Law of Distraction


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  • 8/14/2019 Law of Distraction


    Law of Distraction

    Ok, I have to admit it I was taken in by the idea of the Law of Attraction, the idea of

    intent and the concept of Co-Creation but only so far as to know what is going on.

    Here we have Deepak Chopra, Oprah Winfrey and others espousing this as a solution to

    all lifes shortcomings. All things that one desires are at our beckoning all we need to do

    is want it correctly and not sabotage our own desire. For many it works. For some it

    does not and those it does not work for seem to think they have been left out of a cool

    party. Can the Law of Attraction bring us things we want? Oh yeah it can, when it is

    supposed to. What if it is not supposed to? What could be stopping it? We are and on


    The idea that the only reason we live an uncomfortable existence is because we arenot asking correctly for the comfortable stuff is asinine. The idea that life is a resort

    where we expect to continually live in the lap of luxury with all days being a sunny day

    and everything working the way we want it is seriously twisted when give the true

    purpose of life.

    Life is a challenging game that we are here to escape and overcome. It is an oubliette

    of sorts and we dont leave till we learn the secret. That is not The Secret. We have

    been dealing with an archrival since our consciousness was spit to intentionally create

    duality to further our growth. When I say our I mean the one being from which all

    things come. We are singular. Ego is the illusion generator that gives the observer the

    appearance of separateness. It is merely an appearance.

    Ego rules the physical and it is the Satan that we are dealing with. It is the one that

    divides and sets us against ourselves. It is the thing we thing is us but is is not. We are

    truly an observer and ego has tricked us into believing that we are the ones who have the

    power and free will to do what we want. I agree that it appears that way but that is not

    the truth. All power expressed in this simulation is done on behave of the observer and

    not by the observer.

    Chopra would have us believe that we have a soul separate from God and that God

    helps us create that which we want. That is the height of human arrogance and vanity!

    How is that possible when we are all the same being? How can we Co Create when we

  • 8/14/2019 Law of Distraction


    are singular? This confusion is introduced because of a basic misperception about the

    form, function and purpose of our lives and the purpose of the Universe. Why that

    confusion persists is also a necessary and purposeful part of the life lesson we experience.

    Run on down that road and there will be a lesson and it will not be comfortable.

    Nothing is done against the will of the observer. How is that possible? Well we exist

    with blinders on. The most important blinder is that we are not permitted to sense what

    we truly are as that would defeat the purpose of what we are doing here. An observer

    face is tasked with gathering experience from a specific area or zone within the greater

    world experience. Because this observer is God as an individuated facet of the many

    eyes of God then it is put into a life on purpose and with Gods/Self/Observers full

    permission to experience a specific life track and harvest experience and knowledge


    Since escaping the game is a primary objective, after the experience is harvested, one

    needs to understand that control of the ego is key. Ego hides the fact that we are one by

    controlling our physical senses. Mastery requires control of the ego. Say we came here

    individually to experience specifically what it is like to live a meaningless life in poverty

    and obscurity. We may be here simply to learn what it was like and to provide an

    interesting backdrop for others in the simulation. How does having all the money,

    houses, wealth etc. achieve that objective?


    Say I am Oprah Winfreys observer within and I came here specifically to make the

    game more interesting by providing a nuance trap to keep people in the game longer. We

    would not ride a boring roller coaster or enter a boring game. It must be challenging and

    to ensure that the game keeps up with the skill levels we develop it must evolve to make

    sure the escape is very narrow. Religion, Government, Science all did a good job

    concealing the doorway out but now we need a new level. Here is the new trap: Ego

    throws you a bone. Normally Egos function is deception, repression and the creation of

    negative reinforcement. As we grow and see ego as a threat it counters to throw us off

    the trail. Here we have successful people who lesson was to provide the substance and

    bait for this distraction.

  • 8/14/2019 Law of Distraction


    We spend money on these books and DVDs and dutifully try to get it to work. When

    it fails then it must be something we are doing wrong. We are sabotaging it and we need

    to clear it and that is the reason it does not work. Sorry folks it is a scam. I suppose

    some need to fall for it because their path lies in a different direction. These special folks

    do not want to be reborn into this game again. They want out so before they came into

    the game they said allow nothing to distract me from that goal. So here comes a man

    selling magic beans that wont grow for us. Can we not see how distracting this could be

    to our true objectives? Not only that but we beat ourselves up because we dont get what

    we want. Ego, Ego, and Ego then has met it objective, once again, by creating negatively

    reinforced lessons.

    When we base our happiness on physical comfort and the acceptance and adoration of

    others then we simply distract ourselves and seldom discover that ego is the enemy that

    need to be controlled and we need to fulfill objectives that are a bit more meaningful the

    how much colorable money we have.

    Would Oprah or Deepak ever explain to people that colorable money is a contract that

    makes people slaves of reprobates? No. Would they explain to people that meditation is

    a distraction that can reduce ego but it cannot control ego? No. Would they teach people

    how to establish a tangible relationship with that which men can God? No. Why? They

    would lose their gravy train. They are celebrities and they need followers to hold them

    up and to harvest. Lets look at their names:

    Deepak is a Sanskrit word meaning lamp (diya), or source of light. (From


    Really? He is a lamp or a source of light? We are our own source of light thank-you. I

    have seen many a moth find their end in a lamp.

    Oprah is Hebrew for fawn or young dear. Fawn has another meaning also that to me

    seems more accurate. From

    Fawn - /f n/

    verb (used without object)

    1. to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor: The courtiers fawned over the king.

    2. (of a dog) to behave affectionately.

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    Now if Oprahs purpose is to do the masters bidding then she would be rewarded would

    she not? I do not see Oprah exposing the roots and source of the tyranny that grips the

    world so really what is her function?

    If one is wealthy then it serves a purpose and they have that wealth because of the

    particular lesson they are here to learn and nothing more. If one is poor or destitute then

    they are here for a challenge and they will learn what they are here to learn. We just need

    to realize that we are here for a reason and pursuing physical comfort is an ego trap that

    does win the game for us. It only delays us from our goal. If one is truly looking for the

    way out then they should be looking for way to suppress the ego and allow the Self to

    take control of the experience for their benefit.
