samepoint, Social Mention

Twitter searches and metric tools: tweetgrid, Twazzup, trendistic, twitalyzer, tweeteffect, tweetstats, twitturly, tweetvolume, trendpedia

Blogs: blogsearch.google.com, postrank

SEO: google.com/insights/search

Facebook: facebook.com/lexicon/

Be sure to also consider searching Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler and any other social site you can find!

Where To Analyse



http://www.socialmention.com/ Use wefollow for your monitoring

subject Use tweetfeel for your monitoring
