LEADING DURING Letting Your Inner Leadership Emerge


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Letting Your Inner Leadership EmergeBy Adam White, Human Potential Expert, Author, Speaker

3 Things to do During Crisis

Leadership Speaker & Human Potential ExpertADAM WHITE

During Crisis:

Keeping a good attitude, being productive and remaining calm are ways you can model leadership in front of others

Be the role model that refuses to let this virus beat you. Refuse to quit working on your dreams and goals. Choose to give 100 percent everyday

Others are watching our approach and our attitude during crisis right now

Be the Role Model. Be the Change.

3 things to do during a Crisis

Be a Role Model

Be a role model

During Crisis:

Wellness is not just for you.

Wellness has everything to do with how you respond, how you treat others and how you exemplify leadership in every domain of your life

Wellness physically, mentally and spiritually will determine the outcome of your life and results

Are you focused, centered, logical, patient, kind?

Be Whole by Practicing Wellness

3 things to do during a Crisis

Practice Wellness

Practice Wellness

During Crisis:

We are entering the digital economy and online learning era

The online learning industry will grow to over $300 billion by 2025

Develop a new skill, talent, or mindset

Prepare yourself not just for today, but for the future

We may never see our country and economy quite the same after the effects of COVID-19

3 things to do during a Crisis

Develop a New Skill & Mindset

Develop a new skill & mindset

Wellness – Daily Habits & Routine5-Step to Daily Wellness & Progress

1Drink 8-14 ounces of


2Workout / Stretch

3Pray / Meditate /


4Create to-do list with

time stamps

5Work in Blocks to

Focus & Get things

done© AW Empowers, Inc.

Perception and Perspective

Leadership Speaker & Human Potential ExpertADAM WHITE

Perception & Perspective:

Take a sober, down-to-earth view of the reality of the situation

Don’t slip into denial to cope with hardship, crisis or changes

Prepare yourself to act in ways that enables you to endure and outlast the season of change

Perspective and PerceptionSee things as they are

See things as they areAcceptance of Reality

Perception & Perspective:

When hard times strike, refuse to see yourself as a victim or ask, “why me?”

Construct meaning for yourself and others out of the crisis or change

Use meaning to build bridges from your present to a better future

Those bridges will make the present manageable by removing the sense of overwhelm

Perspective and PerceptionFind meaning

Find MeaningA deep belief held by values

Perception & Perspective:

When crisis comes, be inventive, creative, innovative

Make the most and best of what you do have

Put resources to unfamiliar uses and see possibilities that others miss

The real music is created when you improvise and leave the sheet music

Perspective and PerceptionContinually Improvise

Continually ImproviseModify, Adjust, Adapt

Strengthening Your Resolve

Leadership Speaker & Human Potential ExpertADAM WHITE

Synonyms: Noun

Decidedness, decision, decisiveness, determination, firmness, granite, purposefulness, resoluteness, resolution, stick-to-itiveness

Strengthening Your Resolve means…

I am drawing a line in the sand

Strengthening your resolve

Strengthening Your ResolveRe-solve

Crisis Develops Leadership Character

Leadership Speaker & Human Potential ExpertADAM WHITE

“Leadership is the ability to influence others through inspiration, not manipulation; to be self-motivated by a vision or purpose, self-disciplined, and governed by values, morals, and principles.” - Adam White, Author, Speaker, Human Potential Expert

Developing Leadership CharacterWhat is leadership?

What is leadership?

Developing Leadership CharacterLeader vs. Manager Mindset

“managers think of the next position”“leaders think of the next generation”

“managers have a short-term view”“leaders have a long-term view”

“a manager thinks about the bottom line”“a leader things about the vision”

“managers don’t want to rock the boat”“leaders turn the boat over and builds a new one”

Leader vs. Manager Mindset

Developing leadership:

Crisis comes to test your leadership character and ability…

What do the following have in common?


Crisis places a Demand on your Potential

Developing Leadership CharacterTest of leadership character

Crisis tests Leadership Character

“Leadership development is


- John G. Agno, Corporate Executive & Author

“To educate a man in the mind and not in morals is to educate

a menace to society”

-Theodore Roosevelt

Abuse of power, privilege, and trust; misuse of resources; corruption; and hypocrisy have become associated with leadership today more than at any other time in history

Developing leadership:

Leaders without character

Leaders without character

For some, the problem is that leadership has become a role one plays rather than a life one leads. Contemporary leaders are attempting to divorce their personal lives from their public responsibilities

Developing leadership:

Leaders without character

Leaders without character

1.How has this crisis/change developed your character, mindset, or perspective?

2.How can you use this crisis/change to develop more leadership skill & ability?




Letting Your Inner Leadership EmergeBy Adam White, Human Potential Expert, Author, Speaker