Launch of the Products


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  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    Nebibe Varol, Joan Costa- Font, Alistair McGuire

    Do International Launch Strategies of

    Pharmaceutical Corporations Respond toChanges in the Regulatory Environment?

    Working paper No: 19/2010 October 2010 LSE Health

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    Do International Launch Strategies of Pharmaceutical Corporations

    in the Regulatory Environment?

    Nebibe Varola, Joan Costa-Fonta, b, Alistair McGuirea

    a LSE Health, London School of Economics and Political Science, Londob European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science,

    Working Paper No. 19/2010

    First published in October 2010 by:LSE HealthThe London School of Economics and Political ScienceHoughton Street

    London WC2A 2AE

    Nebibe Varol, Joan Costa-Font, Alistair McGuire

    All rights reserved. No part of this paper may be reprinted or reproduced or by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter

    photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieve syspermission in writing from the publishers.

    British Library Cataloguing in Publication DataA catalogue record for this publication is available from the British LibraISBN [978-0-85328-460-4]

    C di A th

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products



    This paper investigates how regulation impinges on the launch strategies pharmaceutical corporations for new molecules and generics across the mduring 1960-2008. Comprehensive IMS data is used to analyze the internmolecules from 14 different anatomic therapeutic categories using non-paanalysis. The paper focuses on two main regulatory changes that reshapedsubstantially: the US Hatch-Waxman Act in 1984 and the establishment Medicines Agency (EMA) in 1995. We find that legal transaction costs hon timing of launch. Stringent market authorization requirements for new

    products in the US after 1962 resulted in a significant US drug lag in the pharmaceutical innovation vis--vis Europe during 1960-1984. However,the 1984 Hatch-Waxman Act proved effective in closing this lag. A moreregulatory approval process has reduced barriers to entry in Europe enabl

    pharmaceutical products, yet a marked pattern of delay in adoption of inndue to local differences in pricing regulations. New molecule launch stratfirst in higher-priced EU markets as a result of threat of arbitrage and pricthe member states. Finally, the impact of price controls on the launch timinnovation translates to the adoption of imitative pharmaceutical productsonly to new technologies but also to cost-saving substitute products.

    Key words: international drug launch, drug lag, pharmaceutical regulatio

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    Abstract .....................................................................................................

    1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................

    2. DATA AND METHODS .....................................................................

    2.1 Data..................................................................................................

    2.2 Methods .............................................................................................

    3. RESULTS..............................................................................................

    3.1 Trends in the Adoption of Pharmaceutical Innovation....................

    3.2 Trends in the Adoption of Generic Products....................................

    4. CONCLUSIONS...................................................................................


    Appendix ...................................................................................................

    References .................................................................................................

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the regulatory environmen

    launch strategies of pharmaceutical corporations across the main OECD m

    2008. How regulation affects adoption of innovation is a question open to

    especially in highly regulated industries such as the pharmaceutical indus

    processes are protected by intellectual property rights. Although several s

    carried out, the existing evidence in the pharmaceutical context is limitedis the role of the timing of new drug launch, which is typically carried ou

    companies following some corporate strategy. Paradoxically, the impact

    products within a therapeutic group has received even less attention. Exp

    bioequivalent products in the near future, rising concerns over cost conta

    push for genericization makes timing of generic launch a question of inte

    pharmaceutical industry and the policy makers.

    Normally, firms facing a competitive environment would like to launch n

    (NCE) as quickly as possible into several markets while the product is sti

    protection to amortize the substantial R&D outlays. However, there are a

    hurdles that firms have to overcome before commercializing a new drug p

    is that manufacturers have to prove the threefold requirement of quality, s

    new molecules which is estimated to take around ten years of pre-clinical

    (Permanand 2006). The second hurdle typically includes the review of th

    by the regulatory authority (FDA1, EMA2 or any national authority) and

    authorization (MA). Finally, the third hurdle following marketing approv

    reimbursement (P&R) which involves negotiations between manufacture

    regarding the price of the new product and its reimbursement status. Price

    arguably delay launch through the negotiation processes alongside the re

    of delaying or foregoing launch in low-priced markets 3 (Danzon, Wang e

    Non-homogeneity in these hurdles across markets results in launch delay

    i li i f h d h h i l d

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    and results in higher expenditures on other forms of medical care and co

    health care (Kessler 2004; Wertheimer and Santella 2004). Innovative me

    economic benefits through fewer work days missed and lives saved (Lich

    Lichtenberg 2003; Hassett 2004; Lichtenberg 2005). Delays in the launch

    could be costly to the pharmaceutical industry through reduced market ex

    returns to R&D and eventually fewer innovations4.

    Generic products are by definition bioequivalent, and therefore perfect suquality grounds), to their branded counterparts that usually claim substan

    the marginal cost of production5. Generic entry following patent expiry is

    efficiency and competition in the drug market; however, the main hurdle

    the cost of bioequivalence tests which have been estimated to be significa

    average costs of safety and clinical evaluation6. Generic imitations largel

    efforts of originator firms, which enables them to compete solely based oadoption of generic products, therefore, carries significant importance to

    efficiency and stimulate competition (DG Competition 2009).

    The analysis in this paper draws upon an extensive database on the timing

    pharmaceutical molecules along with the entry of bioequivalent competit

    several contributions to the literature on regulation and changes in corpordata used in previous studies is mainly restricted to specific, small time p

    the most important dimensions of market dynamics, the timing dimension

    products, has been traditionally left out of the analysis of drugs. Finally, t

    corporate behaviour with respect to two main regulatory changes that resh

    entry substantially: 1) the US Hatch-Waxman Act in 19847; 2) the establ

    European Medicines Agency (EMA) in 1995 along with the adoption of t

    procedure that grants a Community marketing authorization.

    The organisation of the paper is as follows: Section 2 describes the data a

    l i S i 3 di h l f h l i l i h

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    2.1 Data

    The IMS data used in the analysis contains quarterly sales in dollars and

    molecules from 14 different ATC groups and 20 countries89. Additional

    global and local launch date of drug products, pharmaceutical form, anato

    of the product, the distribution channel of sales (hospital vs. retail), and p

    of the drug. The markets in the dataset comprise the majority of the globa

    and are all based in the OECD except for South Africa. Results are report

    pharmaceutical markets comprised of the US, Japan and the EU5 (namely

    France, Italy, and Spain).

    Multi-country drug lag studies apply several criteria to identify significanmolecules that have launched in the US and/or the UK as an indication of

    significance and potential for global launch (Parker 1984; Danzon, Wang

    studies find a direct relationship between the therapeutic contribution of a

    likelihood of achieving widespread introduction (Parker 1984; Barral 198

    suggests that most one-market new chemical entities (NCEs) do not simp

    countries more slowly than others, but that they are never going to be widtheir marginal therapeutic advantages. Molecules that have not launched

    are excluded to avoid any potential bias due to one-market molecules and

    molecules with potential global importance are considered. Hereafter, thi

    of molecules is referred as US&UK molecules.

    In addition, a global molecule set comprised of molecules that have diffumarkets on the database is defined. These two sets provide a means to co

    for molecules with different levels of international spread and to assess w

    systematic difference between the two. For brevity, the results for US&U

    reported Findings for global molecules are broadly in line with the estim

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    generic launch both in the US and UK. The US, UK, Germany, France, C

    are among countries that had the greatest number of launches whereas Po

    Belgium, Sweden and Turkey had the least number of launches. The high

    molecule launches occurred in the US, UK, Germany, Canada, Poland, A


    Table 1 Number of Molecules by Period of Global La



    [60-84) 385 214

    [84-95] 194 90

    [95-08] 266 46

    TOTAL 845 350

    2.2 Methods

    Launch times are the most important information to feed a non-parametri

    advantage of nonparametric approaches lies in that it provides a good fit f

    without any prior assumptions about the functional form of the failure tim

    place at the molecule level, whereby subjects are defined as potential mo

    The failure event is interpreted as the launch of a given molecule in the d

    failure indicator is set to one if the molecule launches in the given market

    molecule is censored (i.e. does not launch by the end of the observation p

    The time to failure event is defined as the time lapse from the first global

    molecule (the onset of risk) to the date of launch in a particular country (t

    launch date is the first date the molecule launched in any country in the IM

    drug products may differ with respect to the local launching corporation,

    local launch date of each molecule is defined as the minimum launch date

    of the same molecule in individual countries. Missing global launch dates

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    the onset of risk for molecule launches due to unavailability of data to iso

    these components.

    The risk onset in the case of pharmaceutical imitation is defined as the da

    generic product of a given molecule launched in any of the twenty marke

    informative to carry out the analysis by considering generic delays follow

    expiry dates. This approach was not followed because expiry date is avail

    data and in 56% of these cases expiry date exceeds local launch by more

    could be due to the presence of copy products in some markets, launch of

    known as authorized generics) or errors in reporting the expiry dates.

    2.2.1 Non-parametric Kaplan-Meier Estimates

    The survivor function estimate , the probability that the subject

    estimated by (Kaplan and Meier 1958):

    ( )S t

    ttj j








    where 1 1Pr |j j j jp t T t t T

    1, )j jt t jn


    is the conditional probability that the

    interval . is the number of subjects at risk, is the number

    are the observed failure times. The estimate of the survival f

    product of conditional survival probabilities over all observed failumolecule launches) less than or equal to time t.


    tt ,..., 21

    The standard error for the Kaplan-Meier estimate is given by Greenw)( tS


  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    based primarily on the median delays. The median survival times are e

    for molecules by period of entry into the risk set, i.e. first global launch d

    1995 and 1995-2008. This framework allows the comparison of the evo

    lags both across countries and over time. Since the cut-off points of 1984

    two major regulatory changes in the US and Europe, their impact on t

    assessed comparatively using medians before and after these cut-off valu

    3. RESULTS

    3.1 Trends in the Adoption of Pharmaceutical Innovation

    Evolution of Median Delays over Decades

    Figure 1 shows the trend in overall median delays for US&UK molecules

    markets from 1960 to 2008. A marked acceleration in the international dipharmaceuticals is observed. While the overall median is 11 years for mo

    launch in 1960-1985, the median drops to 4 and 2 years for molecules tha

    1995 and 1995-2008 respectively (see Table A.1 in the Appendix for the

    countries over time). The significance of this trend is tested by a Cox pro

    that controls for the period of global launch. Coefficients are estimated bo

    with country fixed effects and a random effects Cox model with shared frcountry launches. Both the fixed effects and the random effects indicate t

    is significantly higher for molecules that first launched during 1995-2008

    1995. Similarly, the hazard is higher for molecules that launched in 1984

    1960-1984. The Hausman test that compares the fixed and random effect

    indicates that the fixed effects model is the correct specification (p-value:

    fixed effects specification launch in 1960-1984 decreases the hazard by 4

    2008 increases the hazard by 82%, both compared to launch in 1984-1995

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    Figure 1. Overall median delays with respect to period of














    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9years

    US&UK Molecules

    KM Survival Estimates by Period of First Launch

    The acceleration of the international diffusion of pharmaceutical products

    the evolution in barriers to entry as a result of changes in the regulatory e

    increasingly global and interdependent market environment. The increasi

    of pharmaceutical corporations as evidenced by the spread of the manufa

    innovative R&D activities to different countries has overcome prior geog

    Harmonization of safety and efficacy and marketing authorization require

    has contributed to a reduction in regulatory costs (Busfield 2003). The fo

    the survival estimates for individual markets in the biggest seven pharma

    describe in more detail the regulatory changes that may explain the evolu


    3.1.1 1960-1984: Stringency in MA Regulations and the US drug lag

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    aligned their marketing authorizing procedures for increased safety and e

    1960s and early 1970s (Permanand 2006).

    The debate about launch delays extends back to 1960s when the main con

    significant US drug lag compared to the main EU markets, mainly as a re

    stringent US regulations. Wardell, a pharmacologist, coined the term dru

    awareness of the unavailability of new drugs in the US, and stressed that

    therapeutically important drugs as well (Wardell 1973; Wardell 1974; W

    studies by Grabowski (1980), Berlin and Jonsson (1986) and Kaitin (1989

    Wardell (Grabowski 1980; Berlin and Jonsson 1986; Kaitin, Mattison et a

    The survival estimates in this study for molecules that launched first durin

    findings of the early literature that the US market was relatively disadvan

    adoption of pharmaceutical innovations as a result of much stricter requirapproval. The survival graph in Figure 2 shows the probability that molec

    country occurs aftertyears following global launch, conditional on the fa

    not launched in that country up to time t. Hence, it takes longer for count

    survival curve to adopt new pharmaceutical innovations. The median surv

    point at which half of the molecule candidates have launched, is given by

    survival probability is 0.5.

    Figure 2. Survival Estimates: 1960-1984






    Molecules with global launch during 1960-1984

    KM survival estimates in years

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    During 1960-1984, Europe is found to be leading in the introduction of ph

    innovation. As expected, free price countries such as the UK and German

    with a median delay of 3 years and are followed by Italy, France and Spa

    lag of 3.5 4 years. The US lags behind the slowest European market by

    has the most dramatic delay of 12 years, which can be attributed to geogr

    predominantly domestic nature of the market, especially in a period when

    of pharmaceutical corporations was relatively limited.

    3.1.2 1984-1995: The US Hatch-Waxman Act and Stimulus for Innovatio

    The Hatch Waxman Act, also known as the Drug Price Competition and P

    Act of 1984, was enacted to compensate for the loss in effective patent lif

    development. The Act extended pharmaceutical patents for the time lost i

    regulatory review, but the entire patent term restored was restricted to 5 y

    restored patent following FDA approval was restricted to 14 years. In addintroduced a five-year market exclusivity period for NMEs such that once

    generic manufacturer cannot submit an application until 5 years after the

    and thus cannot enter the market for at least 5 years. These amendments e

    innovators to recoup some of the revenue losses due to regulatory stringe

    main aim of the Act, however, was to maintain incentives for innovation

    generic entry. Although the impact on the brand-name drugs is somewhafrom the literature suggests that stimulation for innovation resulted in inc

    and R&D intensity (Branes 2007).

    Figure 3. Survival Estimates: 1984 - 1995

    0 7



    1.0Molecules with global launch during 1984-1995

    KM survival estimates in years

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    Survival estimates in this study indicate a stark improvement in the US fo

    product launches vis--vis Europe (Figure 3). The median delay in the US

    8 years to 3 years following the enactment of the Act whereas the corresp

    leading markets of UK and Germany was on the order of one year only. W

    second slowest market to adopt new pharmaceutical molecules in 1960-1

    the US becomes one of the leading markets along with the UK and Germ

    present a clear indication that the 1984 Act has generated a more favoura

    market entry in the US and suggests an increase in overall R&D activity i

    pharmaceutical industry.

    The remaining markets in Europe also experience faster introductions aft

    the medians in France and Italy decrease by 3 years (to about 3.5 years).

    in the Spanish median delay is more modest and can be partially attribute

    patent protection for new pharmaceuticals before ratification of the TRIPOverall, Spain and Japan emerge as the slowest adopters following the 19

    trial requirements are the core factor for the Japanese drug lag and the ex

    corporations from the Japanese market. According to a study that analyze

    during 1981-1993, the second influential factor is the price regulations sin

    lowered launch prices and the life cycle sales of drugs launched into Japa

    Patent term restoration in Europe was enacted only eight years following

    In 1992, Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC) extended the protec

    pharmaceutical products in the European Community (EC) by 5 years fol

    15 years of protection from the date of first market authorization in the E

    years after patent application as under the European Patent Convention 14

    profit life of products as drug sales are generally highest during the perio

    In addition, the SPC prevented generic companies from engaging in R&D

    which essentially ensured a longer shelf-life for branded products and pro

    innovation. The relative delay in providing financial stimulus for innovat

    i i h EU ld b ddi i l f h l i h d i

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    market authorization has been streamlined by the establishment of the Eu

    Agency (EMA) in 1995 although a complete harmonization of the pharm

    taken place. This was a significant step to speed approval times across Eu

    to suffer from increasing number of applications as the industry grew and

    issues became more complex. In addition, EU Directive 2004/27/EC intro

    of data protection for 10 years across the EU and precluded the launch of

    the expiry of the 10-year period.

    A centralized approval procedure, which grants a Community-wide autho

    Member States, would increase efficiency by obviating the duplication of

    market authorization process and saving an annual expenditure of $350m

    separate approvals from individual member countries (Annon 1994). The

    however, does not apply to all products. It is mandatory for all biotechno

    optional for innovative chemical drugs provided the product offers a signscientific or technical innovation15.

    After 1990, the pharmaceutical industry witnessed further harmonisation

    on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) in 1994

    intellectual property rights and provided significant financial incentives f

    blocking generic competition until the expiry of the 20 years patent life ascope of patent protection both to products and processes (WTO OMC 2

    International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements fo

    Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) has aimed to achieve greater harm

    application of technical guidelines and requirements for product registrati

    and Japan to reduce or obviate the need of duplicative testing in the R&D

    Figure 4 shows that the median delays continued to decrease throughout

    response to the harmonization efforts across the biggest 7 pharmaceutical

    differential delays have not been eliminated totally17. Most of the molecu

    i h US f ll d b l h i h f i d E k f G

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    implications on the extent and timing of launch via knock-on effects on fo

    external referencing and parallel trade within the EU; however, the availa

    (Danzon and Epstein 2005; Kyle 2007; Danzon and Epstein 2008).

    Figure 4. Survival Estimates: 1995-2008

















    0 1 2 3 4 5 6

    Molecules with global launch during 1995-2008

    KM survival estimates in years

    The relative launch delays in Europe suggest an ordering with respect to p

    pharmaceutical products. Figure 5 illustrates the correlation between med

    bilateral price indexes with respect to US prices for 200418. The correlati

    significant at the 0.01 level. France and Italy seem to have a comparable

    median delay of around two years. The median lag in Spain has decrease

    1995 but it still lags about a year behind France and Italy. The lack of pro

    for new pharmaceuticals before EU membership contributes to launch de

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    the patent protection landscape19. In addition, Spain is one of the major p

    EU due to its relatively lower drug prices, which are further pushed down

    price cuts imposed on pharmaceutical prices. The delay in Spain, therefor

    pharmaceutical firm strategies to avoid parallel trade (Kyle 2007).

    Figure 5. Bilateral Price Indexes with Respect to US Prices vs. M

    (for ethical branded products in the retail sector)

























    0 3 6 9 12

    US&UK molecules during 95-08

    2004 Price Index (US=1) vs Median Delay (yrs)

    Note: Bilateral price indexes are calculated by considering common

    the US and the respective country, prices are weighted by the US V

    The Japanese drug lag extends to this period as well although the median

    decreases by two years with respect to the previous period This is parado

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    drug prices (see Figure 5). Nevertheless, the Japanese pharmaceutical ind

    predominantly domestic and uncompetitive.

    Japanese regulations for new drug approval have required Japanese clinic

    the efficacy and safety of the drug even if foreign clinical data is availabl

    ethnic variations in responses to medicines. In the past, all three phases o

    carried out on the Japanese population, which has driven launch delays in

    factors such as language barriers and longer times for patient enrolment in

    Japan adopted the ICH E5 guideline entitled "Ethnic Factors in the Accep

    Clinical Data" that recommends the use of foreign clinical data for new d

    one additional bridging study21 showing that the drug will behave similar

    population. According to Uyama et al. (2005) new drug approvals based

    Japan have increased from 3.2% in 1999 to 25% in 2003. Tabata and Alb

    companies are increasingly trying to leverage their operations globally inof the Japanese efforts to comply with the trend for globalising clinical tr

    2008). These developments suggest that the drug lag in Japan can decreas

    (Uyama, Shibata et al. 2005).

    Ranking countries by median lags, countries may be characterised as lead

    Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Finland, Austria, Switzerland) and laggaSouth Africa, Poland, Portugal, and Turkey). The remaining countries (Fr

    Australia, and Spain) rank as intermediaries with the rank dependant on t

    global launch. The laggards and leaders, as defined by countries with med

    below the overall delays, are similar for the global and the US&UK mole

    extent of the relative lag is shorter for the truly global molecules as is exp

    molecules have diffused to all markets and have non-censored survival timin all markets may indicate higher therapeutic or commercial importance

    A S b A l

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    EU. In order to compare relative delays for molecules that obtained centr

    molecules) with those that did not (non-central molecules), data was colle

    approved molecules from the EMA website (EMA publishes information

    Marketing Authorization as a European Public Assessment Report). This

    combined with the IMS database to estimate delays within the EU for mo

    global launch post-1995 (see Figure 623).

    Figure 6. Delays with respect to central vs. non-central approv














    Median delays for Central vs Non-Central Molecules in EU5

    (Kaplan-Meier estimate for Spain not available, the restricted mean wprovides a lower bound for the median is reported; EMEA: Moleculecentrally approved by EMA)

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    molecules can be attributed to the elimination of differentials in regulator

    well as a potentially higher therapeutic/commercial value of the centrally

    Central approval speeds up the introduction of molecules in laggard coun

    Italy and Spain. Spain exhibits the most dramatic reduction in median del

    years to 1.5 years- among the five main European pharmaceutical market

    approval. For France and Italy the reduction is on the order of half a year

    EU procedure is compulsory for all medicinal products derived from biot

    high technology processes. If the product does not belong to the designat

    for central approval, companies can submit an application for a centralize

    authorization, provided the product offers a significant therapeutic, scient

    innovation25. A more homogenous cross-country launch for central mole

    indicates that on average European patients have more equitable access to

    priority from a health policy perspective-at least to the extent that these d

    comparable times (the take-up and access post-launch may introduce furt

    access due to differences in reimbursement policies as well as cultural fac

    3.2 Trends in the Adoption of Generic Products

    The lags in generic entry across countries depend on differentials in paten

    market exclusivity as well as originator firm strategies to block or delay g

    Due to unavailability of data to control for patent expiry dates or originat

    estimates provide generic lags as the time elapse between the first global

    and local generic launch for a given molecule-country pair. This measure

    a relative measure of differentials in the timing of generic availability acr

    Evolution of Median Delays over Decades

    The trend in overall median delays for generic molecules that launched b

    1960 to 2008 is similar to the case in the cross-country diffusion of pharm

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    Figure 7. Overall median delays of generics with respect to period


    1995-2008 1984-1995












    0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28years

    Generic molecules

    KM Survival Estimates by First Launch Period

    In parallel to the case with innovative molecules, fixed and random effect

    impact of the period of first launch indicate that generics launched signifi

    The Hausman test comparing fixed and random effects indicates that the

    specification is correct (p-value 0.154). First launch during 1984-1995 is

    times faster hazard rate compared to first launch during 1960-1984, and f

    2008 is associated with a 6.5 times faster hazard rate compared to first lau

    The significance of the difference in the median delays across decades ca

    the non-intersecting confidence intervals of medians estimated by Stata 1

    acceleration in generic adoption over time can be mainly attributed to new

    and EU that have enabled generic drug development before patent expiry

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    fact that UK lags behind Germany during this period by about 3 years (se

    exact figures). Also, generics reach Japan relatively fast during this perio

    relative adoption speed of innovative molecules in Japan.

    Figure 8. Survival Estimates for Generics: 1960-19


    US UK
















    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

    US&UK generic molecules with first launch during 1960-

    KM survival estimates in years

    3.2.2 1984-1995: The Hatch-Waxman Act and Improved Generic Access

    The Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984 aimed to facilitate generic entry by elim

    of duplicative testing required for generic substitutes while ensurininnovator firms through patent restoration (Wittner 2004). As the most

    1984 Act allowed generic manufacturers develop generic drugs befor

    originator product (often referred as the Bolar clause)26. Generic pro

    reference the originators safety and efficacy data obviating the need t

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    Figure 9. Survival Estimates for Generics: 1984-19



















    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

    US&UK generic molecules with first launch during 1984-

    KM survival estimates in years

    Figure 9 shows that the pattern of differential lags during 1984-1995. Com1984 three main differences emerge. First, following the provisions for qu

    the Hatch-Waxman Act, the median delay in the US is reduced by 4 years

    about 10 years). Second, the Japanese lag for generics increases by 4 year

    Germany show equally fast generic adoption with a median lag on the ord

    Finally, France, Italy and Spain follow with a median delay of 14-17 year

    3.2.3 1995-2008: EMA and New Generic Legislations in Europe

    The period from 1995 to 2008 witnessed important regulatory changes in

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    generic companies for special arrangements with originators as a means

    of other generics27. Gregg-Schumer revisions included forfeiture pr

    generics company under risk of losing the exclusivity if found to


    Changes in the European Generic Legislation

    Europes fragmented market structure has presented a major barrier to g

    to the US market where federal law applies uniformly across dif

    2004/27/EC has aimed to remove some of these barriers by updating Dir

    the US Hatch-Waxman Act, the legislation was intended to balance th

    pharmaceutical companies and generics companies. Directive 2001/83,

    law governing the manufacture and trade in pharmaceuticals, had flow

    generic-product definition and allowed branded companies to withd

    before generic entry.

    The new laws introduced a specific generic definition. One of the mo

    generics companies was the Bolar clause permitting generic comp

    development work within the EU during the period of patent protmolecule. The practical impact of the clause on the timing of product la

    because wherever the development is carried out, generics cannot be l

    expiry. The main benefit however is that companies could maintain gene

    the EU28.

    Under the new legislation, the same product can be used as a referen

    everywhere in the EU even if not registered in particular countries. This

    unification of European generic legislation. An additional benefit of the

    originator companies withdraw a brand before any generic versions are

    can still use it as a reference product. Finally, the establishment of the

    direct impact on generics companies. However, the centralized proced

    provided that the original is approved through the centralized system (Wi

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    similar to the pattern for innovative molecules (Figure 4)29. New generic

    proven effective in the EU in further reducing the generic lag. The fastest

    markets with relatively high originator prices (the US, UK and Germany)

    prospects for imitative products. The median delay for the leaders is on th

    with a reduction of 5-6 years compared to 1984-1995. More regulated ma

    France) lag by about 5 years behind the leaders, with a median delay of 9

    significant reduction from 14-17 years in 1984-1995).

    Figure 10. Survival Estimates for Generics: 1995-20

















    0 2 4 6 8 10

    US&UK generic molecules with first launch during 1995-

    KM survival estimates in years

    Japanese lag for the adoption of imitative products is not as dramatic as f

    molecules; however, Japan is still the slowest market among the biggest s

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    Similar survival profiles for new molecules and generic products indicate

    impact of price controls on the launch timing of pharmaceutical innovatio

    adoption of imitative pharmaceutical products. The launch patterns show

    access innovation later but also face temporal disadvantage in terms of th

    saving generic products. To what extent this is balanced by lower branded

    open question for further exploration.


    This paper has sought to provide an overview of the evolution of the drug

    innovation (new molecules) as well as generic copies across the main OE

    regards to changes in the regulatory environment during 1960-2008 using

    methods. This is the first study to provide a descriptive evolution of relati

    of markets over a lengthy period of time and a comprehensive set of mole

    innovative products and generic copies.

    Lower transaction costs due to reductions in geographical barriers and low

    (harmonized market authorization procedures, strengthened IP rights, pat

    have exerted a downward pressure over time on median delays in individ

    overall delays across the main OECD markets. All markets experience a

    time for median delays following global launch. With the wider use of th

    over the coming years, the delays in the diffusion of pharmaceutical inno

    may be further smoothed out. However, the relative lags across countries

    for new molecules and generic products due to the variety in pricing and

    regulations. In fact, an important finding is that the negative impact of pr

    molecules translates to a later generic availability which suggests that reg

    access to new pharmaceutical technologies but also creates opportunity c

    through foregone savings due to later generic availability compared to fre

    the impact on overall welfare however would require a comparison of sa

  • 7/31/2019 Launch of the Products


    Relatively free-priced European markets of Germany and the UK30, whic

    pharmaceutical industries, lead in the EU as the fastest adopters of pharm

    (and imitation). Product launch strategically takes place first in higher-pri

    result of threat of arbitrage and price dependency across the member state

    markets with low prices and/or small market sizes such as Spain and Port

    Paradoxically, the Japanese market with its large market size and relative

    laggard throughout 1960-2008. The idiosyncratic nature of clinical trial r

    has been the major driver of asymmetric costs for foreign pharmaceutical

    efforts on foreign clinical data use seem to be taking effect slowly and ex

    use of the bridging strategy may further reduce the Japanese drug lag in th

    The R&D activity of leading pharmaceutical companies is largely carried

    markets. Reducing delays in these markets will offer higher returns to R&

    innovation contributing to dynamic efficiency over the long run. On the

    pharmaceutical technologies impose additional pressure on the tight healt

    quick diffusion of new technologies with uncertain benefits could lead to

    provision of health care (Garber and Skinner 2008). The introduction of n

    markets, therefore, should be balanced out with the expansion of drug exp

    evidence of cost-effectiveness. From a cross-country perspective, reducin

    for globally important molecules will enable a more equitable access to neffective treatment alternatives.

    Finally, the non-parametric approach adopted in this paper offered an exp

    the nature of the drug delay across countries and over time. The methodo

    extended in future research to analyze the impact of policy changes in 19

    difference-in-differences (DiD) analysis that treats policy changes as quaaddition, the impact of regulation on the international adoption speed of n

    generic competition can be further assessed in a (semi-) parametric surviv

    treatment dummies for regulation or proxying the net effect of regulation

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    We are grateful for the financial support provided by Merck Foundation T

    Williams and Elizabeth Finch from MSD, UK for their help during the da

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    Table A.1 Mean and Median Launch Lags

    1995-2008 1984

    Country Mean Std Error -Mean

    Median Std Error- Median

    Mean Std Error Mean

    Australia 3.598(*) 0.264 1.752 0.029 8.146(*) 0.58

    Austria 2.181(*) 0.212 0.999 0.015 6.514(*) 0.559

    Belgium 5.720(*) 0.359 2.667 0.058 9.137(*) 0.697

    Canada 3.431(*) 0.281 1.336 0.032 7.402(*) 0.592

    Finland 2.259(*) 0.208 0.999 0.014 7.397(*) 0.603

    France 2.903(*) 0.233 1.585 0.022 6.482(*) 0.524

    Germany 1.444 0.157 0.668 0.008 4.703(*) 0.473

    Greece 4.138(*) 0.279 2.166 0.039 7.798(*) 0.565Italy 2.927 0.212 1.749 0.015 6.227(*) 0.521

    Japan 7.885(*) 0.338 6.582 0.194 12.441(*) 0.71

    Netherlands 3.042(*) 0.319 0.75 0.02 5.726(*) 0.611

    Poland 4.402(*) 0.264 3.001 0.049 9.395(*) 0.495

    Portugal 8.521(*) 0.372 13.254 . 12.884(*) 0.711

    S.Africa 5.590(*) 0.344 3.168 0.063 7.877(*) 0.611Spain 6.318(*) 0.375 2.667 0.061 10.117(*) 0.667

    Sweden 2.809(*) 0.286 0.747 0.016 8.311(*) 0.668

    Switzerland 2.964(*) 0.261 1.413 0.027 5.842(*) 0.537

    Turkey 5.701(*) 0.299 4 0.041 9.381(*) 0.552

    UK 1.27 0.115 0.75 0.009 3.151 0.271

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    US 0.665 0.102 0.001 . 3.602 0.277

    OVERALL 3.829(*) 0.067 1.667 0.038 7.636(*) 0.135

    (* largest observed analysis time i

    Table A.2 Median delays and confid(generic

    Subjects median

    1960-1984 3924 26.83

    1984-1995 1688 14.58

    1995-2008 869 7.83

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    Table A.3 Mean and median launch delays for generic molecules


    Country Mean

    StdError -Mean Median

    Std Error -Median



    AUSTRALIA 7.425(*) 0.712 8.085 8.085 15.446(*) 0.

    AUSTRIA 7.877(*) 0.711 7.915 7.915 16.248(*) 0.

    BELGIUM 10.052(*) 0.674 . . 18.075(*) 0.

    CANADA 6.560(*) 0.632 6.916 6.916 12.981(*) 0.FINLAND 8.098(*) 0.72 7.417 7.417 16.553(*) 0.

    FRANCE 8.610(*) 0.661 8.914 8.914 15.912(*) 0.

    GERMANY 6.060(*) 0.6 5.081 5.081 12.768(*) 0.

    GREECE 9.261(*) 0.676 8.413 8.413 15.215(*) 0

    ITALY 8.374(*) 0.69 9.339 9.339 16.817(*) 0.

    JAPAN 9.782(*) 0.646 11.496 11.496 18.784(*) 0.NETHERLA 7.451(*) 0.736 6.418 6.418 15.386(*) 0.

    POLAND 7.858(*) 0.703 7.168 7.168 13.114(*) 0.

    PORTUGAL 9.259(*) 0.645 11.496 11.496 15.922(*) 0.

    SAFRICA 8.911(*) 0.606 8.832 8.832 16.261(*) 0.

    SPAIN 8.965(*) 0.633 9.747 9.747 16.110(*) 0.

    SWEDEN 8.119(*) 0.746 8.167 8.167 16.578(*) 0.

    SWITZERLAND 10.530(*) 0.672 . . 17.173(*) 0.

    TURKEY 8.767(*) 0.808 9.832 9.832 15.293(*) 1.

    UK 4.486 0.388 4.252 4.252 10.596 0.

    US 5.224 0.516 4.504 4.504 9.754 0.

    Total 8.117(*) 0.16 7.833 7.833 15.314(*) 0.

    (* largest observed analysis time is censored, mean is underestima

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