Las Palmas Beach Resort & Spa



Las Palmas Beach Resort & Spa is an eco-friendly resort in the island of Roatan, Bay Islands.

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freedom fresh

Las Palmas Beach Resort & Spa is much more than a resort ,

i ts an eco fr iend ly communi ty . We strong ly fee l that to prov ide

the best serv ice ava i lab le in Roatan, we need to have not a

resort but a communi ty where we wi l l be ab le to keep a pr ivate

env i ronment for our guests . Las Palmas Beach Resort pr ides

i tse l f on be ing the f i rs t eco fr iend ly resort on Roatan.

Pr ic ing for apartment and v i l las at our resort is s imply the

best in the is land and probably the Car ibbean. The whole idea

beh ind the resort is be ing ab le to prov ide af fordable luxury

wi th pr ic ing star t ing at 119 thousand do l lars there is s imply no

bet ter dea l in the Car ibbean. We wi l l have apartment bu i ld ing

3 stor ies h igh and severa l independent v i l las as wel l wi th a mix

of one two, three and four bedroom layouts .

Email: Tel. 011 (504) 9455-4535 - 305-907-0772
