LANDELAHNI LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT - Victor …. Transformational... · • Challenge the process to...


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Our Group Is our world the right way up?


“We live in an era of intense conflict and massive institutional failures, a time of painful endings and of hopeful beginnings. It is a time that feels as if something profound is shifting and dying while

something else, as the playwright and Czech president, Vaclav Havel, put it, wants to be born” (Scharmer, 2009; 1).


Our Group The Organisation as a Living System

“If you switch your metaphor to one of dynamic processes - which is what happens when you see organisations as living processes - then change becomes a very different


Change becomes an environment you create to sustain life, not something you avoid or struggle your way through.”

-(Margaret Wheatley)


A Journey Towards Interdependence

Dr Paddy Paisley (D. Prof. Exec Coaching; M Ed Psych)

PRESENCING: connect to the source of knowing

Where do you want to be? Where are you now?

What can you do to get there?




New ways and realities

Attuned to Others and Serving the collective with Responsibility


Current Situation

• Unsustainable living systems that self control themselves

• Value is measured only through profit and gain with no legacy or social ethics

• Benefits not accounted in financial audits and accountability platforms

• Threatening social networks, misaligned leadership and environmental degradation

• Seeking short term gratification at all times with no long-term horizon

Leadership is no longer associated with ethics, but with cosmetic gains and synthetics. Things need to CHANGE


The Dilemma: Assumptions about Human Capital

• People are inherently capable, aspire to greatness, and have the power to choose: Covey; 2008 (Emergent Leadership).

• Principles are timeless and universal, and are the foundation for impactful and effective behaviour (Authentic Leadership).

• Leadership is a choice, built from the inside out on a foundation of character. Great leaders unleash talent and passion toward the right goal: Scharmer and Covey (Energy and Greatness).

• Collaborative service requires committed associates who are founded on sustained partnerships (Interdependence).

• Sustained superior performance requires a focus on achieving results and building character and competence (Common Purpose).

• Change and Transition is a human factor and people need to be led (Scharmer; 2009 and Bridges; 2009-Leading from emerging future)


The Things That Shape Us

• Beliefs and thoughts about ourselves and the world we live in

• Upbringing and socialisation

• Including culture

• Life experiences

Including work experiences

They can also be the greatest contributors to stress


Beliefs Drive Behavior

Everyone is always helpful

There is enough for everyone

Cooperation & empowerment of others gets things done

We are all valuable

I am complete exactly as I am

I have a bright future ahead

Companies are made up of individuals...

People are out to get me

Resources are limited

Coercive power gets things done

Some are better than others

I am not good enough

My future is uncertain


Six Laws About Beliefs

1. You create your reality based on your beliefs

2. Most of your core beliefs were formed in childhood

3. Psychologist estimate 90% of your beliefs are unconscious

4. No 2 objects can occupy the same space at the same time

5. You need to clean old negative beliefs

6. Your beliefs create your experiences


“The problems that we created cannot be changed with the same mindset in which we were when we created them” Sir Albert Einstein.

Therefore, we can change our patterns of life and our paradigms regardless of our history, background, orientation and circumstances.




Global CEO Challenges


The Changing Global Context

• Global challenges: pressures for scarce resources, execution capability, triple bottom accounting, good governance and social justice, constitutional democracies and building partnerships.

• Leadership Challenges: Succession, multiplicity of partnerships , talent management and retention, innovation and mastery of change and complexity and cultural diversity.

• As Baby Boomers retire, who will step into the leadership roles they leave behind without mentorship?

• More than 60% of executives say leadership development and talent management are their companies’ most critical challenges.


World Realities and Complexities

• Leading has to do with leading of self, influencing others and understanding personal and organisational context.

• Leaders have to clearly articulate the consequences of their vision, goals, actions, policies, events, decisions or solutions.

• Poverty, ignorance, implications of technology, lack of information and unemployment still faces many countries.

• Globalisation and its challenges of competition, geo-political emerging powers and scarcity of skills remain constant challenges.

• The world faces low levels of trust especially in the most developed economies.

• Execution of plans remain a challenge due to lack of adequate competencies.


“A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go but ought to be.”

Rosalynn Carter Former U.S. First Lady

Pointing the way



Major Positive Emotions








Positive emotions are associated with the ability to generate harmonic wealth

Major Negative Emotions








Our negative experiences in the industry can make us operate from negative emotions


If you do not deal with your negative emotions, they will define your future relationships.

If you suppress them they come out in negative ways e.g. drinking, fighting, low

productivity and stress etc.


The Climate Diagram


al E


y of









Energy required foremotional survival

Energy available fortask and success

Looking after selfChallenging othersProtecting own turf, defensive

Trusting, open-mindedSharing,encouraging others

Building on others ideas

The work climate is affected by the beliefs and emotions of individuals

By Synnovation



“Happy people are productive people” Larry Page Co-Founder of Google

The Global Workforce Study 2007-2008





Engaged Disengaged Enrolled Disenchanted

Only 21% of employees are fully engaged in their jobs


Quantum Physics

• Albert Einstein’s E=MC2 i.e. Energy = everything (This related to E=TL2 (trust and love as confirmed in a letter to his daughter.

• The sub atomic particles that make up atoms are pure energy

• Evolution to Einstein’s formula

• Everything is a vibrating frequency of energy which joins together with energies of the same harmonious frequency to form what we "perceive” Neils Bohr.

• Energy waves behaved and turned into particles based on the individual thoughts and beliefs of the scientist that was doing the observing

• Implication

• Your thoughts are creative energy to connect or disconnect

• Pay attention to what you think about the most and how you see your world

The scientific explanation to manifestation


Feelings and thoughts define the behavior

• They tell you when your life is out of alignment with who you are

• If you do not pay attention to your feelings and thoughts you can:

• Manifest illness

• Suffer from stress

• Build enemies

• Trauma can make you disassociate with your feelings

• They can be a good tool for decisions making e.g. gut feel

• They are not reliable under stress

Feelings are the language of your real self… (The Truth)


“You cannot find your soul with your mind, you must use your heart.

You must know what you are feeling. If you don't know what you are feeling,

you will create unconsciously."

~ Gary Zukav ~


The Challenge: Leadership Impact Performance

“90% of managers are typically either distracted or disengaged from key

organizational objectives.

Confusing frenetic motion with constructive action, they are noted for

their unproductive busyness.” H. Bruch & S. Ghoshal, “Beware the Busy Manager.” Harvard Business Review, Feb 2002

Feelings are the language of your real self…


Responsive Leadership Competencies for the future

• Challenge the process to explore new meaning, new purpose and new paradigm.

• Inspire a shared vision.

• Enable others to act, commit and execute through collaboration and corporation.

• Model the way through behaviour, aligned actions, personal ownership and mentoring.

• Encourage the heart by strong relationships, acknowledging others, celebrating team works and teaching (George, et al, 2007)

Feelings are the language of your real self…


New models for building the leadership pipeline

• Forward-thinking companies are systematically bridging the generations by creating work experiences that build leadership qualities and test resilience.

• Their models are broad and custom-designed for the next generation, from building flexible career paths to creating compensation and rewards that match their values and work preferences.

• These components work together to help today’s leadership team identify, develop, and engage next-generation leaders who are committed, connected, and capable of fulfilling and shaping tomorrow’s enterprise.

(source: Deloitte – Human Capital Trends 2011)


THE INQUIRY AND PRESENCING: Emerging Model for Transition


Leadership by the people for the people with the people

What is required:

Political vision and courage

Radical change of attitude, mind-set and behaviour

Green and Clean project management and delivery

All constituencies must work together

A sense of connection and finding the source of true self and meaning


Defining relevant and responsive leadership

• Authentic and Transitional leadership to build Self-leadership.

• Defined core personal values and principles that enhance commitment and execution.

• Competency to manage multiplicity of partnerships, facilitate shared purpose and build alignment of systems with competency, focus, accountability and shared ownership.

• Courage and Consideration to establish transformational and responsive leadership with legitimacy and relevance.

• Responsibility and Accountability to take ownership of the results and consequences.





Steve Biko: “The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed” Gandhi: “Live Simply so others can simply live.” Albert Einstein: “Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better “ Mark Twain: “One can live without a home, but not without water.” Virgil: “The greatest wealth is health” JF Kennedy: “If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.”



Exceptional Leadership

• Leading concerns leading self, influencing others through communication and behaviour and understanding context.

• The style and substance of communication distinguishes dynamic leadership from traditional management.

• Leaders communicate not only information but also attitudes, behaviour and assumptions.

• Leaders explain the consequences of visions, goals, actions, policies, events, decisions and solutions to build followership.

• Understanding the communication implications of dynamic leadership requires distinguishing between management and leadership: character, ethics, morality and influence


Creating A Culture Of Leadership

• Progressive organisations do not simply wait for leaders to appear but actively strive towards creating a culture of leadership to emerge within.

• Recruiting people with leadership potential is only the first step, beyond, there is a need for character balanced with competence.

• Equally important is managing their career paths. Individuals who are effective in key leadership roles often share a number of career experiences.

• Grooming people for important leadership positions requires a lot of work on the part of senior executives-mentoring, often over a long period of time.

• The work begins with efforts to spot people with leadership potential early in their careers and to identify what will be needed to stretch and develop them.


Keys To Developing Organisational Leadership

• Create a vision: desired results.

• Establish team goals that are meaningful to everyone: clarity.

• Trust your followers: trustworthiness and trust.

• Keep your cool: self-esteem and mastery.

• Encourage risk taking: vulnerability and creativity.

• Be an expert: knowledge, wisdom, plausible and rigor.


Keys To Developing Organisational Leadership

• Invite dissent: be challenged, sustain dialogue, build creative tension and burning platforms.

• Simplify issues: relevance.

• Coach and develop people.

• Encourage self leadership.

• Make decisions from a perspective of ownership: accountability.

• Don't compromise your integrity: principled and truth telling.

• Develop your own leadership style: authenticity.


Inspirational Leadership

• Most organisational leaders ignore the importance of inspiration because it is considered emotional, intangible and non-measurable. At the same time, its absence or presence is quickly felt in the culture and climate of an organisation.

• Inspiration starts or stops at the top. In almost every organisation, the leaders at the top will determine the organisation’s success or failure and will either inspire or not inspire the employees.

• Hands-on leaders provide leadership by giving direction and specific instructions to their followers. Hands-off leaders provide leadership and guidance for followers to generate their own inspiration.


Three Prerequisites For Inspirational Leadership

• Emotional capability

• Trust-building capability

• Psychological contract capability



The Two Dimensions Of Level 5 Leadership


Leads to excellent results and is a catalyst in the transition from good to great

Demonstrates an unwavering resolve to do whatever must be done to produce the best long-term results, no matter how difficult the task

Sets the standard for building an enduring, great organisation; settles for nothing less

Looks in the mirror, not out the window, to apportion responsibility for poor results, never blaming other people, external factors or bad luck

Political vision and courage

Radical change of attitude, mind-set and behaviour

Green and Clean project management and delivery

All constituencies must work together


Demonstrates a compelling modesty, shunning public adulation; never boasts

Acts with calm determination; relies on inspired standards, not inspiring charisma, to motivate others

Channels ambition into the organisation, not the self; sets up successors for even greater success in the next generation

Looks out the window, not in the mirror, to apportion credit for the success of the organisation to other people, external factors and good luck


“Organizations don't execute unless the right people, individually and

collectively, focus on the right details at the right time.” Ram Charan, 2002

People Are The Key


Why Do People Work?

• In order to understand how to motivate people in an organisation, you have to ask why people work.

• The question goes even deeper than that because what you really want to know is what gives people genuine satisfaction in the workplace by volunteering their skills and knowledge.

• If you can discover this, you will know what makes people work more effectively and, even more important, derive real satisfaction from their work.


Inspire Your Team To Find Their Voice




M &





Rebel or Quit ANGER

Malicious Obedience FEAR

Willing Compliance REWARD

Cheerful Cooperation DUTY

Heartfelt Commitment LOVE

Creative Excitement A CAUSE


“If people are in a context where they feel valued for who they are, what they bring, regardless of color, educational background, socio-

economic status, etc., then they’re going to be happier and therefore more productive and more inclined to want to live the values of the


People Are The Key


Explosion of science and technology

“When the mind took over the heart, we forgot where we came from” India Arie




“Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, that is the

goal of true education” Martin Luther King

People Are The Key


Transitional Inside Out Leadership Model

Our approach to coaching – integrated and holistic


Enlightenment – Empowerment Process

Enlightenment Intellectualizing




The Laws of Life

Empowerment Emotionalizing




Actualizing the Laws of Life to a level of Mastery














We are the creators of our reality, experiences, quality of our lives

and happiness whether we are doing it consciously or unconsciously

Consciousness versus Unconsciousness

• Real power lies in creating your life consciously


Unconscious Creation

Things happen to me…

• Life happens to you

• Lack of control or limited control over your life

• Limited opportunity for personal growth

• Leads to unhappiness and despondence

• Disempowering

• Victim mentality


Conscious Creation

I am in control of my life and determine my experiences…

• I am in control of what happens to me and I am responsible and accountable

• I grow because I learn and unlearn

• I undo the behaviour patterns that do not serve me

• I am happy because I have control on the choices I make

• I know where I am going

• I continually connect with my inner self (source) to make decisions that align with my true desires

• Empowering others to complement me and expand the team

• Creation mentality to explore new solution and meaning


The first thing you bring to any role, any organisation and any relationship is yourself. You

need to understand what you are bringing and how it shapes your relationships and the

quality of your experiences and life.


Our Group TRANSITION AND CHANGE LEADERSHIP: Self, Others and Context


Defining Transitional, Responsive and Presencing Leadership

• Principled and Responsible to build Self-leadership and Personal Mastery to let go of the old (Transition).

• Defined core personal values and principles that enhance commitment, passion and execution capability (Principled).

• Competency to manage multiplicity of partnerships, facilitate shared purpose and build alignment of systems with focus, accountability and shared ownership (Effectiveness).

• Courage and Consideration to establish transformational and responsive leadership with legitimacy and relevance (Ambiguity).


Key Pillars For Transitional Leadership

• Principled and people centred paradigm.

• Commitment to conversation, sustained dialogue and building sustained teams.

• Humility with a sense of assertiveness and self-trust.

• Being relevant, responsive to reality and legitimate.

• Ethical and Trustworthy.

• Leave a visible, tangible and meaningful legacy.


Key Pillars For Transitional Leadership (cont)

• Reconciliation of self, others and stakeholders.

• Shared based leadership style.

• Character based on “Ubuntu” as a source of ethics and integrity.

• Social entrepreneurship based on innovation, creativity, courage and abundance mentality.

• Empowering and mentoring style.

• Sustain strategic value based relationships.






Manage The Monkey Mind

• Buddhist description of a person not in present moment

• e.g. Going for a massage and thinking about work or things you need to do the whole time and therefore defeating the purpose

• Describes the endless chattering in your head

• Psychologists say we have over 60 000 thoughts per day

• Makes you live in the past or the future

• Chastise yourself about things you did wrong in the past, worry about the future, analyse your relationships etc etc

• Leads to stress


Take care of yourself. It is not a luxury it is a must! Too many of us suffer in comfort not

only because we live lives that are out of alignment with what we really desire, but also

because we don’t nurture ourselves. It then becomes necessary to manifest illness in order

to have a “legitimate” reason to have a break.


The Real You versus The Ego You

Defines who you really are

Contains your values, desires

Defined as your god like self

Resonates light and love

Contains your wisdom

Associated with

Authentic power

Connection with others

Defined by material things

Based on thoughts & emotions

Focuses on external validation

Can lead to inauthentic relationships

Associated with

Competitiveness, aggression etc

External power

The ego can prevent your growth


Align your life with what you value.


The Black Box Cleaning


Authentic Power

1. You are able to get your needs met

2. You have aligned your life with your true self

3. You have defined for yourself what you really want rather than living up to other people’s expectations or standards

4. You are driven by the desire to be the best you can be and to achieve your goals rather than competition

5. You have no need to make others feel small because you are comfortable with who you are and know that you are worthy

6. Your validation comes from within

You have it when…..


What Does It Require

• Understanding yourself

• Self knowledge and self reflection

• Confronting your Ghost

• Reclaiming your value and principles

• Dealing with your fears and lies (False and Don’t knows)

• Navigating life through your “real self” rather than ego (Truth)

• Creating the space and silence to tap into your wisdom and choice

• Being in touch with your feelings authentically to define your SOURCE


It is your duty to be happy, affluent and to



Being a Transformation Leader

• Be a Guide on the Journey: Support the mentee in their journey into the unknown knowing that there is no other way

• Be Fully Present: Presence means being with someone in such a way that the person comes to know themselves better because we create a space where they are able to bring & express more of who they are and have the experience of being valued not for what they do but for who they are. To do this, we need to be able to bring the fullness of who we are to the relationship.

• Encourage Critical Reflection: We are often unaware of the assumptions and presuppositions we hold, particularly about ourselves. Through helping someone to clarify these assumptions, we help them to reformulate their assumptions so as to permit a more inclusive and integrative perspective.

• Evoke New Stories: Help members to tell more generative stories about themselves - stories which lead them into the future rather than keep them in the past. The stories we tell about who we are shape, limit, and define our way of being. When someone becomes the author of their own story, they can choose to tell stories that open up new possibilities for themselves and support them in fulfilling their potential.


Being a Transformation Leader (cont.)

• Map Values: Facilitate the identification by the members of their values – to distinguish those that are pulling them into the future that they can more fully embody & realise those values, & release those that keep them stuck in the past.

• Identify Travelling Styles: Review with your team previous experiences of when they have made the transformation journey. What motivated them? How did they navigate it? What can they learn from these earlier transitions to guide them now?

• Follow in Others Footsteps: Share who has inspired you and why?


Elements of a Shared Leadership Model

• Common Purpose

• Encourage Emerging Leadership

• Acknowledge Organizational Context

• Define Opportunities and Challenges

• Contract Committed Associates (Charles Elhin, World Bus Academy. March 2005)


“The first principle of leadership is authenticity: ‘watch what I do, not

what I say’” Hatim Tyabji, President and CEO, Verifone Inc.



The Influence Model is Core to the Development Transitional Culture Change and Sustainability

I and WE must

unlearn to relearn ‘…I see leaders, peers and reports

behaving in the new way I model’

‘…I know who I am, and what is expected

of me - it is meaningful’

‘…I have the talent, skills, capabilities and opportunities to improve my behaviour and


‘…The structures, processes and systems reinforce the change in behaviour I am

being asked to make’

Role modelling Fostering understanding and conviction

Developing talent

and skills

Reinforcing with

formal mechanisms

‘… We are aware of our paradigms and behaviours, their underlying consequences on our and others’ performance, and on

the system’

Team and system insights

‘…I am aware of my own paradigm and behaviours and their underlying consequences

on my and others’ performance’

Personal insights


Creating a Culture of Leadership

• Progressive organisations do not simply wait for leaders to appear but actively strive towards creating a culture of leadership.

• Recruiting people with leadership potential is only the first step

• Equally important is managing their career paths. Individuals who are effective in key leadership roles often share a number of career experiences.

• Grooming people for important leadership positions requires a lot of work on the part of senior executives, often over a long period of time.

• The work begins with efforts to spot people with leadership potential early in their careers and to identify what will be needed to stretch and develop them.


Keys to Developing Organisational Leadership

• Invite dissent: be challenged, sustain dialogue, build creative tension and burning platforms.

• Simplify issues: relevance.

• Coach and develop people.

• Encourage self leadership.

• Make decisions from a perspective of ownership: accountability.

• Don't compromise your integrity: principled and truth telling.

• Develop your own leadership style: authenticity.


Internal Qualities (Self Leadership)

• Self-awareness consists of four elements: ability to understand one’s past and learn from it;

• openness to one’s own and other’s feelings;

• ability to reflect on situations before moving to action; and ability to make appropriate choices.

• Confidence: the quality that enables people to bring more of themselves into the workplace, to feel stronger and more rounded, to be more able to link their beliefs and values to their work, and to make ‘tough' decisions


External Skills (Influencing Others)

• Leadership and Management – through

• Individual Presence and Purpose - a wider perspective, commanding greater respect, and a greater clarity and motivation.

• Team Leadership: increased openness and honesty and a greater awareness of process and content leading to more effective meetings.

• Task Effectiveness: Better objective setting, more effective leadership skills, increased business performance, and a greater ability to understand systems and analyse situations.


External Skills (Acknowledge the Context)

• Assertiveness: the ability to understand & describe their needs, skilfully express their opinions, stand up for their beliefs, and to challenge & accept challenge.

• Understanding Difference: an increased ability to allow, accept & work with differing ideas & opinions.

• Stress Management: greater scope for exploring fears and anxieties, identifying coping skills & strategies, testing out new behaviours, feeling calmer & less angry

• Work/Life Balance: take more ownership of decisions affecting themselves & close relations, & become more pro-active in managing different roles in their lives.


New Models for Future Leaders

What is driving this trend?

• Aggressive growth strategies – business strategy will shape the leadership qualities

needed to drive growth. (ie global expansion increases demand for cultually aware leaders who can guide the business into new markets)

• Higher expectations for returns on leadership Development - cost containment is still a priority and what business value is being derived from leadership development strategy

• Generational Shifts – new generation leaders have different expectations, values, and work preferences. Companies have the opportunity to shape those expectations , whether through career options, global mobility or reward or all three.

• Deloitte & Touche – Human Capital Trends 2011


“ for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it

today” Hatim Tyabji, President and CEO, Verifone Inc.

African Proverb


“Let us become the change we seek in the world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

