Laura McCoy. rRNA genes are a multi-gene family Located in the nucleolus of the cell Genes are...


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Laura McCoy

rRNA genes are a multi-gene family Located in the nucleolus of the cell Genes are found in tandem arrays rRNA plus ribosomal proteins form

ribosomes Mitochondria and chloroplasts have

their own rRNA genes

In prokaryotes: 23S, 5S,16S In eukaryotes: 28S, 5.8S, 5S, 18S

1. Find orthologs in closely related species (Vitis Vinifera and Fragaria Vesca)

2. Blast ortholog sequences against blueberry genome

3. Analyze hits

18S (partial sequence)• GQ849399: 6 hits (454 sequence)

16S- most likely chloroplast rRNA• AJ639615: 20 hits (454 sequence)• AF143264: 6 hits (454 sequence)

Mitochondria (complete genome)• FM1798380: 500 hits (454 sequence)

**note: sequences found on rRNA database:

EU024825: working draft sequence• 8 unordered unordered pieces• 43 hits (454 sequence)

**note: sequence found on rRNA database:

5S• No hits found (454 or Illumina sequences)

23S• No hits found (454 or Illumina sequences)

**note: sequences found on

Conservation of rRNA gene sequences between closely related species • 18S, chloroplast, mitochondria

Sequences of all rRNA genes in strawberry and grape are not available• 28S, 5S, 5.8S

Stutz, E., and Noll, H. 1967. Characterization of cytoplasmic and chloroplast polysomes in plants: evidence for three classes of ribosomal RNA in nature. Biochemistry. 57: 774-781.

Velasco et al. 2007. A High Quality Draft Consensus Sequence of the Genome of a Heterozygous Grapevine Variety.
