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CAN yOU GUESS WHAT MADE THE WALL CRUMBLE? . k" , nl" ft'um ,(... dlforntn t::o(t(\: I"l'mi.dnl'd undi~turhl"d wht:'n bricks from

Th;U (h ~k m .... ,;.'J) I. nl~ j -. "J' hwC ld( bUl the: lhl' crumlJUng w~,11 injured 1WO ('u~tom{'fs. one

ca i?u. \" ~r t ' , ~"\~ L.n~~ ·Cit· (lwnc'<i nnd op- whu is Ihe r .. O:·r of (unn"r Nullonal J.\CL stuff ,,~~ by ';~n~ ,:::,,, ~upporl"rs or'JACr., Mike' and mUll ~Io Horiuchi T"lu N Iknmurn. The shelves or cer.al Jnd CJnncd alt Lukll Trlbullll pholo.

Mas Horiuchi's dad injured as bricks fall in freak accident, was shopping at grocery store operated by Sail Lake JACLers

too milch (If Ih~ only I"undatl"n Anuth"r clerk. l\h·s. Lillie KolI· the old bUlldin~ h~d-<llrl A~ ma. nnd {tnother womon cuslomol 'larcntly, no (ound .• lion wn po.'red along \lIth Ihe owner o( the store II the lim.· " .... , (,nnstrllcllon. nno I w<'rc nul hurl. . th~ r"n\twal "I Ih" dirt ,·;tII·C'C \ Dick Shlbn, In h" car uoros~ thL' wall tu crumblc from lack 01 Ihe slrcet (rom the markel. said IIppnrt. the wall wenl down as If shock TIll' C41Vl"'in ~i"O ..... i.1~·,cd lht· 1'0111 by ~n l'Ol'lhqu'lkc.

o( lh( bwldin~, dn'I'l'inl( brick Mrs R",. :<Iagu<nwll, who I)honed lind d, bri !lvm Ihe front ,.~ th,' !~Hc~. thought t~c to.rc h~d b~cn s4,rc onlo Ul<' sidewalk. :\ylIll(\n~ blown opar~ b) ~n explosion. Ihl' sl<rre w'n down at "crui' Walkins toward th~ market, Mr llnsle." und ~1rs. Taka Kidn !ooked up

'ukamura .aid he wa. n'l (·n· and •• lid they S;oW "the lI'all tllte<! Ii;~h' surprhed. "I had been \\0,.. at nn 80 degrce angle." Mr, Klda rlcd about somelhing lik~ thi, ran to give aid to the injured '. IPDCnllllt (or Ule iasl Ihree d~y<: mun and woman. n li~I"1r how ~hk" IQ the stun Th,' owner ,aid thut (or 'mce Lhl.' t~C'a\'alJf)n \\' .. 5 coming. he \l.tLS "~I\ld Jt was u ~lo\Y day"

III, slsler·Jn·law Mr Satoy, 101' "il It had been a Salurday, T.IOj~"'V'"", clerk In the ;;l<>Te 1\ rould have been a calastrophe ." ;8'" Ih~ we,l ~nd of the ceiling Tbe lot next door wbel'e the :oosen and the wall tall She ex· excavation was progressing is eaped bemg hit by qui~kly step;>inl! "owned by Wallace Dni. owner 01

(rom Ihe f~lllng debri. Aloba Fountain. 128 IV l sl Soulb.


ACIFIC CITIZEN 1101 . 52 No. 10 125 Wollor St" Rm. 302, Los Ange les 12, Cali f., MA 6·4471 10 CEN1S Friday, March 10, 1961


Action unprecedented

as 90-0 vote tallied

at Sunday session

OL YMPI ,Wash.-Under I,rcssur< to II.H prl(>rlly bill. cleared In time fur "ellulo r session adjournment Ihl \\'cek. Ihe Wa"hlnglOn Slutc IIolI.,e o( R<:pre"entotlws llll,nl· mou 'Iy passed SJ R 21. which would fllnce a constitutional nmendment on the 1002 bullot to rope,,1 the antl·nlien lond low The nctlon surp,·islngl.l' took ploee Insl SWI' dol'.

J ACLers who worked losl yeul' (or pn~.11110 of thl. omt'ndmcnl wOI'e sUI'pl·l .. d Ulnt SJR 21 passed 90·0. It was udopted by UIU Sen all It ·G.

Elmer Ogawa, PC columnist fOI Ihe Norll\west, admitted that pitS' snge 01 lhe rcsolutlon ln Iho Hou. t wn.' expeck'<l to be hardl'r In vlcl' of lhe votes expres~ed In the In I "kcUon, when thol'e were 501,250 "no" votes to 4GG,70S "yeS" votes 10 repeal

The rOJ(1llar sO"8IM Wth ael· Journed yesterday and Ihe specJal se"ion on tax nnd bud gel start' loday Cor nn undetormlned period.


GROUP LOANED DIARY PASI\DENA. - A diary kepI by n Pa s~ dolla pioneer hns been ~ubmlttcd 10 the PlIsndelln J ACI, Issl'1 Slory Committee, accordln!: to Mnck Ynmalluchi, chapler pre,ldClnt, It wos written by K. Wukiji, who s!iU keeps active lit his nursery logelher wltb his son, James. n chllllter ornecr.

Thc c1lllry is to be lran.ldted by Hcnry K. Watanabe, co-chair· man o( the chapter Issei SlOry committee.

WaklJI was one oC the carlier Japanese to partlolpate In the Tournamenl ot Roses, hnvlnl1 olltel'ed a horse-drawlI nont in the New Year pal'ade,

Another pI'ominent Issei of Pasadena is the father or AId Kawai. the other comm ittee Cl>­chairma n. wbo landscaped the famous Japanese ga rden al Hunt­ington Library.

Idaho legislature passes first comprehensive civil .rights bill

nbl 'C:.- Th~ Hrst coml'l'ullf'n.lvc I Of lin oll·lnclll Ive nature. Ihl sold Ihe mOUKurc I. "nn c"pre:!"Qr taklnl( Ih~ mcasure {rom t h" cI I( rI,ht. lind (ull employment bill wou'd prohibit dl:erimlnuUon 01 Ihls logl.lntur. thot all peo"" S<-nate' Ihltd reading calendar. ft "rn"Uce; bill ewr Introduced It. III ('mp!oymcnl and in pubUc place. havc rl~hl ' to be tree of dlocriml I wo. cxplalnr:d that th" bill WI"

Ih· IrI"h" h'JlI.I,,'.lI1·(· won 1}II8"1I,,' o( ".commodatlon of any person "otlon despite Ihe color of thrn removed to allow (or amendment In the Sonnlc on l" cb, 28 oncl "cco~. c of rnee, col"r, creed Of kin . We will ,ny not mi. to "make ome 01 Ihe !bngU"!:c ~tnt I" the Covcl'I\or. whoe ,lgno n ,1100: <1 oJ'\lIln 10 Ihe people 01 Idaho nnd Ihl logol" Finally a recess wo, coUr'd tur,· 18 expected. I Whon (he Senule Wn.' con<idcl"lnp United SWles, but 10 !he world, and Ihe Democrats wenl Inll)

~'''' Sennte vowt! 20-1'1 In lIl> Ihe meu.ure thi·, PO,! wcok, lem· th"t we never Inlend to Jnvok, caucu pro\' d. while the \lOll e pa 'cd Ih< 1'<'" flared during Ihe dl.eu~ 100 dl"crlmlnollon becau.. of rde~ AlII" th(! e,n/cu , II WII muvrd ".,me mmlSUI'e ",orlll'r 10·10 nnd Ih,· .. c were accu.oUon, 0' color or crecd to have th' b1ll 1:'0 Into the com.

'"nl mcn . ure had actove ,up"'>I'1 I "poUUc .. Sen William Rodon n I A ha •• le oveT !he bill OCcuTl'ed mlltee of the whol~ rflr amend· a! the (lve JACL cbopter. In Idaho, Adu l who ptahcd the 1,,~I.ln!lon, wIlen objection wn. rcglRlercd lor ment. The moll,," Io..t 10·24, wltb

Chapter grappling with local problems and encouraging youlh activities cited as new emphases for gaining memberships

nil 20 Democrat·, and lour Renubll· can' vollnl/ against. The latler group futl the bill would 11<,t u(· vlYe In the committee 01 !he wlwl£

Objection WaH cxprcs~cd t .. th< .cetlon which dclfned "lull em· ploymcnf' itS

"'The rlAAI 10 purchase any .erv· Ef'!CINO. - With ,IACL chal"er tlon, Dr Nishikawa a!(reed, I lccompllshrncnt" he m,y belav· ice. commodity or article: of ""r. IhrOUJ:hout the country en~a"ed II) morc dlrtlcult to ~pefl, One of th( ,rable or un/avornble. Thc SanseI. :;onal propcrt,y oUered or sold on, thrtr nnnu,Ll m"mb()".hlr drlv", al !1Vt:nkncsseH in Imp!ementation I xlI'hnps with the Jean &mounl of or by, any catabllshmcnl 10 the Ihls time o( the .vc~r, f""mer Ihnt of Inndequnle communlcnllo" 'xposuro 10 JACL, cannot In hb public, and !he admissIon 01 3n~ National J/lCL pre,ldent Dr. Roy among the general mcmber.,hlp 'Imlted (lxperlencc, appreolate Ihe person to accommodations, ad. M. NI.hlknwa uscd Ihe podium And most 01 the member< don' necd lor "group Insurance" such vantages, facilities or privileges 01 offl!rcd nt !he recent San Fernando hove a J{ood b,ckground at J/lCL'! lS Ihe JACL. Yet, many maLUre any place 01 public resort, a<lcom. Valley JACL In,tallntion dinner work. hc add cd. 5aosei arc now seeking a scnJe medatlon. ossemblage or amu;;c. h~r e I<) nn wer a perenninl quc.'· An.\'one aware 01 the scope 'I' ,I Identity through JACL. menl without acto directly or in. tion "Why should I join the ,JACL's national Mtlvltles and !he Dr, Nishikawa Ihen commented dlrceUy "au.lng pcr'ons 01 any JACL?" calibre vf Its notlonnl leadcrshlr thol It Is the Sansei whom we par\lcular race. oreed or color. to

This Is a question that II". would be Impressed. but some 10' need Ihe most. be treated al not wclcome, lie-plagued evcry memb"rship recl·ull· cal ohoplers have been slow II '01' . Nishikawa Ihen accounted (or cepted, desIred or solle1ted." er and every ahaplel' prcsldcnt, rcalll" that many of the aellville! h~ dJ/terences in the outlook and Sen, R.A. Young l R" Canyon. 01'. Nishikawa nolcd, hundlcd at lhe Natlonnl leycl- altilude 01 the Ihree generations noted NIsei in his count,v "who

And releN'lng to the local prob, particularly those In public rela· ;award J ACL, The Issei were com- are some o( our besl c1tl7.cn;;" lem In tho Paclfie Southwest Dis· lion •• educnllon, I'clalhnshl", with munlty.mlnded because o( the were interesled in !he bill and lricl ",hlch hll. nol fMed ft> well civic nnd I(ovl'rnmontnl agcncle' problem. o( race and language and said he would support the bfU bUI In mcmbor. hlp wllh n 2S pl'r cent and olllel:ol •• nnd prnl':rnms (01 (lndlnl': Il noces~ary to work to· feared "it coYers a lUeal d''lJI more lo.'s, Dr. Ni.hlkawII :aid thul "de· youth-arc local chapter respon· geth~r (or Ihc com,?on good. The territory than even Ihe .ponoo~ plol'ing the lock ot communil) .Ibllities. Nlse,. while elCPCrlencing fewer desire".

I "T he. c problem bhould be problems or race and lanl!uage.! Sen. James McClure 'R" P~y . slliril docs nothi ng I<) COl'rcct tIe sludled Intensely and pI'ogram, stili retained 10 some degree a ette', who.;e commlllee reported >i~u.,Uon". which meet Ihe varyln~ necds 01 sense o( rac,fal ,prlde and eommu· out the mea.ure with a "d" oa'·

l3eenusc Dr, Ni,hlknwo fclt Ihe our mcmbers .hould be launched," nl~y responSIbilIty. BUI the SanseI. said that "il abuse. do ct)mc Illto q\le~'tion a lcgltimate one lor the Dr. Nishikawa declared. The r '. with all ot tbelr adv.nla~es and pracllce because o( Ihe IDO'~nP.' .~eTagC man or woman who I. should be enough work I<) keep the i r conslderabl!, Amerlcanlza· of this language, Ibere will be a bl/sy wl!h his own business 01 our chaplers busy for !he next tlon. havc very httle reason I<) net loss In rllce relaUo",," H~ .aid family. reclUng lhe pasl JACL several decades . fully appreciate their cultural her the senators slloold k~ow -the"" acjcompllshmenls to a prospecllvc Outslandlng Prog'r om ltage, abuses mll!ht arise, "bul thc main member no longer ,nUsfles, The perennial problem of solicll. Remember P earl J1arbor poinl Is that we are ararming a

The current JACL program in Inl1 member. could be solved Wbile some may believe the matter o( orincJple," Ib~ liald o( publ1c relations, civil "when we make our local chapter problems due to race are a Ihin~ Sen. WIlliam 0,.., 'D .. Idah" , rl ht: , ho 1~lng and Ihe "watchdog" membership want to jOin because or the pasl because the atmosphere commcnl<.>Ci the !anguage 01 the bill 1'0 e is barely apprcclalcd by thl Of It.., outstanding program and of aceeptanee Is higb. Dr. Ni!hi. was Identical With the hlw pa;'soo b~, IWIn.or woman .truggling 10 role in the communfty". kawa saId be does not get toe by the 'stllte o( W3sl!fngtdlf :ma m ake ends meet. Dr. Nishikawa A local chapler must "deserve much reassurance Irom the lact said no law suits bad arisen 8' continued. hi that Japanese Americans are so a result 01 that law. .

One Answer the support at their members p well accepted lOOay. He recalled Rod~n, In rebultal, said he did and not eXhtx::t support as II It !he da"s of Pearl Harbor and not think Ihe language In the bill

Ra ther than point ing to the were a rIg t . 'I I' 11 ta tl b was bad "I don't like to be PUI

Washington Newsletter: by Mike Masaoka apparent indifferentism of the 'NiSei In order to secure membershll evacuat on- ltera y Ian s e ut . h iddl b glln " atlarge as weU as the complacent and oommunlty support, Dr, Nishi., these happened and " none of III ~~i~ e~en e ~:;; a~ 1:=,. cbaplets. he believed ways and kawa said "We mu't not only can say that they cannol happen..... 'will' th~

I b f d t • - agal'n" .. .Aile courts mterpret r means mus e oun a overcome know the JACL, but we must know P '. d' d di .. language ,.

Lincoln Inaugural Centennial the impasse. Aow? "By an inten· our prospeots as welL" He ex- r e ) u 'c e an, serl~n'· . Slve program 01 education at !hE plamed that the Issei is generally tlon come and go., 'There 15. no ----------local chapter level 'and by a broad· is gratelul for the opportunity ot doubl that discrimInation aga~n.1 MURAYAMA STRICKEN ening o( its program and aellvi- being asked 10 join. 'The Nisei the ~apanese is .at a low .polOt ties," U.e PC Board chairman who is approaclled usually asks But II anyone !hangs I~at It ba. BY HEART ATTACK

Cincinnati lassie wins Hallmark key

Washington. D.C. r. \ T .\ TURD.-\Y ':\Iarch ~,

Abraham Lincoln's lirst Inaugural on" hundred years ago was com· mcmorall'CI In a moving re-enact ment on the east Iront Q( th.

CINcr.~,\Tl _ K,lleno .,\d1<:)1 Capitol A feature o( [h~ fir<t-)'ca, d UlMer c,r a e II v!' Cin",nna\' o( a f~ur-year nat,onnl celebration J ~cr,en Kdlv Y nnd '.1 .. .,. Ada. allth"nzed by Conl1ress last .eSll"'" chI" on 'ot I,y, r'elpl~n" nJ 1<. m,rk lhe ~"nlcnnt~1 "r the Ihi' II mark A ad mAr'., til I C,\,jJ W;tt, the Lincoln e"'I"'m()\lJe, Cln<lnrhlli J,\rL (I fY'rl 'd, th,.'m .. cl,,,, ~ rl'. aPI.ro\,ed only

\ "'l>h"m'll' at l'r lone Ae 1<1. Iwo d ,ys carlier m 11m fir, I l'Qn' ,.m,.. K{ U m'- footn.. Wer(' "J.01on' ~n' ~JollalJy.app rov~d . bill !'IS!UC'C'

5,000 ubmillc I trom high orh",,11 mlo 1.1w by Pre KId. lit K"lInedy Iud II 01 Olult IIlHl nnl""Ulcrn JO("(' he took orfjcc hlsl January

Kpllta ky Shc \\un cllth! IIr l. 20th. J'larc Gold KeY$ and twCo h mor. Whlt<:·h"",·(1 po"l,hl''''rl"n Car' able m, nlkm. S,,"d~lIn:, IJI"gr~lIhtT o( Ihe IGth

"rr ('n ric noW \.1[" In th,.. n.I' Prr. s.ltil'nt. "'~l1Il!hl . lip tlw Inf"lm";..'

hon:lY rom, ti\ 1111 -ew ~ J1jf,IF:cd HI or th{' Of:I'ji Jun til lhe.<"f-· worJ Nt W Yark U/\ LInC'oln ""'-Jh:! fill th:lt (I:.)

Judge describes recent Russia trip

which we m"lnonafi.lO now it hun-

j cirrvl '-(',.'Ira Inler. hI' kw'\Y d":lth "" a 10 lhl! .'1'ir .. lid ,0 \1', -. blrU)

I "It ....... i\ I{l'eat d, y In Aml'r~ ".tIn hi lory, of which w, mlghf

<lY It ... a un ,t and dalvo. I RlfX)nrl c and noon un. dr,:- leave!

t'OWLt:n. _ LICe in Ilu la wa In l,n aUlumn w'nd and .prlml· d 001 by Jutlg Mnll G<>ld I If time blo. sam, dyrng time and

Ctl , L, blrlhang hour." III the recenl Fowler J,\C[. d, .... ' Some generations like Ihat oj nr~ meeting altended by 35 per· I,onenln Sandburg obs"rv,'<I. lea V"

The Judged Ru I, I do Ina laU 1.I1ldmarks Qf achl~vom<:nl .U !h' h II bo dill" lip the 'Thon, look.nR oul on the audlcncl

(; e urc~. ar h o( some 20.000-twloe ~s many n tr n~ door A. a rC1ult, the Y<lulb aU nded Ihe MarchI 1861 in. or Ruula ~re !cslng lin lnlere I I auguratlon-and :lVlng 'il wa~ goo<: In r ll!tlon. 10 sec r.o m,n), \,'oun" people Ir.

1I, CIImpar'd th(' I),,<l lI"tel. I, \hc rrowd th~ 83. v .. ' -old JlO<!l !.Iu la " ~lrIg ~ur'e th ", Ihe Deldlod ' "Whal the -y:~ng I"'opl<

no" hou In C IIlo""J wDnt and drcnm aerr>, I Ihe nc .. 1 T"UTbls Me KUI'l,,.d 10 C Iud. hundrl'd year WIll Jhapu hl.'t.ol'~

iliac Ii th" II\lWU ,!.atlOD.', h{.' mor' lhan any o!her m"tI~ ,ti"n r.m'mlwtJ And litt Ir JL't plaol' \J) bee ed ,. h II m.,y I>t' Ih (inc In Ihe WQI"d, but m,m .,"'''' ~ thl ho",c t)( lite P<D 'InL ...,err look back t)n Ihl hour "n,l "'r. ,."wc/'''/ lind cvt'n lackr<1 it,,! mini· w<;' dl

l" /lO~, 'r"Wl' ho", lantd falUI

I d

mum hf,~e laclUU, , \-0::; umc..... llufe 0 ~ 1.1 '. rn a J

Allrr .pendin/C t', du)' 'n Ilu 51" ,·vcnt-Ahroh·lm 01,,1 :'.tar· Todd tht J"("II~ • .,ld II ... wn h, IJpy to t.lnc .. ln. retinnl: Pre I~""I ,I"m,· .. b h"lUlf in " f'C" cuunlty Bu'h ilion. &nu\J)r SI<."h .. 'n ,\

f)·,uela., Ch,d JUlt' ~ no I: " I

Brof)t)kc TAnpy. anlOn,u uthers--TWIN CITIES UCL par\{clpa!,;d In the ({ $tIVIUC', In·

c:.1l1dlnn ,I clrrla,,(' pHrad., tt') tbf CREDIT UNION DECLARES I W,llord Hol~1 .... hcr'· th. <'or ned

4 '/4 PERCENT DIVIDEND b cf lind cabbo g~ IU/II'he"n 'rvU'1 by Ihe CI·,II War Pr<' Id"n~ " cen·

MIN ·f.APOLI,',T!,,· T"'1n Cltl"S WI .1"0 "8 ""'"in th' mr,ln di h lICI. Cr II lJ , .. r, ,,'rd ,II, IX'r c n\ dlvld nd fM 19GO, a 10 TI) MO'oT Am'·w"w. and to Jl<!r C<1l1 r .ule an lnt(lr~ I pPltll my t 1",,,,,1. Ihrou""ollt Inc "·!)rld. on 1t,r·,n5 ex' "t t·,r accumulated ,m L ,"coin ""r "~I'cul' Int fC • 011 r In n ed loanJ C' I" Pre IrI.nt. bnd the ?IlU wh rordlng I<) lIu ,rur &I Yo hJ. In hl II' b 1 por ,nllle' th, kJJ'A'" Americ.Jn ,trf'om

t III ann Hc r nlflrmerl the crcd" ,,( ~h, 28, r;""rg Y'HlItn... w I .. ",nd'n, fath(',.. o( Ihe Il , Iblk credll ullI'ln PI' fit Ka1 Ku, !hel ""II me" IIr elful.d "'1""'" ,II n(J. Ii IIrItI £.<1 YO !.Ike ~ H I "J ttl" Emdn 1" .• Uon p, 0-

seC 'lrc" 01h r cOlllrnll\Qe m m· dam lion, freeing th(' ~I"vc "lid b r8 81> ",'nted w t endlf,g Ih.1 ",lOrh 'f hmn In 'Jc I' ~'.d'\, (rc,~'rd "NY; /"~ '", f grodul.ton. fI r.lrr,(!cJ I It hi h",IVl> "" a.,'1 I ,tor .WI J In Ke"..... • re pon Ibl,,11 In th" IIltll 01

"With malice towards none. with charily (or all. with firmness in the righl"

And. out 01 the war in which he died thaI "government or Ihe people, by !he people, for the peoplehaU not perish from the .. arth", elme as the lasting aDd \lving monument to his "last (uD men"orc o( d"volion" the 14th Amendmenl to the ConsliLuUon 01 the Unltro 5(,Iles, the MaMa rhorta o( freedr>m Ibat slln needs It) be iml>ltmenlod rvcn in lhis <up""sedly rl1li~hten"d s.pace·age Amoricn' "/III persrm< born or nolurnlizl'd In !he United Statc$ and subject to !he Jurisdiction thprl'Ol, arp elll,"n, of the United Sial .. , and n( Ihe 51,t .. wbor~jo

th .. v reo Ide N" Siale sh~1I milk. fir ~llfI(()"t'(' ony law which ~ h nlJ "brldl!C' Ih" IJfivil"l:e8 o( immunl· tie< or dLi/~n: o( the United SUttc~, oflr ~h,lll nnv Slntf' deprive any l>f'rson 01 Hfe. IIb(·rly. Qr propel'ly wlholll due proccss o( lllw. nor dcny 10 any person within It' jurl.,diction lhe CCIUaJ proleclion of the lnw •. "

I N T Ill tour·year commemora· tive per i 0 d when Americans Ihrollghout the land rclcnrn nnd re~all the grent War Between the St..~lcs and celebralC the cenlennlal anniversaries 01 Ihe historic bal· tle$. we bope thot lhese same Americans will dt) !heir parl 10 making realfty (or all American5 In all parts o( om land thaL lofly Ideal lor which so many dled­Ihe righl of all men 10 walk the ('arlh In ",',ce :ond dh:nlty and to enjoy all Ihe opportunities aval!­nbfc In n Ir"" .<or:iety

And, wh .. n w" have arhlev",1 this minimum fnr nil Amerkan .. ty'r· hap, W" COIn 111'111 in extenulnl( 1\ to a II Ih.· ,,,,,,,,1.,. of the world

W" J\merif-:1111 of Jnpan,.~(~ an· cO! Iry, r..t all American:, bcc"u,e or QUI' rccvnl experlencc, In World War II, "hollid know Ihl' mcan\nQ of civil and humnn rlghl.<-at nil 11m I' , and In all "Ioces ond und~r nil clrcumslunce,. So 1\ N·m.· rl;lhl thnl we Amcrlc~n. 01

J,.panc (. anceFlr), hou!d tnke a grm,ll'r Il' I "m,,1 Intere.t thun moat olber ,\merienn. In the currcllt und continuing .,Iruggle (or cquullt) nnd dlllnlty lor ~Il American Ir· r ",perUV( ot coloI' or raw or cn:r_od or nnti/JnnJ orig)n.

,~ WI;: pa~ trltJllt<: to nUl mora r r;I Pro Id,ml Jnd I<) lh" hundr J of Ihou Dnd who died In Iho Clvll Wilr /J bunclrrd yeul'> hv,,,. leI V~ "I." puy 1Ilbul<' to Ihc Negru 'Nht) l .. chy i jernon lruHnJl IUr m- n: di ."lpUnl. courugt", lind faith Ihm dId m'l.,l "t tho", who portlelp,,"!" In Ih"l hl.odv aon· lIet.

Let no one mistake lbe dis· cipline, Ihe courage, a nd the faith that il takes a Negro s tudenl to dally allend classes in a law· ordered dcsegregated public school where he or she may be lhE only one or lll'O sueh sludents altending olherwise "a ll w[tile" o r

declared. "Why should I join?". and depend. gone completely. lel hun ponder Implemenlation 01 this sugges· Ing UPOD his knowledae 01 JACL's !he reasons lor !he recent ~efea

.. 01 tbe repeal of the WashingtoD SAN FRA.'JCISCO. - Tamot.:;u Murayama 01 the Japan TIme,. and comributor to the p"ci(jc Citizen, was reported to have sutfered a heart attack this pasl week and was hospitalized at st. Luke's Hospital. ac~ to word received bere.

-------------------------- aJieD land law."

even empty scllools. Lcl no one question lite (ortilude

and quiet brovery oC Ulose who cngage In "sit-down" strikes in rcstaursnLs and cares and othel plnces o( public accommoclatlon, wilhou t mJ\chln~, without "talking back", without provoking Incidents.

Let no one challenge the "guts" it 13kes to accepl and servc pI'lson I lerms. in~lead o( paying a token "'inc.

I,ct IIU on .. disel'edit or debunk Ihl' c((ccliveIlORS o( "passive re., sistancc" Ihal won Cor a nation 01 a hnool 100 million people (Indin I independence only a dccade ago nod wblch is wi nning lor the American Negro his birthright as a free-born Amerlcnn In spite 01 the tremendous lorees of prejudice nnd bigotry d irecled against him.

Together with appr.:>prlate I'e· course to the courts and to the leglslalure, Negro America ns to· day arc gai ning status and dignity which they never enjoyed before. And, while earning equnllt:y 01 opportunity tor Ihemselves . they are also demonstrating real demo­cracy In aclioD to a cunious and suspect world that needs 10 wit· ness actuaJ triumphs of lhe demo· cI'olic lormula.

• T IJE RE ARE many among our

HOLLYWOOD JACL INSTALLS EDITOR TAOMAE I'landlng the symbolic gavel is Mike Suzuki (second from left), outgoing Hollywood JACLp .. ~sldent of two terms, to F'I'cd Tal>­mnc who hails from Hawaii and Is English edllo,' of the Shin Ni­ehlb~1. At Ic-ft is PSWDC chairman Kay Nakaglrl who installed the board and al right Is Fnwk Chumon. nnUonal J ACL presldenl. who was the principal ~pel\ ke... -CuI Courtesy: Shin Nic.hlbei.

Hollywood JACL:instalis Fred Taomae, (human reveals plans 10 move info area

Iomcrlcnn (rlends who describe our

wartime eonducl as an oulsta n dln~

l'xnmple 01 group discipline and OUI' POslwur aoceplance in tht I Unltcd St.~les OM an lIJustration 01 thl. democracy In aellon. Approxhnloll'ly sO\lcnly.flvl' per· In Ihe clhnaoUc speech of th<

Whllc tb9se commenls arc in· sons nltendeel lhc Holiywoocl ,IACL evening. Nallonal JACL president t"nded 10 rellcct credll upon our lnstaliatlon-dlnncr social Sntllrd,>, Frank Chuman gave a brief reo mlnorily, ncvertheless who~ we night al the plush 'Michnel'" Lo< sume of Ihe orl(onlZRtlon nnd role pn.sed !hrough In our period 01 Feliz restUlIl'Ilnl and gave 1061 or Ihe national body nnd promised I(I'catel'1 travail Is as nothing com' pllcsldent Fred Toomae and his hls lull supPOrt 10 the chapt"'r. pared to whot the Amorican Negro cabinul '0 rousing sendoff tor th. He gladduned the heorts oC his today Is being culled upon to beal year, I lIslenel''' when he suld thut hf and sutler, Outgoing presldenl Mike SlIzuk would soon be In Ihe mJdsl 01

A. wc or Japanese ancestry arc served n~ t::mcce fOl' the cwnl them He suld thlt the (amlly will gr ,teful 10 Ihose feIY Amerlcnn. which had Puellic Southwest Dis, mo\'c In !he Holl~ ' wood area some­who stood up and were counted \rlcl Counoll chairman Kor Naka· tlme III April.

Comparing JACL with an in· surance policy. Dr. Nishlka IVa sa1ci 'I wo-dld be Coolish to give up in· suranee in !he bope thal nothlDS would happen.

LeokinG' into Future And "Il is cheaper tn !he lon~

run lo mect and overcome small problems as they arise Ihan allow thcm to become large onc,

. I believe our Sansei woulo be very much disappoinled. Icl u say In 1981. i( they found thaI' an organization sucb as J IoCL 100f

allowL'<i 10 ellsao""ar becausc it: member ~ (cit Ulcre were no more probll!ms or bCc:llJsc eommuntt)' mpport could not be mustered 01 >l!cause !!'e lcadership was dis· :ouraged.

Who will be Ih~ J ACL leader< '0 years hence" 01 neceSSity, the~ -nust come from Ihe youth 01 to­is". Dr. Nishikawa dec I are d HThrough prooer :!uidance an"­troinlng. IVe can belp our youth to assume their civic resoonsibili· ties. develoo their lendershio quali· 'ies and througb group action 10' 'ure Ihe development of their po­.entiol .. _

fTamotsu ha. Informed the PC he had fjvc ntt.cks this year and will bc in the hospllat lor a whole mon!h or more. -Ed. I

Salt lake CLers 1felegates to nat'I .Presbyterian

general assembly in MCIY SALT LAKE CITY. - Th. R,,'· George Hirose and Kay Nakasbim3 have been commissioned b,· Iba

Ulab Presbytery to be deJegates al !he NationaJ General Assembly 01 lite U nit" d PrC$b.l'terian Cburcbes of the United Stalc. to be held !\fay 17·21 at 13uf('l-lo, N. Y Bolh are Sail Lake JACL board members.

Consulate census reveals

6,000 Southland Japanese "Jllsl as our Issei aave to !he The population eeru;us 01 Jan,,'

;O<isel so much o( Iheir culture aese oationals residing within the and herita~e. the Nisei must pas< jurisdiction 01 the Consulole Gen. Qn to the Samicl whatever is good I eral of Japan al Los Angele. wa~ in our legacy, I believe thaI II released this pa t week by Co.n:sul our Snllsei could understand who I General Yuklo Hasuml. nnd whal the" are more Cully all" The cellSu, re\'ealed thaI 6.l7~

I( Ibey oould ha,'e some inklin- Japaoese nationals are residing In of the I,'rent Issei problems nnd the Los AageJes Jurisdiction which knowledge of lhe Iralls and trlbu· Mnges from Los Angeles County lions or the Nisei during the pre- up to Son Luis Obi IX) Coun!..'·, wnr and war eor$ and how th~'< and as lar ea~1 a'S EI Paso Count;)· were overcome. the SanSei would Te..,,(8S.

be o,'cn botler Americans than 01 Ibe lotal, ma.lcs oulnumbcrcd they ore now. (emaJes 3.645 to 2,;""8. The number

"It was for thesc reasons thot ot households Involved wa 3,107 durin)! my administration as VOUT Southern Call1ornia bud b." fa. nallonal presIdent. I \'ig rou~1.l th~ bulk 01 the nationaL; \\lth a pleaded lor what is JIoW known total of 6,080. There were 3.03li as the NaUonal J CL "OlOth. pro- housebolds reporled in Southern gl·am. 'The long· term fulure 01 Cnlllornia . J .'\CL "ests UDOn our youlh. nc A breakdow n 01 tho;e hil nn): how youth will re 'pond depend~ dual natJonallties was given 3'

upon ·us." 517-232 moles and 285 females [n clo lng, Dr. Nishikawa said

that Utcr~ may come a time when peoplc would no longer ask, "Why should I 10111 JACL?"" but "Mn~ I join J .\CL""

u belfcvlnl/ In ollr loyally Qnd girl Indueling tho officers. Suz\lki Earlier In Ule "venlng. Hldeo olieiliance at a time when It wn~ ~hcn 'honded tho symbollo gavel Iwmo wns "I'osent~d a letlrt Cor nol populo,' or sometlmcs even to Toomne, who os his III'.t nc\, lending the org,Inlzol\on on !U58. • a I c to be nn ooknowlcdgl-d presented Ihc pust president ,vlth Two n"wly weds or the chupt,,", "frlond", let Uij hope !hot today, I 0 J:lrt ilS II token o( appreciation Iho former Blunth" Sh,osakl !\lId PC shop to move when olh"r American. need the Iroll\ the cbupler ruomuc noted Ceo"II" Okllmoto, were also prt~ 0 . f h b IIdl q at 3" E

The .hapt.r listed below N'e tb. e wlUob mel our Tu.~dq1

no"" deadline and b,we Mor l-, In W. weell's Issue.

imder.l"ndlnll nnd '·!rlmld.hlp" 01 UIOI Su~ukl the dlr"ctol' of Ihe sOllted glfls ond " cakc In (I sur· wnel 0 ! c u n N ' h'bo tho.a who truly bellcve In Ihl' Shonl,, " Chlidren's Homc of South· prlsc p'·~scntotlol1. Blollch". tor, 2nd St .. where the Sht 1 tiC t1

Ibud we Al1lc"k,lna of Jnpill.e. l' <fa ClIlllnrllll\, ."r"od lwo con.c, mel' J CL I'('t/lonlll office sccre" Is published. hos deel c-:\, 0 ,ea' anc":.trl' will vlndlc»te Ihe . IUdll' cllllve I,,"m Ttlomol' ,,1'0 P""- tary. lind Okllmolo \Ycl'e mn1'l'lCd

1dO\ln UUllb~ldln~ o~d t C3.~cwE

ment of Iho"e who had fal!h In 8clltcd II beautiful coke with hel the week brforc. poper wi e mo\' r J ", l'h, u by our "ctlonK nnd lioUville nomc In"'rlbud 011 Il, to Mr ~, Suo Tho.c III th~ ha~d Inble Wert 'lid SI. around J~mc .o r~J\'I~d u 1I0W In rclullon to olir fellow Amer I ~ukl lor hvr 1001'111 ~ upporl to hUI lhe NI\tlonll1 J.~CL pI'esldclI~ and Paoille CHi'ben b al.o p lellns of Nugro ance.try. """bllud lind Ut" cb~)lt"r. t tCoUUllu'd 011 PlIgc II 'lle ~"me " 011·

\.llmcdH Phlhl.delph.h. .. -. .,,,u ~"1JUUP VaUey

.F'o\v)tr S'trl'8mrnlO Uoll,ywuod Salt \..,1 ..

t:~r~ .. c~:·u~· t~ ~::~ OmIt.,.. SRn JOK PnfUCI' Twin Citle.s

Pd~d\!I"'. 'Vest tl!~Q ~~

----------------~----~----~----------~~---------- ~----I'

F, iday. M,nck 10, 1961


Economic growth Ol l;----- --~-~--­

Nisei in California seen in bank's rise

SAN ~ 'R. \NUSCO . Th,· Bunk "I Tok"o of Call1ornlu 1I0W ronk, 5\6 amonR l 'I,98G bunk. in the United Slat" .,"cordlni 10 TalSulchl Shl· bala. Vrc,ldcnl

p"jnlNl.c to h,,\l1 rt·l'f'lllly 1'". It;'u!'t.--d by th, .\It1t:'l'lCan Bankpr ~hib~lta d",'C'lnn .. 'd tht' 'fokyo Blln'k mo\'('(i lin 126 pItH'~ OlW :If tht.: iitn'ntcsl ad\'nncl~. r4.!~~I.'tf.'rt'<i dur lOi! 'thl' va:-;t \'t,'"r.

B.lnk r~ln)c,"g afl' bnsr.-d on ltu,. ~ot!ll dt'I)O-it bnlanC'l'~ ,H lhe eno jl' ... t,lch ~'lnr"

11w urmual l"l1nkin! ("\f tht? Bnn"," of Tok,·o I CaUtornl.. fol' th' p;t"'l {,tUI' ),\';11" \ hu· b""t:'11 n~ fol· low., I 957-!1l5 1958-182. tl)59-tloll 1VtlU-515

ThiS luti"·t I't'!'pnrt of the Am~ 'rl· eol1 Bankcl" i...: hljthly ~·n~oul·.lgtn~

l>~CO\\I:-;t' it <,l ... ~nl'l,:, tlldlcotc=, t.h.e r~pld /lroMh of our bunk." Shl· bat:! added.





" By Elmer Ogawa

Northwest Picture

Another Landmark Disappears The rec~nl1y onncunc"d r"mov,l

',f the .J ack~on Slr~ct Communlly Council"' ortle" t1~, In with Ih' ·Ieml&t· of another J "ckoon Slreet landmark 11 I, all '1 pari 01 the ")r:)grc.u patio-In a!' ever ~o l(Jwly. 'il!hl or WHy I, .leured for Ihe "orlh·South fre"wlIY IhI'",.gh th,· ·U"

Tnt! old TaCtlmH HOld. lor m;tny ,'cars mon' than we can remcm· H.'T a hoven 01 pem:foner-': and r('­.ired 101l~e". ho. wIU'\~to"d the I,qult, of th,· rainy oe •. ,on lIde. ,f I he hill to it·, renr .Inep the laok~on Strd I'"grade of aboul In09 II I. the 001.. bullrllng on he north.id" 01 J aok. on from 'I'Ilddlc or till' block nen r 710 to "bove 10th Avenue

denl, oC .tho CoullclL Wben Phil bec ,m~ Ex e rutl"~ Secrelary to fiJI the \locaney I~II by Ray Boker Tilk 'crvcd lwo term~.a!l prc!ltident, OD< Cof Ih"m with th,· aouble hon", of 01.0 bring pre, lriont 01 Ih, JACL chapter, ,, well n. chnll' mnn 01 the I.and L"y Hcpeal com. mit',·. 1\ow. PhIl also. Is the IACI, prexy

Tokyo Topics: by Tamotsu Murayama

II~ ~oid fUl'thol' that thb Rrowth lIl"" renecl, .he tolol <'conomlc devclovm~ol or the J 0 paD c :.: t

Amt..'l·ican t.'Olnmunltie!'o in the ,toh:. bccau,'",-' the bank ncls,. a~ ;l buromt lei' fdf ~tH:h growth,

The hotel has already been Va­'ated c'~ 1(" IIUt ,I... Still occupying the street It~\'('l t lorp'=. and aboul o \,0'-';11(' arC,' Ihe J.1ck ;')n Stf(lel

The J~ck'C)n Stroet Council wm mov(" into new oH1cc Sp.1Cto Ihnt hn never been renlod heloro. In thr' now 2-yen r old NIkko Re. tautant Bld~. The noor abc-vI' th' t-:!':ttllJrant i~ nOW occupied by 9 docl"r, denVI and druRllls t, WIth JSCC complHlnl( ,he o~cup.ncy at .tl·ecl leve) nn Rainier Avcnuc Thr cntr:mt'f" the n'.'\t~uranl 1~

aruund th~ I'(H ner aL ~tre{"l leve1 on King SI;·"'·1.

When II wn" originnlly phnned , We all tnought the freeway Would be >annm~ Jac:<-oll Str~et by 19S/: flr '61 L'It( I ,·"tim.111'< arc tha' th. • tun 01 Ihe road .... ay wll be compleled In ·r.S. The enginee, tng and [and.capinR of Ihe Ir. wa)" wit! tak" up about ~ cit) t>lock of the old .IIppery hillside, .Hemg thr,uf(h the Yesler way are.. and o\'"rpa.slog .lack,on Strcr·t Coupie blo,t<,· of thot hill· ,Ide with It,· steel and ccocrctc r!:talnlng wall wlll ·tlll remain .

Nisei Prestige in Japan Improving - -- Council and H1klrl" f'umlturc and

Kay Kamimoto serving on . . Apl>Jlanc(' opel at"" by Heil:lfo HI'

" II ,) Iii· t ...... n Fr.w\,; "an, I- r nk F d:u I .1 b:_ hot DQ.\

nkidn. ,ntl·llIen land law repc.1 San Benito grand jury ~~~h"i""'" l', rommhtc(' trel Ufer M I,r back

1',' he" m~ m \n3eln~ dlrt.'l"lor 1.-\1 HOLt lSTER .Mr Kny Komi- Il' 1920, we rf'mt"mb<:r :\'11' rtkido tl p BIO~tll.ln br.mch of :\UISU _ish I mOlo, Wl-'U kO(,lwll locnl JACLer. as onr or the toller ,1l ~ Fu·

Sh 'J on,' ,r .h. \)IIUI< 1 btl,in.·" ""' recent!.'· s~lcc"'d to serve on PC LETTERBOX'. ruyn' .,JopancHc Commllrclal Bllok. J.m in J.lU1Jl. Frank I prnbabb the S:1n Benito Cuun!.\' Grand Jury EX("~Ull\'l ·cocr·'tary or th(" Jack" tht· 'H·t ~bt'l bu ,ilU)=,~ eXt·cuth',· Nl~\.i who ha\'t' ~C'rvl'cl un th~ 'on StrcC't Council 15 Phil Maya-

'n nut fram Jap;ul '01' such a San Benito CoulIl" Rrand JUI',' du,'- '32 Convent'lon Remembered Best 'aka who i' al>:o presl,lenl·elcct "f n· ")un.lbh· po,Hum. ing the pnst \'cars w(,tr~ Gl"Orgc the Seattle· JACL chaptl'r. ana

AIt"r gr"cill:1tin~ from t!t,· Uni, "Iishit, .• Iou Shillgui und Richard. .cheduied (or Installollon at Lhe I'll CnLUornJ;a h( was !fiven:' 'ishimoto. big loral runr.1i-m with pu.\"tllup

h"llfhip to Hn.lbllbn 'hi Un.,,!'\' The other d~y. noticing the 1930 /lelher ar(' quite dcep. MlOY limes on March 25. >\ In Tokl'o, " It·.,dlng colle/it. J ACL Convention plctur~ In tht . th ' f h hld Not One to piddle around, Phil Few \'( ar ago. Ihe 3SCC with


bu<ln, '~. "euth~" Alld Fran~ PARENTS ASK COUNTY FOR PC, remind"d me 01 the 1932 Con. In e "n;U!~1I; ~'c~rs h r~'c b k Is Ihe purpo,:clul exccullve tn> " large crew 01 volunteer at-I lIel1 1 lin" 1I"nll"man, r".'l'<'ctcd vention picture tnken at tI", en'l OCC'~ion to 0-' t ro~g fJ 00 evar alert to Idea, and with a tempted to land.cape the hill.ide, b, c,,·n-.,", wh, ml·"I · him BUS SERVICE FOR PUPILS entrance of the Los An~c1cs Cit," ~!nl ~ndgh,ncli~~e~'I" a~n/~~: gf:~'; mindful 01 oIenrl)' dt'lined oblec- It W1S well planted with ,hmb'

H , mlm!'n' In 1'l"1~" im· OF JAPANESE SCHOOL Hall Jt reminded mc thut I had fun ". the t932 meeling. Best 0' tive •. attract and leads member· '<'Ith 'he h'l)(>' or being fInished I"'. nt ,100 uniQul' tn "It·,. "t th. n;v~r received my copy for which all I know Ihnl al that time J hlP \' )Iunlce ... to get Job· donr orr into a hillside park. After, the

t .r •• f:'li l' In .Iapan. Haeto- LIHUE. Kaua!. - A P<'titlon sl7ne<l j I had p.tid nl I'cgist ... tlon t.me found JACL people wonderful anI' .yilh no "aln or 'Irain and grail' rains came and most 01 .he land­run .'01 )f,n', bl~ firm did nol b~' J5 porents has been submItted J allended Ihnt memorable con. dedicated. and glad and proud 10 ·Yln!! I',·"ularily 'caplng .ltd o\'er the bulkhead inlc cnd ,III "1",·1 a. m3n"gin~ dil"~' 10 .he Kauni Count\, bOlfd of su· wntion as a YOJnl!: lady of 101 so\' _ STILL ARE! It Is int ,re'ting to nole ho": Ih' Jack>on Street. But that was alter

101' of :.hclr U\('r:-,C':b (.·:-:tablish· pervl~!lrs. nskm.i! ~choo l bu~, trans" about to become JI the lol1o\\'ln~ Say! Wh~n am 1 going 10 gel '1"Innpo\\'er o! Ole .Jack..;on Street Emma Greggl

one 01 the- board oj m,'nl . nortatton for ch.ldren nttendlOg the month. rr it was exclting, impre,' my copy oC the 1932 panoramlr Council and the .rAC!' Chapter hi< Ihe JSCC sullcred n fatnl hean

J IIl11n'" :1ttltudL' h", been ")llsei' Hann~cpc H~ngwlln)l Japanese lan- slve. thought.provoking to thOH picture'! Jeen working hand In glove 01< (t,rk aCtor put'ing In ;,n e,,\'i.lng t'in" . but COlli h(' undcr •• and !lURlle s~hoo1. . older, you CRn imagine how much YAYOr ONe ,"51 lew ycnrs. Both Phil nnd Sundav ~"rving coifee and to Iht .fal jln~'l'" HL ruuld be an illtE'r· The count)' now prOVIdes ~ sub- it mea nt to a young teenagl"·. Dayton. Oh.o. rdk Kubola havc been past presi· IJndscapers. The .,talc of Emma ;>!'l"er' And Ihnt " .. "s about all s.dlzcdbus prollrnm for pubho nnd [ have been 10 a numbe.· at I Am sure S"buro Kldo woult' Gregg apprDPriated some funds I.e

When ~lit< Ibl'hi ShOji begins to , pnrochlal s~hoo l s., va rio u s convenlions since tlmt like to look olle.· the '1932 Con"en- Publl'c to be l'nvl'ted perpI't ·a .e the land,caping. It wa, ,,'lid "ut n )lisei a, :, branch The. petition s.Hd th.t there i. time. but thal 1932 Convention WJS tlon booklet for hi. "Living With voted to malle an "Emma Or e~t mnnnl(~r that i. ,omelhint!. Thlng5 :I natIonal awar~ness ol.the need the most wonderful! 'llhe person. JACL" series. -Editor I 'lemOTlRJ Park" of lhe hiUs:dc ...... n·.I1~ brcnkinll: up here. Cor understanding for e I g n Ian· [ m el were genuinely alive. and •• W k If Ih~t lunl! Is slill accumublinf

."ages. alt hough sectional frictions were TN PRAISE OF WO:o.1EN to NI'sei ee queen interest. II may be put tD S{)m£ Vb,,; \\1th Dent ~ u It adds. "the understanding 01 obviou". one could still reel a great Alas! Wom~n! People say women goeo1 u,'e In tbe luture.

foreil!n lanl(uages will aid the urgency to work together lor the are fickle and giddy. People sa) Experiments are under way on ;\ L, Angeles·born Ni" .. I, Shl· chmOiUkl." Yoshidn. ba.~ been mnde ~cw York bran{'h mana~er oC D lJn~

J apt1n':i l.!'rge~·t advcrtL.-ung Cl~cncy Vl);,hioka j~ a Hne bus i­ne .;rnan and hi:- line lalent, ba\'c been rCC"f.l,,!nizoo ll.\' D,.mt. ... u·:o; prco;i· dl'nl Y,-I.;:hfdn. who h a feui go· ,,!'l·-lt'r

• <I)t Chlh!l". SCJUlc·born direc­t r .. f lJ),' D"f1I;U foreign suclion. I Y'I<hld,,', rl.:ht-hand man. Any im~ l(taut d ..... llings with foreign \..'ounlrit go·hrnugh his hands.

Th\. ... Prt' tiK£' of the )lh'ei in Ja" llan I!- bc~jnnjng to improvt!­

),JnKJ 'u thCH" men ----

American "rrort for world peace good of all Japanese Americans. women are the world's wOl'sl candl"date J"udgl'ng part of tbe hillside to comrol the by encouragjn~ mutual understa nd- It has been almoM thirty years drivers' People say women are sljd~s by injecting $oH bardenmg ing and respect 01 people through· bul it really seems only a 5hol1 rather senseless pOliticians I Last , . . ebemicals deep intD the sUpper) OUl the world" lew "ears back. [ can still reo but not least, people say women The NiseI Week Queen canw- clay.

The parenls I>oint out that they member a lot of the personalities- an: unpredictable The man th&1 dates for 1961 W11\ be honored No one ever paid much attention desire 10 educate a lld train theil Arn!. Slocum, Sugi. Kamayatsu. truly figures the';' out Is truly a I twice :'y the public-:-a! the judging to it. but Ib,s writer had on. children 10 be tier understand 1Il( Kido, Sakamolo, Yabumoto. Yama. man to be prmsed. So accordingly. and at ~e coronatIon-at IWO of ot his weird DoHons thnt plantinp Japnne<e language. cusloms and gata. Yatabe. Tashiro. ct 81. It wom~n rule society with ralher 3 the town s [avlsh hotel ballrooms the hill with !rolla .edible burdook more~ and equip them with the was a great revelation 10 me and clums), hand,' aecordlOg to the )fis~i Week Fes- might h~lp. Then the Japanes' tool of knowledge to cany out the a salL.faction to know that Nisei Tn spite ,,( these generahzations tival Committee. communi!.. could have a grand American dcsi".· for peaee and un· had been wOl'king haT'dl\iany about womon. I Dlust unhesitatingly TsutomuMaehara chairman for I time digging up ,,11 the KObo it d,,"tanding. m:tny months on the Cable Act. and pegl'udglnglv co 11 f e s s t~a\ the 1961 Festival. 'said that the could use. in trying to keep the

They added that the Hanapep and the Or ienlal World War I women must be glod [01' s~methmg candidates will be judged at the tenacious root vegetable in check Japanese Laoguag<> S chool otler Velera ns Naturaliz3Uon BiU ISuma 17iUSI wh'!t Is it? [ h3ven't reall) Biltmore Bowl on Salurday. Aug. but never enough to prevent the children oC all races and .. clillior Sugi and Tokutm'o Slocum. respec- I.gured It out yet. 5 iollowed by the coronation ball plant from I performing its civic an opportunlt.,· to learn Ihe Ian ively as lobbyist), Seriously though, the Omaha a't the Embass)' Room of the Am- f ;nction, Oli well. had better chop guage. custom, and mores G, J . My father. Tom Arikawa. now .fACL women should be put on the bassador Hetel on Friday, Aug. 11. thi.> now. late a5 il .s pan. .n actively participating member, bandwagon-a bandwagon cbrIs, The announcement was made

The petition bears the sigr.~ltlre, )f the Omaha, Nebraska JACL tcned: "Omaha's Orealesl JACl foUowing a joint meeting with the of 5e",,"01 resJdent, of non-O''I<'nt" where sister Lily Okura is also Projecl Ever-$ukiyaki Dinners." VFW. sponsors of the q~een ,e-ancl'slr),. nemberl. being very much inter· Through these projects. they are lecoon, last week. Eddie Shimatsu

The Hanapepe Japanese Lan· ,sted in Ihe J ACL movement even fantastically successful frnanelal· represented the veleran's group.

Of Dinosaurs l Tyrannosaurs, Etc. FOT Things Japanese

8\- TOORI ' K.Ui\Z\W\

llit Uj tht

m 01 Nat" ·r.l! HI -h(' Cllj )~tUJr , "r .IL

11,,11, ltURge School is located cl~se tc .n those d'9Ys. II r g e d a nd en· ly. Also, they display some of thl The chairman stated it was the I the main highway on which presen' ooul'aged me and olITers to af\ond traits our Japanese anc~stors l?ft hope of the committee to en.

G!fLc; - Magazines - RecordJ

THE YOROZU school bu~es ru n. 'iO th~t we could organize a unit us-graC'iousness. combmed wlth courage older Nisei to attend the

Children at tend the languag< in Long Beach. Three of liS final- ambition and industriousness. We )'udglng and the younger groups to 322 Am(,"~ th",c \\ ho look a hand school aile.' fl nLhing their regula! :Y wen! to the confab 'MYron Yo- 01 Japanese desoent are indeea fa \lor the latter function,

Wholes:ale and RetaU

" 0" St _, Sacramento 1 I

Prompt Mai l SI!Tt1lce in " -embling Ihe puzzle 0( put· grammar school classes in t!,( ;himur a. Mary Hashimoto' a nd mv· fortunate nowadays 10 be able to. The Nisei Week FesLval is oched. till! tbe bom'>- .ogelher (or tht afternoon ;elfl. Incidentally, all three of uS con~ciou5Jy or unconsciously. take ul-d for Aug. 11 to '20. • fin,Ii skl'lelOn dl.cpla~· was Fran~ The Japanese language cl".'~, ended up III Ohio since the war. advantage of whal OUI' Japanese ~ Gil'''. If,· is. a prcpaf'tory labor.'

j run for about an hour each rI.y ':leeause 01 my )'oulh and not hav- anceslors lelt us. These womer

tl)l'\' terhnl"an who helped remon .'I\'!! clays a week. 'ng enough push ",nd one thJn,g wilh their personality difference: bonl' from the rock in which the) >r anothe;'. the Long Beach chap- manage 10 slick togelher [01' some "or. found "mbedded. . er was not organized unlil 1938. uncann~' and faithful reason. 1


Toyo Printing Co. In hi, lall' flflte.' now ~rr Gall NiseI elected to St. Paul Having obtained many auto. eller a crisis atis.es. J don'l belie"e

•. ,' .,\" b'lrn in Jaj),ln but CUIDe \c Inl/l Institute board ~raphs at 1he convention a nd hav- the JACL could lind a better grou}: Ill! counlry when he wa. about .ng continued correspondence wLlh of women 10 depend upon ..

Seek Pasadena candidate I PASADENA. - Mrs. Akl Abe will ~hair the local search for a canol j]date for Miss )Iisei Week this year, it was announced by Pasa·' dena, JACL president Mack Yama-, guchl.

Of/set • Letterpress Linotypiog

1 ''',n



(i .. 'of

If I "~"r< "Id. H" i. ~mployed ir ST P_~UL. Minn. - Dr Helen several delegates for a number of :r.nKE WATANABE Ihe [)',partm"n' of O,ology at the Fukushima and Earl Tanbara were year.', memories of that get-to. Omaha JACL, un"'cr ltv, and li-.·c, at 47 Univcr· r e c en II y elecled to three-year • il\' Plac ... PrlncNon. terms on the St. Paul International

Th .. chna.aur remain"..; at Prince ton ).,'("n..' totllul in 19-4Ij-41 in a rock quarr)' abtJul elllht mil", (rom CI~,,·tancl Ulal! Altogether nonl' from J!J dU1o:;:aur;~ Wert found ther<- 10 a 35-hy.25 fo~t area The a.<cmbllng r,f the bone, h~' bern g(Jln~ on SlOe!: World W::u II

A tbe kJd It '<I u< home, WE

""d .• horrJI>I" thought In Ihi' 'IIt'Ct' age we mOl" consider our .. lIl'h t' mt'nta) dmo ... aur. \Vr~ jus: h( J.'C· lh.t in ,Hlu"hl r one and one­h f m 11I"n ('entu"", in tht fu. lu,t', I:LOI"gl'u ""n'l b,· pullin, 0' :- twmL tlJiCt:lher in th(' world'·

rnh • lifelike fe·pr ..... ~ntation ... and Ih"o uing;( to how &lomic bomb; br", Jlht <In ,'nd In ~hl JI(·rlod P'r.rr/

Instltule board 01 directors.

Seattle Japan America Society officers elected

SEATTLE, - M,J Weber was 'Icctlld prll.ldcnt oC the Sea ttle Japan-America Society lor 19&1.

Oon)i ~1. h .rd and Junlchiro Ta­kei are two or Ihe lour vice' presidents Frank H. Hattori ' 1000 -"]ub national chairman) was ele:t­,~ seere-tory.

Board 01 direc t,,]'., include 'lIs9-.hi Nakayama. Henry S. Tat5umi and William Y. Mlmbu, among the t3 nam~d thl> yeor.

lOM SAKAI PRODUCE CO Quality Coachella Valley Vegetables

P.O. Box 415

Indio, Calif.


~iamond 7·3046, 01 7·2361

Ear:h Deposit Insured Up To $10,000

"'_ Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora/ion



Oreflon Japan Society PORTLAND - New oWe"r' elect­.d by Ihe Japan Soeldy of Or<:gon ,"clud,· Tom S. TamlY<l u. V.p,: GCOI'l~~ I. Al.umano. tn·as.: both activ~ JACLec< her". John Fullon Is 1061 pn·.ldenl. I • IrI'l, T'llrn) , n St,., 'ItOPfll, J'11l

'I j;f.i.Votl'ihJ,,.. Sf .. n!.·y S .• "'2' 1.1"11 Ante"

01 ,- ,H ", .... rn,.~t'r l;I C. I fort. T •• lhill. '1"t Palo Alto, Jdll II

I r'" • ~~I ... ~'I ;\~~~!!.~~!; • ~~\ ~:J~l;tn.' PI furJok.i, T,.,.uo, It; PlHflQflll" J.H\. 24

III .1, ."", .. )Ir. ~t'nJ.t' , 11\'1' brI)o • ""r ... ,1 tI." JlI "'r

Mufl; Ufrhklf'ill. M' SUI.Ufl, Jun m N'ltgaol:uwlt, Mr. T~f\lk", a.J Chk.IHrJ

~'r. ('hlk I 1H f),miwr

Mln"ru .fll: LoCI:; Anlr',," I I :\fakQhJ

56 1.4',. An·

lli 1.nJI Anl!t'k

I\nrc:I, .• JlJn

'j ("hlf"'n, Nfl

Nisei Veterans elect %;A'rrr.E. -rud Nakanlsh, will be Int~llr,d a commnndpr of Ihe Scntti<' Nb," Vl·teran .. Committee lomorrow cVf'ning at l\1nrk's Char. coni Brt,j)cr

FIF quarterly dividend F'inunclal Inelll 11'101 Fund. [nc .•

decI"r",1 It lOt t "oncculivl' qual" It rly d",'ldcnd of 2.6 ernt,; OJ "'hnre

01 f'~b 28 ha"'holdur< ,,,,> 12·rnonth tol,,1 umOllnt., 10 106 loc'nt. , 1\ WJl onnouncf'd by Gt'orJ{l" InllgOlkl .Ind M:.I.lflo Uwutl"', JoC!nl U. .. trh-t mU1UliCt.'j" ,

r way



save . , flY


l09 S. San P edro lit. Los Ange les - i\1A 6-8153

When in Elko

Stop at the Friendlv Stockmen's


Stockmen's, Elko, Nev.

8225 Sunse t Blvd., Hollywood - Ol 6·1750 WELCOME JACLERS - - YOUR HDST: GEORGE FURUTA. ,OOOEII

EAGLE:. PRODUCE BOIlIled CommIssIon Mer ohanls Whol esale Frull and Vcretabl""

929-943 S, San Pedro St. MA 7-6686

los Angsles 15

Enlpirc Printin CO. J:.nlflhtb And J!lponese


114 Weller St., Los Angeles 12 MA 8·7060

with debts

ASk. Us Now Free Intorm<lllon

11n"'fi~il fi

Sumitomo Bank (C.A'Ltf'OItNIA)

440 Monlgomery Sl. SaD Francl ,,~o EX 2-1960

]01 S , San P,'dro Los Angelds MA 44011

1400 • Fourth St. Sacro menlo or 3-4011

• 5 -RIT·Q .

. R E ALT .... Ul· HOME:> ~ .. . ... 'NSURANfE

One or the t,.tlnt fJer~et.1ona ~:ut : 1U21-:r W. 8e~ttlY n A 3~',~D1 Welt! Z4tl \Y. Jdlf'flOD K B J-ltzl

J ohn '11 S.iLu & JIJsl<oelalU


318 East First Street los Angeles 12

MA 6·5681

• Ouod PI.ce Lu E ll N..,o W Mldnllbl

(Closed Toesda,.)

LEM'S CAFE It>:"" C B' N.~ . D I81IB8

Loa Angefes .alA 4",MI

320 ~ Jrtnt Str..,t

Pilone Ordua Tdea




Quality Available at YonI' Favorite hopplnC Cen ter



~ -- . - ....... ........... -.--.-....... " ..... ~ ........ -

~ ... ~ ...... ~ Boise, Idaho

SECURITY LIFE & ACCIDENT CO. Non-ca.nce'lnbfe guararuud ~ew ..

able dftt:abflity lacarne pbns.

I -loU. In.<ur.n<*-

KI'::<' SCIJ'\IID'I'

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Greater Los Angeles

Financial Industrial Fund

George J~ Jli::l...!...s~~o Uwate Co-Dl! not Managers

11Q ~ San Pedro (t~) MA 8-ti1a8

'Flowers (or Any OcCD.SfOQ

Flower View Gardens Membpr FTD

. rt 110 U3tb Yr lOOOecl 51~9 Los ~1 BIt·d. NO 3-3He

Fuji Rexall Drugs PD!.!!ertptlon SpeelaJtsts

STEPHEN H, OKAYAMA 300 E. First t. - M .. ~ 8'5197

NEW JAPANESE AMERICAN NEWS £:au(ll:!h..JQ~me$e: Dolll.,y

3!3 s.. 2nd St .• Lo~ AnRl'"l~ ~ CnlU. 5abuto Kldc.-P,"es. :lnd PublL~er

DR. ROY M. NISHIKAWA Sp,ci3f1,11I<J In Contact Lenses

234 S Old.r' (4) DU 4·7400 ~~

Sacramento ~

Nllitl Owned

City Center l\Iotel 12th & D Sts. - GI 3·7478

Swimming pool-Room Plumes Rdrlgtr.:lled Air-Conditioning

ToI .. I,I ..

" . Fl Q we~ for AU OCCD"llona"

East acramento Nursery and Florist

581h & Folsom Blvd. GL 5-8298

Roya l Flo rist "When It's. b(>·t '$.1lid by Clower,

: I\ ~ }t wlth OUt's"

TROUBL ED!: wi th heavy payments with many sma ll payments

with any kind of Money


~~1.1('lth Sl at ~~376-l-n(),. f-1(luhln(

""uklt·hl· S,lh f'r,rnd tt)

"'ilUr., ("I.n,. I WRDOJNOS

r"..,. Anv~f".. Hlrukn. hnth 1.11 AnN"')!".

I UA'14t.u MIIlIuelli 'An II W.,1h'r 11,,(1

fit Ukh (Jrnr1rl·rnll'.... .""n 7, Iltry. VI hq VrJ­ttn •. , Mort',""

Anflcell. V.I.ud .... Nnk.ll I Uf·(· :'~:.l. O."u,lU, rwy .. "11<1, Ihruko. (" ·"Ino.

6 4 Suttor Stroot, San Francisco 20, California

lOS "NCftf$ $~ 120 so. SAN r!DlO GAROeNA '~~Ot 50 WESIERN

Til E ,\NSW1,R'S AT TIIll:

JAPAN ESE AMERICAN NATIO NAL CITIZ ENS LEAGU E CREDIT UNION I~() w. INt 81111111, Suit I.uk,· Clfy I , IHuh- I'hone l ~ " j( lu 5-S0ro

Trutlme Watch Shop Cunr.1t"toed n~p~lr WNk DtAMO '0 SPt:ClAUST

'l':tk TakeuchI 1128 - ,tit Sl Ct ! .. tnSl

W KANO-URA S\lkl","'" .. ('hOI' Sun'

Olll'U II· J I, c...· ltnrd Mand.,.

l~I " foUl tit. t;t ~ u~al

By Bill Hosokawo


F ryingP n

!lem·er. ('010.

SACRAMENTO SESSION-In J rf'('('nt i::ue of l'1'O~S-

I II ' I \n 1'1<. ' I'ci weekly IWhlCh F:clitol' Wimp ro.1t s. . I' .0,. - '1'1 B 1 I hroto sends alollg l 'c(! lIlarl~ I. h.. I1!:O h.lIl11tsugu i: 1e ('ne 1-

W;lIl1ler column r fwrt. on.1 1I1t't'I1.n o[ 1Il0re than pa, ~JI!J! Interest The mCl'tlllg 1\11 held II~ SaCL';lmcnlo h~I\\'c~n t,ov, Pal BroIl n lind :l numu",!' o( :\isel DI'mocrals. lIerc arc . OI~C e"cer lis Crol11 I\IIIII!SII!!U'- column II hlCh, h), Ihe way, m3111'

1 ~ I ~JII":II II< II/atl' standard w('ck 111 and \\'cl'k oul 11111. ,I lib 1 I I b II . l' I'

"TIll' ml'CllnlJ in SaCl'aml'nto II';!~ ca leI Y \1:' gOI e no




(FrDm the n Dh. hln1l>D) SAN JOSIl:,-A fIeld ot 156 duos in Ihe mixed doubl~. kicked of! the 151h u/lnunl NOllOMI JACL tournamenl for Ihe 11161 yoor al ~lel' s Polm Bowl Oil Tuesday.

Winner or finl plac(: In the mixed doubles IV ... ~ Muts Lyn 01 Snn Francisco, 610. who teomed wiUl Richord Yokoyama of Hnwoti. 610, Jor " 1220 lolnl.

Second wn~ MClls Ito ond Ken)1 Malsudn. both of Denve ... wllh 597 and G07 tor 0 120<1 101"1.

Allee Shirnl~hl lind Jim Snknmoto of San J osc Wore third with 00<1 and 594 and 1198 tol<ll.

Alice Pong and K.z Kalayama 01 Los Angeles Were fou~th with 584 and tlOU ond Jlag tolnl.

Fred Hoshiyama named_chief of largest 'yl lALIf. ASSEMBlY branch in U.S. dealing with high schoolers VOTES TO BAN

SAN FRANCISCO.-The Son Fran­cisco YMCA reorgnnl7.ed three 01 ILs nine oren brunches Into a slnglc unit and nnmL-d n Nisei a. exocuUve secrelo,'y 01 Ihe now branch. which wlll be lhe largest single "Y" branch operaUon deal­Lng sololy with high school age youth. In the United Stales.

Fred Hoshlynma. who has been the executlve al Park-PresidIo. one ot the three bronches Involved In the merge.·. wtll be lhe chIef ad· mlnlstrator under lhls reorganlza. lion. Other two branches In Ihe group nrc MI •• lon and Oolden We.t.

Aft hond 01 lhe new Outer City "Y". Ho.hlynma s.:old the Ihre~ cenlet's witt be mnlntnlned by the presont stllrr~, 'l'h~ major changc Involves admlnlslratlon with one chlot and eventually one board In.

slead or three "This chonge will cnable the

combined sto([ to con<;entrate tc " groaler extcnL on program ac· Uvltles among teenagers In local publtc schools." ldoshfyama ex· plalned. He noted \hot six or the city'", seven high .chool~ are In the area served by (be nc>IV branch.

Hoshiyuma. on active JACLer • nd (ormer chapter pre~ldent. was born in- Livingston, a lien d e d <chools here and Is a graduate 01 YMCA's SprIngfield Colle"" In MORsachuSt-tts, He beg.n (ull-Ume "Y" work· at the Nuuanu "V" In ~Ionolulu In 1946 and called to usi.t In the reopening or tbe old ,JoI)ancse branch In San Francisco 8S Ule Buchanan St. Center In 1948. He was named !read of Ihe Park-Presidio branch about six

POLL CHALLENGE Tolly strictly along

party lines: 45 Demos

to 32 Republicans

SACRAMENTO. - The Statc AI'­gemlfly lasl week voted alon@ strlcUy partisa n lines, 4S Oem/)­crats to 32 Republicans. to ellml. nate challenges to vaters at tbe polls whioh are based on literacy. The bill, AB 370. authored by Assemblyman RObort W. Crown 10., Alameda). Is now In the Slnle Senate.

1 . If all" IIIl' II'ay I IIcurd it. he was con('cTI1ClI about whal ~~~h~ught we II n cnne meel o\'cr .\1 any r~tc. therll Wlll'l' abollt 30 ) oung ,'1 (II D('l1\o.cr:1ts frol1\ all Ol'cr tlw slat~ .. IUlI5t oi whom II' rc r.lll'ly .1I'11\'C 111 the stnll' Ill'mocratll: pal t.1 BOWLING TOURNEY BAN'QUET TEAM

ThL mixed lC1l1n 01 workel < ore members ot lh" Ron Jose JACL Awnrd. Bnnqu~t comlnittt'" for Ihe 15th annual Nulonnl JACL Buwlln!! TuurnumcnL which ends thts we,'k The banqut't IS ht'.t!g . "11I~d ill lh~ new Lxhibill n 1·11111 al lhe SIInia Cluro Counly Pn.r­t:IOUlltiS lnmorrow l'\'4.mnR \\,lth llt p. Dilntel Innuyt-, £11.·t Nls~l

~lt'(,'1!!d tl..l l'ong1'l' n:· U'Il' pl'lucip(1l !,p'~nkf..·r. M\'fIlb~'t'~ 01 the ("om ... millt..·l~ :H l' (frum 1l,1f{). ~cntcd-Cr~u.:(o 11m"" LUCllh, NugnNhllnn. l\Jrs,I',Jkto hhilutwu. landing·-- ~hi~t·o Mmn.mnga, Nunnnn J\1'inl'tu anri Ynnl") Bcpp , MI sin.,. 'Ire Phil M.lt.sumUru {Ind WUYJ1C KOInmJ1olo.

Judy Suk"lo and Jim Snlf.lln of Los Angele. wc .. e tilth wlLh 619 und 551 lind 117:1 Chive 'rnahlma and George Tsuji 01 Lo~ Angulos wlLh U19 and 530 and 11 55, DURly Mizunouc of L.A. wllh 599 nnd Tilts Nugnse 01 San PI'a ncigeo with 5tO were sevonlh with 1130.

Eighth wore Dorothy Andrade 01 !<lawaI! nnd Hnrley Ku, "molo or L.A. with 571 and SU5 and 1136. J~aunc KUNumolo lind Charl~. So· hoon o( LA wlth 542 and 584 and 1126 were ninth. Beulah Arthur of I

Hawnll wllh 557 nnd Sum Okuzakl

Crown said challenges at the polls in CaHrornla ran Into the thousands in the November elec­tion on the baais of a constil.tttlon:tl requirement Ihat all voterr. Itovc the abiliLy to rt'ad Lhe ~tate con. stltution.

The measure eame up a!lel' slrong indications of "intimidation of loteign-born voters at tbe polls durlng the WOO presidential elec. tlon." according to Crown. One t •• el In San Djego WQ5 IDvolve~ buL many ot them were o( Latin America~ background

in one wa) UI' IInothlll' - •. "Gulernor D OWII CJml' to our hotel to see II. . The

gO\'crl1Qr lalkc.1 II t li ·t(!n~d \0 \IS for Iwo :OIHI hours in a 'ln3t\ l'onferel1l'e l'Oom Ihe hotd prol'HIl'd fOI U$ I l'cnlly ;10/1'1 think the go~ell1or kll('\1 II hat he \1':1 gl'ltillp. Illto Some

01 the. h.n II(' t /llIml of thl:' .-lalC \\'('1'(' thl'!!' Jlld l1"tol'l call". I bclil'H' thl: i I he fir~t lim~' Ih.1I 0111\'. glll'p\'Jlor of an)

stl1t~ met 1\llh J group of J;!pallcsc Amcl'lcalls plIl'cly j or

political purpo 't', and lht: pnrposes coming slr.1lghl (rom

the :\Isei, . " The governor was told right off Ihe b,ll IhM ~ ,"c e he

hold Ihe power 10 select judges throughout Ihe slat e,

there weree al least three Nisei a ttorneys in tho sta te who

not only have the qualifications to fi lt the post of judge­

ship, but they also had the backing of the Iota I CO'"­munily.

"The n:lIn ~ of Frank ('human of Lo. .\ ngeles, Sleven

T3mura oC Orang ('uunt) and Wayne Kanemoto of an .lose wcre menllolled ,inti although Ihe gowrnor may h:lI'(,

" ('n C.illlillJI Inlh lb,' thrn' l;lIldld.llcs. (h~ mf'lIlbcrs of hi ~1:lrr arc wort· ... hcc:\II.'1' \Ill' tolln·tums fur Ihe Ih , el' men

h:.vc alrentl\ bc('11 bllollllllg for som(' lin1\' . ",\noth('r poinl made to the governor and one that IS

equally important I. Ih(' r<'qnest Ihat hi~ ~dministralioll. in

mJking appointment III \'ariolls commissIon. and boards, look Into the J:lpanesc .\meric:l11 popul:lllon Slllce there are many quahfied people, both profe:sionally and rarty-wlSe.

who could capGhly fill mallY post-"We also had long talks wilh :tale C'olltroller \ l:ln

Cranston nnel Altl)rney General Stanley Mosk in the same

little room The e two public officials are considered two of the more Ilromlsing Ot'mocrat in the state for higher of­

fices in the polilicll ladder .. - ..

• • POWER AT THE POLLS-Only in California could a

meetlJlg such as described by KUllitsugu lak.e place The

heavy concentration of Japanese ~ \ merlcans In Iha t .s~ate

especially in the 1..0 Angeles area. gi\'es th.em suCftclc.nl power at the pili\., to be a significant factor In lo~a l. stale :md congre slOnal (:lections. The politicians ha\'e [mally reo

cognized IhlS fact of Civic life. Tt is f1atterin:: \0 the, 'isei to receive tltis kind of at­

tention It has neVer haPP('f1pd beforC' Yet the cold fact is that Governor Brown's political

machine ~ wooing t he Nisei vote on a racial basis_ And

the Nisei Democrats, in urg ing Brown to appoint quali­

fied Nisei (~ nd thl)re are many of the m) to state positions

.re also seeking recognition on a racial basis.

The wooing Qf etbnrc blocs is a historic t..'1ctic in Ameri­

can politic II IS practiced in many localites, especially in the big cities and 110 dOUbt Il will cnntinue to be practiced.

Some day, perhaps, NiseI political leaders will be sum· moned to conferc-nces wilh other Democrats or Republicans

of vaned nalJonal origins. but solely on the basis of political int('re~l and inflllence and without regard 10 elhnic con­

sideraltons Whl'n that happens it will be a memorable mile-

tone In lhc long road to true mtegration.

(" .. Itb,.t.r }"our Birthu.1Y or l\nniVf''''U' at '0,,'

NEW GfNZA ~pe.ci.al ~l«'ntl6n &.0 C;rouOt .and l'artlr, f.:p to :!~IO

J'panHe Dinners - Luncheon· Cockt.ils P .. Ii.. . Floor Show - Dancing

J.\PA' •. ".: A."" (·'\"T{JSF.~E III1K~ 1)·()El'\·KF.~

l'Ipt'd ... UZ'.d .: ... I.trinc tu"n-J,-,. - O~D V.lih 'rom 11 a .m.

254 E_ lsi St., Los Angeles - R ... rvation MA 5-2444


244 E. 'at St_, - Los Ange les - MA 11-4935

ProxlIlC.-d nnd prlnl"d III .fapnn :m" • IIltl·d In EneJl II, Thl' J.lfJfm An'hlt''C1 II .hlpp< tl din" I" vou! Tlug C)Ccl\. 1"1 month V magnzlrw ,hOWl hrJw yOIl

(".,n tnrlrh )'lltir t)(}rnc, g;lrcir-n, decor­ation ArId unu ual lou( h('! to YtUn

hom, Appr"x IOU 1'""".5 (I~trlbln~ In{J'rl'Jf. fI(~Jr ,.J flA, floral flrrnn"~ .. mf'nt ,r'clilnrlul (In .Iupanl'"1'(1 l(IiIJ'd,ma, etc 1';",£1\' tht phot/tr. dfl(1 tJhcu I'm r,r Jnp 0' II t In C(l(l'('m""nrtJry hrf'h It ctllrc,

r,m "Ih )"jlr ,., ,11I"1f hlnc ttlt' J:"~lI . h 'U't HuUun.IJ • dllltlll fI' hllllu"lfhlkli

f I ~IJ II.;) 1~1~,

$10 8 .mplr t"vr $1.'25

rIft >N. Jf" .. r I •• rlb".'" 'lin

tho japan architect D"pt. ~2J 1170 Sro,"Jway, NfW YORK I, N.Y.

Over 1,000 expected at JACL bowling meet awards banquet to hear Rep. Inouye

II\, I'lIn_ M \ TSUMv n \

S.""'1 J OSI::. - !\Iorc lh"" 1,000 will h"v~ gold~n opportunity 01 meetlnll Cong. <,ssmun Daniel K Inou~'e or H~wnil. IlrSI Jnponbc American ~tecled 10 Cc.n~re ". and IIslen to him make the principal addre,' ~t the "wJrds banqul't 01 the 151h annuol :-Iational JACl.. B " w lin g Tournnment "morrow nigh I al tht' new Exhlbillon Hall at thl' antJl Clar;. County )·'au

Ifawullan bowtl'.', throullh o(forl$ 01 Sh" Torlgoc o( 1I0nolulu. which has become an exolic Il'adl\lon al JACL bowling l()Urnam~nl 3word dinners. will be used 10 spruce Ihe huge hall 1111' and Mi', Jame, Sakanlolo nre In charge 01 hall and luble decor.,lions.

ot Sdn .Jos. willI 568 were 101h ,vllh 1125,

New tournament high Chlyo Tashima 121\8·209-189-640)

and Judy Sakata I 195-204-255-6S4) 51)( on aU-time Los Angeles City Women's Tournament do ubI e s mark l\lillh a 1.300 tolal ut Lo MIl'tlda.

Sacramento CLers in Camellia festival

SACRAMENTO.-The Sacramento JACL has bcen participating in many aeUvllles lhis week ddring Iho ~~vonth annual Cumellla Fes· 11"';11, CillO or lhe city', bi~ events

The Crown bill would accept the oath Of the voter on the reglstrn­tlon forms as to his abUlty to rcad and eliminate "some very unhappy situations".

Assemblyman John A BU5terud, la .. Sao Franci~co' argued the Crown bill would "completely reo move control over our regis Ira lion procedures •. ,

BuMerud. GOP assembly cnucus chairman, tailed In an c/fort to amend the bill. The amendment would have removed the rl&hl to challenge al the polls where per­sons voting had been regtstered by regular civil service registrars and not paid deputy reg~ars


I ~rHund .

'rot...· {'On!p·t.'s ~an' -, ~lP1W;I.l'.m~(

is "' keeping With the theme 01 the bowling tournament. 1.\.'hICh j~

dc-dic3ted II> Ihe 501h Stnte of Ha·

Chapters invited to sponsor youth teams .in meet

CJJ thi~ YUtl l ,

Acting on Iht' Invltnt.on of Lupe .. _----+""IIr"lf!l


OF FAIR HOUSING BILL SACRAMENTO. -The Callrl>rnla Committee (or Fa i r P~actjces issued a call for a Iel/islatlve con. ference here on April 1:;'17 aboul Ihe time wben the Hawkl":' F"lr Housing Act would be in a crueihl point of the legislative process.

waii. A public recept:on prec.edes the

banquet, which is buing s""nsOI'cd bv Ulc San Jose JACL at lhe H-otel de Anza Patio Room from 4 p.m. Wilh Congressman and Mrs loou\'e will be National JACL PreSident and )"1rs. Frank Chum.n.

A cocktail period at 6 precedes lhe 7 p.m. dinner al the Exhibition Hall.

Norman MinNa and Wayne Ka· nemo:o. of the banquet commitlee. announced a guest illl headed b~ Governor Qu:nn 01 HAwaii and Oo\,erIiOi' Brown 01 CallCornia.

Local civic. bowling ofliclals and newspaper editors were also in· c1uded as 101l0ws: ~at'l .JACL Director and :\tn MQ~

511&0"". S.tn Fr.1ncl:lco; ABC cepre, 'entathe IfalTY Sherwood. Burbank wIse reprCSll"nt.JU".e Mn Margilrci Hlrley. s',n Joc: Ceorge Kampfen S.tn Jo ~'. pres.. CaUfoml3 SlAte Bowlln, A ·n.; Robert Hubtr. pres.. Soln Jo" ...

~~1~nLD'~:nj~c.f°~~ere~~I~~~, ~~Ct t~1 PAlm BowL Mrs. "PM Post

preLl San .1o.,e \"'o.men':i Bo\\'1.1nl

I'll. ?I.,'!YOT' P .... ul Moore. Qf San JOl'-~: Ed ~Yln, s.,nta Clara Counly bd. 01 wp, Wot ~tlsukn , chmn. 19ti2 Nan JACL Aowl1nl!' Tourn3menL at Salt 1-,k( Cit,': Vic lOr LI\'l.ngr-tone-, "300" M'aga· T.lne. 4""Uor: Peter M. Nakahara. em­cC!'e: "Pop" and "Mom" Slagbar ot Honolulu; Joc T(mmu, Tournament CommJttee c:o~chalrman. Howard lroa tekJ nok.ubcl MainlchJ editor; Va'" "'blkn, NtchJbrl 1'lmr, editor; LarT)

~th ~~~l'Co~n, ~~~ J~I~fic;:,t;:~;;._~:\~;

CXTiie c1~di\'idual awards for the tourney champioru will be made at the banquet. which is to bE (ollowed by dancing to Orin Blatt· ner's 12-p,ece orcheslra. AdmiSSion i~ $6 per persan (or the dlnne. and dance, S3.50 per couples o. '\all!s for lhe dance only,

The dona tion 01 flower 5 Irom the

Auxiliary past presidents

awarded JACL pins 3ACRA:'viENTO -A dtnner honor· Ing pasl pre!;tdents of the Sacra· mento JACL Auxlllnry was held 10$1 nIght at EI Rancho. May Shl· rai Md YO.'hl Tukahashl were gil'cn past president pin. Sally Taketa \\us event chairman

Nisei Trojans elect E:lword Kaklta. I'r~·I:r·,' 'Iudl'nt

Na elecled pring _,rmc ter ,n'. i­Ir'nl of tho Ni c'i Trojan,;. USC ~.mpu group. '*""'-w""twft~


Shock Absorbers



FauHy shock ub.orb<'rn orp ~" t rcm~ty

DANGEROUS. and arp not easily d~ I I-c .. '(1 until .t', 100 i o l ~. Scc UI .

fl' .. dnn" 1I,·tun' ('hampJoll '.4W J.I W'1lt.flw,,".

- Hllt\ liP. pili fllt­

IU:.'11 IY ~" . f: "NrQ .. 7n ,'En V (('!-:

a'loo W Pic" III Van Nus (>. ~ng( I, BE 2·06(10


Whnr htl ...... rmntion 01\ W11('1C':.boul.a of

(JMf~~/,lIno KOY,\i\-JII r,r"l h,.lr H 1J·~ .. rt In r.ollt'"

~,;JU;~~'hJ~:'" 11 ;I~fl}'~;~ :rw :1~~k.~":J~'~ 'Ii' tllf'l 1'1 Ihr \ .... " !In.! IUHf l'I(:t

~~~~~~J~::I~~'f~IJ lrl~ ~('f:'~':If~rtY. P. n '11"

BERKELEY.-The chnptOj'~ whIch p.1rliclpatt-d last ~'cnr In the annual Berkeley J ACL Invllatlonal baskel· ball lournomenl are beinl: asked \0 sponsor a lcum (01' the 1961 afCalr slated Apr, 14·15.

An enlry fee deadline or Mar 20 was announced by Hiroshi Kan­da, chapter athletic chairman who is in charge ot !he tournament (or junior and senior higb school studenls only Rostcrs are due by Mar. 31

During tbe half-time period. a rree throw conlest wilt be beld with the one netting the best 01 It throws eaming the trophy for Ibe chopter.

The tournamenl win close witb an award dance. Locale and start· ing lIm~s arc to be announced.

Other lrophies to be a wa rded in· c1ude the perpetual chapler ,trophy. permanenl trophies (or the cham· pions. runners-up and consolation winner. leam sporlsmansbip.. all-5131' players and individual medal$ to the championship leam.

Basketball clinic FOWLER. -The Fowler JACL will have a basketball clinic in March (or local youth~, aged 9 to 11.

Mt. Shasta scheduled as

next locale for skiiers SAo'll FRANCISCO.-The San Fran­cisco J ACL Ski Club has planned its Ihird outing ot the season tor Mar. 24-26 at the ;\n. Shasta Rec­reation Area. Kei ShJbata IJ O 7· 15301 j,; In ch3rge o( arrangements.

Tbe skiiers hal'e lested the slopes cl Squaw Valley in January 3nd Reno ski area In February.

Nisei realtor MIDWAY CI'rY.-Dick Y Nerio. acll,·" Orange County J ACLer. is a member 01 the Orangc Count" Board of Rcaltor, and lhc National Association o( Re.1 Eglnle Bnard. He Is a 1957 gradua Ie of Uni". ot Southern California, having ma­

L. Frtinco. chairman oC the fes· (jyol mlernational I'DI'1\olpntion committee. T:lk Tsujlla, ehapler president, appoinled Mrs. Clady, Masaki as chairman of the chap­If!r's Camelii" Fcsllvol commltlce.

Last Saturday and Sunday, mony Issei and Nisei grolVers partlCi· pated in the Camellia Show at the lac a I Memorial Audjtorlum. ac· cordlng to Helen Ikeda. exhibits chairman.

Mrs. Grace Morimoto headed Ule booth decoration committee with Judy Ishihara. Miss Sacl'8' mento JACL at last year's JACL convention, and Midori HoshJkc ser ving as hostesses,

Miss Ishihara will ride in the huge Children's Camellia Parade on Saturday, Ma rch 11, and Japa· nese Consul Genarnl Masao Yagi of San Francisco has been In"Ited to parllclpate in this event ,

Queens of many nationalities and consular representatives of each country will be honored al a Fes­lival luncheon on thal day at the Sky Room o( Hotel E I Mirador.

Mrs. Masaki and Mrs, Yoshie TakahashJ fl'om lhe J ACL com­mittee are assisting the luncheon chairm an and will be in charge of table decorations.

11 Camellia lolk dance pageanl will be helt! at lhe Memorial Au­ditorium on the weekend of March 11 a nd 12 and Mrs. Yuki Miyao wll be chairman oC the JACL portion ot this event.

Long Beach JACL dance LONG BEACH. - The Long Beach· Harbor D.strict J ACr.. will hold its "Orienlal Fantasy" dan c e on Saturday. April IS, al Ule Long Beach Community Center. an­nounced Kei Mochida. chairman of Ihe annual spring ball. Admi.ssion will be S3.50 per couple or sl"g. wlLh ladies being admitted Iree.

Jored in mnrk<:llng.


Quaker scouts PHILA DELPHIA, - Aotlve Philb· delphia JACLer Sim Endo awarded 'he God and Country nward to :hree Qualeer scouts recenUy at the Falrhill Friends meeting. In add!­lion to leaching tt Quaker class, Endo serves as r~lillious counselor to the scouts o( his meeting.

ME RCHANTS SUPPO RT NISEI RELAYS DANCE 1 '1',1 Y'ill' NI I'i II< I,,) <\'""'n TfJkl Nahora Ilcll) ,ond Nts~1 Week 'I'''' n AI"'OIlI ralll ,,,Id "Inmo. I" Ihl' lIifl. 10 \)" l(lv.·n 01 the Nb"1 Jh:I,IY l:u-nr-flt tlnner Inmnnn\\' nlghl at Old 1)1. 1(.' Rrdlroum Till ml'rt'htl l HII I' till pl.I,)"'. ,"" bl'lng Ilf\.: ... ·nled b:.' 1.('1 Tuklo Un'tl mt'1'

eh"nl ,011,1 1,,,,ln.'Rmm'n. 'fIll' dune" I~ 10 ral •• fund, (ur Ihl: IIIUI NI,d Itcluyu plu/l/l~d t"r Muy 20.

INTERMOUNTAIN COLLEGIATE QU£EN The Intermountain Collegiae Students celebrate the start ot the spring semester each year with a "Sweelhearl Ball". This year. Lorraine Takeguchi of Hawaii and studenl at Colorado State College (second trom right) was selected the rcs SweeLhearl Queen. Her court included Annabel Terada (le(I). Colorado Slate Uni\'ersity ca ndidale. tormerly of Hawaii; and Florence Miyake (righl). Colo­rado University candidale from Alamosa. Diane Fujleki (second from letl) o( Colorado State College was the 1960 rcs queen. Judges were Sam · Matsumoto. Tom T. Masamori. Mrs. A1 Mullen and Min YasuL The dance. chaired by Joanne Yamaguchi, was held Feb. 11 at the Td-Stale Buddhist Church in Denver.

-Photo by Tom Masamori.

Radical starting procedure announced for No. Calif. golf tourney at Pebble Beach

SJU'I FRANCISCO. - For lack 01 a better name. the annua l No, Calif. Nisei Golf Assoclation's tour· nament al Pebble Beach Mar. 18·19 will use the "shol gun" startin~

method to enable all of its 131 participants 10 play on !he (amed but hazardous course.

Previously, it was announced that only a part oC the enlries would be able to play the course.

The tournamenl committee ex· plained that the "shOI g\ln" method involves nine foursomes slarting 0[( (rom the first hole 'and three foursomes each (rom the sixth. tenlh aad 15Ul hole at the same tJimc, These holes were selected as alternative starting points be­cause o( nearby parking facUities .

Wlth thIs syslem plUs "speed up" play expected (rom Ule po rtiei· pants. the 18 holes should be ne­gotiated by noon by the second and third flights on Saturday and the championship and !il'sl flights on Sunday, The other 18 holes \I-ill be conducted in Ule regular man· ner at Del Monte. as in previous tournomenls.

Because 01 tournament experi' ences in the past whet'e some players were on the Pebble Beach course as long as seven hours to complete 18 hole ~. "speed up" play has been suggested.

Course marshals hove bee n appointed to move (oarsomes along and each player Is being asked to move (ast between shots.

This year's tournament is under sponsorship of the Kasu",i. Spoon

allel' a (ew year's absence_ Those with five-handicap Include George Ura of Watsomrille, newcomer Ken Nagamatsu o( Kasumi and Yom Kobayashi oC Golden <fate. Mon· terey's Frank Shingu with a six· handicap is the oaly player to score a hole-in-one ih NCNGA tour· nament play.

This year's tournament. being

Nisei optometrists open second office in Clovis

FRESNO.-Dr. Frank Nishio and Dr. George Miyake have opened lheir Clovis oflice at the ne\\ Clovis Medical Center. I06-B Pol· tasky Ave. They also malntain ap ortlce at 1160 Broadway. hesno.

Both are native Fresnaos. active in Ule California and American Optomelrlc Assns .. and local civlr groups. Dr. Nishlo practiced in ChJcago aDd EI Centro belore join. ing Dr. lIUyake here.

Dr. !\1iyake is chairman o( !he National JACL Endowment Fund Committee.

Father·son share prize MONTEREY. - Both tnthpl' n'ld son. T. Satow and Yoshio Salow. landed 2 lb. I~ oz. !isne; to share lit'st prize '" the flnt Mon· lerey Penihsula J ACL pel','h d e rb~ or the season rccenll" There were 35 fishermen competing.

and Tee and. Cent~ry Oolf Clubs. Newspaper president or San FranCISco With Harlnn Ho-yokawo as chairm.1n. HONOLULU -Slale Sen. Yas~-

Pre-tournament (avorites (or low taka Fukushima was named presi' gross include veleran Frank Yoshi- dent oC the Hawaii Hochi, succeed· oka of Garden Cil,y Club with a ing Mrs. Michl yc Mnklno. who Ihree handicap who is parliclp.1ling .s retiring from aCllve ~el'\·icc.



228 East First Street • Los Aogeles • MA 4·2075

SWALLY'S Whll Mt l10ue 1I0ur next banquet with u.

T IIIlE£ ,8 NQUET !lOOMS f' INllS'II CUIMNI> AT II ,\50/>/ UI.S PnlClE8



U.t1 V~"loc Il,Iv.L, Los ","eles lfi - J\I 9.t4,19 Fllllrr.1 llira tors : oijl O/:,Aia - EddlQ 1. ,hlmatsu

Ylllaka I< "bolo

- Cal-Vita Produce Co., Inc.-

Lasl week, Ule Assembly Co"" rnittee 00 Governmental EUiclen~y ann Economy approved AB 801 by In 8-3 vote. The bill bas been r,,(e.red to Ule Assembly Wa>'s and Means Committee.

The bill prohJbils discl'imina tion on the basis of race. color. reli­gion. national origin or ancestry in the sale or renlal of hOllSln" and requires enforcement bv the Sta te Fair Employment Pr actice~ Commission. which presently en. forces non-diSCTimination ih em. ployment.

Th<: measvre bas the SUPPO~t 01 50 Jl\CL chapters In Californll.

h<;ld (or the first time ih March, is expected to be extremely difJi. cull with weather conditions un­predictable at this time of Ule year.

()aruma CAFE

Best ih J apanese Food Beer. Wihe and Sake

123 S_ San Pedro lit.

Los AlIC'des alA 8-08SI

............. .., .........................•.... -LOS ANCElES JAPANESE CASUAl n

INSURANCE ASSOCIA Ttoll -Comp~1e Insurance ProtKllo....-

AIHARA INS. AGY. Aihan·Omatsu-Kalrlla 114 S. San P.dro_ .... - .. MA 8-9041

ANSON T. FUJIOKA. Room 206 312 E, 1st .. IdA 6-4393. AN 3-110~

FUNAKOSHt tNS. AGY. FUMkoshi-M.n._ klI-MiISIlnaka, 216 S. San P.dtu

MA 6-5275, HO 2-7400

HIROHATA INS. ACY. 354 E. lst MA 8-12t5. AT 7-860S

HIROTO tNS. ACY. 318 l " E. 1st St. Rt 7-2396. MA 4-07S3

INOUYE tNS. AGY •• Norwalk-15029 Sylvan\\ood A .... .. UN 4-5774

TOM T ITO. Pasadtn.-669 D.l Montt SY 4-7189. MU 1-4411

MINORU 'NIX' RAGATA. Monl'~ P3Ik-497 Rod<, H.,.o ........ _AN 8-9939

SATO tNS. AGY. 366 E. 1st SI. MA 9-1'125, NO 5-6797

...... .............................. ... .... .. ... ... .. ...

Fugetsu-Do Conicctionel'/l

315 E .. First SI .• Los An ~de$ lJ!

~ lA s-s595


HE. 6· 0724


KADO ' 5

Oo .&K1 . e'1c;,wJ~:fttoOrL."i~ ~ FRm: DELlVRI\Y IN CITY

1318 Fen!<.U Ave. - UN ._

Detroit, Mich.

DVIhIf"i.1 CUmIn I luu e.1erctulln te ,.' rull,f ~ Vt'l(r,u,lile.

174 B. C!lntrnl Avt}, - Wholesale Terminal Market

Lo. Angele. MA 2-11595, MA 7.7038, MA 3-4504

Ask for •••

'Cherry Brand' I l\Jutu l l S U II P ~ Co.

11l. ___ 20_0_ 0 _._VI _ ~ _101_. ____ • Ihu J ··rauol~c o


" 4--PACI~IC <"11"1% N t:t1d~y, M~t h 1(1. 1761

Nat'l Board to meet Mar. 17 19 JACL membership at 60% mark of 1960 national lolal •

National JACl Board Meeting Agenda (Tentative)

~rch 17.19, 1961-Hayward Hotel . 6th & Sprln9 Sis., Los Angeles I

Fricl.y: M~r. 17-First ~ion , 2·5:30 p.m. I General "household" matters. including ,I brief run·

mwn of alional Committees chaired by members of lbe Board (or inclusion of problem items on agenda.

2. Colonel Walter Tsukamoto Memorial. 3. 'at'l .JACL scholarship judging committee lor 196!.

4. Lcelmer is lIC

5. Local legi lall\'c m;ollers-Washinglon alien lund law, CaJifl>rnia lagi.l:ttion, Idaho LsSCI voting. Arizona lanu law repeal. Colorado Jail barring non-l!iUzon workers ill esta))­

llshmcnts wilh liquor licenses 6. I ational recognitions-Uniform policy on second·

year chapter preSident's pin: further suggestions regarding Nisei o£ Biennium and JACLer of Biennium.

7. So. California regional director, Second Session, 7:3()'10:30 p.m.

Washington Report and Matters. 1. U.S. Army film footage. 2. ,{emorial plaque at ,\rlington Cometery. 3. Tax status of e\llcuation claims awards. 4 Government appointments. 5. Mandated legislation - immigration, Civil Rights,

Vested Propcrty.

SatvnNY: Mar. Ja-Thlrd Session, 9·12 n.

1. National Issei StolY Projed. 2. National Budget·Finance - General review 1960,

prospeds for 1961; quota system. review of "fair share" fOrmula; re\'iew of PC \lith Membership; problom of rebates: 1000 Club li£e memberships; reimbursement to National of·

Ikials on expenscs. 3. Endowment fund - discussion and recommendations. 4. National JACL personnel policy.

Fourt~ Seaion, 2·5:30 p.m. 1. Continuation of Budget.Finance as necessary. 2. Pacific Citizen-general picture, problems, policies.

Fifth $esaion, 7·10:30 p.m.

1962 National Convention 1. General program. 2. Format or nalional council meetings. 3. Suhject of 1002 national oratorical conlest. 4. National Convention travel pool. . ,

Sunday: Mar. 'f-Sixth ' SessIon, 9·12 n.

1. Deployment of National officials Lo district council con\·cntlons.

2. Rundo\\ll on National Committees, especially those ~d by members of the National Board (or problems and "'aestion.~: Administrative, Citizenship, Membership, Nat· to.! Planning, Program and Activities. Public Relations,

Youth. StYenth Session 2-4 p.m.

1. Unfinished business. 2. Additional matters, Adjournment.

" ~ Arameda JACt installs Hi Akagi for second term; silver pin awarded to G. Ushijima

ALAKEDA. - Fltty·two members acd 1U'! .. t.s allended the annual in­sc.UaUon dlnaer or the Alameda J a P 1\ n c s e American Citizens lA-acue held recently in the ban· quet room of th· G.ll""n rcS\811' ram at AI~mcda' ~ Pac,Uc Marina. . Ifl Akagl wa~ sworn In as presi·

dent or the local chapier ror his Jug Takeshita . 1st v.p.; George

second consecutive lerm. Other members of his 1961 cabinet In· Ushijima, 2nd V.p.: Yas Yama· ;hlta, troas.; Joan Narahara, r ec. tee.; Mrs. Francc~ Koike, cor. sec.; M rs. lilctty Aka!;l, nev. J1JII Fujlmori. M I~'oko FurullO, T aiZA) lmura , Mas Nakano, Mrs Nellie T .. k·'<.ia and JIlin Y"Mkura, board Jnl'mbi·n:.

Ma " Satow. national dirccWT, was II ... 1'f11lcip;,1 s~akl'r nnd instaD· ""11 oUltt·r. Major WiIlialJl McCaU .1><0 addres$ed the gathering.

In a special ceremony. Viclorla ShI.:cko Kudola was presented with the ~IOO check for winning the 10<:;;1 .IAC1-·, firs~ annual scholar. hip awa rd following her gradua·

tion from AlamC'da High School la"l June. Sbe Is pr~scntJy ottend. Ing Ibc Univ. of CalUorDia in Berkeley.

A surprlse rea lure of the eveolng was the pre,('ntation of Ibe JACL Silver PIn 10 Ceorlle Ushi)ima, lor. mer eb~pter president and chair. man 01 Lbe CUlTont membership campaign, for his long and out. nanchng service 10 the local or. ganI7..ation.

The Invocalion was deUvered by R<'V. Jun FuJlmorl of ille Buena Vista Methodisl Church. H a r u 0 lmura wa the loa stm aster.

Omaha JACL plans Issei recognition banquet

OMIIIIA. - An [,eel reCllgnlUon b;mquct In conjunction with the JACL T · ... 1 Siory Project Is being planned by Lhe Omaha JACL, II wa, d~rJdcd at Ihe J anuary board meeting of U.e chapt"r held II I ,It~ home of Mr and Mrs. Robert N'akadol. ,

Servlnr( on th~ ~ommJttcc arc chapt". pre,ldenlMlkv Waumobe. Bob N'ak:odol, Pat Okura. Manuel I'ofal.unaml and Ka;< IkebOlU.

A tentative date of April 14 was lnnounccd.



~ . wr .. ~ In tile proces. or makin, .ddrllS~ pIaU. tor our J~ CL- mtmber . ubKerlhrr., dUIlIl. eillon of Paelllo Citizen I'Rues ,oin, 10 lilt .. me addre .. may IrUle, A . ub_crlber rocelvlnl' mort than olle copy should re­POri bnlh "emu "nd addren •• I •• bown on lIIe label. v'a po.t­oard 10 that the dUlllJoaUon Oln be COueoUd.

p CJF1C CITIZEN CirClulROon n~

Hayward Holel site of deliberaljons, bul closed 10 public; Friday supper and Saturday luncheon 10 allow only socialiZing

The lD61 JACI. memberphlp ligures 8. ot MarCil 1 were 9 G15 Or about 60 per cenl 01 lnst yc~r" to tal, according 10 National Hena. q U8rlcrs. :lluny of the chapter. are wlndln!! u~ the currenl year', campaIgn llils month 3nd the AJ)I'jl fIgure L~ ". Pccled 10 be ncar 17,000.

F;luhl mnnlh h" v ~ plI. cd since m~mbcI ·. or lhe Nnllonlll JACL Board and Slarr mel 10 Imploment UIO mandol('s 01 lh" Nnllonnl Coun· cll th,t wos convenl"" In Socrn· menlO 1n -t y~ar

Nexl week al Ihe Hn..vward HOiI'I In downlown 1..0:; AnlC~le s , Nollonnl JACL President f 'Tonk t'. Chum all 10"'1. ollllin with his boord anti stort 10 rl'vlcw current poUcles ond prol<'c\,;. TIlt. I. the second such board mccUng, the first being Ileld

• , .\ .11. LlI Snn Francisco. Herelofore, Ihe l'nUtc bOO)" 01

the Notional Boord mul oltty durin. 'he e\lcn,"umbered yeors In con· JWlcllon with Ille notional IXIllven· Ilons. At the 1058 COllvenUon, the del C II ate $ approved 0 PoeUic >outhwesl DIstrict proposal to have ,b~ ~ntlonnl boord meet annua11~'.

The meeting Is scbeduled to slarl

01 2 p.",,, t .'ldny. Mor 11 nnd adjourn Sunday, Mar 19, by 4 p.m , There will be sevea 8 e~slonl .. nboul IIl1 co·hour. ench. Bonrd 11embcr< 11'111 be Illtests 01 the Downtown L,A. JACL 1000 Club mcmbl'" 1"rldhy eyonlnjt at Ihe Snn Kwo Low and or Ihe Lo~

Anl!ulc JACL CoordlnolinA Council ror the Snhtldny lunehcotl nl thl New C lntfi. JACLcrs nre welcOrlle 10 lhe SnlurdllY IUne"hon,

All m('mbc .. o[ the boord and stnf!, except lor Tom I!JYQ ~hl 01 :o.l~ I YO"k, lellal eouns"l, Ar" pion. nlng 10 III lend, making 22 o(tldnl~ In full·tlm~ ulloudonce. TlIOY o~e :

FrLlnk Chumoll, pres.: Pntrlek K. Okuro or Omahn, 1st v.p.; George Sugnl or Payelle, Idnho, 2nd v.p.: William Matsumoto 01 Sa~ramenlo, 3rd v.p. : Kumco Yo­shlnorl or Chicago. !t·cas.; Jerry

Reactivation of White River Valley JACL under Puyallup Valley chapter hand nears

l'ACOMA.-Ono of the cbaplers 10 be organi7.ed allor the tlrst Nn Uonnl JACL COl1ventlon In 1930 nl ;"atUe, the old Wh Ite Rtver Volley Civic LeaGue Is on the Ihreshold of roactivaUon.

TIle Puyallup Valley JACL Com· mlttee on ElCparuolon cOllduoted an InlUal meeting of Interested Jopn· nese Amol'lcan resldenls or While EUvor Valley on Feb. 2,t A second necllng ror Mar. 17, 8 p.m .. al he While River Buddbj,;t Cburch.

hns been schedUled. prosumnbly l.G lOmplete Lbe requtslles sUpulated In the naliono.! J ACL eonstilutioD 'or orRunl7Jng n chapter.

A new c1Jnpter Is rcqulroo 10 mbmlt a peUtion signed by 2!i 01

-nore American cltlzens, 18 year$ 'f age <lr over, indicating they ;ubserlbe 10 Ihe purposes 01 the IACL. 11 must alSO have a set I[ olllcers. the president being al ca.'t 21 years olnge ; 0 constitu· Hon and set of by·laws , whieb 3re acceptable to the National Board.

'The npllli~nLlo n ror a charter is lecompanled by n $10 inlUalion {ee, mnual chapter dues of 510 and hotional membership fees for theu nembers.

With over 80 Japanese American ramilies in the White River Valley area, a majority of them have sbown interesl and 38 have signed the petition for a charter with mor~ expectoo to sign. according 10 Dr. John Kanda, chairman oj

Rep. Schweiker to speak at Phila. JACL installation

1110 ExpansIon CommlUco, A nomination committee was M>

pointed, comprised of: Wlllle Mnebori. FrAnk NaUiiuhnra. Ed

TnnllkR. Ktro.h l .N'lIkClyamA. Joe N' .. ahhno to. Fred Dodobnra.

The 38 10),0 signed the peiition were:

CCOfQ'C ArlmR. Mllsuo Arline, Frnnk ArlmA. Ray Kt voh~ r(l . Shlg~ru Mura·

~~ll . .J;~f.C ~~,1~n J~'j~~~~~k~~ TnJlkn,wu, Mnkl Ynlnndu, Sauce S,..i· moJlma. Mrs. GeorGe KAndA. Oeot:gf IV Kldo. M. lltkldo, WIlIl.m Mnpborl Ken Tluflknwn. Mlyoko 'rsuJlkowa. T r.WlkAwn, Joe Nl5htmoto, Hlro.hl

~~~k:~~t s.V~tlro Jt ~~I~I;:;~. ~~r: ~ Kldo, Rouert HtrQll8kn. Frank Okl~ molo. Frcd Dodobarn. S. Tanaka. Ed TonnkQ. J am(l'S KOlllOlo. 1S.1",U Suy~, rnatsu. Geo r~ t: Kflwasnk l. T. Chlhau S. Iwol. ~1.lt M.lkoml, K.jl !'Iorll<.n. and George lido.

Bob Mizukami oC Puyallup v .. l· ley extended gre<>tlngs from the Paoi(lc NOI'ihwesl Dlst.ricl Council. Toru Sakab8l'8, past na\Jonal sec· ond vlce·presldent, brougbt IIreel · ings of National J ACL, an~ o~· pressed his opinion of the need of a JACL In White Rjver.

Other re ports were 10 ade by Frank Natsuhara. finances; Dr. John Kanda, cbapler buUeUn; l;{ip Tsubota. Seattle JAC!.,: Dr. Sam Uchly~ma, Puyallup "aUey JAC!.; Frank Hatlori , 1000 CI]Jb ; Tak Ku· bola and Tom Takemura. anti-alien land law ; and Richaro Hayashi, Issei ,story.

Arter ihe quesUon and answer period. which fOllowed, W h Il e River residents seelJlq<i tc? show more intereslln organlzin~.a JACi. c1Japt.cr.

Tom Ism, now of ,Snake lliver Va,l.Iey JACL in Ontat'lo( O,e., and a past president of the , White Rjver Valley Civ , leL~gue , urgj!d tile ceactivation of tile chapter ln a letter which was read at the meeting. .

Upon reactivation, White Rjv~r PHILADELPHIA. -Congressman Valley will be the 86th cllapter RlclJard S. Scbweiker. wbo bas be· in the national.JACL, the ..six\b ill gun his first term in Congress. the Pac i f I c Northwest ' D lst~~t was annQunced as the main speak· Council and tbe third in the State er for the Philadelphia J ACL in· 01 Wasblngton. stallation dlnner-<lance scheduled Another group In the State 01 for Saturday, April 1, 6:30 p.m. Washington bidding 10 become the ai Valley Forge Hotel In Norris·' 81tb chapter Is the former Col ~ m. town. bia Basin JACL of Moses Lake,

Schlvciker. a young dynamic inactive for several years. speaker who attracted public at-I"nllon because of his well or· ganized campaign ln the R epubli· can primary, Was reeenUy named the Housc Committee on Govern· mcut OpemUons.

ED(·MDC confab ­theme announced

illn<>molo ot Tracy, sec.: Fronk Hnltorl or Seulllo, Looo Club chmn.; elghl dis trict council chairmen: C<!Ol'lIe AzumnllO of Portland, Pocl. tic NorthWest; Henry Koto o[ Soo JOie, No. Collr.·Wesl . Ncvad~ ; MI. klo Uchiyama or Fowler, Central CaU[ornln; Kay Nnkoglrl or Bur. bonk, PlIcllle Southwest ; Joe NI· bloka of Idaho Folls, Iniermoun.

taln: Mlnol'u Yosul of Denvcr, Mountoln.Plnlru<; Joe Kadowokl 01 Clevoland, Mldwesl: ond Wllllom M"rutoul oj Philadelphia, Easlern: board mcmblll's Dr. Hoy Nlsh.lkawo or Los Anll"I", and Shl" Waka. mutsu or Chicul(O.

Stolt personnel: Mosoo Solow, naUonnl dlreclol'; Harry Honda . PRclllc Cltlzcn editor: and Mlkc Mnsaoka. representing J ACL In Washington.

All moetings are closed executive sessions (or Nl1lionnl Board and StaH members a nd those who were ortielallY InvIted by the Nallonal President or National Dlreclor , Those attending In addlUon 10 Na. lIonal Boord members Include ,

Aklil Yosblmurn, chapter lialsoD lor the [ssel Siory Project: Yone Satodn, asst. naVI treasurer, who wlll be visiting In Los Angeles al the Ume for the Saturday session on fina nce; Fred H1rasuna, al· lend ing on CeDe expense tor Tak Naito. who will be tho 1962 CCDC chairman ; 1')r. Ceorge Miyake, cha.lrll1an of the Endowment Fund Co.mmttiec; Sa bur 0 KJdo and Georl(e Inagakl, former naUonal presidents.

MIke Masaoka nod Joe KadowGki are schedulod 10 arrIve by plane Thursday evening next week. The remainder wlU arrive Ihe follow· Ing day between 10:30 and 2 p.m. A majority 01 them will leave Sunday evening after the board meeting Is adjourned. Joe NIshioka and Kum<!O Yoshlnarl ore staying over lor a day.

PARLIER AWARDS FOUR SILVER PINS HiGhlight o[ the fl'Cenl Purlier JACL's 251h annlvcMlnry cclebr"l lon was th" presentotlon or the JACL Silver PIn tor devoLed service al the chapter lovel (or al least 10 YClltS to ((rom lc(t) nalph Ki­moto, Mrs. SilO Mly"k~wa, B)'Td Kumataka Ilnd Jnm "~ K02.uki.

Silver pins awarded to four Parlier members at chapter's 15th anniversary

PARLIER. -Approximately 100 membcl'& and guest.5 witnessed the presentation or silver pins 10 James Kozukl, Byrd Kumataka, llalph Klmolo and Mrs. Sue Mlya. kawa for thoJr long service 10 the Porller JACL Chapter al the 25lh Anniversary Dinner held Te· eenily.

New 10 e m b e r s honored wero Mrs. Mldori Kogo, Mrs. Belty l sekl, Messr •. and Mmes. James Golshi and Nob Takasakl.

Pas t preSidents and honored Ruests were intrOducoo by Toast­master Ronald Ota who kept Ihe group in high spIri ts throughoul the evonlng with his reperloire 01 jokes and experiences.

PrcsWent Kengo Osuml extended

greetings and gave a brlCl his lory of the local chapLer .

Under the capable chairmanship of Harry Kubo. the dinner was a huge succe!s. The ver';alllc cllalr· man "urprLed lIIe ga thctlng by entertaining Ibe Issei present wllh his rend il ion ot Japanese songs. A barbershop quartet composed 01 Orumi. Kubo. Bob Okamura, and Harry Naka ta abo added 10 Ibe cntertalnmen\.

'Through Ibe el/orlq of ilo Oka­mura, AuxlUary chairman, and her hard·worklng committee. a dell· cious dinner of turkey. ham and all Ille trimmIngs was enjoyed by all present.

Door prizcs were won by Min Doi and Mldori Koga.

Intermountain Jr. JACLers organized; elect Mt. Olympus youth as chairman

CALDWELL, ida ho. - Ben Kawa· Idaho Falls and Mt. Olympus are kaml or Mt. Olympus Jr JACL to be selected. The constitutional

IMPERIAL VAllEY JACL was eleoled pres ident o( the lnler· committee plans 10 meei at Po-mountain Jr. ,YACL DIstrict Coun· ca!cllo in June 10 adopt the roc

INSTA'llS GEORGE KODAMA cil at Its tlrsi tormal organJzational Jr. JACL constitution and by·laws. meeting hl! ld Feb. 18 at the Boise 'The mceting was called 10 order

AS 1961 PRESIDENT V,allcy J.ACL Hall here. by Fuml W.atanabe,· Mt. OIYJlt"PIl8 EL CENTRO. _ 'The Im pedal O!!'er orJleers elected lor the Jr. JACL presidcnl, who was elee\" Valley JACL Mid Its annual in. conllng year arc Ann Kanom~ta ed acting chairman last OClober stallallon dinner on "'eb. 'n al 01 PO":'!tello, v.p.; Dean Rayas~ldb I when junIor groups i~ lbe IDC

•. o[ Boise Valley treas.; Marilyn decided 10 discuss organizing at the EI OaSis In EI C~nlro . Kawakam.i or Mt. Olympus, sec. lhe distriot level. Carolyn Inouvc

w:r~C~n~~e~n?~lo ~~r JO~f~~~~~ ~~g. Kns Inouye of Boise Valley. ~~:tar~I>'1lIPUS was temporary

George Kodam a, pros.;' Ken Ma s~· Inouye was appointed chairman . . mltsu, 1st v .p.; George Hoshizaki, of the conslitutional ClImmittee and 1i was a separa te gatl\er!ng IT?m 2nd v,p.; Gene Shimamoto, treas.; will be assisted by Jr. JACL Ihe regular IDC q.uartedy session and Cra.q~ Kuoil ~ki, sec. presidents wllo were present : J an bemg hosted by BoIse Valley JACL.

Plans were disduSllea [or tDe an· Iseri. SMke River Valley; Sharon Ann Kanomata presented a b~lel nUa'1 spring pJenic 10 be held in Kalo, Pocalello; Ken Ham a d a, rundnlYn of the Jr. JACL pbase the ncar ;future. ' Boibc Valley. Repre.entalives !rom rJf the IDC convont"'n hdn.~ --;-....:...----------:......:..:.::..::...-..:.::..:.::....:.:..::....:.:==:..:.:=-::;..:.: planned for Aug. 25-26. Boise Val-

GUIST COLUMNIST: ley .TACL hosted tltl! welcQrne mixer and potluck dinner for youl~

How Do P~rents View Youth Programs? delegates. Mrs. Mldori Furushiro and Mrs. Rena Yamashlta assisted.


" File 13" - ~bln Nlc.hibel Los Apgeles

• .. as It was pointed out ill the (PSWDC chapter) elinlc 00

youth activities, tltere are all kind> of Nisei.

B"elng discussed at the clinic was the almost imposslbiliiy of getting parents 10 support J ACL and the youijl activities, There are chap­ters that coord inate the programs, pick up and take the boys to the ball parks, pick them up when practice of Uie games are over and deposit them salc at home. Then a t the end 01 tbe season, a wards and dinners Sl'e givCl1 the playel's.

• • • Issei Story co-chairmen lem. Alter years of non·support and a going program, the youth appointed by West L.A. committee members. bogged down Wesi Los Angeles JACL Pres!' by the work. called a meeting of parents. They stated, "We've had denL Akira Ohno announced Mrs. it. If you wanl this fine youth Grace Niwa and Mrs. Aya Ya· program 10 go on, you'll have to buta are co-c.nairmen or the chap­do some of the work. We quiL" ter Issei Siory Committee. 'Th.e

The parents were intelligent survey of the community is ex· enough 10 see a good thing and pecled to be completed by the end said . " What can we do?" of May.

'The parents were 1o1d of their P rizes. eggs ond prolesslonal responsibilities also aDd decided 10 talent are in slore for youngsters C31TY the load. Now. as far as participating in the community I can galher, the parents arc run· Easter Egg hunt on Easter Sun· nJng the program th"t their $Dn. day. April 2, 1 p.m .• at SLoner arc ln, and lhe youth comm.ittce P.taYll.rOlln~, it. WaS .announced by

.. JJro MochizukI, c1JaU'man o[ the

Six mort' chaplers- E~~I l..os An. geles, Florin, Gre<!Iam-Trnutda]e, ImperIal V(llley, nell<) and Sequoia -ha ... e ClCCOC-dtd lhelr l!lGO memo bershlp;! to boost the cu.rrent IOlnl of CnJl?leu In tbl. catcgOTY 1.0 17.

IWno' 45 Is an aU·tlme high ror the lone Nt'Yad~ chapteT_

Olber chllpters reaoblng their all·11me hljlh earlier this yen r a rc 511 11 pU ~ hi1f1l Iheir mark upword They €Ire Contra Costa, nb"N (\f

221: Monterey Penin3ula, 20\6; Sail Jo e. GG4; San Fernando Valley, 108; and l\'Jllwaukec, las.

II goes without ~ay ing Iha~ U aU the cllopters repeat ihelr il!/l<l performance. on Ihe basIs of lilt ,nerea ,es rogistered thus far w!tb Ihe 17 chapters surpassing I~ I year' lotal. but It would s till 1)£ shaN of the l1,69$ aII-l1me high of 1959.

In the .March report, San Fran· cisco JACr.,. stUl leads with 857. roll<>wed ~ San J ose's 664 and Salt Lake City's 468.

The Northern CaHrornla·Westem Nevada Dl!;lrlct Council has turned In 51 per ceni or Ihe current na· ttonal membership with 23 out O! 25 chapWrs reporilng.

Mental health subject of SCin Francisco Aux'y meeting

SA.'I FRANctSCO.-'I'ho San Fran· cis~o JACL Womens Auxlllary bUSiness meellog is .cheduloo for Fridoy. Mar. 17. at the Bucbanan and Sutter .lit. 'YWCA al 7:30 p.m.

Aller a: sllort bu..lnes meeting. Barbara Nagareda will introduce guesi speaker. Dr. Marjory FUns. bee, psyehiatTist and affiliated as consultant to the Stanford Pre8by. terian Hospilal out·patlent cUnic. The subject of Mental Health and related Iopies or particular In· tel'Cst 10 tbe modern women if on the evenlng's agenda.

Mrs. Mary Okamoto and com· mittee will serve rerreshments.

All female mc.mbcr. or the JJ\CL and their friends are expected to attend.

. j;

Items tor this column were Ir.leaned (rom file variou.s JACL c hall t e r aew ~lI: tle", r •• dved wllhin (he Ila ~ t two .... k~.

• • • Twin Cities UfL

.JIm SlI&'Imura. RelU7 Makino an.- .JuDi Kawamura, ski Instruc­Iors, travel every Saturday to Monl du Lac in Duluth 10 teach some 250 children from nine through 16.

Vicl< Sasaki was elected prcsi. dem ot the St. Paul Halrdresser's ASSl\.

Leaving (or Calirornia soon are the Ben. SeDzak! family 10 Los Angeles and Datch Vemoto family 10 Fresno.

Puyallup Valley JACL f

Duffy Yamada, Slate prep wresU· illg champion at 105 lbs. last year, of Fife Hjgb Is competing in the li5-lb. closs state meet at Washing. Ion State College this year.

William M. M"rutani. EDC ch~ir· m~n and an atlorney by prolessilln, will a Iso address the group.

Dancing to JImmy Ray's orches· tra will [ollow at 9p.m.

Rescrva Uons arc 10 be made by Mor. 25 with Dr. Stanley K. Na· gahashi, 20 E. But Ie r Avc., Ambler, Pa .• it wa~ announccd. Admission 10 the dlnncr-<laoee will be $5 per person. $2.50 for youUu; ages 15·18. $4 per person only [or the dinner; S3 per couple and $02 single for dance only.

MINNEAPOLIS. - "Aellon on D~ The coaches contribute Uleir cislon" will be the theme o{ the tinre, talenl and gasoline in thi. fourU, biennial joint Eastern·Mld· phase also without pay. Oh , some west DistTiet Council conventioo chapters ba nd them a white en 10 be beld here Sept. Lo<!, accord· velope a t the end o[ the season ing 10 tbe Twin Cities UCL, h·ost. but. i! you know chapter budgets. chapler. you Know how small tile board

The convention committee is members try to keep the amount plannIng an interesting and lively they pul in the- envelope. four-day Ilathering lor JACU~ and Well, anyway, one answer onE Jr. J ACLers, A s ide at\l'aal;i61l cJlap{or got from one parenl it during the weekend will be tne ' tl'led 'to sign up lor tbe J ACL wa ~

annual Minnesota Stale Fair. "Why should I join the JAOL? My

members are lakmg Jt casy. A, Wc,,1. L.A. JACL-sponsored special weU·needed rQst, sball we pui il? e'·enl.

Living with JACL: by Saburo Kido

Dr. ami Mrs. SOlD Uchiyama are proud pnrents fby adoption I of a second child, this time a girl. Dr. Uchi..vama is chapter membership cllairman.

For the Nise' Women

Hollywood -(Continued lrom Front P age)

Mrs. Chuman; tbe new chapter president and Mrs. Taomae; the olJtgoing presldeni and Mrs. Suzu· kl; PSWDC chairman and Mrs. Naka~irl: JACL Coordinating Coun· ell chairman Ceorge Fujita ; and JACL Cbrlstmas Cheer chairman and Jr. Chamber o( Commerce president Jim Higashi.

Serviog with 1'aomac will be: Gcorge Sallo. v.p.: Fusae Yamada. sec.; Mlw8 Yaoamoto, troos.; Kon Sa 10, 1000 Club ohmn. ; and Mlkl Fukushima and Mrs. Mildred Miya· hara, membership chmn.; and lhe (ollowlng membcr~ of Ule board 01 directors:

George !\ral<tn!, Jobn Endo, Fo· ml [walJ<lkl, Blanche Okamolo, 1iJ. rONhl Urdlsu. Kaz Wal<tnabe, Mrs. Amy I htl. lhe Rev. Cenr"' .. Akl. James Kondo, Larry Nlsblbara, and Frank Kumamolo.

Suzuki Join. the board In an ex·olliclo capacity with past presl· lIenl& Noboru Ishlloni, Arthu,' 110, Art Endo. Danor Ahe. Pllul KA' waleaml, and Hldeo Jzumo.

'The event. chairmnnned by Mlwn Yonamoto, concluded wIth dnnclng ond eamuraderle.

'Phe t«bleB were boauUfully dec. ora ted with flowers dona ted by members Mt and AlltO 110 or Flowor VI"w Oordenl, while u eokc from Grace Poatrles, appro­prlalely Inscrlbcd, graced the head table. Ccorge Izumi of Crace Pas. tries also dllnnted the two cokes pro.onted as gifts while H~rb Mu. rayama or Nisei Trading donated door prlz",. Lucky tlaket holders took home the cakc ai the head table <Iud the nOWUfS on cucb table.

Convcnllon headquarters .will be Ji Ule IICwly expandcd Hotel ~ a d·

dison in downtown Minneapolis . BecaUSe of lhe State Fall'. the host chapter suggests early reser·, vatlons. '

Reservation information may be obtained Crom Mlyeko Ito. 4617 Lyndale South, Minneapolis 9, Minn.

D.C. JACLers view films

on problems in human


BY E~ULY moutm WASlliNGTON. - Movies dllOl1n ~ wIth problems III hum.U1 communi· co lion lea turing Dr. " 'vins Lee 01 NOl'thwes·tern University we r e shown lit the genera l moetlng oJ the Washlnglon, D.C. , .JACL on Feb. 25. 'The flr Olt IIlm, lltled "'The Man Who KnOWN It all," presentcd the problem of the closed mlnd­one which Is contenl wllh its own simple unders tandings , is no longer reoeptlve 10 unlomillar concepts. lIInd. therefore does no ~ grow or creale.

In the ~econ d tIlm, "Why Do P c 0 pie MI~under~tbnd Enoh 01lIer?" flr Uoe c~" lor ~' the ways In which l.nguQg~ r«lIs 10 be a proclse, stable nnd tlnt/orm means or communlcoLion for ~ts

uscrs. HI. conclusion Is that, to unders lnnd a mono ono m LlSi be wllHnlt to go beyond his words 10 Lhe Intentions and potnt or Vie" underlyIng them. 'MIe tlittl s ,were Introduced to tho nudlence by Ruth Kurolshl, program chairman,

1n tho business portion or tho meeting. Fronk Boba, chairman 01 th ~ c:bllpler's committee tor Ulil

son is pla'yhi.g (or you on the base· ball leam!"

The parent thQught that by her son playing on the team, he wa~ doing the Chapler a favor. I tb.in' it should be the other way around 'Po put- it bluntly. the chapter (ecls that by ilie son playing on fll~ team, the JA:CL is doing him and his mother a {avor by keeping him OC[ tbe s1reels, providing him wlU, a wholosomn a thlelic program, providing hi~ mother with a "baby· sitte r" lind all thR t jal.2..

Tha t's about what ii amounls to. A bally·siUing service. as far as the parent Is conccrned.

Another chapter delegate related how his eha'pter solved lis prob·


PLANS PERCH DERBY U'hc 6CCOIld onouo l Hollywood

J ACr. parol! derby will be held on Sunday, Mar. ~9, at Zuma Bea cb centra I parking 10\, re· ported chalrmon Fronk "Match" Kum omolQ,

The cvent will give chapter m embers and rrlcnds a ehance 10 go~ out nnd try 10 dcUlrone defending ohilmp Joe Suskl\ Ku· mnmolo sold . Suskl won the last outlnll al the same site with a 2 lb. 4 ouneer. ,

To prepare su1table prIzes. Ku· mOl\loto u8 k ~ 1I10se plnnning 10 compote to call him at NO 3·7697.

Issel·Nlsel Siory Projecl and r member or the Voloo ot Amerlcf sia ll, reporled that hls group II a1 present collecting materl,,1 or early J opaoclo oisoelllllons In lII' 0 181rlot of Columbia and on th; mony Nisol nOlli workln/-! In thl fe<\oral goveoruneut.

ran W: Conclusioll

Anyone lObo can keep clippings for ove1' 30 years deserves a pal on the back. I am certainly gra tciu I 10 Mrs. Sumi S. Yokotakc lor loaning me m aterials which have helped me 10 have a clearer picture of those days back in 193o. 31.

From the calling card which she used. Sum3 Sugi went to Washing· lon, D.C. as a representati\' e of Nallonal Headquarters. The ad· dren \)Tas -lit 115 11" S. San Pedro St., Los A n~Clcs. The reason for this was obvious. Under Ule Con· sU Lution adopted at tbe 1930 Na· tional Convention, the chapter president 10 bold the nexb national convenLion was ex-o[1iclo the Na· tional President. This meant 'tba l the naliollal hcadqu81·ters was in Los AnGolos.

Tbo homecoming bllll'lllcL Iwld on Ma'l:h 25 In hcl' hnnor, sev ral people spoke. such as Scl FuJII, Vloe·consul Toyedo, Louise SlIs1<I, K . T a nlgo ~hl. H. Tomlo ond N. Toyamn. nepresenUng the press, MMRO Dodo or Ihe Rnlu Sh lmpo nnd Henry ShlmollOllchl or the Rn(1! Nlehi Bel spoke.

RegardIng hel' trip to Washing· lon, Suma told bow she was graciously recelved by members of the Japanese Embassy and m e e t In II Ambnaslldor Dcbuehl . With tetlers or Introduction, she met Repl'esenlat!vo Crall, CQn· ' rcsswomnn F' lorence Kohn 01 San F'rnnol~CQ, nnd RepresentatIve 00' '10. Rurclvlng ~ pass to. the \01 ~i·

tor's gallery, she saw how the 'esslons 1Y01'e carried oul In Con· gross.

Wh ile In WashIngton, she ",Islted the White House where she SO IY

the blne, red Rnd green I·OOmS. >he IVOS Impressed by thc fael hnt sevoral Japanese dolls were 'xhlbllecl In one or the Toom •. rbese doUs WUl'e pr~ seu led Lo Mrs,


First Nisei Lobbyisl

1'h15 Narrl s·Ewing pholograph was taken in Wa 'hlnglon, D.C" when MIss Sugl lcibblq(l Cor the Cable Act amendmenl In 1931.

• (tooscvelt, wi fo o( the lute Presl· denL Theodore Roosevelt by one 01 tbe mlni~lc .. s.

Clarence Yamagata was the presIdent of the Los Angeles chill> tel'.

Tile Ul'bllllHe

In the moga~lne, The Urbanite, thore Is a nice slory about h9r boekground which may be interest· lug to our rendel's who may be wonderIng whal kind of a person wenl 10 Wnshtngton, D.C. 10 appear belore the Congressional commit· tees. [11 the March, 1931 issue, it ~tatcs;

"An American clti2.en 01 .Tara nese extraction, bo.rn and edul·~t.d in CaliforDfa. and a reconl <:lIesl at the MarttnJquc, Is ~t1 ss :;uriUi Sugi. Upon her eraduaLion from the Unive.r.;U.y 01 Caillortlia, she \'!sited Japan for the fl n."t time. Since then She has de\'>Jted a con· sidel"able time 10 lectures on Ibe customs of lb. Japanese J)eOole based Opon .... er personal observa· tiOIlS. -

"In. accord!lnce with her I'crsaLite character Miss Sugi bas worked as a U,S. census enumerator. as well a s being employed os 3Jl in­te.rprctet at the U.S. lmmlgrotioo Office in Los Angeles. II might be well t.a add, that she has workoo witb much success 011 a voealiona 1 f8search proj~ c t at tbe Leland Stollford Uni\fcrsity. under Lhe snpervlsloll 01 Or. E.K. Strong, ; Jr.

As n representative or the 1..ol' Angeles and SouUlCrD California Clllzens Leasuc. she b RS bad Ihe '''1i)()rtl1nlt~· Q! vlsitinR. [or the rir,,'t itmo, the li!allon's Capital. Thl~

Islt, she claims, hIlS been mos t enjoyable und Inturesting througb the mlU1Y courlesies extended 10 ber by her home State, Congres •• mnn Crall and Evans, and Coo· gresswomon Knbo, (\S weU as Con· gl'essman ClIble, or Ohio. P rovided I\ ~ th special privlloce letters to the Capfaln -pI the WatcIJ and to the Secretary or the White House. MJ. Sugtl has enjoyed manltold advantages <lver the olbcr count· less number,l ,o[ visitors who pOur in dally In was.h.lngton, D.C."

Mrs. Yokotnke and her husband are both working tor Ule Los An· geles City BoIU'd of Educallon. They have no chi1d r~n.

It may inljlresi lb. readers thol the Los Angeles chapter's interesl was on a lourlst party to J apan. As far a I am able 10 ascer ~ the proj~ct did nol Illtl \erlnllze.
