Lecture 6 - Operation Barbarossa and Ideological War in the East


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Operation Barbarossa: The War of Annihilation in the Soviet Union

1. Operation Barbarossa and Ideological Warfare in the East - - The Battle Plan and the Invasion, June 22, 1941 - - Blitzkrieg and the 1800 km front - - The Siege of Leningrad ( beginning September , 1941)2. The Failure of Blitzkrieg and the Battle for Moscow - - Operation Typhoon (beginning October 2, 1941) - - General Zhukov and the Soviet Counter-Offensive - - Hitler’s Fatal Mistake3. Lebensraum in Practice: Generalplan Ost (“General Plan East”) - - The Einsatzgruppen and the Murder of the Jews - - - - The Testimony of Hermann Graebe - - - - Local Collaboration in the East - - Demographic Reorganization and German Resettlement

Nazi-dominated Europe, May 1941

Nazi propaganda: “Victory or Bolshevism”

Anti-Soviet Propaganda: “Bolshevism Unmasked”

A few of the 2000 Soviet planes lost on the first day of Operation Barbarossa

Blitzkrieg in the Soviet Union

Victims of the siege of Leningrad, 1941

One of the 1.5 million Russians who died during the 872-day siege of Leningrad

Wehrmacht troops in the Soviet Union

Operation Typhoon called for the encirclement of Moscow, to begin October 2, 1941

Women dig anti-tank ditches around Moscow, 1941

General Zhukov’s defense of Moscow was aided greatly by bad weather and thick mud which stalled the German advance

German troops in heavy snow, north of Moscow

Soviet troops properly outfitted with winter gear begin the counter attack, December 5, 1941

The Soviet counter-offensive, December 1941-Febrauy 1942

German-Occupied Europe (in red) in 1942

SS Leader Heinrich Himmler (1900-1945)

Execution of Soviet Civilians by the Einsatzgruppen

Einsatzgruppen Troops Gather Ukrainian Jews for Execution

Killing of Jews in Ivangorod, Ukraine, 1942

Civilians Killing Jews in Kovno, Lithuania as German troops look on

Poland following partition, 1939

Some of the 630,000 Poles evicted from western Poland

Ethnic German settlers explore their new home in Poland

Himmler speaks to a child during a visit to Poland
