Lecture 3 [Water and Plant Cell).pdf


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  • 4/5/2012


    Water and Plant Cell

    What are the role of water to plant?What are the role of water to plant?

    Water plays a crucial role in the life of the plant.

    For every gram of organic matter made by the plant,

    approximately 500 g of water is absorbed by the roots,

    transported through the plant body and lost to the


    Every plant must delicately balance its uptake and loss of


    To carry on photosynthesis, they need to draw carbon

    dioxide from the atmosphere, but doing so exposes them

    to water loss and the threat of dehydration.

    Plants cell wall distinguishes plant cell from animal cell;

    Cell walls allow plant cells to build up large internal

    hydrostatic pressures, called turgor pressure, which are

    a result of their normal water balance.

    Why is Turgor pressure important?

    Play roles in cell enlargement, gas exchange in the leaves,

    transport in the phloem, and various transport processes

    across membranes; and the rigidity and mechanical

    stability of nonlignified plant tissues.

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    So, what are we going to learn in this


    How water moves into and out of plant cells, emphasizing the molecular properties of water and the physical forces that influence water movement at the cell level.


    Water typically constitutes:

    80 to 95% of the mass of growing plant tissues;

    Common vegetables such as carrots and lettuce may

    contain 85 to 95% water;

    Sapwood, which functions in transport in the xylem,

    contains 35 to 75% water;

    Seeds, with a water content of 5 to 15% (before

    germinating must absorb water).

    Water is the most abundant and arguably the best solvent


    During the plants lifetime, water equivalent to 100 times

    the fresh weight of the plant may be lost through the leaf

    surfaces, called transpiration.

    Transpiration is an important means of dissipating the

    heat input from sunlight

    For a typical leaf, nearly half of the net heat input from

    sunlight is dissipated by transpiration.

    The stream of water taken up by the roots is an

    important means of bringing dissolved soil minerals to the

    root surface for absorption.

    Of all the resources that plants need to grow and

    function, water is the most abundant and at the same

    time the most limiting for agricultural productivity (Figure


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    Yes, water availability likewise limits the productivity of

    natural ecosystems (Figure 3.2).



    Water has special properties that enable it to act as a

    solvent and to be readily transported through the body of

    the plant.

    The Polarity of Water Molecules Gives Rise

    to Hydrogen Bonds

    The water molecule consists of

    an oxygen atom covalently

    bonded to two hydrogen atoms.

    Because the oxygen atom is

    more electronegative than

    hydrogen, it tends to attract the

    electrons of the covalent bond.

    This attraction results in a

    partial negative charge at the

    oxygen end of the molecule and

    a partial positive charge at each


    The Polarity of Water Molecules Gives Rise

    to Hydrogen Bonds

    This unequal distribution of

    electrons makes water a polar

    molecule, meaning that the two

    ends of the molecule have

    opposite charges

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    A covalent bond is the

    sharing of a pair of valence

    electrons by two atoms.

    The anomalous properties of

    water arise from attractions

    between its polar molecules:

    The slightly positive

    hydrogen molecule is

    attracted to the slightly

    negative oxygen of a nearby


    The two molecules are thus

    held together by a

    Hydrogen bond (Figure


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    \Vhen water is in its liquid form, its hydrogen bonds are

    very fragile, each about 1/20 as strong as a covalent bond.

    The hydrogen bonds form, break, and reform with great

    frequency. Each lasts only a few trillionths of a second, but

    the molecules are constantly forming new hydrogen bonds

    with a succession of partners.

    Therefore, at any instant, a substantial percentage of all

    the water molecules are hydrogen-bonded to their


    The extraordinary qualities of water are emergent

    properties resulting from the hydrogen bonding that

    orders molecules into a higher level of structural


    The Polarity of Water Makes It an Excellent Solvent

    Excellent solvent = dissolves a variety of substances more

    than other related solvents, because:

    1. Small molecule size of water;

    2. Its polarity nature (good for ionic substances and sugar

    and proteins with OH or NH22 groups).

    The hydrogen bonding (water&ion; water&polar solutes)

    reduce electrostatic interaction between charged

    substances increase solubility.

    The Thermal Properties of Water Result from Hydrogen Bonding

    The extensive hydrogen

    bonding between water

    molecules results in high

    specific heat and high latent

    heat of vaporization.

    Specific heat:

    the heat energy required to

    raise the temperature of a

    substance by a specific


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    Energy is required to break the hydrogen bond.

    Water requires a large energy input to raise its

    temperature (compare to other liquid);

    This large energy input requirement is important for

    plants because it helps buffer temperature fluctuations.

    Latent heat of vaporization : The energy needed to

    separate molecules from the liquid phase and move them

    into the gas phase at constant temperaturea process

    that occurs during transpiration.

    Water: 25C, the heat of vaporization is 44 kJ mol-1

    (highest value known for any liquid).

    Plants have hight latent heat of

    vaporization, why?

    Allow plants to cool themselves by evaporating water from leaf surfaces,

    which are prone to heat up because of the radiant input from the sun.

    The Cohesive and Adhesive Properties of

    Water Are Due to Hydrogen Bonding

    Surface tension: The energy required to increase the

    surface area.

    Surface tension at the evaporative surfaces of leaves

    generates the physical forces that pull water through the

    plants vascular system;

    The extensive hydrogen bonding in water also gives rise

    to the property known as cohesion, the mutual

    attraction between molecules. [the hydrogen bonds hold

    the substance together, a phenomenon called cohesion]

    Arelated property, called adhesion, is the attraction of

    water to a solid phase such as a cell wall or glass surface.

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    Surface tension, a measure of how

    difficult it is to stretch or break the

    surface of a liquid.

    Water has a greater surface

    tension than most other liquids.

    Water behave as though coated

    with an invisible film. (Figure 3.4).

    Cohesion, adhesion, and surface tension give rise to a phenomenon known as the movement

    Cohesion, adhesion, and surface tension give rise to a phenomenon known as capillarity, the movement of water along a capillary tube.

    The Cohesive and Adhesive Properties of

    Water Are Due to Hydrogen Bonding

    Water Has a High Tensile Strength

    Tensile strength: the maximum force per unit area that

    a continuous column of water can withstand before

    breaking (given by cohesion).

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    Water Has a High Tensile Strength

    PUSH Positive hydrostatic pressure

    PULL Negative hydrostatic pressure

    Pressure is measured in units called pascals (Pa) or, more

    conveniently, megapascals (MPa).

    1 MPa equals approximately 9.9 atmospheres.

    Pressure is equivalent to a force per unit area (1 Pa = 1 N

    m2) and to an energy per unit volume (1 Pa = 1 J m3).

    A newton (N) = 1 kg m s1.


    Diffusion Is the Movement of Molecules by

    Random Thermal Agitation

    Water molecules in a solution collide to each other

    exchange kinetc energy;

    Thermal agitation causes the molecules to intermingle;

    Diffusion: movement of molecules from regions of high concentration to regions of low concentrationdown a concentration gradient (Figure 3.7)

    Diffusion: movement of molecules from regions of high concentration to regions of low concentrationthat is, down a concentration gradient (Figure 3.7)

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    Pressure-Driven Bulk Flow Drives Long-Distance Water Transport

    Pressure-driven bulk flow is the concerted

    movement of groups of molecules en masse, most

    often in response to a pressure gradient.

    Example: Water moving through a garden hose, a river

    flowing, and rain falling.

    The predominant mechanism responsible for longthe xylem. The predominant mechanism responsible for long-distance transport of water in the xylem.

    The water flow through the soil and through the cell walls of plant tissues;The water flow through the soil and through the cell walls of plant tissues;

    Unlike driven bulk flow is independent of solute concentration gradients,Unlike diffusion, pressure-driven bulk flow is independent of solute concentration gradients,

    Osmosis Is Driven by a Water Potential


    Membranes of plant cells are selectively permeable;

    that is, they allow the movement of water and other

    small uncharged substances across them more readily

    than the movement of larger solutes and charged


    Osmosis: The direction and rate of water flow across a membrane are determined not solely by the concentration gradient of water or by the pressure gradient, but by the sum of these two driving forces.

    The Chemical Potential of Water Represents the Free-Energy Status of Water

    All organisms need energy to survive;

    In plants, processes (biochemical reactions, solute

    accumulation, and long-distance transport) are all driven

    by an input of free energy into the plant.

    The Chemical potential of water = amount of the free energy associated with water; [Energy per mole of substance (J mol-1)]

    Historically, plant physiologists use Water potential: the

    chemical potential of water divided by the partial molal volume

    of water (the volume of 1 mol of water): 18

    These units = unit for pressure:

    Historically, plant physiologists use Water potential: the

    chemical potential of water divided by the partial molal volume

    of water (the volume of 1 mol of water): 18 106 m3 mol1.

    These units = unit for pressure: Pascal.

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    What is Water

    Potential (W)?

    It is a quantitative description of the free energy states of water. The concepts of free energy and water potential are derived from the second law of hermodynamics.

    In thermodynamics, free energy is defined as the potential for performing work. A water fall is a good example. The water at the top of the fall has a higher potential for performing work than the water at the base of the fall. The water is moving from an area of higher free energy to an area of lower free energy. The free energy from water is the power source for waterwheels and hydroelectric facilities.

    Water potential is a useful measurement to determine water-deficit stress in plants. Scientists use water potential measurements to determine drought tolerance in plants, the irrigation needs of different crops and how the water status of a plant affects the quality and yield of plants.

    Water available for

    uptake by plant roots




    Water potential affects plants in many ways. Atmospheric water

    potential is one of the factors that influences the rate of

    transpiration or water loss in plants. Soil water potential

    influences the water available for uptake by plant roots.

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    YW = P + S + E + G


    P = pressure potential

    S = osmotic or solute potential

    E = electrical potential

    - ignore because water is uncharged

    G = gravitational potential

    - ignore because gravity is not a

    large force for small trees

    Current Convention Defines w as:

    Yw = P + S


    P = pressure potential

    - represents the pressure in addition to

    atmospheric pressure

    S = osmotic or solute potential

    - represents the effect of dissolved solutes on

    water potential; addition of solutes will always

    lower the water potential

    Simplified Definition of w:

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    Pressure Potential Positive Turgor (in cells with


    Negative Tension (in xylem)

    Osmotic or Solute Potential

    - Negative


    Water Potential of Plant Tissue

    has two components

    and is always negative

    Q U I Z
